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24 AQMD PROP RULE 2301 08-05-08
AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 5, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: LEGISLATIVE REPORTS SUMMARY: Staff has prepared two (2) agenda reports that discuss the following legislative items: • AQMD PROPOSED RULE 2301 -CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW OR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The Air Quality Management District is currently drafting Proposed Rule 2301 to develop a regulatory approach that will ensure that development and redevelopment projects are consistent with clean air goals for the region. Staff recommends that the City Council take no action at this time. • PROP. 10: THE CALIFORNIA RENEWABLE ENERGY AND CLEAN ALTERNATIVE FUEL ACT Proposition 10 will be on the November 2008 ballot and is intended to implement new programs to encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative energy sources. The measure authorizes the issuance of $5 billion in bonds. Staff is recommending that the City Council oppose the measure due to the burden the bond financing will place on the State's General Fund. Staff recommends that the City Council oppose Proposition 10 due to the burden that the bond measure and program implementation will place upon the State of California's General Fund. Additionally, Council may request staff to prepare informational reports, and/or letters of support/opposition on legislative matters that are time-sensitive and were not agendized. Maria R. Huizar Chief Deputy City Clerk AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 5, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AQMD PROPOSED RULE 2301 -CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM NEW OR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY: The Air Quality Management District is currently drafting Proposed Rule 2301 to develop a regulatory approach that will ensure that development and redevelopment projects are consistent with clean air goals for the region. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council take no action at this time. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no significant fiscal impacts associated with this action. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: New development and redevelopment projects emit new sources of air pollution from new vehicle trips, use of consumer products, landscape maintenance, construction and demolition activities and other sources. The South Coast Air Quality Management District's (AQMD) Governing Board is developing Proposed Rule 2301 (PR 2301) and has created a stakeholder working group to assist with the development of the rule. Proposed Rule 2301 is intended to control emissions from New or Redevelopment Projects to mitigate emission growth from new residential, commercial, industrial and institutional development, and redevelopment projects; it is not intended to apply to freeway and road construction projects. According to the AQMD, "the objective of the stakeholder working group is to solicit comments and suggestions regarding the development of Proposed Rule 2301 to develop an approach that will work toward the clean air goals for the region." Input and feedback from this group will directly affect the development of this new rule. Further, AQMD has indicated that the group "will seek to address public and private stakeholder concerns and discuss the parameters that would lead to a regulatory approach that addresses the region's air quality issues." City Council Report AQMD Proposed Rule 2301 August 5, 2008 Page 2 At a recent Subregional Coordinators of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) meeting, a concern was voiced that the potential application of the rule to transportation facilities such as park-and-ride parking structures, which are intended to encourage the use of alternate modes and carpooling/vanpooling, could dissuade or delay the construction of these facilities by increasing the cost of construction and operation. Other concerns with Rule 2301 expressed at that time included: • What is the actual amount of emissions that must be achieved by new and redevelopment projects? • Is a specific threshold necessary? • Is a requirement to implement all feasible technology and cost effective measures necessary for all projects? • Will the new rule give the AQMD an ability to override local land use discretion regarding the proposed construction of a project based solely on air emissions requirements? Proposed Rule 2301 has not yet been released for review and comment. The AQMD stakeholder group is anticipated to meet on a regular basis in 2008 through early 2009 as part of the rule development process. The rule is not anticipated to go into effect until sometime in 2010. Staff will continue to monitor the issue. Dana L. Ogdon Assistant Director Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director 5:\Cdd\CCREPOR7~RULE2307.doc AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 5, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PROP. 10: THE CALIFORNIA RENEWABLE ENERGY AND CLEAN ALTERNATIVE FUEL ACT SUMMARY Proposition 10 will be on the November 2008 ballot and is intended to implement new programs to encourage the use of alternative fuels and alternative energy sources. The measure authorizes the issuance of $5 billion in bonds. Staff is recommending that the City Council oppose the measure due to the burden the bond financing will place on the State's General Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council oppose Proposition 10 due to the burden that the bond measure and program implementation will place upon the State of California's General Fund. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associate with this item. BACKGROUND Proposition 10 has qualified for placement on the November 2008 statewide ballot as determined by the California Secretary of State. This ballot measure is intended to provide various incentives to encourage the use of alternate fuel vehicles and other fossil fuel saving technologies. Specifically it is intended to accomplish the following: A. Invest $5 billion in projects and programs designed to enhance California's energy independence and to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, implement the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and improve air quality. B. Provide incentives for the engineering, design and construction of facilities and related infrastructure for the large-scale production of electricity using renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal power. C. Provide incentives for individuals and businesses to purchase or lease and install equipment in California for the production of electrical energy utilizing renewable energy technologies. Prop. 10: The California Renewable Energy and Clean Alternative Fuel Act August 5, 2008 Page 2 D. Provide rebates for individuals and businesses to purchase clean alternative energy vehicles, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid and natural gas powered vehicles. Funds will also be provided for testing and certification of alternative fuel vehicles and research and development of low-carbon fuels. E. Provide funds for local governments to create renewable energy demonstration projects and educational projects in their communities. F. Provide grants to California public universities, colleges and community colleges for the purpose of training students to work with clean and renewable energy technologies. G. Provide consumer education on the availability and use of clean and renewable energy products and services. H. Make full use of California's resources and its capability for innovation to develop new ways to meet the state's important long-term goals: the Renewable Portfolio Stand and Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Criteria Air Pollutants from Motor Vehicles and the state's petroleum reduction goals se t forth in this Act. I. Ensure that the revenues from this measure are invested wisely in commercially viable technology achieving short-term and longer-term measurable results while supporting research and new technologies, and require mandatory independent audits and annual progress reports so that project administrators are accountable to