HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 861 RESOLUTION O. 861 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT RED HILL AVENUE AND BRYAN AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO AD- VERTISE FOR BIDS. 0 0 3.,1.'? WHEREAS, X~ is the intention o~ ~ha City Council o~ the · s~aXX ~raffic si§hals a2 Red ~iiX Avenue and Bryan Avenue~ and ~P~REAS, ~he CX~y Engineer has presen~a~ plans and specifications for ~he in- .. ~aX~a~on o~ ~a~c s~§nals a~ ~ed H~X Avenue and B~yan Avenue, NOW THE~FO~, b~ Xt resolved ~ha~ th~ plans and specifications presented by the Ct~y Engineer be and are hereby approved as ~h~ plans ~nd specifications ~or instaXXa~ion off ~rafffXc signals, a~ Red HXXI Avenue ~nd Bryan Avenue. a~'~"'~:t~e ..as required by la~ for the receipt o~ ~ealed bids or proposals for the ~ol.;~g of =he work specified in ~he a~oresaid plans and specifications, ~hich said ad~tise~n~ shall be substantially tn ~he ~oXlow~ng wor~s and.figures, to ~t= "NOTICE INVXTXN~ S~ALED PROPOSALS" SEALED PROPOSALS ~[11 be received a2 the o££tce off the City Clerk, Tuscin City '~",~- 135 West Third Street, TusCin, Ca~i~ornia~ unCtl Il o'clock A.~. on the ~'" ~'* 9 ' ~~~ day of __~.~.~,~~~ ,~ ~, 19~, a~ which ,~e ,hey will be publicly opened ..~,u :'ead, for pc~:f0ming work-~s follows: In the City of Tus~fn, a~ Red Hill Avenue and Bryan Avenue, =he installation cf ~ra£~ic signals and &ppurtenance~. o Bids are required for the entire work described herein. CITY ENGINEER' S EST]IHAT~ ~tem--Nq, Quant lt¥ Installing Traffic Signal and Highway Lighting System The fore§sing qu~.nCtttes are &pproxtma~e ~nly, being given as a basis for the com- parison of bids, and ~he City of Tuscin does not, expressly or by implication, a~ree' that the actual amount o£ work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right ~o -1- 0 0 31. P~a .ns~ sp~oifi=a~ions, and proposal forms =o be used for b~dding on =his proJec= can .-y T~ ~in California. No bid will be cons ideted unless i'a is made on a blank form furnished by ~he City C'./~k of TusCin, Califo~nia~ a'::d is ~de i~ accordance with Cha provtsion~ of the St~%da~'d Specifications and Spec~at Provisto?~, Each bidde~ m~ ~ ~ce~ed a~d a~So p~aqualtfled a~ r~qufred by law. '~,'* any or afl bi~s. The City of T,us~!n ~&b=¢via~ioz:~ used in ~he~hadule of predetermined wage rates in'conjunction with employer papuencs li~¢d in the right hand column are identified as follows= ph phw phw/p per hour per hour worked per bou= worked or paid Employer payments o~her than those itemized betow, ms defined in section 1773.1 of ~h~ Labor Code~ are to be paid ~m accordance wi~h the te~ of t~ c,llec~ive barcaininj agree~n~ applicable to ~he ~ype or classification of the worth or ~cna':~tc~ ~p~oyed on ~he projec~ Ou~rtime~ Sunda~s, an~ Holidays - no~ less then one and one-half (1-1/2) ci~-~s the b~s~c hovr~y mate pl~ applicable employer pa~n~s. ~e holidays upon ~ch such ~es shall be paid sha~ he all hoXidays i:~ a~eemmn~ applicable ~o ~he par~tcu2ar cr~, classiftca~ion o~ ~e of ~o~~n ~p~oyed am ~he project. ., . Copies of ail collective bargaining a~e~n~s re~a~fng ~o ~he work as se~ forth In ~he aforementioned Labor Code a~e ~ file office of ~ Depa=~men~ of Ind~tial At~en~tou is ~lrect~d ~o Section 7-1o01G of the S~arjdard Specificanions p~- vidi"a,~ for ~he emplo~am~ of apprentices om the Work, ~v~7 such apprentice s~ll be p~id ~he m~andard wage. paid to apprentices ~der ~he regulations of ~he trade a~ ~hich ~ ts employed. Z~fo~ation relaeive ~o ~ploy~m,a of appren~icem shall be obtained from ~5e Diz'ector of ~he D~par~n~ cf Ind~rial R~a~ton~, who is ~ A~imis~a~ive Office= of the Califoznta Apprem~iueship Co~-~i~. Pu~suan~ ~o the provisions of Sec=ion 1770 of th.a Labor Code of ~he S:ate of Califo~nia~ the City Council of the City of T~Cia has a~cer~ain=d ~he ~eue~al pre- vaili~ ~a~e of wages and employe~ payments for health and welfare ~d pensAon a~ s~il~ p~poses in which ~he work is 2o be don= 2o be as foXlows~ -2- Basic Rate Per Hour Employer__ Health & Vacation Welfare ~ension $5,73 Electrician 15¢ phw 17. phw _Carpenters 4,88 Carpenter 15¢ phw 18¢ phw 30¢ phw C~ment. H_as