HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 1015lti 2 3~ 4~' 5 6 '~ 8 ~~ 1Qt i ~.~. ~ 12' ~~ 15 16 17 1$ ~. ~ 2fJ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I _ m ~~ o -~;. ~~su~ c, it Pc ,~ ~: ~,~% __, ~, #, .... ~:~ w.. _ . ..~. .. C0 ~ ) SS RIJ~t C e POr,< C~ -.~; C.I r,~.~ ar, ~ ~~: 'f`i ~_ n r ~ t- '~r ; 1. o% ~~~_2z`~ On., t~1~ C?Z°~,_, ~. _ ~C'' the C;1ty O ~ `~'lL~'i,1_Yl; {'~.~ `! ~ r1Y" ~~~ g Gc~:C'~l?~+ `~hclw t'S1E ~ TiL1~f_:'t_"+E',1' Oj- tr 1 - ~ ~ C -i ;y ~~~~.ac°i~_ c ~' i_' of `I'~ast?_fi i; ~ ; that the ~~> - _, tilas da_ y la~~~.y zr.~ h W ~1_c3 -l,Y ~t ~ ~ o~~ Auu st , l;~c~,3 ~ Y~~ t.t~ u i o j ~titi. t ~rC~tP, ; ._.~. ~~~. ..~ . n.. ~.. a . A Y ,~ : ~~~~~ ~ COCO, MACK, C . HEELER, MARSTEftS, L ~ MILLER C :. _ NONE ~. CC- ' _ ~ , e NONE r- C;i~; ~!- ~; v_ ~ - - s ti ~ - ~ ~~_ Council Policy Manual Table of Contents Page 2 Date 30 PLANNING AND ZONING 30-1 Service Station Minimum Site Development Guide 8/4/69 Rev. 30-2 Deadlines for Submission of Applications & Plans for Use Permits, Variances, Amendments, and Architectural Review 3/6/67 Rev. 40 PUBLIC WORKS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND STREETS 40-1 Undergrounding of Utility Lines 9/6/66 40-2 Connection of County Area to City Sewer Lines 9/6/66 40-4 Responsibility f,or General Public Improvements 1/2/68 50 PARK IMPROVEMENTS, RECREATION, AND CITY BEAUTIFICATION 60 MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 60-1 Competitive Bid Openings 9/6/66 ~~I. }~' I' , `; a- SERVICE STATION MINIMUM SITE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE - _,_ r ~vu~lutio~ 3~1; 1015 ~ P~~e~l of ~ PURPOSE ~~ 1, To establish policies, regulations and procedures for the if development of service stations. 2. To establish guidelines by which the Planning Commission and Development Preview Conu~~littee nay judge aNplications for the development of service stations. PROCEDURE 1. Zoning - Service stations are permitted in the C-l, C-2, C-3, and M Districts subject to the granting of a Use Permit ,. therefor. 2. Development Preview - preliminary drawings, including plot i; plan, elevations, landscaping, and signs must be approved j prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. See further ~j information required to accompany application for Development ~f Preview. .(Planning Commission Policy.) DEFINITION A SERVICE STATION shall mean an occupancy which primarily provides for the sale of motor fuels, but also supplies the servicing and operations incidental to motor vehicles rated at one and one-half (12) tons or less. These incidental services include the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing (by hand); waxing and polishing of automobiles; the sale and repair of tires ~~ (excluding recapping); battery service; cleaning and flush- ing of radiators (excluding steam cleaning and repair); and the installation of accessory components. Also, the follow- ing operations are permitted if conducted within a building: lubrication of motor vehicles (12 tons or less}; brake service limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; and the testing, adjustment, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water hoses and wir- ing, The performance of minor emergency repairs is allowed for vehicles of one and one--half (12) tons or less. 3 ~ 1. The operation and display of merchandise shall be within an approved structure, except those directly required for the dispensing of gasoline, oil, and water and ai_r, 3 2. The storage of permanently disabled, junk or wrecked automobiles shall not be permitted. Further, no used or discarded automotive parts or equipment may be located outside of the building except within the designated trash storage area. SERVICE STATION MINIMUM Pol'sc~r o~ 30-1i ~'''- 8/4/69 SITE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE ' ~ ____ ~~ ~ Resolution 6~c® 1015 ~a~e= zof 7 DEFINITION (Cont'd.) 3. Storage or parking of buses and trucks or similar vehicle s is prohibited, except tow trucks, pick--up trucks, and small vans incidental to the service station use. The r storage of rental trailers is ermitted p , provided said trailers are adequately screened from view, and said storage of rental trailers is specifically covered in the Use Permit. Specific Standards Plans and Elevations 1. Preliminary plot plan and elevations must be submitted at the time of filing for a Use Permit. This plan is to show the location of all structures to be placed on the site. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, two complete sets of preliminary drawings must be sub- mitted for review by the Development Preview Committee. These plans are to include structure elevations and detailed plot plan (including landscaping and signs}. See information required to accompany application for Development Preview (Planning Commission Policy.} Upon approval by the Develop- ment Preview Committee building permits may 'be issued, subject to the requirements of other City departments. Signs (also see Ordinance No. 438} General Notes: 1. The aggregate of all signs established by and located on a given business or business site shall not exceed an area equal to two.. (2} square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of total street frontage for individual business sites, or two square feet of sign area per foot of building frontage for businesses in a complex, and copy area shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the background area of the sign. Signs identifying a complex are exempted from this section. 2. Businesses located within two hundred (200} feet of a freeway may exceed the stated number, size and height limitations of this Ordinance, subject to the approval of a Use Permit. Cr ?04 TY PE VF O.Uj MAXIMUM 'PIMUM MAXIMUM HE..LGHT ic� Cr ONE LW ALO 'rEDZ NUYIB'PR T Z E O'PP GRAD'V til t2j, I Nam COMMERCIAL S e -.-.--v -ice Sta4.:ion One .3 - Two ?2` sq. t p f.S. r n e a 1 20 ftt.-, Plus one..-halF b r) & PLANNED Signs O.L. f,-,1:-on--.!.-.agxS! with ;112 t. .for each 30 :9 I N D U SO T. R I AL (1) Free a maximum area oJE 15 0 s Q 43 +- %.. . said s J.. g n is z I-i Standing Ift. all sides.* removed from a rest- q> �-3 i d4strifN4- a e n ".. CLI I %-- %.... not r '4) C: 0 to exceed 35.-Lct, H z 0t (2) Roof or One (1) 150 sq. f t. Maximum of ten (101. -ej -.-1 attached 0 -JF-t. above roof line, 0 H 0 0 0 in C: --4 * Aggregate area of (1) and (2) above shall not exceed 150 square feet. M z C: 0 z (3) Price Sign One (1)/ 20 sq. f t./sign Five (5) ft. or 0 Street mounted or f ree-s'L'-.and- > frontage ing sign at least ei aht (8) ft. above 0 grade, Ln 0 z 0 C: > (4) Sandwich One (1) 24 s a f- I: Four (4) feet: 8. Z Board 0 Z 0 0 0 tn Signs Require written approval of the City Engineer located in required LOD Setbacck area. Subject:. .. SERVICE STATION MINIMUM SiTE i~ Policy No' 30-11 Dote-. 8/4/69 DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (Cont'd.':) i ......... -'-- / ...................... . ................................................................................ j. ~eso. lufion No:101'5"/ .... f~ge:.,~ of ? --~ Landscaping Landscaping is required under City regulation to conceal, screen, buffer, absorb, separate and to beautify, .and in the landscaping PrOcess, develop an attractive outdoor .env:ironment. In the .way ~ of .illustration, landscaping may .prove .very instrumental to . · ~ accomplish the following: ... · .' 1." Blend the building and grounds together in such a way as to enlarge the usefulness and pleasure of property, improve · the appearance, compliment the architecture of nearby build- , ings and increase the 'lasting value .of 'the 'propertY, as well "' · as the property of the neighborhood. .2.. .R~duce the apparent size o'f 'bul.k areas, sUch as a parking " lot. The expanse of .an area may .be d:iversi~fied .With such visual variety as plantings, .wa'l'l's,, fences, fountains'; or it may be broken into sec.tions bY. Changing levels. .?;:".'" 3. ..Serve as an effective .separator and noise buffer strip i'iiiii:';iiii.~.'.,''~':::. 'between commercial or industrial and residential ~se§ ':i :'~''~''''''' ' :?'i~:iii:.::~.4 ..Provide concealment in an enticing manner rather than to .-~.:~,~!{~ .." ~:~,?~67:( ~, set 'everything out in ful.1 'view. · . · . . -- 5.' .Provide subtle screening .in order to conceal the .commercial '.. 'and industrial oporational and sorv'ico aroa$. 6. ·.