HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 87910 1! 14 16 15 .20 21 80 81 RESOLUTION NO. 879 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA OF INTENTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM The Clty Council of the City of Tustin, does resolve as follows: California, WN ~' [-~E A S, ..... ~ .... ~ ~ t'K~e State' E.,,"o'~ oyees' Retire'~nent Law ,~ermits the partlci'pation of. public agencies in the State Employees' Retirement System, making their employees members of said System, and sets forth t}~.e procedure by which 'partlclpat'~on may be accomplished; and 'WH?~w' '~ S, .~.~. one of the steps reouired In the ~orocedure is the adoption by the Governing Body of the PubiIc ~ency of a resolution giving notice of intention to a~prove a contract for such p'.~.}.rt~c.i, pation between said Governing Body and the Reti'~-'e~:~.~.ent System Board of Administration, which resolution shall contain a summary of 'th~ major nrovisions of the pro'posed ret Irement plan; and WHEF~]AS, sttached is a summ8ry of the major provisions of the proposed plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the CiTY COUNCIL or the CiTY OF :£'USTIN gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention.to approve a contract between said City Council and the oc.'~rd of Adr~'~i. nistr.~.~ition of the State Employees' Retirement Syster:~, prov". '"'~nS for '~oarticipation of said City of Tustin.in said lct!re~:~e~pt ':~""s['~c:~ a copy of said contract and ~{ copy of the s~...~mar, y of t'.""a ~'~,~jor .provisions of the proposed plan being attac'~<.c:.d hereto~ .'arked Exhibits A, B, and C respe,ctlvely, and by t~..!s 'reference ,.~".ade a part hereof~ Pf. 9~32D AND ADOPTED st a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tust!n~ CaliforNia, held on the 15th day of May, 1967 MAYOTM EXHIBIT A .......... ' ....... ' ~,~ C'C.L;'~C;.~ of tl';~o CITY '"'~':' ~""~*~";"~ ..... .~ ~ the Board cz A~-~nistration~ .Sta~ . Law shsll . ~ ~ ~,,,. ~.i, se~:~!laneou~ m~b~'~-~ a~d ~:e. ,p~ for loewi ',~.~'"-~'""-~ ~- ~~er~. ~. ru ..... ~n~ ~'it~r -- !9 ., ~.~,.,.g i~s e,~lo~ ~e,~ as heroin- State Er~ployee. s ~ Ret-ir~:~ent ' .... ' ' ' ec . ~:~ c~c~:~ ~=cb as apply only on ~l- a ~.,.~,~,*~xct'~~~. ,, ~,,~ ~.g~u~ aha ~'e ~uot provided for 'berei~ an~ ~ all ~ , ..,~ .~ ~,. . ~ ~,. ~:. - to ~s,~ ~ h¢~7~aft~:::~ ~.~;,ac~d e~cept such a..~ 'by ez~~ prcvisto~ ~.' apply~,,,~~" O.n. ~h~ ~,eot:~on.-~ ' '~ ~,,f contractin.:~" 3, .~D..~:~o~al:os,,.., ~ o.f -?ublic Agenc~.~. ~ in tL~ ~o~to~In~, cl~sse~ ~hal% ~come :=~bors of said F, eti:r~mr~nt e~,,~**~ eXCerpt ~uch i'a each ~ch c la~s a~ are m~luded . ~, ~'~ . ... b. Local '~' , '~'~e ther ' ~'' Tho fraction of ~-~ co.?:'~,,~n~t~.o~ ~,r~ bo pro~,d~ for each y~r of credited ~r~,~,~.,~ a% n.