HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 CC MINUTES 2008 10 07 10-21-08MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 7, 2008 CALLED TO ORDER MEETING #2197 AT 5:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE Present: Mayor Jerry Amante; Mayor Pro Tem Doug Davert; and Councilmembers Lou Bone, Tony Kawashima, and Jim Palmer Absent: None City Clerk: Maria Huizar, Chief Deputy City Clerk Others Present: Christine Shingleton. Assistant City Manager; and Doug Holland, City Attorney PUBLIC INPUT -None. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS -CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL. The City Council finds, based on advice from the City Attorney, that discussion in open session of the following matters will prejudice the position of the City in existing and anticipated litigation. A. Existing Litigation [Government Code Section 54856.9(a)] -Whiteley v. City of Tustin B. Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54856.9(b)] -Two Cases C. Initiation of Litigation [Government Code Section 54856.9(c)] -Two Cases D. Property Negotiations Terms and Conditions of Purchase [Government Code Section 54956.8] -Two Cases D.1. Property: Property identified as the Pacific Center East/Former AAE site as legally described in the RFP issued by the Agency, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk's office Negotiators: City of Tustin - Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager; and Opus West -Jeff Hill D.2. Property: Property identified as L.P. -Lots 1-29, Tract Map 16695 Negotiators: City of Tustin - Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager; and Vestar -Allan Kasen City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 1 of 15 RECESSED - At 5:31 p.m. City Council recessed to closed session to discuss matters listed under Closed Session. RECONVENED - At 6:59 p.m. City Council reconvened in public session with same members present. REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING CALLED TO ORDER MEETING #2197 AT 7:01 P.M. INVOCATION, PRESENTATION OF COLORS, AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Tustin American Legion ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Jerry Amante; Mayor Pro Tem Doug Davert; and Councilmembers Lou Bone, Tony Kawashima, and Jim Palmer Absent: None City Clerk: Pamela Stoker Others Present: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager and Doug Holland, City Attorney CLOSED SESSION REPORT -Nothing to report. PRESENTATIONS / Certificates of Recognition presented by Mayor Amante to Pam & Steve Gooderham / Certificates of Recognition presented by Mayor Amante to the following recipients of the 2008 American Legion Boys State Competition: Brogan Evans of Beckman High School, Tyler Ochiai of Foothill High School, and David Reuter of Tustin High School / Bill Peverhouse and Carol Garrett representing Tustin Public Schools Foundation, thanked Council for continued support and invited all to attend 2008 Dino Dash to be held on Sunday, November 2"a PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. PUBLIC HEARING: HOLD A SPECIAL ELECTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 06-1 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 2 of 15 On September 2, 2008, the City Council adopted a resolution stating their intention to annex territory to Community Facilities District No. 06-1. The next step in completing this annexation is to call a special election to hear protests to said annexation and, if appropriate upon closing the hearing, make certain findings of approval by adoption of attached Resolution No. 08-71 authorizing the annexation and Ordinance No. 1359 amending and restating Ordinance No. 1315 regarding the levy of special taxes within Community Facilities District No. 06-1. Public Hearing opened at 7:23 p.m. There were no public speakers and the Hearing closed at 7:23 p.m. Motion: 1.a. It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Kawashima, to adopt resolution. Motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 08-70 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION REGARDING ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (TUSTIN LEGACY/COLUMBUS VILLAGES) City Clerk Stoker opened ballots and announced the results of the election. Vote was 2-0 to approve annexation to CFD 06-1; Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to 1.b. Adopt resolution; and RESOLUTION NO. 08-71 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN OF ANNEXATION DETERMINING THAT THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (TUSTIN LEGACY/COLUMBUS VILLAGES) AND THE LEVYING OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN SUCH ADDITIONAL TERRITORY IS LAWFULLY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTING RECORDING OF NOTICE OF SUCH ANNEXATION 1.c. Introduce and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1359 and set for a second reading at the City Council's October 21, 2008 meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 1359 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 06-1 (TUSTIN LEGACY/COLUMBUS VILLAGES) AND AMENDING AND RESTATING ORDINANCE NO. 1315 City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 3 of 15 Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Amante noted for the record that City staff would make one presentation on Agenda Items 2-6 -all related to parking. Council would open the matter to the public for comments, followed by Council action. