HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 850III 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 0 1!21 71 R 11 .E SOLUTIO NO. 14 8�O A TH'.'['!*" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TU"TINg C-1."'LIFOREINIIA, DECLA-11-221' ITS IlliTE.-NITION TO CALL A S.'t0-E(.'"w'IAL ANVEXATTON ELECTION, AND FIX. ING A TIME AND PLACE ]POR '"PROTEST BY PROPERTY OWNERS* The City Council of the City of Tustin, Calif ollnia, does hereby resolve as follows: 1) That is.the intent -ion of the City Counc-il of the City of Tustin to call a special election to be held in certain inhabited territory contiguous to the City of Tusl.-.-in, proposed to be annexed thereto, for the -our-pose of subinnit-ting to the qualified electors residing vithin said territory the question of whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of TuStino 2) Said territory is described as follows: j4k,,jo ;P LEGAL DEc-!,CRIPMTO"-T TH 17T &c. HO"" ZM1 EM'" IM -0 T - •-Tp CITIY OF UjISr.D.-LY. .1.0v4Z)amn-in,a- at an angle point i= -It'he existinz- bou--1.-.-'a:--.y of the C -.1. to Y of TU S lk; in as estabiishc3d by Revised Santa; Clara Annexation by 0 --- dJ..n. aza, C. e '7o0 2 E,50 6 passed and adopted Janua.-a.7 7. 190657 scndid angle point also beia-Z)- the t L V Ns -S' ovm on a =.p he::'aof 1,T,o:n'h eaSt 00-7me= of Lot I of T, "act No. 2703 a oo--cde%,J. in Boo' 909 10ama 25, -1111z'cellaneous 2.ecords of Ozanere Co"ant-Y, thence depa::-ti",i- '-om said City S. 89053t55)" E. alo-"r.-f the :'-Tor th line s of aid T2�z-ot No. 2708 a distance of 40-00 feet2amore A. 6.0 o--- lec-.s, -'#.-,o tLe Northeast conne.:-. of said T:^act 1'o" 2703 also bein's, on -�"me canter line of Pros-peCrt- Avenue; tuhnenceq S. 3°29 7 201i 77v zalong said C'.'�'Mte:cllina of Prospect Ave=ae, a dist.a*nca of 1.273.77 fee'402 more or lessq to e Soutlamrezt Corner O -P act "o. 400 as sI--.ov=- on a map thereof -INzoorded =1 .El000]z 17.152 pages 42, 439 44. and 45, Records of. Oranse Co,=-�y; thence2 No 88°48 21811 "E. ale the South line of said Tract ITO.41005, a of 703.63 feet- to the Southeast of said Tract -110. 4005.9 also being the Southwest cozm= of Ta'act 1:0-a 4136 6 � as shots on a map thereof '^acol-d'ed in Book 11�2, Pza-sez 3 "hIz-ol, 77 inclusive, I'Diliscellaneous Yipsq :!dlz ol.** Or, e County, Cal-Lfo."Mia; thence, eiii tinuing X. 8804-8tI8I E. -'-",-.e South line of said Tract I tan L LTo. 4186, a C*Lisu ce of 937.95 to t1n.e SOutheast corner of said Tzm%ct :aloe 4186 also beingr the :I%Tortheast corner of T=a,--t No. 3173, as sholizin- on a ma --o thereo*f recorded in Boolr 118 z of 01,=Za Col=ty, Califo=ia; Par,-e.s 3' and 37, Miscelle-aneous Yaps. Record -h 0 en U- -.%-.o 09 S-3 2611211 111. along t'-ae East line of saia- Tj-.act No. 31U 4 -.,. ^a 4 e 6 o. c=a DO.Co rVies-1-V U lima of --hat ce-�-tn' el of land as coninn.