HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 86010 14 '16 18 RESOLUTION NO. 860 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CALING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 14TH DAY OF MARCH, 1967, PERTAINING TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SEVENTEENTH AND HOLT ANNEXATION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFIORNIA The City Council of the City of Tustin does ordain as follows- , 1) The City Council finds and determines as follows: a) That by Resolution No. 850 the City Council of the City of Tustin declared its intention to call a special election in certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City, Proposed to be annexed to the City, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question of whether or not the said territory should be'annexed to the City. b) A copy of said Resolution was published as required by law. c) At a time not later than the hour set by said Resolution for the hearing of objections to the proposed election, protests were not made by the owners or by public and private owners equal to one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed. d) Ail proceedings have been had in accordance with said Resolution and the Annexation Act of 1913 reference thereto hereby being made for further particulars. 2) A special election is hereby called, to be held on the 14th day of March, 1967, in the territory hereinafter described, proposed to be annexed to the City of Tustin, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question of whether or not said territory shall be · annexed to and incorporated in and made a part of the' City of Tustin, California. 3) Said territory is described as follows !' LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI~ 17TH & HOLT A~h%~XATIO~ TO THE CITY OF TUSTI~ B~r~'~~o-- ~o at an ~le point in the ~xistiz~? boundary of ~e City of ~st~ Ca~o~a~ as established by ~ Reused S~ta Cl~ ~e~tion by ~Io. 286~ passed ~ud adopted J~.~~ 7~ 1965~ said ~le po~t ~so be~ Eoz~L~ast coz~asr of Lot I of Tract 5o. 2708~ as ~o~ on a ~p ~~e~ corded ~ Book 90~ Pag~ 25~ .~sce~eo~ 5~ps; Reacts of ~a~e Co~~ C~ifozu~a~ '.thenc~ dep~t~ from said Ci~ bo~~; S. 89°53~55'' E.. alo~ the l~orth l~ of said Tract No. 2708~ a dist~ce of 40.00 feet~ more or less~ to the ~or~east co,er of said Tract No. 2708. ~so be~ on ~e . s~eyed cent~rlins of'Prospect Avenus$ thence~ S. 5°29~R0'' W. ~o~ said centerl~ of ~ospect Ave~~ a dist~c~ of 1273~77 feet~ more tbs Sout~st corner of ~act ~o. ~005~ as ~o~ on a ~p ~ereof reco~ed - ~ ~ ~.A ~d 4~5 ~scell~eous ~ps, Reacts o~ ~e ~. Book 175~ pao~ ~.2~ ~ .. Co'~u-4~ th~nce~ k~ 8804-8~18'. E. alo~ ~e Sou~ l~e .of said ~aot No.4005~ a dist~.ce of 708~68 fe~t to the Sou~east co,er' of said Tract No. 4005~ also be~ ~e Southwest co,er of Tract No. 4186~ as sho~ on a ~p ~ereo~ recorded ~ Book 152~ Pages 3 t~ou~ 7~ ~clusive, ~scel~eo~ ~ps~ Records of Orarge Co~ty~ Califo~a$ the~e~ cont~u~ N. 88°~18~ E. along the South l~ue of said Tract No. 4186~ a distance of 987.95 feet~ to the SoUtheast corner of said T~ct' No. 4186 ~so be~ ~e No~e~ co,.er of Tract ~o. 3173~ as sho~ on a ~p ~ereof r~co~ed ~ ~ok ~8~ Pages 3~ ar~' 37~ }~scell~eous ~ps~ Reacts of 0r~e Oo~~, C~~o~; thence~ S~3°26~12'' W. alo~ the East l~e of said ~act No. the lVest l~e of tl~t ceftin p~cel of ~~ as conveyed to ~e Co~y F'locd Control District by deed reco~ed ~ Book 4928, P~e 558~ Official Reco~s of Or~e Co~ty~' a dist~ce, of 587.71 feet to ~e beg~-~~ of a c~e concave No~heasterly ~~ a radi~ of 522 fee~; thence~ So~ea~erly alo~ sa~ c~e t~o~ a centr~ 39°07~51~:, ~u ~c dist~ce of 356.51 feet to a t~ent l~e; ~e~e~. , 0 0 3 0 · 2~ S 35o~':~a~ ,- ¢., .... ¢' said +~ ' line ~ -¢ ~o2 ~_~..