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CODE AMENDMENT 08-001, OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS On April 15, 2008, City Council directed staff to prepare ordinances intended to improve the quality of life within Tustin and increase the efficiency of the City's circulation system. Community Development staff prepared a comprehensive parking ordinance establishing design standards and clarifying on-site parking restrictions, and providing flexibility for Old Town parking. The Planning Commission considered the matter on May 27, 2008 and recommend City Council approval. Staff report presentation by Community Development Director Binsack and Public Works Director Serlet. Public hearing opened at 7:50 p.m. The following people spoke on the matter: Syhd Clopton, Eric Lenning, Anne McCaffrey, Cynthia Adams, Maria Holland, Ray Grangoff, Toby Moore, Jerri Hartline, Chuck Rogers, Kira Rousey, David Chubak, Fred Francis, Jennifer Poynter COUNCIL RECESSED AT 8:37 P.M. AND RECONVENED AT 8:53 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT. The following people spoke on the matter: Claudia Boseo, James Vaughn, Virginia Tellez Gomez, Byan Hassebrock, Liora Cohen, Jeannie McClure, Tina Blenz, Janice Hunter, Lilia Quezada, Kelly O'Brien The public hearing closed at 9:15 p.m. Councilmember Kawashima asked for clarification on street sweeping and effect on citywide HOA's. Director of Public Works Serlet explained street sweeping prohibitions would not affect private streets. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to: 2.a. Adopt Resolution No. 08-41 finding the Negative Declaration adequate for proposed Code Amendment 08-001; and RESOLUTION NO. 08-41 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 4 of 15 DECLARATION FOR CODE AMENDMENT 08-001, A REVISION TO THE CODE ADDING PART 6 TO CHAPTER 2 OF ARTICLE 9 AND AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTIONS 9221 to 9228, 9231 to 9235, 9241, 9242, 9271, 9297, AND 9299 RELATING TO OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS 2.b. Introduce and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1354 approving Code Amendment 08-001 and set for a second reading at the City Council's October 21, 2008 meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 1354 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADDING PART 6 TO CHAPTER 2 OF ARTICLE 9 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE ESTABLISHING OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS TO ENSURE THAT SUFFICIENT OFF- STREET PARKING FACILITIES ARE PROVIDED FOR ALL USES AND THAT PARKING FACILITIES ARE PROPERLY DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED, AND AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTIONS 9221 TO 9228, 9231 TO 9235, 9241, 9242, 9251, 9271, 9297, AND 9299 Motion carried 3-2 (Palmer and Kawashima opposed). REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS 3. PROHIBITING PARKING ALONG DESIGNATED PORTIONS OF NEWPORT AVENUE, REDHILL AVENUE, AND IRVINE BOULEVARD (INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 1357) In response to a series of public workshops over the last year with City Council regarding traffic congestion along Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue, and Irvine Boulevard, staff recommends that the City Council adopt an ordinance prohibiting parking along designated portions of each arterial. It has been determined that congestion along each arterial can be relieved by increasing roadway capacity with the addition of a third travel lane in each direction within the existing curb-to-curb width. No additional right-of-way is required by this action. Proposed action will prohibit parking along the following designated portions of: 1. Newport Avenue -Sycamore Avenue to First Street; 2. Red Hill Avenue -Sycamore Avenue to Mitchell Street & San Juan Street to Bryan Avenue; and 3. Irvine Boulevard -Prospect Avenue to Holt Avenue. Council discussion: Mayor Pro Tem Davert commented that Council represents all 74,000 residents. Has lived in Tustin since age 3, popular place to live, many more people now, unfortunately brings certain impacts including need for better mobility and roads; City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 5 of 15 Council presented with an opportunity to gain 6 lanes of additional capacity to relieve congestion, increase mobility all without any seizure of private property, feels it's the best decision for Tustin. Councilmember Kawashima agreed that traffic is a major problem that needs to be addressed but feels this action punishes unfairly a segment of population and places undue burden on them; will not support item. Councilmember Palmer felt traffic flow would be increased with approval of ordinance; however, safety and parking concerns for residents in the area not addressed; will oppose item. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to introduce and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1357 and set for a second reading at the City Council's October 21, 2008 meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 1357 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 5333 TO PART 3 TO CHAPTER 3 OF ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATING TO PROHIBITION OF PARKING ON DESIGNATED ARTERIAL STREETS Motion carried 3-2 (Palmer and Kawashima opposed). 4. PROHIBITING PARKING TO FACILITATE STREET SWEEPING (INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 1356) Over the past year, several City Council workshops were held to discuss parking regulations for purposes of improving the quality of life within Tustin. Among the regulations considered were those necessary to facilitate street sweeping throughout the City. At its September 15, 2008 workshop the City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance restricting parking on all public streets during the following hours on the day the street is scheduled to be swept: Residential Streets: 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Arterial Streets: 4:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Kawashima, to: 4.a. Introduce and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1356 to prohibit parking to facilitate street sweeping and set for a second reading at the City Council's October 21, 2008 meeting; and ORDINANCE NO. 1356 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 5334 TO PART 3 TO CHAPTER 3 OF ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATING TO City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 6 of 15 RESTRICTION OF PARKING TO FACILITATE STREET SWEEPING 4.b. Approve a supplemental appropriation of $175,000 from the undesignated, unappropriated fund balance of the General Fund for enforcement personnel and equipment. Motion carried 5-0. 5. ADOPT POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR PREFERENTIAL PERMIT PARKING ON PUBLIC STREETS In response to a series of public workshops over the last year with City Council, it is recommended that the City Council adopt a new policy and procedure for preferential permit parking on public streets. Council discussion: Mayor Pro Tem Davert commented that current procedure requires 2/3 neighborhood approval but many times difficult to achieve, new policy would allow public process with a parking evaluation by Engineering Department, followed by approval of City Council; supports item. Councilmember Bone commented other cities doing similar thing, without conditions for guests, supports item. Councilmember Palmer noted the quantity of people speaking in opposition to matter, concerned with revocation of existing permits, indicated he spoke to Fullerton Police Department with similar permit program, no permits had been issued for overnight guests due to trepidation of police as information becomes permanent record; concerned with starting a process that will give Police Department negative image and cost citizens more money. Mayor Pro Tem Davert said City bombarded with parking complaints and has spent the last year researching solutions, had several public hearings, Council has taken all comments very seriously, and believes its right solution for Tustin. Councilmember Kawashima expressed opposition to process, feels it would become administrative nightmare for staff and residents. Mayor Amante summarized matter; Council received comments from every part of City, hundreds of written and personal communications, and various public hearings; residents as well as non-residents travel roads that are congested with traffic during the day, it is a quality of life issue, debate will continue as Tustin is built out over next 20 years. Assured everyone that nothing would be done without notice, any requests would be studied by staff, followed by engineering analysis, and brought to a Council meeting, with opportunity for affected neighbors to be heard. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 7 of 15 Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to adopt the attached Policy and Procedures for Preferential Permit Parking on public streets and direct staff to void all existing permits and re- issue preferential permits in compliance with the new adopted policy and procedures. Motion carried 3-2 (Palmer and Kawashima opposed). 