-red to the Orange Ccuxity Plood Control District by deed La 49287 Paze 5.53 -'.Lcial Recoz-as of OranZ-e County, a distance of 507.7-1. feet to the of a c'arv'e coll-cafire having, a radius of •522 feet; t -'i -hell -cap Southeasterly alonz CUI'vU ral angle of 39°0751'', an arc distance of 356.51 feet to a tangent line; thence, 2 Sw 35042-11911 2.2 a 10 o J" d tcIn en line- and .-slong said titres line of L said Pa!-%cai of land conveyed t o e +In 0-^ 41= V-- "a CoWa Yloo-d Control District a w dista--r-Ce of 109a58 feet, ==e or iess2 to ti'll-la wu. reyed centerline Of S V-;*%rent C-- enth S tre e U; thencov N. 8304312111 11D • center 1ine of S e %f en, %to e e m: tu, h Street., a d-istan-ce olo' 26,69 I>eetq or less to i 46- S., 000t2olt V! VvII-w". the surv%eyc-4 :.hence S * 0 alonZ said surveyed . cente=11 o-P L, �6 d-4stan-ce of 3v323o12 feet ore or iess,, h �Z;.o u, to its*j=W tcr ect"On itt h -L e !1ir-:r!-0=3-IY prolongrat-.Lon of -aqa S v t h1w, +L-ie of Zmat ITo o 3-1779 2 as shovm on a- -r the.. -o... reco x-d Cd in B0 -352 Pages 31 and 329 YUcca..I.Ianous 'Map'-9 P,-co:-.-dz of 0.rana-e COUIrs'-Y9 C. 'Ile 9 0 id South 'r. � olo n-a-1-ion and al 0. so 39 5020" Eo 2 It', - z; t er ly -0 Ong, said -J.1"Ie of said Tract NO, 3779 =id alorz the Eazit-0-.1. '01Y Prolongra-tion o.-2' Sou- en lin a o:. Said Tract No . 3779, a distanC.-e o---;b 6c.,' U f e e+ more l or ie-_Sv -10 "1 1 :U "Vest line of Lot 11 of," the Vande w-ip Tzaot7 as shomm on Ca. :.^eco: -.ed in Book 52 Page 15-0 =-'s of Los Angeles. Coizatiy2 Ua!if orxiia; thence., S,, 0 L.� alorZ- the !I'llesI.; -':Ln-e of sa±d -o-u, -iJ2 a J. distance of 314.64 feet? more or less to I-JInLe Southviest corner of said 0 11; then cov Eaost alonZ! -tu-Ije Sou-tt,-'h line of <,-,e.Iid Lot a O-P 5 51 ,, 34 4> 0C-I"U2 more or less Whw L to t"ne este-!Y 1 il"Ie of Lot 3312. Block 13, of the !=,vrine Subdivision, as show,"n on a m. ap thereof in-•.Door12 Pa B3 Maps Records of Grange Comvity, Caliifoz-=241, said Nor"I'll.-1c s e=ly Lil 6.0 t w lot also being the suzire yed centerline of Y"ev.,.port Avenue., and also being on the existing boundary of the City of jusl-I n U as estabi-Ished by 100.6.& u- 'Center Jluanexzat-ion by 0r,Jlinamnce Y-o. 290'y 13 aSSed and a4 ted December 0 19 e "" 0 e 9 S " .15, 9 - 4.51 V% za 12 o m6g Is a i d C.4" ty bounduen-ry and aloiqg, Oaid Y.o--tI.10.-IeS--torjy said 4-C.-Cline 0-11 ne Of' Ot �31 'Tjo"t-',aweste2�ly line also being the surveyed cc-.,.,, `,--avrporlt,- Avenue,, a disCance o.-.,P. 711.64 Feet,, more ox less to the 11.7esterly cor"-n- w U Lot VIA - ly Block 12 o.-.P- szid Irvine 3. SmId Uot 331 and to the Co=ej- Of T,ot ly Subdilivision; 'thence2 cont-in" S out1h. 0- go As 5 e So 'W along said ----d 39 ft., a ally and alorZ the INToitu-'awes-1-derly line of said Lot- .16.2 a dist ce o.