HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS 09-15-08CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAKAyaLl 6 Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR 9OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME�U �3 I f- ORGANIZATION (if applicable) q HOMEIWORK IP CODE 7�, SAS HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN T g REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ] ,lArk-0PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION O MATTER? TODAY'S DATE 'ti NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS ,-: ' CITYIZIPCODE1�2yo RD(PHONE NO. � '� E-MAIL ADDRESS please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complet submit this form to the City rk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONTO MATTE ? TODAY'S DATE ccs ✓� �` R NAME1—RGANIZATION (if applicable) c} HOMEWORK ADDRESyS� MAIL ADDRESS�`�� please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE '' s NAME �� [ (`�%� ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN VO REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR ❑ ORPPOSITION MA ER? TODAY'S DATE r NAME 4u, ORGANIZATION (if applicable) 1 'L HOMEWORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS ��� CITY OF TuSFTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ;4 TO MATTER? PUBLIC INPUT tf TODAY'S DATE NAME 41�',1, L ,L'9� -�/ ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ADDRESS / (please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR �OR OPPOSITION k] TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME IN/ lid/A-M =61C ORGANIZATION � CITYJZIP CODE ! E-MAIL ADDRESS • //� �� HOMEWORK PHONE NO�� / (please indicate one) Chir of TusrIN �p REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE /�? �/z //f% NAMEZ 4Za=4ZL70IRGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS � � E-MAIL (please indicate one) CITY OF TuST'IN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONfi0 MATTER? TODAY'S DATE k1 NAME X j�f 1 �N G ckS 12 ct-1- ORGANIZATION (if applicable) y HOME/WORK ADDRESS %) MAIL ADDRES0(: � .� CITY OF TUSTIN J REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? NAME Rodger Switzky HOMEWORK �.......�..., PUBLIC INPUT ❑ TODAY'S DATE 'I I ORGANIZATION (if applicable) CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEIWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) -- CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK X13 Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO.,U % PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR ❑ OR PPOSITI N)Q TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME--, �lrY ORGANIZATION 11 �( (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS / % E-MAIL ADDRES15- CITY OF TUSTIN 7 REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ G' IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TOMATTER? _ TODAY'S DATE NAME (rrG/` ORGANIZATION V t t j (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS CITYJZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) 0 CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE 9 NAME ORGANIZATION MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN 1 REQUEST TO SPEAK \ Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITIO ❑ IC I MATTER? 0 AA� I V) NAME an HOMEWORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS �/ `' (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT 0— IN FAVOR PbR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/wORK ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS� CITY OF TUSTtN REQUEST TO SPEAK V Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVORI OR OPPOSITION ( 'TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE C� L �✓ I� � tr NAME rJ �� �- ORGANIZATION {' (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS �" -MAIL ADDRESS ��; � (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPU IN FAVOR ❑ OR PPOSITION TO MATTER? NAME TODAY'S DATE (if applicable) ~ HOME/WORKADDRESS�` -MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUTZ� IN FAVOR OPPOSITIO ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME r ORGANIZATION (if applicable) � E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN ✓� REQUEST TO SPEAK `� Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT ❑ �j IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE_ / EL F - NAME Y V 1 � � '/ IV ( ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS. E-MAIL ADDRESS- "—" emr of 7'usrtN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear In the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ ----------- IN FAVOR ❑ R OPPOSITION 9 TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE �' �� ' 7 NAME -J ORGANIZATION 41—MMOORK ADDRESS "� CITYIZIP CODE % ' ✓�' MAIL ADDRESS ase indicate one CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK sm Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. .................... . .......................... .................... . . ............ . . ................... . . . ................. . . ... . ......... ... . ................. AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT ❑ ...... . .. .................... . ... I . . .......... . ............. ................. . .................... ........ . ..... ... . . . ....... IN FAVOR [:] OR PPOSIT N E:] TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE 6LI NAME 0( ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HO /WORK ADDRESS � CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO E-MAIL ADDRESS CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK \� Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT`S " IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION tO MATTER? NAME TODAY'S DATE 2 //� 0 ;GANIZATION /,,%�� (if applicable) lzmo HOMEWORK ADDRESS .CIT/ZIPCODE HOMEIWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS--�'�=& (please indicate one) Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. .................... ....................................................................................... ........................................ _................... _......... _.._.... _........................................ AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ ................................................................._........----............-..-..........................------.......-_.......................-----................._Q....................................... IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAMEJUwt ov iC ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS , E-MAIL ADDRESS - indicate one) CITY of TusriN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR q OR OPPOSITIOWO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE1175 NAME t_ .. �� i S� C� t�� '/C t ORGANIZATION (if applicable) H MAIL ADDRES (please indicate one) Cirir OF TuSrrN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONSYTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE t NAME 'S KA Vu ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK . E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TU&T{N `�33 REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. �_ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONkTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE b NAME, i"�--0 c=✓ /qfz' .GANMATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS - E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) � cmr OF TusnN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION *O MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME _ (f? I�Wk "/ q 5y � ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEfWORK ADDRESS ' �� MAIL ADDRESS Cinr of TusrrN 3� REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE S WT G3 NAME ���d� 4i Cv�/ ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS CITYIZIP CODE h L T0 HOMEWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN �A REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO M TIER? TODAY'S DATE � NAME � C7 L. (/ " i i q 12'7 S ORGANIZATION (if applicable) 7` �j q HOMEWORK ADDRESS `�E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. LI/J PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S. DATE /C) NAME -RICK, Eo-,5H/+/1V ORGANIZATION MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TU&TIN � d� REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? NAME TODAY'S DATE :GANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY of TusnN�,�'" REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION ® TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE_ NAMEZAW,44/ f�/�, 114: —ORGANIZATION / (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS / �� E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTtN ^ � REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE "//, r 1�-i NAME C>sc� Q CqQ ORGANIZATION (if applicable) ;?p p� HOMENVORK ADDRESS �E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN � t� REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION &O MATTER? TODAY'S DATE Oq – t S' () Q NAME Ul�v� �-�•� l° z- ORGANIZATION a51 J'A'`lk (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS �'� E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY of TusrIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. -Ed' a I%S PUBLIC INPUT C� IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION D�O MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME "���� S / ORGANIZATION (if applicable) Com, ,/ HOMENVORK ADDRESS ) TY21P CODE q Z 0 �� f�S % Z HOMEWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTEN aI� REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION P TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE f f W — O NAME Z7 R/ -)A ZA ,L C 7'r9 N ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS CITYIZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. '/ E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTtN -110XI-41- REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT U IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION [TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE D q,- NAME I,-NAME feZ- ORGANIZATION (if applicable) p HOMEIWORK ADDRESS _ E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTfN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OOPPOSITI N TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAMETs G � ORGANIZATION ^ / E-MAIL ADDRESS (/ CITY OF TUSi'lN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIOI�TO MATTER? NAME PUBLIC INPUT ❑ TODAY'S DATE /�,"/ ) dr)y S (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS CITYIZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. ?/ E-MAIL ADDRESS �� �� CITY OF.TuSTINREQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION kTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATIONf? /Yl ��✓�— (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS / `— CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. / E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTI'IV REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ----------- IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION P TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE q-- I NAME ' ► nA M ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEfWORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTlN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITIONTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE" — NAME64A&EI LI A �c� ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS � � E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE �- -o NAME 6/4"s ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS /�� E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTINREQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ❑ PUBLIC INPUT ❑ IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPOSITION,9TO MATTER? PA!<K//',49TODAY'S DATE_2 Z'125- 10E I3' rel NAME C E C I L/ A 'L o w ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS— (please indicate one)