HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 70-18RESOLUTION NO. 70-18 A RESOLUTOIN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL DRAINAGE FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS ON WALNUT AVENUE AND BROWNING AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING AD DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. W}~EREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, to construct storm drains on Walnut Avenue from Browning Avenue to 600 '+_ east and on Browning Avenu'~ from Mitchell Avenue to 600'+_ south, and ~ WIlEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifi- cations for the construction of said work' at these locations, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans and specif~-. 'cations presented by the City Engineer be. and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the construction of storm drains on Walnut Avenue from Browning Avenue to 600'+_ east, designated as Project I and on Browning Avenue from Mitchell Avenue to 600'+_ south, designated as Project II. BE IT FURT!{ER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed ,bids or proposals for the doing of th~.~.~work sPecified in the aforesaid plans' and specifications which said ac'tvertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to-wit~ · "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City . Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 135 West Third .Street, Tustin, California until 11 o'clock A.M': on the 4th day of _ May .... , 19~0, at which time they will be publicly opened and--read, for performing work as follows' PROJECT I - Construction of storm drains and appurtenances on Walnut Avenue from Browning. 'Avenue to 600'+-east. PROJECT II - Construction of storm drains and appurtenances on Browning Avenue from Mitchell Avenue to 600'+- south. Bids are required for the entire work described herein based on either the base bid'or .alternate bid. A-1 PROJECT I · · · · 5~ 6, lA 2A 3A~ 4A' SC~{EDULE OF 'WORK iT~'CM,'G Quanti...ty_ Base Bid 542.5 Lin. F't. 22.5 Lin. Ft. 1 each 1 each 107 Lin. Ft. 1 each Alternate Bid 542.5 Lin. Ft' 22.5 Lin. Ft.' 1 each 1 each 107 Lin. Ft. 60" cast 'in-place concrete pipe 18" reinf, cone,, pipe- 1500 D .. JunCtion Box and curb inlet Junction Box Concrete flowline fille~t Concrete col~.lar~ join 60" reinf, conc. pipe - 800 D . · 18"' reinf, conc. pipe..- 1500 D JunctiOn Box and curb inlet Junction Box · Concrete flowline fillet PROJECT 'II Item 'N°. Quantity Base Bid 575.94 Lin.. Ft. , 38.25 Lin. Ft. 9. 1 each 10. 1 each 11. 1 each 6A 7A Alternate Bid 614.19 Lin. Ft. · 1 each 8A · 1 each A-2 Desc,.ript,ion .Of- ~v~..r...k 48" cast-in-place concrete pipe 48" reinf, conc. pipe- 1000 D Junction Box. . Connection to existing box Concrete collar join' 48" reinf, conc. pipe- 1000 D Junction Box Connection to ex~sting box ~ The ,.foregoings:! quantities are approximate only, being given 1} basi'S for the comparison .of bids, and the Ci.ty of Tustin does no~, ii ~: ,,.~ly or by imp].ication, agree that the actual amount of worW will ~i .... "~[~orr,cspond therewith, but reserves the right' to incre,~t:';e or' decrease · ~"" ' ..,.'" .~the work', or to omit, portion's }[ '..6f'~'~he work as may b~.deemed necessary or advisable,by the. Enginee'r. ~ . "~,.i~ addi..tion.;. '.the ci'ty., o.f ~T.u. sti'n reserves' the.right' to delete Project II ' ~Plan.s~ ~.Sp~if'%~.at~o~ns,.-and~ proposa:l.:fo'[ms to be., us " In '.conformanc~e'"with' 'S. ec-t~on 3 7'9 31 'of 'the .G~'vernment c~de 'bi'ds Shall' ~o 'prosen~ed '.u~der s°aled. c6~'°r: 0n. tho proPosal,'fo[m ,~:' . . .... .... ·,., ~ -, . ,. .