HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 PROP 7 ON 11/4/08 BALLOT 07-15-08Agenda Item 10 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: v City Manager Finance Director N/A MEETING DATE: JULY 15, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARIA HUIZAR, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: PROPOSITION 7 ON THE NOVEMBER 4, 2008 BALLOT - "RENEWABLE ENERGY. STATUTE — SOLAR AND CLEAN ENERGY ACT OF 2008" SUMMARY: Proposition 7 known as the "Renewable Energy" - Solar Clean Energy Act of 2008 has recently qualified for the November 2008 ballot. This item has been placed on the agenda at the request of Mayor Amante. A resolution of opposition was prepared at his direction for consideration by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: Mayor Amante seeks approval of attached Resolution No. 08-51 that opposes Proposition 7. Proposition 7 will read on the ballot as follow: Renewable Energy. Requires all utilities, including government-owned utilities, to generate 20% of their power from renewable energy by 2010, a standard currently applicable only to private electrical corporations. Raises requirement for all utilities to 40% by 2020 and 50% by 2025. Imposes penalties for noncompliance. Fast -tracks approval for new renewable energy plants. Requires utilities to sign longer contracts (20 year minimum) to procure renewable energy. Creates Solar and Clean Energy Transmission Account to purchase property or rights of way for renewable energy. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: State administrative Page 2 costs of up to $3.4 million annually for the regulatory activities of the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission, paid for by fee revenues. Potential, unknown increased costs and reduced revenues, particularly in the short term, to state and local governments resulting from the measure's potential to increase retail electricity rates, with possible offsetting cost savings and revenue increases, to an unknown degree, over the long term to the extent the measure hastens renewable energy development. (Initiative 07-0066.) A copy of the proposed law is also attached for your review and information. �L2'uZ Maria R. Huizar Chief Deputy City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 08-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING PROPOSITION 7 "SOLAR AND CLEAN ENERGY ACT OF 2008" ON THE NOVEMBER 4, 2008 STATE BALLOT WHEREAS, a proposed energy initiative on the November 2008 ballot, would set arbitrary and unrealistic goals for renewable energy consumption in California; and WHEREAS, this poorly written initiative was drafted by a handful of lobbyists and lawyers and funded by one out-of-state billionaire with no energy expertise; and WHEREAS, California's leading environmental organizations, renewable energy providers, and clean power experts all OPPOSE this proposition and warn that the measure is "fatally flawed", that it "could slam the brakes on renewable energy development in the state", and "jeopardize achievement of (California's) near-term 20 percent requirement"; and WHEREAS, this measure would erode local control and negatively impact local governments, community choice aggregation and municipal utilities in California by imposing new statewide, top-down mandates for renewable power that are inflexible; and WHEREAS, the measure further pre-empts local control by specifically removing existing permitting authority away from cities and counties for the approval of certain renewable energy power plants and related infrastructure, and by giving that authority to a state bureaucracy; and WHEREAS, the state's non-partisan legislative analyst says the measure could "result in higher electricity rates" and have "potential unknown increased costs and reduced revenues, particularly in the short term, to state and local governments resulting from the measure's potential to increase retail electricity rates... "; and WHEREAS, California recently announced a world -leading plan to combat global climate change that includes strong new requirements that will encourage the use of more renewable power sources in the near future and we need to give this plan time to work; and WHEREAS, this new proposition will actually stop progress we're making and could lead to higher rates, less renewable power, and another energy crisis; and WHEREAS, a broad coalition of environmental organizations, local governments, business organizations, taxpayer groups, organized labor and others have come together in opposition to this risky energy proposition, and have formed a coalition called "Californians Against Another Risky Energy Proposition". Resolution No. 08-51 Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Tustin that we hereby OPPOSE the "Renewable Energy. Statute (AG#: 07-0066)" initiative on the November 2008 ballot. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we hereby authorize the listing of City of Tustin in formal opposition of this initiative and as a member of Californians Against Another Risky Energy Proposition. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 15th day of July, 2008. JERRY AMANTE, Mayor PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 08-51 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 15th day of July, 2008, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER City Clerk Resolution No. 08-51 Page 2 of 2 October 22, 2007 VIA t'V'RSO]tiAL DELIV'IE:RY Office ol' the Attornev t encral ,A"I"I"M Initiative Coordinator >r 1,100 1 Street Sacramento, C'A 05814 INITIATIVE COORDINATOR ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFrICE lZe: Amendment to Version 1 of T"lre Solur and (:,'lean I;3rc$r.'t' Act rad"?r", ( Proposed Initiative Number 07-0066 Dear lnidotiw Coordinator: Plelase find enclosed tilt amendment io the text of version 101"I`lie Sokir ~incl Clean I.nergy Act ot`2008 (the "Act-), Proposed Initiative Number 07-0066, previously submitted to your officc 1`6r title and sunrntary oil October 5, 2007. "I'Ite amendment reflects and incorporates changes to (lie ('alilornia Public Utilities (.'ode and Public. Resources ('ode made under the new'k-enacted Senate Bill 1016 while maintaining the original purpose and intent ol'the Act. 'I`lie amenchi cnt is subinittcd w thin 15 days ol'your of'fice's receipt of' (lie initial draft petition and thus, does n >t constitute a new measure. Plcase contact niv attorney. Randall WKeen,. if'you hilVe tiny, cluestiMISs NIr. Keen can lac rcached at the Imv lirr'n of`manatt, Phelps and Phillips, 11 155 W. Olympic Boulevard, Lo Ang,cles,. C'ald'orniti 90064, { 10) 312-4000. /Jincerely, 411662;2.1 V rsim 1 Irevisedi This inidathe measure is subirdtted u, the pogi c cif C'uE&rt h in ,c:o"wd ilk Ali di lits i icraas Axl` ie tia�nSof Article ll ofthe f'ailll'{",��tiat(`c,tt�tittatiF ta, 11ris inidaad e nteatswv aantends. mpeaals and adds sections to lite public Utilities (We and the public Resources Code; ; tita<t`efore cxi;tittwg l7ra v[sio ns proposed to be deleted are printed in Wwo4yje anti iew pawiskmis lta-op ed to !7c added are printed in italh' ttjh' icy indicate that they are ne '. PROPOSED D 1,AW 7Wb. S(1J ARANI) CI I I W �{!Wt SI6,t.` I` ON 1. Tral". 11" nteaasure shall he known as "1 J e .5' far and C7ant En r,tat' ,f o q 2Ut?,!s " SEC° "2. lallv'l7lNC;.S AND DECLARATIONS The people o C"aalil°c"rniaa find and declare the f{}1la"4wing : Cala:,ltaal �x, atrntitas aacid chmate change is ata">s a real crisis.t'ith the l,4.ar ice caps Contantaasa ° l„ knelt. tcf ipera ones riNi g mWd" idc. tali' VaiSing, gSi',t'nh( isc i'`asey mid ill rnatic c°luriate chui;aca occurring, we are clatickly ie avlaing Te Epping pAnt. C alikani,a is lacing as serhms tlaNm Krm rising sect Nvelc aac;rcn l Knight. and melting `sierra snctwpaack that leed onr waatcr supplyC:'aliloritiac creeds solar .and clean energy to ott ack lite climate. cha ingcs which threaten out, staate. B t;`aalif`<.,ratit; ,puller from drRkacl:lalt air ltc,lknic:,n, la wr water gacahl.. and many c,t1w in% ir4runernaal prjNettis, %Q Mlle hats ban clime because dic spaiatl energy interests lila"w€ - ihvarGgn C`.alifamiiac q mum uIc energy relmm anui dwir own itaandw The Gakent: ave lasdirt} talc ap) in War nand elc°ran enerp. C. California cart provide the leadership needed to attack golobatl wannting and Wr:tiicrn I wvised`i climate change. I). Ile `~;alar and C'kmn Energy 4y° Act i<A Elp reducc air` gillutitin in C° ihinaaiai. Widi this initi<atikc. we can IQ dean up (anr ad and buHd a licaalthier, clanwr crivin niuun for tvtrr child -en. F", Our traditional m"}aays ttt po"vr rely ux) tamch on tt �sil t iels and l +rei,-, n err r4g that are gmiaiaat nHwe and nurse esltensne and legis reliable'llis initiative will cflolura$g inNestmerit in solar and clean cnaT) si?nrr:es 1411 in the 10ug-1-Un are Chca jai" alid ta-c located here in CAME and in the sltcMcrni, C'alifatrnia's insesttnent in r )lar and clear energy mill result in rirt mmv dtaan a 3 fleivent increase in electric; rates -- a small price to pay for it healthier and cleaner, cnVirountent, Ia. 11w Sirlatr and Clam EnerTy Axt "A IN C_'alihmnia mi the path to enmly iu(ic pendeaacae l)t reclnir'in-, all electric utilities to hrodtace 50 perccin of their electricity frrina clean crici-gy sources lilac: solar and "Anti by 2021 Right now, over 22 percent of California's gwob"mc c a`o clones I-rirm c1ec:tricity gencraticaii lint an`ntna,l It) percent of C:"alitAnia's dankly c rnus limn solair and cicaan onergy sttirc:cv leaving C. aaliAwriiants %Itln ndtle ro high energy ci:a.w to jx4itical Notability in the y€ii4clla. I. wL and to being lielai timtrtge b) bias aril a'tmulmnic's. flit.' Solarand Clean ta3refgy A' .:t cncilut,a4az4 iii ;4 t= i:hnol("ts y to pr"trc uve Ac kicity. Many people iwe huniliarr nit the so hr laat+.der that dime, ti"tcrn lands that can he placed tMn rcuiRtrin, bin there is drauaaaiiicc r w technology that aallOws solar cuctµ,y to Ix- generated Sun cttricuntrations of `rt}ialr mirrors in the desert, AFIttC'Se illtrrt"rS an'e M) WiCiCiit that a 1 i1TC square e a raay, eleven miles E'n a side. may be able to �gcneraa c enough electricity to mcc't all o C.