HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 73-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED IRVINE-HOLT ANNEXATION NO. 83 The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does 'hereby resolve as follows: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of 'the State of ~alifornia~ application was made to the Local Agency Formation Commi'ssion to annex to the City of Tustin all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of Californi designated Irvine-Holt' Annexation No. 83, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set' forth herein in full. .. 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 · 22 23 25 26 27 29 8O 32 2. The LocaI Agency Formation Commission, in seSsion du~:y assembled, on November 28, 1973, did approve said proposed annexation and authorize the City Council to annex said territory without notice, hearing or election. 3. Ail of the owners of land within the territory proposed 'to.be annexed have given their written consent to the annexation of said territory to the City of Tustin. 4. The City Council desires to annex said territory to the City of Tustin for the foll'owing reasons- The territory is contiguous to t'.he City of Tustin and its propose~.~annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth and develop- ment of both the City and the territory proposed to be annexed, will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks and san- itary and storm-water sewers and drainage facilities, both in the City and in the territory proposed to be annexed, and will pro.vide and facilitate proper over-all planning and zoning of lands in said City and in said territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of the City and said uninhabited ter- ritory. 5. The written consent of the owners of more than t%~o-thirds of the value of the territory of the subject annexation has been hereto filed with the City Clerk, agreeing and con- senting to pay indebtedness and liability of the city contracted prior to or existing at, the same time of the annexation. 6. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereinabove described to the Ci. ty of Tustin, and does hereby further resolve that the said territory be and' it £s hereby annexed to the City of-Tustin, effective upon the date of the filing of the certified copy of this Resolution with the Secretary of State of the State of California. 7. The property within the annexed .territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and. liability of the City contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation. o 8. The City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed withou~ delay to transmit to the the State of California, a certified cody of this Resolution. 4 9 10 11 19. 14 17 18 19 Council of the City of Tustin, California, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City held on the 3rd day of December, 1973. · '. PARCEL "A" · . · Beginning at a point On the wezterly l~ne o~ lot .9 of th~ Vanderlip · az~d' Rowan .Tract, .as per map recorde~ in Book. '5, page 160, Miscellaneous ' Records of Los Angeles .County, 'California, said point., of beginning being the point of intersection with 'the southerly line of the northerly 158.00 feet of said lot 9 and also being a point on the centerline of Holt Avenue, said point bears. N. 00° 13~ 54" Wo, distan~ 46~,08 feet .~-,om the centerline of Irvine Boulevard; .'~." .,. ~ , ~, -.- .0 :, - 'Thence, N. 00° 13~ 54" W., 'alon~ the westerly lines of lots 9 and . 10 of said Vanderlip and Rowan Tract, and along said centerline of Holt Avenue, a distance of 313.00 feet, to the point of intersection with the northerly line of the southerly 155.00 feet of lot 10 of said Vanderlip and Rowan Tract~ · . · . ~-: .... . Thence, N. 89° 50' 4i" R., along said northerly line, a ~istance of 40,00 feet to the point of intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Holt Avenue, said point of intersection also being an angle point ~n the existing' boundary of the City of Tustin, as established by the Irv~ne-Newgort Annexation .No. ?8, per Resolution No. 73-21, passed and adopted April 2, 19 73; . · . , .. Thence, S. 00° 13' 54" E., along said right-of-way line and along said city boundary, a distance of 185.00 feet, to an angle point in said city boundary; · .:." . - . '-..... Thence, N. 89° 50' 41" E., continuing along said' city boundary, 'a distance of 188.36 'feet to an angle point in said city boundary, said angle point also being a point on the westerly line of the Orange County Flood Control District right-of-way (75.00 feet wide); .. . . -- Thence, continuing along said city boundary, S. ~0° 13' 54" E., · .ong said westerly line, a distance of 128.00 feet, to the point of., .tersection with the southerly, line of the northerly 158.00 feet of '" lot.9'of said Vande~lip and Rowan Tract; ' · Thence, leaving said city boundary, S. 89° 50' 41" W., along said '-sout/%erly line, a.distance of 228.36 feet, to the point of beginning. · . PARCEL "B" ' ' " .. 