6. CODE ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS (INTRODUCE ORDINANCE N0.1358) Ordinance No. 1358 proposes to amend Tustin City Code Section 1112 relating to code enforcement and administrative citations. In effect, the Ordinance would create a vehicle to ensure compliance with the Tustin City Code in a timely and efficient manner thereby improving the quality of life, maintaining property values and reducing the burden on the judicial system while providing for due process for those cited. The citation fines would offset the expense now associated with litigating citations on the part of the person(s) cited, thereby reducing the burden the general taxpayer bears from subsidizing these costly legal fees. Motion: It was moved by Councilmember Bone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, to introduce and approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 1358 and set for a second reading at the City Council's October 21, 2008 meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 1358 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING PART 2 OF CHAPTER 1 OF, ADDING PART 6 TO CHAPTER 1 OF, AND AMENDING SECTION 1112 OF, THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATING TO CODE ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE CITATIONS Motion carried 5-0. ORAL COMMUNICATION /PUBLIC INPUT Maria Holland, disappointed with decision to restrict parking on main arterials. Inquired if study on parking issues approved. Staff indicated that study prepared last year and available with the City Clerk. Fred Francis, would like dialogue between public and council at meetings. City Attorney noted that Oral Communication legally prohibit such dialogue. Proposed that Stop Sign on intersection of 55 Freeway and 17th Street be restored. Julie Gallagher, concerned with truck traffic in Old Town area. Toby Moore, considers council vote on preferential parking issue a conflict of interest. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 8 of 15 Jerri Hartline, dissatisfied with decisions made tonight as they relate to parking. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS -Mayor Amante pulled items 15 and 16 for separate discussion. Noted that item 12 was continued at the request of staff and Minutes of Special Meeting of September 15, 2008 revised. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to approve balance of Consent Calendar items as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. 7. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Motion: Approve demands in the amounts of $1,603,205.40; $1,811,570.35; and $2,112,206.76; and Payroll in the amount of $708,910.85. 8. PLANNING ACTION AGENDA -SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or members of the public. Motion: Receive and file. 9. CONSIDERATION OF CLAIM OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, CLAIM NO. 08-21 The Claimant stated that contractors working for the City of Tustin struck and damaged Southern California Edison underground transmission line during excavating activity. The amount of damage/loss listed in the Claim is $156,220.08 Motion: Deny Claim Number 08-21, Southern California Edison, and direct Staff to send notice thereof to the Claimant. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER KITCHEN RENOVATION (CIP NO. 1047) Construction of the Tustin Area Senior Center Kitchen Renovation (CIP No. 1047) has been completed and is ready for acceptance and filing of the Notice of Completion Motion: 10.a. Adopt resolution; and City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 9 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 08-69 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING THE WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE RECORDATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER KITCHEN RENOVATION (CIP NO. 1047) 10.b. Authorize the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's office. 11. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZATION TO FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE VALENCIA AVENUE, ARMSTRONG AVENUE, KENSINGTON PARK DRIVE, AND LANSDOWNE ROAD PAVEMENT FINISH SURFACE PROJECT (CIP NO. 7188) Construction of the Valencia Avenue, Armstrong Avenue, Kensington Park Drive, and Lansdowne Road Pavement Finish Surface Project (CIP No. 7188) has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and is now ready for City Council acceptance. Motion: 11.a. Adopt resolution; and RESOLUTION NO. 08-56 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE RECORDATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE VALENCIA AVENUE, ARMSTRONG AVENUE, KENSINGTON PARK DRIVE, AND LANSDOWNE ROAD PAVEMENT FINISH SURFACE PROJECT (CIP NO. 7188) 11.b. Authorize the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office. 12. APPROVAL OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-8-1104 BETWEEN' THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF TUSTIN FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN ACCESS WALKWAY TO THE TUSTIN METROLINK STATION Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Palmer, to continue item at the request of staff. Motion carried 5-0. 