`aliforriat`s needs and act at lines cast than we are paying today, The detiCrt could laid if,; to Arsimi I (mvixecl) energy independence R The current law saa;, e e are '4111[)O d icy ItaVC 20 pc°r�Vnl ,t'la aild CICZ111 No we are Mill at :arcxt nd 10 percent and even lug garverrtmutrt}wned util tie* line liume in l..aas Angeles and Sacramento larhlriecl sttc'cessfuOy to exempt thernsclvrs from the laws The Scalar and Clean U•nergy Acl lu{}+`ides .incentives. tr u h standimb, aucl penalties AM= wi b not mmply I, T'he Solan' artcl ('lean Energy ,het will henefit California", rnias", e4=onolm1 Buildnit facilities lot solar and clean energy ;4xt.rrees and unnsmission litres ui ti-anjim tat eleetricity sill create gmA jobs that pay the I,rm°ailing %kage. "1 h y:: obs "A Ong nem irxvatrt ems anti new its tca C"aalilixniar and strc: Wellen Cal?wnia's ec onci n , ;l, Global warming and C011mmia`s reliance on fossil fuels and forei"'tt eier; y, ;are a malter of statewide concern, ars is the implementation of statewide ,standards lctr (it',' O electricity prtxkwtrcrn and the Iaennitting o sttlatr and clean energy plant,, and reluwd t10 -rnissAm Wilaws. Acct,rch=a l , the People find that these Inaat(o=rs are not municipal aati`a1irs' as Haat tea -rat N useal in Section 5 orf ArAle XI W the C`alifOrrriaa Anstinuimi lout are unwad rtlaattr'r's t'f "latewidc concertl. SEC 3, PURPOSF, AND INTENT It is the intent trf the Iter ple of California in enacting this measure to: X Atltlress eltiAd "mming and clirrrarte chan,Te, and prciteca the: endaaigcr'ed Sierra "noWpack br°edu inn t,::"aalifiartiA ca.r on-bascd 4, -NV HIIOuNe teas CralissionS, I3, 0q) proven (eehm ltTic°s strcIt ars sr>lar. l cart c5rnaarl, t�^ir.t.l. biraltr.a,s, and s'Jn,dl li dretelectrre taa generate clean mc°qf, Trouglunn f' aaliti'miaa amd nwa teawwaWc awl, ups cstduml ndsinle taxes on at", ('aaltl{"wniat taxlrt)''et'; t Require all Calif01-nia utilities _- inc:lUding 1'oVernrt1c111 ok"netl artilities like tlae TINcon I ire el; L()s Angeles Departinern of 'A'alver and Pouvr -- to procure eleciricity frtim solar and clean enuTy rcmnirccs, in (fie following tiincframes; T) lvrcent by, 2010, 40 percent by 2020� and, 3� 50 percent fly 2025; 11 Fonwal all qTnnds hw We dovhTmom (A sokw and cNan enctTy plwus and rcla(od transinksion fadhties %Vle gumanteing all environmental pwiection, -- including the lksen 1'n4ccuon Ku E Reate pnxkw6cm incentives fow Me devekinnent and cmistruetion ot'solar and cNan coogy plants am! related nonmnIskm fadlitics; F Assess penaldes upon all utilities Soo IWI h) Incel rcncvablc rcsoulve largck' and prohibit lew utilities hDrn passing on low penalffes M COINUMCM G, Permit lknig-terin 1) )CM co)[111'acts for solar and Clean energy to assure nowimahRy and fWaniAng td sOar and altar" energy' p1mos: FL UP PAV imp-ts,on cmbunicrs' eloAricits, ME at less than 3 percenL Over the 1011,01C,11M SlUdiCS haVc sll,na11 that C011SUIncl, clectricity costsv611 decline; L SM Se Public 140kis (IninissKi the pomyrs to ciff6rce ofthe rawwalAcs pixt1k4k) standard ulum privatcly-oNvIlcd utilitic' assess Pcnaltic"s for not)- cmWliamx, and pnMVh utilities I'nom pas.in""=-tin penallics for cowulners", k Ckwu We CAMvwa ;tate EncTy R"omvn {%servaii(on and Development Colnllusioll t1he "Ene; ev tile PONVeP, to: L INSIV cmQAtce of Ac tenev, able, portlolio stioldwIl lqum un%4 assess penalkh Ri Owe unWics 6w non- \Trion I (revised) C0111plialice! and prolliNt the utilities fron) pas':ilqv-olj Penalties to CMISUrner's" Uhqg Ms to faxwwk al I qTnwals for the dew6ynwm 14 mdur arud Man enup resource, and plants while guaralliceirt" all ell viroillnental puctions -- includbg the lkseti Paunk"i Act; 1 All fl.111LIS to I)LIrCII,1SC,,SCIL Or lease real property. personal propert� or rights 4 way for Ow dewhTrnem and uw (4 be pnToyAmd rights of %my bw be gowinaron andNw transtubskm Of solor and Man aieTy. aril to llpzgrade existing tran"Illissioll lilies, arid, 4, Identify and desilanate Sohr and Clem Energy Zones — priniail) in the desed, SEC 4. Secturli 387 ofllw l'uhlic Utilifics Code isarilerided to read a,-, follow": 3,87, i-0 Fach gtoeniing MY iW a I(Ical pulflj,:I� owned CIC�:Iric utility.." defilled III Section 9004, Shall dic rencual)[cN portfolio standard tr` and (him.1 A thu arrich' Legiakiture (10 11wh local publicly 0"ned CILCIli": tifilit", shall report, oil all anritiml hasi, 10 its eta tc>tnsrs and to To StMe llcqy Rewmves Comematkin ,jjid Collllui',,,iojl. the k1lowirig: (1) Rpendituws of public goods GIM6 oheled pursuani to Scok"i 3S5 for QUAe WMAIMC LOMITIUCIa. Repolu WWI cmitain as desaiflion of progranis, expcildiluies—ind expetitd or actu.'d re4U1ts. 12) Ths.,- resonicc'inix us"I bi save its cumoirters fey fuel type, Repori% shall cc)ntain the 5 Xlrdwi I trevied) onviribmAin of tach type ofrenewable eneqpy remmNe mIth spawte caeples for Ouse Rwl,,, that are cligiblc rencwable energy resources is defitwd in %tion 04-ic- 446hly—ifnil F-Aectricity hail be rqw0ed as having been dckvwd to the local publicly owned electric atifily hirci an QVIc ri;ne%"MIc enagy remniNe mlen (tic cic,:Iricil% viould qualif'y for conlilliani:c "Ah We rmiew,tbles p(wtPdio (3) Tlw uti1hy7s swum in implernortOg a renemaddes porthlo sumAm! pumuant [o MUvAni 51 and the Mfs pnlgw" toward atf,tining the mwidard Mwing imoemmulorl. SEC 5, Section 399.25 ofthe Pubhc LURics (Ac is arnended U, rwKI as 641s us: 39925 avf,eleof ical (a) Wh respect W descrihed iii-subdivisitm i it) any renelvable, poryolio snuuhint estabiblied inArticle 16 (cononcncili, hAl KIM 391111)fy'Me MR DUhh, (WA% be emninksion AM take A fcandAc act%N P) onsure that the amnni"Wi rates establisInA by Ow WWI l.rrcrrNti Regulauny (YrnmNsion we fully reficcled in an) road rates emAlided by the bw ;Ire not hn'litc°d it,: i I i Making findki,s, where 'supported by an evideniiial, recivd. dial Time transuAnum WilitieN provido henefit to the transAssion nch"wk and my n"cam, a) NOMme he Vel -ski I twviwdi achievenlem of the renewaixics lum-tWo standant esuddished, in Wide 16 piunlendt-ty NOW SeMi 39111), (2) 1 A roctingthe tar I ity to NOvich diegeilemw will he interconnected, %Oicrc ilii: dircc I ion is not precinpi"I by federal W. w sect. the recovery through gencral tramsnussion rate-, of(he costs aswiated m it the Imnstlikskm AcH ities, 13) AN�scrtirq, the positions described In paragralts (1) and Q) to dw Fcdcnd Energy ReguNny Munission in appropriate proceedings. M All wing recovery in roll rates of any incre&,e in iransirrikon com, incurred by Hu el tri -til ;t tie�tt sr rchid SC110- rC,,Lthing Amu Ow cmrstructO of the transmission facilines tirm me w a aRmwed for rcco% cry A tranintiNsion rMN hy dw Wdend FneTy Reptlawy ( -'onjillission after tile corrunission dclennines that die costs "vw pmdendy incurred in accoMmwe Wh subdivision (a) ol'`section -15-4- ,,,h tht, S€dltr taul (IM LKYWy Runinkshnn Anyquzi U)PuWaaw the ronstrutOwn ijany tranvinis",ion facilities, SEC 0, Section 91),11 of tile Public Utilities {Fede is antemird R"W as follows: 399,11 . The 1,egi*awe MwTP hrids and declaret, all of1he folloxing: i'm In order to attain a tile targos ofgcricrating 20 percent of total retail ,,<ilcs of clectricity in Calif'oMia front cli'gible rellewable energy, rcNource,s by Deceniber.II, 2010, 4o perrent,yInal relah' sales tycletakkv M Ody6ndajowl eligible rew"wable ('11ergy 1'(."source,s hi, Decendwr,?I, 202"). and 50 pen"Ot eynn! n1ail Sams CYCOCUAIg in VhQ& rule wl Ible Cne"041Y O'VOUATS by IA%wmht,r,?I, 2025, and for die pup"c"I kcwwQ,,.� the Werwity, relibilky, public Whir mid bcricfits (it' tile enagy nA\ w addrc,ss gh)bal winnhkt; tau/ Hhnaw t1wign and ", junroet t the tqn/angaM S&Tm munqnul, n is the Version I frew•tseeli intent ctf'tlte i lxttr+r /,,ojrias thatt be cctittttti"km and the :it.ttc: lNuTy Ruources "r>tt emation and Development C oningsshm iutl4enietu the t'ttiiAwkt Renewkt€r es Portfolio Standard ndard Prot!ram cic scrit)ed its this article, §tri Irtcrc°asim! California" N11,111CC on ehgdpie rcnewahle encig re,, sources may protnt4 stable elec;tricit l)tt%e's. ratted puhhc health, improve cus ircprruteru<al quality stimulate sustainable c,:cattomic: dewelctlttttettt, create new etttlrh>ynwnt opportunities, and reduce reliance on itttpctrtc"cl fuels. (c) The ickcla3lyment of c:h;gRAe wewwwhle energy res{aunt: °, and the dc=li�xry of"the efectrieitw generated by those res{ttaI'CCN tip c`u:7t+rtrters it) California ma% ,unelit rate air eltt4tlttt" € nalb€i ms tht° xigl na be sum address it%t4wl 4t`c31`)?t1fiig tuhl dtta,w than,,,% p!`rmv the endartgtrcd Sierra mtrrtipack, and itttlrrcawe Ixth ie !with by reducing the. 1)urttiult of` fossil fuels and the a"}ci<itc cl en "inAnnental impacts and t)y reducing l`os"il fuel Consumption, fdf The (:',t€itcmmi<a Rene"uhles I'carttiAo St ml irai Program is inn tclecl to Corn alerttent tate Ren ,,t,A)l - Fner€ y c,,4mfcc,•s prognim administered 11) the Stats: Enc rn Rcsti )tnc•c �s (Insmation and lkwlETttwm C'c7nirtds icrtt and c;maNi,hed laur;ct,•trti tet C:'It,,p r 8.6 (e }rtttrteucing with ` ecti m 2574M A DRAm m 15 of the Public resources C'odcl ANeew and t-timlifial elcc°t& ta.ttrE n issirttt facilities may I>4p necessary to faci1it ite the Oak cacltic AT its renemi hies Iwcat'tf Cho st:tttdarcl tart m, .`riEC' 7. `section 39112 of the Pubhc° thildics ('prole is ,netted t4:9 t„til Ars ta,lloww>: 39,111 t'ctr It aposes of this utricle, the following Cerins have. Cite. following m artit aw: txa) 'Vehv red— whi WHO* HO* ha e fate saute meaning as It<`Kded ut subdiw tsion (a) Cwt Section 2,5741 of the Public kc{+urce, Cokic, f h p Eligtil` e r:ttu-Nal lc tFttegy rrmmrm- ttr ans ttrt e1 tri ttr+ tits a volar tart town S Version 1 (revised) energy facility that meets tl"te ddInition of -0-Mme renewable- electricity generation facility- in Section ?,ti"..f 1 of the Public Resources C'odcr subject to tilt follovirtg lintitatic."ins: 1, 1 KA) An a;?:1'+ ing small hydroelectric getter ation facility it 0 r17Gg'ai1win tw less ST be eligible Tartly it` it retail seller'" owned or liroc:ttreel tlw el"n-Rhy hum the h6lity as of Mendwr 31. 2005. A ntw" hydroelectric facility i, not an eligible renewable energy resource if it "ill reeltrrre a Iter,; or increased .appiiTrhai+gin t"w e1r+""ersion of ",ares x urn a wtatercourse. (1:.1) \ofrritltstianding sa hparawgyaph (At, an existing conduit hydroelectric lac=ihty, aas tlr:fineel by Section 823a of 1111c 16 of the Lhhecl States (".otic, of Ott rttevaauvis or less. shall he all eligible rellv%rllble etter.gy resource, A new conduit hydroelectric f'acthty, as defined by `iectiton 923a of Tdc" 16 crf the l `rnwd States Ovie,. of 30 nwgaw"arits or less, shall he an elQRS renew dAc enerfau rc ource so Mg as it sloes nett re Wke, a neat or increased aNt-ctl7riatiorl or (it vei,iorl of waiter" from a trate.fc;o; 13, 'ti lacilaty ter gqc d in the iso "7rttbusUort of municipal solid waste shall not be considered ai"r eligible renewable ennui resource" unless; it is livated in Sumishm, C'rrtamy and was olvrational prior to September 26, 1996. tci `1°nurgy (fit'nnntVAN' IYic in% the ;fit":alt.. EnmTy lkss"atuvo Muenaadon iaml Dc elotlarneiii {. oinn ission, A "l.,ctc:°:al publicly ow ucd electric utility" has the same meaning as provided in sUbdir iston (it) trf Section 9604 to M;wUK nwans; that as reuni ,eller mccir"es delivered electricity gawra wd by ,tit chgble row"ible cncly rc s ur ce iltait it e "ns or Rw which it has enwwd into, .ut el-sctM, urs 1"aa,se agrcenictat. ^&,llt ng in this article is intended to inlilly that the purchase of electricity frtbrn thi:rcl Panics in a rr"ht5lesaale Irarrasacg m i, the pre ter,"ca:l Method of` fulfilling as retail Verion 1 m i.tie^.d i obligation to conllaly Nvitlr this article. if) "`Renewables Imrtk4io standaar, 8nnans the: slte°uil'ied perce ata4gei o e1cciricity ,aericnated h4 eligible renewable energy resources thM a2 retail AN is requitned to PUILIN pursuant to this au- cle. fgh I t "IZtrne able e°ncgy credit" nwans a i•er ific°alte or Itrsa€ v issued tlirs:,ugh the «I"t5t3tiung z.ymm established blislit'd by the Et2t'I-tgy Commission pursuant nt to Section 99, 1 .