the people of California. To accomplish the goals stated above, the initiative authorizes $5 billion in bonds paid from state's General Fund and allocated as follows: • 58% in cash payments of between $2,000 and $50,000 to purchasers of certain high fuel economy and alternative fuel vehicles; • 20% in incentives for research, development and production of renewable energy technology; • 11 % in incentives for research and development of alternative fuel vehicle technology; • 5% in incentives for purchase of renewable energy technology; • 4% in grants to eight cities for education about these technologies; and • 3% in grants to colleges to train students in these technologies. Prop. 10: The California Renewable Energy and Clean Alternative Fuel Act August 5, 2008 Page 3 This initiative will cost the state approximately $9.8 billion over 30 years to pay both the principal ($5 billion) and interest ($4.8 billion) costs on the bond. The annual payments by the state will be approximately $325 million. The state will also incur administrative costs of approximately $10 million annually. Due to the burden that the bond measure and program implementation will place upon the State of California's General Fund, staff is recommending that the City Council take a position of opposition to Proposition 10. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Prop. 10 The California Renewable Energy & Clean Alternative Fuel Act ~ ~ - Amdt, # ~.,~' Y JAH (~ 7 ~'~~ Nt~;. }~~°ystal 1'tt~°i~, -ttiti~filii~° ~~~r~r°ciinzit~?r t7ffi'ice, ~~f"the Att~arr~ey~ tar:a~~;ral l 3~ 1 tr~;et ~aera~~~tntc~, t;`A ~,~5~31~ Re: `T"Hl ~;ALIl~t7~2_h'IA RENEWAF3Ll~ NERC~~ A~3w~1d~AN AI~TIRI'ATiVF~ ~~~.A~'I'-Vc°t~~i~~r~ t CRef~r~n~e~Jti~nt~~r(17~1~~~ T~e~r 1~1~;. I'~~rise '~°he u~~dcr~ined }~r~~anent~ hrreh~ suhrltit tftc. atta~:hed a~nancln°ter~ts tc~ THE CA~.,II~C~Rt'v'!A RlvNI~WAEit.I i~tER~.~Y C;L.F:AN AL'I"I~RN.A`!"!"4'~ ~~lv,ilL AC,"'!' -~ Ver~;i~an ! {Ref~:re~~c~ i~w~~br O~~}!C) t }. ~e er~nider these aer~ci~a~e~tts to ~ typcr~ra~hic;~l Manly anti th€~ref~~~ nt7n- shtitat~ti~+e under the law. ~r~el~rsecl is the arr~~nde~i initiative, as well ~~s a d~cu~n€ identil'yin~ the amendments ire "~~d-~ line" f~~~~nat #'~>r y<~>ui° crt:~nv~nier~c~e. IF y~~u hove, nny legal yuestic~ns ~tk~c~ut thiti rr9~~ttc:r, ple~tst; et~ntact ~~ur cc~~~nsel, Daniel K. Al~rart~~~~ri, at {2 ! ~) u2~-C~2f~). Jena;pry ~. 2{~t}7 INITiATI'Jlw C~tJFiC?Ih1ATC}R Al`°f'pRNEY ~ENERAI,'S t}FFIGE €t~~°rrt°Iv, Allisr~n Hart I'rt~~onent Mitzi I~tts!!ey F~r~ahc~nei~t Thc~~ttas )~aly Prc~~nenk ncl~~~~rs C '~ Texfi of I'raposed ~:a~vv THE CALIFORNIA R~NE~•VABLE ENERCrY ANA C:~.,,~.t`+( A~T~RNA'TIVF F'U~L ACT - Ver•sic-n ~ "1°his initiative measure is submitted tc~ the pecrgrle in acccrrd~nce vrith the prc~vsicrns ~ Article 11, section f3 of the ~~~ri~tit~ation, 'This inititir}e ~~~ds sectc~rz:~ t~ the. T'r€k,lic° l~~asa€trcc~s ~c~de. SEC'I'It~l~ ~.. 'I'itle> This measure shall l}e known and rxiav he cited as ,,.T"l.re ~"alifcrrnia l~€~i~t•~~,~rt}i{~ Er~er,~y and C'lea.n ~11t~~r-n~tic{e Fuel r'~ct." E~TIOI~I ~. Findfngs and declaratiaaras. Thc~ people of t*.alift~rr~ia find. and. declare tl~e fcrllcrwirr: ~~. California's e~ccessve dependence on petroleum products threatens crux 1°€ealth, our environment, crux economy and our national security. b. "I'r~€~s~c~rt~ticrn acc€at~~t t'car ~t~ percent crf ~aliftarr~ia's annual ~;rt~enl~cruse gas er€iissiorxs, and we rely on petrcaleum-based fuels for an overcvheling~ ~Ei percent crf c:~ur trarrsportatic>7€aeed. This petrcrl+~um dependency contribr€tes to c:lin~ate~ c:har~g;e~ and leaves ~r~~rkt~r~, ~`c~nsumers arc businesses vulnt~r~~I~Ie to price spikr~s from an unstable cner~v rtr~arlcet. ~°.. ~l"he landznarlc Califtrrnia global. VVarmu~ aerlutirans Act of 2f}1Jfr re~uire5 Calafornia tc~ reduce state•~vide reenl~ouse has emissions to 1~t1 levels by flCl. T). crvernar Scwar~erreer has i~;~;ued an Erce~utive t~rder etal?lishir~f; a g;roundb~ t°~~.in~; lcr~v t~~rbcrzx fuc:~l standard t1~~~t will reduce tyre c~arlrc~€t intensit~r crf California's passenger vehicle fuels by at Icgast 1f1 pt~rcent by ?~~d. This standard is c~xl?ected to triple the state's z'enc~wable fuels €rtarkcat and put 2C) tizr€es tl~cy numfre5r of ~;ltc~rnative ftr~~l or hylrricl vehicles can c>ur rtrads. E. ~vovernrent should provide public funds to meet these policy goals by creating incentives for businesses and con~urners ttr conserve enemy and. use alterxtatve ene~y sourees. 1~. ~. comprehensi~re alterr~~~tivc} enemy strateg;~r must be iplen~€ented. '1"his strateg;~= sltcruld cerncentr~ate ors three areas: renewal.°€le electricity g~en<~raticrr€, clean alterr7ati~~e fuels fcr7• transportation, and enc~rl;y efficiency ar~d ccrn~;~~rvatier€-€. t~=. ~ variety of clean dorxrestc fuels are available to power autcrmt~l~les, including; natural gas, cellulosic: ethanol, biodiesel and l~yclrogen. P ,;-~!a~;,c~cll A ~tt~7dr4rYFfi C '? l-i. C"lt ~s~7 ,~~c~ r•t~~rc~~~~~~1~1~ r_~t-rst~~sti~ sc~urct~s c--f ~n~r~r ~~rc~ ~r~<,sil~~i~if~ ~'~~r tl-r ~;et~er~tiE?n ~~ri c'lk~t trit t~•, irt~ Irt.r~linl; ~;r~l~~r, ~~~irtclf eE~thr~~rt~l r~~l ticl~rl 1~~~~v~ry 1. r~rt t~ffet~tit°t' ~:lt~~ut ~~rtt~r~}' titr~itt'ti,ti motif Ct`stt~lSt,t~l tiltt~t•t- ~trtd .lt~rl~;~ti~rrtl +~bjt~t~tivt=~. `I`e t~'~jt~>~}= must utilize ~•Ita~trr ~>rrt'r,~;t tt~t,(trti>Ir>{;it~~ tartt3 L'[t~~~t szlkt~rrt~~ki~-r, ftrt~l~ tlt~tt Err~~ ~•~rrztn~.erci~ll~, atfi~il~rl~lt~ whail~~ irr~~r~stirt~; in clt~t~ut ~~rt~xr~r~ ks~~~rriul~ies <~nd fut~lti tSYr tirt> i`ratzar~~. lasx'r~;~i~ra~~ retlutntt~n ~nr~ t'rterz~% t~fii~•i~~rrt°~~ art' <rtt iril}~crrt~nt c~~ttr}zE~r~tartt ca:f this ~tr~tt~~~;t'. ~. r~er~,y~y canser~ftic7n will increase ~s tl`~e p#xl`~lic i~ ecl~xc~ted in the c~~e cif rre~~F, clc;rr~ ~3rtc~~'~' ~ltern~ti~res> sorb as irni-rrc~vec~l cc~x~~~~uieri,~ec~l r#~crnitt~rin ~#~d cc~ntr~] sysfierns, ~~rtr~rt},y-efficient ~pplia`rnc~t~s and mare e[I'tnient ert~;i,nc~°~ lc~r ~rehicles. T,crc:t ~vrrrmerYkti ~`~r# play ~n imp~xt~nt rt~l~> irs erluc~tin the public. n the u~~ of :tltt~r~n~rtive €>r~rxr~~ k~~y c~~e~tin alt~ern~tive ener~;~~ demt~nstrati~az~ prrajects in c~~~~u'rrrrriti~-~ tl~a°uughcaut ~F~rlii°i~rrti. [:.:. ~,'rtlil~~rni;~'~; istcrr~j c~i'technc~rlrr~;i~ ~~1 ir~ricruiiun rid et~trt3l~reneurship, infE~r•r~~tkit:~n~l l~~,s~it>r~.it~~ in pratc~li~tf; energy tffit~it~r~cy buttdant~~~ r'>f ~vr~rl~l-l~°4s~izt, <~c~t~?Epr~~i~: i~rstits~tirrr~~,.tnd nticx~~~~l I~zradership in t~r~virc~nn~ental stems<trs~tihi~ clrralifi~~s ~lii~rrni~ t~ le4~El tlat~ ~~=~~y into ~n era ~~f r~~w~~t`ala ~.~nEYr~;~f ~r#~ el~ ~lt~ri~ati~;'~ Futal~. 4[~t~"19N 3, i'ur~ase end irritant. It is the irttt~r•tt ~~~ the peaple cif ~ifc~rnia in t~n~rttirt~; this me~~surt~~ tc~; ~~. In~'~~4t ~~~ l~illlt~n in p~°c~ects and. prar~rrrti clc~~ilrre~l kta enhance `rrlifc?rrri~s'~ c'rZer~;~° irtdepnclenre end tc~ r~dure cur de~ertclc~nce #an tc-rein coil, reduce ;rt~er~ltt~ra~se g;<~'~ t'rr~i~~it3ns, impl~#n~rrt the t~.~lifami~ ~lcrl~t31 arrrnin ~,alutic~ns .Act ~f '.~)£i frnd ir~7i'r~rt.>., ~:' .air citr;~lity. t. 1'rr;~~.°i~~ ix~centi~ ~~ it~r tht~ ert~;rrs~~rir<, ciesin end cc~nstructiun c~i fzi~`ilities end relied infrtructurc ft~r tl~c~ I~~r•i;~-~~ale producticrr7 oaf electricity using rt~rsewl~lE~ enr~ tec~c~lcas, such ~~ st~l~rr°, ~v;nd, gec~therran~l, rxd tidal paver. Pttt~.~:l{m ir~t~t~rtti~`e fcrr iradi~~i~lu~~ls 4rn~i t?x~sir~s'sties tv purche err lie rid intll etiuip~tu~rtt ire C zilifc~rxri~~ fnr the prc~duc#it?~ t~f t~1t:°~`tr'it~t1 t'rttjs•i;~J utili~inl relt~4lt°iil.?lE' ~'rt('i'tr.',t' tt't°lsrlttit~~ir:'~. . I'r~?,`ilt' n'ts~ttcls fc~r individuals end bsirrc.~sti~.r~ to purchrr~e clean ,alt, ~r~t~~tr•~ ~:> ~~rrE,r .,~ . ~>1~i~ lt~ti, inclx~c~lit~~; hybrid, i~lu~in l~ryl~ric~ end nattrr~l ~;~~ p~r~vc~red ~~~=liE~~a°~ l'Lrir,3~, l~. i~1 ~tl~;i~ l>E~ prc~r~ided f~~r testing end certific~ti~rr cif <rlit'rn~~ti~~e fuel ~°+~1~sac-1~;=s ~~~~ re~~ .~r Ir ~tr7d E~~~~~l~rp~~er~t of lraw-c~r}aa~l !fuc~l~;. I'rE~~-it;le fuztijs fir luc~l t~vernrstt'rtk~~ tc~ t~rt,~rtt> rt>rt~w~lale eraer ~_lE`~zr`#rjrt~tr~rtic~n l~rt~j~'.°t~ ~ar~ci ed`ucatianal l~rr~?It'Ct;~ 3~t thc~iT ctjtnniki~. 'I't?\'3tiC' ~~~?lt`t tC1 ~.:l~i~i?i'IT21 i~rli~~lt 13i}i't'f.'i'~lk1t'!-, +:`i~t';-~t'~:11"1 i.{ tt1I113111=i11t~' a ;. •,°E` ?ter tEi~' ~7Lrl'~"~i?°~~? C°!