~ ~.~er~; ~d a!o~ said West line of s~d u~co! of l~*~_d con-¢eycd to the 0r~e Co~~y Flood Control Dis~ict~ a ~_~-~e of 109058 feez~ more or less~ to the s~eyed centerl~e of Sex'ont~en~d~ Strcet~ thenc?:.., ir, 88°48~21': Eo alor~ said centerl~e ~eventeanth Street~ a dis ........ "25 59 feet~ ~ ~.ce ~ ~ more or less~ to its ~ter- $~czzon wi'~ tho s,~eyed centerl~e of i':olt Avenue$ thence~ S. 0°00~20'' along said s~weyed c¢~terl~]e of Holt Ave~e~ a dist~ce of 5~523,12 feet~ . . note or n e~s~ to z'cs ~~rsection v&~ the West~ly prolo ation of ~e South line of Tract ~o. 3779~ as ~o~;~ on a ~p thereof receded ~ ~ok Z~-= ~ Pages 31 . ~a~ 32~ Eiscell~ous ?~ps~ ReceSs of 0r~e Co~~ C~~o~a; . . ~-'~e~c'~-e~ S, 89°5<.:20'~ E. ~ alo~' said ~Tes~ ~ly~ prolo~ation ~ ~o~ said Sou~ ' llne of said Tract Nco 3779 ~.d ~o~ the Easterly .prolo~ation of s~d Sou~ l~e of said Tract ~o. 3779~ a dist~co of 895.31 feetm more or less,.go ~e .. ~?est line of Lot ll of the V~derlip ~d Rov~ Craot~ as ~o~ on amp ~~e~ . recorded ~,2. Book 5~ Page lg0 of!'~'s~eli~eous Records of Zos ~eles. Oo~~ California; thonce~ S. 0015~ E. alo:~ the West l~e of s~d Lot ~m a a~st~ce of >&<..g~~-°ee~ more or less~ to the Sou~west ocher of s~d ll$ thence~ East alo~ the Sou~' l~e of said Lot ll~ a dist~ce of . .feet~ more or lessv to the ~orthwesterly l~e of Lot 331~ Block 13, of ~e ~-b=zv_o_o,~ . shovm on a map thereof receded ~ Book Z~scell~qeous~ps~~'~' Rec~-~~.~ of 0r~e Co~ty~ Cal~or~~ said No~hwest~~ lot line also beL~ ~qe s~weyed centerl~o of ~e~o~ Ave~e~ ~d ~so~ 'oe~g' on ~'~=~ ........ e-'< s*~=~. bo~~ of ~e City of ~st~ as .$stablish~ by the' Re~.~l Cen~er >~exation by Oz~i~ncs ~o. 295~ passed ~ ~opted Dec,bet 1985~ thence~ So 39°45: W, alo~ said City bo~~ a~ alo~ said Nor~west~~ line cf Lot 331~ said Northwesterly line also be~ ~e ~eyed center~e of' Nevqoort Avenue~ a dist~ce of 311.8~ feet, more or less, .to ~e Wester~ oo~~ ~a Lot 331 smd to the Nor~erly co,er of Zot l~ Blo~ ~ of said Su~di~_sion~. thence~ ccntin~ Sou~ 39°45~ West ~o~ said Ci~ bo~~' and alor~ the ~orthwesterly l~o of said Lot l~ a dis~ce of 559 feet~ mor~ or less~ to ~_~ne- point ~ said Ci~ bo~~~ as established by ~e Yo'~h Street ~exation~ by 0a~in~ce No. 216~ passed ~ adopted ~ 20~ 1985; sa~d ~xglo po~t be~ the ~ez,ection of the No~hwester~ said Lot I wi~. a line t~t is 50 feet South of~ meas~ed at right ~lem p~~_~ v&th the. s~eyed centerl~e of Yo~~ S~eet; ~e~e~ 17_t~ & Hoi Annexation to Tustin ~o 89°20.~19:~ V,~ along said City botu~iary am.d along said parallel line~ a distsm, ce of 6~.9o55 fcst; thence~ i~o 8~°20~07'' Wo 'along said City bound~ : . sn~d mlo.~ said parallel line~ a distance of 1~230.33 feet to the beginn~ of ~ tar~.~nt curv~ concave h~orth~rly having a radius of 1~250 feet~ said curv~ b~g parallel to a~d 50 feet Southerly of~ as measured radially, to th~ surveyed csnterline of Fourth Str~t; th~nce~ Westerly along said c-~v~ t~rough m c~ntral ar,~le of 12°00~00'~ a distance of R61o80 feet to a tsm~snt revsrse curve concav~ Southwesterly having a radius of llSO feet; thence~ Wsstsrly ~lo~ said Curve through a central angle of 13°37~36" m distanc~ of 273°50 feet to a tangent line~ said line being parallel to ~' '~ said surveyed center- and 50 fe~t Southerly of~ measurcd at ~zgh~ at, les to~ 12~.