HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 71-25--- 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 ~0 24 26 ~8 ~9 RESOLUTION NO. 71-25 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "U.S. MARINE CORPS - IRVINE ANNEXATION NO. 71 - A" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. ,. BE IT Itl]SOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF TUSTIN: ,. 1. That, pursuant to the provisions o.f the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, proceedings have been initiated by the Council of the City of Tustin, on its own motion, to annex ~o the Ci.%y of Tustin all that uninhabited. t~rritory situate .in the County of Orange, State of' California, h~reby designated as "U. S. Marine Corps - Irvine Annexation N~. 71 - A" describe~ in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporate h'~rein.by this reference as. though set forth hereat ~n full. · ":'. 2. That. the City Council hereby finds and. determines that all of' said territory is uninhabited within the: :meaning . Q~ Gove/rnment Code Section 35303, on the date of the':'adoption ~f' this Resolution, that said territory is contiguous to the City. of Tustin. " ..'.. .. 3. ,That the City Council of the City of Tustin desires to annex said uninhabited territory to the City of T.U. stin for the following reasons- That the territory is contiguous to the C~ty of Tustin,. and its propos,.'v..::~ annexation will contribute to ., and facilitate the orderly gro.¥~,'th and development of~botn the · . ,:," C'~,ty and the territory proposed to be annexed; wi. il'facilitate a~d"contribute to the proper and orderly 'layout, design and c~nstruction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, sanitary, and storm w~er sewers and drainage facilities, both witnin.th~..'. Ci-~ay and w~thin the territory proposed to be annexed; and wili provide a~d: facilitate proper over-all planning and zoning o~ lands, a id.'subdivision of lands in said City and said uninh~Dited ' 't~"ritor in a manner most conducive to the welfare'il;0} said ,~..r . Y, Ct.~.y'' and said Uninhabited territory. · ':?.:. ., .. 4. That the Local Aqency Formation Con~nission did, i~'~ session duly assembled, May 26,1971., approve said:proposed ai~.:'~exation. .' ;. ~ ., :'..' .. 5. That August 2, 19 71, at the hour of '7 i 30 P.M. in t'e.Counci] Chambers, 2 5 South "~" · ~ Street '(corner of Third S.~reet) , City of Tustin' County o-Orange, State of Ca~ifornia, i~ P..arobv. ~ f;>:ed as the time and p!~:ce wi-~en and where'an':.'. . person · ~. ,' :vi thin the u.n.~nhabit{...d territcrv above o{~;'ni.ng real '.~ropcrt~. ' ' -. d~:,c:c'bed and ,..~ro"~oso,d to be an]"i,".xc.d to the City of'Tustin, and · ~. [ ,. , ]'l'¢tvi:;~ - ny O' ject on: to the p'co'.,{:.:.:.'.cd ann,.:'.xa ~-'~on: may appear ' ... ' befall...-.., the r'ounc:..l, of the City o: S'~. C h . u n i nh a t: i t e d t e r r i t o ry s h o u ]. d n o '~". ,..':..". '..'~ o a n n e x e,':.~ t o ..-': i d .,, C~i'ty 'qf Tustin- such protests n~u.qt filed.'at any "':.me prier to the f na.~..~d'~our'nment Of ~i':o =ear-,rig ~. ~ . - .~ . .... , .~.....shall state thc;.. .... , the '~ re.,. . . ........ ·,}ert. v a;~"":~cte¢}, and the st~''' "thc property suff'.'.cient to ide::tx.,,i,- se .=sment roll. '~.. .. .~.' .,~ ,' .,. .. .. .......names .: ..,ross or other ":,"-script" or. '~.:: on the. iasC' e~.ualized .,' ,. ..; ~,. .. A RI.:SO!',I.J'I']jON DI~CLARIN(; q.'IIAT PROCI~EI)INGS }lAVE BI.]I£N INI'I.'IATI:;I) BY '].'lie CITY COUNCIL Ol? TIIE CITY OF TU,.qTIN TO ANNE}< TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINI{ABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED ItEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "U. S. MARINE CORPS - I'RVINE ANNEXATION NO. 71 - A" TO THE CITY .gF TUSTIN, AND GIVING NOTICE OF T}IE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. : 4 6 8 10 11 13, 15 16 17 18 . 19 ~0 24 ~5 ~6 ~7 28 29 30 32 6' That the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this Resolution .to be published at least twice, but not: oftener than once a week, in the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of Tustin, the City to which it is proposed to -- annex the aforesaid territory, and also in the Santa Ana Register, a n~wspaper of qeneral circulation published outside the City of Tustin, but in the County of ()range, Cal. ifornia,the County in which is loCated to territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Tustin. · 7. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within the territory proDo.%ed to be annexed is assessed in the last equalized. County assessment roll available on the date the above said proceedings were initiated, at the addresses shown on said assessment roll or known to the Clerk, and to any person who has filed his name and address and the des~ignation of the lands in which he has an interest, either legal or equitable with the Clerk. ' 8. In the event any land wi thin the territory proposed to be ~nnexed is owned by the County, the City Clerk is directed to cause a written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Board of Supervisors of the County. 