HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 70-44t ., i RESOLUTION NO. 70-44 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING POLICY NO. 50-1 RELATIVE TO USE OF PUBLIC AREAS The City Council of the City of. Tustin, California, does 4 hereby resolve as follows: That Council Policy No. 50-1, relative to use of Public Areas under Control of Parks and Recreation, a copy of which is attached hereto ~v . · marked Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved and adopted and incorporated in the Council..Policy Manual. 9 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thr.~ City Council .. ~0 of ~he City of Tustin, held on the 21st day of September, 1970 , j.j. 12 · MAYOR · 14 ATTEST: --- ~-~ CITY CLERK 18 ~9 20 Z4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~S CITY OF TUSTI.N ~§ RUTH C. POE,. City Clerk and ex-of°ficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tus'tin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 70-_44. · ~7 was' duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted a.t ....... --~' a regular meeting of the City Council held on the _2ist ...... day o ~8 - _ g~?t~m_ber , , , 193_Q___, by the following vote: 29 30 AYES: 'NOES ABSENT~ (; COUNCIL~EN_coco,. C. .... ~:IL.L.ER, . _MARsTERS., . t__.. MILLER, OSTER COUNCILMEN NONE COUNCILMEN NONE, . -~ ............. :. _ ....... ~ , _~ .... o ~' COUN.CIL POLICY Subject' USE OF PUBLIC AREAS . 'UNDER,CONTROL OF PARKS & RECREATION City recreation bUildings and areas shall be made available for use by the public in accordance wi th the terms and conditions of this Dolicv. , · " ,. .. PURPOSE OF USE · Public areas and fa¢.i.'lities may be used for .meetings and other activities of a recreational, social, cultural or civic nature "' consistent with the preservatiOn, maintenance and advancemen~ 'of the general public interost, and .not detrimental to thb pub'iic health, safety, comfort, morals or general welfare nor damaging to the facilities. .. ,. ' PROCEDURE · ,. Policy No' 50-1'" f.,~.,te' 9/21/70 Re';:';i,.~fior, N.o.: ?0-44 ".','!e lof ;2 · . i. : Any person or group of persons desiring to use any such facilities or equipment for special events shall'make application therefor on forms p~ovided by the City and shall provide Such additional infor- as.'may, by City to assure compliance with mation be required the these specifications. Appli'cations shall be limited to 'responsible persons or groups of Persons. Such persons or groups of persons may be required to satisfy the City that meetings or activities will' be conducted in .an orderly manner and that such' Persons or groups of persons o. are financially able to respond in damages in. the event · of any p.ersonal injuries or property damages arising therefrom. REQUtRE~ENTS ON USE: See Rules and 'Regulations CANCELLATIONS: Cancellations of meetings and activities may occur 24 hours prior · to the scheduled use of facilities or equipment without forfeiting 'any fees collected by the Department. In the event of cancellatio~ .bY the Department, notice will be given as far in advance of the' scheduled use as is possible under .: RZO ZT r OF US_E' .': The .priorities of use shall ~e in the fOllowing order: ' 1. Parks & Recreation Depar'tment sponsored. . 2. Parks & Recreation Department co-sponsored. 3. Civic and social groups '(resident) ." 4.' Civic and social groups .(.non-resident). .'. . NOTE: Youth activities will "take' precedence over adult activities at the Tustin Youth Ce'nter. .... " CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA , .. . · . ... ... ,~::....-..--.:. COUNCIL POLICY h ' Dote, 9/21,~70 ' i ' I Res.olufion No:70-44 P~qe'2 of 2 . i.' , i CLASSIFICATION OF GROUPS: ........ , ----- . i1_ iL ~ : L -:--~ I iii _ ,1 I I ,, ., 1. .DePartment-sponsored groups and/or ac'ti .vi ties are those grou~ and activities organized and conducted by the Park~ and Recreation Department. 2. Departmental co-sponsored groups and/or activities 'are those community groups and activities, self-governing, privately · organized, and of .a recreational nature which are under" tJte co-sponsorship of the Parks and Recreation Department. ' Civic and social groups (resident) are those groups of high moral and cultural caliber with a social or civic purpose, benefiting the local residents. ,. Civic and social groups (non-resident) same as above, except the majority of the members are not reside, nts of the City of Tustin. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ,i NOTE' 5 CITY ()F TIJSTIN 1)hlI'AR'L%gEN'I7 OF 'PARKS AND RECREATION 14() W. Second Street TUSTIN YOIYI'I! CE'NTER USE APPLICATION This application must be subtnitted with required fees (see ,reg. f~l) to the Parks and Recreation Department.,not less than seven (7) days prior to use. Please read use re~.luirement.s on,reverse side before completing application. Name of Organization or Group~ Represented Address --~--: ~- ~ - _ ~: ~ -- ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ........ .~ . : .~._. -: : .- ,, Title City ..... Phone ...... _.., ._. --_ . _ _ ,, _ 2~ Basic Purpose of Organization or Group 3. Date(s) of Use 5 Type of Activity .... 5. Approximate number of adults ® · Hours 1 Children Facility Needed And i tor ium Ki-t'C h-e n 0th'er Is Meeting Open to the Public? Admission fe'e Donation Proceeds will be used for Phone Nam of person in charge of meeting' ~ ............. Number__' ~ _ .... · Approved groups are responsible for picking up. and re_turning the Youth Center key to the Tustin Police Department' Groups may contact the Youth Center cus- todian between 8-12 Noon, Mon-Fri. to discuss any special arrangements regard- equipment, etc. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY I am aware of the regulations on the reverse side governing the use of the Tustin Youth Center, and do hereby agree to be 'responsible for compliance to such regula- tions by the organization or group whicl] I represent. Signed ~ Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ------------ .....------------,--------- .... m.-----,~ ..... APPROVAL REQUIRED . ( ) Recreation Dept. ( ) Maintenance Dept. ( ) Police Dept. ( ) Fire Dept. ..... . ,..._ Denied ...... Date _ _ Denied · Date Denied Date Denied Date Reason for denial Fee Required CI'I'Y OF TUSTIN PARKS & ].IEC}{EATION I)I?iPART?.IENT INDOOR FACILITY USE RF. GULATIONS (TUSTIN YOlr]?.ll CENTER) 1. Fee Schedule' ' · NO FEE - Organized p~blic youth groups in the ~ity of Tustin, $25,00 - Any outside group (majority of members residing outside the City of Tustin). , $15.00 - Any local adul~ or private youth group of 50 or more'. $10.00 - Any local adult or private youth group of less than 50. $ 5.00 - Additional fee if.complete meal is cooked in kitchen.. . $ 5.00 -Minimum fee (morning meetings for small groups). NOTE'. Fees are due seven days prior to facility use; checks must be made .payable to the City of Tustin. 2. The adult signing the application' takes full responsibility for loss or damage to the property. 3. The City of Tustin does not accept: any legal responsibility for any act or incident arising from the use of its property by any organizatipn or group. 4. All youth groups must have at least one (1) adult chaperone for each ten (10) children. ,. 5. As determined desirable by the Cl~ief of Police, licensed, uniforme*d'security guards may be required. The employment of Off-duty police 'officers in lieu .. of security guards shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section. Said police officers shall .then be under the complete direction and control of the Tustin Chief of Police. 6. Each group is responsible for setting up and taking down chairs and tables, and providing minor clean-up as necessary, sweeping, wiping tables, etc. 7. The City shall provide normal use maintenance, however, when extra maintenance is required due to an abnormal condition caused by a specific group, such group will be required to pay the additional maintenance cost at a rate of $5.00 per ~hour. Groups will not be allowed continued use of the facility until such fees are submitted. 8. The Youth Center facility may not be filled beyond its legal capacity--125 for dining, 200 for auditorium, dance or party. 9. Use Agreement will be continued only with organizations or persons who demon-' strate responsibility. · 10. Alcoholic beverages are no__~t permitted on public property (City Code 15-8). 