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CC RES 955
· 4 5 .10 .~8 ATTEST. RESOLUTION NO. 955 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFIORNIA, AUTHORIZING SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY The City. Council of. th'e C~.ty of. Tus'b[n, Californi. a, does. hereby · . resolve as follows' '. · · 1. The C~.t¥ CouncS.]. finds and de%ermines, that the real property described in Exhibit "A" of Agreement attached hereto is propert, y surplus.- . %o any and' ali. prese, nt and prospective needs of the Cz%y of TustLn, . preyS, tied that the certain Agreement., art',ached hereto and marked 'E×hibi% "Z" is executed, .and that. the .conditions set forth 5.n it are Performed. · 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are author,.zed %o execute the aforesaid Agree~,nent, and to execute and del,.vet all documents to carry out '[,he terms thereof. PASSED A'~.D.-: A'DOPTEg. at a re~,u~o~.ar meeting of the City Council. of the City.of RMs~i'n, CalS. forn{a, held this 5th day of August, 1968. , .19 I! ' 21 2~ 23' 24 25 26 2? 28 .29 32 ,. MAYOR · · STATE Os' r, at ~.vr~,,:iA) · ' ' " COU'~..iTY OF ORA~t.iGE )SS .. ' c~'r~: oF ~.us3.'~,~ ) .... .. RUTH C POE, Ci. ty Clerk a,~ ex-.o~.Lc~o Clerk of the C~ty Cou.nc~l of the C~ty of Tust~n~ Ca].~fornLa, does h-,-'eby cer~.f7 that ¢-' ,.,h ~:o' r ~ ~' c~embers of the C~ty Counc~.l. of the C~ty of TustLn ~.s f~.ve; thaL the above and fore.- goin~,.o Resolutton ,..~a~~ du].~ and regu].ar].~ [ntro6u. ced, read, p;ss~d.. ~ and adopted at a _~.ar meeting of the Cit~ Counci~ bela by the fo!].owing vote' ' · , .. · ~ IT .... f , AYES cOU~'TCZ t..,?,g~.! CO.,O . ~ :.,:'~,'~ 2'.0.. . ~ .r r~, ~ ABSE['.[T' CO~?CIL?~n.'~ · zr · CJ.ty. C].e',.%'.~.__O~.vy of ,'Tu , a ! / f 10 11 14 i5 t6 17 18 19 · . gO gl g4 g5 g6 g8 g9 60 : 19o8, by ~ld between the ~"~ ~ '~i *'~' · . herez.naf~.el: cai lea "City" and ~Avpv G ]kOz,,~ ~.~,:, n, hsre~,.~¢:?,'~r 'ca1 !ed "Hen" ' ' R E C I T A I, S : A Hen o .... sires to acquire certain real proper'ty in the . described in Ext..ib~ C attached hereto, ¢,~hich y o f Tu.,~ t :i n, .. ..: . owned in fee si'apie by the City, and which is contiguous to that public street ' the ~" in Ci,.~y oz Tustin known aa McFadden Ave'" ~.~ which property ~s somet~r~,'.-~s hereina= ' ...... ~ ..... zter rezerred to as the , "H"F . The City i~ wtll~ '. · ,..:.adrien Avenue parcel'~ ' :rog t6 sell such propert , to t.io~~, as su:cplus property o'f the City of ~:'-'-~.,u,~gzn', upon. the tez-~'~s, ..... and conditlona, and for the. consJderat':on ....... seg foz~th in this a.s~,:,a-~."."~ r,~;ent:~ includ.~ ..... ng a~on~..~, o others, the grant to -the CJ ..... ry of a r';ght · of way fo~: street and highway purposes in that certain real · " ~, ' i'ustin contiguous to pro~,erty in the City of : knov~n as Tus~in Village Way, wh~ ~ '~+~d in ~.c,.~. property is desc~ . :~xnzu~ t: C' aCtacb.~d l~-e~eto, .. . .. am. v:m~.cb. ~ s so,~._tlraes rein~i:te referred Co as t:lio "Tustin Vill'a:~a Way parcel'" B. Tr,e ,*.~-Podden~.,....;.,~ Avenue parcel-ia presently used by ,the City $o!..~ly for the purpo,;e e,. p~'ov×di~.,~ l~'~uex:al su~vort and slop.~ . ' ., x,,~,~er run off for saict 1.{cFadda:,:t Aveuue, and t::i any pub!'ic e,.,seraent for street purpo~cs , '. ,~t-- r, Of, t~r= O Tus t-I tl ~ As de,..e:::a:iinad by t:he Ci~y E..ioi.neer Czcy ,. _ ac:~.eqi:ate "' ' -~,, ' draiu~, a be. p .... .... . - ].at.o'. aI su~,:port an~ ge c n ,_.o~Idcd by f" ' .,.1~ ins and Ievel f;:~g tb..e slop~-, o~ the · and t he '~','"'-, ,", :1 d .., ... ' ..,. '. :cli ,..,.,.