+, Owt one unit e:telct:Iricits c" a N generated and e:lelive vd by ;an 1i'li VIc reine"a ale cjiergy resource, Q `'bene tsahle~. ene°I, cre~dd- iltOltic;s all renewable abler and Cn il-0111tterit;,l attrIbUICS assttciatei:t whh flee• lar€>alu hil ol`ClMriCity Imin the eligible renewable energy, resp urt.e, except tear an Quilsi€ins re ductOn credit issucel pursuant ter Sect ioil 40709 rel' the I le;alth and Safety COLIC and any urnhis or papncuts ms8aciatcd wilh Clic rr,'cluc tieln of solid waste aiticl treatinent bene.tits cre'atc°rl la) Clic utilirattitm € f hitl2ttass or hkTats l'n k.. 131 15, electricity generated by an c igihles i -cm,% Mali^ energy reseiurce attributable to the UNC to r2irrU iICIVai C ftrCK ltc Ice icl a tie rttinintus clt.raintilly, as demi ratified by the; I:IIe.rgy i'eMlrnEw}iOM. shall ma in the', crt'.itt a ora Tcnc wa ble energy credit. +hl `°RON1 s;lW deco .an entily c°ngagcd it) elle retail sale ctf' elect8-iritV 10 Crid-u4e cusumiers 1=,e;aiwd within the• stab:., irleluthng wq €}t dice t;.r ltia4 irig: ( I ) :iii electrical corporation, as del'ined in Section ? 18, ("l A community choice aggiepdor. Ilse cormAssi€rrt Shall institute as rulcniaking tta tt tcrnti re Ne manner in uhich a2 wiimnunity chance aggregator regator will participate in iho renc%xahle Mittel'€ ho "taridard progn-auti "ubjecl tca th" s,rltu� 1crrrlw alld C0111ditikN, JI'll-ncC<rhle to all eEec-trical t't)rpfd stl n, l'.# 1 :SII electric service pro idar, as de.fincd in Section 218.3. for all Nal -s of electricity to Version I tree ised') CUS10111a,S bCwinntg JMUMY 1, AM, The wnmrishn shall institute it rulemaking, to detcrnnnc the inmuter in which electric savice pnAfict-s will parti6paw in the renewables portfolio standard prograrn. The 006c seryke provider shall be subject hi the sante turry and conditiorn, applicable to kin electrical corpt.-iration pursuant to this urticle. Nothing in this paragraph shall it p.hr a cmututt em reel hHo howmil an electric service provider and a retail cmbaner prim be sapo"A of dix"t access by Ow tommission purswult to Section 80110 of the Alawr We. 1-4,1 "Retail Seller- does not 41clude any of, Ow (A) A cxporution or peon employing cogeneration technology or producing electricity smsNem with subdKkion & thWhimi 21& (B) The Depitrtment of Water Resources aelinp in its capac4y jumm"mi to I&AW 27 will) Section 10"00) of the Water Cf,.Ide, SEC8. Scokin 39113 of tire NbUc WAS (AR is antendul to wad to kdknv,,,: .59,11 Ile Ilergy (Wrnksionshall do X111 of the following: (a) Certify eligihle rencund4c cnerry wumNcs that it delennitics niccc the criteria dewrdwd in subdivinimi 04 it Section 9,11 (b) Dosigj) and implernent all accounting system to vnify ",Aarwe %Ah the renmahks ptnifolki standani by mRA Ale". to cnmme that clecWhy pownud by an digNe renessablc energy revource is counted tAdy (orwe IV Ole pL1rj)0,e Of 0110 FCn,-'VV1h1c,, portildio standard of Ohs sue or any other state, to ct'itifi raieNvable cnerga credits prodtjted b� eligibly renewable energy resources, anti to ve6fy retain pickkwt chinas in As suac or ant is slate. In establishing dw guiddines governing this accounln),L sysicn), Hie 1,-,1)Crg 'y shall Collect daul from electriJly market participants duo it deerns necessary to verd), Version I (recused') c•eiaiipliance of retail selfers,, in yac-onviancc with the requirements ofthis particle 4iiief the C alikvni i 001ic Records .% t('h<i wr 5 tcreariaiieaic irie, "Ah Satieiri ( 2MI cif 11%isi n 7 of Trile I of the' Go-eraament (-.odc h In seeking data freatii �I ttr �a1 ��yt r�£'�at£e�rr� ?"!' i;`rd 5{1?;> ,,, tfie 1 iicrF""9t; t..`e} minihmmi shall request dwa fr gait the ee}iii ukskm. The a;cii£iraiissloii QM cc711ec t clava t'iom tIt? t I �Ee tk'r 1't'Tttd vel t` o mki rthilt the dMa K) the Ener � Commis,ion wiihin 14) t.l.`il of the recltac si, wi Ua. l& a splem Or hvwkit g and vcriflyiii�a renewable circrvy credit" that, thra_t£igh the use 4 iiitkpericlerlQ, ataefited data, verifies the I7eneration ,and dcht,m of clectricity asscic°ictted wh each re3aeil`able energy credit at£d lit' gccts against inuhiple ciitnitiiig +i1 the sante renewah1c° energy grad! Ile Int eTy {7onir£iissiciti stroll consult with titlic°r western states and uhh the VAsterri Electricity Coordinating t.' ittiit'il in the development of this system. (d) (,'ertify, for purpow,s of ceitiiph trice with the rein ivi+41v renewables portfolio standard reeluirc,iiteiits by a aetail seller, the eligibility of renewable etiersvy credit,, associated kith efin.lic"em, of e:l"Vic°itti by an cltt OAc renewable else g re",eirucc° It' it €o:a€ € ublic€y° owned e€cctric raility. i Me 1", erygy (7ondaiii'*4on C€L'ti'imim, dut the ti}fltnvinwg ulmdWrt, 1mse been wistied. t 1 f The €eand publicly owned cleatlrie Why that is procuring, the chmricity is in ct)iiil3li,tii=cc with the requireiiietits cif Scc'tic n ;'7, 01 Ile local pumic•l;° owned electric WHY has e'stablishc°d iattrhc aainwat reriecaohlc:s t"ic rtl who .rot aujam lapels {iit c# �t''�rfi} Ki}rii%i £i £13 £s 7f liviil?It��di xtfl' ltr ti cItl v't�E itiri£#{?il rr Elraiml!j} Sm4m 391415. is pier using sufficient eligible renet,a,ahlc energy, ie {:itltcc to -iatist'y' Me t:ir as, and "AN lir"it Coil "i Nari4y the targets in rile event that tllc r:iic}wable s ncra credit is Seiki to another rclail seller. Verist I !reVsetli /ef Institute tt nd nu&mg hrezeeeding to determine the manner in which of local lettbli£-1,v £+acncd electric aetilita= tM1 e-rFr,llt with S£°a'tiern 387 and implement the, ,er:c�aa'ethle-s lxa.ar-tloho, st£and(trd lrr-ea,;lr'trnt_ 7`lre l;`rae°ig), f "twunission slrrtll tttilhe than Anne prrre-e me s and hares the Setnte powers to cq1;?rcc tht' renewables lrnrtjtalua Standard program with respect to locid lrulrlich, owned e'hivi - utilities aA be mrtrraission has with re.a'1:ect to rtluil eller-,, including but rte+t hlni e d to Chow, 1unoce'sw t,at l lxmVc l,,. st vcif cd rn Sections 399,1'4 and ,�QV, l.`+ rc'laucd to be w°i n etncl erdrphirn eaJ`ca rerncwable eneigylrr wua£wt<°rtt ph n, estetbbA nirnt ra}°fieAtTh, voles jirr rcampliunce, and imposition eal'anrnud 1rt'ntthh, t+at' j%re tet twnQ a,iM a hmd lrtelalitlY crlanc.d e�lc�e`tr•t`a' tatilit�3's r-a°rreltral�le: e=r3e°rt;� prrre-trrc�rrtxra Irl<rra. flte� is"rtt�rr;t� (_'rrrnrrris.�ir,ra .4lrzall rrrrt lI#7i'e' f'tra6' aiitthfrri't1` t£� [?lteakr'£1"te:' r1Y [1't,iatltjra'1+1 L' tt1t' id"r"rata, a'elPfielttte�rlJ' teY lat'te'tni� tpJ 11111" r'erit`a�trlal<° 'tte�t �y, rr�s'rrrrre'ea j,ontract ewered intri Q it lruw! 1r1rG1ijv rary wd e-lr.•e'thc utilQ rtr autlwr#v l:>arr suelnt to Se=ciion 2113, SE17 9. SeVoi 39%14 of the Public 11til4rev (AS isamended to read as (ollo s: 99,14. (aa) ( 1) The coma issitaaa shall direct each to t#i4.ai v,ller to larepue a renewable etacgy 11mau'eraletat plan that include* the matter in paragraph (3), to satisfy Its e'al llaitions under Ow rc'lww;aAc% Merritt°« ks :staatacLud. To the extent fcavil4c. this fmixurernent plan drill he lsreTowd, reviewed, and aalaTwd by Ov emn ndssinn as pan fit: and pttrtinam ua, za ;_owral p aat_nrement plan procum 'Me c"atImiksltin shall require each electliatll �++t�� tttltl retail .se'lle'r- to rs vicA,, ::Intl update Its realm. ahlc° Cner.11y j)F1,,s:Urcnic 1t lslaa:ti av, it 4letel'3t inns to be raeec"aa y. (?) The ct'ttt nisdon 4171111 at-leTL by I`aOmwkitt+b.all (Ito o fitllu"itt�;: {-r�t ,� �rkr'C?+rr-4t+t-Llt'`��'tt}Illi#t't^� i33�If1tx't—�')a'iet"'� laita'�}tiifit_ tc'T--*�}tl�t�k�'t^iif?ii-tk=+--t��--;Sii'E=ttHti 4,9 } 1zl#t}t#il+ii }i �I#itll-.#rzil �tctt3ttitttt3tfk€t#rh} ,=1 tt3x€tst)tttt Y }zit `t Fl}C-tiltit}u Version I (revised) MMA) i A ptawas that praW icier critc& for the rank ogle ring, wrol Selection ot, least -cost and lest --tit eligible lcnc{ aahlc energy resrwives to emply wittt the atarataaal C:'alii'{artaiaa Rcwurew able:., l'aatlfolira Standard Program obligmimis m a tamd cost Wk. Itis prowess Will c'rrarsadCl' estimates it iatclirect c(st:s associated � itla needed traausraaission in estra Brat and Ongoing Why expenses remilting frmn iinegraatittg ,azul operating, eligible rene"ahle curgy rcIS Urtes. 04B) IA 11exitalc. rtak,s E`car s:c, upii,atace, iaacludiaa41, rules permitting retail sellers to apply etic<°ss;vocurcinunt in me. 5cm to subsccltrent years Or inadcqu ate prOetaretiaerst in ghat yaw to no imine than the l'ealkuhig three seam. The flexille rtaies Aw cearaalAiamc shall apply to call }cars, indulng yeas hei ve and aa(ter .t retail seller procures at least 20 50 percent of total retail sakes Of cEcOricit; lrartta dy&W rertaeseaal le caacrT5 wstatarm, i ii t The flexible rules for Compliance shall address sattaaatieaaas Where, aas a gestalt Of irt.