HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 1010"3.:o"(' .. RESOLUTION NO. 1010 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING THE CITY OF TUSTIN PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS ... . . · .... · . .'::,,~ ,' ;,7:.'.,:., !.,'?;-:i" ' ..::,. "i ' 71 '~"..' ; 8 '~,':'7',,. ~' ~ '. , . .. .. .,~.. .. , · . , .. ..... ' .... ';%b ' · ' .~.:..'.~ ... . ~ .. n:: ..~ . ... ~. ,~. .. . ,... ., . . ., .. · .. . . . RESOLUTION [[{'.~ J.OL0 A RESfJL'UT'[ON OF TiII'] CITY AMENDING Trig C'£TY OF TUSTIN PERSONNEl: R ti'I,ES .gND · :" ~ The 'City Council of the City' of Tust:in, aI:~.f,:)t'n:i.a~ does . 4 re~olve as follows* · £§ ~? ,j: .; .: ,. . ;? .That the City Personnel R~xl.es a'nd I{egulatiot'~s are hereby' amende, d as follows: Section 5 B (1) and (2)m~ here'by amended to re. ad as SECTION 5. SAI,ARY' 'ADMI NI S TRATiON (1) Ful 1- t i.m~e J3e_~_.u!.a_'r;.~z_~-j.cip_a..~%.jf2?~!~3.~..~ a: a.~Kt Ac t inA ' ~ .' ....... An employee having a regular, probationary or acting appointment: tlJat is on.a fu].t-.time basi. s shail pensated at a monthly 'raL:e~ paid (2) Ot~l'Le.A_A_pp_9.}n~ja_p2}jiS. o An employee, l,aving any (:,I-'l'~er type. of appointment shall be compe, nsa. t:ed at: a.n hou:,'.'I.y' z'at:c., p:-:~.Ld b%-weekl, y. If a montt'~ly race. is est;a't'~l, isl.'~ed Jior t"b.e posj..t~on, the hour'ly rate will. be cot'~tputed by dividi'og the monthly rate by ~.73,33~ Section 5 C is hereby amended to '~:ead as fol..l(>ws,, SECTION 5~ SAI, ARY ADMINIS'J:RA.T'.I'.()H,. --...__..Anniversary.__._ .... _~_~.l)ates ~., ...... __. Any off~.c:er ,~'~.'.. elt:.J.~'J.,.,y"~a. ~ ,',.[ .... the. Cit:,..; ..... 1,.~..'~ I. have as a salary al'lo.i, ver,3alTy dat. e t'he cl. at:e ~t~t~' l~:'L~t; or l.ast appointment:o tloweve-n, a~y al)pro',,<td ].eav"e~s (>f abse.~:~c.e without pa.y ex. ceeding 4:.{~.J.z't:y (3()) c~.i~'."~.d~::~:~:' ~'ias,~-; ¥,,:[~.J. ~.'e~ull/. ii! the establishment of a n~w am~iversar'y date, S'ucl'~ d. at:e be based on.his original salary annft~e.'us.a'cy dat~z p].~3 '~.:}'~.c.~ of calendar day's of his leave :in e. xce. sf~ (,:[ thirty (30) days, Salary adjust:menl:s such as no'nt~al. :f.~Jc'~.'e:,~.ses a'o,t she1.1 be made at the st:a'r{: of the pay period cT~.ooeu, t t(~ l:he employee ~s salary' armivers;.~ry date u~.~less ot:l'~erw:l:-..:c by the City Administrator or City Co~.m. ci.l., Sehtion 5 F (2)' is hereby'amex~ded'to read SECTION 5. SALARY ADMINISTt~AT!QN,., · F. Salary In Other Ins t:ances. be entitled to the se(:or~.d to t:l',.e l(.,%est: step i't'~ tltL.,. range wht. ch exceeds h~.s 'p:ceze'~.~: ~.;al. ar'y '~:a.L.e a',:,.d t).:}.s claJa'l..'y .. anniversary date shal. l. not change' .An empl.oyee who is . promoted on his sal. ary anniversary dal:e sba'l. 1 first his normal increase and t:l'm~ t.:he pt ontotj, or,.al increase, Section 5 G (7) is hereby 'rermn,t>e. red Sect'j.on 5 F (6) Section 8 E is hereby amended to read as foll. o~'.~:,::~, t ,. SECTION 8. ATTENOANCE AND LEAVES [acation, Regular leave with pa), is gra~.~tad i.:(> a,:~ch :ce. gu.]ar and probationary employee, except 24 .... 