~ ..... e.:i ..!we. nu-parcel 't: tl be ~.,,,.-..~.i'i~cce~,sar'y for s~., pui:por;es. · If such c. lCe',.::nat~, ;tetllod ~a used to prov'i,.';e adeqy, at~, .~:ti;~ort al'rI , / d'r3 ' l'o-. ,-' .'- ,,,., ,::, ...... fo'c ,~,r.,-, .".., .., :.c.t .a'"",,..F a dd ¢. n ,,.,,t- r,..,l.,,.t,.::,,-..-, .~..fr on't ,,-~...."-,id' pa.t-dc,. 1 ..... ~ it 'will b~ · o 10 11 14 16 17' 18 19 gO g4 g6 g6 -g7 g8 g9 ~0 upon the ~'erms herein contained will constitute a benefit to tim ~ , City by the disposal of surplus property for a valuable co ,o n,~ider~ ation, amd such disposition and sale of said parcel is within the · power and authorit~.y of t, he City. · ¢.. The value of the McFadden Avenue parcel has been · appraised at: its fair ~mrke~ value by .an independent, qualified real estate appraiser, at the expense of Hon, said value found by' hhu to. be 55 cents per square foot for the portion of said property no~ encu.mb~red with an easement for access, and nothin$ for the portion thereof encuabered by said easemen~ for access, · being $755.00 for the 1,372.26 square feet: of said unancoJ~bored poreion. Th~ valu~ of the Tustin Village Way parcel has been . appraised at: ilzs fair. market value by said real estate appraiser ar. $t.10 per ~:quare £oot:~ be±rig $330.00 £or eh~ 300 square £eet' ~hereof ~' · · . ~,id~ values do not control the c0n~;tderat~.on to be given by Hon for the sale of the McFadden Avenue parcel by the Git. y, but are. :set fortl~ herein only for infor~7~tion of the parties, and Hon has~~=eoo~ d to. pay a greater ....... consideration tb,~n the dizz-F~ . . erence b" ~:ween, . said_ sums,, in addition ~o conveying.the., w'~,~,t:ln.. ~,. , Village Way parcel to th~ City, filling Cho ~iopa area and con- stru. c~ing curb, .gutter and si'~' ' aex,;alk on the street frontage of the .__.~.,~ ~.d~.~:,~lk on the Tuat:~n Villa~ Way I.{cYadd. en Aw.,,',,,~ parcel ~ and s~ ~ ,,~, ' parcel all as here:Ln,~fter sec forth. ,- , D. The City is a munic, ipal corporation and a general law city o,.g~.nized and '' . - ~ '" ex×st~ng under and by virtue of the laws of the e' ~ Califor , ......... o~ate o_ nia and the sale o~ the ~'!cFad4~n Avenu~ parcel accordance with the terms of this asreement was authorized by Resolution. ~.]o. 955 ~.__ of the City Council of .tl~e C'"'z~..y 0f Tus tzn' , at a t?~etJ, nS... thereof he].o. 'on Am.~uo~ 5 ~ 1968 finding i said p.~r. cel to be surplus prop,.~2rt:y of the City ~pon its sale in k~n tho t~-~rms hereo,~, and by whi¢:n :,.ts ,..r~ _~ , /, Clark were au..tttori;::,~d to exc;cuae thi~; agra.a~.,z.~nt on b~Imlf of the City; said~Resolutton f$ now in full force' and effect° ,,..~,~.:,r . "~',~ parties her'e~o agree terms and :condi~.ions herein contained, . as follows: , · Section 1. The City agrees to sell and lion agrees to · 6 pt.~.rchase that: certain real proper~:y in the City .of Tustin, County 7 of 0range~ Sca. ge of California, dsscribed in. ,..~,~.~P,,'-~'~h:i.t .... "A" and E.',~nibit 'B', each at~a.ched hereto and by this reference depicted in. incorporated herein, known a~ the McFadden Avenue parcel, free 10 from all encumbrances except tho,se v~l%ich m?~y appear of record or .. id 11 be apparent upon an ~nspection of sa proper~y. !, lB Section 2o . As and for conoidAwa~ion~..... ~'or ~ai.d ~-ole,_ 1~ Hon ~oree$ to 14 a. Convey' to the City a rxgat of way for s~.reet: and ' tn,,. City 15 hio.',-r.-.,~av.=~__ . ~ purposes in tb,',~,.