11. All decorative materials must be flamc-retardant as required by law and re- moved following use. · ontributions or sale of' anything of value for 12 'No solicitation of donations or ic any purpose st~all be made on Cit~y property without prior and written' consent of the City Admin~.strator, *nor shdll a,~y City property be used for purposes of per- sonal gain. Tl~is includes private instructional lessons where fees are collected elsewhere. NOTE' *Exception to tl'~e rule--activities which entail a charge by the applicant strictly for tl~e purpose of supporting said event or program. Charges of tl~is nature would be subject to tl~e approval of the Recreation Director. · NOTE' · .'........?,... -. :..'.. DEPAI.~'I'ME,'rI7 ()I,' ~"I',%RI.<S AND RI~CREATION ....".~': 14. o w. sl~(:o~,~ ST~mF:r OUI'DOOI[' ~IEA USE A~PLICATION This applic'atio~ must be sub~ni, tted to t}~e Parks and Recreation De~rtment not less tl'~an seven days (7)'prior to use. Please read use requirements on the reverse side before completing application. . Name of Organizat'ion or Group .................. ® . ® Represented by ...................... Title .... _ ......... · Address ............... . City _k ' ..... Phone Basic Purpose of Organization or Group ..................... Area or Facility_ Type of Activity ........... Date(s) of Use tlours 5. Approximate number of adults ..... Children · · Equipment Needed Tab les Cha ir s Other ........ ~ :: :_~- ;_-: , .... , · . - ..... Is activity open to the public? .......... Admission fee Donation Proceeds will be used for ' (amod'nt') ' , 8~ Name of person in charge of activity ......... ...Phone STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY I a.m aware of the regulations on the reverse side governing the use of City public outdoor areas, and do hereby agree to be responsible for compliance to such regulations by the organization or group which I represent. Signed ...................... Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPROVAL REQUIRED ( ) RECREATION DEPT. , Denied Date ( ) MAIN~rENANCE DEPT. Denied Date ( ) POLICE DEPT. Denied Date ( ) FIRE DEPT. Denied Date ( ') ENGINEERING DEPT, _ ~ .......... Denied .......... Date~_ ~ . Reason for denial Fee CITY OF TUSTIN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OUTDOOR FACILITY USE APPLICATION (PARKS) 1. Fee Schedule - There is no charge for use of outdoor facilities except as specified below in regulation ~~5. 2. The City of Tustin does not accept any legal responsibility for any act or incident arising from the use of its facilities by any organization. 3. All youth groups must have at least one (1) adult chaperone for each twenty (20) children. 4. As determined desirable by the Chief of Police, licensed, uniformed security guards may be required. The employment of off-duty police officers in lieu of security guards shall be deemed to meet the re- quirements of this section. Said police officers shall then be under the complete direction and control of the Tustin Chief of Police. 5. The City shall provide normal maintenance, however, when extra maintenance is required due to an abnormal condition caused by a specific group, such group will be required to pay the additional maintenance cost at a rate of $5.00 per hour. Groups will not be allowed continued use of the facility until such fees are submitted. 6. Use Agreement will be continued only with organizations or persons who demonstrate responsibility. 7. Alcoholic beverages and vile language are not permitted. 8. All equipment is the property of the City of Tustin and must not be taken from the premises. 9. No solicitation of donations or contributions or sale of anything of value for any purpose shall be made on City facilities without prior and written consent and approval of the City Administrator, *nor shall any City facility be used for purposes of personal gain. This includes pri- vate instructional lessons where fees are collected elsewhere. NOTE: *Exception to the rule--activities which entail a charge by the applicant strictly for the purposes of supporting said event or program. Charges of this nature would be subject to the approval of the Recreation Director.