HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 10161 2 4 6 8 10' 11 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 24 ~5 ~6 RESOLUTION O. 1016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED "MC FADDEN AND "B" STREET ANNEXATION". The City Council. of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1) Pt~rsua~]t to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, application was made to the I.,ocal Aqency Formation Commission to annex to t}~e City of Tustin all that unint]abited territory situated in the Courtt. y of Orange, State of California, hereby designated as "McFadden and "B" Street Annexation", and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated hereil~ by this reference as though set forth herein in full. 2) The Local Agency Formation Commission, in session duly assembled, on July 23, 1969, did approve said proposed annexation, and authorized the City Council to annex said territory without notice, hearing or elect ion. 3) The City Council finds and determines that all of said territory is uninhabited, within the meaning of the Government Code, on the date of adoption of this Resolution, and that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin. 4) Ail of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be annexed have given their written consent to the annexation of said territor'? ~o +,:he city of Tustin. !5) 'Phc City Council desires to annex said uninhabited territory to the City of 'l.'t,stin for the foll.owit~g reasons: The territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly qrowth and deve].opment of both the City and the territory.' proposed to be annexed, will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, and sanitary and storm-water sewers and drainage facilities, both in the City and in the territory proposed to be annexed, and will provide and facilitate proper bver-all planning and zoning of lands in said City and in said unin- habited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of the City and said uninhabited territory. 6) T. he City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereinabove described to the City of Tustin, and does hereby further resolve that the said territory be and it is hereby annexed to the City of Tustin, effective upon the date of the filing of a certified copy of this Resolution with the Secretary of State of the State of California. 7) The City (~lerk of the City of T~]stin i.s hereby directed without delay to transmit to. t}~e Secrotary of State of the State of California a certific, d copy of t:his Resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet:iraq of the c:it..y .,":t~,~r~,'.:.i f of the City of Tus'tin, California, held on the 4th day of August, 1969. A,.j~<0 ', ?. 1 ATTEST: · . '> ............. ~" · .~ ~5.3 ' "5.' --- , i.~eil~g tl~at t~ort'ioll of Lots 39 and 4(i, a:-i shown o;] a map ('.~f' a · . I>agcs "lG ,',n~' '>19, part or. rustin City, as recordeti in l.~ook 4, ~ . Fis{'clle~e. ous trecords o~ Los Anqeles County, California, (:escril)c~i as fei lows: i eginning at the Southeast corner of I, ot ":.:" of thc Stafford and Tustin q'ract of Land, as shown on a map thereof recortiet! in Book,.~, Pages 618 and 619, ,'.'iscellaneous Records of Los An~el,'.s County, California, said point of beginnin,: also beint.! 20.00 North cf the surveyed cent,-'.rline of 'IcI:aati.'.n Avenue ant", lyin~, o:', the existinn boundary of the City of Tusti~], California, as established by the V..c]"add. en and Newport A::nexation, Or¢'lin'~,nce Nc,. !.70, passer': and ado,-ted April 20, 1962, and on the Easterly boundary Tract No. 4250, as shown on a ma.F. thereof recorded in Boo]-: 151, "isce]laneous },',aps, Records or Oran,:~ r' Pa¢~es 15 and 16 of .. ,~ount~, California; Thence, S.0°04'51"E. along said City boun 'ary an¢[ alan,? said Easterly boundary of sair' Tract No. 4250, a distance of 11.21 feet ~o the intersection of tl~e surveyed centerline of "}~" Stret';t (40' wide); Thence, ". 39o49'30"E. along said centerline of "!1" Street., a distance? of 33s'.84 feet to its intersection with the Southeasterly extension of that certain course in the Easterly boundary o,.~' an irregular shapec parcel, (:escribed in a [)eed from Sylvia i.;. Gooc'~man to james Goodman, Recorded in Book 8950, Page 738, xn official records 'of ,~range County, California, said course in that Deed has a bearing of $.50°10'30"F., and a length of 197.97 feet; Thence, N.50°10'30''~..'. along the Southeasterly extension of said ......... course, a dista~ce of 20.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of "B" Street; Thence, continuing N.50010'30"W. along said course in the Easterly boundary of the parcel described in said Deed from Sylvia ~. 'Goodman to James Goodman, a distance of 197.97 feet to an angle point in said Lasterly boundary; Thence, I<.0o08'00"W. along saint Easterly boundary, a distance of 18.71 feet to its intersection with a line parallel with and 230.00 feet distant,as measured at right angles, from the centerline of "B" Street, said point of intersection also bein9 an angle point i.n said Easterly boun¢?ary; Thence, :;.39°49'30"E. along said parallel line and along said Easterly boun¢?ary, a distance of 477.66 feet to an angle point in said Easterly toundary; Thence, N.50°10'30"~'.'. along said Easterly boundary, a distance of 79.04 feet to the most 'lortherly boundary of said parcel described in said Deer'" from Sylvia B. Goodman to James Goodman; Thence, S.S9°29'10"W. along said most Northerly b. oundary, a distance of 295.97 feet to a point on the Easterly boundary of Lot "r.;" of said Staffor¢i and Tustin Tract of Land, said point also bein(: a point on the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, California, as established by the said NcFadden and Newport Annexation, an¢' a t'oi~t On the Easterly boundary of said Tract No. 4250, being 254.57 feet distant from t?~e Northeast corner of said Tract No. 4250; Tl~ence, .... c 0o04.51-}:: along said easterly l~,oundarv, of Lot "'"'... , alon~ said City of Tustin t~oundary and alon~ said Easterly t..-.oun,'ary of Tract Nc. 4250, a ~tistance of 822.35 feet to the point of STATE OI? CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR/~GE ) SS CiTY OF TUSTIN ) RU~1~ C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Counc'~.l of the City of 'I~tin, California, does hereby' certify that the whole numbcr of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. lO16 _.. was duly and regularly in- troduced, read, passed and adopted a~t- a"- regular meeting of the City Council h~ld on the 4th day of August 1968 by the following VO~: ~- ................... ' ' NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL~.~EN:_ COCO,_ MACK, C. MI~, MARSTERS, L. MILLER , , NOI~ COUNCII~,~EN: 1. 11 1, _-~ i _ i i J ii i i ..... _ ~O1~ COUNCIL~: City clerk~~" of"~s'tin', c~iifOrnia~-'