'hour: per shJ. ft ]fi're personnel, at the rate of ten (10). working days per year' pro'r'at'.e.d on a 'bi,~ weekly basis for each bi-weekly pay period of oyez' one..ha'if" .' ,ervice. Fire personnel on 24 .... hour shift shall accrue leave pay at the rate.of seven (7) 24 .... hour work si~.f~:s pe'r" year 'prorated on a bi-weekly basis for each bi~.w&ekly pay pex'l:~d o~ over one half service., .i.,, No vacation leave may be taken until the ex. pJ. ra[:'.f:c~t~ of six of continuous service, Vacation leave may be. accmuul~{.ed t:o maximum of twice the employee's anm~al accr~.~al i:t,cl~J, dj..~.~g the longevity allowauce, All vaca[:ion leave axcae,~ij.'ng fha autt~.oz'iz.ed aec~ulation shall be forfeited as of Ja. nuar~',,,. I of eacl~, year upon terminat ~on, ~.o_l._i~e_e, and Fire Personn.c!.~,,, Each membe:c of t'i'm Police. al.'~d Fire department may schad~lla his a~m~;~al 9'acco:ion. j..~. <'.o'~:~uc.~;:[on' with nozmml days or shifts off so as to ~ecei"v'e sixte, er~ (].6) consecutive calendar days or. more of vacation i'n acco'l:dan(:e with these r~les and Sect:ions 386~4. and 53250 of ~h.e Government Code, service, employees shall receive addj~:ionai 'v~.~.catio~n allow.., ance as follows. (a) 40,.,t~our per week personn~,l,, oue a year for each additional year' ~.~f limit of twenty-one (2].)'wc, rki.t~g days (b) 24.,-ho.ur per shift fire perao'm:m,.i,, one~.,ha'i..f: (.'~'" sbi. ft of vacation a ye~ir fi.~r e;~.c[~ add~[.i~:Lo~,..ai~ yc.~'.c of employment until a ].imit of ti',.j'rt~.;...~.~.e, (1..3,;'~, 2,:, ..n~';'~.~r'' ' work shifts per year has, been reached,, (3) .V_olunteer Time. Any full.,,:,t:ime CJ.t:y ea, p!.,)y'e:e a,'tti::e'l: t':t~r'ee. (:3) years as a full,.-time Cit:y employ'e.e, who ~;ha'lJ.. have ,p'l:'aviot:is'iy served t. he City as a vol~mtear fi'r'e~,.,a'n. s'hall receive annually one (1.) wor'ki,:~g c)a'7 or one-half (~) work shift in the case personnel, for each. five (5) .y'ears service as a volunteer fireman or pol. Jce 'ifes.e'c'i~Ss'i'~ wlti. ch shall be in addition to Such other vacat::i.on ].aave provided here in, (4). Part-time Employees, Art employee lia.'vi'ng ~.~. i~'~..'~,..,I.~:..,.i.::.[;.;~.~acy· ~'~Y[~¢~'~'~';~~, that is [ess thaa l!alf-time or more~ shall earn vacation cz'e.d J.l:s for any l~ay .period in which he has worked over (5) _Time___~_of_.f_, The time dur'ing tile cale}'~d, ar ye,:u:' ,nt wl'licb a,,. employee shall take his vacation sha].l be .de..1:er~,~i~.,ed t,.y ~:he. -D~partment Head with particular regard fo~' ii~,a'ne, eds of ~:he service and with consideration for tl'~e, pre['~:.~:e?.'me, of tha employee. .: .''~, '1 .,: .!'.,; ....:?..>.... · '. ;"k" · :~ . , . · : . ,...,...~, ., .... ~.,.... ~i ',...:':'i?' '!i. A, · ~. [... , ...-~ .:.:: ,:...,,%.. '.?.:¢':;;i y ?'" :?::~':~'"":: :::' :':"'::' ' i' ," · .;' .'.'i"~?,'~,.~,'.;'.' '" 'I" ' . ~.. .,: : .-.5 .>?" "~ ~0 : .. 30 (6) (_)t_!],!~'~s Vacation (a) Irt tlte event o's'to: c,r mort:,, r;tt.~).J,.::.'it'~i.>.l, t~o'l.:i.days fa'.i.'.i be charged as v'acatiort leave, a~'~d 'the shall be exte~:~ded a. cco~.'dingl, y for those eligible for s't.tch (b) Al[ly leave of ~J, lt}s~:;;~i~(.~.(} 't'~.l:l'l.C."~'il.' Day w:L;i'.l. Yaeat:ion leave for each 30 d,':'.~.:/ pe.:c:i, od termination of (;ity (7) Terminal. Vac:akion Pa'y, lli)on employee will receive comi)e'rtsati.::,,.c:, o~:' for all unt.med earned vacat:io'r, up ko and :i,~(.:lo:d'.i. ng thc date of t:erminakion~ The f~].].