~ t"r11111J1.', ^itLlaii'i125 L~,~ 1`,'txi"~~ 4'~'iki; t`ip`c32~t x23k.~ I't`T}t'Ss;Ii"i~E" i"1j ,r.t~, Sli'ta t.__. i'a,_ f"r~it't.'~}Ti`~~i>1a'I: ! t~la`~;;t~t1 t,ST~ ~aii' ~ , d.i=a~'ti~$t`,` ~ iti.l #.7:'5x' FI -it~GlS~ ,13~L~ 3' .. .~_ `~~ ;r+ ~~"= i t!"atii. t st,t~ , t,3";"St't".;. ~. ,o~zr~,:_' ~tl'Ii ~T'~i ttt T_cii9ttttT`I,t :~ 1"i'`~i~tlCi its i31'It~ l~'~ t ~3~~ctd:!'~l '?' IiFtit~t'~dtitt tf.1 tit'"~t'~s„i~` iu::. l~,`il;°4 iii Tilx"~`t t~i€` ~t."itt' ~; tr13~~+ii°t~t1k, if~r?i~_ttn:ITT"i ~:,€i~ii~° t,`=~ :~.~ i1+~~'~°ci~-i~~' ~'ibi"t~Ckllts `"~tx1TiG~~~!`f~, ~..~f~11ti"t~~ ~?~ ~~i~'tr`Il~it)L1~t' ~.:~a4 ~;a3lr~>'sli2~~~ r3i"it`~ ~ I'1'LLZIzS _~1J" ~~La~}LI~ii11tS iT°C~I'=1 ~~ts~~lt', ~. i'3tIL'~C'b i1311~ t~lt? titltt''> ~?€'tTtS~trt1T`ii I`t'i~ldt"ti: tt°#, !~ .1~'•,t`I t~3Yti1 lrl t~li~ :~ci t. ~~iitirlr"k? tli;it tilt' i~'i't"Iltit'`~ it"f 1171 t}17'^ 2T1E'xiSt22'>~ t~SZt' 3i11`t'~t{'~I. ti t'~t'il' 131 r:t'~rli2?tx~r~'i~~it' t'r<1i?l+~ tt't'iirtzric>~° ~lf~lli~'t'ire `tilCai`t~tt~l'T7t ~~Titi It~aT~;~'T`-t~»-2t1 21 :f3..~tir~~~~lc o- "<1;i4`~ ,+, itlit' '.tT1tt~1{)T't2il~S} i L"~s1°elit'i1 tltit:i IrC"3~" tt't itilt)its;~3l'.f x3?1=.~ r't'CiUti"t' t,lc'I13~~Itt}I 1` 1l~,-ka'i?t'pltis'Y1} iTtl3iilt'~ .1T"r~i ;TiiiitrIi ixi't~;~t'i"~~ S"t'~~.~3k:, `~ti1 t~1s"lt ~CC)~£'rw~ irt.~T'tilTilatTx'A~~ai"`~ ~71"f~5 tat'=°i 1[.1,'7ECi[.`iE' ~C} $~1Ee''~'~l't)~.'ifw' f'~t k.1~Tt+ri'Cirir- ~~~m"7'7i~~ ~, r~dc~tcr~l cif C'lvi~ia<an ~~b, cp1~311nf~31cin~ r~itl~ :5~ctit~tt ~1Q, tc~ tie ~ulic ~t~>~ciurec:~ ~c~cle. I~i~~~ticlt~ ~fa.ta, t`t~Tnlxtl~~:ixt iti'ittl ~~~~,.tioT~ `?t~ii(~, ~ ~~~r f~c~~1 ter t~ir~ i'ul~li.~" Itit~~t~iri'a,~=*~ 'tjci~ k~~ ri~src3 i31 its r~~iitii~~t}=~~ ~~r1I~~~~~~: TE~~, ~;.~I.~l~t >(~1:~ C~1=~L'4~".~BT E, I"'~f~l{_rlr` .I7i:::~~:E,.~'~~ r~i,I`Er:I~i`.ir"iill'I~11.i~1 .1~:_°~ t~:lr~T~r#~~r . { ~tirlr=r"~11 1'rt,r~~i:~itsi7} ~~~'l{. "~'liis ~i~i:~ic3n ~:l1al~ t>~ knc-~b~ ~11d TTaa~' l+c= >; it~~ i1 i?"-z` t .d,.t' ,,.~_„°,t.it';;s~t. i-e ii .., _x ie°;iit _li~t ~=rii'ra;' I'Iac'~l :~:fi." ~t~#? . I'zrt 1• ;,t~ ~1t;t`itt: ~' flrsrt i~ t~t'~~~°t.~t~'c, kit tli~ o~i~ i~it;T1 fa, =a tt.'tlii?I`~t~`t ±`~t` E"~~z#`I1t~~ IISi~Tti'~ ~l~'~>Tt'~~li~jti t~ II Lath t~~t' t x'i.k''~T'i~lisl ~~liit,'S~`kii~~t' ~ 31#°i'~,~," Alilti t-~~it`~3Tt .^~~tti`I3.3tS'°~' >n'L1~ ~°ilrTi ili ~ ~t.Ilit~+ t"'~t,l~ailtii'lt5c~ }'Lrr'`t}i~3it tt? '.+lii>~~ty'~'tit;>rl i<~~ (} `'~+'t"ti(°s3S d~~~~4`a ~+ihlii ~~k'T`tC~2-iii ti'S£'tttilt~~'+~iIl~; tlitlC'tiC~t"1'~ in Lr~i~iitirrrZ t~~ it,~ t>thr'r° i~i.~':~'t`1°~, ~itili;~~ ~3TUi x`c~~i~t~ir:Vit~ilrti~.'~ Li= ~,clrttiT"i~tcsr" ~rrlt"i ~°~}~~~Ii~i i~,~?-rt=~ iTr tilt slt.t.tlt~iYiS ' i?3'z'#°S`ii3t~`4i i2{)rll t?lt' ttir"i<tt t`,`tl"1i13 t4'13 { lti '.'i',.Il`~ iTt t1?t' t;~.~t~~~i~,•~' r3att• ~~f tlli:> at~k if, ~ailit'~."t= t}lt° r>1~jt~tti; t'~ ttt t~Tr~ .~"~~-t~ ~i"~~ri;t ti°rtil~=r tilt:' }rT'tiLr'c'ti~ trf irlatr~ls rri° rtth~c r~'-,i~triCt"- ~~~ f~l+;x «~3t'ilt`~. f}~`~`tatii tlit' kiarui ~r~t~r,iit3t~, ~'+i+:it1~'itil>yt~rirciiits~ tie w3v i~r~~~ <'~ii~~, <Y~r~l tt~ the ~~r~aximu~~~ {>xt~~j~tt }~rmitt~c~, r°c'~ati+.~~i,;1~~ c~i fc>rt~; shc~uii~ Eft' u~~~x~i to ~~FVarcl the r>~l~ats ~`~r~~~~ iti~^~3 1,~,, ,al~~,iil i~i~~rr (a) ~}i ~~'~,:tc~r~ Zfi~~l~~ r~~rtl~it°r i"i~r~ ~} .}f,~;;r~ ~,i ti~~~ t~if~'cti~~c~ c3<~t~ oaf this pct. l`h~ a~eanGt= ~il~ll t}~:pt'll~i ;~r~~ ;~~fcfitir~r~~~l at~~c~~t°tts rernaini~~ i~°t tf~~~ fracl axic~ ~ri~l.'r-f,t7ri~~ttt~~ tca Ye arty in E~rthran~ ~~ the pL~r~c~s~s c~ this :1c'i. ~~}) ~"~~.1 apt mi~~tc~n~s to ~~°<~sur't~ the ~~~n~' eyes irr rx~~xc°tirrf tir~~ gals of this rect. 1`c~r tl~~~~ urc~~c>~. cat this s~rt~r~ r~,i~nr,[,'lcstonr:~s"t n~eaz~s ir~tr~rir» ~r~als ~~rescr{~€~d ~; thy' tf',l'171 r' t1lG"rt It'itjl~~7fc' tai(' 11~t11T~', ~~1~"t'~ aTl~ tZ11"tIC1 Cif ~~]'c7~r~'~ ~:=x~cc tc~~l fr rein tilt' irn~lmer~tatir~ t~f this Apt, (c) l~~sur~~ ti~~~ ct~mi~i~mtic7n cif arr az~~~~al i~p~n~~r~t ixt~z~r~ial ~rc°iit {7f tl~c~ i3 fyi'rll'ti'a ~prati~:~ t~r~l.~ issue ~at~hlic ~'~Y~7t`~~.l~F'~4rI't~lil~, t~1L' ~l~{'11~1`~`a ~lt~'tlVltlt~'S~ li1C~C~C~1~'i, ~1'1'rt:}Lit lit~~itz~t~c~r:~ tl~~ ex~~~:rl~iitr~~r~~:~ ~iracl }~rc~~;rart°ts auth~ari+~~ i~ ~Itt:i)rc~l21C with tl~:;~ .frt. (cl~ Nt~ritlxstane~ir~~; S~ctc~i~ 13th ~~f tli i~~7t~~'r`rtt9°'-T'ft ~c~c~, acr»~}~t ac~ciitic~nal rvnu+~ and real and j~~>r~c-~~jai i?r~?~?~'~°t~~ in~I~a~li~7~ hL~t nit lit~~.itei~ tc~ lifts, t~t~~l~r~'~t~r ~-c~yraltie~~, ir~tc°r~~t ~~r-r~ ap~rr>px~iz~tit>r» to s~r~~}~k~r~~~yr~€ the a~,k~r~r~='s ftir~zlir~f;, r~t~~,.itlt~t~indin~ h~rpt~r ~iait~+rw r1~G~~° ~rarrti~rz•i ~;ft~ ft~~` r~rry ~xti~:ul~~ ~~ur~E>s ~~triiu.~r~.r~~ f>~ t13i~ ~~~t: {~'~ r~,f~~~1ti~ 1'~?r €~~~r~I n~ratc~l~ii~~; funds h~r+~ p~ssibi, {f) ;~t~~l.?li~l~ sta~rdax~~s x~cluiri~~r that all ~c>yt}~~r-eh r~-as~ts ~Li~~ i~+zrr-~uartt try this 1~;~t shall. hc~ stiil~jct to ixtt~r~l~cti~al l?ra~~rt~ ar~~rn~~nts that bal~n~~ ti, }~~ac~rtt7r~it~ ~~f tl~r~ tat cif C'~rlifc>rrz~~ t~~ l~t~n~sfit frc~txt thy, i~~~ti~r~t~, ~t~y~-lti~'~, e3~"iL~ li~~'t~~c's tl~~t r~'w~rii fr{,r3~. ti-t~°s~~rrt~h t~itlY tl~t.~ r~~~'~'d t~~ ~r~~ur~ that sr,~clr r,~Ys~.yi~rcl~ is ri~~t un~°~~~~~~~r~~31~1a' lrizt~.l~~~~d h~ tl~~~~t~ it~tf>ll~>~~t~r~ii l~rc~t~L~rt~ a~;rc'~~r~ ~~n1~ts. ;~,) ~stal?l;l~ 1~~~~e~r~rt;*s, star~r,la~•ds and £~rr~~+s fir the tav}'r°5i~,~i~t z?1 the an+'rx v`~ ~~~ti~~ar~i cxi it~c:ntivs ~cxc°tuilir~, but. nc~t iin~itt=~i t~,. };r~~~rtt~, J~>ai~s.l~~~a~~ ~uara~~rtas> credits, hu~'c~€~~~>tz~ ~3r~;i t-E~i~r~t~s ~r~za~~l~ un~~r this Pict tta ~rt~sure ccazx~lia~~E:~ a~itl~ all al~?li~ahl txxns axtci rcluirrrtnts. "l`h z ~ ~r . ~~ -~_ st,Trr.1,,T`~~=7 sh~Tll rl~ltTt,~tS lrc~x~i~~tli~ rrgperrtizx;, il~r~lt~tlin~; fir~at•rt~iial ~Trtt.1 l~erf{rrrrr,~rnc~ alxc~its, try el~s~z~-~;~ tt~t~ urc?t~~ caf this ~1t_t <ar{:, 1~~:it~~; itr,~t, (11~ tlill?t't't,i°i~c-afl~j~~ ~l~:~r•:;i~.ai~Ia7f 4l) t171~ ~`1LI~~.~~~~I`~t2ijt~~`~' ~~{~cecltare f~c°t ~~h~~~rtr"r .., c~t:,irTrr~~SlrciTa~ «~itl~ ~~>t-t~rrT1 i>4i:), ref I'~Trt 1 {,t C~7i~isit~n ~ cTf "~"tl~ ~i` t1~ac~ C~ca~c~rz~tT"~~_a~~ ~:csd~''p ,r nece~~~u•~, t~? iarl~let°nertt this ,pct. ~h{rl~it>r . l:~efi~titi~r~ 641 ~s uy{>c rI lwhas 1~E`fr tlu' f{Ill~x~vin~ t~=a-ra~y shall hive the f{~11c~r~virr~ rxte~nips: ~~~ rrl3uy~lc~n„ {'dll5 ,1 {'~ltil~ ~~~TTITt,'.I.1t tf`} 17tC~1VlCllle~l carlsurrl~jr~ ~aTT~~ eT~Ittit~s f{~r tlacy l~aTr•t~hasl~5 ~~f ~~{~r~xi~?aTlc~nt ft~r the rt)tI1T{,tai~11 tlt a~let~tT'I{~~al erte~°p~` ~.1tl~l;llrl~'; rE'.Ytt'Yb`al?~t' ['TIE-'~`~sY (l~ ".leaf ~~Ilternaticre ltrel" n~aean r~I~t~ar~1 pas ar~~ ~~t1~, l~ut'1 tl~~rt 6~chit~~~t'~ ~T reclurtic~a ~~f at least teat erccr~It f i.{i"~,l { .Irl7t~n Ixttt~TT~;it~° CIS ~ {:~ntainecl rI ~z~e~t~Ir :;lrt'arr~rrepper's l:xt'rlTtitfi~~ C?r~r ~Q-0, (e "filar°~art ,Tlt{.3T~atati~~r.~ faat.•1 t~t,hiele" means ~ yc~11i~, lr pxaa+ltxamel b art t~rir,ir~trl i>c~iail~~TlaAnt m~rnufactl~rex ~~r ~~ ~T]"1;III t-rT11~r1T~~ Trta~~a~acturz>r t~1ak :i~; 1,~>~rerE~c~ h~' ~ ele~t~ <~lt{~T~aiati~,~e i~u{31 ,all~l l~a~ th>„a aklilif'~' ttt ntet~t ~a}3}rlical~la~ vehi~ tal=~r` t~tTliw~,i~IaT stanc~aa'cl~ ~aatcl that, r~'latve tt~ IJawtl"(71'LIITT al:~t~, i~I,~=~~t~~ ~.:~~ ~k ~:~~ ~i,°r-,.~~ ,~ `a`: ~. _ ia~r <tiia- l~~a'.b~:'; ,~; '~. ': 1~1tIk~~~l ~~a~~minp err~is~:iralT~, ~Tal~l air ~ualit~y pc>llut~~nts~, ~~°,Itc'r ~~~>llutit~ gar anti a;~tha` r :~ul>st~nc~s that axe Icncawr~ to elan~<ape ITTIrra~Ily he~Tlth and that Ttlc!t~t all applicable s~fet { ~~rti#iratit~ar~ acrd standa~c~s n+~cessary to c~e~ate in .~lifc}T`rlia. ~~ "l~~'Cltt<Itt'tl Clt'~II-a zTlt~°t'ilc~lt"1Vt` i"U£'~'4~-"Il1Clt.'.>} II1t'~31't aelean alternative fu~'1 j-+r^I~iclt~, ~~ c~efinea~ iun stxb~li~.~~it?~~ {~~, that ry }~t~~verea~ e~{~Iratiiti +'1~' 1?~r 1>i{~nit>tlt~t~t+~, electric it~ig llytlt`a>~;'at, natt•rr~l };a~, gar l~r~>I>taaT~~, crI• <rl~~' nrtt~l~irl.aiat:~Ir thcrYc~{,{, ~}llt t'1~'171t"~2 alld~~ 1.15 Lill iilt~It' t}liltl ~t~11 l'd`('t_'Llt ~~~~r~'<~~ saf rli~'~;~yl. la~~ the l~rian~rrr' latu•l~c;.~t' cal i~;rlitiu~t z7 tT clic'st~l ctal}r+°~sipn cycliy t~T7~iI~c'. t ~ . ~~~3 / ' ~fo ~~ ''T'nE~r~ E~l'fcienc~~ te(wll~°11~1(}l~~s" Tl1E'<111~ metll~l(~s (~f Ea~~lixl~~ r;rE>t1~~tr ~?(_'1~E~fits using l~'~~ (u.tltyr~^~', c'~>m~?