HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 73-65RESOLUTION 73-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE, AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO CALL FOR BIDS ASSEESMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 CITY OF TU.STIN, CALIFOP~IA WHEREAS, this City Council has heretofore instituted pro- ceedings under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913" for th'e construction of certain works of improvement and appurtenant work in ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 in said City. WHEREAS, it is the intention of this City Council to also call. for sealed pr.°posals or bids for the doing of said work and improvements in said assessment district; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that this Council determine the , prevailing rate of wages for the various classifications of work- men required in the performance of said 'work. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFO1ANIA, DoEs HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS- SECTION 1. The above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby determine and ascertain that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which said work described is to be performed in the matter of the construction of certain ~public imp'rovement work together with appurtenances in ASSESS~.~E~T . .. DISTRICT NO. 2, in said City under the provisions of the "Municipa' Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code, in said City, for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal, holiday and overtime work for each craf5 or type of wor~]~an or mechanic, as in accordance with the schedule -1- 202 a~tached hereto, so referenced and incorporated, .and marked · Exhibit "A"... SECTION 3. Attached hereto is the form of Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals or Bids for the construction of the works of im~ provement in sa'id d~istr:i.c~ and the terms and cond±tion$ in said · .. propoaal$ are hereby, adopted and approved. SECTION 4. The proposals or bids Shall be delivered to the City Cl~rk of said ~Ci.ty and opened and examined at the public meeting as so called; and said results of the bidding shall be reported to the legiSlative body at the next regular meeting after the opening of the bids. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of September, 1973. ATTEST ~I~l'~ C~-~ OF THE CITY OF ~ TUSTIN , '~LIFORNIA --2- ,203 ASSESSMENT D~STRICT NO. 2 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be re- ceived for the 'construction of certain public improvements, consisti- of a public decorative wall and appurtenances in. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 in the City of 'Tustin, California, under the provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code.. Bids will be publicly opened, examined and declared in the Office of the City Clerk by said City Clerk in the City Hall in the City Tustin, California, at the hour of 10-00 A.M. on the 1st day of Nov~nber, 1973. Ail bids to be considered must be delivered sealed prior to the time fixed for opening, to the City Clerk of said City. Ail of the above work is to be done under contract with the City of Tustin, California, .in accordance with those certain "plans~ specifications, and drawings contained in a "Report" contem- plated.by Resolution of Intention No. 73-62 , considered and ap- . proved by 'the City Council of the City of Tustin, on the 17th day of September, 1973, and other contract documents duly adopted therefor by said City Council, to which '"Report and documents reference is hereby made for a description of said work and · improvement. Proposals must be submitted on the blank forms prepared and furnished for the purpose and which may be obtained as the office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Tustin, California. At said office, bidders may obtain copies of the plans, profiles and Specifications for the contemplated improvement. The contractor will be required to furnish with .%he cont,.act -1- · ........................... i ,._ill iii!. I j I..I. L I .............. ,. 204 a faithful performance bond in the amount of on:e hundred, percent of the aggregate amount of the bid and a labor and material bond in the amount of one hundred percent. The contractor will also furnish certificates of insurance evidencing all insurance coverage · as required by the specifications has been so secured. , NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, has heretofore established a prevailing rate and ·scale of wages in accordance with law to be paid' in the con- struction of the above entitled improvements. The said rate and~ scale was adopted by the City Council and the applicable rates and scale for these proceedings and this improvement are as follows- , CRAFT, CLASSIFICATION, OR TYPE Cement Masons Allocation - 85¢ 'per hour Health & Welfare - 90¢ per hour Pension - 95¢ per hour Vacation - 70¢ per hour PER DIEM WAGES Foreman. When three or more Cement Masons are employed, on a job, one shall be employed as a Foreman and stlall receive not less than 60¢ per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest Cement Mason classification over which' he has'responsibility. Cement Mason $7.01 Iron Workers Health & Welfare - 68¢ per hour Pension - 87½¢ per hour Vacation - 85¢ per hour · Foreman- Receives not less than 75¢ per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest building-trades classification over which he has supervision. When two or more Iron Workers are employed, one shall be selected by the Employer to act as ~.'oreman. Reinforcing Iron Worker Ornamental Iron Worker $8.75 $8.7s Laborers · Health & Welfare - 65¢ per hour Pens ion - $1.35 per hour Vacation - 35¢ per hour Foreman- Not less than 50¢ per hour more than the hourly wage , rate of the highest classification over which he has leadership. ~' ~ -2- 205 · Concrete Saw Man, cutting, sco.ring °ld or new concrete Laborers, general or construction Mixer-Truck Chute Man $6.255 $5.945 ,$5.945 ~o?_e r a.t in_g Enginee _r_s_ Health & Welfare- 75¢ per hour Pension- $1.20 per hour Vacation - 30¢ per hour Skiploader wheel type up,to 3/4 yard wi%hour attachment ~eamster$ $7.27 Health & Welfare - 65¢ per hour Pension- 65¢ per hour Vacation - 75¢ per hour Forema.n- When a Contractor employs on his payroll 9 or more Teamsters operating equipment under the jurisdiction of the Teamsters, excluding any equipment under six tons and maintenance equipment, the Con-tractor shall designate. one Teamster "as Craft 'Fo're'man and he .shall receive 50¢ per hour more than the highest Teamster classification over which he is Fo.reman. Cement Distributor Truck Driver ~. Vehicle or combination of vehicle~ of- 2 axles 3 axles ' 4 or more.axles $'1.88 . $7'.70 $7.85 $8. 0 Payments will be made, in cash by said City to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the specifications and on itemized estimates duly certified and. a'Pproved by the. City Engineer .. submitted in accordance therewith, based on labor and materials incorporated, into said work during the preceding month by the contractor. The first progress pa~nuent will not be made until a~=_ delivery of' bonds. Ail proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Tustin, amounting to ten percent (10%) of the bid, or by a bond in said amount and payable to said City of Tustin , signed by the bidder and a corporate surety, or by the bidder and two sureties who shall justify before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double said amount and over and above all statutory · exemption, said check shall be forfeited or said bond shall beccr, e --3- 206 payable to said City in ca'se the bidder depositing? the same does not, wi'thin fifteen (15) days after written notice, sign the con- .. tract. -. Any award of contract will be made by the City Council subject to the receipt of moneys and proceeds from issuance and sale of ..... · , bonds. ' The contractor shall execute the contract within fifteen (15) days after he has been notified in writing to proceed. The .City hereby reserves the right to reject any and all pro- posals, to waive any irregularity, and to aWard the contract to' other than the lowest bidder, No b.id~er may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after a bid opening. DATED: September 17, 1973 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 2.07 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN, GE ) SS CITY' OF. TUSTIN ) · I, ___ RUTH C. POE ........ , City Clerk' of the C'ity ofL Tustin : _ _ ........ , California, DO HEREBY CER"TIFY that the foregoing Resolution, being Resolution No._.._73.,65'__~~, was du,l~ passed, approved and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk, all at a _ .r_eq.u_..lar.. .... . . . meeting of said City Council held on the__ 1.7. th__day of_~Sep, t.e..m~er 19,/3__, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote, to re'it: AYES: COUNCILMEN- SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE DATED this___!7th day of September 19 73 (SEAL) CIT~ CLE~+K, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA "