HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 01-093RESOLUTION NO. 01-93
The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
The City Council finds and determines as -fOllows:.
That the adoption .of a new ordinance and guidelines for
abogegrou, nd utility facilities on public property and in the public
right-of-way is considered a' "project"' pursuant to the terms of
the Califomia Environmental Quality Act.
An Ini[ial Study and a Negative Declaration have been'
prepared for this proje'ct and have been distributed for public
review. ..
The Planning Commission at their meeting of September 10,
2001, recommended that the City Council adopt the Negative
Declaration related t0"Or'dinance No. 1232 and the 'Design
Guidelines for' 'AbovegroUnd Utility Facilities on Public
Properties and-in the Public. Right, of-way as adequate.'
The City Council of the City of Tustin has' considered evidence
presented by the Community Development Director and other
interested parties' With' respect to the subject Negative
The City Council has evaluated "the proposed Negative
Declaration and determined that the proposed Ordinance and
Design Guidelines will not i'esultin any significant impacts and,
therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary to reduce any
significant impacts to. a level of insignificance.
A Final Negative DeClaration, attached' hereto as Exhibit A, has been
completed in compliance with CEQA and State-guidelines. The City
Council has received and c~)nsidered the information contained in the
Negative. Declaration prior to approving the proposed ordinance and
the design guidelines and found that it adequately discusses the
environmental effocts of the proposed ,ordinance and design
Resolution No. 01-93
Page 2 of 2
. .
guidelines. On the basis of the Initial Study 'and comments received
during the public hearing process, tlie City Council finds that there will
not. be a. significant effect, as a 'result of the proposed ordinance and
design guidelines.
Further, the City council, finds that Ordinance No. 1232 and the
Design..Ouid~lines. for ^b°veground Utility Facilities on Public
'Properties and in the Public Right-of-way involve no potential for any.
adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildiifo resources
as defined in Section 711.2 of the.Fish and'Games Code. The City
Council hereby adopts the Final Nagative Declaration for Ordinanc~
No, 1232 and the Design Guidelines'for Aboveground Utility Facilities
on Public Properties and in the Public Right-of-way.
o .
' PASSED AND~ADQP~T.ED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council,
held on the 19th day of November, 2001.
· Mayor ' '-~/
City Clerk.
PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the
City of Tustin, California, 'does heroby ce~ify that the whole number of the
members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and
· foregoing. Resolution No. 01-93 was dulY and regularly introduced, passed,
and adopted at. a regUlar, meeting, of the Tustin City Council, held on the
City Clerk ,
Worley, Thomas, Bone, ,Doyle, Kawashima
Exhibit A of Resolution' No. 01-93
Project Title:
Lead Agency:.
Lead Agency
Contact Person:
Project Location:'
Proj ~ct Spomor's
Name and Address:
General Plan Designation:
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA P2 780.
. (710'573-3100
-- - · · i ii1 _ 1 l_~l = ~ - I l l.I Il I Il I _
Design Guidelines and Ordiu~c, for Aboveground Utility Facilities. on
Public Properties and in the Public ~ght-of-way.
City of Tustin
300'C.entennial Way
T~.s~, California 92780
· r . ·
Justina Willkom
Phone: (714) 573-3174
Citywide ·
Ail land use desiguations.
Zordng' Desi~fion:
Project Description:
Surrounding Uses:
North: County of Omuge'.
South: City oflrvine
All zoning districts.
Adoption of new guidelines and enabling ordinance for aboveground'
utility facilities on public properties' and in the public fight-of-way.. The
new guidelines will set forth criteria and regulation for placement of utility
facilities to reduce potential negative impacts or/the community.
East: County of Orange. and City of Irvine
Wesf: City.of Santa Aha
Other public agencies whose approi'al is required:.
Orange County Fire Authority
Orange County Health Care Agency
South Coast A.ir'Qua~ty Management
Dis/riot ' '
City of Irvine
City of Santa A.ua
Orange County.
· , .
, ·
~e ~~o~en~ fae~ chocked below Wo~d be pot~fi.~y ~o~d by ~s proj~o~ ~vot~g at Iea~ one
~pact ~t is ~ ?'Potenfi~y Si.~c~t !repack' ~ ~cated by ~ ~hec~st h Secfion-D belo~.
. [--]Land Use and Planning
~]PopEafion and I-Io~sint ·
[~Oeologioal Problems
· [2W r · '
, .
[2 iolo ical Resources.. ' '
~En~~.md ~c~ Reso~ces
· ' On the b~sis of this initial evaluation:
' Ke'soure
[~Re~tion .... .
[~I. ~tatory Findings of
· S.ignifi mc ...
· ~ I fred that thc' proposed project COULD. NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a
· NEGATIVE DE~TION~~ be,pr~arezl, '. ,. ,
[~ i :'fred that ~lthough thc proposed project could have, a significant effect off thc environment, there will"
not be a- significant effect in this case because thc mitigation mcaalres described on au at.hod sheet
have bccn. afldcd to the project,.. A NEGATIVE DBCLA.RA.TION wi11 be prepared.
.... ·
:~. { ..... ..
[-] I fi.ad' that th, .propos,d project MAY. have. a siguificant effect on the...enviroam~m, ~d an
ENW'~ONM~NTAL IMPACT t~PORT is'required, . .
[~ I find that thc proposed, project MAY'have a significant effect(s) on thc.environment, but at least, one
' effect I) h~. be~n. ad~quat~ty a~. yz~d in an earlicf doctttncnt pursumt'to app!icabla legal standards, and
· ' 2) has-been addressed .by mi.ti~ation ~Casures baS'ed,.'on the c~Iiei' analysis as' ~scribed on attached
sheets, if the effect is a "Potentially Significant ImpaCt'" Or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated."
An EtqVIKO~~~ IMPACT REPORT .is required, but it must analyze only thc effects tha
" remai~ t0.b~ addressed. ' . . . .
· . :..
r,] i find that although the proposed project. could hay, a signifiomt cff~.ct on the cnviroment, there WILL
NOT be a significant effect ia .this.. case because ali potentially significmat effects ' 1) have. been. analyzed
adequamly ha ~ earlier 'EIR pum-~t, to' applieable 'st~d~s, and 2)"have been avoid, d 'or mitigated
'pursuant to ttmt., earlier ,BI~' including revisiohs 'or mitigation measurc~' that ar~ imposed upon tl:ie
proposed project.
· o
.[~ I find'that although the pmpbsc, d project could have a significant effect on thc c~vironment, there WILL
NOT be a sight,cant effect/n this ca,se bocause.all potentially Si~nificaut effects 1) have' been analyzed
,adequately in .an earlicr'Iq~OATIVE D. BCLAR~TIoN pursuant 'to applicable standm-ds, and 2) ha(,e
been ivoided or mitigated pursuit, to that earlier NEGATIV~ DECLARe. TION, haeluding revisions or
mitigation measures ttmt are imposed upoa ~e proposed proj,¢t. ' .
.: ,
?repar~ri_. ~,.~ustina ..Willkom ......... ~ .......... ". '~ Title"____ A~soeiat.e..p!am'~er_ ........
' ' E1/za~cth A. B insack, Comm.m~ty Development Director -'- -
· ·
. l)
Directions .. .
A brief explanation is required, for ,all answers except "No Impact" answers that are:~adequately supporte~i by the
information sources a lead agency .~it.es .in' the parentheses following each'question. A "NO impact" answer is
adequately supported if the re. fcrenceA'infommtion sources show that the impact simply' d0~.. not. apply to. projects
like .the one involved (e:g., th'¢ project falls 'outside a fault rapture zone). A."No Impact" answer should be
explained where it is base. d on p~oject-spec~c factors and general staudards (e.g., the project will not expose
sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on'a project-specific screening, analysis).
· , .
All answers must take.into.accoum fii~ Whole action involved, including off-site, on[site, cumulafiv~ project IcvcI,
indirect, direct, construction, and,Operational impacts.-
o ,
Once the lead agency has determined th~.t a particular physical impact may. occur, th~ checklist answers must
indicate whether thc impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant.
"Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that au effect may be significant. If
there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, and EIK is
required.. .,.
"Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant. With ,.Mitigation Incorporated" applies .wh~rc thc incorporation
· mitigation, measures' has reduced au effect from "Potentially Significant. Impact" to a "Less than S~'~tficaut
· Impact." :The lead agency must describe the mitigation measm'¢s, 'and briefly explain how they reduce thc effect
to a less than significant level (mitigation mcaslLrCs .from Section 'XVH, "Earlier Analyses," may. bo .cross-
referenced). .
· . .
Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, prograrn".EIK, 'or 'oth~r cEQA: procesS', au effcct....~. ...........
bccn adequately analyzed in an earlier EIP,. or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c) (3)(D). In this casc~
discussion should identify the.following: .:. .' .. ' ·
a) Earlier Analysis'Used. Identify and state wh~re they arc available for review.
b)' Impacts Ade. xi~ely A'ddres~ed. Identify which.effects frem thc abovc,:cheo .~ktis.t were w!thin.thc scope of
md adequately analyzed in an earlier documaut pursuaut tO' applicable.legal s,tan'dards, and state whether
~ such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on"the'¢arli~r analysis. , ·
o ·
.. '..
c) Mitigation Mcasures~ For effects that ar.e "Less' than Significant with Mitigation MCa~urcs Incorporatod,"
describe the mitigation measures which, were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and thc
extent to which they address site-specific conditions for thc project
... -',. r. ·
· .
Lead. agencies are .encouraged to incorporate, into the checklist references to '.mfOrma'tion sources for potential
impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinauccs).,~. P, cfcrcmce to a previously:prepared or outside document should,
where appropriate, i~. elude., a reference to thc page or~.paEcs where, thc statement is substantiated.
SupPorting Information Sources: A. sourc'e list should bc attached, and other sources used or. individuaIs
contacted should be cited'in the discussion.
-. .
Th'is is only a suggested f0nn,' md lead a.~enbies axe free to use different formatS; however, l~ad agencies
normally~.'.addrcss the questions from ~his checldist that are relevant to a project's e~ivironmcntal effects in.
whatever format is selected. " " ·
~.. ..
'The explanation of each issue should identify: ' '
. a) the si=~ificauc¢ criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate ~aoh question; and;
b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce tho impact to less than signific..anc.~. .
: ·
I,_. A~S _TI:~__TI~CS_ - Would th~ proj eot:
a) Haw a substant/al adverse ~ff, ct on a ~ceni, v/sm?
b) Substantially damage scmic resources, inchd/ng, but not
limited to, trees, rock outcropp/ngs, and historic buildings
within a state scenic highway?
e) Sabmnfially degrade th~ existing visual ~haract~r or
quality of tho simand its surroundings?
d) Creat~ a now soum¢ of substantial light or glare which
would adversely affe~ day or nighttime viows in the ama?
whethor impacts to agricultural resources aro significant
environmental effects, load agencies may refer to the
Califomia Agricultural Laud Evaluation and Site Assessment
Model (1997) prepared by the Califomia Dept of
Conservation as an options] moBel to use in'.assessing impacts
on agriculture and farm/aud. Would the project:
a). Conver~ Prime F~d, Unique Fam~and, or Farmland
ot Smtewide Impormnce.(F~d), as shown on the maps'
prepared pursuant to the Farrnlmd lVlapping and Monitoririg
Program ot the Califomia Resources Agency, to non-
............ agricultural use? ....
b) Conflict wi~h existing zoning for a~riculmr~l Use, or a
Williarnson Act contract?
· ·
c) Involve other changes in the ~xisting environment which,
due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of '
: Farmland,. to non-~icukural u~e?
HI. AIROUALITy: Wher~ ~vailabie, the si~uificanc~ .
crkeHa established by the applicable air quality management
or air po]Iution control district my be mh.'ed .upon to m~e the
following d~termimfiom. Would the project:
a) Conflict with or obantct implementation of the applicable
· air quality plan?. ..
b) Violat~ any air quality standard or con~bute substantially
to an ~xisting or projected air .quality.violation?.
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net '.increase of any
criteria pollutant for Which thc project re, on is non-
attainment under an appliml~lc federal or slate ambient air
quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed
quantitative thresholds, for ozone precursors)?
d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant
.. .
e) Cream objectionablo odors affecting a'subst~mtial number '
ofp~ople? · .
Impact .
Inco~or~. '. on. ....
Le~s Than
Im~.a. ct '
No Impact,,,_
! ·
IY_. BIoi~OGiCAL_RESOUR~S; - Would the projsctz
a) Have a substantial advers~ effect~ ~ither directly or
through habitat modifications, on mY species identified as a
candi.'date, sensitive, or special stares species in local or
regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the Califomia
Deparmaent offish and Game. or U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service? .
b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any r/parian habitat
,or other'sensitive natural commun/ty identified in local or
regional plans, policies: regulations or by the California
Department offish md Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife
c) Have ~ Substantial adverse =ff¢ct on federally protected
wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water
(including, but not limited to, mar~h, wmaI pool, coastal, etc.)
through dir¢c~ t:ernoval, filling, hydrolog!.cal interruption, or
other means?
d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native
reside/tt'or migratory fish or'wildIife species or with ·
.establish~d native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or
impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites?
e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting
biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or
f) Conflict' with the provisions of an adopted Habitat
Conservation.Plan, Natural Commun/ty Conservation'Plan, or.
other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation
V ..... CUrTaL RESOURCES: - Would the project:
a) Cause a substantial adx3erse ch. ange in the significauce of
a historical resource as del'reed in § 15064.5?
b) Cause a' substantial advers~ change in the significance of .
an archaeological resource pursuant to § 1.5064.57
c) Directly or in.directly destroy a unique paleontological
resource or site or unique geologic feature?
d) Disturb any human remains, inclu, ding those interred
outside of fonuaI cemeteries? .
~, GI3OLOGY_ANDSOILS: - Would the project:
a) Expose people or smmmres to potential substantial
adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death
involving: .. ·
· , ,
.! .
"'L~xs i'ha~
· gqth
2,es$ Than
,, ,~. _0 'Impact
i) Rupture ora known earthquake fault,, m delineated on the
most.recem Alqui~t-Priolo Ear. quake Fault Zoning Map
i~sued by the S~e G~0logist/'or th~ area or based on other .
Substantial evidence of A known fault? Refer to Division of
hfhn~s and G~ology Special Publication zt2.
fi) Strong s~ismic ground shaking?
iii). S~isrnic-related ~ound failure, including Iique£acfion?
iv) Laudslides?
b) Resul~ in. substantial soil erosion or the los~ oftop~oil?
· c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or
that would become unstable as a result of the projeot, and
· potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading,
subsidence, Iidluefaction or collapse?
d) Be located on' expansive soft, as defined ~ ~able I8-1-B
of th~ Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial
risks to 1ifc or property?
~) Have soils incapable of'adequately supporting tho use of
septic tanks or alternative waste water' disposal systems where
sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water?
Would the project:
.a) Creat~ a significant hazard to the public or the.
environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of
hazardous materials? '
b) Create a Significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and
accident conditions involving the release of hazardous
materials into the environment7
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter
mile of au existing or proposed school?
· d) 'Be located.on a site which is included on a Iist of '
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government'
Code Section 65962.5 and, as'a result, would it create a. .
..significant hazard to th.e public or the environment?
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or,
where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a
public a'.u'p0rt or public use airport, would the project result in'
a safety hazard for. people residing or working in the project'
area?' .
f) For a project witifin the vicinity of a'private airstrip, .
would the project result in a safety hazard'for people residing
or working in the project area?
~ Than
~zith .
Z;ess Than
Impact ..... No fmpaat
g) Imp~ir, impl~m~tation of or physically int~ri'em with an
adopted ~mcrg~ncy response plan or emergency evacuation
p]~? .
h) Expose people or.stmotures tea significant risk of'loss,
injtu'y br death involving wildland fires, including; where
wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences
are intm'mixed with wildlands? ,
£ess Than
$igni. flaant
Potentially ~ith
$ignifiaant Mitigation
... Impact.. ....Inc_orporaaon . . .
Less 7hah
I.n~. ~t
.... N~ Impact
~e project: ,
~) Violate any w~ter quality standards or waste d{~char~e
requirements? .
,b) 8ubstan. tially ~teplet¢ groun, dwa~er supplies or interfere
substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would '
be s net deficit in aquifer v. olume or a lowering of' the local
groundwater table lewl (e.g., the production rate Of pre-
existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not
support existing land uses or. planned uses for which permks ..
have been grmated)?. ' '
c) Substantially alter the existing drayage pattern of the site
or area, including, through the alteration of the course of a
stxeam or fiver, in a manner which would result in'substantial
erosion or siltation on- or off-site?
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site
or area, including through the alteration of the course of a
stream or fiver, .or substantially increase the rate or amount of '
su~ace runoff in a manner which would result'in flooding on-.
or off-site? -
e) ' Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the
'capacity of existing or planned storinwater drainage systems
or provide substantial additional soumes of'polluted nmoff7
i') Otherwise substantially delwade water quality?
g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as
mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood'
Insurance Kate Map or other flood hazard delineation map?
h) Place within a 100-year flood h~ard area structures
which wou. ld impede or redirect flood flows7
i). Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss,
injury or death'involviitg flooding as.a result'of the failure of
levee or dam?
j) Inundation by s6iche, tsunami, or mudflow?
_1/(. _LAND. USE AND..P. LANNING- Would the project:
a) Phy~ically divide an established community?
