HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 73-23RESOLUTION NO. 73-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL, PROFESSIONAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS. 4 . 6 8 11 12 18 20 24 ~5 26 Z? 28 30 31 ATTORNE~Y~ AT CROCKER-CITIZEN~ BANK BUILDING ~ NORTH ~ANTA ANA, CALIF', RESOLUTION NO. _7_q.23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL~ PROFESSIONAL, COMnV, F. RCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS. 1. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby 19 resolve that site development standards for residential, profes- sional, commercial and industrial developments within the City of · Tustin be and the same hereby are established as follows: SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL, PROFESSIONAL, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL DE'VELOPMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN A. PURPOSE . · 1) TO establish guidelines by which the Development Preview Commission may judge development appli- cations for multiple-family residential, profes- sional, commercial, and industrial sites within the City of Tustin; and . 2) TO aid the property owner and/or deve]'oper by establishing policies and procedures for on-'site landscaping and parking area requirements for such developments. .' B. PROCEDURE Subject to the proviSions of City of Tustin Ordinance" No. 439, the Development Preview Commission has the ' authority to review and approve site plans, including- landscaping and irrigation, for developments in any !. of the general districts delineated above. The neces- sary plans and their submittal procedures are des- cribed in detail in "Instructions for Development Preview Applications". C. POLICY ~Landscaping, in accordance with good planning prin- ciples, is required by City regulations to conceal, screen, buffer, absorb, separate, and to beautify; and, in the landscaping process, develop an attrac- tive outdoor environment. In the way'of 'illustra- tion, landscaping may prove very instrumental in accomplishing- 1) The blending of the building and ground together in such a way as to enlarge the usefulness and pleasure of property, improve the appearance, complement the architecture of nearby buildings, and increase the lasting value of the property - as well as the property of the neighborhood; 2) The reduction of the apparent size of bulk areas, such as a Dar~.n~ lot.. may be diversified with such visual varieties as 20 3 8 . 10 11 12 2O 2§ 26 ~0 · ' 32 ,. .. plantings, walls, fences and fountains; or, it may be broken into sections by chang'.-[.ng lev.els; 3) An effective separator and noise buffer sff. rip between' professional, commercial, industrial., and residential uses; ~- 4)Concealment in a pleasing manner, rather Qhan t, set everything out in full view; 5)Subtle screening in order to conceal commercial and industrial operational and.serve, ce areas; 6) Skillful highlights and/or .to change the mood and character of main centers of interest on ~ build- ing site. ~ D. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .. 1) Setback areas. All front and side setba, ck areas ' sh-ai-i be- -fully landscaped with plant m[~te~'ials with the exception of driveways and where..the land.- scape design incorporates certain architectural features such as walks, sculpturing, ponds, decor- .. ative walls, etc. A perimeter landscaped' area shall be provided to screen all parking ar.eas from street view in accordance with an app~cved street-, s c ape p i an. .,' In addition to the specified street trees. ~of not less than 15 gallon size, a minimum 24" box size tree shall be planted in the setback area,~..fcr e 1~000 square feet of open area. .i 2) Perimeter landscaping. Landscaping shal1. be pro- .. vided on interior perimeter property lines to con- sist of not less than 15-gallon size trees at a ratio Of one tree for each 30 'linear feet.. Trees shal. 1 be planted in planters of a width to provide' .: 2-1/2 feet minimum clearance for vehic].e overhang.~i 3) Interior landscaping. Interior planting areas shall be prOVided to inClude not less than a 5' ' landscape area 'adjacent to structures and with plantings of not less than one 15-gallon tree for each 20 linear feet of building not adjaaent to the setback area. J 4) Irrigation. All .landscape 'areas, including street~ · trees, shall be.provided with a permanent irriga- tion system. . ', 5) Off-Street parking areas. a) Parking areas shall consist, of off-s'~.r~eet park~ ing spaces, each consisting of a rect.aD.., guls---'i area not less than 9 feet wide by 20 'feet 1 ~g:, together with drives, aisles, t'~,~rning .:~and ~..i-. euvering areas and having access at all times to a public street or 'alley. · b) All required parking areas, includin-c.