HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 907RESOLUTION NO. 907 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "NEWPORT AVENUE- MYRTLE AVENUE ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF' TUSTIN AND . GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL' OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN: . 1'. That, pursuant to the provisions of' the Annexation. of Unin- h'abit.ed Territory Act of 1939, proceedings have been initiated by the CounCil of the City of Tustin~ on its own motion, to annex to the City of Tustin all that · uninhabited territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, hereby designated as NEWPORT AVENUE-MYRTLE AVENUE ANNEXATION described' in Exhibit A, ., attached hereto and' incorporated herein°by this reference as though set forth hereat in full. 2. That the City Council hereby finds and determines that all of sald~ territory is uninhabited within the meaning of Government Code Section 35303, on the date of 'the adoption of this Resolution, that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin, and that all of the owners of property iu said territory have consented to, and requested, said annexation. 3. That the City Council of the City of Tustin desires to annex · said uni-.~habited territory to the City of Tustin for the following reasons: · . T~at th~ territory is contiguous to the City 'of Tustin, and its proposed a~nex- ~,~n will contribute to and faCilitate the orderly growth and development. Of bot~ the Ci~ty and the. "territory proposed to be annexed; will' facilitate and cor~tribute to the proper and onderly lay.out, design and construction of streets, . gutters,., sidewalks, sanitary and storm wa{er sewers and drainage facilities, both withiu the City and withih the territory proposed to be ahuexed; and will provide , and facilitate proPer over-all planning and zoning of lands, and subdiv, isiou of lands in said City and said uninhabited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of said City and Said uninhabited ter~it°ry. · 4. That the Local Agency Formation Commission did, in session · duly assembled, on Oe'~ober 11, 1967, approve said proposed annexation. 5. That November 20, 1967, at the hour of 7:~0 P.M., in. the Council Chambers, 275 South ~C'~ Street (comer'of Third St.), City of Tus~in, County of Orang~, State of California, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real"pro~..erty· within the uninhabited territory above described and'proposed to be annexed to the City of Tustin, and having objections to the proposed annexation, may appear before the Council of the City ~ Tustin, and show cause why Such Uninhabited territory should 'not be so annexed 'to said City of Tustin; such protests must be in writing, and may be , f. iled at any time prior to.the final adjournment' of~ the hearing on protests, ~r~d shall state the name or names of the owners of the .Oroperty affected, and ~he street address or other description of~ the property sufficient to identi£y · ~.t~ on the last equalized assessment roll. 6. The City Clerk of the City of Tustin i.s hereby authorized and di~_rected to cause a copy of this.Res01utiou to be published at least once in the ~"~.. ~_ ,,&, ~,.~o~in News, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of Tustin, the City to Which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid 'territory. 7. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause ~,~ritten notice' of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom '~ and within the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the la~';t equalized (~.ounty assessment roll available on the date the above said proCeedings were ~.rlitiated, at the addresses shown on said assessment roll or known to the Clerk, .. ~.~:d to .any person Who has filed his name and address and the designation of the .~.',nd$ in which he has an interest, either legal or equitable with the Clerk. 8. In the event any land w~thin the territory proposed to be '.r'.~.~xcd is owned by the county, the City Clerk is directed to cause a written t'i. ce of such proposed annexation to be ~ailed to the Board of Supervisors of :.. ~'~ ~!: Coun t y. 9. In the event there is~ upon the land p~oposed to be annexed, '~. structural improvement, owned~ being acquired or leased by a county fire ,~,rotection district~ the said Clerk is directed to cause a wri%t~n notice of such ~,r6posed annexation to be mailed %o the governing body o£ such district. 10. The City Clerk is directed to cause written nc. rice ~to be . given to such other persons as may"be legally entitled %h~reto, in th~ manner. required by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City · of Tustin, held on the 6th day of November, 1967 ATTEST' ....... - .... b-E'er CLINK .. MAYOR Exhibit A NEWPORT AVENUE - MYRTLE AVENUE ANNEXATION TO THE. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA . Beginning 'at an angle point in the existing boundary of the CitY of Tustin, California, as established by the "South.Tustin Avenue Annexation" by Ordinance No. 136, passed and adopted July 5, 1960; s'aid angle point being the most' easterly corner of Tract No. 5468, as shown on a map thereof recOrded in Book 2-06, Pages 31 and 32, Miscellaneous'MapS, Records of Orange County, · California, said angle point being on a'.lir~e which is parallel · with and '30 feet northwesterlY' of measured at right, angles to the ". centerline of Newpo'rt Avenue; · thence North 5'0° 56' 24" West along .said City boundary and along the northeasterly line of said Tract No. 5468, a distance' 'of 20 feet.t° an angle point in said City boundary, .as established by 'the "McFadden - Newport Annexation" by Ordinance No. 1..70, passed and adopted March 17, 1962, said ~angle point being the most 'south- erly corner of Tract No- 4441, 'as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 165, Pages 41, 42 and 43, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County, said angle point being on a line which is parallel with and 50 feet northwesterly of.measured at right angles to said centerline of Newport Avenue; thence North'39° 55' 20" East along last said parallel line . and along said City boundary .228 feet, more or less, to its inter section with the northwesterly prolongation of. the northeasterly line of the southwesterly one-half of Lot 49, Block 11 of the I~:vine Subdivision as shown' on a map thereof' recorded in Book i, Page 88, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County; thence South 50° 00' 56" East, departing from said City boundary, along said northwesterly prolongation and said north-. .3asterly.line of the southwesterl~ one-ha.if of Lot 49,' a distance of 710.73 feet, to the easterly corner of the northweste'rly one- half. of said southwesterly .one-half of Lot 49 and to the north- 'i~;°e. sterly line of Tract No. 5028, as shown on a map. thereof recorded in Book 178, Pages 21 and?22, Miscellaneous Maps, -Records of said Orange County; thence South 39° 59' 47" West along said northwesterly line of Tract No. 50'28 a distance of 330.18 feet 'to the southerly corner o" the northeasterly one-half of the northwesterly one-half of the .!i:outhwesterly one-half of said Lot 49; · thence North 50° 01' 01" West along the southwesterly line .:.'" said northeasterly one-half of the northwesterly One-half of 'b.h.e southwesterly one-'half of. Lot 49, a. distance of 690.76 feet to the. southeasterly line of said Tract No. 5468 and to said City boundary, as established by said "South Tustin Avenue Annexation "; .. thence North' 39° 55" '20" East along said City boundary and 'along said southeasterly line of said Tract No. 5468, a distance of 101.27. feet to the point of beginning. . , , SS RUTH' C. POE', City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City" Counoil of the City of Tus'tin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the. members of the 'City Council of the C!';y of Tustln is five; that the above and foregoing ResolutiOn !:,,io. ~7 ...... __ was .duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and.. adop~ce& at a regular meeting.of the City"Council held on the ........... _6th~_ day' of __ _N. ov.~emb6r ................. ., 19 ..... 67'_ -~, by the . f'oilowing vote :' ~ : . · .&YES: COUNCILMEN 1_. __MACK. ,. _COC_O,' _.Mi!.._LLER,_ ............... RING ....... ~: _.: :---: _'_ :I~IOES: .ilB ~ENT' COUNCILMEN: NONE ....................................... :::- , COUNCILMEN: NONE ........... . ..... : .......... _, .............. ___r _ . ,,~.BoTAINED: COUNCILMEN : KLINGE,~LHO,FER ...... . ...... ~i~t~y--C-l~k, City of Tustin, oaliforn~a · · ,