-J!' :559 1"eek4- q More loss, to an angle point in said City boundazy, as established by the Fourth Street JL= exation, by. 0:0din,= ce Yo-, 216, passed and adopted 11 20 u-ay 196; said angle point bei:'.%-4-he40 - 6.0 uo-f the Yorthvirosterly line of .L said Lot I with a line that is 50 feet Sou" of e d at r=g-fjt a:.g1v to, and parallel vrith. the surveyed ceatex!Lrw 02'. po=tll Street;, thenceg 020 19l1 Z'1, alongsaid C .-; boLindary boundarya.+d along said allel lire 9 a d1;� tG.. oe 0f 6 9.55 .L L at;i.1C''Ge 8902W OT' V,,,':lo- g said City boundary a�_d. alo."_'J said p�+rallel I incy G+, dis va.��:e Of � 2 2-0 -3 .�Gev t0 the beg�.r�: '^''• �. r o-' den curvy: coxacave w�c v' l:-r...y havinz a r d::.ua of 1,2:50 feet- ca:i.d beipar4c'vlle3 tot'.vw � �� ,Ltile V sou w- e�� y C�� as measured rGrdial l y2 ot11. e su nrey ed c ant erline of S -4r e et ; thence, Westerly a'! o- � aJ"d cu:�-�re th. w-gh a cen tra.1 anSle of 1200010011 a d .s -5a.+ ce of 2061080 feet to a -i' •1 • � r i. ^ r .L =averse CurY,te concave., St, _,." C 3 t C:n Iy L0radius 0f 1'� O f e G' y aloe said oa+�^ve th_ Ou h amen t.rca,l angl e off' -130 7 : 36" d`i w ta,nc e of �2?3„0 eeoi�e9 a „!^lac beer ipra.lc1 to U - =ad O foot Sout1 �rly of, me:Ci+n'.%Lar at zivliV nrZ.A1.n.0tog said .v .viyVLcLn ti.- -.n�n of Tcu:.•t rS -LOract• Y ✓tn se y S,, 89 00221711 V -la along said J7rl! liue r�? �. ;�i C.'" rce f 739..9 � ~'^ a -r r e point in �:,, d C�. ty boundairj, said an�-le �A' �'''''' 011 O, '�'►"-) l Y, 1 r I'r s ' a - i mea..."red t Y,; rrh- '00—Ln-15, ori n line pr,..r �, C.1.. to and �-0 f e;. � .; c� � �.� l,� of � r't;o.... �.ir�.... w -c ... �.;, w =-eS t0 the sur�creYcd cont e r? :i._+e Of Pro ,cp eC W .c �,r�;nuey t��'le"l'_ce NT. �C�.L;.g .Vj' Y� � C1sala. C� t7f bour_d.ry-ry and r to ` sa ^ fl para""c'! I ine. a dist��acfie.► of 1 2 291 . 6' �.. v 4..+. Gal. G, •...i�.► P]� / .:. W .r. -a r,:_ n n + -i r_ ,•. -; , .� h n C,:-•� • s ed b the e� � �o �.,:a angle po...n - .��,r.d Citybo�:.�2a�:�ry, �a e� �f i,�� r Ea Za. 'Vl e nce !�: :eaation bar Oa.a�� cc \ro. 1id 73, pwsscd aadop ted j�ani e 47 10522 wed to t..e Southeast corer of Lot "A" of Trc.ct No. �' x ��„n X1.70 s a� .�_�.o� rn on a _..p .hC�"eGf recorded in Lock 2.30, wakes IS and 19��:r�-�.:r �;�'_�c,:rieoas T�RapS� �cco�' ;S of G�.�,n�e Coanij ...�- Car.or-�_ia, 2—aid poin:lc r_�;o gein the bog'�i,, o.T w I.O .ngcurve concave SG;A th gyres ter ly hO.v i:.:L; S, radio of 594.03 fey , 7 -1ho ea, No.- t_.aesterly along said carve and wlcn.s, the South Ii _e o2 a.,+id ;, 11 A! I u ." ough a cent. .�. a l e Gf 11 0 3. " pv a" ^,�'c distance e c.6 122.9.E -'e C t -o a ta.rZe nt line; thenceq S.89022e0011 W. continair.g along he South .line ^�; d %o "All � a di sj- -nce of 1, 036 38 fee ,2 to he Southwest cc:�ne�^ o:'. 