~3r~d ~~~itl1 ~rpai:~l t~1t1•t~(~t1t }~rL1t: ticc's ir1 ~~liFc?rr1i~. ral`l~}} ii3t'l Ca't'}t' i'1"~titi*^+"+r11@lli,~} s~}iC1 }:11()11`El ~1~; 1 ra~.rE'~}-~(1~-I11'}lt't'~;~ 3I"1~~~'~ilSaes illE'i~Tl~ 11111'Vtl~ll~lil~~21 ~]tlt~ tn(~7T111~~i1'i`~ti?i"1 t>i ~l"1e fall etlvi~'{;)21t11ei1till ~~t1f~ }it'<l}i111t11~7<1t'i'+ ()t ~~~(~11 stE~~> i_t1 thEa life c~~cle ~f ~ fu(~l, incllxdi~l t}ut nc~t limitE~d t~ ill cif the ~(~lln ink: {°~} FeE~dstr:~k Frcadu~tican, ea~tx~tcan, tr~n~pE~xt {~} Fuel rEadu(~tic~zl, distrbuti(ar1, tr~al~l~(art 1d st(1r~e. {~) ~'c~hi~le (~per~ti(~n, includill refueling, cEa111~1ti(~n (~r cc~nversiun, end e~°~~pt3r<~tian, ;) ,,}~uncl°' nlens flze ~~llifu1~11i~~ I2ezle~b}EZ ~nrb rid Cle<~11 .L'~lt(ar~lt~tive Fuel Fx1(~ est~l~7lihed ~}~ ~ectitJrt ~1. ~h) ;'l~e~vy-dut~p vehi~:le" me;~ ~ vehicle cif twenty- ft~~Y tlluus~rl(~ {2,tltlt}} t11` 1n~rr~ ~'c~unds in ~r~1s "vehicle (~i~~~ts ~i~ aal-Ieavy-1x1E~di~1n1-clut~° '4'E?l"}1C},~„ mewls ~ vehi(~le l`(.~uxteerl tllElus~°~r1~1 ~~4,~Q0~ f+c~uncls car ~11t~rE~ in ~'rr(~~ ~ehi(vlE ~~'~~il1t ~x1t} ~~>,;~. ti~,~~1 ±~'.f~xi~ ...~i~ t~ tt1R ~},~ ~ :t~',~C?) ~-~~as:~ inn rasp ~'(~hictE:> 1~~`eiht, ~'~ih fuel e~~anEan~ly ~rehicl•, es a li~l~t-(tuty veld(*~e ~ard~acec3 bye ~ c~ri~i~~al e~uip~~+ent r~~z~~~~t~11~E~r~ car ~ small vt~llame ~1Yaxluf~c:turez~ that can ~(rheve a rc~ml~inetl frael cyec>~1t~rr1~~ of 11c~t less than fcartvsfive (5 lile~ l~(~r tsll(~t1 fcar 11i~;h~, ~~t use ~3s deter111i11eE.i by the L~~nited t~1tt?y ~nvirnrllx~t>~ztal Pr(:~t(yckc~n ~,e11cy azld that n1t~t~E~ til~> criteria aix ernl~~ic~11 ~talldartnis (~f the alif(arzlia .Air 1~~~~c7u1~ es Beard, ~~ "Idi~;lzt-duty, ~~t3hit~I~~" ~11t'~1115 a vr~lliclt~ t~~:-~~ t}~<~~~ E~il1t thc~~lsa~td fivE~ huncirt'tI (13,5(ll)~ p~a~Glr~~ls i11 ~p1-(1s~ fi~eh(:le Vvei,llt that is ~utllc77~i t'cl tc1 e u~eratE~E~ u~1 all rclad~- anal hi~,h~~ s~~~~ in Califc~z~rus3. :, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ - -€i- C ~3 (1} "L,i~;ht-rrtedirana-catty v~hi~~lk~" rzlt'ilttti ~~ ~~}cl~ f cite tht~tt~~:3r7~~ fide hux<t~rec~ (,SUtlj }~caur~<}s cjr rrat~re rn rcrss ~'~}ait lt• tl'~;if;ht ~-~r~c1 }e:~4 th~ra ic~urte~~t~ tl°~c~t~s~t°~ (1,(~0} ~s»aun~}~ iz~ ~yxta~s '4'el~i~le T~ti~i~;ht, (xra} ''C)ti~;rta} ~~x~aser" x~ens ~~~ ix~cti~~i~.lua.l tar car~tit~Y tltt farcir<ase~ a new htam~ ~l~~rY altern~Yt-vt7 fuel r•~3frxtx~ir7~ ~ysterar ar ~ irt~ivdual consurxt~r ox pxY~°~xtt~ {x~axt- c~~°s~~rt°~zrY~nt~ti) t=nt~~y t1~at ur~t~s~~ a n~~sv gar r~a~wgt~~•t~ ale ~lit~rnati~ t~ fu<~l vehicle }~rtad~cet~ y ~xt tari~in~l ec~uil>»7c~nt i7tynfturcr tax ~ xn~11 vcalu:r~ xxtufactrex that i~ c•~~r•tifis.~ll ''the alift~rt°~i~ x C~~tauxces f3t~ax r~~t trri~;i~sijl }~trr•~h~.ser fax ~urpcaes caf ~ xt~hte axa cG~~izat~~tac~rt ~'~ tt~l ci ilt'b1" Lai' l"t'~,7~?'4h"k'_T'f.'i`~ C_IE'i:111 c~~~E.'I'lliitll'E'. ~T7f'~ t't'~ltt Ify 11T1t°~C~T' ~c~~'tis+r~ ~(~~.}~9 sh~1Z i~rtc.lut~e ~ lessee taf a trel•riclty t~~itl~ ~ Ie~s~ tc`r rrr s~f i~~t less tla~n tt~ert~tat~r_ftaur {4~ r~tt}rati~.~;, ~) "P'eir°~>lE~ur» recitit"ticrxt" ~t°t~ r~7t~t}z~~~ls taf ~•~.~citr~ ire}; ts~rt~l tart}ItSur~i uye in aiff'c~r-r~i4~ t~itl~~~r• tcl~r-ta~,h itlt'r'~l!~+t't~ extexY t•flic'i{~1tc't°, Cl~':n ~1Cexx~~tt1~~ fuels cax { s~r~7l~ir~~itita csf nth. {ta) "T~tbatE~'° trtt't1r1,`i cash ~ayx~~~rat tca uxt canal ~srt•s:}r~~~~~r° s>f ~ <~lt:~~ait ,r}tsnt'ra~kr't~ fuel v~"si 1~~, tt d.i~tc~ t~lc~4~r~ ~~lttyrrz:tti~ ~ fut>} ~~chicle, high fuel ec:taxttaxny vehicle, i=er•~~ hi~;ir fuel 'C`s~tlt)lt1y, vehit~~le tar a l~ta~ne clean ltexxttive tuti~l r-t3fur>lizr~, s}:4i~•lai ln~r~uank tta ~ctican 41~J. ~l') "~~enet~`4r1-~}t~ enerY techrtt~lo~ie4" ~er~~ er-ex ~~t`t)tlllt tit~l~ tet«l~alit~ut':~, ~'~Ci)l~tlt'ts cax ~+1 ;+tt'irl~, Cll`.s`tSl}Jlltlt)11 #t'i'~111it~12~'~, laxCat"~liClS ~)I' x}~`~texllS a11~ t1`~IT1S~t7xt~itlt7xi ir~~jc:l~i~rt>r;, ~rt~a~iuc t~; s}r ~~"st~~rrrs, all of which stalely tatlize t`flt~i'~~~ i'l•!~171II'i t'~ t}lit ~lI"t` ili1~ UY~3~}y xeE'.~texat~~ +~vex r"i ~'1C}rt t~irs<: }~t=r`i~~s~ t~t7i ~ic5liciext>s~ ~irs;~:tly fxc~m the sort {such as tl7r~rr~r~~l, }'}~t~tvc}„=s~~ic~} .~~~1 hhcatc~elf~t~trir~}, indirectly frtartt tla ~u7~ {~u~h ~~s 1,'irrcl, h~,>cir`c.~}?t~r~~er• fK~silitie~ axtd ~l~tjt~~ti~ r"~t}tcti~ r:rtt~r~;y sts~ri~cl rti t~ic:.}rl•i~atis~, tax fxaxn c~th~~r• ~tur•~11 ciZ~~~en~r:r~t~ qtr- rrrt~~ l`1i311iSrll:~ ~~f tl~e ens=ixtanrrrc~rat, such ~s et~t}~exx~ral, r~•~~~:~ 4:tnt ti~i<rl s>~tt7.rfy. {~~ "Teptar~°eret~" n~~e=arts n~~~v tax s~ ~ehi~l~ that is xntaifted fca taperate c~t7 a s~ystetxr cexkifiet~ by t}7t~ ~lifcaxz~ia fix T~e:~cruxccs 13caaxd and is lacrwe~°e ~ ~ ciciiic:atc=d clears altert~ativt~ £ucl artd is l~rtat~ucet~ lad a tarii~l~~ z~~luiprnent r~;,~ t~~~nf~ctt~r~~r- car r~ sr~-~e~ll ~~c~lumc n~nuf~c:turer tla~tt ~cArtific5cl 1r~~=. ttt~ t~°.~~lift~~`ni~ .~~ir ltic~~attrc:c~ ltarc~_ fir} "er~° lail7 Ertel cc:caa~~5r~~~,. vc*hac~~" tx~~°~:; ~ li~;l~t_ ~ttl. ~-~>ltclt~ ~arcaucccl ray ~n cariir~tl ~~tl~til~rttt~r~t n°~~:~rt~f~ctttt'er car ~~ rr~~;ll ~•~alutinc rrm~tY~~f~3c~tt,rc>r tl~~~t <.~n achieve ~~ cc~r~~l7ir~~=~ furl ti~~ cjt~c}t~~y f z°t<3t lc~~~ ~:lt~tt~ sixty ~C1) mile pcr tills»~ t~~:-13i~1~ti~~~~y rte ~~ ~i~ytt3rr~tit7~y~i lay the tJnitccl tatc~ E:rtt`i7c7n~7~~~ili~il l'rratectiat°t :~f;~•atcy ~~ than tcct~ the ~`~ il~~ri~ ,~~~` t'rlt1'~`+i~n I ~tr~nc~~rCls ~f the ~alifcart~i<~ ;lix Recatzt•~~ ~ ~ l~, viii t3. Chi}etc±r ~. ~alifcari~~ 1~~rt~~~waL~-le J~,nery anc`I lc~tt :~t.}tt~r~n~7tivc ucl fund ~~~7 j. °I'l~x> C~ttlift~t-nia cne~rt~i`~t~~ }~tter~;v cl l~~rt r'~It~:~rzt<itir~t> >~uel J~unc-i is hereby crt~~t~~ci. ~~ i 1-1. X11 mane}~ ~-1cpc>sitc intca the f~.trt<~ shall 3~ ~tfit'd only fcar tht~ laurp~sr~~ ~Y~t ita the atncaut~t~ sc.5t fcarlh ixa this ~i~-z~itan ~n i<t• nca cakhc~r ~~,r~ac~~c. b1 Tw:~~:-x }~t ~t< c>the~t•~isc ~,~1„-~>~tily l~-•ctuie~ in this di~?isi~~a7, tt~'c)It ~ fiz~tita y the sitttt° ~3;;rt~c~~,. ~c~ltatttc~ by this cii~~i~is}i~ t~~ t~citrti~;tcr car c~~t~nti tYic~r~et t~}.?l?rc~i?t~attycl frtani tluY ftt~-i~l llt~rt ~~ pr-~rticttl~r f~r~~~~tt c?r i~y-ta~;r=~rt~ fc~r t~jhii~h i~~c?t~~.~~• }~~~ci ~~1 al Ic~c~tttc~ci car ~;r~tf~ft~~ at~u~tcat be c:iatrll~lc~t<=tl, nr tl3~~i lh° aancatznt t1~<~t 1~'<~4 ~t}?}>rt~a~~ritei~, allc~catect car t;r~~t~tc>ti.} i in cxc:ess caf tl~c~ tc~t~tl ~jrr~cai3z~t ne~~c~, each such t:ii~' z.yi.';,: t' 1~i~1~' t't'i~l?~a1~~isl i~if~' tllt' tt7£}t1t~~y' ~cSt' L?t~lt't' J7(~yh lart~:ttit}{ r.c~~~~{~ cansistct~E ~yitl~ tl~i~ rlivisi~rt. ~hafater All~tic~t~ caf Ft~artds i•Jta, (~~) unc•Is in the C'~alifc>rtaia (~E~tat~~~ablc Ent~r~;y aracl ~"lc~~~~a ~i1t~Yrr~:tfive'kuc~l }"tared s1i<aII k?c~ i~llcac:~tecl ~~ ft7}1n1 {l~ n€~ ~illican t~~c> l~urtttrt•t3 ttn~ fifty r~ulliart ~callar~ {~,'~at~,f)t),cltt7) shall lac t~llt>t~~:ttc'~.i tc~ the ~acalar, ~'1'i~~cl and l~cnct~vaialc 1,1~~'rt9~~~ ~~c~ut, ~~ larch E~rel~y c:E~t~3tc~~i. ~~ i~hrt~~~~ laillican f~atar htttlrt~d ~Ittt~ t~ti•~~,a ~~~fix~c rtaillittrt cl~ll<~r~ {$~,w,~~U,lit)t:l~ ~It~ll be allcat ~ttc;d tca the Clt~~t~t P~Itcrtl~~tie u~l~ Act~t~urtt, which is hcre~r cr~teci. ` ~ .,gm {:~} "~~ hzznc;?rec-i r~?!'lic~r~ c~c~Il~r"~ (~?(~,Q,fi?(~}(~~ shall h~~ ~llE~~ z~tE~EI tE? ih~ ~3t~mc~ntitrs?titn I:?rt~j<~t:ts end I~r,ti?iii ~:~~~~c ~~ti~?a~ 1~~~~?t~:rtt, 'i~~1~riL:.1L is her~l~~= ci'c.'att~~i. ~} ~e hzxndred anti t~ti E~r~ty-ti~~e zxrllic~zt clc~llar {'l,t~t~0,~()Q~ shall lie allt>t-satE~ti tt~ tla~,x l:;cleat~i`~rr, ~°razzzin az~cl C`~zztreac,~h ~~c:c~zznt, ~~=hip l~ i~ ~rt~r-t't?~ cr~~t~ci. {l? e~i~',° fcrz~r~~is allc~cateE~ tea t1t£~ ~u £:t?Err~tt~ c?~t~~hl~;ltcst~ b ~zl~d~~~~ iE~t~ ~a~ that are ztE~t exzctzz~n~~E?rE~~i E`'t- €~~~}:9zzcia~~l ~r~ any fis~~tl y~:ar shall remain in the Lazne ai~~:£?tzh~t fr~r the next tial dear. ~c} t~It}nt~~, i,Iiyp~sitE~d in thE~ <acccaunts f the fuz~c err~ated iz°r St11~Eii~ Is;~zz ~_~) ~hr~lt, ta} tlzL~ zz°Eaxizrtn~r extent laexzz~itteE~p 1~e trsL° t~ su~l~zzxr:ztt, sanE! r~r~t tea err}?~~lrz~t, existrr ~tatt~ it.rrrn fcsr re~~arch; tE~elaric}IL«;ica~rl +~v~?l~az~z~ztt, vc~c~tic?zta] tr~~inia~~; at1Li ~lr~l~lt~;~rr~t~iat rY~cz~piz~ rerl('Wal"~!i' t'ril'l"t.? t?, C~E'~rl ,ilit:'r"1"i<it15't' # t,t'~`> :`311C`i t'r1E't'F71t L"~{11E'21~'~, ~cl;} Ncit ri?r~z~e thazi r?ni:~ ~?t>r£:i~rrt ~ ~ ' ,) caf tii~~ fran.ci~ in each at;.ctirrr?t ri~~iv t cxl7tyt?c~itil fear ilit~ ~lur~7r~~c~ {l" adinitt~rtr~ the lrrrplet~~exztatita~~ cif tlic' ,=~t,t. l i3a~;E>E:l ~n the ~tantiari~~ se E~artl~ irr ~E`ttc>n I, the ttrrrcl in the filar, 6'~:z~irl an~i c~z~cwr-rl~le ~zic~x~ ~~.cr~zzxrt :,hall he al~sl~sr~~ri43t~Y~~ iztic~ z~xl~sc~z~clt~~l by the ~alifc~rn% T~rtE~r~ ~c~~ri~,si{~n t+'?r the ~ri~irl' ~-czr7~~e ~f cle~~z~lra~in `.