HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 73-05RESOLUTION NO. 73-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PETITIONING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CANCEL TAXES 10 11 RES OLUT I ON NO. 73 - 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PETITIONING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Tk~E COUNTY OF ORANGE TO · CANCEL TAXES' ' '~ WHEREAS on January 25, 1972, the City of Tustin,. a municipal corporation, acquired the property described in that certain Grant Deed from LaMar ~. Smith and Doris June Smith, being instrument No. 17763, recorded on January 25, 1972, in Book 9977 at Page 793, Official Records of Orange. County, California, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; this parcel bears Assessor's Parcel No. 1~ 401-131-10 1511 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City o~ Tustin, California, doo$ heroBy resolve, pot£t'ion and request tho Honorab._l. 0 ~§ Board of Suporvisors of the County. of Orange to order the cancel] 1~ tion. of the taxes on the aforesaid parcel of real property. 1~. 2~ne City Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy 18 of this Resolution to the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the 19 I 24 26 ~? ~8 29 ~0 51 County of Orange. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the' City Council, held on the 3rd day of January , 1973. i M~YOR ATTEST: JGR-rg 12-26-72 WHEN I'IECOItDED MAIL TO' City of Tu~tin c/o J~mcs Go Rour~'.c 900 N. Broadw~.y~ Suite 701 Santa Ana~ Ca~fornia MA~t TAX SYAYEMEN;YS YO' "-- address as above ,/% coUNTY, CALIF. ORANGE WYLIE Ch~LYL[, CduntY Recorder ,,-/".,,,z 3 ¢'. '. SP, ACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE a Ooc~'ir'~-V^p,¥ s~..JpS~ ~:Oi'ii~F~,. ' ' ' ~RD~B~~A~}~~T~~:X~XI~Z.~[XIrv , Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax -- Firm Name GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, IA NAR E. SMITH~ who acquired title to a portion of said land as LeM~r E. Smith, 8n~ Doris June Smith~ husband and wife as joint tenants hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF TUST]]~, a municipal corporation ,. the real property in the City of County of OraA3~e · State of California, described as .l L .£ · ~he legal desCription attached hereto' and made a part hereof, marked Exhibit "A". · · THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the interest in real property conveyed by the De~d or Grant dated December 30 . . ~_,1971, from L_ ~ ..~.~%R E. SMITH and DO~IS JUNE SMITH,..'h_.u§b~nd.'~nd '~.ife as 5oint. · · _ _ tenantS to the City o[,.g/ust~n;.~,~ Munic'~pal Co,potatiOn', ~ hereby accepted pursuant'~o~:,~~olution No. 611 of the City Council of the City of Tustin,"a~ t~'..GrAntee consent to recordation thereof by its duly auth0~i.ze~Offi:ce~';. ' ,.~ ; ~" , ~, , · · ' ":: ' .... · CITY OF TUSTI~ ....... By: ::-.  CLERK. fir,,'.: "' , .., · . , / $1AIE OF CALIFC Orange COUNTY OF. January 7, 1972 On_ said State, personally appeared_ _},,. 99T7'"-':;-794 -- _ _, before me, the undersigned, a Nolary Public in and for Dori~_June _~m~i t h Ii: known to me Io be the person__---- whose name-------- .9_ sub,c, ibed ,o ,he wilhln tn$lrumenl and acknowledged ,o me" CI.ARIC5 E. STUMP ?- / , ,.. ,,. ~ that .... they _ _.executed lhe same. . ;Ifrf,\?:Y I'Ll!ILl(:. C/',I.I~ () ' ." - ~ 0 ~. ~,.,ilqCl[ AL O.