~r'~al r~t!,rm~nt age ~,~~&. ~.~ ~ ,, . . . shall b~.:, ~6'[) and ~h~lt b~.,~ agp. ii~d ~ 9~vi~d in Section 212~i.1 of J~ ~e I. The fraction of final coaoc~saticn to be provid~d for each year of Cre~ted se~ice as a local safety mem~ber ~h~.l% be d~te~ned in accor~a'ace wi~ Section 2'1~2.~ a~d ~ha!l be - ~'' '~ ,~u,~ceu for mz~.foers covered ur~der Federal Social ,~ec~ity in ~ccord~nce ~ith Section 21~2 ~ cf said Retire~ent ,. com?ensation ' ~ ~ ~ ' spec. z,,~ed for .miscellm'~cous. me~bers in ~'~-~' ~ butco~,~,-"'~"*u ~ec" '~ In ~ccordm'~ce with Section 212~ of said ~'~=ot~reme'at' Law, ~,~, · for local safety ~e~.bers ..~nall be ~J~J of the fraction est~lis~ed i~ accordance ~%*d~ Para~.~raph 5; provided~ howswr,. ~s to both :gsceltan~ous aud loc~1 safety ' ,' rs ~m~.~.o~ that maid fraction shall be rsdu=ed by one-thi~ for ap?lication to the first ~40O.~D per ~ont.h 'of final co~ensatioa of any ...... .... e~.,b~.~'~' ~n.o~e' ~'~'~~ ........ +~ on i~~ covere~ by Federal Social Security for ~1 Federal ~cial ~ec~rzty. ehatl act ha. a~2~ct~d by th~ mo~ification p:ovid~d in 2ara~aph h of o~ ti~c l~,,~t o~ a~y re;ch allow- anco i~:.?occd ~w~d~r Saction 21297~ Oovcr~nt Code, allowaucos for retire- ~nt ~or s~!ce ~ha!I be co~puted according 'to the modified formula set out in ~:~;~ra~raph h of the contract, A!I other )~visio~o. of this contract shall be .m,~, ~o:~ilcab!o ~ ~,e co~:~o;tation, o~' ailo~'m~ces u~a ~tl~~nt for di~ab, itity, Co,.,~.~,,.~n,~ for mi,~c~la,,~.:~u~ ~.ud ~c~.~ ~are~z ?.~m~:~bc:*~ ~'~',a~l bo aubjec% sections provid4'~-C f'or ~ rcdu. ctlo~ in ua'tog, o.f'c -' '~ '"~: rel~.t.o to ~ .... ~ .'~.~,~00.~5 of mo,,t,~ly co.:''~','~,~ .... ~ .first '~"' :~ '-'- ~" . .~,,,~:ma~zon and lOOj~ of such ra~ · ~.~=y to the re'~m~nd~r of %h~ '~'~ '~' '~-' ~''' ~'~e. se :.'~osltions ~ro exolua~d ..from Social Security coverage shall con~~u~ in acc,::,rdauce with g;~ction~ 20801 and 20607,~ of enid i~etlr~ent Law. ,.'..,w,- :.".-..~.~.ov~n,, additio~:a.i provisions of the State L~zw w".~.ch, apply o,.,~ u';,.~on ~.lection' ~'f a contracti~ a~uncy shall app~ ,~,~ ~t~ its o~'~ploy~e~: ~. S.~ction ~'O~h. O1 (d'.'~'''~'-~' '?final c ' ~' '- ,. ~, ec,~.on ....... =~ (provid .for l~ ~ .", ~C ~, ~n~.. on of eo~,~e:'~,~on without 'i.n conpdtstions '~[,.ere comper~tion is a factor), . .. , ,,, mo~~y allowance In iie~ of the 'b~'~i~ ,.~,teP qusl.~.fying for vo!unt~ry service ret!rem~nt). 10 ~,bl~c A~¢,ucy $,;all contribute to said i{~;.tire~;~ent .System as respect to m.i..oce, ll,:,.~.ous ~.e~?.~rs) t}:~ city shall co~tribu'te the f~'~,.,w~,,~<~, o~,~.cs,~,,ac.,,~, of ;ac':~'~t~.~ salaries e~raed aa ~cella'aeo~s ~1) 2.007 'percent · ", " . ;~:...~ June 30, 1~7 on account of %he li~.