~ ..,.~ , . . A.Surety Bon'd"'f°r'"paymen~ of la'b°~'.and'ma'terial's witl be reqUired in the amount of'f'~fty 9e'r.cent (50%),'.',O'f th.~. ~otal.'.~c,sntract p~ice'.and , 'a Faithful Perf.orm~nce 'B~d in th'~ 'amog~.~':of .,o~0 h'u'~dred por~ont':'{lO0%). , ,. ~..'...' ,. ' . . . , . ; .i ;' ' ' . ~,.. } · i{ . , . ,. . City of Tustin' reserVes the'~fi',gh,t . . ~ ~, -'..(, '. ',.~., . ,,. ,: :i.,~..~ ."~.~.'.' , ~ . , f . .~ , · . · .~ . ' · Th~ case-in:place 'Conor.eee" ~:~{Pd' ~as.:e~.,'~ ,:r, · . · . .. :~.. '~ ;,. '~. ~, . · .. ';~').?~. ', ' ' '' ' ' '.','}~ · ". ".~' 'C'..'./'.:' prOvi.s~ons .of ehe St.~te Conera.e~ ./ACe.',are.:'not:' ;applicable, .~afi~.'~. '., , . , . ~ . [11 work eO be done undor the direct~, '.Sup,e~vision City.~' hll work eo' be paid 'f~r at: 'ehe un.~e,,prices, bid from appropg'l'..~,ted -"' . , . .' . . Said C~ty o'}:" ~usti'n, pursuant to' ~he Labor Code of ehe .' 'California,' has' ascerea~ned and' deeer~i,ned thae,'the'gen~,ral' 'raee of hourlg and .Per' d~m wa~e.s in 'ehe'l°c'~lieY..~.n which'[::the'-"s[~i workman or mechanic'.n.eeded rio execuee ehe, c.onerac'~'' 'and',also tho .g~neral '... Prevailin~ raee for.. [e~l 'hol, ida~an~...ouereime. w~'r~ for each~ .. ~.a~ ,.~ , ' , . . .... . . .. ....... '~ . ... .. . , .. , , .~ .~' ~ .' · . .. [..: . · ~... .. .' , , '..' ... ~... ' .....:~'. .. . . · , . . . .. ... . .. type of workman or mec}~ani, c, to be as indic,'~t:od in R,.,;,)],~.f. on 1019 adoptc~l $(.,.l>tc~?,b{;r 2, 1969, as previously, pt~b]i.:;hr;d in ,~ ~:..,~:;.r~,'~per of general.circul~t'ion, and on fiie in 'the of'f'ice of. ~he.::'..C.i.t'~ C1,2rk, EmPloyer payments dthor tllan those itomi'~od, the~'ein, as defined in Sectio~ 1773.1 of the Labor 'Code, are t'o be paid in ,-.~ccordance with tl~e terms of the collectiv~e bargaining agreement a[.~plicable to the tyt>e or classification of the workmen or 'mechanics en,ployed on · : the project. ' . 1 Copies of all collective bargaining agreem'ent, s relating to tho work aS se~ forth in .~he aforementioned Labor Code are oh file and available for inspection in tho office of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor 'S~atistics and Research. Dated: 4/20/70 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COU:NCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CAI, I FORNIA ~.o ~ .... Ruth C'. Poe City cl~rk of th~ City of Tustin'~"-California BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the City Council of the Ci.ty"of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of' wages and employer payments in the loCality'of the City of · Tustin, California, for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the work herein above specified is .as set forth in Resolution 1019. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE City' Council of the City of Tustin, Californi'a this _ 20th day of April, 1970 · . ~YOR. ATTEST: ) ___ ? .... _ '- ( ~ 'C~TY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS . CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Cit.y Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the .City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 70-18 was duly and regu. larly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of :::- ...... '~AP~r_i_l ............. , 19 70__9__, by "the following vote: AYES · NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILM. ENC__O__C:_O_,_ C~...;MiLLE. R,__MARsTERS' L. MILI,ER, OSTER .. COUNCILMEN NONE " .. couNCILMEN NONE