273 '~ ""' ' . LEGAL DESCR.I. PTION FOR TIIE ' · · '' ... ·" "'IR~INE-IIOI.T. m~$I~'XATION NO, 83 '.' ~ "'. '~_TO. TIlE CITY O.~.~.:....TUSTI.Nt.'...CALIFORNIA :'.~..~.~..''. ' . ., .~-~ ~ .......... : ::::u _~ :_.~ '~. ~' .. . ,. .. . . .. ~, ." ..., c'. ~, . · *~., ......... ,: ..... . . ?. :;: .. .'.... .. .... ......:.. . ·., ....: .. ~ .-:.?,: · . . . .. . ..~..... .. .., . ·. ,.. . ,.. ,, ' ,.~ · , ... , ~.~ . .. ..~. ~ ..., ... ~ . . . .... .,.,., .... ~: ....... .., . ., . ~ · ...... . ..... · . .. ,., ' , , .., ...:- . ~ , · ,... .: ,. ..' . ' ,.· . · ~. ,.'~'~. ~% .'. .. . . . . ... . . .~ ., ,.:. ~.. - , . ..... .- · ~..~ ,. - ., ~.. ., . .. .... ~ .. ,.. ., Beginning at a point on the westerly line of lot 9 of said. Vanderlip and Rowan Tract, said point of beginning being an angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Tustin as established by the Fourth Street Annexation, per Ordinance No. 216, passed and adopted May 20~ 1963 and said point, of beginning also being a point on the centerline of Holt Avenue, said point bear S. 00° 13' 54" Eo, distant 50.00 feet from the centerline of Irvine Boulevard; ' Tt~ence, S. 89° 51' 41" W., along said city boundary, a distance of 449.95 feet, to the point of intersection with 'the southerly prolongation of the easterly, boundary of Tract No. 4581, as per map recor¢3.ed in Book 190, pages 9 and 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; ~'~. Thence, leaving said city boundary, N. 00° 13' 54" W., along said . o!ongation and along said easterly boundary, a distance of 198o45 feet, the northeasterly corner of said Tract No. 4581, said corner also bei. ng a point on the southerly boundary of Tract No. 1578, as per map recorded, in Book 46, page 28 o.f Miscellaneous Maps, records of said' Orange County; .~ ' Th~.nce, N. 89° 00' 41" E., along said southerly boundary, a distance of 450.00 feet, to the southeasterly corner of said Tract No. 1578. sa.~d corne, r ai:.~o ~)eing a point on tho westerly line o~ lot 9 of said Vanderlip and ~,~wan Tract and a poi~t on (:.t~.(; cent(~,rlj.~,e of l~o].t Avenue; ~ LEGAI, DE:.q~'!:i~:IP. TIO:': .FOR .TIiE ..: . · .... " ON NO ~, 3. "-- I~VI.i''E-'t~OLT ~':::"~EX::'r~I* ' ~ %. ~ , ,~. ,~;.. ~, ~ .,~ ~ · ~ .~ . s , .-- .. , .... ,.... · . . .... ,'., , ..... ,~n.~.,a.~,' of/.' ~atd .. '~rag~ No~ Z'~7~.::,..,. a'~ o'ng..,, said We~e~l.y ~ine and along ~ald ~,~e~Zine. ~ne of the nor['h~r~' 4~9 '96 fee* .o'ff said lot 9; ' -'. ....~ ,. , ~-,~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ .... ~' ...., ~ . ,.~_ · .... , . , ., . ., Then.c~, ~',...~:,. '--.~.~, ,~ .,.:,.., along sa~d sou~erl'v of 2~8, , ~6,, feet. , t::o ~he Doint_ of int~r~ection,, with ~o. 78= per Res~,~lut~on ~.o. 73 21, passed and adopted April ~ 1973 ~~d point also b:.:.'::ing' a point on '~e wasterly line of the Or,ge County. ~Flood. Control Df:strict righ't-of-~.~ay (75.00. feet wide); , ,.~ ~,.~".~.'"', ~ $ 0'0° 13' 5.4" '~. al0 said city bounda~ and along. Said ,':...~ ce ~ . . ' ~ine a .distance of' 9':.0 0~ feet., to an angle ~oint in said ":~e..s tat ::c .~-.Y · ~ty bounda~z, said angle point 'being the most southwesterly corner .o.f. 1.~t mentioned a~n~:,:ation and a. point on ~e nor~erlv bounda.~ of sai:.d Fourth Street ~unex.ation; .. Thence, S. 89° 5].~ 29~ W., continuing along said city' bo~da~, a. ~stance of 228.36 feet, to the point of beginning. . . .. , , STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OPJcNGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH .C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of Council of the City of Tustin, California, does certify that the whole number of the members of Council of the City of Tustin. is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 73-85 was duly and in troduce d, --- of the City 1973, by the the City hereby· the City above and regularly read, passed and adoPted at a regular meeting Council held on the 3rd day of December following vote: ' -- - ' ........ - ..... AYES - . NOES- ABSENT · COUNCILMEN SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF, SHARP --- -- :1, , , · , -- ,, ,, COUNCILMEN NONE . COUNCILMEN NONE · City Clerk of Tustin, California ·