HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 71-654 · § 6 l0 15 16 20 Zl 24 28 29 ~0 RESOLUTION NO. 71-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN SETTING FEES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING, PLUMB.- ING, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL PERMITS. · The City' Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Permit fees are hereby, established for the issuance of , permits in the following categories and for the following amounts: 1. ..Inves~igati.0.n.~ Fee A special investigation fee shaI1 be charged by the Building Official for any investigation of a building, structure, work reports, certification, or any other, related work .requested by an owner or his authorized agent. Said fees shall be assessed in an amount sufficient to reimburse the City for costs incurred, but in no caso shall be.less than ten dollars ($10.00). : 2. Refunds __,_ ~u ,,,,_ The Building Official shall make no refunds on fees · collected amounting to five dollars ($5.00) or less or on any plan checking fee; refunds may be made to .the permittee in an amount equal to 85% of the permit fee paid unless the fee paid' for the issuance of the permit has been made for an area outside of this jurisdiction or that duplication of permits has been made and two fees have been collected, for the same job, in which case one hundred percent (100%) .of erroneously collected permit fees or duplicated plan checking and permit fees may be refunded; provided that no refund of any fee or portion thereof shall be made in either of the following cases: a. After one year has elapsed from the date of the issuance of the permit. b. 'If the work designated in the permit, has been. commenced. o 3 .. work_. Star..~ted. _With0Mt Permit_ }/hero work for which a porm:i.t :i.s roqu±red, is started or pro¢ooded with prior to obta'in:i, ng said porm:i.t, t, ho foe~ spe¢:i.f:i, ed ~hall Bo doubled, but. the paTment of such double fee shall .not relieve any persons from fully complying with the requirements of the Code in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescr.ibed therein. 4. Bui. !d_i. ng __ Fee_s_ . . a. Application processing and plan checking fee shall be paid to the Building Official at the time of submitting plans and specifications for checking. Said fee shall be equal to one half of the Building Permit Fee as set forth in the following schedule. 2 6 8 9 l0 12 '13 14 15 16 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 3O 31 32 EXCEPTION: When repetitious models for Group I occupancies in a residential housing tract are submitted at one time,".suCh' f'ee'Sh, all .be~'.paid.'~' only for each different 'model, and," one half Of' such fee' for each repetition of the model plan. Building Permit Fees TOTAL VALUATION . FEE_ $~.00 to $5oo. · $501. to $2,000. $2,001. tO $25,000. $5.00 $5.00 for the first $50~? plus $1.00 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to a:', including $2,000. $20.00 for the first $2,000. plus $3.00 for each additional thous.'- - or fraction thereof, ':. and including $25,00C~. $25,001. $50,001. to $50,000. to $100,000. $89.00 for the first $25,000. plus $2.50 for each additional thousand or f=action. thereof, to and incl.' ing $50,000. $151.50 for the firs' $50,000. plus $1.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and' in~l~ ing $100,000. · $100,001. and ~p. $226.50 for the first $100,000. plus $1.00 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. P!umbi~ng Pe_rm.i. t_ Fees $3 00 Permit Issuance..........~.....-- .... ..-. ..... In addition: For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drain- age piping & backflow protection therefor) .... 1.75 '. For each building sewer connection... ·.. ...... 6.00L'-I .... . · 5 00 For each. cesspool ..... .............- ..... ..... - For each private sewage disposal system.....",12.00 For each On-site 'sewer sYstem per $100 valuation.. · · · · · · · · · · · ............... · · · · · · · · · · '"~' For each water eater and or vent......... .... 1.7~ 4 9 ~0 16 20 24 £§ 28 £9 ~0 For each gas to five (5) piping system of one (1) outlets ................. · ..... ...1.75 For each gas Piping systeTM .of six (6) or more outlets; per outlet ......... ' 0 30 · · · · · · · · · · 'For each industrial was.re pre-treatme~nt interceptor, including i~s trap and vent, excepting kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps ............ · .... 1.75 For installation, alteration, or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment (including water softeners) ....... .1.75 For repair or alteration of drainage or · vent piping ............... .. ............. ....1.75 For each residential lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefor ........ · ....... ..2.00 For each commercial (non-residential) lawn, gardening, or landscaping sprinkling system including backflow protection devices therefor, each 4 vacuum breakers or portion thereof ..................................... 10.00 For vacuum breakers or backflOw protective devices on tanks, vats, etc., or for instal- lation on unprotected plumbing fixtures including necessary water piping: five (5) ..... .........-.-.,-- .... .2.00 (5), each additional ........ ... .... 0.30 One (1) to Over five Swi ._mming- Pool ,Plumbing_ For swimming pool plumbing including sub-drain,, filter system, back wash line, fill line, vacuum breakers and "P" Trap ........... ............-.....-.-'10'00 Mechanical Permit Fees __ · Permit Issuance ........................... ...3.00 Up to and including 100,000 BTU for the installation or relocation of each forced- air or gravity type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to liance ...5.00 such app $ ........ .. ..... '-''' ..... ''' More than 100,000 BTU to and including 000 BTU '' '' 500, · · · · · · · · .................... ' ' ' 7.50 More than 1,000,000 More 'than 2,000,000 More than 500,000 BTU 'to and including BTU ............................... 10.00 1,000,000 BTU t° and including BTU ...... · ............. ...... ..... 15.00 2,000,000 BTU... .... ..............25.00 4 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O Zl Z4 £5 ~8 ~0 For the installation .or relocation of . each floor furnance including vent ............ 5.0Q For the installation or relocation 6f each suspended heater, recessed wall' heater or floor mounted unit heater · 5 O0 including vents ......... · ...... .---''''''''''' ' · For the installation, relocation, or replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appIiance permit ................. . For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, comfort cooling . unit, absorption uni~, of each comfort heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including inst~llation of controls and registers regulated by this Code.... ........ ............5.0¢~ For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and in- cluding five horsepower, or each absorp- tion system to and including 100,000 BTU's ' 500 (including vent) ...................... '''''''' ' For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over five horsepower to and including 1.5 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 BTU's to and including 500,000 BTU' s (includi.n.g vent) . .7.5~ . For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor' over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorp- tion system over 500,000 BTU's to and in- cluding 1,000,000 BTU's (including vent).... For the installation or relocation of each..,. boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower, to and including 5.0 horsepower, or each absorp-. tion system over 1,000,000 BTU's to and including 2',000,000 BTU's (inclUding vent)...15.00 , For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 2,000,000 BTU's (including vent) ........ 25.00 For each air handling unit to and i.ncluding 2,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto ..................... · ..... ...2. For each air handling unit over 2,000 cubic feet per minute and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached there to............ .... ...- ....... -''''''''''' ' · For each air handling unit'over 10,000' cubic · 10 feet per minute....... ..... · ......... '''''''' ' 4 8 ~0 ~6 ~8 ~9 2O Z4 29 ~0 · For each evaporative cooler other than portable type (commercial) .............. .. ..... 3.00 For each ventilating fan connected to a single duct (commercial) .................. .....2.00' · .. For-each ventilating system which is not a portion of any hea t. in~ or air ¢ond:i. ti onin~ system adehorized by a permi~ (commercial) ..... 4.00 · For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, .including the fans and ducts attached thereto .......... ......5.00 For the installation or relocation of each domestic type incinerator .............. · ..... . .5.00 For the installation or relocation of each .¢oramercial or industrial type incinerator.....20.00 For each appliance or piece of equipment r.ogulated by t. his Code, but not classed in other appliance categories or for which no other leo is listed in t. his Code.... ...... · .... 4.00 o In¢_'idental ~a~ ~:i.p£n~......o....ooo.o.. ....... .1.75 . · · Electrical Permit Fees t i i iL , , i_ _ ,jlJ~ ,~11 3-- $ Permit Issuance ............ ....................2.00 New Residential Construction' One and one-fourth Cents (1¼¢) per square foot of living area pi. us $2.00 for each Service meter plus pormit feo. One-half cent per square foot of detached or attached garages or carports on same service. Additional ch'arge of $1.25 for each room where electrical radiant heating is installed. Additional charge of $5.00 for each underground service. Hotels, Motels & .S. imi!a.r 0.cq~upancies .Use regular fee schedule except for garages or carports which shall be computed as for. residential garages. · ~A!terat. ions'- ,._ Repairs ...or. _ImPr0ve-ments Use regular fee schedule · Commercial, _ _ ..Industrial_ and Assembly. Occupancie_s Use regular fee schedule REGULAR FEE SCttEDULE Minimum permi, t fee ..... ........................2.00 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1"7 18 19 20 21 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Each service and meter up to and including 400 amps ' 5 ~.~ .. Each service ~nd meter over 400 amps..,..... ..... 1 '' '~' .' 0...~.:~..'. .. Each'temporary construction service and meter including Each power pole, equipment on pole.. 5. ~: additional..sub-pole ...... . ...... .......... 2.r'. Each temporary underground service' including meter and equipment .......... .......10 · Each temporary service for Chr' ..tmas tree lot, fireworks stand or simila.' use ............ 5.~; Each system of construction lighting 500 lamps or less... ..... . .... ......... .... Over 500 · _Sig. ns One sign and tran f ' one s ormer ........ ....... Each same additional sign and transformer at location ................. .... .... . ..... ......£.z~ Each additional transformer..... .... . ...... .... 1.25 Altering or changing Cha.nging decorative letters ................... 1.25 tubing 1 ~' Lamp holding devices on signs or marquees First 20, Next 100, " 03 each .............................. O. .. Over 120, each......... ................. .....0o Generators, Motors, Tran'sformers, and similar ........ equipme~'t .'~ate~ -~'~ ~'H'P~, -K'. W', or :K.V".'a' -- i luding 1' 1'2~' Up to and nc ........ ....... ...... .... · · Over 1 and not over 5................... ....... .2..0'~. Over 5 and not over 15................. ........ 3.0~ Over 15 and not over Over 50 and not over 6 25: Over 100 and not. over 500........... .... .,....12.0~?: ........ Outlets - Fixtures First 20, Over 20, 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 1,~ ~5 17 18 19 20 2]. 22 24 25 2? 28 29 31 Rec.ep~tacles & Switche~ · 25 First' 20 each Over 20 ch · 12 , ea ............................--- · Each 5 ft. or fraction thereof of multiple outlet assembly ...........................--12 Each multiple appliance outlet assembly....1.25 ANNUAL PERMIT .............................10.00 , Inspections for which no fee i's herein described, miscellaneous wiring, etc.......5.00 8. Sign Permi~t Fe. es Temporary banners, portable or temporary signs .................................----10-00 Authorized 'signs with a valuation not exceeding $10000 .........................10.00 For signs exceeding $1,000 valuation......25.00 t 2. Provided further, however, that the fees .set forth i herelnabove in this Resolution shall not be imposed until the first day that they can be effect, ive and not be in conflict with any federal statutes and/or executive orders issued pursuant thereto, prohibiting such increase of fees. Until such time' as . · fees set forth hereinabove in this Resolution shall become effective, ' '~ the fees prescribed and set forth in Ordinances Nos. 143, 361 and '429, ~he provisions prescribing fees in said Ordinances being hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth herein in full shall remain in force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, 18th day of October, 1971. ATT~S T: held on the __l~~ay of._October ...... , 1971____- --"--'~'qOR STATE OF 'CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OP~ANGE )' SS CITY OF TUSTIN . . · RUTIt C. POE, City Clerk and 'ex-officio Clerk 'of the City Council of the City of Tust±n, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the membors Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 71-65 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted a~----~' a regular meeting of the City Council held on the.: 18th day of __ October .......... , 1971~, by the following vote: · AYES -.. COUNCILMfEN COCO, ,. , NoEs· COUNCIL~[EN_~ NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN_ NONE C. MILLER, MARSTERS, L. MILLER, OSTER City Clerk, of Tustfn, C'al-~~ri~ -- ·.