~,those for residential uses, shall be so ~tesigned · that no more than three spaces will be locatedl 4 9 21 · that require automobiles to 'back out directly into a public travelway. For residential uses, ~the minimum driveway width shall be 20 feet. ' c) Each off-street parking, area shall provide an area or areas landscaped equivalent to 20 square feet for each parking space. Such land- scaping shall be provided along the periphery of the parking area and shall consist of trees and plant .material; provided, however, that Such landscaped area shall include at least one minimum 15-g.allon tree for each 3 parking spaces. In addition, one minimum 15-gallon tree shall be provided in the interior portions Of the parking area for 'each 1500 square feet of parking area. Required landscaped'yard or set back areas shall not be construed as satisfying any portion o~ the landscaped area required by this section. .. d) Any unused space resulting from the design of the parking area .shall be used for landscape purposes. e) All required landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent and adequate means of irriga- · tion and shall be adequately maintained. ': ; f) Landscape and irrigation' plans, 'including the type and location of plan.~ materials to be used, shall be subject to the approval of the Development Preview Commission. g) Ail off-street parking areas shall be constructed and maintained to provide the following: , 1. Grading, draina'ge and paving of parking lots,' driveways, and private streets are to conform. to design standards certified by.a qualified soils engineer to provide for a ten (10) year~. life expectancy for the type of soils and , drainage present on the site. 2. Internal spacing, circulation, and dimensions~ as indicated on the sample parking lot plan. . 3. Bumpers, wheel stops, 'stall markings and other vehicular control to the specifications of the City. · 4. Lighting as approved by the Development Pre- view Commission in all cases, such lighting shall be arranged so that direct rays do not shine on adjacent property. h) Parking area design dimensions shall be as follows~ (See sample parking lot plot plan) · In the event practical difficulties and hard- ships result from the strict enforcement of the following' standards due to existing per- manent building's~' or an irregular-shaped 'parcel, the Development Preview Commission may"make minor exceptions. 22 6 8 9 10 11 15 18 2O 24 25 ~? 29 30- 31 i . . Note: the number in the left hand column, of .the following listing refers to the numbers on the attached sample parking lot plot plan.'. 1. 30° 45° 60° 90° 2. 16 ' 19 ' 20 ' 20 ' '3. 14' 18' 20' ' 2~' ! t 4. 46 ' 56 ' 60' 64' 5. 14' for one-way traffic; 25' for two-waY traffic, " . · ~.. Islands shall havo a maximum length of ~80 feot. 7. Islands shall have' a minimum widt'h o~ 6 .foot:. The minimum average width of islands at the .extremities of 90° parking' islands shall be 6 feet. · 8. Curbs shall be installed a~ a minimum of ' five feet from face of walls, fences, build- ings, or other structures. This requirement excepts driveways that are not a part of the maneuvering area for parking. . 9. Curb radius shall be 3-foot min.imum. · !0. Driveway widths shall be 25-foot minLmum and constructed to' City standards. ., 11. First parking space for angle parking shall be 10 feet minimum distance from property .line. · 12. Concrete walks with a minimum width of'2 feet shall be installed adjacent to parking spaces as indicated. 13. Walk openings 4 feet wide shall be permitted in the island every 5 spaces. 14. Where off-street parking facilities are pro- vided but not required, such facilities shall comply with the development standards of this Section. All parking stall widths shall be nine (9) feet minimum except .parallel parking stalls, whiCh shall be a minintum of 8'x24'. i) Each facility open to the public shall provide not less than one (1) parking space desiqne,(l and restricted for use by the physically handicapPed,. with dimensions of not less than 12"'x 20' and located so as to provide convenient access '-t;o the building entrance. -4- 2, 4 6 8 Counci.1 ATTEST: PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City , held on the 3rd day of April, 1973 C i~TY CLE~ 9 11 .i .' 12 24 26 28 24 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUT}! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 73-23 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of .the City Council held on the 2nd. day of Auril ___~__, 1973, by the following vote: · % AYES: COUNCILMEN MILLER, SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF NOES: COUN C ILMEN NONE ABSENT' coUNCILMEN NONE · City Clefk-~__citY of Tus{in, Caiif~n~a ·