~ cei~t~,.,.in rea~.., property in -'~ . ~ ~ S~a. Ce of Califorax~ d. epiceed in ~ · County of Oz,,nae, , . 17 I,]xl~:L'bit "B" aud described in Lxhxb:~.t: C , attached he:ceeo and by : 18 thq s re:ce ,.~,,.e :t'~,' free from all · -'-,,?'~'.' .... ,~.,orporated herein, , '- ~ tno,...,u wa, ich "~ . . , , e,,cep~ '~'~ ,' m~:~y appear of record or be apparon~: upon an ~ ~ . , Z0 inspection' of said prc)pe'r~y; ' gl b. On or before on~ year =~ lose f escr ~ ~l:0~ ~he C 0 provided in Secg:ton 3 n~reof, . ~ g4 Z5 g6 and level the slope area of ~he 1,icFadden AYenue pa','cel and a s',,c"~icien~ pori:ion, of the · .,ajotning property ~o the. north to provide good -~,4 ' ,.~..,,~ suzficient lat-'.~v~I~....~ support and drainage of s-v'f~ce~..~....._~ water run o:.~. ton said parc~.,i.. . to ~'.*,-"'add,?.n,,,~.,: ,.~en~...e, zn accordance_ with C:~.ty sp,;ci:ficat~. ,. . .. ~,,~' .g7 and a grad:i, ng plan to be approved by the Ci~.y E,ngi?,~eer~ o g9 ~0 such ~" b+.~e!d nd'to prov~c;e the City approval not to b-~ u.~'~-'nson:.,.uly ~,;iC a · tna goo4 , ~.~"" -~ and c,u:~:z~c~ent' su-,~,~y bor{d to insure ithe za:l.~*'' p.~i:zorn:an ~ce oz~ s~e.'zd wo~:'~"~,, and ~o i'?.~tintain., sa'ir~_ p~.krcel 3.n a tonal.-., ~2 t.t'tr, n su:,?f~c4.-.,n[: for dra4-;:;~c~ and f~upport .fr. oi2 th..--..- close of said , /. es,"',-'ow to comr)!,:...~t'!or.~, of ,~.ald work; 10 11 lg 14 16 17 18 19 gO gl g4 g9 ~0 c On or before one year f.~fom thc close o~ escrow as provided in Section 3 hereof, to construc~ curb, Sutter~ and e:l. gh~ foot wtds s;~ewalk adjacent to and on t,~=: northerly boundary of l~[cFadden Avenue for ths length of the t.[~a, adden Avenue parcel~.' and to con~t;.%~c~ a frye'' foot wide sidewa_~'~'- adjacen~ to ~he . existing curb of ~hose portions of the Tus~in Village E~ay parcel over which gccess rights are acquired by Hen from the Division of Highways, Sta~e of California~ to ~he City's specifications, and to provide the City with a good and sufficien,~, surety bond to insure the faithful perfer~.nca of said work; d. Pay to the C~:ty the sum of Six Hqndred l'~inaty- .o · t Five and 17/1.00 Dollars ($695,17) upon the close of escrow as . provided in Section 3 heraof~ ~ Section 3, Within 15 days f:.rom th~'~ execution of this' o Agre'~,'~''~~.~=n~, both par~es~ shaJl, open an escrow a~ Security Tit l,.~. .... In~,u~-ance Company, 825 1,~or~h Br0adway, Sant:a Aha, Oalifornia~ and both. par~ies shall s~ ~,~. the e,~,~ which'' shall ..o~. crow insurrections ~ provide: a: Tbag said escrow shall be conditional upon and close currently'with ~he succesg;ful closing of tha~. certain escrow in which 'Hen is involved for t~.~.e' purchase of property. contiguous to th~_ l;i~Fadden Avenue p=rc=~ '~1~ and havlng Secur.~ty' ' Ti~ze Insurance 'Com. any's Eg:,crow ,~,.., .... ~er 553~7-C, b, That Hen shall deposit in escrow a Grant Deed for a r.~.ga~ of way for ~:~tre~t and ~ ~,,.~.~oses in the Tustin .. Village !~ay parcel, to '~C~'~y of Tustin, a nmniciI)al corporation" . . ' . .. as v'e,~ae, and shall also deposit: the ~uxa of $o95,1.7 for pa~,,.~nt to the City upon close of escrow, ~ c. ~.~;at th.e City snell dei.)oz~it in e,~c:cow a Grant / ..*~,~.- ' r.,~.., ... parcel} ~-n favor of "Barry ~. }.,Ion, Deed to the 1.