'b) Conflict with any applicable land.use plan, polic~, or '
regulation of an a~ency with.jurisdiction over the project
(including bm no~ limited to. the. general ~alan, specific plan,
loc. al coastal progza~ or zoning ordinance) adopted for th~
purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect?
~mp_act, '
Less 2/'han
$ig~.. ifiaant ,
lg'ith ' Less Than
'Mttiga~on Significant
. fncorpora..tiq.n ..... ~mpact ..... .NO ;?mpaqt
c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conssrvation plan or
natural .community. conservat/on plan?
X.___MINERAL RESOURCES- Would the project
a) K~ault in thc loss of availability of'a known mineral
resource that would b~ of'valu: to ~¢ region and thc residents
· of' thc state?
b) Kcsult in the loss of availability of a locally-important
mineral rcsouro~.moov~ site d~Iineated on a local genaral
plan, specific plan or othe. r land use plan? .
Would. the project result in:
a) Expo.sure of persons to or generation of noise levels in
excess of standards established in the loom general plan or
noise ordinance, or applicable standards of o.ther agencies?
, .
b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive. '
groundbome w~bration or groundborne noise levels?
c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels ·
in the project vicinity above levels existing without the
project? ... · .
d) A substantial tempox-ary or periodic increase in. ambient
'noise levels in the project vicinity above levels exis~g
without the project?
e) For a project loe. ated within an airport land use pl~ or,
where such a plan has not been adopted, withih two miles of a
public airport or public use airport, would the project expose
people residing 'or working in the project area to excessive
noise levels?
f).. For a project within the vicinity ora private airstrip,
would the project expose'people residing or working in the
project area m excess noise levels?
XH.POPuLATION AND HOUSING- Would'the project:
a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either
directly (for ex,ample, by proposing new homes and
..: :. businesses) or. indirectly (for example, through extension of
· roads or other '.mg-rastrucmre)? .
b) Displ~e substantial numbers of existing housing,'
necessitating the construction of replacement housing
elsewhere? " ' ·
c) Displace. substantial numb~rs 'of people, n~c6ssitating the
conm'action of mpl~mcnt homing
, .
, _ ,Impact
Less Than
L~$ Than
· ' [~].
No Imr~act
a) Would th~ projgct result in substantial adwrs¢ physical
impacts asso~iate~ with thc provision of n~w or physically
altered governmental facilities, nc~d foe new or physically
altered governmental facilities, th~ consm~ction of which
could caus~ significant ~nvironmcntal impacts, in order to
maintain acccptable service ratios, response times or oth~r
. performance, objectives for any of th~ public services:
Fire protection?
Police protection?
0ther public faeili~ie~)
a) Would the project increase the use' of misting . .
neighborhood and r~gional parks or other recre.adonal
facilities such thst.~~6al physical deterioration of the
facility would oocur or be accelerated? .
b) Does the project'incIude recreations1 ~ciIities or require
the construction.or expansion of recreational facilities which
might have an adve'rso physical'effect On tho environment?
XV.~NS?ORTA~ON~~~IC- Would the project:
a) ~ause an increase in traffic which is. substantial in relation.
to the existing tmf~c load and capacity of the street system
(i.e. result in a substantial increase in either the number of '
vehicle trips, the volume tO. capacity ratio on roads,, or
congestion at imcrs¢ctions)?
b) .Ex~eed, either individually'or eurnulsdvely, a l~v¢l of
service standard established by the county congestion
management agency for designated roads.or highways7
c) Result in a chmge in air c patterns, including either
an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results
in substantial safety rislm? .
d) Substantially increase hszards due to a design feature (e.g.
sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or ~ncompstibl¢ us~s
'(c.g., farm equipment)?
~) · Result in inadequate emergency access? .
0 Ke~flt in inadequate parking capaci~?
g) Conflict with ~oPted policies, plans, or programs
supporting alt~mati,ve ~"~portation (e.g., bus turnouts, .:' '
bicycle racks)?
Would the project:
a) Exceed'~vastewater treatment requirement~ of the
applicable Regional Water Quaiity control Board?
b) l~q~ or result in the construction .of new Water or
wastewa..~ ~t~a'e~ent fagilities or expansion of existing
· facilities, the eons..trucfion of which ~o~d cause significant
en.virormaei~tal effects?
c) ~uire or.result in' the oonstru~tion of. new storm water
drainage ta~ilf.ties or expansion of existing facilities, the
construction of whiCh could cause si~ificant environmental
effect? :' . ' '
· .
d)' Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the
project from existing entitlements' and resources, or are new or
expanded entitlements needed?
............... ~) Result in a determination by the Wastewater treatment'
provider which s~rves or may serve the project that it has
adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in
addition to the provider's existing commitments?
f) Be served by a lan.drill with suffici~t permitted capaei'ty.
to accommodate the pr6ject's solid waste di.sposal n~eds?
g) Coinply with. fcderai~ state, ~d local statutes and
regulations related to solid waste7 .. ·
a). Does the project have the ~otential to degrade the quality
of th~"'~n~nment,' mbstantiaIly reduce th~ habitat of a'fish or'
wildlife species, eause, a fish or ~ildIife population .to drop
below, self-sustaining levels, threaten' to. eIiminate.a plant or
animal eommunity;.reduee the number or restrict the range of
a rare or endang~d plant or animal or eliminate important
examples of the major periods of Califomia history or
· prehistory? ..
b) Does the pr6ject have impacts that are individually
limited, but cumu!ativeIy cbnsiderabl'e? ("Cumulatively
considerabI¢" means that the incremental effects of a project
are considerable when viewed in coma. ection with the effects
of past projects, the effects o£ other current projects; and the
effects o.t'probable future projects)7
· ,
c) Does the project have environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse' effects on human beings, either
directly or indirectly? "
Impact, ..
;Less than
. Incorpor.,a, tion
L~ T~.'~
~ ;.,,?.. .,;-. . .; ,, ~.,.~.,~ ;,. ..... ATTACHMENT A ,
....... ~,-.,... -.~ :.. ~.:;.~. IMPACTS
, ":. .... ~ ... . , . ~ ....