~bility for prior service- ~ p~'~rcent ca acco~mt of the lisbility Sar curre,,~t service b.::>nefits, ,,..~.th res;~ect to loc'" ~ ::~., ty me;.~be.rs, thc city shall con~rlbute ~e .follo'~.~!n{~: p~rco~'~tages ,:~f ~.o~thly salaries earned as local safety :,~:~e;~b~.,.,~ of said ('I) 3.!13 .pe~.~cent ~til ju~e. 30, 1957 on account of ~e liability for (~) ~."~'~.; percunt on accou;~t of ~he tlsbiiity .~[br current ~ervice b onef i ts. u. ~.?. ,.~.~.sonao~_~ a'mou~,t pe+y annu.~:~ a s i'ix~d by Board to cover the costs ~<{stm~; ~s It ct~ tho {~,:+:ployees of Puo~ic A~'"~oncy not i~iclu~:~nE the c.~sts of s:>ocia'l va'ius, t~ons or the p~:ri, od- _c<~ "=~'" ..... "'+ ....... ti ohs and valuatio~ .r'~qutr~d by !a~ provided that said ,.,..., .... ~.,:~sis. of the. nu:~be~ oi' e~:~ployees or ;'ublic A[:;'~mcy :~ho zu.~'e re.;:)ort,:~d 'as me~:b~rs oa a .pa:~"rol! ~,y tho ~.>~'s'tc~'~ coverin~ o~:e ,,,o,,>,~ of each '.~a~, or wlth respect to the ~"'~ ~.'s% v~.~>- of ~:}ar'b!c!p<'~'= .... ~"~ >c "' ,~.~o,.~ on th~ ~.e tire date of said 9articipation d. A r-:i~as.o'~',.~:~,'~!e a:..,ucunt ::;.s Si'xed by the i~oard, payable ih one ins~llmen% ,,.s"' tho ,',~'<",~"~ ~'~'~' '"-' r': se tO cover costs of ~o~.'>ci~'~ ~ 'v~ilua~io~'~ on o~ ~s oi' the .periodical '"" .... ~ ~:'~" f ~?ublic ~;3e.~:cy, and c ,'~'' , inve~ti~'<at~o~' ' a.~,::' ' ve. luati.on. ., .... eq,~':,,:,~" by law. ,,, ....... · .... ~ " ~'"" ~n~ its e:~ployees ~,~.~_t be ~b- "" .. ~,e,,,~,,,~:~,~. to the State ject 'to ~.~just:~ei'~b t"~y li.oard ca account of ' ~'"~'"'~ .... ;:,.~;:~o~...~,~>s~ [~.~'~t~'~,~'''''~*- La~ and Oi~ accOUnt of ............ ~..~ ~.,e ex::.:erience u,'~i~, the ~'~'"' Form ~' .,e%. ,. · . 1~. Contrib,~tions rsqulr¢~ of Public AEency arid its e~,-,~.~ioy~es s~iall be paid by ~blic Agency to the E~tlre~lent System ~lthin t~ii~y days after the end of the p~.riod ~ ~:~ich said co ~tributio ns refer. If ~o.~e or less than ~ne cor~ct a~ount of coutributions is pmid for any ~. ~r~cd~ proper adjust?~ent shall b~ ~de in co~mecti~u ~th s'~fosequ~nt re~tta~ces~ or adJush.~ents on account of e~ors ia .cou~-ibut.Zo~ r~qulred of m~ employee ~y be :~~ by direct cash p~aen~ b~tween ~Is ez~loy~e 'sad Eoa~. Pay- '~ents by ~h~blic A. geucy ~ iba~ ~ay be r~de in ~e foz~u ~ w~rants, ~~ checks~ ba~: draft~, certifi~d check~ money ordors~ .er cash. our hands this day of CiTY Clerk 2et. Foe ,. ~cc~ offtci~-Is~ who :.::~:,:..z~:. ;~.~, i~ c~~ooi'y for ~.1 .of" "fi~ c~pa~'~lo,~*' ~"~ ~D to' ~i~' ~~~...z~ ¢ ......... ~'""~"~'~' .... ~~ per ~onth ~;d 1/60 of t~t potion of "fi~ c~:en~:~'bio? ~ is ~: exc~as of $4~ for e~ch ~e~ of cz'e~~d se~ce. ~' r~t ir~ent i s '~ · ~ ........ ~' ' ~ · '~'o'z' e~h ye~ of~,-'~' ..... ~_,~--~ ~e ~,,c~¢~ ........ ~~, ...... "","~ ~ctc~i~y u:o_ to. sge 65 but not beyo~. . ,~ ,.,,,~ ~~ c~pe~at~" for e~h thm~t period or ~~ of P~igh~t c'-0mnir, gs, exclu~G overtlm~ com- pensation. reti~nt allo~c~ i~ 1 5~ of "f '~?trml. compensation" for with m m.~ ~-~te~ of o~-~~ of f~ c~pcnsation for ~ve ~ndo~d mt least 10 ~~s ~ ~~ice. ~ ~s~llity s~ ~~r ~ cir~s~ces e~ed t~ s~i~ ~t~nt ~tl~nt for ~r~i~ at ~e ~. ~ d~mth benefit, where dsath occurs before retirement, consists of reilmd of t~ ==~cr's ..mc~atc~ contributions (i~clu~ng interest plus an additi~ b.en~fit equal to six =~nt~'sal=ry where h~ has been .~ z~ber for six ye,~r~ or ~re, For those ~ho h~.ve boe~ ~ m~mber for .l~ss t~hau six years, the additional benefit is or~ 'mon~'s s~lary for eenh y?-~r of msmbership. . ~t..~loyces w?~ haw at ic~t 5 ~...ar~ of z,r~ice ~ ~dm ~ ~t le~t ~ 55 ~ve,~-~.~'~'~ ~th pro~cti~ .~~r tl~ i957 S~wivor F~o~~.~ ~'~ ~' ~~d such ~loyee ~e b~fo~ ~ti~m~nt, l~s s~iv~ ~t~ ~y elect to ~ceive ei~r t~ ~msic ~a~ ben, fit or m ~ont~ ~c~ ~T~ ~ on~-~ t~ ' ~ti~nt ~lo~,~ce th~ e~ployc~ ~ ~igible flor on th~ &~,~ ~ ~ ~m~. T~ m~t~ ~~ Is ~~-~ ~t~ ' '~on t~.~na'tion of ~uplo~=ont~ mu ~f~loy.~a ~y ei~ar l~va ~s cont~bu- ttons ~~ th~ Sycte~ ~d ~ceiv~ up~ at~~i~ ~ti~ont ag.~, ~ ben,~lt ~ h~::; c~cd~ ~ ~ ~' wit~~w ~m contri'~tions (plus ~te~st), ' ~ept' (1) & :~.:~.~er ~tti~ $5~ or less in ~c~~~d con"~ibut~on~ e~.d less t~ ~ y~~ of :~c~-ica s~ ~t P~ve t~ privilege o~ te~vi~ P~s cont~uti~s wi~ t}~ Sy~'~'~c..~ but s2'~ ~~~tic~y ~ve ~s contributions, plus re~d ~.on ~"~,'~'~'~~+"~.~~~~,, of ~,,¢,lo~nt, ~d (2) m ~~er ,,~-~ Is tr~fe~l~ ~ ~~~:~ft ~ith ~mther agency ~ch is covered ~,~r tb~ Sys~ s~ , v~e~ / mint cont:'.Zbu'bed by entire · Al! co::~tribution.:'~rmtes ~re sub~¢ct to revision by t~ Board Administration ~ EXHIBIT C i..~.,:~":~b,:.:,rshi2 ls co.mm~laory' for all ~m~loyees~ other than ~lected officials, who '",~ ~.,'.-'.oloy~d o,~e-balf ti~ or more excopt those e~cluded under the con,act. · , . . ..... t~.m~, after c<>:~o',~t~,':~ry retire,~.,~nt a~::~e is ,,~,. A loc~¢1 ~af~ty :~e~ber may reti~ any ~ -"~ :~:, C', .' ~$ ,.. .......... ~ A ..... umulat~d cont~,'LbutA, o ~ -- ......... c, edited Tho mot;th.!.~ ~ r:con.c.,, '~ '~'''~ ............. ';i;"~d "' yack. rs of ~'' ' s~apv'ic~ a~d ~.fiu~ ec,~:,~?er~,a~tio~'~~. The latter t~r;~. ~t.:eanS t~;e averac, e monthly ~.,. ~... .~ ~ .~ ~,.:.,.la,,. y (excltm'z n,? overtime) "",~"~; ' `~ *' ;, 36 co',~sec~tiv= ,,,,<, d~,, ~h, '-.,,~ ~.','~:.,~e;~ 'puid months. "fiual co~:'oe'~":satloa" for a~ wko en":..~r :mf¢~ty ~e~ice at ag~ 35 or under add con- ' ,.~ :..~ t,,~,.t the ?ortion ,,,,ate'~:'~" ' Syst¢:'~ w~t~'~'Ocnei..ts'~ fro~, :3oc:l~l See:~ity~ the 'law ......... oviaos of the S~ ....'~ · ~ ' tc.~:~ ' wh! ~ ate. s ~ "" ..... ':': .... ~,~.~,e ,~,ys beueflt ch r~. ~,,e first of .....~'"" <~,,:~,.~ ~,:o,~;ly salary will be twc-t~h.