1 i "1 11 n n 1 a - ^ ri � `1 1 t i n z o ' t � ,1 _n . t'.1 ^ �. � l i c_ h ^ r f t 'S' ^ r'% �.� a Uc �:�. �:. ,�� point .��,�.c1 City oc� � .�-� �.s e�,t�.bw�.�._�;�. b� �:�%0 %rr r'na C -..^ .L 11 �.��.�"�..-r oY1 :./ �.:^wi. �`-'.�t�ce No. -+-JJ) �a ss d a>. d adopted �TYY- y 1 A i91r0 �.�. +. t0 ^_C mac^;, 'v' .11e 0-' t c f�0": ,5 YO.='b�. 1"a .59 o.S 1; 011"M 0." ,.a "MCI,L -z-%cOr;1.ed din laecord of Su�roys p Boal 1, of Or;.� C;e Coin;-�,�� C;�, ^ -� 1� w, n • -rte ,7 � �^ ' ' , - ' .:-� East ;..-_r..- G.:..1ic;;, y u..G':1C a _ti GZ' v-.- -J �, S ^.- C:.�..i.�7'' v 0 r dwr y n S.� Ong the 1:,,�,,.a v ...w_. 02.4 said 1 ."x5 Oru2�a Giat nc: 0.-r:.' 19,151,40 ,- feet, mo -,,.,e or less'2 -;- .1 `t'� j + ,ny ''1 r , er said j 1 ''','f n �`' �' f�%1 Q '1'�'a 4•t '�O u.-�. _�OS'"V_..C�.� v CO2"r��._ Of L o .i �. 0.:. acid Toy.--. s ...o . a Tract and to tat South east Corner of Lot o? t._oi.cer�te Yor ba, `:�act, as . shovm on'a. s.p 40 thcreol recorded in Boolc 2� base 4 2 1.1i s o c; 1 lan. e o u s Record .,raps of Los Amr-ales County, Calif w%,-34,0; thednae2 Il.orth alonz c;-:�id C-V LF bdo-1.,_n,a=y and ztlong tl,,-eEEaast ftline of 211:Lid '7--, `A,'.Ox-b -a T3?-"--i #j 9 a d i s t- ame e of 734.25 fee t2 more or less2 to tbhe Nort-In-ea-s-'%; corner of Iot .3 Of Said ....yricenta Y=ba Tract and t-o an a=gle point in -" ' Cial City bou-nary; th e q U zaICL 167a.c,.-t- alons said City boundary ana 2.lo-111,n- theN `uh I in e o t' m i C"L L o 4#j 3� a 40 more or less,tio Southeast corner of Zo�i%.- diz-�Coan. e of 564,30 feetv more of sn_id-'-.V:Lcente Yorb.-::4 Tz-ac%`0 azad to aza ar 110- poi_ut in sand Citjy boundiaxy; .mencep Nlox.-th alon,.,n: said C-;-o.,r boundaxy anacil alonZ the East line of said T -1 n-SO2 bo a line which is a dist-ance of ►692 Mo.'*6*6a or ^.t riZ;ht angles to , th- e 'el with and 45 feal` South of " c.S cu. .6 '"'W" 0 0 -1 a a sum Greyed cente-2-ine C? S.-E'v G o anz" e Point in said %0.1. ty boundary; thence, st e tj c6 I o ng said bounda)-ry andd a I o -"Z, s id par allal line a distance of 72.43 fea'U7 no-ra o::7 lessq to an angle point- point be- r Orc-tlnie Southerly Prolong'at.-Lon angle --g sail d City boundary, said -aJ " _U o f a !:L-qe vilhich is pz-zal lel •vorith and 205 foeet 11,�zt o,;,.'.,, measur, arz Les toe the 'West line of t Est hialpo-.,;;'- 'L;o-;j "I-I., Block "B" of the M-eur in Decembers '8709 B. Tract, a,,-.-, sun7ayed by I; e c cu! r. T ii d &c. #, 'n-ov-m oil a map r e c ord 0 xvi LP, o o24 10,2) of Orange County, along said L.Y bo,za-dary ar"d along said Southerly pxmlon,n-a-itioza af. said Parallel 1-i.ne, ,!3, a dist-,ance of 8'- feet, to an a",,)�--Ie PoLnt- inn, aid City bourkaarY9 as established by the Yorba Sjt-r.-.-.,et Annexmtion No. 2. by 0-di dee 0 139, passed an 0 v .4opted Septemlibw= 6. 