· . ·
'~ ',.'...'. ::?; ~.¢..'.i · ~,'~ ~ ~. ~.~- .v, .j ,;' l". . ,¢.~ .;... ,.,... :. ~, ,, ,
· ~ .... ....... .~.. ~ ~. .... ~,. ~,~ ........ .. ................... . .......
, ·
· .
. ' '. ' '~t)?": .... ? '"~ ' ':;".?"
The City's objective 'in adopting the ordinance and~...~es~g~i~,e.li,.n..~s~.is~,,t..o,,
neighbSring land u~es. Abovegrb'bnd utility facilities are typically located in the public
right-of-way and highly visible because of their size.~andto'~':~heig~ht~.,'th?~,by::~:otenti~!ly.;;'"~ ..
imp~tin~ tho ~esth,fi~ of'th~ ¢ommuniht. ~ubli.¢.~:~l~g~bD'fll~l~:5~'~'.~ti~i~'r~""~'{~'~.'"..ii?
, . . '. , ~ ..... ~.~.-.¢....",':,~:',"" :~ ,.'~:;,.. '"'.'~.',:.,. ;.;..'..:.; i~.~ ~!~c?.:,,. ~$~'.'.~.¢'.','.~.',.'. 'r..~':"-.: '?.."...':;.~'~'?..',,, '~,' .%~'~' ..~' ~4~..'~..¥~,,...,.,. ·
· ~f the u.t. dlty'.facdit~es-and their aocessory equipment 'cab~n~ 'are overcoh:~~'r.~,t:l,J~.7..:';.L..'
specifi¢"'areas, 'clo~e to interse~ions thus impacting motorist .visibility,
Sensitive residential or institutional uses, obstr, uct..,.t~affie.~.s.i~nals.~,,,sigr~s?.,,e~.,,,.e,ther;.~;pub!io;?' ?,.
safoty dovices 'located wEhin th~ C'ity'~ right-of-way.'.~,.'.?~iqe'.:'~m~uirem'~nt~.~of.:.a::..'~§igm'','~.?,:::. , ..... .? , . · . .... ·
Review. allow~ th~ Ci.~ to ~xamine aesthetics i~ff~'§~:-".lS~:~ff~i:l~ih~:':it~'~§~'~dl'f~'''*~i~§:''h~io~}:''~''''~'T'.!~::
and bulk of th, f~Silities, ,oiO'r~; vi,iDility, $¢maning and relationship to'adja¢erit
structures, aBd.des_,,n, . . ~.:...~:...,.. ...... ,: .... ,,.:..~.:~:~'.,..~. .~...,.,..., ...:... ;.:.~ · ,,:.:,,...,...~:.,..:......:,r~-,..:~ .,~.~..~,,!.,r , ~....
· * ... ,. ,~1'.+' ~ : ·
fY '"~' "' '"' "~ ......... '"'8;'.'"'."~. ~'i:'f '"~'5"':"~'/'" ':f~'' ('~;:'"~"¢ 4(..:, .~t ~... ¢'..~.: ': :,~,".;"?: ' ' ';7. '.".?'
There ~'oUld be no'."iShysical imlS~i~vement or change~ in 'the environ'~¢nt.,a~"a:".r~S~it:."Of',.~,';~'." ·
th~' .~doPtion of tho ordinane~ and. de~i~n gu!~lines. Impact~ of .potential fut, ure~
projeote would be evaluated in oonjunotion with ":'-':'"" ....... :"'~'::?':'?'~'"'"~:" ''?'''~*''''
· · ":"'"'¥ ':: .'.";.'.".:F! ~j ,,'"~".; '";¢,' ........ ~.~ '-%'~'-'~:; '".'.':~ .'i ....m~.-.-.. .' i','.'i~L~. '~:.-!'.'~' · (':"".'~' '
'."~? '":.': :'t'.,.~.? ': " ".':''' ':,~:'.;.'.'"'");L.'.'~'~.' :":~':"::"'-~."'~!i t.':':.'~ "~":.'?~,~, " ";;;d~:;:".~ ~i'".~,i.':'"',!.~''
'1. .AESTHETICS_': : .... ; .:.'.-.,..?:.~:~.~!.:, :,.,-,,,.,.~-' .'; :-~ ',.,,:..'.~:-,.: "~i.~:,.':'-.'.~...-.'~
,.[temsa. throu_clh d -"No impact": The' Pf'69~'!~'ed,,?fli'h,~'h"6e?'~P~:'*bl~i0B guid~li~e-~:;
- ' -~ - ,. ~7- - · · ?..':.', .,'..**:~6.i'.* i~' ...~.:::¢3~.[~,~,;.~"~..',..:,.~-, ¢';",-, '::.¢.;¢.(¢.~.'. ";~'". '~,:.~'~,"':',"-.'..~....',.~¢.':i~ ~": "~";.:,£~
;.Would estabiBh standardS' that mff~gate ~mpacts assoclsit~d' "w¢~'"'~n'~taila~i~fi~'-bf'
abovegrOund utility facilities, on public propertie.$;.,.and ,in.¢t.b,e
'. :. · ..... i..,~'..' .'¢,f/.. '-.' :...,.~'~.¢. ;..~ .;.',~.;; :... ~.1.1 ~.~: ..~ :..~;~..-..,{' , .J.~;.. ~'..~ ..;*.[~.;.¢;.~; - .:. .~.
· 'No physica'l'"'"improvemOgts am currently Proposed' in oonjur~.¢.tio~.:.,::~ith:~ttae~ ....
adoption of the ordinance and design guidelines. 'l'ha proposed ordinance a~d.
'design guidelines will not have any
scenic vistas or sceni, resources, including,. ~u.t .... not..!i~itod..to, tr.~.s.,
outcrop¢in~, and historic building~ w~th!.B..?& s.t,.a~...~9~0,~.~,!gh~a¥,.,., ~Th~.:ipmpoS...~.~;..