·Skillfully highlight and/or change the mood and character .of main centers of interest on 'a building site. 'Standards: A. Planter areas shall be constructed as shown on the Site Development Standard and equipped with 'irrigation facilities. a landscape plan must '.be submi.tted~"~O~ ~'ppr°val:-'~by TM the-"D~velop- ment Preview Conu~ittee prior .to the issuance of a building ' permit. This plan shall show the type., size and location of all trees and plants. B. Tree wells must be provided as shown in the Site Develop- ment Standards. A five gallon 'tree is recommended for each tree well. The type o'f tree .shall be selected from the Official Street Tree List o.f the City of Tustin. C. The landscape standards indicated herein are minimum. The developer is encouraged to increase the area devoted to landscaping as much as. possible, to include planting areas immediately adjacent to the building itself. A minimum of 5% of the land area shall, be lands~c~ped_~_wi:th s{~t'ab!e--~'~l~_n:ts_, ~r~ ~-~,.: ~':an'-d-' 'sh~ru bS, ................................ parking: 1. $i~ spaces per station. ............. · --' '."'- . CITY OF TUSTI. N., 'CALIFORNIA · . Subject: SERVICE STATION MINIMUM SITE i Policy No- 30-1 Dale'8/4/69 DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (Cont ' d. ) i ........................ i Resolution No: .10'15 P. oge'5 o{? Trash Storage- An enclosed trash storage area, minimum six eight (8) foot shall be provided as shown .on Development Standards diagram. (6) foot by the Site 'Lights: Any lights provided tO illuminate or s.tation shall be located in such. a manner so directly shine upon surrounding properties. Maximum .A..ll0wa~le ..He,ight ,. Thirty-five (35) feet. · Yards and Setbacks · ' Frontage on Primary Highway. (100 ' ROW) (measured from centerline) Frontage.on Secondary Highway (80' ROW) (measured from centerline) advertise .the service. as'not, to Front. Side . Re:ar 55 ' ,55 ' 55 ' AIl other sites and yards not ~ighway. · abutting .a. Primary or. Secondary. Front Yar.d Side Yard: Rear Yard: - Fifteen .(15) feet, unless otherWise indicated on Zoning Map Unless otherwise indicated .on Zoning. Map: Corner lot: Eight (8) feet Interior lot: None None. Minimum Building ....... Ten thousand Site (10,000) square feet. Minimum Lot Width at Property 'Line Corner lot: One hundred (t00) Interior lot: One hundred' (100) feet feet Max~m.um ~,Lo.t__ c_,,o,__.ve~'~a~e., by Buildings · . Fifty ,(50) percent. or Structur'es ~ --- , -: r _~ -__-. _~.. ..... ~---- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA .............................. ., COUNCIL POLICY , Subi.ect' SERVICE STATION M~NIMUM SITE Policy No' 30_11 Dale' 8/4/69 DEVELOPMENT GUIDE (Cont'd.)' . . Resolufion No: 10.15i Page' 6 o{ 7 Accessory. Buildings Buildings for the storage of accessory goods to be sold at retail' on the site, such as tires, tubes, waxes, etc., shall be permitted provided said buildings are architecturally 'harmonious with the design of the main structure and that said buildings are specifically approved in 'the Use Permit. R_evi.ew..by~De.V...e!.o..p.ment Preview Comm. i.t.te.e Submitted plans are to be reviewed and approved by the Development Preview Committee to insure compliance with the · standards herein set forth. The Committee shall be interested in the exterior treatment of the structures and the surrounding .grounds to encourage compatibility with existing or anticipated development in %he neighborhood and the total community. (Also see Ordinance No. 439 regarding Development Preview Committee.) CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFoRNI.A ,/-PLANTER ~" 12' tAI.N. "P. C.C. CURB A. C. PAVING 3" P.C.C.CURB ": A. C. PAVING % 25'R moyba 18'R whoro m TREEWELL 3'X 3' ARTERIAL ........ ...o ,.~= -- , _ ~ m ~- ...... -- ~ , , .... : - ---- j, , P L. rodius is 15' I I ,~, ,,,,,~ ' F----. I ~ C¢_.---~3 7'-" ...... · ~ -~L , J -- J PLANTER B.c.,.J[--l' '[~_,,-'--_:~CENTRAL WATERING . ' T---jlj~~~,ONTROL VALVE , V [I/~.''''3"R C C CU~B----,,,'~ ' ,JJ ' 'J :2'R [[ Ji '1," ~, J/,,~~/ \\ ' ' ' j I~L ...... J=i'-j~4~~P. CC;SIDEWALK ~,~,,? , \\ IL/ __'?'<~~-~ .. '~__1~/'~ .... ._.~.._.,=_.., ..... '. _~,31 ~_~ '~. ~~ .... ~~-~ ._. ,~~.] _, .... ==~q ..... · ~~ 2,~.~ N. ST Exhibit