~.,,~,~,.dc~en Ax~,na-,~ ' .... , as v=s~ee, wn:,'..ch the Cit. y shall be ob].isa[;ed to d,~'pos i t: only -., . . bonds provided' for in Sections 2b and 2c t.tereof. ~ ing, · i d xhat Hon sh~-~ll pay all costs oz escrow and recordo~ and any ocher expenses in connection x~?ith tliis sale. o, That recOrdation of tho deeds ~raa~ferring tit;lc' 5 shall constitute the close of escrow. Section 4. ~hzs agreement: is conditional upon the succe~' 10 11 ? ful closing of that certain escrow for Purchase by Hon of propsrty 8 contiguous, to the McFadden Avenue parceI, ¥~hich is Escro~ No. 55327 C of tt~e S~..,cur';[:y Title In~urance Company. In the even~' said condition does 'not occur within one year from the date of '"~';n /.'~gre. ement~ titan th'is A. greem~nt shall termin, a~e execution of ~.~.~,., . , .- ....... and become void and the-pargies narc,~o z~ead fro,~ all ~b~.~.~.~1:~.' ~';y. 15 14 15 17 18 19 ~0 gl hereunder, and any docum.~nt,.;, or ~.~oney ' ' . ~' o, eposited in escrow she, Il be returned to the party who may have deposited such, iCems, , Section 5. ~'" ~nxs A'greeman~x and each .and every parc and "- '¢it of and be binding upon provision hereof shall inur to ~he heirs~ succas=,~ors~ 'and ass_4gns.~ of the parties hereto. Section 6. Each of ~:n~ part×es hereto sh..a~l cooperate · ~ ' .' . C~:..S,qg:cy or conv'e!.%%ent ~o ful.~.y wi' .,~ tha oft'tar zn any m~nn.~r ne .~ ' accomp].is~,, the tezmm ox this agreem~n~. the parties h.f~reto have caused t'b, is agreement ~o be exect.~ted as of th~: day and year first; above w~'it:ten. . MCFADDEN AVENUI£ PARCEL That ~ortion of Lot L of the Staffo~.~,d and Tustin Tract, in the City · of Tust~n, County of Orange. State of Cali'?or~-~ia, as shown on a. Ma~ recorded in book 2, pages 6].5 and 619 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles, County, described as follo::~s' · : Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Bas6 605.90 feet of said Lot .L and running thence North 0© 41' 01" East 35.43 feet to the Northwes~: corner of the land described in Parcel 1 in the deed to the St'ate of California, recorded January~31, ~.962 in book 5993& page 598' Official Records of said Orange County; t~ence South ~.'~7 [0' 27" East along the Northerly llne of said Parcel t, 26.84. feet; thence North 84° 57' 50" East"il.50 feet to the true point of beginning of the boundary of the land described herein; thence continuing North 84° 57' 50'.' East along the Northerly line of said Parcel ! and along the Northerly line of the land described in the deed to the State of California recorded October 30, 1961 in book 5895, page 917 of Official Records, 169.50 feet to the West line of the East ~05.90 feet of said Lot L; thence South 0° 41' 01" West along said West line, 18.~2 feet to an intersec.tion with a line parallel with and d.istant 20.00 feet North of the cent~rline~ of Mc~adden.~. Avenue; thence North"89~ ~'~0' 20". West al. cng said parallel ii,ne a distance 'of 168.54 feet to the West line of Parcel 10 as shown on · ~· ~-~ ~;8 ordeal A a Map recorded in State Highway Map Book 2, , 30, 1965 Records of said Orange Country; thence North 0~ 19' 40~' ~ast 2.~8 feet to the true point of beginning. , , · . . 0 Exhibit "A" .. McFadden Avent,~e Parcel · / I i · ! 0 ~e West one (1) foot of the South 429.00 feet of the East 605°90 feet of Lot L of the Stafford and Tustin Tract in the City of Tustin County of Orange State of California, as shox,m on a map recorded in book 2, page.618 of Misce].laneous Records of Los Angeles. County California o · EXCEPTING T}~RF.,FROM those portions conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded January 31, 1962 in book 5993, page 598 of Official Records of said Orange County. Exhibit "C" Tustin Vi~t. lage Way Parcel