HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 70-30RESOLUTION NO. 70-30
The City Counc:il of t)~e City of Tu.'.-;ti~, Cali. f(:,rn~,'~, does
4 }]et:eby resolve as follows:
5 1) Pursuant to ttle'provisions of tl~e (;overnm,:nt ('ode of the
State of California, application was made to the Local Agency l-'ormation .-
6 Commission' to annex to the City .of.Tustin all that uninhabited territory
situated in tl]e County of Orange, State of California, .hereby designated.
7 as "Newport-Edinger Annexat].on No. 65"..,.;:. and described in Exhi. bit "A"
attached, l~ereto..and incorporated herein by this reference
-~ ,
8 forth herein .in full.
9 2) The Local Agency Formation Commission, in s~?ssion, duly
assg. mbled, on June 10, 1970, d.i.d~approve said proposed annex~t...i, on, and
~0 autl]orized the CJ..ty Council to annex said territory without ]~ot]ce, }]earing..
or elect ion.
3) The City Council finds and determines that ail of. ~;aid
territory is uninhabited, witliin the meaning of the Government Code, on the
date of adoption of this Resolution, and that sa}d.' territory i.4 contiguous
to the City of Tustin. " ' ....
4) All of the owners' of land within the territory proposed to
be annexed have given their written consent to the annexation of said
territory to the City of Tustin.
5) The City Council desires to annex said un inl~ab .] t ed territory
to the City of Tustin for the following r.easons: The territory ~.s corrtJ, guous
to the City of Tustin and its pro~sed annexation will contribut.~.~ to and
facilitate the orderly growth and development of both the City and the
territory proposed to be annexed, will facilitate and contributo to 't}',e proper
and orderly layout, design.and conStruction of streets, gutters, sid,9, walks,
and sanitary and storm-water sewers and drainage facilities, both in the City
and in the territory proposed to i'be annexed, and will provide and facilitate
· proper over-all planning and zoning, of lands in said City and in said unin-
habited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of the City and
said uninh&bited territory.
6) The City Council of the City of Tustin .does hereby approve
the annexation of the territory hereinabove described to the City of Tustin,
and does hereby further resolve that the said territory be and it is hereby
annexed .to the City of Tustin, effective upon the date of the fJling"of a
certified copy of this Re sol t~t ion with the Secretary of State of tl~e State of
'7) The City Clerk of tile City of Tustin is hereby d..irected
without delay to transmit to the Secretary of State of the State of California
a certified copy of this Resolution.
· PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet.in?/ o/~}~e City (:ouncil
' ' ' ."
Of LI~o City of ~stin, California,: held on tl~e 15th day of June, 1970 June, 1970. ..
· ............. -~-~-~-~'o~
.... : ..... '= '" "'; ........ ~-"=L' 't,' '-i ...... ~ .......... ' .......
Bc~Ii~in~.~ at: the p,).i~t oF i~tcr';ect:~o~ (~f .'] .liz~(~ 4().00
of l.liscella~cou:; Maps, O.ff.icial .Records of .Or.~nge Co[~n[.?, C;.',li
said point of inters.,2ction also being an al~gle point ir~ t]~e.e;<i:;ting
boundary of the City of Tustin,' .California, as.establi';t~'-~d by
%;arncr-Sycamore Annexation, per Ordinance No. 245, pasz';cd an'] adopted
Dece~er 2, 1963; . - ......
Tl~ence, N. 39°49'10" E., along .said City boundary ~nd alon~t the
sout]]easterly line of said 'Lot 65, 'a 'distance of 80.00 icet, to the '
point of intersectie~] with a line 40.00 feet northeasterly of and'
parallel to, as measured at rig]it angles from, tl~e centcrline of
Edinger Street, said point Of intersection also being the beginning
of a non-tangent curve, concave southerly, having a radius of,.412.85
feet, a radial line from said pc>int bears S. 39°18'56'' ]:;.; ·
Thence, leaving said southeasterly lille of Lot 65 and continuing
alqng said City bounclary and a].ong the arc of said curve, through
a central angle of 55o22 '06" .
, a distance of 398 96 feet, to the
intersection witl% a line 50.00 feet southwesterly of and parallel to,.
as measured at right angles from~' the northeasterly line of l,ot 66,
Block 10, of said Irvine's Subdivision, said parallel line also being '
the southwesterly riefht-of-way line of the Atchison, Topeka'"and Santa
Fe Railway Co~pany, described in a deed recor, ded June 14, 1887, in
Book 245, Page 223 of deeds, in the County Recorder's Office, Los
Angeles County, California; .