~ of Fourth S"~r~-~t~ th~nc~ So 89°02~17" W. along said parallel line~ m distance of 739,09 fest~ to sa. mugle point in said City boundary~ said angle point bela4 on a line p'-~allel to and 40 f¢~t W~sterly of~ measured at right ar~.?les to~ th~ su~¢ey~d centerlLue of Prospect Avenue; thence N, O°14~lO'' W. ~_long said C?my boumda~ and along s~id parallel line~ a. dis .~.tauce of 1~R91.65 · f~st to an ~.gl~ po~zt .i~u said City boundary~ as established by the Mar~i~ Eo La.o. vcrenc~ ~a~em~tion by Ordinance ~o. 173~ passed and adopted. June 4~ 19~ ~.d to the Southeast coz~.~r of Lot "A'~ of Tract ~o. 4170, as shown on a ma~ thereof r~co~--dcd .in Book 150~ 'Pages 18 and 19~Elscoll~eous Maps~ Records of Orange County~ Califo~nia~ said point also bei~..~ the beginning of a ..non-tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 594.65 feet; thence~ Erorthw~sterly along said cur~ and along the South line of said ~,ot ':A'~ -?~-~:...~b a csntral angle of 11°50~35~' an arc distance of l~R 91 feet -'- -~ -~ ~ ~-~ ~' continuing along the South llue to a ~,ange.:,,..~.~ ~ ~n~nce~ S. 89022 ~ 00" W. ~ of said Lot ':A~'~ a distance of 1~056o38 feet~ to the Southwest corner of Lot ':k:: and to s~a angle point in said City boundary~ as established by the ,o_'ba Street Amna-~t~on by Ordinauce h~o 135~ passed and adopted May 9; 19~0 ~ to the East l~.e of th~ Tomas Yorba Tract~ as Shown on a map thereof recordsd -~'_~. Record of Su_~veys~ Book l~ Page 33; Records of Orange County~ -. Cal~oz~a.~ thence~ North .'~long .said City boundary and along the East " line of said To.mas Yorba Tract~ a distance of 1~$51,$0 feet, more or less~ to the !~o?~heast corner of Lot I of said Tomas Yorba Tract and to the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of the 'o'~i. cente Yorba T~act, as shown on a map ' Holt A~aexation to Tustin , 1~_~ thereofr~.~or~'' ed_~.~4'~ Book 2~ ~°o~-~so - n ~-, ~ ~[iscali~ueous Record ~,~ps of ~s .~ thence contin~~ North ~o~ said Ci~ ~e!es County~ Cal~o~a~ bo,~ad~L~ ~am__~.~~~' t~e.. Ea~t~ __~n~.~ of said .Vice.~ Yorba Tract~ a dist~ce of 734~25 -feet~ more or less~..to th~ Noon, beast co~ner of Zot 3 of sa~ · Uest a!orG said C4ty ~,~-~-~ distanc~ of 56~ 30 feat mo~'e or ':o~-'s '"'o tke Southeast co,er of ~t 1 of said '.Vicomte Yorba Tract and to ~ angle po~t in s~d Ci~ bo~~; thence~ Eo=un alo~ said Ci-~y bo~ad~y ~ ~o~ the ~st l~e of said. . a~~.~ of 692 55 feet~ more or less~ to a l~e w~ch is . . parallel ~.?ith and 4-5 feet South of~ meas~ed at right ~les to~ ~e ~.c center~n~ of Seventeen~m Street ~d to an ~le po~t ~ said ~~ ey~ ~ City bo~ad~y~ thence~ West a!o~ s~d City bo~,d~y ~ alo~ said p~-ai!ei iine~ a distanc~ of 72.43 feet, more or less~ .to ~ ~le po~t in said City bour~a~y~ .said a~le po~t bei~ on'?~e Southerly prolo~atlo~. of a l~ae which is p~allel with ~d 205 feet East of, meas~ed at ri~t .. a~le's to~ the West !~aa o~ the East half of Lot l~ Block "B" of ~e . . ~ B O~a~o~:~-~ e~ct a~ s~eyed by Pra~mc Zecou~e~ ~ December, 1870~ ... ~.~,.. cna ~p ordeal in Book 102~ Page 15 of~sc~~eo~~pS~ Records of O~age County~ C~ifo~~$ ~d~ence Nor-~ alo~ said City bo~ad~y and aZong said Southorly prolor~ation of said p~~lel l~e~ a dist~ace of 85 feet~ to ~ ~le po~.t in said Ci~ bo~d~~ as establi~ed by the ~ .... ~_. ~~ Street A~e~tion No. 2~ by 0~~ae No. 13~ ... passed and adopted September 6~ 1980~ ~.d to a l~e w~ch is p~~lel u, ith .and 4-0 feet i~o~h of~ meas'~ed at right ~les to~' said s~ey~ . centerline of Saventeentk Streets thenc~ Easterly ~o~ said Ci~ bo~-:d~y ~ad alor~ said p~allsl lina~ a dist~cs of 436.0~ feet~ more or less~ to ~a ~le point ~m said City bo~da~ ~d to":~e Uesterly right ~ way l~ of Yorba Street~ 40 feet ~de$ ~ence~ ~r~,~-~; ,~ said · ~. ~.