HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 9-23-08ITEM #1
SEPTEMBER 23, 2008
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Commissioner Thompson asked for a moment of silence for the ailing
financial market and the resulting effects on everyone.
Kozak, Chair Pro Tem
That the Planning Commission follow the procedures contained in the
staff report to elect a Chairperson and Chairperson Pro Tem.
It was moved by Murray, seconded by Thompson, to appoint
Commissioner Puckett as Chairperson. Motion carried 5-0.
It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Murray, to appoint
Commissioner Kozak as Chairperson Pro Tem. Motion carried 5-0.
Present: Chair Puckett
Chair Pro Tem Kozak
Commissioners Kazalek, Murray, Thompson
Staff present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director
David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney
Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director
Terry Lutz, Principal Engineer
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Amy Thomas, Senior Planner
Reina Kapadia, Associate Planner
Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 1
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No.4100
approving Large Family Day Care Permit 08-008.
7:05 p.m. The Public Hearing opened.
Kapadia Presented the staff report.
Murray Complimented staff on the comprehensiveness of the staff report; he
has had experience dealing with this type of item in another
jurisdiction and this staff report was exceptional.
Thompson Asked why large day care facilities cannot be closer together than 300
Kapadia Replied that state law allows for cities to apply reasonable standards
relating to spacing and concentration; the Tustin City Code requires
the 300-foot distance requirement.
Thompson Asked if Nelson Elementary School provides child care in the morning
and after school hours.
Kasalek Indicated that Nelson does provide child care services.
Thompson Asked how close Nelson Elementary is to the property line of the
Kapadia Answered that the Tustin City Code requires that no other large family
day care may be located within 300 feet.
Thompson Stated that he understood that but was trying to understand why, if
Nelson Elementary operates day care, this application seems to
propose a contradiction or conflict with the intent of the law; perhaps
the City Attorney would need time to research this aspect.
Kendig Indicated that the Zoning Code expressly prohibits a location within
300 feet of an existing licensed large family day care home; for a
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 2
conflict to exist, the other facility must be so licensed; this section
excludes schools with the large family day care definition.
Thompson Asked if it would be accurate to say that the intent of the law was not
to have a concentration of successive impacts either by traffic, noise,
and parking impacts by having day care facilities clustered in a certain
area that all have similar arrival and departure sequences.
Kapadia Read from the state law that "it is the intent of the Legislature that
family day care homes for children should be situated in normal
residential surroundings so as to give children the home environment
which is conducive to healthy and safe development. It is the public
policy of this state to provide children in a family day care home the
same home environment as provided in a traditional home setting."
Thompson Asked for clarification regarding the hours of operation and the days
of operation.
Kapadia Responded that the hours of operation are Monday through Friday,
6:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Thompson Asked for the employment requirements of a large family day care
Kapadia Explained that the maximum number of children cared for when there
is an assistant provider in the home including children under the age
of 10 who live in the home and the assistant provider's children under
the age of 10 is up to 14 when one child is at least six years of age
and one child is enrolled in school, with no more than three infants.
Thompson Asked for confirmation that the single employee would have use of
one parking space in the driveway, and the other space in the
driveway would be for dropping off and picking up.
Kapadia Answered in the affirmative.
Thompson Asked if the current use is properly licensed.
Kapadia Answered in the affirmative.
Thompson Stated that the letters of complaint raise questions regarding the
current operation; and, asked if staff has seen similar complaints for
this operation or are the concerns associated with the timing of this
Kapadia Indicated that no complaints have been filed with the Community
Development Department previous to this application.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 3
Kozak Asked if staff was reading from the Housing and Safety Code
1597.465 Large Family Day care Homes in response to the question
regarding the number of caregivers.
Kapadia Stated that she was reading from the California Family Child Care
Home Licensing Regulations, published January 7, 2007.
Kozak Noted that 1597.465 mirrors the quote read by staff; perhaps it will be
necessary to take a closer look at that section during later discussion.
Kasalek Questioned whether or not a second employee would be present on
the premises at all times during the day care operations.
Director Indicated that the Government Code section that licenses these
facilities is not a section enforced by the City, but rather Title 22; the
state agency oversees this; there are different ratios depending upon
the ages of the children; if the children are older, there can be fewer
caregivers; if the children are infants, there must be more caregivers
on-site; therefore, it would be difficult to say there would only need to
be two caregivers; the requirements of Title 22 must be met.
Kasalek Suggested that there should be two adults when there are 13-14
Director Answered that would be correct; fewer adults would be required when
fewer children are being cared for.
Kasalek Asked if it was common to condition the staggered arrival and pick-up
times and how it would be possible to monitor that requirement.
Kapadia Responded that the condition was included to prevent fourteen cars
from showing up at the site at one time.
Kasalek Questioned whether it was specifically for this large family day care.
Kapadia Answered that this format has been implemented in prior large family
day care permits.
Kasalek Asked for verification that the homeowner gave permission for this
increase in the number of children.
Kapadia Stated that permission is required as part of the development
application form.
Puckett Invited the applicant to the lectern.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 4
Mariela Berrios, Stated that she was the applicant; and, asked that her husband be
applicant allowed to assist her by translating questions and providing answers
in English.
Murray Asked if the fence has been repaired.
Rafael Berrios, Indicated that the fence has been repaired; an inspector came out last
applicant's husband Saturday and accepted it as sufficient; there is a need for the neighbor
and the owner to get together and decide on a permanent solution.
Murray Asked who the inspector was.
Mr. Berrios Indicated that the inspector was from the City of Tustin.
Kasalek Asked if there were swimming pools involved.
Mr. Berrios Answered in the negative; and, added that the fence was leaning
toward the other property.
Murray Asked whether there is a pool on the other side of the fence.
Mr. Berrios Answered in the negative.
Thompson Asked for an explanation of how the traffic works with the current
number of children.
Mr. Berrios Stated that there was a meeting with the neighbors during which the
staggered pick-up and drop-off plan was explained; the parents who
bring their children understand the need for different times.
Thompson Asked for the reason to request the increase in the size of the
operation from eight to 14.
Mr. Berrios Answered that the reason is financial; his wife hopes someday to
open a business that would not be at home.
Thompson Asked how many more employees would be needed if half the
children were infants or small children.
Ms. Berrios Indicated that the numbers are regulated by state agencies; she is not
required to have an employee with eight children but would be
required to add an employee with 14, regardless of the ages of the
children; she has had the employee for about a year even though she
is not required to do so with eight children.
Kozak Requested that the applicant share with the Planning Commission a
typical day based on the current number of children and how that
might compare with 12-14 children.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 5
Ms. Berrios Explained that most of the children go to school and there are rarely
eight children there at the same time.
Kozak Asked for an explanation of how 14 children would be cared for in an
1865 square foot space in terms of the different needs of the children
and whether or not that space is adequate to care for them.
Mr. Berrios Translated for Ms. Berrios that, even with the increase in the number
of children, the environment is controlled/organized based upon the
requirements of the state agency; the fenced back yard is also
available for the children; the children arrive and are walked to Nelson
Elementary at different times and also arrive after school at various
times; none of the children are at the home full-time; inspectors from
the state agency check from time to time to be sure that the applicant
is in compliance.
Murray Asked if there were programs to accommodate children who are not
school age.
Mr. Berrios Indicated that his wife has implemented the programs that the
Children's Home Society requires.
Murray Asked if the plan would continue to be primarily school-age children.
Mr. Berrios Indicated in the affirmative; and, added that it is difficult to predict what
the ages will be, but she would be allowed to have up to three infants.
Puckett Questioned whether or not the other six children were already waiting
to come in.
Mr. Berrios Answered in the negative.
Kasalek Asked if the current employee is there all day.
