HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 914RESOLUTION NO. 914 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 70-5, RELATIVE TO ADOPTION OF AN ACCIDENT AND SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE · The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows~ , That Council Policy No. 70-5, adopting an Accident and Safety Review' Committee, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit A ,and incorporated herein by this reference, is .hereby approved .and adopted .and incorporated in the Council .Policy Manual, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ' City 'Council, held on the 20th day of November, 1967 :. ATTEST: .. :.... ...... ' ................... ..COUNCIL. POLICY ............................. , ., co z r,r s No .4 . Page' ! ,of 2 PURPOSE ... To establish a' staff committee to review, and make · recommendations on all employee traffic and industrial. acc:'.'"~.ents, related safety hazards, 'and to establish and im~lemen.t workable, safety' programs. POLICY :, 1. The City of Tustin. recognizes its obligation to '!.~' provide the Safest possible .working conditions for .i!il,.. its employees and, in the event of an accident, to .. provide prompt first aid and medical care to minimize .... personal injuries. This requires a safety program "... whereby' employees will be provided proper 'safety ... equipment and job instruction, .and their work practices : ~.'... wt.ll be frequently reviewed .and supervised. " .... 2 it: is therefore the policy of the City to promote .. , .i'~'.'I · · ' · ';i'i! ..' on:-the-job safety, to establish safety standards, to , .'~ '~:',,.. ~. eliminate avoidable, accident, s, to create a "safety i}!!'ii~ii,,~ ;".' conscious" working environment, to minimize pe.rsonal ~ll~i,,,,l i;i.i}.,injury,, and to reduce the cost., to the .City in lost time · :,,:~.~ ~,,~..,:: '.' and in damage to City equipment ' ','.::-'.:,'.'.':i, [i~i '"' '~o There is hereby established .an'Accident and Safety'Review ~,~:i~l~:,`~'~',.~ .:i .... Committee, The Committee wiill make rec°mmend-ations-o'~ ....... ::il:'~'"" ~ "~:':" ~0b-safe-ty training, establish minimum job safety re .... .... quirements, recommend the purchase of necessary oquip- · 'i~,.. ,. ment to further the goals of Safety, and will investigate · and report' on all accidents. · . " ;[~ ! . ., .. !-,: ... 4. AlthoUgh safety is "everYone's business" and each employee · , ,~:,i~!,..~ "" .. is expected to follow safe Practices, to obey safety ~.:'.:.~' ' rules, and to help generally in. the safet'y programs, the ~'.:i.' Accident and Safety Review Committee is charged with: the. i:..', resgonsibility for ~mplement£ng and aggressively pursuing. ii'i ..... imProve~ safety 'activities in each City department. "' PROCEDURE .. ,.., i. The Committee will 'be composed, of the following positions: Director of .Public Works. Fire Chief ": Police Chief · / CITY OF TUSTiN, CALIFORNIA =-':::-::~:::~ - ....... · ' ..~.. ......... -...~....:-..... " COUNCIL POLICY . ..' ................... - ................ Subjecf' Policy No' Date' ACCIDENT AND SAFETY REVIEW ' 70-5 11/20/67 ... COMMITTEE (Cont'., d. )" ? Re~olufion No' 914 P¢~ge' 2 .of 2 . 2. The Committee· will appoint a chairman from its members and will appoi'n.t a.;.secretary to the Committee from any of the clerical class of positions in~ the City. 3. The Finance Analyst' will attend all meetings of the Committee, represent the' Ci_y Administrator in such meetings., and provide staff assistance to the Committee as may be required. 4. The Committee 'will establish its own rules of procedure, create appropriate forms and records, and meet at: call of the Chairman, City Administrator, or by majority, of the member s. .' 5. The Committee will report to, and' submit findings and recommendations to the City Administrator. 6. The Committee will .... investigate and report on all personal injury, vehicle:, and City equipment accidents or damage. The report must include a statement" as to the responsible for the a:ccident, if the accident was pre- ventable or not,Preventable, and the desired disciplinary action to be taken against a City employee or employees. Recommended disciplinary action may be in the form of reprimand, time off .without pay, financial reimbursement to the City, or some other appropriate measure. 7. The Committee will recommend safety Programs and procedures for the 'various departments, will work 'closely with the National, State, and Orange County Safety 'Councils, will promote job safety training and employee '"safety sessions" . ~ recommend, the purchase of ~.items of equipment to enhance safety, inspect 'City activities to insure safety is being promoted, and act as advisor to the City Administrator on all mar'hers related to sa.fe,y and accident prevention. .. 8. From time to time~, the City~Administrator may assign other similar functions to the Committee for their study and recommendations., in order t~ provide for the ~eneral safety of' each employee and which, in turn, will"reduce %he . financial burden on the citizens of Tustin. / · .--CITY OF TUSTIN,. CALIFORNIA ...... · "i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY' OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTI N ) RUTH C. POE, City Council of the City of that the whole number , the City of Tustin is olut ion was adopted at a 20th ..... day SS Clerk and .ex-¢.fficio Clerk of the City Tustin, California, does hereby certify of the members of the City Council of fiv'e; that the above and.foregoing duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and regular meeting of the City Council held on the of _ Novemb_er ._, 19.~7_,, by the following vote: A YES: COUNCILMEN :~ MACK, .K~IN.G.E. LBOFER, _ C0_C9, ~M~[~ LLER~, .RI~fu__~_ ___ NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN :_ NONE .......... _ COU.NCILMEN :' NONE ' ..~__~ ,111 111 · 11 - ~ . _ C£t~ lerk, City o.f'Tusti~, ~ .... California