=,uliat:ic,rrt traausnihsiom as row! seller is unable to procure eligible renewable: energy res,atarces suffi icul tt) saalstt be rewliremeuts of this iarficleAny stales aacltlressiige, insufficient tintm rsinkn shall require as I'irraling by tlae ce>raataaassiml that the retail sellar has undertaakc:ra all reammaable- efi` ns tat li all 4 the i`ealMIng: tl;l lltalire ale A leu delitieat' lat4ms. tfli Asum the atrailal?ahy eft a q nettled tgarastrrission mWaat°ay. (Ill) If the retail seller is an electric +:tarporaation, to cons=truct ucedcd transmission (W i odring in dik %ublvraa,graapla shall be construed to revise any portion of Sea tiOn 4515, VerNion I irevised) XWO SWUSal twos and ImilitAns 0) he used by all Seflel's in Contracting Icer eligible renewable erimp mmmrm& hicludili; paRvounwe rcquiremcnts for renewable gencratons. A cinivact for the rmrdme of deoricity genermed by all chgiblo renewable energy resource sharp, at a ridnimuln, include the rene"alk energy orcins a'socialetl with all electricity generation slvcMed under the ct"mo. The mandard terms and condidons shall incimic the requirement that, no later than six nwriths after the commission's appr"val of an electricity purchase a,,greement C1110 -Cd into PLIT"S'LlaM to this" article, the following! Wnnation about the agmement shall he disclosed by the conimi"',ion- party 1'e"'OUTce type. prt>jecl location, mid project Ctpueity, (3) Omism with the gozll of procurd-lig the least -cost arld bes(-fit eligible rcliek\able cnerVy remimes, the rerwymblu enagy Imomirement plan MUM by ifti-e4tv44ei ft6++" (I oltoil.Oter shall include all of the a4lom ing: W An amessi-nunt of annmd or muluivear pinfoliosupplics and deni;nid to determine the optimal A; of cligifile rcnc-waNe crict-gy resources m1h ddnvmbddy charactaimics thy inx, inch0c poling dispatcludAc. haselml, kni- and avaWlaide calvivity. M [Widmis for employing available compliance flexibility mechanisms cstabli,s"lted by the conuumion, M A Nd mdWitathm seukg forth the need for eligible renewable energy rc.,soun:es of cach (lei i verabi lity Mmacterimic, r"pAmd online dates and localionid if any. M In soliching aiW Immi-ing eligible wriewable energy resmires, each HeMA-val MY shAl offer contmb 4 m) less dean 40 20 years in durmion, unless the OMMASSion Ofa OullraCt duration, (5) In solkiding and pwcurmg oligible relle"able energy icsourcek cacti ele4:16ml 15 4trdul 1 tre,iwdt +r rst n---rt>rcttl .;c'kr unaay° give preference it) project; that provide t<rra,„ible (jell aonstrabl berrcflits to "immunities with at pluraahly of mi nority or low-inconic populations, (hr The corundnitrn may aautirtarirc a rcuM welWr to enter into ar crrlMac~t of R" thn its 1) ' car-,, duration with all ch"'ihle renc°wwahle ellergy re"ourc•e. if" the c<tuaarlission fia,. cz,1a1l1l ,,hath for ea cil null wiler, txairtinlun1 cluantilw% of c}igthlu rcnc,,kaahlo cheer,, 1'e"IM r TS to he larocurc either- tltrknigh contrarc s 4 at Lam 0 N) yearn;' duration or frotrr iwww iaeiliries eonanaenclIII commercial operations star orafter January 1, X2005, tc:l Ilre ctusul sign Shall review a:n(1 accept, natt(lify, or rojec:t each teictr-itid woe*r's reuewaatrlc enerr?y pnwuwrra.H Pon lariat to tlae k•t>ruatarnaernc•nt tat renewable procurement pursuant to thiN article by im-t4 r - t-t=oq"- atit-+r ar r -r ntH sethy, A `le cor nrissittn Ad! review the results of an eligible renewable cuergy re. ourccs Wrc itaation saalaarrrtted Ikw aapprt+w all by ret ad scllcr m)d a t eept or rc'jc 'E ptofti,4,•,t d W°ktrau"aaas wwhh crhoMe rwaeww aal'le enerp, restiktl-w btined on cotlsi teiny Ah Eh ' Jppr vcd rc°rrewwable eocrgy irr`t-:111-ntrrent phllt 11Eiw Commission Owl the hicl lr4acc's :.art' elevated (lilt:'; to <a laat:lc of effettiVC c(>tatlsctiti011araartnw-1 the bidders, tlrc• comrnissit?n shall clirco the seller- to rcile gist( ttae contraacE�, or c orldut•t a nc,,w sillic itartitan. (c"I It' an electric',} Corporation kd1:s to comply with as comnitnkm {+r Wr <il)llErrrt?• ai re-rre�washle errer�y proc-urcinew bila;,, the conanaissictn shdl exercise its aaudu6ty pursuant to ` et" hm ? 1 1 ? to r4 (ruin ck+rrrlrl ance. 1Alrr rrrrarrai pit}ra �irarll r rr r trrr ct,c} } r3;alti *� +:+}r._arar t)#litsr- i'k't4$?1-°it°}l€�#`-tl`#itE--}x-tr1'+-Et;.rrr�at=t--sf}rrfi+.ri}1-(#�t�tr{kt�ir3L41E-tar+�r'{ti-_t'?+rtr3��1k'•-l?�t•i-f�kr#'tiEttifti•tt�--�?c'titrtrrr il`i r l E `llse C;atrrirtaassion Iny, aaattlrorrz,e :a l7ri)tnrc`raem cmay ro erucr watt~ coi"raan oil 16 behalf 4 caastor us of a W! scllcr for cf i\crics of c'h ihIe aenoahfe errerd : rc„orrrccs to sati,sk annuat renewables pwtftAio oandard oll gmit"s. The corrartai,sitm raga,° not rCiltrarc any lacr4tlra or c'orllorartirlra to al as 4a pnVurernerat crate, or requiry any party to purc°h,asc eligible renewable enemy resources from a procurement c lltrty. (2) Suhject to review and aptao al by Ow ti:+SraYirdshm, dw farcyrarcm r” c°romy s r11 be perrnrtted to ruc€'iv r remon atale arthumAralOve and proc°atrerrtctrt costs through the retail rates of eracf-ta.m cramorrms that are %ervecl by the janourea ent enth; and are chreetlt Mcfainy front the pronurertaclar of cligihle renowable c ncr; � resoLu'ce , tt},t 11-octumment and administrative c mts associated with longi-tcrrta contracts cratc°retl intcl by rr°Md MY Aw twli,.tilale rc°ttt1rcable energy resource, purstrant to this article, mor"r, tlrrttr 10 percent over" the Inork<'t price rdtownrinnI hY the Enc:ri,1` Cr>rmni.cli£:�n irurmrcud to subdivi.uon (c) r,f Scclion 399.15. "ImIl be decineaf reasonable per se Mr Mtritfly tdt'lit°£•m£d on or !le'dore Ja:aratwl—Y 1, 2030, trust thrall he recta era ble in rate . fat ("on=emiction, alter<atkw, dcrmolithn irrA.,ll;rtion. and repair work on arra c1igdAe, renmaablc energy restlurve tla tt rcixiVC,, 11r'otlUL1101) rrrec'nIi%'es Or" ttlnchrtg I)M'+tlant ter -Set-Ii-ori Sections 57.12, 25743 or 25751.5 of to I'uMic Itewirces C' ,de. including work pctt`r,t nen taa qualify. receive, or maintain prod1wtion incenli es is "public work's" for the purpt?"'e", of Chapter 1 (commencing %with 4ectimr 1720 of fart i of I?ivia ir,ra '? oMdtw Mir CIA. tib Me vinnntimion AM irrywise arrrrmal t>rwaltic s up to the ran ouilr et/ !hc Yhor"lfcldl ill kilt ft teeth€Airs Inudtfdldit'€1 by d £'£'rrt jwr klad3i#wall mr un up nmd Set y emcee 465 :t1 rrlca W tifaiIMI/ l'rr'!>t'trrment lanae{ C',Sa{;d'bsbecl !'1liisuam m Ss'E"JAm .9115 Ac (vul3rFlt,9.5` "n shall not c`crlr the dac`rrctd, that may be irrtlacrw d Earl a retail _,a llcj' rate#c). this cctionr All hcllca;it".a (r.1cc°.v.cc d version l it vkccli eantl collected latarsarcartt to this section shall be p aial or tr<In;fTretl ctttr£uak tra the .S"olcrr mid Clean l ne.rgy Transmission Avottrtt tuhninkrerr'cl hs' the Irttcp,v f ltr£rrtis'swn 7aarrstr mi to setliear£ 25751,5 a1 the i'ubhcT li'esc,tinvs t"iWe and shall he Me tlei'a'ltat}ttlou of new artam e'e tranSslnibsOn tmd tY'1ta'Is'rddc electricity �e'ittt`cditCaJt �taCtltlta's'. Te�rtetlti<rs laezrrl trt° trxtrt.rJe are'cl by any retrtil sellerIno5£aettrt to this ,l'r'tWon sheall r£ot he rrt'oeert&h by IN- re nid AS- either directly or itrclirectls- in raties, to Nrta:aarttts easunsed lwrstmnt to stdllcll4'7_,hm 10 /ntt£1' be resit"i`1i upon a)°ttuhn hS" Me c°rrtr£rata,shm that alu°re° is Som! mum, um, lrrr ct rt`tetrl se'llet''4° iezthav h) eeatn 4- wiM et t"rFt+trlit,bui order atclo�ptalag e`a renewable energy pt"l"at'£tra'mou hleart. :� lttaalttl� lr}° tlu` e"t;afttlltd�5'S`t l/? the71 tht'rt° rs good cause {or %rtihcre to a"rrrNdy with ra cmmnizion order rtdolrtr`ng et renewable c'I£erg), 7 nhwremer£t pMn Afall be nmde it"the commission determines that any one of the jollowing a-enhutinitS Ure an£et. No 71c tla'czc hric t.°r tlttle•titrwe Atct£rged rlrrr, to a`ire'ta£atstt£ ices beyond ilio retail ve ler' contiol, incltuiin-, }'tai not limited tri, a ttldfaan£strttt£te and le'.°f ail tdltl7e'ctls, .seller Itc?tt 1Pe"I`tc7rlraatltt`t', inmQjIfE a yr fi'sJ"'Onsc 't{'a tt C`cNIquidit€` 'YX A tion iia c la Ile re'J£i"bt r£ h- ou'1 zy I`a`,OW11 t;,, trail liar k raj't> fc'e'tit`r' errn71c'titir=ta' 0 7'I`ta' wail ,sella°r de°ttac>n.i7i'cttr's rt puW frith c Mmi to r lett the rttrg t, including latrt not thniteel to ewecutecl cmirretcts theft lrrvuhh, Jtauty tlelirvries sufficient to sc"tti.4fv current )"cafe ele'(i�'its, f t # Vie a'Gtr,t a't i1`i£.ti t9tl, Ard ,..ate n) unj orcm,e 2 natural diNat tcrs or acts s t>t Gfgal that prcl ent ttJm (v e owpic'tion tri fhw prcltec!'teizdfin ° iIr mile%lone. >; The reiad ,Ilei is 2d7ted e A) receive encrt?l`ftt=m c11gible rs'7ttk'c bib enerI i, rcsourcce el£et to truaekfluWc eleam' truttsrratscton I& %, m Version l Erovisecl) f 5; Or cup, y awr arrr 7{? �.,nd inwin ding Pc,(( end r 31. 201.i, a knal p"MY on'r rd e"Fc"twA, t.etilitly 1dt'f nsns'trcate,s that. thol:?ile Us lroml 16th efji m it has had irf.strdli(°ie=rrt tittle° tr) rrlw the ctutnual lire rure'rruia ttlr,ros aFstlllrlislwd in Set-tirrra 3W 15. Slit' 10. Section 39115 aal` the Public l_tt lit es ("cycle is amended to read as follows: 39115. t a) In order to fulfill unmet I,;atr; -terna resource needs, 1'edfri"c' c; re°Oflrouse ,,as etnissitrrrs„ atledre*s"s globe d warrrflrf,; and (-lirrfaate t'hiul t% I)rOtcTt edit° r=t.cllfrtz.*eivil .Sierra s"tzrAtTifr`x- at,frd lessen Colijorrticr's arra tlttc"ttra.atin dated 1>ric'tra', the c<t'nunissiou shall establish is rcarewaltlis porti'oho suniciard wquiring, all to 1?rtwwc a u7aucraauraa cicramUq of elekirie•aay goJawed by clfgdAe ro3ewithic energy k'esf,ulves as a SPC66NI powerat£r e of (olal kilwwatthours sold it) their retail etacl-use cusninlers each calendar `u4af;-wtrl���b�r�-litrrits-s�u�lt���,k�tl��a�rfs��#��=��t�, ��-��►��i�ja��tia���af�rds�t�sric�>�l�t�rr�3l-�a�rk thi The ccarrautis:siuri shall kuapletaacrat auuual Incvurelnent tarLlets l,('+r eaeh retail seller as I`c>lltryx s: d 1 i Mom illfsterdaZ ing Set lion 454,5e`e7t'lt fi t4i Io;ul seller sh.il1, pursuant to `+idbdivisicin a; n Kwaase its it40 pwure uaoo J e:_Iigilde rcucss"aahle crier-gy Ivskituves by :at lealst an .:aclalnitaarral -1--2 per( u� t o raataail s,tks per year so that 0 percent ent iii its retail saW tam pravureal Amn choble w0cGur hie cua°tzy rescaurces no latter th aa) Dc-ce°uiher 3 1, -10 1?,-10pert"t>rft q( its re rail stdel° are lrrttctar<'1l jh"n e'dth`de rc'r11'ti'ttd'lc` c'rft'rf,,v 71:'smrtxv no dtrter than 1h'f-'1'rnher 31. 2011 tout 0 1wreywt #Us d'e"h l sake alre' prt>uftmi 1r n t tf,;`rdrde= ivniTit'1r dt c m f,t,' mv enno tit) Ftdte`r duln /),wither 31. 2025, .%--retitil seller, with lr:ttt}.....�1t iT+Itz #`ti'1"it`*xe':ilk-c'ttt'f�'r-t=�'�t-+#ftxa� it# i"#1-3-y4—i'�it;-^+1#rill-i}istt"--lac`-!t'tiltaiis'c�-if4--ilh`�=�`i�t'it'--ftti (`bi��1:3"c'i?t`3t4 ti�F trtl�§%�.t �t't1e�4-4-it'S<�Ftf�e-....a�i...t 1L 1r�r +=rtt34�-�rc�rtr; Q Nr purpcoes of wetOng annual 1wocuremettt twycts. Ne commission shall establish an z % rsion I (res'asecl) initial baseline it#r etch retail sc Her bawd on die a tud 1,anwittge of retail s r{es pry>curck3 from eligibly renewable energy wources in '' HU, and us die extcrfit applicable, adjusted xg'(sing torw and lraarsutattt it) Section : 99) 12, (3) (My A puiptyws of cq*HMWW Me targets. die conanaission sh;:kll include Ball cb trinity= Ad ttr rcraail custorner, by the Mpartnaerrt 4 VQter fie +#tn'ce fwursuinit to Section 0100 of lite \Viter (,'crefe in the caalauLition of retail sales hs A ;4 ail sclte'r is rvttWnvl to cmqvt A bilrtwial jtlk.y a- rrlcr'tMa' geraerrrayl by cligilrle srvlwck able energy rcsources that an, has dreary or equal Its A, runubi IrrkwA cstralAMl pursuant to subdivision (ch e=-tt=ept that ca nod/ selk- is nor obligated to accept tr bilateral o i=r. ,Aw any wwr in mkic h the road seller has procured sufficient ient reat7eak able encr� gv r-esoure-c to Melt its annual target established pursuant to this subdivision, lt��l�i�-��ettt-tfrt+t � rte,#+l-ill r tsa}f':-itl I}1�4�="t31'-'�}t�ii#tli9 t'Itrl?lt' r�ticY#�itl"�Ic' t*31t'h':Y1m•#'t"tit>;krt't'*r t#1-ei �i�r�t} ir�itt=-EE?-#i-it't?a i13}�-zst?ti#ir`t} iia#trtr#tip:,#:t..f.4tt...E..� t # el t=t#i asl t-lr+rr;;�i ,la#1,44i ltvi-f-t#r waf#.t...{4 (c) The Energy t:°onunia'sion "#tnt}'44sica)slaall delerrrrine l>s' ca rule-rrtukirt,a; proceeding tatbli41tt.,,t}let lteticlo6j,.y4f-#-{lete3-###itsl t I I e rtttarket price of cicctricity for terms to the l riLmh tit contracts w1h chol-sle mewabic energy rc.,.ks aces, and tlw Inetl,odolr gi, /'v rrratkhkg Au thicrudruairrrr that considers in o>#Odm fiat}w+ithc: 641owirip t l k Ile lonsg-to°rin nt4aikc t price of ck,ctr arty icer fixed pice contraac°ts, dcterrinnal pursw-mt to mi "aid Mr� genual prt"tavernew ac;Ritics :tti auth(wized by the inominission. N'irsitrri 1 1 m ised i (2) "lire lurrg-tit,rrr trwIrcrt-,hip, operating. and Rxeciupi-iii tttE.l ow ;r.