Mr. Berrios Responded that the employee is there between 11:00 a.m. and 5:30
p.m. at this time.
Toby Moore Reiterated the points that were included in the letter received by the
Planning Commission relating to traffic control and the problems that
already exist on this street; and, suggested that the Planning
Commission continue this item to allow him time to review the City's
response to his letter, which he received just before the meeting.
Elizabeth "Sissy" Stated that she lives next door to the large day care; having two
Oberlin, residences that are not owner-occupied next door and a 14-child day
14482 Pinebrook care business that will bring more traffic to the streets destroys the
quiet neighborhood she moved into 20 years ago; the increase in
number of children will make the street unsafe for everyone; the fence
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 6
between her yard and the day care facility is unsafe; a child could
climb on it and be severely injured; a temporary fix will not work; she
has a swimming pool and two dogs and does not want to worry on a
daily basis; the fence must be replaced; the safety and welfare of
many of the children and residents are a concern; she has seen
unsafe dropping off of children.
Kozak Asked if the fence Ms. Oberlin described is the damaged fence that
was addressed by the applicant that is between her property and the
homeowner's property.
Ms. Oberlin Answered in the affirmative.
Kozak Questioned whether the two property owners would be responsible for
replacing that fence.
Murray Asked for a description of the composition of the fence.
Ms. Oberlin Indicated it is a dog-eared wooden fence that splinters easily and is
about 15 years old.
Murray Asked if there was a locking mechanism on the fence.
Ms. Oberlin Answered that it is a straight fence that has been damaged by
termites; there is no gate.
Gloria Clemens, Stated she was at the meeting to support the provider; she has been
1593 W. Cerritos, a licensed child care provider for more than 20 years; she operates as
Anaheim a large day care; when a provider has eight children, no license is
required; when a provider becomes a large care provider with 9-14
children, one assistant is required; it does not matter if there are
infants; the applicant has had an assistant for six months because she
wanted to provide quality child care; family child care providers work
very long hours; they care for children of parents who have unusual
work schedules and perhaps longer hours; she never knows when the
parents are arriving, but they always arrive at staggered times.
Yessika Magdaleno Indicated that she has been a child care provider for seven years; she
12782 Twintree Lane, has had large family day care facility for six years; she attended the
Garden Grove meeting in support of Mariela Berrios; she read the Governor's
statement regarding child care providers and the importance of such
care to parents and communities.
Luz Gallardo, Stated she has been a day care provider for 13 years and enlarged
1313 East 14t" St., her facility because of the needs of the parents who were bringing
Santa Ana their children to her small day care facility; she now has 14 children in
her care because the families have been growing.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 7
Jose Martinez, Stated he is the property owner of 14481 Pinebrook Drive; he lived at
440 South Pacific, this address for five years and was the only resident who parked his
Tustin cars in the garage; everyone else parked on the street or in their
driveways; his renter is doing everything she has been asked by the
City to do to make the least inconvenience for her neighbors; the
fence will be repaired properly.
Murray Stated his understanding that the temporary fix of the fence met the
City inspection; and, asked if Mr. Martinez was now stating that the
fence will be further repaired.
Mr. Martinez Answered that he wants to do the best he can to protect the neighbors
and children; spending extra dollars to ensure the fence is repaired
will be worth it.
Kozak Questioned whether the plan was to replace the entire fence in
Mr. Martinez Indicated that he will hire a contractor to provide the best solution to
make the fence safe; if this requires complete replacement, that is
what he is prepared to do.
Kozak Asked for a description of the condition of the fence at the north side
of the property.
Mr. Martinez Stated that fence is still in good condition.
Kozak Questioned whether the contractor would also inspect that fence to
ensure that both sides of the house have safe fences to protect the
Mr. Martinez Answered in the affirmative.
Thompson Asked how long the current tenant has been renting this house.
Mr. Martinez Answered that the rent began in March 2008.
Thompson Asked if the house was rented prior to that time.