~-~ along City boldly ~ alo~ said Westerly ~gh~ way line~ a distanc~ of 1~313.2~ feat to ~e No~ l~e of s~d ~ . ~ ~no k~ Bo C~o~ Tract ~ to ~ ~le po~t ~ s~d Ci~ bo'~.c~y$ ~e~e~ ~sterly alo~ said Citz bo~a~ ~ ~o~ . ~l~7~h~ &~ Hol ~..A.m~exation to Tustin 0 0 8 ~ ~ said i,~orth line of Lot l~ a distance of 20 feet~ more or'less~ to the 'hTo-..,..'-'~ ,-,,,-, ~, -. ,.. ~..~t co~n~r of said 7~ot 14~ said corner also being the. Southwes~ corner of Lot lO~ Block ::B" of said A. Bo Chapman Tract; thence~ So 89°~9~08'' E. alor~ said City bounde~ry ar~i along the South line o~ said Lot lO~ a distance of 991~17 feet 'to ~u angle point in said City bounda~y~ as established by the ~:~lena Drive Annexation by Ordinauce· ~Oo 25~ .~oassed sa~.d adopted ~:~y~'~ ~. 196~, said angle point being the Northwest co~ner of Tract NCo 5187~ as shoran on a map thereof recorded in Book 188~ Pages 39 ~.d ~..0~ ~,~isce~_laneous ~aps.~ Records of Orange Co'~uty~ Califorr~ia~ thence~ S. 0°02~00'' Eo along said City boundary ~d alo~ the West line of said ~_~act ~o. 5167~ a distance of 661.9~ feet to the Sou~.west corner of said Tract ~o. 5167' and to an angle " point ~_~.~sald City bouaadary$ thence~ N. 89°20~22'' E. along said City bo~urxlary ~aad alo.~ the South line of said Tract No. 5167, a distance of 350~90 feet to the SoutZa¢~st corner of said Tract No. 5167 and to an sa~gle point ta said City bouaadary~ thence, N.·0°04~03'' W. along . · said City boundary and along the East line of said Tract ~o. 5167~ a distance of 657~07 feet to the ~ortheast corner of said~ Tract No. 5167 sa%d to the Sou-.~heast co~ner, of Tract ~oo 5485~ as shorn% on a map thereof recorded ~a% Book 120~ Pages 14 and 15~ ~{iscellaneous },~ps~ Records of Orange County~ Califo-~nia$' thence~NoO~Ol~O0'' Wo along said City~ boua~.dary and along the East line of said Tract ~Oo 3~65~ a distance of. 59~-o37 feet to the ~orthwest cozener of T~ac~ 1900~ as shova~ on a ~ap thereof recorded in Book 55~ Pages 15 and 16~ ~isoellaneous 5~ps; C ~ California .and to an angle point in said Records of Ora~nge curt ~y~ City bouaada~y~ as ests~blished by said Yorba Street Annexation No. 2; · thence~ ~ $9°53~50': V;o along said City boundary and along said East llne of T~_~ ~oo 3485~ a distance of 0°75 feet to the Southwest corner of Tract ~!co 2708~ as ~Jaovrn on a .map thereof recorded in Book 90~ Page . ~:~'~ ~ ~ Records of Ora~e County~ California~ and to 25 ~ ~:~s~ellaneous ..~aps ~ an angle point in said City ~ ooundazy) thence~ N. 0°04~30" W., along said C_~-oy 'oo~a~dary~ alor~ said East line of Tract No. 3465 aud along the %?est l~_a~.e of said Tract ~Oo 2708~ a distance of 383.14' feet to the No_.~n~esz co~ner of said Tract ~o. 2708 and to an angle point in said City bound~y~ as established by said Santa Clara annexation; thence~ So 89°53~55:: Eo ~ along said City boundary s_nd along the ~orth liue of · said Tract ~o 2708~ a distance of 724.38 feet to the point of beginS. , · · 16 15 19 20 $1 $2 The polls for sa~d election shall be opened at 7:00 A.M. on the date fixed for the holding of such election and shall be kept open until 7:00 P.M. of the same day, when the polls shall be closed. 