•,«E:iawd csAh tai N- price electricity fr£+rtr new gencrating, tarcalitii�, A `f'1rEs trrltir of Elilt'erirat pre>clrre-t irtcfrtElitr4 bt�tlti,tcl, [VAU11 , <rrrcf arS-a�cril.thle #.lecu-icitt'. (4) N"artIred ? as piI4 v JCrrt'e-aus Au a1 -e collsr'.sterlt Ivitdl"f`ear-cert+ts tcwcd /rack I.00rlrevr1011 taf other ra'stattrc a ,;+, including ioa din gat -der- r SoAtte, `A, (5) The vtrdlte and A'rlrlfit.i of r"t'Ite#t"tIbIt' j,(,Ar+Io t"A'. Pllcheiiaing but Tiff linlifed it, efwdt ing t`iadree IV fiinfit;m Mitt S.Sdrm i"ittb("tt nvI . (f) ldre vclNe and dreIle'tlts o/ dr<t.srdrrEied �;ert<r"ettirrrl. (C�,} A re#tris Wei, sdtrrdd trr,t he requiml to cuter inui knit, -town mttrert'ts Ah trdie,rea "m If edt, Mk, rtite},=t°i h, etrt>rWy r"escmr-t-es that <Fxceeil by Ittt,ly thrall 10 pe>lveltf the market iwice.v e•stetd>dirrdw,.d pursuant to subdivi+"ioll tf�f,f+�r' e'dc'e-trrr-ity delivered on ol, fri i,lv .1clrllial"' 7, 20, O, Aa c'rwtrrlichon sdtcadd etdhm, et rc°terid se'lfeat- to dirrrit its tarsrlrttad }ar-mrrernmr crbdig utheli rte the, %7€rerrrtrrsKaf chgible ?-clu'lttdMe ('11t t ` f['SYrlifve td a d"till Ito Attic than j0perf-i'111 01,,1, tdie rraclrket Price c,,twbGt.+lrt'd pia'>Suant to subdivision Im huhr-tv Iwo titaite'II ail m ttlt Me, d71¢Itl2tue i C*tIi;rd e ryrlt'i4,11tI' e r`1tZi-'I,} i't,kmfrtti by I imsid 3E'Hm bhkuhng Yf?IhiihTiFu erre, t"'dda't`,f es. Aide of t.te:C`v% t'ITeq1°, d+`e'Yf.'et ed '.;etlet'erthm ]tom existing I-csolln't`V, ol, tr-tll?Amisiion t+trgrratdes, Itrc r-ec°er-crab/c ill rate's, as elrithori-ed lel tires' conlrrti,s°,sioll. trtr.r l�ri�f�t`ic �M _�tr�rriar}rt-f--i�-- �t��4r� t�i�}r--�-r-�#x}--�-trr-�>rf� €rrrtrr�t�f_•„t,,. �li�+#�}r- +�r��;�t�fr-�trri �t,. § di x cki k4t -: t-IttIrrti:'i:}�rT,wi lit m 21 Ver'ioll I irevv' d) ... t*I�#a ° I ttt cY :tl €I trtt lr : I: t ctt� €+f tic ttf:I4 It €€€tici ltavt...I)t—to-o44e tti if €t#sati- `it' --#-:�;...m-t €�€€� t--�t€t�-Int€.....��I-Its_.�.I��....�°t€tt�t{ta•�}#�t�-R+tt€I..a�r�-��I--tI€t€�t�lt-�t ���€€tII�-�€}E��=tE�zt#,.,€,..��ttf,�►<t€€i-��-�t-��sr�tt��t€t�.€-€�-=�€€Ili-a=��,+t�€� �€I} txl=H�=�t��t}..z+��, i=l t- tf a "--eo't f --+i , t Cc t L ir• �'t1 't 3£` ktttt`4; f-'34-1 1:...th ell -fl## �-t€# €t�a��a I-I�ti�f�I-c t �€ I� yrr€�t4.,,�...�€� i ttt��#�.-I3s��€€ t€ F�€ ►tt�- �{ �- � #� �#t��ttt� #�a�, 3k:..�It � € I�I�...€"�t��+�:€tI�I tvftft?.a.._€ UIOURlell-'thatt-,a11_..}�e....pf—oolfed 4 of `irsictn 1 (rlrviset to ��;tt,...t �t....��,l�:t---E�t�� ti�}t-t�t}�- v i �4�t�}t�t�tl;,`--arc}t ���}�t�4--i }}�}4 � i 1w,.....4�11�,->atz-r►�tt����;#.-.,;i�,ti�.... }:,�z 44lie, ej icJ `l -hu establiArlwltt of a rcnem lks lumfolm gimdari:l shall mm cc:«n itm irnpknienu tion by the c°ortltttis km 4 the Wend llhhc• Bility Rq'LdaalOry Policic, Act of 1978 i) The 1-,no� �. C'onunis.yir4rr E<.attltati 4i }}-sll`all Consult with the 1 €eil�-4-(4+fii... r-rarrttrtrkshm in c°alcutating market pricks umkr sulichvision tcl, arta Re liar°r,c;4 (.,z+nrrnri.4ihm ,arid Ou crFr mansion Shall (Wrt.mh " € h e•caA "Main eNtablishixt9 f let' renewables portfolio Standard Iudiciev SFA: 11. Scuion I WH of Me Public L,rtillticAs We is amended to read as follows: I ( t f . 1 �u"n as c43h am is€° ptwt°ided bi t1irkhm 15 (z_'otnrraencing with .`4'tction 25(00) r41� Mv J'rrPWc Rr"mr s OW Wo r iilrct id cc4r ouition wlttasc railroad is oNrmed prinizAly by cicc,trid v rgy' strcet railroad corporation. gas cc,r14+4rtltiaxn, electrical zor}4oe.atic4tr, tclerta}>It corporaltion, tc4lc'pllojw Corporation, waiter corporatism or wwcr gmem c+_4p7ratkm stroll begirt the cc+rt tall tis In ol' a street railroat(L or (4a lim plaint to systen}, tw cif any crtcnwkm tlumor, "`ttltte fl mstig first oNatn"i from the c`(itunisshm .t wcrttfICaW that the J)"CScnt Of trttnrc. l)trblic tilnb"t'ttiowe ;.brei necessity ri gtdre or "ill wcltttrc `Sm ll t'irntitrttc ttt)il. This Markle shall tit"tt lie: cotstrued to [ ,`(putt' afl'V SLICll i WJ)ttralion ro `.ccurc such certificate ficate for tett extension "ithin any city or chy and connity kvithin which it has tlicretoforL km fully- corlintctrcetl cycra 4mis. or Gw an emerisie�4tl .into tenittay Wer within or "itltom a city° tlr t'hy and cmn}t i c nNgtrrws to its street railroad, or litre, plant, or :�ystt'm, and not theretofore +;xt'rti'ed by a plibil, wHity til like ch<lrucl r, tar A all C`.yti'n,,,n it within or to territory akeaady NOW by It. IW:Ct'SM3 ill the. tlrclinaaq conve of its; business. U any }uhhc uuhq, in constmchn;g Orion I tr ke i or cxtending its lira:, plaant, or system, interferes or is aahout tta intert'ere with tlr€ olvrarthm of the line, f4ant, or syslan of any odwr public utility or of the esa►ter sGstcrn crfas public: agency. alreaadv constructed, the c,c>n1r1' bion. c?n cmnNWM 4 the 141bllc utility Of l).ahlia: aleIICti t'lairtnnj to he injuriously aalltcwd. nmy, after hearing. rr'a«ake such cutler and prescrihe suds tenv%,and c<>ncliibms tilt the 1cwaa km all Me lines, 111auats, or ars to it r11as seen just ,and reasonable, SEC 12. Section 25 UP of Me PO4L Resraurces Cite is atnwiWccd tc> mad as 1s0:sm. 25107, '°I.Alectric traan.nlis`im line" nwaun any electric po" erline caarryirawt electric: flo,ecr Iwarn as thermal poweiptaznt to €€War°trtci c"ic'ein energypiarnt localtcd within the state to ar lrcrint caf "junethon v ith any intererannemed traanstnrsdon syNtc111. "f lectric traammnission lirlc°" dares not include any repluement on Me existing site of existing electric powrerlines with electric porgy dines c Wtimlent to such existing electric powa'lines or the lllaaccnlc.rlt of nese; or additional c inductor" `tr1sul<ators, or accessories rvlaawd to such vleetric fao"e lines crn supporting structure,, in cxistcncc on Hie eWive date of this t3ixis on or certified pin'sua nt to dais di, -kion SIX 13. `section 251111 of the 1'nhlac i(escrrrrces (Axle in micruied ta) read ;as full 1ws: 251 °laarcility" means any electric traansrnis-;ion lime°� fan\erlrl.aart, or polar and ( leaert energy plant, or 1)r1111 electric trtausinission fisc: and thc:rniaal powerplant or .tiol ar and r'h"on energy plant, and c�rtcrr.,ion.r, lnodi%ta'eations, upgrades rrtemsting vico, rric:• frerrtslnis.tiion line's! rclpdaated 'iBIXOI'din,- to the provisions oftlris division, ` E(7 14. Section 25 137 of'the. l'uhli Resources Code is added to read as folk w,: 251.7 "Whir mul e laan t'no Y 1"+laua— tnc°erns tera1" c'livirical rletwrnlln,a; Jet(ia q is r te. in trot", m4ar Iris< zcaa r ltza c , solar tlrr�rrraari. bic�r� cos, Itt'cat,�ia's, gt r tla, rrrr,il, lire l celb, nsirr re'{re'aS'�rlrlt' jitt'hS, 11dg"t(r 4;r:in mmnre`lmlsohd ri'iw r`ztrta`t'r,1'hun Ictn odl put (rt'C` m iSY[i" % mv an tlrc onatl, or treicrt t`i iTtwi 111"it)1rATlc`i W a t;t'litxrt7lttlg t'ntira7tij zti`A) 1ne",#;Ltouns to nrlrrt', or 2N1 Version 1 t re v iwd i small fryalnwlecalc genercathmi gf30 trrr°,a;crrt°cath ,w hyx tarsal tanY 6010h,s talWtca'tr°au a <f:c°rr= lsxl>l(rr'cttcrr afeve'lopinom aars(I prttrlsre'ta m taKI rtwOru°e e rn amtiri`:t.4hm lim s. carr;/ t>tlt,7 wltrt it tftc'iihho tang ira evnnt°C'l on nth a rettt`rruble pn je;'t or Ca reatevably develolnrew lw(1jivt t= rtrrl the ptrrhw,ws (� ibis clivisiom `t��(' 1�. �c=ctiart 'S5{}� ttl alae l'trblie i'Ccscsurces (�'cacle i., ar trcrrcla�cl tta r`eaat:l �€� la�llcy�vs: 2' 1C. l: nh perstm pa`capc) bg to, colotrnct athermaal pwx'erplaant, 'whir and (Iccall owt;t'y ltx(ant, or vlectric: aratnoraussivin hale cm at sic ball sulmnit w the cimarriaNVon as twice of intenta4)n to file an aapplicaat€rut 1W he cenilk€tlon Q the sic and iMatecl KUL tit' NwiiWo. 'Me nmic steal{ be an attempt pritt wily° to determine the vubutbility (A be prtapt. wd si€e, h) aaccttn nudate the faacilities mul tc) cleterrtaine the general undivn i€y of the prc)powd sites anti related facilities with stare€1.arcl.s of We ctat7aata6:, crta and assessunents of need <acltrlyt d purst ant to Section, ?5 t15 to 25308, inclusive, The notRe ala=tll he in the Rani prescribed by the commission and shall 1}e supe},n-tcd by Such infcar-naat;t)ra as the t: �t,atasrais,itxaa stt<t� rirclttire, nN site and related hwiliq tancc tt)und to lie acceptable pursuant ta: Se,:tion 3510 i,. and shall catrrtbue to be, dizihle hor consiclenakin in last application for ccrtific anon kt ifliotst further Inoceedings rctlnireti h* as noVe under his chapter. SIT (y., Section 25517 ofthe Public lac}sOLUCCs (:tack° is ar)Wsatlecl tta a-c.ati ar,, ft}ll iti S: 25517. Except aa, prrwiclecl in Section 25501, nt, ctnot ruction of any hernial po erpLint. Solar tarsal t:lcFtrtr cner'g}°lglann ore! ectric tr<ansnai"Am IWe, sluff he c ornmencecl by stay elc.�ctric aatility a� hhotat first tabta n inn certification .as prescribed in this clix isit)sa. ;\ny cdnsite iatapro) c unents neat q=HQ Ng a, c_ tw1wctia'tta tra;as he r"lttimd to be rawd as clewrtn&cd by the ct:arra ni5sion to he r1t;cegsakq t() I??(Ae t the envin snlixin, it certificackm i% dunicd. SE17 It Sectutas 255,212 of the Publik kcsonrcc,, C_'(;ycic is ataicrtded to fcad as fi>I{cast 25521 W) Except as provided ill Subdivision aci of Secti m 2552(Y5 roul `+h'l ni 15 Vershm I (revised) 25550within Ifs n`ronths of the filing of an a pplic°aatic n for c: rtificatinm or whhin l? naonths, Iit i4 filed w idih one yov arf the c.: cnmilissictrt`s altl,t.ew A of (Ire notice of intent, or at any later We as is intrtat Illy agreed by the commission arnd the aftphcatnt, the conte lesion shall issrle a wrillcn decision as to the application, T'i'I°he cornnAssion shall determine, rkitltin 45 elates afterit recej� es tltc application, ti tae titer the altltliratitrra is et3n3jtic.it. lf'the commission determines that the application is compictc,. (lie application shall be clunwd tiled Gn pttrlat}yes 4 this 4c°akm on the date Chart this determination i4 tnaacle, if the corms€ission det€:nnines that the a ppliv;ttm is i€tce rnple.te, tate cornttaissie n shard specify in "ruing ttt we pans of Te ar"lie~atbn mW €.rte; Ac=rr plete and shall indicate the manner in hicla h 4a€t he male cconrlxlete. If the arlrincca m MAN aaddithwal data to ce:nuple.te dte application, the conimission shall determine, within 30 days after receipt of that data, wlic^ther the data is sul`licient to make the aappliwqu4m contltle•te, The a pliotiou shall he deeenwd fikd mi Clic dame %Jwn the c,: untissic?n doerrnines the a€IT1WmAm is cornplet€° if We c or€naaiss ren has adopted regctla lions sjpc.c if'y n x dIc informational tequirernlems AW a crrtuplete applic.tthm. but if Ow c ttntrttissWit ha,, not a.cieywd rcgula€tions, the aplAicathm AT he deemed filed erri die last Harte: €fw oumidssitmi iccekrN my a€aleinkn aal data dun ce nipletes Ow arl phcaatkm SEC M Sc0ion 25531 cif the Public lie°,r;t€rces Code is amended to read "i's follows: 2553L 0) TIw clec•isitms of the. conarnk ion of any atppicMW fttr ceaifkaaiion of a sitc and related facility are subject to judicial review by the:. Supreme Court of California, r;ht No new or a€alclitscrstaii WBence may lie intrimiuced iiis rt revie" and the cause shall N, heard on the record of the ciytttntisskin as certified to by it. The review �,haall not he extended further than to determine wheiRr the: c` n nn`ri"On has regulady punned its ;,trtl':crrit� hwhtcling at detcrinuunion of Mrether the ordc°r or elecKkm umta r revive violates any right ofthe pelit€on r undc.r the United States (:onstitt€tion or the California C'onwlittrttatn, The frndin's and VC1 ioat 1 trc ised) conclusicsaas o1' Me onttrtti4shn on i.itt;5lkms (W fact am bud and a€€'t' € of subject to re ictiti, except. is prtcviclecl in ifus artMe. "Hese clue.ti ma of fact shall itaclucle ttltitttate facts aust,d the findings and d ccattclus€ m% ti the commnis„ ion, A repots prepawd by. or an appawarl of, the corattttissiott pursu;crtt co Section 255K 25514. 