~wi.,'.',g shall al, ply for this put'post.:: (a) Empl.oyees acc't.,.a~it'J..at:e 1/'1.2 c:,f'.! ~-', l)c,~.'ma~ 'y'~.:,a~:~s va. cat:~oi'~. for each ft~l. 1 ntont:h of .co~:~.k'ii.~t.,.,:>u,., se'r"v:[c,~. 5~t which the employee l'~as worked ~.')'.,: ita;.s 'bc,.c:n on auLl~orSze, d leave of absence witl'~ p.:.).y', (b). A.n employee wb.o I~as se'trice sha].l not '~"cceJvc.~ 1..:~'.'.,.'i,,'¢~'.~.~.~. ?'?:,caf'ion l';~:t.y' :f.,:~r regular vaca t ion, (c) Fire De'partme'!~t: p...'r, sc't~i.,~,.1, e.~.t:,'.~'~.i.~.,!.; 'v~'.~c.,:.'t .... :it.:.[t c.'~:t'.-.dJk:; irt lietl of paid holiday's ,.cat:iot't of fi'we (..5) 2zt..t~.::~tt~:' ,~::!:t.:i..('l'..;.; oeetion 8 F (6) is hereby am,':.'.,nrled. F~ l'[olida 5's (6) All. Fl.'re Departm~:':nt p~_..~..c :.;,'~,~,.'~ '.i ,..,~o~.'k i.,}.,,.'; ~.~ '7 shall receive, five (.5} 2./~,,h{~,:,' x.,.,<,:i.~.,;. ,,.:::~..i.t/~.,'~ ~',:I:' ::~ddJ.'~::5 o~'~a'~. vacation each year, Jrt lieu of 'pdj..d l},'.'~..:.i'.,':i',','~:~ ;.,,.,., ,,"~l(:h ad(til:io~al. vacation shall be sc:hed.,.~l.c~d by ~."li<~ !,'i.~:(~ (',i..~.,i<:;g a.,.td shall be credited Section 8 6 (l), (2)', (3).a' '(7'~)~l:c.: i'te,:cb7' ,:t..,.,',.,'::ttd(:,.d to '.,,.';..:;:Crt ~.;s _f:'o.tlows~ SECTION 8,, A'I'TENDANCE AND I,EAVES g. Sick Leave° i _F,.u 11 -- t'. ira%....e.2'n, fJ?z.o.,~..e; s_... Each sick lea~'e with pay at thc: year prorated bi-.wec:kly fo'~' a'~.y the employee has ~-~o'~:~;,.~.d o~" ti;.;,~'.~ ['~7~,,.~'~'¢.. o.t'l.~:}'lo'¢:J.;:f,c,,d ].(t~i'v~,. ¢)17 absence with pay for o'~t:.:r 't~al.f t.:['l=:~ period; e.xc(::pl: I,':~.rc Department persotmel work'S.rig a 72..I",.o't~r sick leave with pay at: t:he per year prorated bi,-,c~.ae.l<:ly' for which t:he employee has worked ,'..,r t~a;:.¢ bt..,.{:'~'}, a't~tl'to~:ized lea. ye of absence with ~,a,~ fo< or(st h. al..~' ,.4 6 peTiod of over h. al.f .... time s;~.'.~. ~.r'.ice. i'~ 'v,xl'~,.'.~.. :'.'~.., ~?.,t:~'~",,.~,,.'.', ',~..'..~ .... ~or'ked or bas been paid vacat:ion (3) ~}Jj2~.~ ......A~PPP,:i=,9:.~!- Employeer; l~avJ, ng less than half-time appointments a;hall. recei't:~e sick; leave with pay, (7) Use of Sick I,eaveo S.~c'.k leave medical, and dental appoin, trments ness or death of a member o.f ~.ehen tt~e presence of the eml.',l,.;yee be used i.n lieu of, or added., t'o~ the employee, however; acc.~:'ued satory time off may be used for 1.cave has been taken, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meel;~ng o'~. 7th day of July, 1969, 'i' ~'' ~ A'I'fEST' "~ ,:;, -- .... ..2 , ........... CITY CLERK :~'z'~'UJJ'~ ...... ?. .~,' . · { .':, .. 51 ~0tJNT'~ OF. ORANGE ) 8$ · ~I'.IL'~Y' OF TUSTIN ~ RU£1{ Co POE~ City Cl. erk and e::~ ..... officio Cterl¢ ~ity of ~stin, Oaliforni. a~ does hereby ce'~.'t~.f..~ tl;.at; members of the City Co'lumi, 1 of tt~e City of 'r,~c;.t....l.,l..~, ~ove aM foregoing Resol, ttti. on No,. ........ ~!;:~ ........ ',~/a)s ~'oduced~ read, passed and a, do[,tad at a reg~].a'~.,.- ~ld on the 7th day of JulZ ~ .............................. ' ........................... ' " · · . COI)NOI, LME~,:I COCO ,_.. MACK ...................................... ,.; .............. ..,,: C£ 1.1N(.,.[I ,~.IE 1~I NONE COUNCiI~EN NONE