~.fle;l-, S~'r~?£~ ai?ti ('alit 1 Ill ~11~ ~?. s. r.'G ft i. c91 ~I7~'I`~;j' ~;t'(1t'I~c~~.1t?;~ t~,tii.z~~; rt~z°zec~,i4rlile sE~ilrcE~~ Ir} ~:i.5t~i~EtE~ frz~iti>;~nal ~;a.~rlE:>xatica~:i staurCe, i"~r tht~ lEalltai;~'irt~; ~:~t~~,t>rit~~ ttf exn~.itrrrE'~i ~~ °l'l~e ~i~zn i" t h~clz~c:~~-! ariE1 filly riu!licai~ dollars (:~~'~11,U~'l,tli~Cl) ~.liall h,~~=arc~r~c~ fc~r zaaraz-k~~t-~~~i:,t~El ia~e~_t~ti~t>5, ir7t~lElEiii~t; l~rut rli:~t lirrttc£i t>;a ct~zzverrtlnn~ai, lt,~~ ~tr~d :~erc~ lnt{''xt"+t li~c"rI'1,~ij l~e~lL s;L3ear~illlt'L,".;, l`1't'c.~tt`~, l~lSti"G~41{,`S'r'1~ ~TIt~ r~Srlt~, ftsr° tl1ES ~"rl"liCllai~t' ter 1£~:i~Ea illiti Ill~t<111~311i3Tt, C,) c4ltitt}~rra£~~r~tirl ~'~3Ii1~r~xr?ia iL~r tl?;` }~rt~~lrr~tit7ri ~~f t~i~~t~tr~i;~l. ESrtt:~r"~;~> utili~iri~; r+<~rtijt~ iil~Jt` ~°rlE~x};~ tE~tluxilc~l;it~s~ SuEh ~xs ~,~lE2Y, a~'~tc~, ~;~:vth~.~r"~x~al, ~~'~ir°~~ anti ti~i~il ~,?E~k~°e~a°. The suzz~ r~i` c~z~r~ bllc~rr i~callaxs ~~,(~Cl,tlt)t),t1~}t~ shall be a~varcled fc~'r grants ar~cl lather lnreztti~~~es fir the ,~. .,~ ,-c~:,t_=1:~r~:f~, Eic~~ ~~~E~pr~~t, ~c.~n~~xuc~~n anal pr~ucti~n ~f atl~~~~~~~E~~i rt~i~t>~~~~~~i~ ~l:ctri~ nx~tic~n tcnz~I~7~;r iE~~° tl~c~ ~~,~:~~c~;;e r~~ r~9tiu~`,~ thE~ c~~st and ~;r~4E~Ythc~u:~~~ ~;a~ t t7r at~3t-~t cif ~, ~alifc~xnla ~ ~n-tit~,it° t~lt~Gtr~c ez3erat;E.~~t ~cn~r,~t~~, ~„,ti tt> L"c3!ntxllalt$€' Lt7 kilt' ~tdtt.°r~~„,1't'f'.ll~l(7U~E° aS T'C?El~it tit."311 t>,1 t;i't~. ~~T pl~rpos£~ ()f tl~i~ 41:16+C~SV1fi1C)Tl8 eJt3S.~'4'c`1TiE°E't.~ tc'~'llllt.}~t>Eyj,,:;,• rntxans t~~hnolr~ical ~c~~,~acc~n~T~ts in ~l~clrit~ .~E',~t'r~tti,}ti ~-r str~xa~ capac~iti~s tl~~t h<~ti-t~ tll pc,tential tta 5i~;ziiti~:~~r~t1~~ rduc xenhc~tisE~ ~.,ti E~,z2issioi'ts in a cr,~;f_E~ffc~cti~°t~ zx~anr, rlat~ to cu, ~t.`,~t tc~llt,c~it~~;tE~~. "Ad~ranc~d t6>~ l~nolo~~" include, lout ar~~ r,,>t litttit~~~ t{~, lar~-cal+~ ~c~lax thr~r~af, solar ~Toltaic, r~lE^r~;~, stc,x~~~;~~, bic~a, avau~~ and tidal. current. fox purposes E,f t}~i~ st~l~tl,~ itiicm,''E~n~r toxa" anc~ "stora~;c~ tE~cltrt~alc~ies" n~~•,ns technole~ic~s that allac electxicity ~rE~~lllced l-~y r~ne~able sources duxin ~~.~f-peak ele~ctxi~: tlt~rr~~3t°td hours anal l~t~li~ed duxi~~~ peak elctxic ~~~~ ~. '~t~~~l~.~~r,~~ Etrr ~r~lar, Wind and Re~~i;>i~°,Yl~l~ xlr' :1t:c't~u,~t ~Ependztures, ~~~~ T'l~e ~.~1ifc,r~~a lr-erY C'on~rnission shall nl~~ke ~alat~rlciitrrr~~~ l~uryt~~3,~t to'ctiot~ ~fi~~.7 carrsistent c~-it1~ t1.~c foal of ixa~~?rt,~~il~~, il~e econ~~xnir ~i:~bilit~ anti accciE'r~~,tin~; the cc~n~rt~~~rrialir.~~filc~n oaf xc}T~E~ti~r~hl~~ c~lt5~t~rc~11 eyn~~r~;v resc~urc~:~, surf, ,~ s4~lar, ~~yi,ul, ~;t~t?tlic~rz~~tal, ~va~~~~ ,,~,El tidal clxrxent. ~l,l l~,~rl~lr~L~ x3riority shall },f> t,i~~t~,~ t,-- >r,~l~i~~.t~l~ fih~~l lxtili~e s~~l~~r tt-E~l~,YOl~a fox the produc~tiE>n cif elE~ctrical erlx~y, <l,ul tl~~t less than. cihty pexcer~t ~~E)°;~} c}f the total arnraunfi Eit~~c~~ited ir, this account shall be t,s~d fE~r such. solar technolc~}}•. I~ereaftE~r, priority shall be i~en to proposals that utili,.t~ „1t,z4$ abundant rer~e~;vable electrical. extc~r~;v re~raurc~ss, tt~.~t offer the rcate4t potential for t~~t.:hnEalc~~;ic:~l l~rt~~lthrc~t~~;f,~ z~nd that aa~~~ix~~ize varialale and f`ixecl r<,tc~ Ic} :~~.ll ~~a~pendituxes mate r~rsua~t to sul~di~~i~t~n la~ tai `-iE~c ti,,,~, 2t~~1 ~ w.ll he`l>~~se,l ttl7,~t~ a cc~tnpt~titi~~~7 selE~ctit~rl l:~xoc~5s estf3l~lish~~~j f?~r the Califoxia ~n+~r~;y ~:;ont~~~ i~sion, 'I`hF~ ~.~c>~~ui~is~iE~i~ :hall, at a rxlinmurn: E~ kn.; h., .~ai~~ -1~- {~} Ensure that the expenditure fs fc~r r~=;t~~~r< 1~ ire rer7e~a~~~t>Ic~ elertric~l er+er~n~x ter~ht~~lc}~;~s ~r t.=lc~~~tri~<al ~~ner'~;y «3t i i~ i«t1i°~' tecl°~nc~l;>~i~~~;, i~~ E~~~ure, tc~ the ~ixirnu~xa extent Ec~rn7it#~~«~, #}~~~# t}7i~ {~a}`~sY~c:}i#ur°c' zIc>es nc~t sul~}~}~~rrt ~nc~s eta#hc~rirr~~.l car ~I>};,~°c,I~rz<~t~~ti by t}1«' Lt~~,islatr~:re pt~r~r~3~~rtt to ~tYctic~r~;~ ~=~~ ~5 ti~1d ~~}`~"C~ cif tl~~ 1 [«~a}#l~ and fete, C ~~c}c;~. Vii} }•:ti~~~lu4ite the «}t~~lzty° cif tl°~e research pr~~s~l, the ~c~tental fear ~c,I7it~~•ir~~ inifica~~t results, ir~cluc3inf; ctans%d~~r~tican of c?~t tl~i~ c*xl~aenditure wi11 ~icl ~~r result i~, the ct~n~rz~erciali~~~ticxz~, cr sif;nific~nt <rct [.~~rxx~x~rt~~i~t de~al~a~rent, cif r~r:r~c~~~t#:71«~ «~Iectric~~I eiY~~r~}r techzaulcs~;ic~:~ Lind rec~urces, ~~r~d tJ~e tune fr~s~ fc~r ~3el~ievin that ~c~~I. ~~) sure that the rtx~k~r~tlt-re is ~:Un~ist~~nt vvit~h any a~liclale strteic l~ln ~rc~~,l~te~ by the ~3}i#ca. 1/er~;y c?rt~r~~is~ic~n. (tl) ,~~(1 expenditures made ~ursuu~lt to su:l~divisie~n (~) c'f`x'c'tit>z~ 21i shill in ~cc.c~rd~r~ce Frith prc~cr~clur«~~>, sta~r~~l,~r~15 i9~~a fc~r~s adc~ptt~~ by the C`lifz~rr~ia t~.~~c~r~! Cc~rrt~7ti:~~tnn tc~ sul~st~r~ti~te ~ncl verif}~y th«3 zilV~ti°Ll t~f ir~c~>~~tv~~~, f~41.9. 8~~:~E~t~ rsn the st~z~«~ar~ls ~c~# i~c7rth in ecnn 2.0, fih fun~.~ls in th«~ C.'If>~~~~ Alterr+ati~~t~ t='~.ixx}s .~trr~t~r~t l~~Il be t s1~;7~3~~i}~?j'i,tit't1 .1(311 t"~k}~°3ii1t ~3 rt'r t3kL' }`I ltllili ~' ~i.I1'~"t{)~it,'„ t1t a T21'1rtJVI!'1~>y <l!I' t„~LI~I~It~'x C~t?C:T~}f~`~(S1j; ~l't't'IIIIC)ilSt' ,c'l~ E'Il°I~551t)Il~ ~nc~ reci~s«•in ~~~~lse~~der~ce can f,>rc~i~~3 uil, f~~r the fc~llc~rvn ct~~c~ricyti t,f expenditures; ~~~~ T~~>ta ~ltvu ~eil~t l~~i~~~~r~a~i ~~iicl se~~enty-:five tni}lit~t~ ~lcallars 7,~OFC?i}U} h<~I} l:~e =}Icx~~~tetl to an Aitt~r~~a~ti~r~> T"u~>l ~ehi~le f~t~lrste' ~~.at?ac~<:c~urit at~ci exl~e~c~ed as rei~r~tcy~ ~~ur~u~~nt tca ar-ci ~i~ ~c~«:c~rdar~eta 4~~it1~ suh~i}~ist~n ("1~ "I"1it~ sui~~ s~f tu+rt~ thc~usnd ~3~ll~rs (`~~,~{~) to the' ~~ri,f;iri,~l purcl~~ser crf ~z~}.new high fuel ec~anc>my vehicle, ~ >a~~a h~xndred ~nc~ ten millt~n cl~ll~rs ~~~ ~~l,Qtt~~ ill hi, ~~llc?z-<~tecl fcrr this ~zrcas~>. ° ~ , ~ ~... ~'?~ T"11~> sum of four il~~~c~~~n~l ~~~>}1;:3r~ (it~t~ ~'(S ~"1'lt° t)t°i:Tlt1~11 ~711rC11i3S€'r cif ~rti Y1E,'Lb' '~'E'l"}% 11,~1~ il.ll.'1 e~cyrtcazzny ~°~~11it-lr~. ~~~~~r> l~tazlclrec~ ~t~ci il~irt~~ r-lillis.7c~t~~ll~rs ~~~':~it,~itttt,t.ttti~~ ~la~all ~ll~~}t~~~i lcr tl~i~ ~°s~.arr~~~, (~) 7~e earn ~f t~~ta tlt~)u anal ~allars {~t?,Cl~~ tct the nr~;inal la~rChas~r crf ~~nv tt~~~~y nr relat~v~rerec~l lif;ht- ut~t ~lt~~iir~~~tet~ ete~tn alternativt~ f'u~xl ~relaa~le. dive l~urtclrec~ ~~~ fift~~ nlilli~an dsallars {~.fl,Ott{1,t)t)CJ~ shall ae allate~l fcar {) 'I"he sum ~f tt~vealt~°_fiti~c~ tltcnts~lrtrl ~l{~1}ar {?5,t~iit?j t~ the first five thcat.~sn~ {~,itt}t}} c1ri~;ta<11 fatzrc~}1a~iars cif a.r°1y ne°~v car repca~rere~~ lif,ht-r1iF~~lit~r~'3-~i~tat,, cl~~atiic~ltt'z} dean alternati~re feel eiele, itt~t~~ tf11~ ~~~zra~ ~f fiftt~;~t1-tl~t)~~fist=~~l iicall~tr; {~~,1~ tca subeer~t i)ri~~ln~tl fti~ ~'~ 1 ~,1,~~rs caf such ti~eltc:les. 'I`h~ fxsi: l ivtM= thca~ts<at1~i {,f~tl()) ctrixaal l~t~rc;.h~: errs shall. ia~~ c~etern°tir~t~tl y tlx<' tatty ~r~arc~ c>f ;~taali~ati)),) l-~,~~"~ ~.l ~ ~n t}~~= ~atc' azlcl tin11~ ~f its r{>cc~i}~t z~E ~'t~t.~~'~tS fr)r rr'l~~~t~~s. Three h~t~111rt~cl ~1ti~l t~~za ~1u1}it)~1 ~i11ar {;31~,C}t?,tlt3{~} },.~}} lae alltaeatec9 f~1t~ t}1is l>ur~cast ~~} ,I he sun oaf thirt~~~fi~e thasan dcallars {~,C~l) tc~ tiu:~ fiat ten thrtusan {~(},f}t~?~ c~rirtal i~rc;a~ers taf ~U1~' t1e~v car re}~cav~~e~°e~ hea~.~y-rneurxt~~lty r~~~ciieac~ c11~~1t1 alt~•r~rlatiwe f~ca ~~efai~cle~, and the s cif t~+'+~rtt~°-fivt~ tllrn~s,~t11 tfcall~rs (~''~,CTf?f}) tta ~ul?ses~uertt >rilitt~tl l:)urt l1as~'r~ t)f sutult i`r3liic 1/;3~;. Tito first tt~ta thc)ttsntl (Ifl.~ltit~1 a+#'i~=,;i:)} tZ3)t';"}l;y'>i'i'ti S}'i; }} i>t' C~t't('r1~1t1?t'~~ ~)4` tht' ~itdte }.~t)1r~i t>} l<c1u~11iz~1tit1tl 1~~1~f>cl ~)t1 the c~at~3 z1~~~1 iit`t1~> ;~f its r+~~t~~il~t ~)f r+~~~iu~~sts f~}r t`~'1~11tt'S. i?~ h~x~'t~fx~~~l <1r1~~ fift~~ ~zlillican. ti~71}1rs {~;t,t);()t:lt),t?~~ l~,~ll ~)C> ~tllrxatt~d fc;t- this ~urf,c,s~3. (f~) The stan~ caf fift~~ tl~t~~t~ti~~rtd c~calla~ti (~?t),Ot~~1~ t€~ tl°t~:t fi~:~t f;~~~~ t}~c1us~~~~i (5,t~~ltl) c~rif;ir7~tl l:)~zrt;llasers of ~}r~~r Hairy f~I 3'i'1);.)4~<`t~reC~ ~""kf.'s~V°V~~l:~:tlt'~% t~E"'tltir-tf~'C~ i`1L'c~rt cllt£'TT'«ttll'ti, f~~~1 ~'tsllic}k~, sty €af forty thc~ti~rl~~cl ~I~~}l~)r~; ~"'°lt~.