Ordirian¢~ and design guidelines will not.~d~grade th~:~xisti~i~ ¥~sual
quality of th~ plan ama or its surroundings: '~tmCactS mlat, dlo:~any,.futum-~;proj,¢~s i%.':
would be identifi,d and ,valuatad in e6'hj"~d~ti6ff.~Ith'~.a'.'§'~:~ifie"P'~6~'~e't-~
.... ~"?::?'t't. ' ,~.~:.'... ....... ~... ~".~-, ~:..-'.'t~'r..~ .... '"':.:~.~.'.
· ,r~.,.'. "'.'.',~¢'.-'. . '..?,'. !~:~.. . ~{,v~'" ~.' ?.." , .'~ '.,,~.;.'.~r~.
$ource~'_Tustin Zoning God~ ~..:~...,...~.~.~.:~:.....
, ' .~.I[.... :: t:. ' '5"'~.~ ""~!' ~>~'* .u · '..'.' ' '(~. 2i ~' ' :
I~L:., :. · .......
.... ~' ;":"?~' ,~"- '~'. " .... .,;.'~:~ ;'3 '.:4 ~,~. ...... ~-?~" 4' ..:.~..r. :"~. j":.
, ~-.. ..~
· '~'!:}:"~ ~ · .~'. ~'.- '~ ': .~i' ;"-'~-' ~ '" '~,*.~~' .'%.~'
'"'...,. :.~[?,... ;- ,.~..~.~' .. ,..r'~-~...: '"~.--.
Aboveground Utility '
Ordinance and design guidelines
· Initial ~udy - Attachment A
Page 2 of 8 .
) '1
'Items a.,thmugh c .-'"N0;imoact,:_ The 'proposed' ordinance' and design.guidelines
Would establish ~tandardS"that mitigat~ impa~ts associated with. installation of
abovegr°und .utility facilities on public properties and in the public, right-of-way;
however, no physical improvements am currently proposed in conjunction with
the Ordinance and design guidelines, The proposed ordinance and design
guidelines will have no impact~ On any farmland, nor will ~t conflict with ~xisting
zoning for agricultural use or a Williamson Act. contract. The ordinance and design
guidelines will. riot m~ult in mnvemi0n of farmland to a non-agricultural use.
ImPacts related to any future projects would be identified .and evaluated in
conjunction with a specific proje'ct. ' " '
"' SourSeS~ Tustin General Pian ..
Mifi~.ation/MonitOrin~'Re~qir~d: None Required..
· ·
· '4.
,. ·
-. ,
· .o
· ,lte,ms.'a. thmU_ah e- "NO' Impact,, The proposed ordinance and 'design guidelines
would" estabi[sh: standards that mitiga~ impacts a§sociated with inst~llation' of
aboveground utility facilities on public p't.0perties and in the. public right-of-way;
however, no physical improvement~, am currently proposed in conjunction with
the ordinance and. design guidelines, The ordinar~ce and design guidelines will not
conflict with or obstruct implementation.' of any applicable air plan, violate any air
. quality' standard, result in-a cumulati~,ely considerable increase of any criteria
pollutanf as applicable by federal or ambient air quality'standard, nor will it expose
sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant.concentrationS or create objectionable
. odor affecting a substantial number of people. Impacts related to any future
projects would be evaluated When a specific project is ProPosed.'
· Sources:
South' Coast Air Quality Management 'District..Ruies and
. Regulations .,. "
'Tustin General Plan' .... '
Mitiaation,/M'o.,n,.itoring ..,Reaui. red:' None Required.
4. '. BIOlq. OGICAL .R..ESOURCES . . '
Items ~ .thr0u~h f- "~o im~a~: 'l'h~ proposed ordinance and de*i~n ~uidelines
would establish standards that miti~at~ impacts a~soeia{ed w~th inst~[l~fion of
abo¥~ground utility facilities on public proparties and in th~'publi¢ right-of-way;
however, no physical improwmonts ar~ currently propo~d in .¢0njunction with
Ab oveground Utility
Ordinana~ and design guidelines
. Initial ~ - Attachment ~4
J~age $ of 8
the ordinance and design guidelines. ,Ne impacts to.. an, y unique, rare~, or
endangered species of 'plant. or animal lif~ identifiod in 'local or regional plans,
.policies, or regulations by the California Depadm~nt.of Fish and. Gam~ or U.S. Fish
and' Wildlifo Servie~ would occur aS a rosult' of. this or~inan.~ and design
guidelines. ImPactS related to. any future projects would be eValuated when' a
'.specific project is proposed. " ~ . ,. .
. Sources: ... Tustin General Plan
M~i~ati~n~onito~n~ Required: Non~ R~quirc-~:l
Items a through d- "No im~act',: The proposed ordinance and design guidelines.
would establish standards that mitigate impacts associated with installation of
aboVeground utility faciiiti..es on public properties and in the public right-of.way;
however, no physical improvements are currently proposed in conjunction with :'
the ordinance and design z:juidelines. The ordinance and design guidelines will not'
adversely affect any historical resources or archaeological resources or destroy or
disturb a...unique...paleontol0gical resource,. . human remains,, or geological feature.
· .Impacts .retated to,.'any f~tur~ .projects would be identified, and evaluated in
conjunction with a. specific project.
CUltu.ral Reso:~rces Dis1~rict ..
Tustin Zoning Code -.
... Gen~ral'Pl'an '..
Mitigation/Monitor. in_o Reoui.redi None Required,
:.!t~ns si (1~_, a...('i.i_.},.._a (iii),.a (ivY, b,_ c, d and e- "No Imoact"' The proposed ordinanc~
and design guidelines would establish..standards that mitigate imPacts-associated
with installation of aboveground .utility. facilities .on public properties, and 'in the""
public right'of-way; however, no physical improvements are currently proposed in
conjunction with the ordinance and design guidelines. The proposed ordinance
and design guidelines will not expose people to Poteqtial adverse geologic impacts,
including the dsk of loss, injury, or .death involving the rupture of a known
earthquake fault, strong seismic ground shaking:, landslides; soil. erosion, or loss of
top. soil, nor is the project on Unstable or expansive soil. Impacts related to any
. future projects would be identified and evaluated in co. njunction with a specific
project. . · . .