Mr. Martinez Stated that he lived in the house for four years; he considers this a
good environment for the children in Ms. Berrios' care.
8:17 p.m. The Public Hearing closed.
Thompson Indicated that he appreciated the people who took their time to attend
the meeting and the enlightenment regarding state law; there is no
question there is value to this service; as a father of four, he
understands the importance of a home environment rather than a
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 8
more structured environment; he also empathizes with the impacts of
the operation; he would like assurance that this approval would not be
in conflict with the day care provided at Nelsen Elementary; it is
important not to set a precedent or create a loophole; Dr. Moore's
comments regarding the arrival sequence and his other suggestions
may require more time for the Commission to be able to address; it is
necessary to ensure there is not adouble-parking situation or other
parking issues; it may be useful to continue this item to address these
Kozak Thanked Commissioner Thompson for his comments; he shares
some of the same concerns; a continuation seems appropriate to
allow time to review the restrictions from the Health and Safety Code
and the local public agency and the ability of the Commission to
approve the requests; the applicant is complying with the permit
process; parking and traffic are concerns; additional time may be
necessary to incorporate these issues into the final approval; Dr.
Moore's suggestions should be considered; perhaps. an additional
condition should be added regarding Title 22; the fence repair or
replacement needs to be addressed.
Kasalek Noted that the staff report made clear that the law states this type of
use must be allowed in residential areas; the traffic problems at
Nelson Elementary and on this street have existed for years; there is
a great need for day care; her concern would be how this will effect a
neighborhood that is already adversely affected; the Commission
needs to consider whether or not this approval would impact the well-
being of others; monitoring the dropping off and picking up and having
staggered times sound like good ideas but may be difficult to
Murray Thanked everyone who attended and spoke to this item; child care is
important to everyone; the state mandates these facilities; the traffic
situation will be challenging; over-regulating traffic issues may not be
the answer; having monitored the situation, he does not feel this use
is creating the problem; this applicant should not be penalized for
something that is a by-product of the general neighborhood and the
nearby school; staff will need to determine whether any other traffic
mitigation measures are feasible.
Director Stated that staff has forwarded these recommendations to the City's
Director of Public Works/City Engineer; the conditions of approval
could be enhanced if it is the Commission's consensus to do so; it is
up to the Director of Public Works to decide whether these
recommendations are warranted separate and apart from this
application; this may be a situation for the digital speed monitor that
the City has available for monitoring traffic.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 9
Condition 1.8 could be modified to allow the Community Development
Department and/or the City Engineer to review this application on an
annual basis and additional conditions could be imposed if there are
nuisance or negative impacts.
Condition 3.12 identifies that the large family day care operation must
comply with the California Vehicle Code and any local traffic control
ordinances or traffic control devices.
There will be monitoring on that street; individuals who live on the
street who are concerned will be watching; the difference will be that
everyone is required to comply with the rules of the road and local
Murray Suggested that the applicant show due diligence in efforts to
accommodate the neighbors; it is important that this be a partnership;
changes always bring some kind of impact; there is a revocation
provision to ensure the conditions are met.
Puckett Noted that he concurred with Commissioner Kasalek; his children
attended Nelson Elementary; he is familiar with the street and the
traffic problems; there is a tremendous need for well-qualified day
care centers; his mother provided such care for years and had a big
impact on the lives of the children in her care; the state laws are clear
regarding what is allowed; Dr. Moore's suggestions are good ones
and something that should be incorporated into the conditions;
children-at-play signs would be useful on that street; perhaps Public
Works would like to comment.
Terry Lutz Stated that those types of signs provide a false feeling of security, are
not in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices, and are a thing of the past; what could be placed on the
street are 25 miles per hour signs and a legend in the street; as
suggested by the Director, the radar trailer could also be placed on
that street.
Puckett Indicated he thought the radar trailer was a good idea.