~ence, continuing along said City boundary along a non-tangent
line to said curve, N. 3'9o49'10" E., a distance of 100.00 feet,
to an angle point in said City boundary and to the point of inter-
section with a line 50.00 feet northeasterly of and parallel to,
as measured at right angles from, the northeasterly line of said
66, said parallel line also .being tl~e nort]~east'erly right-of-way
'line of ~e Atchison, .Topeka and Santa. Fe Railway. Company described
in said deed;
Thence, continuins' alo2%g said City boundary and along said
nor~]casterly right-of-way line, N. 50010'50'' W., a distance of '
255.88 feet, to an angle point in said City boundaL~, said .'angle point
also being a ~int on the southeasterly line of Lot 64, Block ~1 of
Said Irvine's S~divisi~n;
Thence, leaving said City boundary, S. 40o00'00" W., along 'sa~
southeasterly line of Lot 64, a distance of 50.00 feet, to the most
southerly corner of said Lot 64~ said southerly corner also being
the most easterly corner of Lot 65, Block 10, of said Irvine's
Thence, S. 39o49.'10'' W., along the southeasterly line of said
Lot 65, a distance of 50.00 feet, to the intersection of said
southwesterly right-of-%.;ay l'ine of the Atchison, Topeka and.Santa Fe
Railway Company;
Thence, N. 50o10'50" W., along said southwesterly right-of-way '
.line, a distance of 43.20 feet, td a point which is the point of
beginning in the description of a parcel as described in a deed from
Orca Cooperative Warehouse Inc., to H~ilton Supply Co., I.nc.,.
recorded in Book 8832, Pages 415 and 416, of D~eds, Official Records
of said Orange County; '
Thence, .N. 55°53'28'' W., along the northeasterly line of the
parcel described in said last mentioned dee,.~, a distance of 4o.zu ' . .........
fcct ;'ore or lcss; . ' '
Thence, ~. 39°48' 55" W. , ~].~n~ th~ nnr~h,.,~~~l~, ] in~ of th~
parcel described in said last mentioned deed and along t]~e sout'h-
westerly extension o~ sai~ ne~th%~'e~terly !!~.~, a distance of 336.00
feet, to the intersection of the centerline of Edinger Street;
Thence, N. 50o10'50'' W., along t]~e centerline of Edinger Street,
a distance of 1236.80 feet, to the intersection of tile northwesterly
line of said Lot 65, Block 10;
Ti~ence, ~J. 39°48'55'' E., along said nort]~esterly line of
65, a ~listance of 390.00 feet, to t]~e most northerly cor~er of said
Lot 65, said most northerly corner also being t]'~e most we~;terly
corner of LO'~ 64, Block 11, of said Irv~ne's S%~bdivt~ion;
T]lenc~', cont..i~tii~,l N. 39049'55'' I~., a]~',[,~l t.l~,~,
li~:e of ~sai~] ],ot 64, ,.~ d~:~t'.~:~, ot:.25.00 f~'.,~t:, t:o a p~ir~t: ~,~,
exist, i~q bot~t,iry of 'tl~e CJ. ty of 'l'u~tin, Cnlif'orni~, a~; ,,:;t,.~l)l. isi~(.'d
'by tile ~3outt~' TustJn Ave, au(> An~(,xation, p(~r Or(l.inance ~o. 136,
. an d a d'p~~.'~q u 1 y 5, ]. 9 G 0; · .. ":',::.' ;'..":'-'::, .::::'~::'.'
~i'~'.'C~~??' alo~l('; s~icl City bounda'ry, N. 50°11'05" W., a di';t,~nc~.of
30.00"feet, 'to the n~o~;t easterly corner of the South Tustin Avent~e ..
. .
Annexation No. 2 to' tl~e citY"of Tust:in, California, .... per Ordinance
No. 146,. pas'sod' and adopted' February 6, 1961; ".'
TI]once, S. 39o48'55'' W., along the existing boundary o'f .the
City of Tustin, California, as established by last mentic~ncd annexatiOn
and.alon~ a line 30.00 feet northwesterly of amd parallel to, as
measured at right angles from, the northwesterly line of Lot 65,
Block 10, of said Irvine'.s S.~division, a distance of 267.92 feet,
to the most southerly corner of last mentioned annexation,., said
~st southerly corner also being, an angle point in t]%e
boundary of the City of Santa Aaa, California, as establisher] by the
Newport and Ri tchey North Annexation, per Ordinance No. N~ 844;
Thence, leaving said City of Tustin boundary, and continui;~'O
S. 39o48'55" W., along said C.~.ity of Santa Ana boundary and along
said. parallel line, a distance of 207.08 feet, to an angle point in
said City of Santa Aaa boundary)...
Tl~ence, continuing along.said City of Santa Aaa boundary,
S. 50011'05'' E., a distance .o'f 6.0'.00 feet to the intersection With
a line 30.00 feet southeasterly of and parallel to, as measured at
right an~les from, ~e northwesterly line of LOt 65, Block'10, of
said Irvine"s S~division, said point. of intersection also being an
angle point in ~e existing bounda~ of the city of Tustin, California,
as established by the Warner-Sycamore Annexation, per Ordinance No.
245, passed 'and adopted Dece~er 2, 1963;
Thence, leaving said City of Santa Aaa boundary, .N. 84°49'10"
E., along said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 28.28 feet, to
~e intersection wi~ a line 4'0.00 feet southwesterly of and parallel
to, .as measured at right angles from, the centerline of Edinger
Street, said point of intersection also being an angle point in
said City of Tustin ~unda~;
Thence, continuing along said City bounda~,, S. 50°10'50'' E.,
along said parallel line, a distance of 1,286.80 feet to the point
of beginning. '
RUTH C.. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council
of the City of Tustin', California,. does hereby certify that the
whole number of the members of tile City Council of the City of
Tustin is five; ti]at the al')ove 'and foregoing Resolution No. 70- 30
was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopt~"d at
a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ]'5th day of
· June , 1970 , by the following vote:
, .
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