_ _
Tustin General Plan
Abovegroumt Util~
Ordinance and design guidelines
Init'al Study- Attaahment /1
'Page 4 of 8 .
Mitigation/MonitorinO', Re~ui._m._d' None Reqdired
Items athmuoh h.-",No.,Impact": The.proposed ordinance' and. design guidelines
would establish standards that mitigate impa~s associated with installation of
aboveground utility, facilities on publiC 'prOperties and in the' public right-of-way;
'howover, no physical improvements ar~ currently.proposed in eonjun~ion with
· '.the ordinance and design guidelines,. The proposed.'"'ordinance.' and design
.guidetines will not result in sign~cant hazards (i.e; explosion, h~ardous materials
spii'l,..iritefference With emergency response plans~-.wildland fires, etc,), nor is the
proje~ area ibcated within an airport ian'~ use plan o~ vicirilht of a private aimtrip.
........ [~EEt~'FeiE{~I to ~-u'r~-p-r'Gj'e-6~-~duld.be evaluated when 'a specific project' is
propoSed ....
, Sources' orange County Fire. Authority
' Orange"' County Health Agency.
· '., Tu'stin:,Gen~mi Plan. ..
MitiqationlMonitodng Required' None Required
Items a through ~- ".No i.m.p.a.¢t'~': The proposed ordinance and design guidelines
would establish standard~ that mitigate impact~ associated with' inst~llation of
aboYeground ufilitg f~¢iliti~s on 'public properties and. in {he public
how~vor, no physical improYement$ am cufi-~n.tlY proP'6s~d in ¢oniunction with
th~ ordinan¢, and d~ign guid~lin,~. 'Th~ ordinanCe'and d~sign guidelines will not
result.in.any i:han~e in th~ amour~t or dim~ion of su~¢~ or' groQndwaters, impacts
r~lat~d ~o any f~um pmj~c-t~ would b~ identified and evaluated in conjunction
with ~ specific proj~, . ~ "' .' ' '
Sources: Tustin General Plan .-
M~igati°n/Monitorin~ Required:Non~'Requimd
Items a th.r. ough. c- ',Nc. Impact": The proposed ordinance and design guidelines
would e~tablish standards that mitigate impacfs associated ~with installation Of
abov~ground utility .faCilities on publi¢:pro, p~rfie~ ~nd in th~ public right-of-way..
No physical improvement is proposed in conjunction with the ordinance and
design guidolines.' The ordinance and design guidelines are cOnsist, hr with the
~lb °Veground Utility
Ordinance and d~ign guidelines
Initial St~ - Attachment.4
}~age 5 of 8
intent of the City's General Plan to provide an aesthetically pleasing'environment.
The proposed ordinance and design~.guideline$" will not physically divido an'.
established community or conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan.
, . ~.. :,.,:. . ,
Sources: Tusfin Gen0c'ai;Plan ' '
..., :... Tusfin' Zoning Code, '
j ° , .
.'M iti. g ati°nlMonitod n~. ,,Req uimd~:
None Required
Items a' and .b .,-..:."~No ,Imp..a,c,t"; 'The propoSed ordinance .and .design' guidelines
would establish ~tandards. that mitigate impacts associated w~th installation of
abowground ufii'..~ facilities on:~publi¢ prop~rtie~ and in.the public right-of-way.
No physical impro¥,m~nt, i~ propo, s~d in .conjunction with ,-.,the ordinan¢~ and
design guidelines, The proposed ordinanc~ and design guidelines will not result in
loss of a known' mineral 'r~soum~ or' availability of a locally important mineral
resour, ce recovery site.delineated, on the general.plan or other applicable land use
maps. Impacts related to any future projects would be identified and evaluated in
conjunction with a specific project. ..
· SourCes· Tustin General Plan " .
.- ::. ..
Mitigation/Monitoring Required:. ""None Required
Items. a. thmu°h· f- "No. lmoact": The proposed, ordinance and design guidelines
would, establish standards that' mitigate .impacts associated with installation of
abov~gr, ound utility faoilit, ie$. on public properties and in.the public .right-of-way.
· No phys!cat improvement is Proposed .:.in conjunction.;~with th~ .ordinance and
design guidelines. The proposed ordinance and d~sign guidelines wili'not expose
persons 'to' noise levels 'in excess of standards established in the general plan,
noise ordinance and design guidelines..~-or excessive ground vibrations, nor will it
create a permanent increase in the existing ambient noise levels. Impacts related
· to any futura pr..oject~ would be'..identhSed and e~aluatc~ in ¢oniunction with a
specific-project. '
Sources: Tu'siin City Code .
Tustin Goneral Plan
· .
, Mitigati°n/,Monitorin._a. Reauired: None Required ·
,~I bovegr ound Uttlity
Ordinance and design guideline~
Initial Study - Attachment
Page 6 of 8
) )
.lt~ms.~a,_b, .and.'c.~.-. !~.N.o Imnact~:.:The proposed ., ordinanc, and do~ign guid~linas
would establish standards that mitigate impacts a~sociated,-with installation of
abov~ground util~ .facilities. on public properties and in the public. ~ht-of-way.
No physica!, improvement is proposed in conjunction with the. ordinance and
design guidelin,s. As 'such .no impaot .associated with the increase in population
is anticipated,
· Soumes: Tustin. Genemi Plan ., . .-
' M~fiCafion/Monitodn~ Ro~uir~d: None R~q. uir~ . .