Kozak Reiterated that the following enhancements should be added to the
conditions of approval:
• Log sheets
• Pick-up and drop-off plans
• Information sheet signed by the clients to provide protection to
the applicant and the community
• Title 22 condition
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 10
Puckett Noted he is in favor of the project with the stipulations that have been
Asked for a motion with the stipulations discussed.
Murray Moved approval.
Kozak Verified that the approval would include the amendments discussed;
and, asked whether or not those should be articulated again for the
Kasalek Referred to Commissioner Thompson's concern regarding the day
care at Nelson Elementary and suggestion of a continuance of the
item in order to allow more time for review of the conditions.
Thompson Reiterated his wish that the approval be clearly understood; voting yes
could conceivably contradict what the City Code intended; it is
necessary that the conditions be very clear and that a loophole is not
being created.
Murray Asked staff for advice in that regard.
Kendig Stated he did not see a conflict when he reviewed the report; one
more exemption was brought to his attention during the discussion:
the applicability of one of the chapters that refers to extended day
care programs operated by public and private schools; given all the
areas to be considered, it may not be clear how it all pieces together;
a continuance to the next meeting would give him time to sort out the
Puckett Stated his belief that there was not an urgent need to pass the
application at this meeting; and, asked if anyone would be opposed to
a continuance to the next meeting.
Commission It was the consensus of the Commission that a continuance would be
desired if the applicant had no objection.
Murray Amended his motion to continue the item to the next regular Planning
Commission meeting, seconded by Thompson. Motion carried 5-0.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 11
At the Planning Commission meeting of August 26, 2008, staff
was requested to provide a summary of Senate Bill 375
proposed by Senator Steinberg.
That the Planning Commission receive and file.
Willkom Indicated there was no presentation, but staff could answer any
questions the Commission might have.
Kozak Thanked staff for the thorough job on a complicated piece of
legislation; and, suggested that, where mandates have a fiscal impact,
this bill provides no funding; perhaps more important is the usurpation
of local land use planning authority by the state; everyone is
concerned about the environment, but this is another drastic move,
though well-intentioned, at a cost to local land use authority.
Asked if the City Council has taken an opposed position on this bill
with the League of Cities.
Director Answered that the Council has been closely monitoring SB 375;
several letters have been sent in this regard; staff will be forwarding
this report to the City Council.
Murray Thanked Commissioner Kozak for bringing this matter forward; it is of
the utmost importance; and, thanked staff for summarizing very
difficult subject matter.
Thompson Added that he found the information provided by staff very helpful;
and, requested that a future workshop session be planned to assist in
further understanding the impacts of this bill, because the information
being provided in various places seems to be contradictory.
It was moved by Murray, seconded by Kozak, to receive and file the
report. Motion carried 5-0.
At the August 26, 2008, Planning Commission meeting, staff
was requested to evaluate the feasibility of reducing the
number of regular Planning Commission meetings from two
per month to one per month.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 12
That the Planning Commission maintain the status quo.
Director Presented the staff report.
Thompson Thanked staff for the report; and, moved approval of staffs
Murray Added that it is important to also remember that one of the things the
Council has asked is that City business hours be extended in order to
facilitate the public; it would be somewhat contradictory to then lessen
the Planning Commission's hours.
Kozak Reminded everyone that not too long ago the Council directed the
Planning Commission to be the local preservation committee which
requires the Commission to remain available.
Kasalek seconded Thompson's motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Received and filed 7. PROJECT SUMMARY
The summary focuses on the status of projects that the
Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Community
Development Director approved, major improvements projects,
and other items of interest.
That the Planning Commission receive and file.
Willkom Presented the staff report.
Puckett Asked if the plan is to tear down the old Kentucky Fried Chicken and
build a new one.
Willkom Indicated that staff is working with Kentucky Fried Chicken through
the Plan Check process which is almost complete.
Puckett Asked if there is an expected date for the opening of the new Arby's.
Willkom Replied that no date is set but they are moving fast.
Kasalek Questioned whether or not there is an anticipated completion date for
the new Library.