~ l' ici.. · O[~,IN'Gk (;t~;-iN & Y '" '" WIIN[S$ my hand anti official ,eel. I? CJi/,, 1..L 5;At M:~ C,. ..... ,,l,;, .... ,x.,r,,~ f,m.. 12, 19/3 ° £ "'"":'""'""°"'"'"°'"" """'""'?""""""'"' ~ Clt, rlee E. St'nJIn]~ · i' EX~IT "A" 9977' Parcel .... ,~' Tt~.e eouth._. .~11. . q5. feet of t~e. follo:.,tn~: Comm~nci.n.-. at the .~ntersrctint~ of the center lines cf Pre~]e and Pop]ar Avenues, ,~s sbm,.~ on a "~- o~ P.]ce's ~d~.Jt].~p recor,.".eA in ~oo]~. 12, ..... ~ · · P,r, cor~ o~ T..~ .~p~].e~ Co~tv, ...... ..... ~., · . ral~form~a' he~n~ also 3~ feet Wa~t of "tl~e ~ortbeast cnrmer of ~!ock 5 of ?l~ce's ,%dditJ. on to ~ust!p, as shown upon a suop]ementary 't~ ~.~-~,~4 ~n n-~' 3[ ---e ~5 o~ "~sc~1~a~eous ?.ecor'ds of sa~d l.cs Angeles Co,~pt:', Cal].~ornia' t~ence "est 555 feet' tFence S.out~t ~56 feet; thence East 555 ~eet', an~. thence ~'orth .."5&.~.¢eet. to the place of beginning.. Exccnt~n~. tberefrom the East 85 feet thereof. Parcel 2' The .~outber.lv 7.50 feet of the following: BeBinnin~ at the intersection of tb.e center line of'Preble and Poplar Avenues, as sbo:.'n .on a '~ao of Rice's ;:o,,ition, recorded ~n Book 19, pa..qe 26, .x,'iscclla.neous ~.ecor,.~s of Lns ,.~:n...qe.les Ceunty, California, beiu,?, also. 30.~0- feet Fast of the X'ortb. east corper of Bloc]: 5 of Rice's Ad. dit~on to Tustin, as shown on a supple- mentarv ~.a,, recor,-]ed in Deo'- 36 pa~e 25 '..'i .. - ...... . . . .... . ~: , · scellanect~s Record~ of said Los Angeles Ccunty, c.a?ifornia, and rt~nnin$ thence '.'est, 555.~0 feet' thence South, 344.05 feet: ' thence East, 555.00 feet' thence ~.:orth 344.05 feet, Exceotin% t1'..erefrom the Easterly S5.on feet thereof. . · . Parcel 3' An Easement for comm,~nity'dr~ve:.,ay purooses over the 'Southerly 7.5 feet of the fol]o:.:in~ described ]and: · ne-~.n-ing. ...._, .. at the inte. rsection of tt, e center = ~ ines of Preh!e and Poolar Avenues, as sl~o-..-n on a "~p of P. ice's Addition, r~cord~:l i~ ~' ~ ,~oo,, 1. o pa~e 26 Miscellaneous Wecor~s of Lon. ~p~e]es. .., County~ , ga].-ifornia.. , being also 30.~a feet East of the east corner of 3loc!: 5 of ~Sce's Adaition to Tustin, ,s sho~..m on a supplementary mao, recorder! in Eool- 36, pa~e ?5, '-~sce].].a~eou~ Records of said Los Angeles County. Cnlifornia. and running tl, ence ~'est, 555.00 feet' tl~ence South, 336.55 feet' tbe;~ce ~a~t, 555.~n feet' thence Yorth 336.55 feet to the ¢oint of beginn~.ng. Exce,~t-~p-, therefrom the Easterly ".,5.00 feat thereo..f.. ,. _ ~ and 3 tt:e Westerly 4n On. feet thereof as conv.~,ed Also e:.:cer~tin~ from Parcels 1, _ . ... . to t~ ....... Co~,,, of ~rar~e I~,, dcm?. recerdc~ ~,ril lA, ~q70 in ~oo~' q262, pa~e 7'~ of .... ~a~ Pecord s. WE. 'UR Y L MILLER 0 :. NOR TH TUS TIN CHANNEL ) OAO £SM r. ~0. C. F ~. O. C. F. C, D. BOUL E I/iI t?D '~-.~-~zK l · ~ 15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUT~! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five ; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. ~73-5 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and a~0p~t~d at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ~3rd ~ day of JanuarY.... 1973, by the following vote- - · AYES' COUNCILMEN MILLER, SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE ... ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE _ .- city Cier~y.. of Tustin, Cali