Item 'a-" .N..° ,Impact": .The proposed ordinance and design guidelines would
establish ,standards-that mitigate impacts associated?. ~.,: with installation of
a.boveground utiiity f~cilities on public properties and in the public right-of-way,
No physical improvement is proposed':.:in conjunction, with .the .... ordinance and
design guidelines, The proposed ordinan~ and design guidelines Will not create
demand for alteration.or'addition of government facilities or, services .(fire and police
proto¢fion, ~ohoot,, parks, otc,).. !mpact~ ~'ol~ted:'to any ~~re. proj.eet~ would be
identified and 'evaluated'in. conjunctio .~ with ."a' specific project.
~ ,
.. t ' ' ;.'.. '. .'
'. ~ So,u,,,rces: Tustin General Plan ..,
Miti~ation~Mon',r[orin~ Reauire~: 'None Required .,.
.Itams a and b- "No imp~ct": The proposed ordinance and design ~uidaiines
Would establish.., standards that miti~at~'.-imPacts associated with installation
abovegmund utility f~¢ilities on public properties and 'in tho public dght:-of-way,
' No physical improvamer~t i~. propo~,d in c0njun.¢tion with the ordinanc~ and
des!gn guidelines.' Th~ ordinance and'design guidelines would no~
· domand for .n~ighborhood .parks. or r~mational', f~ciliti~, impacts, related to any
-futura proj~ots would b~ identified and ~valuat~d in'. conjunction with
project. ,: .- .. ' ..
., .
Sources: ' ,Tustin General Plan ' '
Mi_tigati0n/Monitofing. ,R, ecluired_.'
None Required
Aboveground Utility
Ordi~e and design guidelines
Initial Study - Attachment.'1
Page 7.of8
:~ ...... ~ ....
It~.ms a throu~h!~ ';~No :lm~a~':: The' proposed ordinanc~ ..and design' guidelines
would 'o~tabli~h ~tandard~. that. miti~t~ impact~'a,~o¢iat~d with instailation'of
aboveground' utility facilities on public properties and in the pubiic.;..right-of-way.
No physical improvement is proposed in. conjunofion..with the ordinance and
design" g'uid~lines, No alteration in the traffic.generation and circulation patterns
within the proj~ area would be affected by the proposod ordinance and 'design
guid~iin~s.~ The proposed ordinance and design guidelines will not result in
changes to air traffic patterns, emen:jen~ access, lewl: of servica standards, or
conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs supporting' alternative
transpoffation. ""Impacts mlatod th. any future .proiects would be identified and
evaluated' in conjunction with a specific project.
Tustin General 'Plan
Mitiga,tion/Mo..pitorin._o'Reo. ui,md: 'None Required
· . .
· ..
!terns a 'through. g ,~_"No lmi3act'.':: The proposed .ordinance and design guidelines
would .establish standards that mitigate impacts, associated with' installation of
abov~ground utility facilities on public'properties and 'in the Public right-of-way.
No physical improvement is proposed in conjunction with the ordinance, and
design guidelines. The adoption of the ordinance and design guidelines will have
no impacts to water treatment, water Supply, wastewater treatment, and solid waste
disposal. ImPactS related,to Siny future'projects would' be identified and evaluated
in conju, nction with a specific project. .
So.urces: Tustin General Plan
Mit. igation/Mo.n:itorin~ Rea~Uired: None Required
I}e_m. S a t.h. mu__oh_c- "No ImDact"_: The"purpose of.the proposed ordinance and
design' guidelihes is to maintain an aesthetically pleasing environment and
promote the health,, safeW, and welfar~ of the community by providing standards
-that mitigate impacts associated with installation of aboveground utility facilities.
on public properties and in the public' right2of-way. '- '
There would be no physical improvement of' .changes.in the em/ironment as a
result of the adoption of the ordinance and design guidelines. Impacts of
potential future projects would 'be evaluated in conjunction with each future
A bovqground Utility
Ordinance and design guidelines
Initial Study - Attachment A
Page 8' of 8 ,
) J
proiect; The' ordinance and design .guidelines do not have the Potehtial' to
degrade the qua!ity of the environment, achieve short-term environmental goals
to the disadvantage.of long-term goals, nor produce significant negati~/e indirect
or direct effects on humans. '
S:\CDD~JUSTINA~=urrent planntng\Envimnmental~bovegmund fa'clllties nc[ attachment A. do=.
300 Centennial ~ay, Tustin', CA 92780
· (714) 573-3]00
Project Tide: Design Guidelines for Aboveground Utility Facilities on public properties and in the public right-
of-way. '
Project Location: · Citywide . ·
Project Description: Adoption of new Ordinance and guidelines for ab°veground utility faciliti~s on public
properties and in the public right-of-way. The new ordinance and guidelines Will set forth criteria ~d
regulation for placement of utility facilities to red.aec potential negative impacts on the commu~ty
:Project Proponent: City of Tmtin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
Lead Agency Contact Person: Sustina Willkom ' Telephone: (714) 573-3174
The Commurfity.Developmem Department has ¢onducte~l ~ Irdtial Study for the above proje¢~ in aC'¢orda~
with the City of Tusfi~'s procedures regarding implementation of the California En¥irom~ental Quality Ac'. ..........
and on the basis' of that study hereby finds'
[~ That there is no substartti~l evidence that the project may have a sig-nificam effect on the eavironment.
That potential, significant effects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans
aud agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no
significant effects would occur. Said Mitigation Measures are included in Attachment A of the Initial
Study which is attached hereto and incorporated hereim
Therefore, the preparation of an' Environmental Impact Report is not requi.red.
.The Initial Study which provides the basis for this detenuiaation is. attached and is on file at the Community
DeveloPment Department, City of T~stin. The public is invited to comment on the appropriateness of this
Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with'the public notice of Negative Declaration and
extends for twenty (20) calendar days. 'Upon review by the community Development Director, tiffs review
period may be extended if deemed necessary.
REVIEW PE~OD E~S 4:00 P.M.' ON May 1,' 2001.
Dste. X~' ~', '/5/ .... "'.
Elizabeth A. B~ack .
Co~~W Developmem Dkector