~ '-~" ~" ' fu~ ' "'*" ~' . .,r-., of ~;e . ~,i for~ula with ~he. full for~.~ia govern~rk,~ '~' ,,~ the benefit v:',* ch is earu~d ~"' ' ' ' ,.. uy ti~ ~xc~as Of "fiaa~ cot~p~'~sation" over ~'<,a.t~"~a~,~tlcal.kV this i,~ ax~c ~,~y the ......... s~.,.,,, a~ thou~<h th.e salary subject to At': m:'::.!;loyr~e ,~.'--,r ..... <r,? di,.'..a'bl~,~d. ~ t}':c-, ext.ont that ['~ is '~' '"-"~ ~ ... ,, :. ., ,. .;.. ,~ ~ ~':a,. retlr~d for disabili ..... ~'~ "' ,~,,,x,~ty will be either e~,~plo.?:ent co.,..,~c~c,~ (; ,..,...~zlity) or otner;~e (nonin~u~trial dis.ability), arisz~ o"~t ~f ;~is c~':)loyr~e'~ ~r~ ,~i be el.i~:ibt~z .?or a iifa , ~'"' ~. , If hi.~ di.:?ai':.,iilty f,~ s'~e:~"; ti'mt he is ~lso entl. tle:':~: to a di~abi!ity ir;cc,.~r;e from Social S~curity~ the .S'tat~ System b~nefit '"~",~z ~1 be' reduced :%7 th~ ~'~'..~o','"~,,,.. ~, o.f his Social Security o~'z~t., r~:~so~.s not con~ectmd wz~L bi~ e~loymen~ ~h.~ll be eli~iible for dis~oility retirement provided he has at lea~t $50~ of accumulated contributions or at least 10 years ~ se~.ce~ such di~abflity ante .i~ e~! ~ 1.5% of final co;,~pensatlon for each year of se~ice, ~ith a ~usrantes of 1/~ of ~uch final coa'peasation for mo~t muployees ~.~o have render~ at least 10 years of sc~ice. '~e "o~inary" d.is~biLity ~ti~m~nt allowance shall und~ no circumstances e~eed .th~ semite reti~men'~ allowance ~:~.ich ~ould become pay~bl~ at ag~ ~5 if emple~r,~ could be' continued to that e:~a~h Be.fore ~et ~'r~ment..:. ~e,~,.t This bsnefit i~ a ~~'r~d of zhe m~mo~r's acc~m~.l~,tod contrlb~tlons plus six .... "-' .. ~m~n~,.s~ salary ~n'ovided he h~s been a member for six year~ er more. For those ~:~o ~ie b~fore constricting six ye~s me~e~,~,,~ the b,sncflt is one mont~'~'s s~lary for each ye~ of "~'~ ........ ~' re.~.d contributious, me~:o~s~,,p plus ~' ..... o2 The ~al~.ry referred to that esz'nad~.~,,,~~. ~,,~ the year prece~,:~ de~, Prior sunice doe~ count t~wa~ t~.~.is ~'~' f:a. ath ~ ~ .... : '. ;. .......,,,~z, x~ ~,~t,x i~ service-connacted, in the Ju~iDue,,t-' of the ~,:ido:~' ~o, life (or until ~,,~l. ri~:~e) i::s~ad of' the ~ve b~ic ~.ow=.w~r,. if she is 'also eligibi~ for s~ivo~ ,,~,,~"~'~,'~' fro::~ .Social Security because o~ ~e aoabur' ,~,~t:,~ :izst.~'::~ b~.n~flt ~'ill b~ ~duc~d by 'une amount of such ~cia% '~",~r~y zo long ~s ~:.cial Security oe,~its ~re. ~,~,~ble u:'::'tll the ~".. '~"~'~'~ ' ' y~ ~-.~,,,.~,~. child reaches 18 ann after ~e wldo~ reache~ 62) The total, inclu<~!ng ~ocl~i · ,-~,,,-~.~ ~ would be ~0~ of ".f~nal ce~e(~tlon~'~ Z~ de~th ~ caulked b~ ~x~,. ~1 v~olence ~y~ic~l: ..... force~ the tot~! benefit (~'::~clu~i.''~''~ ,,~ ~cial "~o~'ld be increased to th~ followin~:~ perc~nta~e.~ ~f "final. c~ ":..