13. AUTHORIZATION FOR STATE TO PURCHASE ONE GMC TRUCK WITH DUMP BODY FOR FIELD SERVICES DIVISION City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 10 of 15 Approval of Resolution No. 08-66 will authorize the General Services Department of the State of California to purchase one current model year GMC dump truck on behalf of the City of Tustin. Motion: Adopt resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 08-66 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS 14. SURPLUS OFFICE FURNITURE SALES REPORT Notice of the sale of surplus office furniture and equipment at public auction in accordance with Section 1626 of the Tustin Municipal Code. Motion: Receive and file. 15. APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF TUSTIN FOR RAIL-HIGHWAY CROSSING SAFETY ENHANCEMENTS AND SAFETY MEASURES RELATED TO QUIET ZONE IMPLEMENTATION AT THE RED HILL AVENUE RAILROAD CROSSING The Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) is requesting that the City of Tustin enter into a Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Rail- Highway Crossing Safety Enhancements and Safety Measures Related to Quiet Zone Implementation at the Red Hill Avenue railroad crossing. This agreement must be executed before the SCRRA will proceed with construction. The SCRRA will perform the work as part of a separate agreement with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). On September 2, 2008, the City Council approved Cooperative Agreement No. C-8-0863 with the OCTA for design and construction of the project. Completion of the safety enhancements will allow the City to file a Notice of Establishment of a Quiet Zone with the Federal Rail Authority. Council pleased with project and looks forward to completion. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Bone, to approve the Construction and Maintenance Agreement with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority for Rail-Highway Crossing Safety Enhancements and Safety Measures Related to Quiet Zone Implementation at the Red Hill Avenue railroad crossing, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Kawashima abstained). City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 11 of 15 16. ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROGRAM FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Pursuant to provisions of the Tustin City Code, development impact fees are required to be paid by the developers of new residential developments at the time of permits issuance. Due to recent changes in economic conditions relating to housing market, on August 6, 2008, the Building Industry Association of Southern California Orange County Chapter (BIA/OC) requested the City to adopt a policy to defer the collection of development impact fees until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection consistent with Assembly Bill (AB) 2604 enacted on August 1, 2008. Kristine Thalman, spoke in support of Consent Calendar item #16 and indicated that City of Santa Ana and Orange County Sanitation District have agreed to deferral of fees as requested by the Building Industry Association. Council requested that staff modify the resolution to reflect such. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Palmer, to adopt resolution as revised. RESOLUTION NO. 08-72 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CREATING AN ECONOMIC STIMULUS PROGRAM FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BY TEMPORARILY SUPERSEDING THE PROVISIONS OF VARIOUS ORDINANCES HERETOFORE ADOPTED RELATING TO THE REQUIRED TIME OF PAYMENT OF SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES Motion carried 5-0. 17. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15 AND 16, 2008 Motion: Approve the revised Special and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 15 and 16, 2008, respectively. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS 18. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1355: ADOPTING CHAPTER 10 OF ARTICLE 7 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATING TO STATE VIDEO FRANCHISE PROVIDERS In 2006, The California State Legislature adopted the Digital Infrastructure and City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 12 of 15 Video Competition Act (DIVCA) that permits telephone and telecommunication companies to obtain a statewide franchise to compete with cable and satellite television operators. The attached ordinance adopts Chapter 10 of Article 7 of the Tustin City Code to implement the DIVCA. Motion: It was moved by Councilmember Kawashima, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1355 regarding Chapter 10 of Article 7 of the Tustin City Code relating to state video franchise providers. ORDINANCE NO. 1355 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING CHAPTER 10 OF ARTICLE 7 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE PERTAINING TO STATE VIDEO FRANCHISE HOLDERS Motion carried 5-0. 19. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS -MISCELLANEOUS Staff has prepared one (1) agenda report that discusses the following legislative item: Senate Bill 375 (SB375) generally can be summarized as follows: 1) Requires the Air Resources Board to provide each region with greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the automobile and light truck sector; 2) Requires a regional transportation plan to include a Sustainable Communities Strategy designed to achieve the targets for greenhouse gas emission reduction; 3) Requires the California Transportation Commission to maintain guidelines for travel demand models; 4) Requires cities and counties, in general, to revise their housing elements every eight years in conjunction with the regional transportation plan and complete any necessary rezoning within a specific time period; and 5) Relaxes CEQA requirements for housing developments that are consistent with a Sustainable Communities Strategy. Staff Recommendation: Receive and file report Mayor Amante expressed disappointment with League of Cities assistance with SB375 (Steinberg) ultimately resulting in signing by State Governor -local level planning and decision-making in great peril. SB1316 (Correa) signed by Governor, will allow for expansion of express lanes on 91 Freeway and bring relief to Riverside and Orange County communities, will also allow for millions in funds for additional fees to Transportation Corridor City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 13 of 15 Agency to develop infrastructure, housing and grade crossings; congratulated Senator Correa. Councilmember Bone indicated that RHNA process will be managed by Orange County Council of Governments, but still heavily advocated by State. Spoke on State take-aways, League of Cities willing to file lawsuit to stop additional removal of funds from redevelopment agencies. OTHER BUSINESS /COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Kawashima: • Thanked Parks and Recreation for Tustin Tiller days and citizens who support event. Councilmember Palmer: • Echoed Councilmember Kawashima's comments. Councilmember Bone: • Water Advisory Council of Orange County, water usage decrease, congratulated everyone's efforts to conserve water; • Orange County Vector Control West Nile virus update, 63 cases of the virus to date in Orange County, 50-year old female is 2nd person in Tustin infected with West Nile; • Metrolink, reported on train accident, agency has set up Family Assistance Center, paying for funeral expenses of victims and setup Victims' Relief Fund; • Southern California Association of Governments passed option 2 of Regional Comprehensive Plan by 45 - 2 vote; • Metropolitan Transportation Authority converting 10 and 210 freeway carpool lanes to toll lanes next year; • League of Cities, SB 447, junk dealers legislation in the works to protect cities from theft of copper and other items; • Reported on resolutions as they relate to California League of Cities; • Congratulated Police Department on recent awards; • Tustin Area Senior Center kitchen renovation was a success, congratulated Mayor on winning Best Pasta Sauce Competition; • California Friendly Landscape Workshop on October 11 and Jan 31; and • Orange County Sanitation District taxes going up 21 %. Mayor Pro Tem Davert: • Property taxes now include new sewer service fee recently adopted by Orange County Sanitation District; • Orange County Fire Authority holding open house on October 11, 2008; • Tustin High School Education Foundation holding fundraiser, Friday at Beach Pit BBQ; • Saturday, December 6t" Santa Claus will be at Metrolink train station; • Tustin Tiller days was well attended, great event; • Attended League of Cities conference in Long Beach; and • Thanked Redevelopment staff for workshops held regarding master plan of three City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 14 of 15 communities. Mayor Amante: • Congratulated Police Department for recent awards and hard work; • Mayor Pro Tem Davert and Director Steve Sheldon of the Orange County Water District received co-President of the Year award by California Special Districts Association; • Orange County Transportation Authority, Central County Corridor Major Improvement Study, named Chair, discussed extension of 57 freeway, improvements to 55 freeway, Smart Streets, Metrolink extension, and other such projects; • Secretary of Commerce held meeting on September 22nd in Del Mar on proposed extension of toll road, will make decision by January 7' 2009; • Attended League of Cities conference; • Attended Senior Center kitchen dedication; • Workshops held yesterday on revitalization of 3 neighborhoods, well attended, great ideas by public; thanked staff and members present; and • Thanked staff and community for involvement in parking workshop. ADJOURNMENT - 10:32 p.m. -The next meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. for the Closed Session Meeting followed by the Regular Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. City Council Meeting October 7, 2008 Minutes Page 15 of 15