19 60 and t o za line ir,7hich �.,ca pzral.lel. with an, 4" 40 �e et Noxt1l. of q measured -a' ri n-h + ex n-I toy c;4i- v U sux e y e d G o -Anh, (Ij or 1 i,'of S e. v en: t e a n i S t �- e e tv t"1116-26,1002 along sa:Ld City bc-1 a d J s t an ca, 0 4.� boanidlary 4nd along aid pa::-allel li,&nheq ". b-# v -6.04 leatop core or less, to an *anile point in. said City boundary and to-'.the e f i i e -S U Y OJ. vivay lLne o--.'* Yolrba Sto-reet-9 /10 feet nc Nvide; tho on" and alon ..'ai, o - a 1 o s ca Y ly i d 01. b o line, a distance o2 3-13.24 feet to the "IT-1oz-11tt'n line o2f.' said Lot '14 of the A. B. Charp=am Tr%alwcto and to an arr-le point in said Cit'-y boundary; tirlen; e, Easter ly along said City Izjounda:7. and alonr-,r ) ( C 4 a Y Y f 20 fee rnore or leSsq to ��e Igor line o -Ir. Bot 1,1 a disl6k_*nce o� to h e a s to c o r of s a 11 a o a C 0 n 0 e-Llng._the Sou-t�,Ivvab,�-.Ot co:Cne-" ofr, Lot 10 .0. Bloc,.- UBU of said I C"na-p-m-la5a '?''rapt; thence2 0'fa c S,O 8.9 49`08"E. ong LT boundary and along the Scuth line qf? Z;aid Ijot -10; zs. of 99:x.17 J:e,,.=;to azi anjle. Poirt in said Ci uY ve ' in;mcxati on by e o-, a--ni 2 a s e z + ab I shca by t he Ill';&, I a n. -a D:oi A. 25A, p4ssed and C."dop'L;ed Z 111 Y 49 19 ar 64, said le point beir.the of Tr c N, o 679 as 01-1 Map thereof recorded 107 C� I�aco,-vds of 0:�anisa Parres 39 and 40 T.-II.&izcelI=eous 'Gap 788C, 9 0 thence S., 0 OV -0011 E. a3o-ng said City bo:dart' 2 =d a"Ionz -JUhe Weat line' of szd Tzact No. '1679 an distance of 661.9 4 00 67 .10. to the Sout,"qvies-i'd* corner of o -.I-; d T I N n to an angle 00 0 CilCy bour.!s,`=.Y- t-_'Ienceg N., 89 201 22" E. alongg said C.-Licy boundary amd z.:.,Io-.vig the S.O'outh line of said Tr.--ct 111711o. .5 1067, a distamace In T and to 0 0-1, "�0090 fee -kb ltjo the N2.')au-'U_.eas+. coxr:aer C.J.of sa.Ld T--nact NNo. 5167 7le point in said C -it -y boundaxy; then : e No 0004103" W. alorZ- -he Rastu line of' safd Tract 1\To. 51672 a :� 0 cillzy v ary and aionrr t m T I.- a u CIJI.s-'Cance of 657.07 feet to 15ha I., o."t-h e L. s t cor'n'er rn. ex, of J d ot No. 5167 ,� 0- - the Sou t]-aeast C0=01- of TT.I. v 405 9 31-1011cl on a map theraof L 1 -ac -4- 'Kro. 3 to H S of %.d .120 Pa&,:,s 14 an,,.'. 159 Maps. Reco:: B^02C " Y %.# C:�.an a Co.,uInty, California;Chence,"N..0 0 101"00"' 7,11. along said City" "Oo-a.ndary and along the EaS`L; I:Lae of. said Trkaat XO. 34659 "'Istance of 594IZ7 feet to the Nort-hwest coi-ner of Tract 1.9009 as shorn on a o. &J =�.P thereo.-412' I-ecorc"'LOC, in. BOWOP'"- 532 Pas,,- s 15 and _1 6 9 11 Scall,01-0 Ous P2 J =-d to an cnnrle point in said %-,ords of C""ar-ge Countjrg Callilfoxm a2 u City bound3;I.Xy, as by &-.-P%,I.JAd Yorb%-.-.,* St--oect xlinnexation N.To 2; 0 Ea -- -ele.