~:,sat~o~ so. n~:.. ac the wi~o~ lives and doe~ nob dow '~ * ~-~h 3 or ~.re ch il<Lven under 't'~idow wi. th 1 child under %,:,.:. ,, ...... :., ~___~.,~_~f~.f~,.,~.~jt,~:,j~:~,~___~ 'Employees ~th 5 or :~ore ye~s of servzce ~r;o ;':ava r~;achad the r~nim'~ age for ~ervic~ retir~x~;a~::nt have iu~her ,"",."'.?,t~', ar{,'*,~;ct, ioa under th~ it~.':, ~'~o.re the ~',. ......... . g.~lV_a,~., ~do~d carl ,'~ .,. ~ .~.;~...~;~ ~.,t re.calve o'~*h''',' asic ~ .... ,~,,.u, the b d.ea~ t, ane~,t or a ~on ln- co~'te eq.~al to one-i':=,, 'the u=io~Ified r~tlr.emcnt .al!o':~ance the e:':..'~oyea_ · was ~li. sibt~ for oa the date of his ~oath,. Tho ~on~fly 'i.:.::c}:u~ las~ until 'ti~'t~ widOi¢~s d~'bh or rg~ma,'~,y~go ~ith a gua.rant~ ~!',a:~ wall pay a~ auch ~ ~nue. r tho D.c.,nth A.£ ::...r ~'.~.~,,,.....,~,~ b,;z, nafit is ,~>[.03, This is in addition to ~,.~y" '~' r~malning ~.~,.'.'<:..':~, ~,ry annuity'" in~t~?:ent.$ ~td ar~ ~n~fit~ payable un, er ~ o:?tio.;;~ chinon at retirement.. .. ~.:'.,-;on t~r~z,~'~'.'t':', ....... on :.~_'v a'~u..:~iov~:'.~c:.,nt~: . ~:,,.u m~?.loyee 'r~:~ay e~_thcr la~v~ his c:;.u ,tributions with the Syste'.':'=~ r.m~ ':-ac~iw~ upon a~ta2ninE retir~i~ent a.?~c~ ~,~e retiro.~:~cnt b~nef~t . v=a'?s' ' ,.,.,.~ ~e~ice s~:all '~'~, .... ,~ 'n~v~ the privilege of lesving his. contributior~ ~-tth the ~ ? ' 1,, ~ refunded * ......... -.~ ......... ' ~ ~ ..... + and (2) a ne-~.~be~ who . wi. th an...'~..h~=n' c~.Zenc:f w~";:ic'h 'is ~ov,:u-ed under tha. syst~'m s'it%~''~ .... %~i.P~. h'.i,~ ~=c:' ~'",*~ '" '~ ~ .... ' ; ~' ' "' '" :=.ac:'; ............ ~,~..,,r c ......... .r~b ~.~ons t.a ~...~he System ~:Luh ar~ deducted from hi:~ ~.'~i;u.:=%~, 'The re. re of co~.~tributton. ]p~~n~.e ..of pay) dupe~s upo~ a ~;~;b~r~s a.~.~...un, of s~rv:Lce ~r.tor ~ the con%r~mt ..... suc,~ cc, t~tri'L:utions~ ,~. ~.;ale ~,:_oye.a~ ~,.t~ no :.,io, se~i.ce, currently d~:'b;'~, '~ ~ ~'~ ..... ~ "~ '~ ~ ~' ~ ~ '~ ~ " ' ' ' " ',"~.~....~ employer also co~,~,.~b~.~a.-~*'~"~ '" '+''' ~ toward the cost of the boneflts. s~r .ce rotlrom',nt bene. itm will, on the ave~a~'e exceed the cost ~,~'. fha m~.ploys~. In addltion~ tlte o.:i~to~r b~z tho entire cofst of prior s~ica b. cn~its~ the im'~ust, ri~'L ~ath and disability benefit~, · ,..~a subject to r.uvi~ion 'by the Board of, Ad~Inistratl.on. All cor'i~ributxon rates a--. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS 'CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; tha~ the above and foregoing Res- olution'was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Counci~ ~ held on the 15th day of ~ ~ay _ __, 196_~_, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ................. " "~ _ ~'~' :' ~- J_ i ,, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ~I NG City Cl'e~, -ci tY ~-of-: ~St-in' ' ~¢alifornia