Director Indicated the expected date is September 2009.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 13
Kasalek Asked for clarification regarding Monarch Village.
Willkom Stated that Monarch Village is a senior facility designed for
independent living, consists of 201 units, and is located at the former
Main Place Church.
Murray Asked what is happening regarding the parking structure at the
Metrolink station.
Lutz Answered that a Cooperative Agreement was just processed through
the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA); design is expected to
take a year and 18 months to construct; there will be 825 spaces;
there will be no vehicular activity during construction; the station will
be closed except for transit access, pedestrians, and bicycles.
Thompson Stated that he is a train user and is always surprised by how full the
trains are; the stampede out of the Tustin station exceeded what is
normally seen in Irvine; it will be interesting, when construction begins,
to see how high use will be implemented without the parking.
Lutz Added that access to the north of the station is being proposed by the
OCTA; there is also a Cooperative Agreement in process for that; this
will be along the old BNSF railroad spur which would be turned over
to the City for maintenance; the OCTA would be in charge of the
design and construction of that additional access up to Dow Avenue
to serve the Business Park area.
Kozak Asked if there will be additional parking on the north side.
Lutz Indicated the parking will be within the parking structure; there would
be access from the north; there is a possibility of an agreement with a
company called Printronic to allow parking within their parking lot.
Thompson Suggested that is the location where folks are currently stepping over
the fence to get to the station; it will be good to get that area cleaned
Director reported The City Council awarded the contract for construction of the Citrus
Ranch Park project in Tustin Ranch, the last park site to be developed
in East Tustin.
The City Council approved a cooperative agreement between the
Orange County Transportation Authority and the City for a
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 14
rail/highway safety enhancement at Red Hill Avenue for the benefit of
the residents in that area.
The City Council held a workshop on September 15th related to both
on-site and off-site parking citywide; as a result of that workshop, the
Council will be holding a public hearing on October 7th on an item that
the Planning Commission considered some time ago related to the
comprehensive zoning ordinance; the Council will also be considering
at the October 7th meeting some on-street parking restrictions related
to street sweeping, the potential for some permit parking programs in
certain areas, and an administrative citation ordinance also.
Thompson Asked when the process will be completed for the parking ordinance
and related matters.
Director Replied that the first reading will be at the October 7th meeting.
Thompson Asked when the second reading would be.
Director Answered that would presumably take place at the second meeting in
Kendig Added that the ordinance would go into effect 30 days after that; some
of the parking restrictions will be set up to go into effect perhaps 60
days from the effective date.
Director Noted that there are also procedural and administrative issues that
preclude stating an exact date for this ordinance to take effect.
Puckett Proposed that the Invocation be reinstated at Planning Commission
meetings; and, suggested that the Invocation be placed ahead of the
Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge designee give the invocation.
Commissioners Stated their agreement.
Puckett Requested that this procedure begin at the next Planning Commission
meeting scheduled for October 14, 2008.
Thompson Stated he attended the Open House for the Cranbrook Senior Living
facility, was very impressed with improvements, and offered kudos to
the new ownership.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 15
Thompson continued Indicated he attended the Open House for Fluid Research
Corporation on September 6~'; this high-tech facility is a nice addition
to the Tustin business core; this facility demonstrates how Tustin's
industrial area is transforming into smaller uses rather than those
similar to the old Steelcase.
Noted that he regretted missing the Village of Hope Grand Opening
last Sunday; and, offered his congratulations to Councilman Palmer
who is to be commended for this impressive facility.
Offered his congratulations to Mayor Amante who was the No. 1
speaker for the Department of Commerce hearing on the Foothill
Transportation Corridor; there were hundreds of people who
requested permission to speak.
Stated he is looking forward to Tustin Tiller Days, October 3ra 4tn and
5~' and also the workshop on October 6"' referred to as "Tustin Town
Center: A New Beginning."
Shared that he and his wife are in training for the Multiple Sclerosis
100-mile bike tour from Irvine to San Diego and would appreciate
everyone's prayers that they are successful in this long trek on
October 11-12.