--n C:: &%# i. I _u ndanv LI 'T 89 53130" VI., sa-I'd CJ ty bou and. a alon rr said to coZO the SOuth"Nest corner =.e- Z I v 34659 a dJ c -P 0.75to of Tract N o . ..01 T_ -.-act- '.Nl'o. 2703 C 02:.61 in Book 90 P rre as on • 11'.-is.0allemeous 1.111ap s Rec=d's of Cry! ;2-,�e COUn"Y; califol-nia2 =-A wo 25y nn71a point in said City bo*1z&dary- "u-1-14oncog No, 0004130"., Vir, 9 a7•or-63 ^t-; -tu-y boundary.) alonr'said East line of Yo- 346 and alorrr _ND ine of sGa.-I d Tx -act "'.7"o. 27032 a d4stance of 38.3 .14 'Get to sa .1. nl::,a�ct Yo. 2703 to an anJle Point' in i, d t-1-1 e I'-lor-IC-1,1west- comrear... o 0 Saia T Ci V boundary, as eslk;zabiisIledDy _isad Santa Clara amelexation; th. e nc e .65 5 11 E 35053 alang said. C -f ",-,y bolzac-lary a-nd alor.Z the %.,,Torth line of t Of Ill -,act , Yo. 2708, a dis.t-al.l.ce o. -L" 724.3S feet to the point I. 1 2 3 4 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 '16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. it 25 26 27 28 29 30 'Si 32 0 0 t"'? 3) That said territory is designated and identifiecL as "17th and Holt An-Unexationfle 4) Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of January, 1966, at the hour of 7030 P*M- in the Council Cha mbe.Lsq at Tustin Area Youth Center, 600 Wo 6th St., Tustin, Calif orn.-La, any person owning real propertuy within said territory so proposed I to be annexed, and havincr any obj(_-:�Iction to the proposed annex=- tion, may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be annexede, Such protest must be in writing and shall state the name or names of the owner or owners of ti'LE.-A 14 property affectea by such annexation and the location and area of such property, in general terms. If it be found that protest is not made by public and private owners equal to one-half of the value of the territoryq further prLaoceedings shall be -1U-akc.-:..,n in accordance with the law for the holding of such special election, 5) The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption.of this Resolution, and cause the same to be published in the Tustl+i.. News, a newspaper of general circulationg printed and published in the City of Tustin, Cou-11,6ty of State of Cali-A"o la, once -a week for the two (2) weeks prior to the hear--'L'ng,. ED AND ADOPTED at a reular meeting of 10 h e Ci ter 2ASS Council of' the City of Tustin, held. on the K -1-h a a y of 0 19660 A T T JEJ S T ** .......... C I rpy C<Ei�K Vt 1 'Ir A Y C-) . R .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex -Officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Res- olution was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of December , 19 66, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: MACK, KLINGELHOFER, COCO, MILLER, RING NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE Ci y Clerk, City of Tustin, California