25516, or 255115. or subdivision iha of Section 2551A Ad! not c n stitute a decisicttt td the ccaniniissiota .subject to judichl review. tct slbhject to they rigN it luclicial review of clecisic:wats of the comrn6simh arta court in this 'Matte Etats tttrl° ict on to hem or determine any case', or controversy concerning an) matter which Nas. or eotricl h;ive been, dclertstiued in :a ltr<accctclitag befccre the c.°ottstaussiota, m tcw stop esr dclay the cottstruction or oper4inon of any tlterrami fttatix°eg hart or w hu and ream zwomy pkmz except to enforce cottipliance twWh the: prcavisuwtax of <a deci.ahm of tate cottattskAtt. (d) t4otwxithstatn Brag Section 12511-170 of tate (`ode of (,'ivil t r eedurc: c 1 ) if the cotunissimi rrclttires. pursuam (fw suhdi kion ta7 of Sec°krn 25525, as <a condition of cenVicathm of .an trite and related facility% that the 4 pplkwn acquire de%elcspmeut riaght5. that reciuirentctst Concici:sRelti cmulAs ws the matters refei,red to in Sectiow, 1240.030 and I24222f) of the <:`ode? crf (AH Prcw edure in any eutiucnt domain prtrcectliug br+moa 11 IS tippficactt to acciacice tyre; tlevelc>patseut rinfhts, Q 1f the cotttattiykm certifies .sats' site and related facility, that certification conc:luAvely estathh-Ales the matters rcf reed to in ticctions 1240.030 and 12 1().220 c11 the Code of Civil Pavedum V an., cram€sent dtanaain proc°cecling hnmght to acquire the site and ael:ated facility (,e) ;'swtr decision of the commission pursaaasnt tca Sectiota 25516, 25522, or 25523 shall be found 1,o uaamd ate at Sp cit'ic nupoy plant tint' any utility as prolsAited by Ss cdon 25323, SEC 19. Se °tivin 255,111.6 of the Public fkew wurces ("ode is aaniendecl to react as follows'. 255Tt.fs. (at l~c>withmaanding any cat wr Eannision of law, no notice o intention is recittia LL wid the ca7ntrtst:,0wti shall Que its bud decision rats t1w application, as spccificd its 27 version I frevisvdi Section 25523, MW 12 nxinths, after the til xa ofthe application for certification of the poweWim and related fzicility or facilities. car at any later time as is mutually agreed by the co'nuuMpn am! the applicant, for ativ ol'ific following: f 1) A thermal powplant Mch will ernpOy cngcnwa6ou teclAndogy, a thcrntal powerplant that will emph", natural 1"IAM&OV (W a wdto, tun/ Jim tn"WyphPam&f, 12) A modification of an existing facility, 0) Ai thermal poweilAant. or,iohu- and clealf "Inch it is only technologically of ccolionlicaltv feasible to site at or near the Cnera.'v SOUIVe, (4") A thermal powerplant �� ith a generating capacity of up bi IN) nwgawatts, (5) A dwrinal po"vrplant or soku- taid Own tw"Xy phmi ckwipwd to tlewlty m- detrionstrate Icclimlyies, which have m IwAimly been built or opowal on a corunwruhl scale. Such a reyearch, developnient, Or ('Offlrnel'Ciill demonstration project naafi;' includcbut is rxq AM h% the taws" of rrm:%shk tw alrumakne fuck. Apri, o,-cwei its in energy conversion efficiency (w We case of advauced poHmkm comA symemy Such a AdTy tarry wA exual MO niegawatt" unless we an"MRAMW 11i' a110106/0�, a greater capacitySection 25524 elates not apply to such a powrlAalu, alld related facility or I'a"'flities, Q 14jects exempted from 111C 110tiLV Ofinto 116011 pUrSI(EII)t 10 J%Ira�-UO I'll I I 141 or Mol'sutshviViun (a) shall inulmle, in the :qjOcakni A ceniAmitm. as (hwundon of the qllicam's she selection criteria, any ahnnative sites deal (lie applicant cow�idered for the prqject, and the reamms achy dw al orcam chase We pnquacd site. 11at disubvimi Aall ma be required t'01' project,, at exkfing indw;trial sites, Dw corllnus�ion ula; ' ako accept an qylkathm Or a wnwyenwation pioject at ;in existinp, iuduwtrial site v6thout requiring a 8 A rsiori 1 t reg isctl l discelssion of site alternatives if' tlie conlinksion finds drat talc pr( jc°4t has a strong rclartiritlship to Ow cxismg irrcitlstriarl she and that it is themkirc ralsonahle not to aual17c ahem. b e tiles for talc: fir's"yjm SEC 20, Section 25541 of the: f1blic Reserumes ('€rc u is amended tri read as brifows: 2554 L Ile cutrtrltission nmy cxerrrpt tra€r'i this chapter thermal p wcrplants with a generating caparc:tty of up tai IN) trrc'gEit1ans. mki rnodificatlon., to existing ��I7ci"Lr[lri `. facilities Mat do not add cafnrch in exam cit IN) rrremaw rats, rattrl -color mui fle=a e=rle"rp'p! uav, if die ccinr€rlrssr in finds that rrri strlrsturrtial argil%vrse rnrpaa on do envircmincrlt or erlt'Ip, resourcc,, %kill result lt+:rrtr the ccrnstrU titin or capem6on of the propeisccf Alkity or f'i'rirrr the intAit catix,ns. SEU 2L SeWon � 5541 A cif the Public 1te° oumes ('4"icle is anrerrclecl to read as f +llkms: 25 4 L 1 It is the intent of the { i .frrtt t 1'cir, rJe to encourage the elcscleclarilclrt of' thermal pov,'erplaillsrit`,SrOrand clean ('fas'7lyl1nals using rG°;OUIVC reCOVC:ry {li(rstC t+� erlCCg�'l Imlrnail4itnry. W knish err.rcwd irwentives for tire production of electrical eneru fr{�rrr it, rri1oss l fuets in cmunercially se:ntlecl p ajects have f`ntiNd to produce the cfcsired rc,nhs. At the acme thm. the slate facts nr finkl m in the tirrrt `rrsrttt'nerrt tll safe clispi"Isal of it's solid . astc. The cre,-(ion of electrr,:hy° by a therriml 17owerpLint or stlhl " and clean cncrgy playll using resource rc ce;Fmy technology adcLosse.s hath problems by doing, all of the lcillo inn: (a) Gwrierating electr ic'ity Ercall a norifossil l rcl 4 an roof% grciwkg supply, (h) Conserving t l€rndfill space. thus recirrcirig vote clispcisal coos. tci AvAding t1w With hazards cif fiurtirny garrh, geh;. Futtllcrrririre, dee elispnwm cif re4ciurce: tt'co%ery facilities crwao rww c+}wtrercthm jolts, as =11 as mmire;} operating la:+hs, in tilt: cc>nrnluInties in which they' are lcrctrled, 2 Amon 1 (E"tixOW SW21 Seat% 255415 £ifs tfaa: PdTc Ri'm:+ltwes (`calk. is W.tctti w t'c' d as Alla>= 25542.1 The Ener ,+e C'errnntis;sirrri ,shalt, on tan tirtrnud twists, publish as r£ pon that i&wlyles and tlr=.rynalt=s" Solar and Will Ew"yAmey bi Me sha e t (ialo,rwhi znmd on a£'t�, r"artrltic tartars id£*rrNic>cl by the Energy Connrtission's Public Interest ivtirr"s r Research l'rw gr' un as Jt£rwtaglxrlmtkd pw Stwir tinct t'l lin enc>igy rynr+trr`crs' SEC ?_3. Secdmi 55% c,f` dw PutA& Resi ii vn CAKk f ad&d tai rvM a% ic,ffo : 75550,itk.�='�t)I}i-"411t 5'1C3tttldJi,€; ,�"z{f?t�f i't .ti i€�li t(�� (�.�C't'tiPlrf �.`�.`� J�. ti3if#�:t? z.wthut 255116 A £"tvrninlsAni shall e'stf bbsir a31tt'na aPs4' to Nut, WHO t,t'r'tr,td£' uion Aw iari4" vok a' nttt ctt'tin energy y lnant aita St"atliin Six Months gf1cr` the fii nt of rn£' a=�rl)tfiY,tia'rr jtrr" C't'r'ttltctitln that, on i t , basin clan anitiad r£'t'h,w, shows that then, is 0sttinAd a'ildencr that the lind£fit mill not £'terse a signo7cant adverse iniptact t+n tilt' £'rtvirarnrni'nt or electrical trfari+ntissi£rrl tied distribution astc'rn wind will t atntlrly ss°itlt tail tapi"dicabic sttarrcittr£fs, r+ntinnowess, ''�� � y''"7') +'+r'° tlil's, I'ttr'Iiftrla€r5£',1" €rl 11ff,1 ,ti£�i`ti€rti, ,ltttns; has tilt`-4Lanc'rJtt'i�iltt7t;�' (;,v in Section . tlrl Srrlaar cantl ch tet& cnt't,S;tP I£iftrus atrial 1' t"ittti`tl,laaf`71110 ri'l'icwo"i ander tilt "It'lice,1'S shall stt,is!), di€' requir"£°meets +t .A't'tttrrt t"t`quirt d by [hc s (trnnnissum lis° n: �;tditti£:in, bu tulinsl teat' try6 nnff kir rt�alasircal�l3r Ire rlttittiitl' hs° on Ir ttw al, staaw tinct i£>, iattf d tier°rti, r dtftt would loan pubdia_•tion rrs°t>r rt,t';.+rt l�r�_sc tl siatrr rrrtft t'ii'aan ent rg') plt'int anti reltated liwilitics trot ffn` the €r_lt'tnslti' 1'irr"isati£"titrrt apt the t'ratrrrtris's°ifrnueit On, iia/ilrinatirsrt by c ach J"dcral agency Owl hat llristtit titin two- titan Irrtrtond mdtir land clt u t'nc=qy Nam ami wlrrhq f wHitim, t a°1 :11Wr" tica't` rance ; y`,in ill+l:?` is a1wn under thi i section, the t t+nzinis,,u n diattl not he 1t`001W tt) t.sw a s3.i"-r ftk 1h ttntd ds° hitnt "it Me a I jAcaf6ml oil thqui'n;ines then, is 3uhshinitful c°l>itl<wee in On, r°c' yni dual 'tri• sul£ir and c'ltwn en", lrltina and i ell fait tafr_aint's will likclY resialt 101 at signtticaw aadver w blip ael on the ens il'OlIrnCnt or txtt't'tt"ta'til s+`sla'In tar dfx','s not (litnl.dl' V shm I twhedi wall w: applic'abje siattcb"d rrrcliraearw rw hm l.'mh,r this c1rtionstance. the cyrrt nikshvi ahall make its cWshm itt twi,relauvi, Nth sWWs'iWr fiat ofT`t`t on 25522 and Section 25540.0. and a nt'ss. application shall rare" be r6iararOL tiff For tart application that the c°orrarrtisSicrrt trt°Ceepis "antler this section, till larval, re:lhwal, arrci state ageracie,s that wreialtl Ow haal,f rrrisalic•thm ether the prrtiarurd scalar ami c hwn evert;), plant and relateri,j acilities, hatferr the (TMe t't}taarrri.+sictra, shalllrrrtL1h, theirfinal r, onaaaerats. determinations, or opviie,rasWithin Ittpt clays Iffier the,filirai, ofthe appliecaic,rr. I`he regimud wm clttetlits' cFrat nd l'eseuds, ens es'trab'islrc='dInirinatit to t'irapi r 4 (t°emttrrta tta-Mg "Ah Se'eArn 13?t:}tit of I)ts'ashm 7 of the Riter C`eErle=, sltciil r-e>tcrirt jii-isrlieiisrrr over arts° alrlalicable wa ier rlraalitr standard that is incorporated into arry,jinal certif ciaiwt issncd IM)"s' tailt to this chapter. tt>> ,1lelrlicants ofsolar aacl clean t'tto s' lrlarats and rchnetl facilitie>s that rlerraons'tratt, s'triu"Or c°ttt`irrznrr ental e'er eflic"iesruy yjrkr°rrrtdruy shall rc'e'e:'it`c'iarie?r-, in rc°s'iov. Ch 1 aft wspea N, a scrlaAr tauj i0vi c'ne ? s` helot"" ar€cl r'esktiA Under than prr,at css e' 14a1 its12e'el h1v this 3t'e7ta v at sha U be sha "wi that the airlArearat has a t"a7ratraact i th it E oweivi 4�`ik7atrf.L; or and has i,wnttaar_`t J lilt an wit,quaite Shcr€plY oll's illtYl labor to C'on8it'(tt t, operate, and inaaintain the plant. (fir? lVith respect to a solar artel Min errtr, l y Qat and talc ird Ji t ililies reAn"I rack r the Ivimins f ateahlishe d by Mis ,td` Arn, at shall be Own that the srdar tat/ y"ea"r twtw, ,'}' 1 hnit and cinnialies x;' h all regulations adopted 1q, then t°at nnii,esia+ra that ewrare that e an rririaliczrtVn a� ££lt"6'_>. t, cla',irr'a,+poi'tiMitilt' ifnIhicis in ca mararlt'r f'onsistera 4ti ith Seciion 65040, 12 rtf-'the t..rowrtinicfat t"odc, V'cr ion l (revised) ) (11) 77cr's section shall not apply to ala applicationfiled r+-ith III(' l r,rrtrrtissirrta rola or l tjore January 1, 4009, (A 70 allalJo£'rTtew thts" set`sul, Elft` €'+Jtru'raas4um mai` cathyn e'`r elle"�` I'tatiatar>ra.S ala ac or'ridmc(,,' itith C'healpier,i 5 a('t;tralratfrac`tra,s; ssith Sect on 11340( rpt P art 2 trf 1.