Noted that he has been sponsored by his employer to attend a
President's Leadership class series offered through the BIA for
Orange County and will be attending this class over the next five
Kozak Offered his congratulations to Chair Puckett for his selection as the
Chairperson of the Planning Commission; and, stated he looks
forward to the next year under Chair Puckett's leadership.
Welcomed Commissioner Kasalek; he attended the City Council
interviews; there was no question who was the best candidate;
Commissioner Kasalek is to be complimented on her presentation
that evening.
Echoed Commissioner Thompson's comments regarding the Open
House and Ribbon-Cutting at the Village of Hope; hats off to
Councilman Palmer for his vision and leadership and to all the public
and private sector partners that participated in making the Village a
Indicated he attended the September 15"' Parking Ordinance
Workshop and is glad to see that process moving forward.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 16
Kozak continued Thanked the City for the opportunity to attend the Planning
Commissioners training on September 18th in Los Angeles; many
topical issues were discussed, including sustainability, global
warming, design review; he will share the materials with his fellow
Mentioned the Tustin Pride and Tustin Conservancy project at 305
and 315 C Street on September 20th where he put in a few hours
working with a lot of young men who did a great job.
Reminded everyone that September 27th is Graffiti Wipe-Out Day and,
for those who dislike vandalism on public property, this is a chance to
get out there and do something about it: show up that Saturday
morning at the Tustin Police Department between 8:00-9:00 a.m.;
Officer Gordon Margulies is the police coordinator of this event.
Referred to the report in the newspaper and at City Council stating the
Godbe Research headline reads, "Tustin residents 98% satisfied with
their city," and the "overall city performance which includes safety and
community services ranked at 95 percent satisfaction."
Kasalek Stated that it is good to be back on the Planning Commission; and,
thanked everyone for their kind words.
Noted that no one called for her opinion, but she also read the article
referred to by Commissioner Kozak and also is very satisfied living in
Added that Mayor Amante was featured on the Channel 4, 11 o'clock
news, during his speech referred to above.
Murray Offered congratulations to Chair Puckett and Chair Pro Tem for their
selection to those positions and to Commissioner Kasalek as the new
Commended staff on their comprehensive reports this evening.
Presented accolades to Chief Jordan regarding the upcoming Graffiti
Wipe-Out and the 98% satisfaction rate of the Tustin community,
much of which was based upon the community feelings regarding
safety and partnerships with all the other City departments.
Stated he is ecstatic about Citrus Ranch Park; that project began
while he served on the Parks & Recreation Commission; seeing the
park come to fruition is a personally rewarding experience.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 17
Murray continued Noted he regretted not being able to attend the Village of Hope Grand
Opening but offered his congratulations to Councilman Palmer on his
great work.
Puckett Thanked his fellow Commissioners for their confidence in selecting
him as Chairperson; and, indicated he would attempt to continue in
the fine tradition of past Chair John Nielsen.
Welcomed Commissioner Kasalek, noting that he has known her for
30 years as a nearby neighbor; and, noted her prior Planning
Commission experience and expertise.
Offered congratulations to Commissioner Kozak on his selection as
Chairperson Pro Tem.
Stated that he will be absent from the next Planning Commission
meeting but knows he leaves the Commission in capable hands.
Thanked staff for the Summary of Projects.
Reminded everyone to attend Tustin Tiller Days October 3-6.
Indicated that he was able to attend the dedication on September 11tH
of the Mottoes Wall recently unveiled in City Hall.
Congratulated Commissioner Thompson on his plan to ride in the
100-mile bike ride.
Noted that Huell Howser will be featured on "California Gold" on
KCET September 28~' at 7:30 p.m.; people will be gathering at Beach
Pit BBQ to enjoy the show; everyone is invited.
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled
for Tuesday, October 14, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
Minutes -Planning Commission September 23, 2008 -Page 18