9..~ In the event there is, u~on the land proposed to be annexed,, a structural improvement, owned, being acquired, or leased by the County fire protection district, the said Clerk is directed to cause a written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the governing body of such district. 10. The City Clerk is directed, to cause written notice to be g'~ven to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto, in the 'manner required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 7th day of June, 1971 ATTEST: U..q. EXIfIIiI~ "A" Beginning at' the point of intersection of the north~aster].y right-of-w~ Topeka and Santa' Fe Rai.lway Company (100' wide), as line of the ~tcl~iso~, . per deed recorded in Book 245, Page' 223 'of Deeds, Records'of Los Angeles County, Ca['iifornia, with the'southehsterly line of Lot 188, .Block 63, of Irvine's Subdivision, as per map. recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneo% Maps, records of Orange County, 'California; '' ThenCe, N. 49°20'40'' W., .along. said northeasterly railroad .right-of-wa5 line, a dj'stance of 2170.72 feet to' ttte true point of beginning 3f ~the parcel to ,'be described, said true. point of beginning being a' point on a non-tangen't curve, concave northwesterly and having a radius' of 1400.00 feet, a radial line to said point, bears S. 51o39 '08" E.; · , Thence, northeasterly, along, the arc of said curve, a distance of 720.12 feet, through a central angle Of 29°28'..'17'', to the point of tangency with a line having a bearing of N"..8°52'35'' E.; .. Thence, N. 8o52'35'' E., along said line, a distance of 1949.64 feet, to' the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly and having a radius of :2550'.00 feet; Thence, nor.thea, sterly, along the. arc of said curve, a distance of 1414 46 feet,, through a central .angle of 31o46'53'' to the point of tangenc~ with a li~e having a bearing of N. '40°39'28" E.; ThenCe, .N.. 40°3.9'28'' E., along said line, a distance of 1553 feet more or less, to the intersection with the northeasterly line of Lot 40, Block 45, 'of 'sai.d.I~vine's Subdivision, said northeasterly line also being t.he centerline of the Santa Ana Freeway; Thence, N. 50°06'30'' W., along the northeasterly lines of Lots 40, 39, 38 and 37, Block 45, .of said Irvine's Subdivision, and along said ~enterlin'~, of the Santa Ana Freewa. Y, .a distance of 3,500 feet more or less to th'e in~Cersection of the northwe,~terly line of that 60 foot wide strip of land described in a deed to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company, '.recorded in Bobk 258, Pag.e 383 of Deeds, Records of said Orange County; ,, ' ' Thence, S. 39'o56'00'' W., along said northwesterly line, a distance of' 90 feet more or less to an angle point in the existing boundary' of the City of Tustin, as. established by the Browning Avenue-Walnut Avenue AnnexatiQn, per Ordinance No. 404, passed and adopted June 17, 1968; Thence,. continuing S. 39°56'00'' W., along said City boundary and along said northwesterly line, a distance of 2,548 feet more or less, to the most southerly corner of said annexation, said southerly co~rner also being a point On. the southwesterly line .of Lot 44, Block 45, of said Irvine's Subdivision and being the most easterly corner of the Red Hill-Walnut AnnexatiOn to the City of 'Tustin, California, per Ordinance .No ' 343, passed and adop,ted March 20, 1967; Tl'~encc,. S. 39o53'00'' W., along said Ci.ty of Tu'stin boundary, as establis!..~ed by last mentio'ned annexation and along said northwesterly line, a dista~ge, of 1,880 feet more or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave ?asterly and ltaving a radius of 794.49 feet; Thence', along the arc .of said curve, through a central angle of 64o15.00.i, · . , a dist~nce of 890.92 fee. t to the most southerly .corner of last me~tione'~! a~:exation, said s.outtterly corner also being a point on the north- , easterly.rit'~l~t-of-way,of t.l~e Atcttison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company (100' wide:.) 'first descrit~o.~] above; Thence, leaving said CJ. ty bot.~¢lz~ry, nortl'~eitsterly railro~d ri<.It~t-o£-w~y line, the true .point of' begin'ning.. , · S. 49°20'.40" E. , along said a distance of 4646.80 feet to STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OPJINGL." ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ! RUT]! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City uouncil of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoinc3 Resolution No. 71-.__22.~. was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ~Tth day of .June , 19 71 , by the following vote- . AYES: COUNCILMEN C_OCO,.._C, MILLE. R, ..MARSTERS:_ I,. MYT.T.EP~ OSTER ~ , NOES: COUNCILMEN .NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE. C-~i~y Ci~rk,~of Tustih, California