HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 9684 8 10 il 15 16 ~0 £5 ~8 ~9 RESOLUTION NO. 968 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 840 RELATIVE TO COUNCIL POLICY NO. 20-4 AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 20-8. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows- That Resolution No. 840 is hereby amended relative to Council Policy No. 20-4 and Council Policy No. 20-8 as follows- That Council Policy No. 20-4 as amended, relative to Special Leaves of' Absence and Holidays, a copy of which · is attached hereto ra'arked Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved and adopted and incor- porated in the Council Policy Manual; That Council Policy No. 20-8 as amended, relative to Extended Travel, 'a copy of which i.s attached hereto marked Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved and adopted and incorporated in the Council Policy Manual. · . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular mee%ing of City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 4th day of November, 1968 day of November , 1968. 0. MAYOR ATTEST- CITY C LE~q< · mb 10/29/68 -COUNCIL POLICY-- SPECIAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE Policy No.20-4 AND HOLIDAYS ResQlu~ion No' 968 Dafe. 11/4/6 8 Page'l of 2 PURPOSE To establish City Council policy reg'arding certain special leaves of.'absence for full-time City employees. Additional details of such ].eaves of absence are contained in the City Personnel Resolution. ' ' POLICY 1. Military Leave A. A member of the National Guard or Military Reserve or¢].ered to annual military duty, exbluding routine drill periods, and who has not less than one year of City service, shall receive ful)~ salary as provided, i~.~ the State' of California Military ..an¢! Veteran's Code, for 'a period no:' to exceed. · thirty (30) calendar ~ays per year. · · B. An employee with less than one year of service shall receive one-twelfth (1/12) of the amoun~ of CJ. ty salary that would have been received for the like period of tJ_rae covered by military leave, for each month of completed City service. . · C.. Except for holidays occurri.ng dur£ng the leave period, · employees on military leave are not subject to loss of any employee rights such as accrual of vacation an¢l sick leave credit, seniority, and other privileges. . · · . 2. Jur~. : Duty . ' · A. All employees below.' the Department Hea~l ].evel wJ. ll be . expected to serve on jury duty when summoned. · · · B. Request for exemption will be requested for Department · Hea¢l or above, or.in the case of an employee whose absence would cause extreme ):ardship to the City as may be determJ, ne¢]. by the City Administrator. C. An employee on jury ~uty will receive full City salary. All checks made to the emp].6yee .from the County or court, except for raileage and sub-Jistence reimbursen~ents will be endorsee], over to the City. Subieci" '__cOu N. CIL POLICY --- SPECIAL LE~-~VES OF ABSENCE Policy No' 20--4 · AND IiOL]]DAYS (Cont'd..) · Reso!ui'ion No' 968 Page' 2 of 2 3. }loliday Leave A. Saturdays and Sundays, the fol].owin9 days, and ali.. other days as may be declared by the President, Governor, or the City Council as a pub]_J.c fast, thanksgiving, or holiday are hereby established as holidays for regular shift CJ. ty employees- : · January 1 February 22 May 30 July 4 ls% },'[[on. in Sept. November 11 . 4th Thurs. i'n Nov. The day following, the 4th Thurs. in Nov. Afternoon .of Dec. 24 December 25 ' Afternoon of Dec. 31 New Year' s Day Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day · Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Eve afternoon Christmas Day New Year's Eve afternoon B. When a holiday occurs on a Sunday, the .following Monday will be observed.. When a holiday occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be ob'served. C. Equivalent holiday credit procedure for Police and Fire personnel is contained in the Personnel Resolution. 4. Bereaveraen% Leave · Up to five (5) days bereavement leave wi].l' be granted against sick leave credits for an employee absent duo to serious illness or death of father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, or child. Bereavement leave requested by an employee for persons other.than stated above may be approved by 'the City Council, when recemmended by the City Admin.i. strai::or. 5. Other Leaves of Absence A. Any leave .of absence, including vacation and sick leave, for any Department Head for any period of time, and for other emp].oyees in excess of' three (3) days duration, must be approved by the City Ac]ministrator. Department }leads · will approve employee leaves of three (3) days or ].ess. B. Leaves.'. of absence for the City Administrator of three (3) days or less will be approved by the Mayor; over three (3) days requires approval by the City CouncJ. 1. . C. All ].eaves of absence in excess df thir'hy (30) clays must be approved by the CJ. ty Council. ..................... --- .......... --- ........... . ....... -CiTY OF 'i'USTiN, CALIFORi',IIA-" · ...................................................... ' COUNCIL POLICY ..... ~ .... Subie~':.- .................................................. : ' Policy No' 2 O- 8 ~ II EXTENDED TRAVEL ' - ............. ...... ~ :II'" ...... ; .................. .