~-CX~~I t{~ #}i~. ~.ul>s~'~lt;t']~t fttge thctusan ~:7,t)t~i3) ~:)t°j~nttl~:~1 })ttr~4}i~~st'r`Y c)f such ve~llt}r~: ~~~t~ tht*~zt fit ilz;rtL t}i~~t~~.~r7t3 clr>1}~~t'~ {~:5t},()(i~ tc each ,t_i13~~~ut>nt {~ri)i~1<11 ptiri~ll~is~~t- c1f slx~~l7 ~~~31~ic1{~s~ Thy fit°'4t fi~~t~ tllt)t~s~~t~cl {?,t)t)tl} ~it'iirt~~J purcha~3t`s 1t1 the stxl~~t3c~uertt fii°};3 tllc~us~lr°t {,~ carlin~tl ttr~`11~~sc~r shall ~~'t~=~~t~lit~e~ lo?v ti~t~ ~t~~t~~ ~~aarcl ctf ~u~tjilr~tic~« 1,~~t5ecl can the tlcttf~ and t%rrie caf itw r~~~'t>'il~t caf requests fear rehatesv C:~ne ,,r~; ~F 1 ua l i4,T'st~i -. 1i .- b~llir~~r ~l~~llr~ ~~l,tilf),tlt},~Cl) shall be allca~ai~~l trar tl~ pzzrla~,s~:~, ~i~ "1'1~1~:- tuzx~ ~f tc~°ca tl~tau~ancl clrallat~, ~`~?,(}t:)CI) tz~a ila~= rari~;i~al urn i«~~~_>z• , ~~ axz~q ne~~v ~~k~ar~ ~It~~r~~r~tlti°~~ ftir~l lzcjr7~~3 r~>ta~~~litz ~al~laxzc~~. :acl•r urci7<~~t~r- ~~tu5t tt't~1t>a~~trate C7V4Ync~t"~111~- e~f ~ clean ~31tr~ra~tatii~e~ ftzl v<~l~i~l€:l utili~i~"a~ ~~eh ~f~a}71i.ancf~. 'T'~°~azty-fi~"~~ ~aai(lii}a7 tii~fl.ir" (~?~,(3t)tt,tl~} ~l~ll l~Ej aJlc~~:at~~ci t~~ tlt:~ c:~at~~r,~~rti , (l~~ i~= un~rr~ ~nt~ fiEt~tzr~illic~z7 cit,Il<~rs t'~5~(:l,~t:-Cl,)0~ h<~ll lie rrllcarnat~cl tea ~~ C'1~:~~ua ~~It~~rz~,.~ti~ ' ~uI. ~i~~~t~~iY°t'h, l~evlcapc~t~t azac~ l~erz~tan:~ta ~atir>r~ 1'ror~rxt ~z~t~<~zz•~aunt tea la~.~ adn~iz~i~~terec~ ~nci ex~=z~zleci y tlhe <ali~~~rn~ ~~ir l~t~~ca~zr~c~~ }3<}az~cl a~ f~allzavvs; (1 } '11~~: ~;~, ray z~f cane h~az~cl~°er~ znillian dt7llara ~10~~,C~tl} shall be availably fc:~r i~lee~td~c4:~, nclu~3z~ but neat li~nitt::~cl tca c~rzv~rttiur~al, Iz~r~~° <~racj ~~~rca int~r~~t Ic~r-~z~~, laara guarantee, credits aa°zd raa°zts, Icar the ~.ItYt~~ltal7nz~~nt ~zzz~~~r cl~.~~n~~-~~,t~ ~sti~3r~ zaf declieated cl~az~ alt~~rz~ati~°~a tzz~~l ~~~~l~icles iz~ 'alif~ ~~•r~i~a ~,tYd, in az~lciitic>z°z, tl~case vehic:l~s that c.~:aznbixae clean ~~~t~~rn~~ti1 ~° fuels az~z°I hif;h effiz.tencv velxcle t~.3cl~zt~c~lc~g~. () "I"h~~ ~;tan~ caf .four l~urtdred ra~illiEart dc?tl<ar (.~-~t~c`-,~(?,(7) hz3111~~:~ ~~~~~~ilsa~l as i~cz~tzv~s t~ ~u~~{rt xk~wr~tza-clz ~aa~d de~;~r~lc~},clat~tat f+~r tecl°-rrcalzagie ~f ~fffciez~t ~az~~i rest-ett•e;~c tlve pr~~luctit~n caf lictid d gasr>tnzs l~a~~°~arl~~~a~- at~cl ru>~~-~:z~ran fue15. (:~f this ~uxt~, t~ hrzzitlr~a~cl zaullc~n tlul_I~ay~; {~~,Ui),~~:+.i,~,t>;-~ stall lar~ a~Xailal~le lt3r litl~r,l Ica- c~xrxji~ <l1tt~ nr~r~-earbc~n fuel. cic~~}~lp~~d~t, <,~~~:i t~~r~a hnc~rc~ zl~illc~n ~l~~llars ~p~t;E?Clfl,(lQ{:l) shall ~ acal~~lale f«r sec~~z Ic3~v-~:az•bs~zz and nc~xz-s°~~rbcarz fuel c~evel~aezrt. {~ The suz~~ c?f fift~r rnilla~~z~ dollars ~~+1),f}~(?,(i{~fl~ shall be available far xz~_ ~~ntives, ncludir* but z~cat liznitt~r;t tca t~ox°-veratr+~nal, Ita~v ar-d era interest Icaan, les fyl.t~~r~~rttf't:'~, ~ ("edits az~~l rants fear reas~anabl cras~~ ~t~,~~~~ i~ltk~~l ~Titlz tl~~t t~'~ilt~~; ctrl; certificati~arz raf decli~~atty~~ IzSar~ ill terz~aki°~re fuel l~elaii 1~~~. .m~_ ~~~ -t:- ., ~(l. tanda~-~l~ fc~r dean ~1ltt~r~€~~ative l~r~ael~ flit"L;taullt ;~Fex~cli tares. (ii~ ~l"le relltltt''s acrth~3r'ilt.`t:j 17(.17'+Ut~Ilt tt) 41it.3C.111'1Stt~il {} cf ~~~t iit?rl ~fa~19 shall be i~l~~cllr~r~tec-I in t`t~e ftrlic~~~~it°r~; r: rr t~r'i €t~>r: {1) l~ebate~ sl~~~rll be paid c7t11~~ .11tt'3 #€r~l~i~ l~~~rve been altacate~ tta the ~lti~r°tl<itve Fired ~'e'llit iti~ l~,i~zat~= rac~c~rut. I`~€~tvt~it~taa~~iia~f; th~~ fr~a`c.5~;~::~i~~},. ~i~r~~lif`~ ink Furchasr~~ crr ~~~~:~~ from anal ~rit~>r J~rzauar~ 1, 2(?iJ9 shrill elifible tE.~ €~ct t:~ive relates Frtarr~latlti= ~xfter fur€cls have 1~ee. allocated to tlae lterntive F`u~~l V~:~Iritlf= I~elaale ~ulaactKc~ur€t, {~) The lce~lsed c~~~~al€~a~ €}f a ~~€911ic:lc~ t>li~,il~le fc-r ~ rt`'lJil~K' rS !'~'CiU~~'~'.cl, ~r1C}r tci tl'€e time C1t 11U2'l`~iciti(~ C)r it~i35e, tta 7~~%~t~~~ 4L'Trtti'il tlot~ftcat~ar€ t~7 tl1L' C31'r7;rTttrl ~7t11't'llil~~'r" i~t Ll€"l'€ eliik~ilit~- ~r~l~l e o~rtic~z~s, steps ~7acl r~a~lt€ir~>rr~i°r~t~ tci olatai the rebate>, {) An clri~;i~al purchaser er~titlecl ter ~ rel.~ate m~)y c~itlr~tr• cabtain tl~e full ac~uz~t t~f the rel~~rt~~ rn-€ the tats Lic,ar,.l t~f Equal~atiori ~, wifih the ~~ rittc~r€ t:c~~SeTlt t~f the lip err;,t~~l dealer clf the vehicle at tl~e tilliE' ~~f li>rtrchase tar l~°<ISEs, ~IS~;i}7r1 the xiht t~ receive tlae r°~l~~rtt> ttl the dialer. {~ ;'qtr ~:rrit;irl~~I ~i>.rr~€l~~~r ear the cariixtal purcha~$r`s ~ssitnt~~~ €si~t~tirl~; to ~il~t~lirl tite rebate frcrt~~ the Mate Bo~lrcl ~~f i>~l€rt~ii~~rti~>rl slrlll ~itl?rllit Frt~clf cif rc~aiz-1€~nc~F, l~rc)~~f {~~ }'€r3i J}~3',l' l ~~ a'il.'l'. ~~~"t 3t~> (11c11 ;{i;.' :: Ir::" e: S .,,7.~i?i.' fc~r the rt317:rt~~ ~ltld prt~~~f clf L'~~lli~ ic~ z•t~~;ititr~rticrrl itl ~_.rlrfs.>ri:tia. The atatE' i'3,>~r€•~i cif Fclu~li~rrtit~r€ ~i~tl! ad~?i~t ~;tac 11 r~Yt,tri~ttit>rts atlc~l fcarnxs as teemed necessary to s7ilrt7itlister ttti4 l7rr,4=i:~i~ar~. {"?~ !tl tile' tyL'ellt cl ~tC~'titit?t~ ~if'iilt'r 4r~t"t'k'~ <)~ t~`l tinl€~ t~f uxc~llsar~~ ~~r ic~~;~~~ tc> SIC~<ry~i~t tilt ~.~rigirliri l~€arc:11~15er' xlswiirttllr~trt cif tllc' ri~;llt tc> r'~~~€^i~ ~.~ tlr€~ r•~~t~~rt~~, tEl~~ t1c~~€ler ~lXrr11 ri~~tzf~ti' til~x ~it~ltt~ F~i~ar•ci c>fi iati€a~tfirzrtit n at th~~ s~izaac tirtlc~ th~~ C~t'<ai~'t" r't3iyt~?r-tai tilt' `~clit' ~;)t` ll't15t' tt.1 tllt' ~t~~te $l)t3r'Cl llt i;y,r<ilir.<}ticj€~ f~rr tlic~ l;}tar~t.>~ t,~f tt`~.zt5x~€.ittit~f; tl-tc~ :~~ali~~ ~~r €.r~e tai ~ar~"tati i~1 tia~~ ~)ri~;it~tal }~uz°t:haser. Y~'ithan fire {~} l>€a~ir~c;s t~a~s of its rcpt ~:~ii.at of the re~~nrt ctf sale clr Leaser tY€~~ ~t~rt~~ l~taard of ptl€~~tli:rrttit~~ shall rezt°rit the ar€~aunt raf the t`E'i74~te tei the dealer c~r° cr~~tiit the dealer's tax prc~l~~rl tntrr)t ~zt~~-tiurrt. _tw `1`lxe t~tt~~ ~~=~lrci c,f l~cltr~}ir~ltll7rl w}r<lll adcl~t ~;llt°~t fc~rrrts as tlt'c'{~~~ ~x°~,~ to t,~ir77inf t~t° =~a1;~1 fxtkrc:t° ux°t~al~rr~er~t this Tt' ~t.lt~~ l~Ct~rr•d raf ~ClI.7IliI<1(lf7tx shill t~~l~late tC~ ti<rl~~= Ut' else tt~h al~plil:~akxl~ ttx i}r~3 sE1}e ~.7t• base Cif vehi~:l~ ~t t}tc> full rcl°I~se ~r l~°~lsfk rc~:> ~f tht~ vehrcle ~~il~~ut rCf;~lrti t~ ~t°t~~ assilale rek°~t7tE? under s~tbdiviscazx {a} t?f ~etzca 2t3 ~ l ~i. ~7} ~~Irl~r erne xe~aLlfie p~irsu~xt t~ sul~divsi~rt {) cx e~ti~n ~~~ 53 ~}l~lll l7~ alit~w~'c;l ff~r ~ s~e~ifi~ vhicl. ~~~ # t)r ('X~7t?31t17tL1T'l'~ l:~Ut'4tictlll ~C7 ~Lll~'IS1t1r1 ~~~ C}~ ~~t~u 1'J, tilf~ ~ •:rlif~~rrlifl ;fir iZz~s~tt~~`~es ward shill mike experrdturr<'4 ~c~r~~i~tt~rtt ci'itl7 file ~==~71 c~k ~~,lucrlf; t}le r~~t+e cif l~etrc~la~unx cf>r~~ur~n~tic~n, and ~`~ltr;;ink; ~=.~rnxartent t~n~j lcarl.. terrrt rerlrlC tip>n~ In etxol+~u~rr Grit<~llrrk~ki~3t1 i~ C;li}:r~l~r~i~ tx rlc~t less tl°t~lrr l~vk'tt#X' erce~xt ~2{l`;} l~~ ?it~tl ~~t~d rlr"lt 1='4~; th~ln tlxlt ~~rrc'tlt { ~~?'~} y 20t1. lax ~Clfiiti,nl, suc~}1 ~xl~c371=~littxaes sh~.ll £' 1?st'ci l.i~~zx c'3 t:Cr?xxlLttttl'£' `~t'!C't'fr(~rl ~~t'C1t:t"~`~; stblisil~x~l flti kEx~a ~alitarni~ ~i~ 1~~~:~~tt~ces ~iuiar•cl, The ~r~strd shall tlt ~~ z~lx~lrxtr~.xx~; (l} ~;xxsur~e, tc~ the rrt~xirnu~x~ ext~t~t l~c~rittf~C~, th~rt file a~per~dih~t'e dues ~rrfi 4rtl?pl~xtt, but u~~71r_~ritr-ts, t°ai~tit~tl state fu~~€Iirt~ fvr t}1=:~ r~'~lur~ticrn crf c~trc~leurrt =.'~~n~;rlt31t1C~ri lI1 C<7litflrtll~l, ~2~ la,,fr, l~J ttr tlr~' t~~r~axirlauzxt c~;~t~~`tk €~I Irrrtk~cl, thflt thc~ expentdturc? cl+l~s nc~t su~~lr~t Funds ax7t~h~xi~.czd car ~lf~f~?rc~l.~t~i~ted y the l~e~;isl~lttlr~ pt~r~rtE~~rt fic~ ~c:tif~z~s 1?~ arlci ~t X271) tal the l~'att}x ax~cl ~~>ft~~ ~:ocl~. ~} Evaluate tlxe ~I~~lity c+~ the ~alrc~~c~sal fc~r tuxl~dir~l;, i~xcludxtn~; tixe vailalxilty v~ ~rl~rate rrlatchi~~ rz~ci;;, ar~d the ~c~terxti~l fcxr a~hevin sinificrxt resets, rl~luditt~; tixe level cxf l~etrclleutx~ rec~tt~ticrr°I ~vlthi~x thC~ state tll:~lt is cY~;p=epttryd t~ }~e ~~~`l~i~~ved as r~;~lt cif the x~c:r7Cli~rr~. }"r ~~~?f~sfllti wti it slnti<°~lt~t l~usix~ess validation ~ricl lc'l~t~r~le fay=~nl }?t-i'~'~~t~:' e~u~ty f~.~~tdi~~ ~r subc~rdirtate rlht fur-l~ir~ fr=,~rr~ lal'it~~lt~~ ~r~urc kvill e prit~ritied ~rt~l ~;it~€~r~r j~rE~ft~r~rt~ tc~ et~rbla~lx t}~~~ ~~~axet vial~llit caf the ~I.=>~~~~~~11s. ~, qq +~~} 1~~f°a(ttta#~~ t}lr' i~rfal~at~ilitti` t}1G~t #}r~~ ~ro~a~f~~al a~vill. result in sa ;;tr5t~~it~,t>~}, unsu}~i~.ii~ed a~l~~r4~f~t-t~c~r~-~f7~jtitir,~~; ~~l°~171C91C)~F ~~t' tt'l'~'171t>li~~~1f`5 hilt l'flil ttt:hl+'1'£' ~lll?