>ivi ioli � i!I' %illi, 2 of the Gt31liwntou Qtich. 1°rprl"tarlPtw" Qf tliW ('tttallte"r, lru"laOW pt"tthr.pddt h`rllatatterra, Won 11.4416 of Me (I(nwrrarrtou CAN, tilt' tallrrtttion of the regulations shall he in. III, 11 tt`�r,�`,= �lrr,irai, trxatis t> Law rr) be raoct".mtrlfi,rr the iatarr edir n,preser ration offlic public pe ac z*, health, stately, and gclt ,rat g�c�i'fare�� (i? AH s(rtcar and c=hwn oleoUpWa w0thq a•twij'kinion ;rpt inu arat to liars sectrui shall all be cc,usielered a Iraalrtic s"rrls,rrrttjeli sulye'c't to theprovisions t,t`�.'ktialrier 1 (c'trrrarraerac-ing u*17 Sec lion 1 X720) tlf l'art " ol'Pivisivu ? rrf ile lAlrtrr (`r, h% and tilt, 1)elrarinie 7t rq'indlisu*11 Is' ha buss ,ball 1`laiy the same andwrite° cartel resherrtsihr'lity re) enfilrcce those llrovisitslts as it la f s tctarie r tt'r€ I"hv ("ap ,, SIX 21 C"laasp r 60 (4 [_}is,Yni 15 of 10 I':ablic Roou cct`c de is ate (led to re: icl as t',,liOWS: 255W4 No elle t`tr° e al vorlp(rrt don as elcfural in "S'<t°don 218 of Mei 1'ulrO thditk.s t `crele shtall begin the (wrastraartrrllt of a lrczrisrraisshnn We or t,f m,v tutertsirrra, ounl(Miathm, or aal gnuh, O'r(`y Wban hd.4'tr;,9 bit rtiataa uvi t onf Me nC1rt2rtla,nion a {'e`rtat!(Aw that Mc hrt'.4erat lar nature lraalrlac t tprta c'ltrc'1lf'C at?it rac't i',iS'dtC require or s,'rll rd quirt' A'uch construction. 7% ('%llpe'r shall not be CtprtStraied to ivquor ally Awl tYl polZ1it m io ,5 ytire mu,h c°e'rtafipwoA ran c°.tte mi`ort Wlrirt eap, City or €'it}=tand colfntti, within which it has theret( fare tts'M(tat!'t1" t°f �;r?lift"!ad"c`t<(>fletrtitidllr fprBr flit t'. cldAhm alta, tt'r'J*"ri" WT t4'(tltlla or i4 h&Jilt a ritY 01" MY ; M1 '',}.slant c. ua"vatius h, is rinuismi ion prat' (r.S's:oon, am/ to q the'rt`tlrta?r.v fi`il" d bra public if:dli t rpi Hh.c thrartult 0 Ell ,fail in t'_ua"ra> hal "khaat or to tt'rl'rt ny alri;ratlt`,4erYt`#.l by 3t, 32 vcr*ic°,fn l (revisccii rets€~'Ofzhy in tilt, tcrclincrrs twurs€> of its busilws, , Il rrrry,rrrahtic aatihq% in €-rrra. inacWny or memhn,g hs /he or Sl'. u7n. lPllegLres or is about to inicrteri, i4 ith the operation cal the= line of- s4`s7ent (Jam other pudic utility trr cf ift, iritic r pota rat tri at jrrrlsltr- zrgcxtrry, trlr-€ ittv aw€t2,rtrttchul. Me t•trrltrltlssitrn, rm c mnlrluiait of the puhlit- utiliiy Or public agene V claimins, to he inf urinrislY ii/kc iccl, may, t ft€=r hcarin,q, and in consultation with the Public Utilities Commission nude such tarot°r-unellare,wribe such terms ctncl conditicanspr Me l€wcithm €f the lirteror stvvl =trig th e€'Ic° l wt Io it n i ' seeln just allcl i€'at�tittr lfilE'. 25,501, tta! The i omntission sltitll exempt tilt' tinistruc°tiean of 111=v line air _ts'stent, rrr extemr ion thz; re of lractatecl artnshle° the Baron€learity of Me smu, Von Me nWuira°rmwo cy0h an 2.560, iput the rzlalaticwthut €y`de laulali£• ut m1v rwnstraa£'tint; tlz£rt Iz w or-S� llcm w Ow""mil thc. reel; if the public litilitY 15 percent or More frf it.s £rennins; reVenues f rrrru cnusi€lc the statc, ta,s rec orch"I in that ft,wcal periarft ilnndetliutel�v bt lorc they filing c�iJ`tlle €tial€/is atifur, unless the 4yunnuss°i m cPtic>nnines that Mepiddili' intcm•i reti 'rew that the c-tmtrurttfan shoatict not he e,vmpi fi-oin Section 25560, tbj Evc"e'lit cis pro hle,,al in Swinh1'l. hm; (£`, the t"iFntnk.'ian 'hall 77stab the £i#'t€`r7ntttR;thm alera,inl; the (•J(anlition, to spec- fictl in ..ulbtlivi)ion (it), within 90 ficins {e hT lira Irulrlit: utility files the ttpplicaitttln or t'.t`cnilition with Me C"(€Inmis'.4iim If the t`C>rnnttAmi j lik to t}t€de this cicttermina titan within that cit)-tlatt perioi]. Ili(! £:£ans7rltc:tion erf that line ors,'stenl, orr.Oension ther"(1; is c;.vr 1pt lrrnn the requirr.°nients crj'.5ecti€ n 25-500. W Re mmuusshm tuhl the I.mbUr fitrlrtl'_ii/bIq the yt'?ikoui#m n, e'a'f'nrlydm; m[: 4 jimah flgim ¢.emu/ the We Ift'il ki iriMin ithit the t e'rinntasAint as rt`qu& xi hi make Me Nty-nitn€ahm glen in, tlit, a°€r'inpli€Pre, ,fol- rdr,t n,r€re than all aiNitt,rnul 00 flztl ; silti"f' tilt' i"kpiration t tit ' 90-f!aY perifacl slrc ci1lcl s'It sirl3clit i_tiaari iWa 5566 (la r l ire C`#+ratrrrtssi€ L as at basis*pr vrutruin,; eu, (wij join puruutrtt tf, .5Watll1 25500, �ftEall -'rl`e t tzri}dLI�E'1 dtilkTt lay thejoll(on,ilt: Version 1 (revised) ) 251W In f'ftri,vddl'C`i17g an Wy7he`<;CNnIN it =10i#'t1i+' Ar tat elti'ttic trans1}i3.4shm fta< ititvpar.�ii ant to .5t,{ibn 255N; the carrnrrtishn! sdreadl aaltc°rncuAvs n, tri;trisrritssit�rx iat�fiitic°,t dial me ct tltc raee=id ,ftir an (Illiric nt, reliable, and fi fr>rrdeadilc mil ply of eArtric°iy ittahutrrtgs batt not hinifol it), demand-side alternatives sucT as targeml oterg effic-ienc v, itdtrctc°lettrt clic°tri}rate°tt tte�rt rrrti<arr, cav" delined in Section 35,?,2 c!f die Ptiblir V!tilitics (:'i-itd<�. tttte'l+�tl3r- ade�ritairicd r'cfclira�trerrt rc'�sa�tari t°�. 71ic!trio isicins erf tlti�s ,ri< "iran .ciittlri' rar,rt ctlah�s' ter M Ch €- 7`aew trtaa ymhsiain lanai' ra quirt°il to N, t"i an:ctrnC'tt €l, inmlaiac d or ttd�4�ra,le to l)r!)1Th, trim rna Csion trf�m tt tolar and t h'an e ne'rg"', plaid, 25561 Emy cler tit` l e�arr�(trtattUn .Sialrraiatttrd,k an Ltlq itcathm to the onnniAsA in Air" et certtlai'caft, centdiorizing Me nt` v mistrnC`iOn vd etnl' i°le'epk tr°anvnishon lint' or extension, wl stadrjecl tri flit, provisions {ij"f taper 6 (c.crnintc°nchg "rift Secoort 25500), sdacali inchirde all iil'the lhdkwMg rnfrrrrrirathin in the ctlrlrliv alboi ui tathWin to my wher reIuS7l ind`innt titin: lto d'relirainaary engineertns; mulcirt"ign ui(urna<ttii,n on MepIYjwt. Re Mn irtftar`rntattiati 1pli:>'i`1t�t`e�,SlfCftd Irtt`lftati l>r"E'��1rtt?!r:}r;S`+�itt4t 1'x`k;raa°e;�lnf" a`ltt° ellpt t"tiltr7E,` t'}ittrtl�"'tE'r"tJ"fie',i tt� thc tint, or "'ucnsiom idr) 11 Jul jest implonc ilmlion Plan Alririririe; thirst the pnr jcor arc olid irc- 0>111ra,c ttil ,fur rant; <°rrt-qtr nr:°ta cl. Ais Ivan shall show how all im(ji}r Utsks mathl lir iiatr: g t'cthW tmd .cr<ictll tatcWes it linie'tcable:' iaietrtt{Jyin ; telae <lcsic;n, constrnclion, completion, tined operotit_art cdwes Jor e°caelt inti;'or at)rrtlie+nckirt off/1", litre; or fi3Oen:sion, t m:art ia�xltra�firicrte' coni z`. idnam inc° aac�an�q pre iminary estirr wes of the vti..sis rrt financing" " ; € nsir!!E't on, and or tzrair`bol r!l the line or (di It, cortona hin shall ile'inmittriw tliefinctnc ical irpa,-i o frit,' lure or extension cmistrn!`tiian on die <"rrrynaion A refte'd)ta1`e i -m steia'nr older, tarsd frit the out fat fife t'r gwreation 'C i5 Wrion 1 tat ked) 1>t rratwse'r ttal)itrrl. Iffe con €an aln" s shall eYp"the tinenar- e:r�ttra satrrh A =1 Asign tont t"eutstrtae`mfn rntanng-nrt°nl matt t't,tt timirnl pIlia whilt bid t` ars" the contractual and ivorking responsibilities and intt'rrelntiernshills bctww ef"� n the C01 -pe rcatioWs rrt,°Frtra,�;��ra:e'aat rrrara c�tlar�r'rra£rjrrr•lactrtdc�,arrat'r�lwret ira 7lrer�xr-r,�rxt:°t, �Iai���l£rra .�}ttt!! calsca irrc"lttelc+ ea e 1=ratc lum pnwre>ss inlinranabon ss'oun and specitiie' cost controls, 2550 V £ r.w' e'le't'tr cal ce iporertae)n sadhmhhng an aat1die'tation to the t°emmission lett" za a'e'r`irlls tale` irtttirr)rrr,#€.r� the nrwk` construction elan elet.idc ar'iatal'ItZii'=ion line or fTa'tt'dLshm, tt'laat'li is "saahtcct tee the° Ininhi ms (4 Chapter 6 (comine�racing with Section 255110). shaft include in the tapplicta"Ion dw inti+rnatation .stwcifivd in .saWit'i.sions (b), (c). and (et} t}l, Se'a &l n 2 0.1, in ttttetithm ln� eanY oler recl flail hybrrn£rtinn. Ihe c'nrlaarrt hon rrtrrw• a/so include in the application tans e,tlrrrr infin'nualion vpec iflie'ti in ' ceiion 2556-1, (t!)" A ri r;WY e'('0if a"iIt, Dual is Vitt, under this chapit'r' every applii',Ill I %f)r- [2 cel' ilic £,tc' shush lilc in, the iNgh c' Ahe° e"£tannikshn; ca trrojie t e=t)lrs° of, the cap plicanI's £rr'ticles e)t, tra'+�r'l�fsrcatararirx'`thtar"tt'r, bi'e'r"ti fall)lac'£ant?i7J'tat'r'r`trtaeeate�+l:fall�Ilfl`atrtl7t'e71flz'c`f)�tlli` t'011013issiern Such evidi'ne e as is rt'iluareKy, the twunnn s:lae'ra t£, +hvir that the ta13111 c ant has rea:'c'iust the ri`tlaatmd a nsr'nt, ,'r`ratrAt,t£', orpermit i#)N, rrrr'tgwr count4', city and r`c3arna v' e'rtV' e`+r eathe'r lrnlalic eartthor hy. 2556 7, (at) Ihe' commission roan Sw'tth or }!them hearing r,S' ue' the r e,t.ta-f k ate= us rcl evieCtl irrr- or reji c taw a.i42te it. or Z,Y:Aue at or the t'on traetirat+r3 ay'a jurtiA n mfly i'1 t u, ( ontexrn haard e"h`t tragi,' own n kine ttr t'.l`te' whoa there°€)t, or_ ir the h ini al t`.tr is , on1v of the rtc,ht girt 'rrtt`2 iTe, r,'Rut nalayruhlef b, Me mertbe` til the rights grtante`et by Me t"t°rntat gift€' uwh fee- t 1 £a u/ c" ouhturim, bu lu Ung p£ror 5"hms" !gilt` llrt' £at`tlatr 5"tti(rra fel' Re IneNk , trot' -aaml ise or Version l irrviscd) permit and till rights ctcrinired thcreiinder cartel all works a onstrtactc•rl or ancainr aired b1v caudwritY thereof: as in its judgment the l,?nlahc c°tarimnicynce° am/ mace. v1y r£vinIIV; pri� ridud, hot i ever, dull beiore l5.tiuintr or re i1,4'ing U; r.kvie die t`E`rtafti' ue, the t' nnnilSsAw .fir id! hold one or t'ncor£' hearings tAbY'S,'iing any ismtev rt'tt.k`ed in ca tanlel,v tappli ation for° it hearin,ey by 1rny4` IWI'Son entith°rl to 1w hc.,ml, I b; Hien thtr c'onintisshin ismnes it the rt:= tYowraac°t m of art elec�vi , lranxnns. ion line or extension, the £'e`rtllhine shtall tlmhe fy the ejumatlnt; card dist i"iJ nva`Er"Ath v raj°the 11-ansrnissican line, or- extension, including, haat ntrt limited ro, tha� si.-.�, c°capacitr, Cost, cart"] all oduy t htar uierivrirs t f'the ownwis on linin iw c uenhon which are specified it, the injorrmabut which the electrical a orportrtions are required to submit, Pursuant t€? ,lection 255(yl or 25505. (c) Alot withstanding tiny otherlrrcUsitan in this chapter, in tapplic ationFear a certilictan, aaaathori,in� thi, construction off nett transmission l acilitics° sh ll be da°crned 1P) be I1eCr°.c.eca1'Y to the lire?t`ahon r!t ulectra£- sc n t v tdw ptarl"br,?