- ................... :- ............... '--"- .. ' Resolution No' 968 Dale' 11/4/68 Page' 1 of 2 .o .1. To establish the policies, regular, ions, and procedures relative to travel by Councilmen, Corn. missioners, and all City personnel on extended official City business. . 2. On~ly extended travel, generally beyond a 100 mile radius '. o:[t City. Hall, falls within the scope., of this .regulation. ' POLICY 1. Requests for extended travel ~hall. in all' cases be limited [ . tO City busine, ss, or conferences and meetings from which ............................ the City will derive a specific ben,fit tl~roug]? the attendance of a representative. Membership in' an organization is. not of itself a basis for travel authorization. 2. Travel withi'n ~he scope of this policy, whenever possible, -- should be a budgeted item. : · . . . ~ 3. If a conference can be adequat.ely covered by one representative ................................ of. the City, arran.dance shall normally be limited, to one _ ' representative. · · · 4. Reimbursed travel outside of Arizona, California, and Nevada shall generallY not be permitted for personnel below the Department Head level. Department Heads should not exceed' · '" One such.trip per fiscal .year. . 5..--Travel in excess of 200 miles one way shall gener'ally be limited to Department Heads or higher, Assistant Department Heads, or positions of a technical or professional nature. . 6. Use of air, train, automobile, or bus shall normally be ' .............................. selected on .the basis of the least total cost to the City ................ ~ftef all expense items are considered, including travel time salary cos ts. '~i.' .... .7.. If use of private auto is approved, reimbursement shall be limited to the fare for the most appropriate mode of public transportation, but' in no case shall such rein~33ursement · · ....... .e.x...c?.2_e.ct...th~.,~..i3_aage~.allowance for the use of a private car. : 8. A.u~horized travel time shall be based on that required by . ,. . .. the. most appropriate ~.n. ode of public transportation. Should j an employee desire travel time in excess of the above, such ii ti~e shall be considered and accounted for as vacation ].cave, if e'ligible, or leave without pay. , ......... -?::.:--..-=..::-z-:'..~::.:..--..:~;.:.:.::_-.':-:':-.:. .... '::::---.~-: .... :..---:-::'":--.-CITY O,~ TUST{.N, CAt. I' O~L~'.!!,q'':-'::'''':':''=:'':'''''::'--''='-'-''' ...... '--'"-":--' ..... '-'-'-' .......... "'"-::'::' .... Sul ioct: · COUNCIL POLICY ' EXTENDED TRAVEL (Cont' d' ) Policy No~0--8 Resolution No. 968 Dole'. '11/4/68 Page' 2 of 2 PROCEDUP~E 1.. All requests for budgeted extended travel will be submitted in writing to the City ACuninistrator for processing, review and approval for personnel under the City Administrator,. preferably one month in advance of the travel date. Emergency or previously unanticipated, unbudgeted trips . will be submitted as soon as the purpose and date of the " trip is known. 2. Where it appears %hat travel to be taken throughout the year would exceed the amount of funds so budgeted, or when a trip is requested that would not be consistent with this policy, then such requests must be submitted first by the City Administrator for City Council approval " 3' After a trip is approved, it is the responsibility of each employee to make necessary travel arr'angements within the scope of this policy, and the City Administrator will periodically su.b]~]it to the City Council a list of trips taken by employees. 4. A request for a travel advance, if desired, and not to exceed the estimat6d cost of the trip, should be made to th= City Administrator. ' ~ 5. Upon completion of the trip, a Travel Expense Report (Form 9H976) will be submitted .to the City Administrator for proce.ssing of reim. burs. ement. Reimbursement requested over the amount budgeted requires sufficient additional justification on Form 9H976 or by letter. ~" · 6. A report will be' prepared and submitted to .the City Council within thirty (30) days of completion' of each trip made · within the scope of this policy. EXCEPTIONS 1. Exceptions to this policy may be recommended by the City Administrator, with approval b'y the City Council. · · 2. Travel for extradition, emergency law enforcement matter's, or other matters of an emergency nature, which are not _c_0nsistent with this poi. icy, may be approved by the-'C--i-ty : AdmJ. nistr'~'tor if time does not permit prior Council approval The City ' ' ' · Ac.,mznist'rator will reporL such trips, upon com- pletion, to the City' Cou]]ci].. · · . · : ' ....... ':' ................ ':'=:=-.':.'"."--.=---= Ct'I"Y O,'-: TUSTiN, CAL, IFO/[NIA=--.-=:==..:- ...... :.-.== .... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS OITY OF TUSCAN ) RU~}t C. P~E, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of %he City of. Tus%in, Ca].ifor~]ia, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City. Council of the City of ~.stin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. ~~ ___ was duly and regularly in- troduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ~h ....... day of ~Q~~_~.er _, 1968, by the following vote' . ' AYES' NOES' ABSENT. COUNCILMEN :.C_O_CO_~_M.~_K_,_~ L IN GELH OFE R ~_MILLE R_,.. I~R_S TE RS · C0~%! CILI.HiX~ :N_Q_N~ NONE COUNCILM'EN: o o City O~erk~ity o~-'2~~in, California