~`;tc311ti~1~ f";°}t1;~t13ali'i' {)i' }~1~`;iTaE' r 1CC~'~?$~arai.i,' [~t'} t7T'tC"1 tlaC-' ~`+E,al?tiac~~V ter inc ~~ntiti ~ [~t~r-iG,~~i. ~} ~nsur~~ that thc~ ~x'pcn~littrrf~ }~ cer7~itit~~rat ~~~itl~ .i~lr al:~plicabl~ strat:~Xic }6r~~ as~f~l~#~~d ~,,~. tl~~> ~alifernia Air }~:t~,f>try°~:~~~ Bc-~rcl. ~f~~}~~'3. }~~z~,~:~~} ~ka°r tht~ ~t~.izci~~r~~ i~ `~~attic>r~ ~f~~}''2, #h ft~r'tds in tllzy }?t'i~1i)xtwtx~a#iera ['rf~~~rts anal P~>blic ;.~l~ac:~~tic;~~r P~ccoa~xat 51~~il1 l.j~~ trclt~t~it7i;i~:~r~~.1 axad e~c~~~nded by the ~tali~oa°zaia }~:rtk't~;~;ti' ~o~a~aa°tissic~ta f'or grants ira the folloa~in aanouaats to t[~f~ fr~it«n lracrl ~;uv~rn:nac~nts for tlae purpose of ct~pital [3r~yjt~f't sand c~pcr;}ti,~}y expenses prcaaaac~tin cu~t-1 c~k~n,t7r~hta°<~~in, tl~tY r~~`#aa~al use caf alternative and ren~~~~-<ila} t'11E'r~~ti' tti l~ar1LY TE-'4'I`k'i3#1(.?il ~~rltl C1.1~~L1I`~~ V+f'Tlll~."Sr 1t~~Llt~ltl~ ~h~.' ::jflrac~~tif~ti o~ stuci~aat5, resi4lcnt aaad the visftin pub}ic• ~}~fttt t}7k,~, fechaaralo~;i~s ~rtaCl lract_i~s~s. ~~~ The surxa oI t~~~c',T't#~'-tivt~ rr~ill.iott dollaae {~"~,tttW}t),) shall. av~~il~rl,l~s to tllk~ ihr of Los Angeles. fit?) The seam of #waat~-~~ive aaailliota caller i~,tIC)(l,t~l)C~t} shall ~ av~ailalale to tla 'its ot" a~aaa lino. {~} Thy sutxa ~a~t~venty-five million drallars {s~5,[1f)(?,f#tl~) shall l~ ~vail~tbl~ ~o th+~ pity of ~,c~n~ each. {f~j "lae saa~xta i?f t~~~ealt~r-fiva« z°t~tillt~r~ ~ic~li~ar~, {'.~~?~,~Ot~,{)f1~7) shall be av~tilalale try tla C:it~ ctf [r•~ rt, ~e~ `I~e sung cif tanr¢eaaty-five illican ct<~}}~t~ {,1~(),(}t~f)~ shall b~ availal`al+~ tra tlaf> City atad C'<~uxaty of aria (f} The sum of tan~aa#~~-fit't' n~illioaa dcallar {;~°~~,f~flU:;(7()()} skail i~ie availably t« tlif~ 'ity of {~alaa~ti. {} The sum of t~~et~#1--t~iti~% n~i}lien.. dollars {~'=:>~tlt~il,Q~ shall h~~ auailalal~~ tot}r,, City ~ resraca. {h} The sum of t;~vent~~-flv .illion ~r~ll~~ars (a,f}~,Ot~~ shall he available tca the C_`it~' caf ~~~~,z'.~~nts~. Alfi~ 2t~~~' ~>t~artc~~rc~is ~~~r I)~~i~~F~t-~tr~~ie~ra I~rt~j+~c#s arF~ 1'7~Lalic~ ~~~,7t1{~77 ,~{ c~~aarak x~ac~r~ait~~x~,,~. ~~, `(17t~ ~~~fitar~~a~ ~~~r~,r; , 'c~laalx~i~;<ic~z~a :~f~r~ll ri}(<~~ ~ltk= f~ara~ it:> i~<7~~h 1-~tal~li~ ~t~tikv i~ft~a~tilit~~3 ii7 `~t§~tit~t3 "_'fi-f''1 ia~~c~t~t t1Y l~t~ttit~'~ ~171~naitt{~l ~~l tli{:~ f ~t>laaa77i~~~ic,a~'~ x~}~}~a't.71'~~1 ~>F }~rpc~~ci erg}>it<~l }~rc~je~t ~1I1~:1;`c3r c7}7~br~~tila~ t~xpeF~~,t~ }~ratl;rarn ~t ~~a~~~}?Iic~s ti~~it17 ~~a~~ t°~>l~fc~rtra~ tta thcy }~ur}~st~sr~ ~;}~~~=if~t~ ire tart tai 2 3 . () .~I1 1>r•t7~~ct ~r~ Jc~r ~~rc~~r~n~s rc>«~~ased y e~~h. t,~~iz~ ~~lititt° t1~5a~tifi~d fra >~ctfc~r~ 62'1 sl~~~l ~ran~~l ~~~t~i. "~ ,t ~r.°atait ~.t~~r7~i~7a°~ fc~r ~€~1~~~~~icazt~l }~rc~ra~~~ tli,~t ~~>rv~.z cl7ilcir~~xt ire l~;r~jti>, ~-~12. ~~1~3. <'zl tilt t1~~.s st~377c}ar.~;, ii1 `i~~~tit?t~a fib, tl7r~ futYds u1 if ~.~ ~ 1~~fz~c~~ic7n, Trair7ia~~ ta~7cf t.>tr~>~ac~ ~ce~u~ ha13 h3~ ~EI'~>r~~}`~ri~°Ft~~t1 t~i7~3 tsx}~~t~t~cjcf ~'~' ~~ac tealift~rrti~_k•rurr};~> ~t~t7uaai~;s~~zt ~t?r the i~{~Ilc7~~~irt~; }~ttrpc~es. ~~~ I~k~ rants t€~ C~~l.f,~~r~ia paab~i~ rxnirr~rs~fii~, cc~ll~a"a ar~z~ ct~rxttrttx~iit~. ccpll~~c~ fir. ~1) staff c~~v~lak~}`?>~~t~t, trains ~;r~~nts ~~d r~,t~~~t~~~ft try trr~r~ studnt t~ nrlc c~it ~art~ tri il~~}~rc~v tl t'tt711t;a~aaic ~~i471:~ility ~~n~i ~c~les~at~ tll~; c~~~~rc~~liz.iti~ ref rt~a~t~t~~=~31-~1c~ erac~rs;} ttc:li~~c~lc~~;i~~5, t~n~~a~};~, ~'ffici~-~r~cv tet~f•u7c71ca~;i~:-~ ~71~t3 colt>~~n ~~It~~ra~L7tiE~i~> fuels in ~~~l~ir~};4, ~~iaai}~aa1~yFFt, ~:ltctri~ity ~c~nc~r~~ticar~ aatcl ~.°s:i~ls:.l~:s. ~2) "f`r:~Xtzc~n ~ss~fi~z~acc~ fF~r 1 ie~m~ ~tu~nt and. ~~>rta7~~r f~~l fcza«xl c~terY ~~•F~rka~r~; attd >ka~rtifi~ci v~11i~1 rzt{~~ 1~F~~ni~°5 (~? {?t~t~ain trainini; tc~ ~ert~rk r~'iil~ r~~a~i~zt ~tt~lr~ ~=nc~r€~*y t~~~t7~~lt~f~i{>~;; ~~1~ ~~ ~c~~~r, ~;~c~thrn~<~t, r~ rt~l, ~~ae ~4 ~Fnci tic~s7j: t~~t.l7rac>~i3~i~s, Mara alternatir~~ fuels, ~~r-t~ ~na~r t}~ticit~az~~~~ tr~~:l~n~~~ie~, f~ +i~din~ ~c~~aipm~.nt, el~z°iit {b? ~~}7f° sFa7~t cif t~~tsa~t~-fi~•t> ;r7iCli~~n cl+~Il~ar ~~~,f)tit),;i)itl sl~~7i1 1~~~ 47i ~7i1~71~1f= ft>r {7~Ftrt~~~cl~t tai l~rr,~~it~e l~il?~7t` lalt{r7'P71~]tIC1F', t;Cttlt".k'a"f19T1~; t~"a~` I_tla(3rt1n~'E"', wl~"11~~31~a11t>' ~~an~f ~7t ~°~~~=~itailt~ raf ci~~ra lt~rn~tfv fa.~l~ rid ~In altt']'iyx~tF.'t' 1ta~~P ~'t'lta;rlt:~s, t'Fit'C~;~' ~'ffat'1I1C C~E'~r2C£?S c~rlC"~ t~l~rF~~fc3}:i~y~; ~~F~ r+~lu~~~~tt}~lr tzt~~~r4c t~~~:l7nnlc~f;is. a6~ 7~ ~} ue^l7 ~atlat'a, }~+r~~~;r~a~~s ~~~ t•r1:r~~ l,r;, ~lEit~~r~a°r~ine b~~ tl {~.:aaltt~~ra~la Enea•t;ti~ i't~al7r~~issc~n tct art? ~ ai~ct> tilf~ f~ur~~se a~°t 121tt'a"alttl~t~'lI`;.~i+~l+.~~i1~1'~tE:'T1tW1~~11i; ~t:tlt'~j:;it<i~~~i11~ p~t~t'c't1 V („'4. . ~{,~f~-#. t7t<~1'tG"l~Tt~~ Etta` l:;titac'~ltit.rt, i a`11a1111{~` G~.ra~ ~LltCeaCh ~~t't4711att ~~~3T1CltU2"E'ti. ~,~} The ~.alil~c~rna ~ner~;~° ~~xrrn~ssit}rt ~1~~11 re ex~er~riXtrrres pta~°sarrt t~ ~ect~~~~~ C4 ccart~i~t{~att ~~}ith the r~als ~F ta-taa~aian stuc~ler~ts tc~ vtrraa°k cvitl`r renew4it~lc} t~ner~v' te~h~.c31c>~;ic'~, a~~~x~ as scalar, ~atlacara~aa~l, yin, tv~:tl~t' ~n~ tidal ~a~+, ter ttt~la~.~ica~;zes, ter ~=a~~~r~~~ t~tficit~rt~y tt'c 11au>Ic~~;it~~, in btxildla~~a, t~~;cai~t~~r°rt, c>~c~c:ti•it"at~~ ~ea7c'r~~tr~n, c~Ic~art alt~~-a•a<~ti~~e fuc~l~ t~a`ac~ ~3rL1a1 gilt€'rt~ati~t~t° Eue1 ~t c~hiclc~~:. ~~ r~l~ ~.=A~~c'a~cfiatt~res Tll.a{:~€' ~arsu.ant tC} `?4'Ctliaal °?(tir~~i shall, as dc~t'z>wu~L~ cat'tts~~;~~a~~° car La~~a°t>i}ri~~t~~ lay tEat~ C"t~)ift=rtlil ~r°r~ry ~c~ri~a7ai~5iua7, die based p~aa as c:r.>a~tl'st~titil'c" ~c~lec°tc~n ~rcaeess ~.:~tril>li.,l~~d ley tl-e Califca~z~i~a I~a~er~;~ C ~tntn~i4wit~rt. `~,. 'the <~~ilti~tuxe shall ea7z~et sr~eh leil~tt7a~ <~:~ i essay, if ~~aaY,. tit iz°~aleta~E~rat t}aw t~`~ha~ter. l~~f~ttar ~. 'is~al I~rta~ri~ic>ar ~£. l~~z°td~ ire the t~t~l ~t~tt~a.aaYt t~f !it•t~ blll~rn d~allar {~,(?(l(ir,t~(~~?). rtat inelutirilt tl~<~ tar7~ttLant pf any reft~ndn 1lll:iti a~sUed lad ~1li:t~3°t~i311t"E' ~~'it}1 !-it'~tlt)11 ~t1~~`~> f}}t`'it'} Y2121"~°l ~i,, i`i.' 1~ z.5 ~ ~i', .. .. # ,t' t'. ~ ...z t s, 1, ~_ ~ ~. . 1'Ela-rl'ira~ t'=Lat tl1E' }~lac}~t~~t'~ :t't }t`s7't~1 iat tills (~11"deli}at ~lCli~ tU l" u~,<^i} ttt t-c~dralE~urSt~ tl~e (~c'ra<.>a°~l C~t~liatit?~ ~t~rY~l ~:xl~t'nsc' I~t~:~'c_t}~,~iri~; F~aa~d lauruant to ~~tion ~7~~~=~ cif the ~~7, brand ~r~ceeds shall he cit>l~c~~rted tt~ the al~carnia ryrt~walal nerl;y a~i~ t='}t°a~ci Ait~rnati~ i~ta~l l~uz~d a~reat~~~l b~ ~tirran ~4~1. Tht~ lac~a~ds shall, ~rhe`~°i sold, be and eran~;titutt~ a~: ~~~lid nc~ bina~llra~y c>t~li&°~tl~r~ ~3~ ~h~ tats ~f :~lif~r~>aia, ~arat3 the 111 I<aitl~ anc:1 t rt~~Iii {~~ tl~~"'~tate cat a~iftt rtix y~~ }a~~,a.~,f,j, }`~l~.~ii~;t't} tttr iE~~e> htaazt~t~<a! ~~~a~-t'i1t'T1t ~~ 1~;3t1a f}a`ia~tt~if~~i t,f ala7c~ ia~tc~rc~st c~aa the l~cands as tl°a~~~= became aEat~ and ~aaylale. ;:, ,a=.~>~> ,,,_~,~ ~ ~:, ~ ~ l ~w ~~?~: `T"he bc~n~s ~utll~~rireci l~~ this c~~~iyiot~ ~h~71 par~'i~t~rt'd, c ~ff'C'Llt~'t~, IS~;IXet~, St7~+"~, ~7~11c~1 <Itl~~ rt'tilf't'ITlt'il ~t5 }~~°~~~~it~ir~il ij~ tltet~te ~:,~;r~t;'l {~~li~,~ttit>i~ ~3t~r~~i I..~i~,~ ;c~l~~i}-rtr~r -}, cr~~~t~c~7~ci~~ with ctic~n ~~r?t~, ~~f P,~•t ~ t>f I~)i~ isityra ~~ c>f °Iitl+~ ? r~i the C::a~~vernment tw~ie~~ ~r~d,all l:~rtn~isi~nl~ c>f tll~,k I~°~~r sh~:l ~pp~tiJ to the hinds tv this c~ivis~rt; parc~~,~idei~r h~~~~7er, ii»t the Ein°~it~tir~ns ~;# it>>tl~ i~~'x~t titan 1fi72~ cif the cn ~~~-ttnn~7i ~::~de sl°~~II t~c`~t ialy tt; tlrt~ l~c>>1t1~; tti~~l tca this tlil ~;it>>~. ~#~~I?~), t~~} .~,c~lei~T fc~r ~t~rp~~es of ~utht~ritir-il tli~~ i~su~~~~ r~~~t1 ~<31~>, i~czru~r~# #c? tl~t~ St~~te C~enr~~l C)l~li~G~#lc~t~ Band ~~a~~`, ~~i th~~ hams ~7uti~c~ri~~t~ b~' this cli~~i~{,n, t1tt3 tyt~lift~t•~7i~ Is~>t~r7cv~t~rie Emery ~rtd Glen ~Itern.~ti~-f~ l~ut~l l°it~z-~~it~t~ ~t'}Yx1t11itte'e 2 hereby* ~~"e~teC~, I~C1x 1.~T~){~5t:'S t?t tlil'~ c:li~'i:~it~l-t, the ~~liF~rni~ Iit3ttew~thle Emery art~l t.`Ic~~tx~ :1lttir»t~#i~~e gel ir~<~t~t4e ~`t~t~ttrtittt3~ is "the ~~~mittc~t ., <~^~ th~t# if~r~~~ i5 ta~~ir~~~~i ~,t~ci u~;t>cl l~~~ #l~t, ~t~~te i J~~nt~r°<31 t~l~ii~~7tic~n l~c?r~~l l~~w. 1'hc~ t_~c~r~tt~~it#ec~ s1~~~11 ct?27=;i~t ~f tl~c~ t~'~.~ntrc~Iler, the I?irt.