5) Upon the ballots to be used at said election there shall be printed the words: Shall the Seventeenth and Holt Annexation be annexed .to the City of Tustin, California? Opposite these words, there shall be printed the words "Yes" and "No'' and to the right of each of these last two words there t · shall be a voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross "X" in the voting so. uare..~ after the prlnted word. "Yes", the vote of such elector shall be counted in favor of annexation of the said territory to the City of Tustin. If an elector shall stamp.a cross "X" in the voting square after the word "No", the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. 6) In all particulars not herein recited, said elec- · t ion shall be held in conformity, as nearly as may be, with the · laws of the State of California concerning general elections, or with the said Annexation Act of 1913. 7) For the purpose of said election there hereby is established in the territory described herein two (2) voting precincts, which shall include all of said territory. The following are the 'polling places of the said election precincts, and the following persons hereby are named Officers of'Election and shall constitute the Board of Election for such election precincts: Voting Precinct No. 1, comprising regular election preclnct"73-266 and. that portion of regular election precinct 72-255 lying within the Seventeenth and Holt Annexation territory. 2 10 11 12 16 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 29 30 O0 ° Polling Place: Showalter Residence 13911 Laurlnda Way Santa Ana, California Inspector: Alberta H. Vandenberg Judges: Mary LaVerne Showalter Angela E. Lang~ Voting Precinct No. 2, comprising regular election pr.epincts 73-267 and 73-268 and · regular election precinct 72-256 that portion of lying within the Seventeenth and Holt Annexation territory. Polling Place: Tunila Residence 18171 Lucero Way Tustin, California Inspector: Doris June Smith Judges: Lorene Tunila Mildred Kenney For their services in connection with said election, said Inspectors shall receive $21.00, and said Judges shall receive $18.00, each and the person in possesslon of the polling place named herein shall receive for the use of such premises in connection with said election, the sum of $15.00. · 8) The City Clerk shall publish a Notice of said special election as required by the Annexation Act of 1913, at least once a week for the four'' (4) weeks prior to the date of the election on March 14, 1967, in the Register, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Outside the City of Tustin, but in the County of Orange, State of'California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of January 1967 at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California. MAYOR ATTEST: ...... c:[TY c£S~K STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE' ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS RUTH C. POE~ City Cl~?k sud ex-officio Clerk of the Clty Council of the City of Tustin~ Ca': 2fornia, does hereby certify that the whole number of t~he members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is fiveg that the above and foregoing Res- olution was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the _._~..6th day of ~~.ary ..... , 19 6_~3_, by the following vote: AYES COUNCILMEN" .. _~A.C. K .' :..KLIN. GELHOF~.R. __COCO. _~[I_L,LE~. _ _ NOES: ' COUNCILMEN: NONE ~ ...... .~._._:~:---..~ ........ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: RInG Ci-~y~Ccierk, City of TuStin, o ~ California