*n rtl ukv Atr.'rttnnath n arc de umlei ,Q`L`t on 2504 &A ty>ratrrKshA #€ ds that the rl£ v liullitY is rra°£-£ov£trY tra tih°ilitca c m bit=wwl£ M ty llr- n°rtt°,n,t ks lrt:�r(crricr st�arlt%rclias° established in Article 1t`) (c nrlau'llo it,; AM SctArn 39011 j 1 t C PAN l-`tilitic°s OWe acrid the tollr rt-tarmAle cnoxv rr.vmra•cs rr.quircrnent aa.established in :Article Xb Qwmemlig a ith &Tdon 25TRO ofthis th ishTm. 25,500. (aa) Whenever the commission ismits to an ate=cu•hid corlrem£aticrrt a e niji vu, a �nthora;etrrg the nnv cflra,4'tr'n€ tai}rt i a tr'tanSvids hni lbu% or tl carty t'. ensitrn, nunlyka bon, or ati"x,;'ratra°e' thE`r'e`t+% t',t'taiZliatC'l ft3 cf)st ,£,'r"e ah"I' thanfilly lly million clrrlhow (PROt1(#,t1( oh the lynninisshm shall S1)£'t'ab, it the'1 rtahc' ur !a acutvi'm in [Yrs't ii errrttnt'il to Ile' nitmwable Panel pr`tacirrat fart tlPa' taf`alatl'� �lti` t.)Itz7ttal 'fC>1I l;td;�l Sll`1a`7lrilr7t' aht? aticd.Yrtrdidllf tint ia. b, an €otdaliti7t' rl tt'aa' gardrat-tl'cltr."tl(:(iai.)`trtti:'ttt�tr etlsf, ttow tJit,7 c'Pnisa�'It�+xr°£ttttrn ,tlt£' �t'St,�'rl �tl�tllt'lJt't�J£'i't. Ac 37 Nlrsimi 1 WOc'ci! exp)e'alul daer"ti lut ry`t €FTs5;1mtVmL tin £-starraaata' trj Me (Qv rad e`t` nn,lit#t" t/d hvion, and an knowna'Ptf;rrat'e'rin £litpac`€ kict ea.tto, "€dtt#'tI with the j"?r"t1°€€`m (li) elher the toot€f it`fw haA ? evi I.SS`€i<'d the c'otj'ifr€"t1don € uo— ttjy,dy to the (yfar3€iOs,i m Nr an increea,w in the rn{uiinant (nut sprew f0t iri the cc°r7ijrceatc. %1iea'ta€rrrr€is_�i<ari rrata"> aaiatha>ri £` dare increase in the specified rrieixitniern £'arst ifit,liri h and alcmrrriinev that the tn;q lata; in Jit t iric'taret_ it t€raal that the ly,"-sent eo $live l}tilrlic awnn riie'rwe tar€e1 ne°zvssiiv r"equiIre connir"itc°tiarrt tj the prtifeaa trt the it€mzas°"iryrst, tai7ierwlsa`. it +r`:arr'1 al£�;v the caplalir:atamt cAltcr construction 1€41i a'arlralrie'riCcd, the corpora(ion €€fel;` apply ti' the t'r'rrrrrrlis4oll taor iliahori is ion to e1i£crir'It'ituie a`rrti§tr'tta:tam r10t rti Sltt7it`IrW u; txj the t4urJmi3situl that the Imse°rat err Jriium pritlrlie: c°irris°c=riiowc tiricl nexwssity= rrrr l nine -r ta,quire the a'tarr€p06aara ty' con,wiaa-tiaon caj"the project, ramal that the carristrta£gOn C°arsts inc°tarre'al tie -ere reasonable Barki prudent, the axtmini ,shut nwly rtaathori; £- alrsa'car€tirtirearic"a° arj'e"errtmrclim carail the Paattlic" iitilitic°,y' ('carr nhysitrr€ trt€aye Inimarr'i, e t£'a" ti ur:` £rl lho.,�e° c onisiratc"tier€t raas"ts whit:°li the c,ar€trrriia° huh d1ewrrrlinc) ss £"re r€-rasernabl<' c€fta�lrria�lcrtt. tdi In,my d1eclsitm li'a' the Ptelrldt thditta`.1" O17 uniti.5i m t'4',ttrlrlishbi£1 hues jrrr'tan a','" i4cal ccxriaoralio r r£ytc£`tinx die rettasartmble° anti prudent costs of the new a'erristriddlbui N an), 1turds)ria.ui m Unt, or t anis' d°.ttei°rL41am rniaxltOitiarn, Or upgrade t1te real, when the e`drrr miilsio t hdi iaarrtdl and dleTterrrtindral that the ta£ldlithm or ttzt wshm as' W and tasQ1, Me Public Utilttr£'s CCar unishaart shall (7msiele r st'helher m- tont the tit•f nd costs O "arr€strtac't on dary within Qc ina,siinion cost speca ticd by thr eonitrri. s -ion, SPA: 21 Scab; 5TH) of dw I11lic tiesottrxs t`ca£le is amended te> react as h+ils:im: 257.it). It is the intent 4 the I iota I'drtrprl£° in esttslihshing lis progrant tai fa£:llt"r.`ss" .1,16>1}tap warming and climate Blue. 1JrLi1a'£'1 the tvuhiri,a,'£`r(d Siertta .k72t)ktnips e'r"'a' irrcrealsin il+of: -tire arnc,unt, piicrttc£1 hct:am rli it5le e<saa sk'; ttle encruy r cm" ih Version 1 (revised) per year, so tlract it equals at leant ?1) percent oftotal retail sales of 4le�:tdic:its in Ca hfornia, per' yen by Dcceutl-er 31. 2011, at Ct'idst 4()pen nt r,£trtrtrt rtvad '«ddk €i t°Ktti€ its in ("fldihovia per i'd'€tr hY %1€'s°e1ztber 31, 2020, and it leasi jt) pc=z't eni €0z t€zt amid s€ ks N r`isirt"a 40, in California per year1)v December 2025. SFV X Section ` 57MI I (W the Public: Resources, Code is added as follows: '' "-111..1 1lzc,� 6'c°t�1�le� f�dtzdi tldttt tide° c'rrtl,+tt'Itc'tirlyd r'f'f°It'c rric` tr<ztdattti.csi«rd f�tc�iliticF�� fief tA.i£iiy W f=dt'dlttCTh he idt'trdtf�°1'f`ii ent f71 ftldt=�YPditi�i d"f't«t.'tb'td1? t`_ 7i'str}a`+�dC,f .t�ttli=`IC Ye:lrti' ('a`t 14'i11 Itl••€ vid" tilt= inavi'ntinn t"ixrtu0ni€' beni lit to t111 ct£su nner Attiq-.c tlrrtt tditltl A the Ahv Rodt'tc'&* keonrces A('t'o unt, S A T Sea 25743 of Me, Puldie RC',OureC4 {,`ode is inIlencled to reared as follows: 25743. iati `rhes curianissicat slmll terminale all prr>eluabn incentives awarded fi,oiu the New Renew:rb1c° Resources Acc+runt prior to January 1, 2002, unless the, project hc,-an cdterartitir cle•c,'trie`ity by January 1, 200T tbs 'U The wo nn issirfrr shall. by March 1, 2008. transfer Io electrical corporation" ser%inn custocrre:rw sulle=c:t to the r,:rrewablc energy r"it lrc f.Nuxis charge the rent:tirring unencudt b ral finds in the New Rencwatble Q Ile PuNic Util es t:`,m runisskni shall ensure that each elcar"ical corporation allocates finds received d frorn the crrnrnission pursuautt to paragraph (1) in ar rn urner that. rna xiutir.es the econtrutic benefit to all cusum r c'lar, cw that ftrcadcd the Ne,v, Rcric"'able Resource,, Account- ltd t'010iderin and dzl=q"tttin<; x°€zt`Id e'Ie't.'it°it'td1 1)nijztyewl aliP}t'aliond , "u'dl Coni i4leni Sddtfd Section 2574UL the 1'dttt)lit' Iddlhiew Aftdttdd,i',6d w Mall c�'tPdrad#t"fl €' t € n � 1 ,£,'rt't' tld �3d,£°It£".id tii`1£7t'dtt' it) dd�l€ft'Zltt€tdd.� �t7t" 11df` tr'td.4d1"ddt-td£>Id cy, or 1}ita`11dt'tIt At ,Supplevli nt the cotmiinihni t; £ilii' J,,, t,, Ftattflyhq i'1£s .Uji,' tt-€Ift:idldd.S hyi jttC"tlttdf't Jte't'Y>>.'+iI y tf) /tacilitaic the stave tit'Ilievinds; its �L`dd('ce'ulaff'.31r1)tt/a)lict .�ttzddtPGdret t�tr c'ts. Wt'Ami I I,1°t'Attl? rc:�i All linVetTv receiving iitttrling, in whole or in par -t, pur'st ant he ttti.c scc°lum shfd/ be ceioule'red public wm- s prt7jeci.a su1?J ui to We pi-o'isio s" atf' Chapter l {c"errrtrrwncin whh Won KN) of fart 7 of 1>itrsitarr ' of du! Labor {'auk, and Me 17c>yrtrtt wt of bulustriral lrtfati,onA shall h atv the same tualrrrrit,y am/ rc"spmsbilhy to cOn-ce thirst' In -o `isiews cis it has um4T Me LaNu- QW, 146C 28. Sea:tnin 5745 td the~ i'ubhc• Smrctme,; Code i., added to read as follows: .25715. 1he Liu rt s" C (rrt'sood v sn sh"11 use its be a t}lcarts he ttttnac't and encumraage" inivAtment in st'rlear and c"him e°nct i' re'woure"e's, lcae'tttttt"S. restnumh C/rdal r1t'L't irll)trPtltt fra7rta COnr vibe's utast" in the 1 "'nitt°i Suac°s to,/itllill the purposes of this chapter, SEC 29. Sect ertt 25751,5 of the PUbhC RCc ,oim:.vs Code is iacicla d tca ead its W1ows.: SAW (ta) The" .5'calcar- am/ (Own Em7Wy I'rttnsnaisshm Account is hereby arstttbh,ihed isithin the Rent,wEarle Rc^ our°ct, 7rtrst fund. dor Beginning Jtlrrutar_v 1, 2009that total annual ttcl%ttstmcwts" cxcic>IruUlrtarstr un ttr .5t°<ium 399.r uil G7? the Publict,'riditics (`ode shall iu, iallcwttted to alit, Solar canal C1e'can 1:itery 1 rzanslni%.ion Account, to fla uls in the Soku- aarral Chyn Wig) ) I` rtanstrtission ,-1f°t'ount shall be used, in w heck= rot` in Intra, li;r- th r 1bilo"U,a; to iquots: f 1) 1 he purckis'e er/` t)r"n ert4 tw righi-q1-way 1>ursttcrrtt tca the cryrnrniss"itirr' catahorih° tart hT ('hcalwr X WYDI isW 15 0 the Public: t;twour- vs ( W; t'J The cynts"trtatWon tj or lJaa,"rrttrat to AWple°rrsau thc c"onsirtrction crf, ally new or modified e°lcctric"` transmission it"a ritlae's tIe' CS'sary it) ;ctc`ilitaiw the i ate= aat'hu`t"fy its` re'nt'l;itbks porilobo 'Standard tear,!eats. rd) bile if, carts' 171,00,17y or proje(t 1)aaiel jrrr in ta'l oic purylvat tr_r this .switm .shall not 11ith tile' 77de no alas' lrr-tl a'r-t1+ or l)rerA t 17tticl w in 1!tart pursmmi let this sn'thm Vt:`"ion I = Ned i shall mi vvith tltr= conrrnr,Nsiran hi ct pan p; -o acrrtierrtaw to Me c-rrrr;rr isNion's share cat'thcr overall i'Qd�t ttl the i�r[+lxt.'t1 i-rrr'I+ri #�C�1't« t a'I Funds deposited in the .5'oMr anti (lean L rt<xr vj, TrtIns Iniss°icrn ;Ac c ounr slrrtll be u. ul to supplc'm nt, and no/ tosupplant, existing state fiaidins,'_firr- the ptrqrrr,ti°es ruuMor-i ed by stolhol f (f) .111 Io<devt5 rec'e'isAg %totrtlr g in i0oh, trr, hi 1wrt, 1pur,wou t u) ;lr,`,v ser• bmi Adl be convicico'€1 public ivorkA projects sulijm ttr the provisions of f:'Irirllur I trc,rrtrrrziOnp mth S rt on 1714 of Part 7 of I.)!ti` m; ' of the Labor C"trrlr, find the ATal-tnr"rtt rrl_ industrial h'e�huhm Ad! haat the sctrne cttrtlrr,r-r' Y and mqwnsMdhv to p6wee We lrrovishms as it Inas uncle's Me l.crW Ade, SEC A t'irr ptcr- 81 of 1:)Nkkm 15 crl'the t'utAR 1Zesortrtes 000 is aacl Wd to mW a 1'+allom 257y(f 7Itr Ar'rif?)' C,rrrnrnAyMn mitt}', jbr" the lJltqhucA tr}'thk t'ItiJptc'r`, Imr't"Iic3.Se and ml%4r'rliEr`rady ullf. Raw to amgh€'r Iailt IQ a 1period not to c'),cc'a'd 99 s(rs, 4Khr'ruk uresis er, msP,,tn, 10: ign ianbt.'r', tur othrrarIse dign)w it dmy nod rw ;)('n uml Idt't?f?tm ur any Awrest tri pr{t1lR'1gf Any . nch Am- tw Auld, ,Shrill be t't ulithmuNi on Me alc'AThmnuvu and use of the InyInnrrylk Me generation twirl n- trcansnaisshm of rentivairlc, e'nr'rair. 25791 Any Ica", or .4°rttr., made pursuant to this chapter may be made without Iran hc birlrlin q but only egier it Irtthlit- hearing, SEC 3L ScvombHkv, Tho PrcOvions of this .,V,t wc sever -.1111c:- If any Provision of tlriw Act, or J)art tlrvz ol" is hw an% mmon heici ul he era"did riradcr ,,taic° tar- l�EU&and W tlac wmaiiaiia l)rokwnN sh all not k: a1'1c clt si, i"w '11;a11 m nain in _full 1'p,rcc and efl'c'at. Ve.rwhm I trevised) SEC, 32. Arnendnient The pun isimis of this abet may be amended w cauy out its lrugmsu and intent by stainaw, :a1?I1rca' cd by sa m:f kinds vote of each hove of the I : g khatum and signed by fire gt}t nior, SEV 33. Conflicting, McaNures (aa) `I"Iris rnea sure is intended to he ec>nrllrcherisi4c. It is the intent of tare Pcoptc that na tile event that this nwa swe and fang. her initiative measure relating to fire satiric suil e t appear" on the samc statew de Minion I:};.aHOL die j ro%iskinK 4 diff other 119 '%idrare or I13i°.rti fires are (Leined hi be in voritIM with Us innswin 1n Ow evont this measure s1r4111 reveme tlac grewa number of allirniaa me vote, ttre 1'rcw nkns of this measure simil Imm=di in their entireq% and Al Im s ishm of the wirer me,asurc or mcyastrreW sludi be 111111 and Noid. il?a If tins nreasnre is un)msed by niters but superseded by hny by any aat1 r cc nfli iiu ballot measure approved by the tiotea-s at the satnrc election, and tire.- Conflicting Fallot measure is ]anter held invalid. this area►mun: WIWI] be sell -executing, and ;givell full force of lav", SEC" 3 . Legal (lrallettge ;'tiny challenge to the vaalid4y 4 tins Act must be Hied a ithin Nig nuoullsof dw c5flec°Oc dame of tlii a Awt, nit€ OMJ i in