~c`tt~s~' cif i°in~~~~cc t~nci tli~ 'I't-c}~~~;~tt~~~xf cap' fl~~>ir i~i~~~r't~te r~>1?rte>~t~t~t~~tit~e:~. I'h~~ `T"r~~~~~;uz'~~t~ ~h~l! st:~r~~e ~s eh~irE~t:~t-~;~~n of tl~t.~ c=tttr~7ittcsc3, ~~, n~r~jt:>rit}T a~ tl~c> c:t:>~urttt~e nta~Y act f~7r t11 ~:r.?rr~~ittn ~l~) Ear the }~uzp~ses oaf this ch~~teg the secretary c?t thy: ~t?~~t~urce~ r'~ency shall he J'the br~a~dfr .t4 that tern is c~c~is;ta~°I ~~r~d ttsec~ b~Y thetate(~enera~ t~l~;~~tir~n 13~n La~~~, (r};ji-. "1'he cnrrtlttee shall detertrrui~rte wh~~tht~r car neat it is n~~ct3ss~~r1 t~~- cle5irt~i_~l€~ tc> issue c~n~ds ~~ztl~t>rir,tyt~l ~~~a~'stl~itt tv the<; ~li~~isit>t7 iii c~rdt<:r tc~ earary cut the actians ~1-~t:~~:ifi~~d ii~- this dig°i~<~t~ sYr~d, i~ sc~, the amount ~ be-nds tc, l~fy is~tat5ti and r~lc°l. `~ucc~~Yb~ive issue ~f bands may h~ .~r,tl~t~ri:~~~d and ~I tt~ ti~r1' t:)~1# tilLJSe ~~t1G}n~ 7I'C}~I°L''~StVl'lT?, `clilt~ it l~ I1C3t ntw~~:~,~.;~.~~t that all of the han~~ ziutl~~~d•i~c~ti tt} l~t~ ~;5rit~t:~ sc~icl dot any cane titrte. The ctart~ittt,t 4h~~ll, t~~ tll~~ c~i~~~ittm e~tt'3tt ~t~rriaitt~d, l;iv~~ pri~7rit~° iu tlt~~ i~si~~ui~~t~ and ~~~le of laanrl~ rtecessar, tea allcx:.Yt~~ fc~rzd~: tc> tl~e t'~iternative Duel ~'~>hic l<~ I~~~l~ate ul~~ccat~tYt tF~st~tl~S~;l~t.~ad in suladivi~ian Via) of 2(7~i ~'l, ~'l~er~ s17~~1I he cllt"~t-t~~l =~nrtus~ll~r its tltt~ s~~t7itz nta~~ne anii Get tl~e s~an~t~ ti~~ae as c~tl~r~t' st~~tc r~~~t:~z~ue is ccjllt>c°tt~~i, in acidikic~n try the r~rc-linary revet»es of tl~e stag, ~ sung i~~t aan ~ ~, __ _t_ arnta$~t~tt ]'t~tltrir-tx} tt~ pay tl-te pritwipl taf, and. interest s+t e, the 13tans tlt~tttsrir,~; ~~.trlt year, anc~ it i4 the t~uty csf all tatlii:c's w clart~d t~~r la«~ ~ itlt ir~~= tlt~~ ir~r re~;~rt~c~ tct the c.txllt~tMtii»z cif thE' r#?V~t111£? tt> i#i> ssj .t11i:t }>{'I'~t~7"ilt i'~:rti 11 a21t'l E''ljE'T~' at.$ tlrtrt #s necessary ttr t t11Ii';'t tltirt adclttictnal srtzrt. 2(i~~`~. ~'t~t~~itlt;~t~zn~~irzsW; ~r~i fi~szr ~,3t~ ~a~ the c~~'t~rrtrrrt~rtt ~cz~ltx, il~t-~r~~ i~ }t~Yr•~~~t` ~s}>},r s~}7r-i~tti f~'t~ ~t ~~t"<tt~t`~il ~u~1d, {Jr }~tir}~c7~t=~ t~E tlti> c#il~i~iai7, ~zn ~zmt~u~~ that will equal tht ts~t~tl t~f }ss~ tl~~~ strrtt ~srtttts~rll~,' Jtkct~:s~try tt~ pay the print pal c}f: i3rlt;# it~tet:est raft, 17tzttii-: t~+:~Lrt.'t# <ttttl Sc)ltl purst~artt tC2 this ~#iti~i~;i+t t, as the 1?rirz~i}z~jl ~rritl irrt{:~r<j~t la~ct~e due anc~ tea}°~al°~It°, at~tcl {I>} tltE~ ~ttrzt t17~tt is iaecc~ssary tcz carry rsut the prpvi~i~ri~tsc7t~e~'tion'?t>•f'», ~tl}.~rczl?i•iszft•c1 withttuitt`t~~;ar~1 ttz fiscal years. ~{z.-}::~.">. 1"~tr tlz~ p>«rrl~n~;t~s ctcarr} ii7n t>trt this diti~isit>fa, the t~ia•~}~.-fctr (~-~f l~isl~at~~:~.~ rt~a}~ autl~~.~r'ir~:~ t11t• ti-vith~lr~t~~rtl trta~r~;r°73s.. th.e l yt'117~'~r'<il t'trr~.cl l1t tr~t G°t.n~turtt i.)t" irrttt~r,srtt.4 Itt)t tip l'.XCtSf~i:~ L33.e ~srttsztant ~ tI1s.A uttld rsdti tlt~tt ItLzt-~~ t~~>~~t~ ~~~athtzriz~~ci tta l st7lsi t"tsr tlt~e ptrr-~rases tnaf carryttl t>ut this cliviscan. any ~stzttlrartt~ itl°rclrttti4rt shall. e d~~}acs:~sit~=c# l~ the fund. ~y ztrs,rz~t~~ rt-s~cl~~ ~r~ ~til~tly}ta `<tncl~r this tins:°t#r3rt shall Lie r~~txzrnecl ttz t}r~~ Cs~rtL~r~tl ~'rtra~t, }Airs thF intt~rs>st that the artr,rat~rrt5 ~~=~a~al l~~t~~r~ t~~rrrtt°~1 irz tl-ss~ 1'cr,~l~>tl 111tnu~4- Invt~stn~tynk t~,crc>unt, from nt~zrtt~}~ rc~i ~>ir=c~t1 frtzzz~s tlzt~ sale tat ><itancls tlz~tt ~v'saul~: c~tltt~rtti-ise lac„ i#t~lytz~rt~~d i tlt<tt ft.srz~i, ?Er~:~,t.:111 rtts~rT!t~~ derivec°l frart~ premiuztt art as:t~r'ued irttc.~rir~;,t sort 1~~~~tt°ls sc~lcl shall. he res~'r~%~'ii ~rcul slistli ~~t a~<<rilr-sk.~lr~ star tx~nsfer tta the erneral Fnr-t<i a4 4a c:rt~t~it tcz sa~l~tyr°rciiturt~s fc~r l~cl interest, #>.1:~~, a~r~y lat>rz~:#h i~~suec~ czr s~lcf pur~u~~nt tt~ tlrti~ divisit~n xnay be refuz~~t~ci y the issuan~ t~ <,f rt>fttYts~in~; bt~rcds in aeerartt~szac tti~#th article , Ci)rztrtti~rti:itt} t+~~ith tit~rt ~.67'C}, taf ~~'It~z}~te~r tai" 1'~rt f t~i~•;~icrn -1 t~f ~~ itle ~ of the ;~7.~~~r r7rat~ynt t:~rai~. ;1E~1>rslt'<31 1~ti~ th~~ ~'Ist'cfiol's crf tht~ state fca tlti> is:~ta<rttce gat the 1•~c~rttls ~It~tll i~zt~lu~le ~tpraval ctf` tlr<° sssrsitrlt ~~ raf. n~P htaatri~ i~~,us~c~ tcz rt7fuz~d any bt~nt~ rzr'~rtally l'~`+t.l~':1 ~tl` <"i!"1 `,' ~~T"'°VIC7LI~1i' 1~~~+l:lt:°t~ r"~Ltt1C~1i1~ I~t~I3l~y. ~+71:~~>. °I`l't~~ pt~p1~ tzf Ctl#ftarni~ l~~yrtYh~~ 1°nci ~trrl clt~c:fare that it't~rsrnut~h as $l~te ~rr~at:t::~:~s:l~ frctrrt tltt~ s~:ilt~ t~tf l~tan~ls ~rutltctrizetl 1~~~ t}~~, ~.}ra i~,it~n ar€Y ~xcat'`~tt~a~~'t'f~~ t~f tars" ~ that terxal is tr:~~~°~l ire r~rti~ h= VIII B t~Itlxe C~alif~~rr~ia C::c~nst~itt~tir~n, the f}~~I.~trT~;~i~T~>T~t t~f thc~s~ ~r~T~f~€~ci~4 is ~xut s~laje~t tca the li~~-rit~~tif~Ti iTi~~s~r~ h~~ that t~rti~I~'. +~_'11~Tt~tt:~~ ~. ~cctxurtt~~lity. £~7. 1Tr <rf~}~iitif~xx tc~ arxy, c~thr r€~clt~irt>~1 rc~lac?rt~, tlxc ~°alifc~r~xi<~ }t~er~v Cc~m~nssic~~~, tlxe C.`~a}it~rr~ia lir I~t~s~ur•~ 13~~arci a~~tl t}~E~ t~r~~xtrt~ller slxall eas~h i~,~,~re~ ~~~ as1TTtTaI re+~rt tca t.1°t~a ~~a~=~rrxt,r: tl~~ L~~r, ~~ t1~~ ~~u~1ic that ~~t~ fc~rtlx their astir°itif~~ ~r~~.l aet:~m}~li~lx~xxea~ts r~latin tc~ this Act axxcl fu:tur rt~~;re~T~~ fiircti~a~I~. 1s~Tf°h ~Ittt`t~It} ~f~i~t~t sl~~Tll irlcl~~€~, brat nt~t e limit€Yfl tc~, the fc~l}t:strjin~ nfc~r-t~<~t•ic7tx; t}7f~ TTU,xl}~~r anti ~all~Tr ar~~c:>TuT~xt caf inCt~riti t~~; ir~c~lucfin~ l?tTt Ilc~t }irnitf~~al t+ ran~~:~ }C>t7IiS, ]t.)c~l1 llarazltf'f'~, ta~'L'tjit>+, l~tT}'Clf)y1'11ti :111tj r}'~Ttt>~.; t1xE' rti'C113It'tltfi t~?~ inr entivs f{?~' thE? ~7~'~C3~ ~~'~T; ~~x~ aciTTxini~trati~~ ~~~E~~n~;t~°4 rt~lafiin tc.7 the A.ct; a surnzxxaxy oaf tf°~t~iTr~IT tirtc}srT~;ti, ir~t~ltTf}}n~ larrztxxisiax~ near r~~4f~~~rf:h arias clllt~ tt't ~"11~CilL)~'1C~1} T,I11i{?1'c,tlt)S1S; arlcl t12'ttx4ySE+,'y"~,j]lf'ix~ (7t th£?' T~f~1~Ttit.~~T~lxi~ la~t~7eerx t}T~~ ~rtir-~rr~l cif incentives a~i~l ar~yp .a}~}>li,:~T}ale stratE'~*t` l~l~Trt> ~h~°l;1(`~i~} ~. ~~ampeting, r~a~ul~~ttary alterr-ativ~. 11. In tt~~- ~°a 4=lrt tht~t trrtf3t}~~~r rtTf~~TSUrt~ ~"tc~Tn~~til~~ ~~x~asure") ~xpp~t~ars caTx the a~x~Te kaallc~t ~_~ tl7i~:.~~t_t t}lclt sf~f~ks t{~ ~~cir~pt car irTxt?c~~cA ~r~~vi~i~?ns car rc~f~tzir~=rx~erxts that fiiffer a~x ~~~x~, 1 t~1'~41,'t1 t<.,, ~r su}°~1f~Trrf~TYfi, th€~ pracri5ic~zx~ ~~~- r~quirt~zx~t~,xtw ; t~~~tairxc~ in this r'~c~t, tl-r~~ ~ c~?tfy:'~: ilt'r, ~} ,r. f~~ressl~~ r1t=clar~y tlxc~r intent that i l~f>th t1Tf~ t,t-sT7~}rf~tin~; r~~c~as~xr~ c7S'li"i t~"i~., <~: i~'c e'k'ti~ .f ITi:i~s~~.lt~4 f1~ t~OtE:'~+t',~t~t, ~1i11~ 1~' tl"ti~ .~°3i"t i'~'~ `i; t':~ ~1 ~.t'ullt'i tll~lii~'i`3" f)~: 'VC)tt'~ t~l~lit t~1~'~t7111~7t't3r7p.; T'lIf'~i.`st~rt', rl'11~ 1~etshall prf°v~~Tl lf1 Ito f:'I'ftir~'tti' t~Vf'2" tlxk' c•t~r~~}~c~tin~~ rn~sur~y rr it}TC>cTt rt;~~ar tc~ whether ecili{ i?rttti i~if3xx ~f~fiach i;*xeasur t#ire~f~tlr~ t +~t~i}irt with e~If~lx ~th~~r. h: In tlx~~ f~.~c~r~t that l~rath il~~ t'<}i7~}7~~tir~~ ~~~L~~ISUr~ aid tl~.A~t r~>~~ir°~ a nxaj~rik~r t~#` rat=t~°~ c~T~:t, <~~~ the c{7t~t}?fain}; T»f~,~s~~r:~ receives a ~;T•t~~~tfr number <>f ~.~t~te than. llai~;, ~,c~t, l}ti~ :-~~ t ~la~ll e de~cnxf:cl cvtx-tplerx~entar~T tc~ th~:x cutxrptin~ as~~r~~. T`cr t1ri4 t~rr~l, xn~~ t~, t}~t~ .,~it~It, xt~nt permitted by la~v> the ~rvisic~ns cif this pct shall i~,~ (raI}t .~c~i~t~°fi t~e~;~xl~t t<~ t?tt~ e~tezxt that s~%ific prviit~ns ~c~~xtain~~~l in c~aclx rnt~asure <Ir~~ t}~~f~rrt~~ccl tc~ t~ iT~ c~re~t ~tanflic t ~~ith <~acll c~tl~f~r r~r~ a "prc!c~isi~n-~~~prcavisi~z~" basis islir4.]G9Iit t`~~ ~ti~ltl:°~~:J(`t> ~. ~atd~7t'?"1()Y ~',t)Z~t'~ ~~~/t)~~~ ~ S~~r"i}."~~}1 ~%~~, ~ . ;,;,; I ~~ i~ .,.,,.. °~ '~~:C`~"C~) t">.~~~i~nd~+~x~~. `I'~i~ prc~vis~~ns ~~f this ~c~ t~~yY an~d~c~ t crr~r i.~rzt it:~ ~~ttr}?~as~ ~az~~f i»t~~t~k ~~ ~tata~t~as ~tarrav y ~ t~,~caa-thi~°~s vt~t raf e~h ~~cau, rat tili' ~ .t'~:31^~~~itlll't' ~lii(`~ til~..',taz'i~ ~~ t1j<' ~.,Cyl`l'I'I1lCa2`. ~F:t'"I'It)'v 7, S~~r~r°alailit~. I~ ~~r~~ ~,i°~a~'i~,~~r1 ~~# tl~i{, :'pct c>r tl~t? ~~~}a~c~tiraz~ th~rt'taf tta ~r~v ~~isr~;~~~i ~~a ~~irc~azayst4a~~~~ i ~~s~i I1~.'id, tl~4~i irav~alclit~ slaza(1 ~trft a:~tt ratlat~r prc~vii;~r~~ car <a~~i>li~'~3ti~:>>7~ tat tl~ti~ ~'~t':t that r`~~t aE' ~il~t>>a ~>ftc~rt c~=itlacnrt t(it~ i7a~~~lti J~rca~=~it~ rar ~~i?i~lr~ittart, ~c~ tca t~~i~ ~T~c~3 tlt~ r~vi~i<>rt~ c>i tixi~ <'1cl ~~r~> <~>~°~~r~~I.~1t~.