ohs 4.60 Cement Mas on 20¢ phw 25¢ phw 30¢ phw Iron_ ._Wp~ke rs 5.20' Reinforcing Iron Worker 18¢ phw 25%¢ Phw (l) 15¢ phw Laborers 3.91 Asphalt Raker & Ironer 3.80 ';'.. ,' ..,"' '~'.: .: ~., Fine Grader (Highway & Street Paving) 3.70 Flagman 3, 70 . Laborer (General) 3.9~ Operators and Tenders of Pheuma~ic and Electric 15¢ phw 21%0 phw 15¢ phw 21~¢ phw 15¢ phw 21%¢ phw 15¢ phw 21%¢ phw Tools, Vibrating Machines and Similar Mechant=al Tools not Separately Classi-" fied herein 15¢ phw 22¢ phw 220 phw 22¢ phw 22¢ phw 21~¢' phw 22¢ phw OPERATING ENGINEERS 4.38 Engineer, Oiler & Signalman 300 phw/p 15¢ phw/p 150 phw/p '" 4.38 Heavy Duty Repairman% Helper 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p Gr_o p 2 4.62 Concrete Mixer Operator (skip type) 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 4,62 Fireman 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p L5¢. phw/p Gr__oup 3 4.86 Equipment Greaser 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 4.97 Asphalt Plant Fireman 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p '4,9 7 Boxman or Mixer Box Operator (Concrete or Asphalt Plan~) 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15C phw/p OOg O Haal~h & V? .... Q,3~:j. on We.! f. ~r~__ Pension __ _ _ $5.!6 Asphalt Plant Engineer 30¢ phw/p 159 phw/p Concrete or Asphalt Spreading, Mechanical T~ping or Finish- ing Machine Operator 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p Heavy Duty Repairman $~Ov phw/p 15¢ phw/p · Tractor Operator (Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper and Push Tractor) 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15C phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 Concrete Mixer Operator (Paving om Mobile) Crushing Plant Engineer Pio~or Patrol Opera,or (Any type or size) Universal Equipment Operator (Shovel~ Backhoe, Dragline, Darrick, Clamshell, or Crane) TEAMSTERS _, 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 300 phw/p 15C phw/p 30C phw/p 15¢ phw/p 30¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p ~5C phw/p 15C phw/p X5¢ phw/p 4,35 4.38 4.43 .... 4.51 4.73 4.41 4.53 Driver of Dump Truck (Less ~han 4 yards wa~er level) Driver of Dump Truck (4 yards, bu~ less than 8 yards water level) Driver of Dmnp Truck (8 yards, bu~ less than 12 yards water level) Driver of Dump Truck (12 yards, bu~ less than 16 yards water level) Driver of Dump Truck (16 yards, but less., than 25 yards water lavel) Water Tr~ck Driver (Under 2500 gallons) Water Truck Driver (2500 to 4000 gallons) Wa~er Truck Driver (4000 gallons or more) 15¢ phw 30C phw/p 209 phw/p 15¢ phw 309 phw/p 20¢ phw/p 15C phw 30C phw/p 200 phw/p 15¢ phw 30¢ phw/p 20¢ phw/p 15¢ phw 30¢ phw/p 20¢ phw/p ~5¢ phw 30¢ phw/p 20¢ phw/p 159 phw 30¢ phw/p 209 ph~/p 15¢ phw 30¢ phw/p 20C phw/p · (1) Travel time is considered as time worked." By order of the City Counci~ of the City of Tus~in, California. Dab:ed · ~~. _~__6~h .... clafZ., of... January _ _ =, 1~__~~_,~. ~ c~r~ of e;~6~7 0~:1%'~~' 'c~i~'~O~ That the C£ty Council of the City of Tust£n has ascertained and does hereby determine cha~ the general prevaiiing rate of wages~ and employer payments .in ~he locality of the City of Tuscin, California, for each craft or ~~ of w~rkman needed to exee'~u'~e ~Che work herein above specified is as sec forth in the form of notice herein abov~ set forth, and said mo~tce shall contain said schedule of wages to be paid Co the workman ~n said work. P,.~SSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tusttn, California, th~s 16th day of January, 1967. Mayor STATE OF C..~LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of ~he City Council of the City of Tusttn, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City ~unctl of the City 'of Tustin is five; chat the above and foregoing '-,olu~ton was duly and regularly tncrodu~e~_read, passed and adopted a~ a regul~ m~,:ing of the City Council held on the 16t'h day of Ja~.a~y ..... ~ 19~7 , by the following vote: AYES: COUN¢I. LI~N:, _ MAC..K, _KLINOEL~.O_FER.:, _COCO, M,IL..LER NOES' COUNCILMEN' NONE - . ........... , ~ , ! ..~. - ~ - .. _. - ., - - i _ i _ - ...... .~BSENT' COUNCI~N: RING -5-