HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 84810 11 14 15 16 18 19 2O " 21 ~6 9.7 RESOLUTION NO. 848 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF T'USTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING RES- OLUTION NO. 682, DESIGNATING INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR AND ACCEPT SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY. as follows: The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve WHEREAS, certain conditions are imposed by the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the California Disaster Office, and the State Educational Agency for Surplus Property, in connection with the acquisition of such property; and .. WHEREAS, the City of Tustin, Orange County, Calif- ornia, desires to establish its eligibility for such property; 1. Resolution No.' 682 is hereby repealed° 2 o IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED TI~T: ... A. It is a civil .defense organization designated pursuant to State law, within the meaning of the Federal Prop- erty and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, and the regulations of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. B. Property requested by this docux~ent is usable and necessary in the State for civil defense ing research for any such purpose; is. required for its own use to fill at~ existing need; and is not being ~¢quired for any other use or purpose, for use outside'i the 8rate, or for saleo C. ~%uads are available to pay the costs of care and handling incident to donation, including packing, prepara- tion for shipping, loading, and transporting such property. 2. Donee hereby agrees to the following terms and c ondi t ions: A. Terms and conditions applicable to all property regardless of acquisition cost, donated for civil defense pur- poses: (1) Property acquired by the donee shall be .on an ~as is", "where is ~' basis, without warranty of any .kind; . (2) There will also be applicable such other terms and conditions as are contained in the regulations of the Office of Civil Defense, Office. Of tho Secretary of the ~rmy~ Part 180~ of Chaooer XVlll of Title 32 of vn~ Co~ o~ Federal :" ....... ~'~,.3.'~!at ions ~ , Bo ..!idditiona! t-~rms and conditions s,::pp!icabie property: havin:~ a ~i'ngte ita~m ac~t:uiS:.tion cost of ~;~2~'~'~ .... more, donated ~ or civil dofens.~ ',~u.:'poses: (l~ All such Prop~orty shall be distributed and~ during the period of restriction, be properly maintained in good operational condition and stored, or installed or utilized only as to achieve a state of operational readiness required by the civil defense mission to the donee in accord~nce with the ci~.~_l operational plans of the State and, whe"r.'.a able, local government (which are in consona~'~.oe with national civil defense obJectives~ as or hereafter amer_~ded). (2} Except as otherwise expressly provided below and unless and until e~pressly w~iv~d writing by the Regional Director of the of Civil ~fense [0CD), on ~ cese~oasis~~ t~,~.. period of restriction for all items of don~ted havin,s a sin~'~ e item acquisition co~'b to the Federal Gover~ent of ~2,500 or moro be four years from date of donation. The specific exceptions are as follows: (a) Motor vehicles, Federal Supply Classifica- tion (FSC) Group 23-- for which a two-year per. iod of restrictions shall apply. (b) Items of. property donated having a unlt fair value of ~'[~25~00 or more but less than ~2~500, for which a one year period of State restriction shall apply. · (c) Aircraft (FSC Group 15), for. which the special terms and conditions provided in the DHEW Conditional Transfer .Doc~uent (Aircraft) covering the transfer shall apply.. (3) During the period of restriction, 'the prope:.t" shall not be sold, traded, encumbered, or otherwise disposed of without the specific, prior, written approval of the Director 0 C DM. (4) If, during th.r~ period of restriction, property.i i.s no longer suit~b'!~ us~ble~ or further needed for the purpose for which ~oquired, the done~ ~..,~.~. promptly notify the OCDM throug~ the State c'Ivil defense director, and shall, .as directed by the 0CDM, either retransfer the p~operty to such department or agency of the United States of ~erica or such other donee as may be designated or sell the property at a public sale. (5) In the eveht any of the terms and conditions set forth in this section are breached, all right, title and interest in the property involved, at the option of the Director of 0CDM, shall revert ~o t~ ~ . ~ n~ United States of ~erica In addition where there has been an unauthorized dispo~-~al or improper use. of any kind, the donee, at the optio~{ of the Directo''.- of 0CPM, shall be liable to the United States Gover~ent or where property is ~- properly used, t~-e donee shall be ~,~.ble to United. S. tat~s .~ or any proceeds fro~ orz~..p~"" .... ~ ope~ use ~',,~r for the fair ~r~arket' ~, .... ~ ua o~:" r0~n'bai ~zalue of "She proporty at the time of such 5.~.s[;."~s.-,~ ....... ?~"o'p..~r use, at the option of ar~.,:~. as determined by the Director of OCDMo 4o Buel A. Williamson, Director of Civil Defense, shall be, and is h~reby authorized as the representative of said City to sign· for and accept surplus Federal property, re- gardless of acquisition cost, in accordance with the conditions imposed by the above agencies; and 5o This Resolution of authorization shall remain in full force and effect until superseded or rescinded by resolu- tion of this Council transmitted~ in duplicate ~to the California Disaster Office; and ~ 6. The Clerk of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to send Four (4) certified copies of~this Resolution to the California Disaster Office, for filing with said Disaster Office, and with the State D~partment of Education° ~ PASSED ~' ~¥~'~ ~'~.~D ~DOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 21st day of November, 1966 ~_~v~ ~.~ ~.~ ? ......... ,1966 ~L~Y 0 R ATTEST: · ..~L~iTy C~~RK ......... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby Certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Res- olution was duly and regularly introduced, read~ passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the _~:].~.~t day of _NO.¥_e~D3)_r__~_~:, 19 6__~_6, by the following vote: AYES: ~,~t'~ v,, ,~x COCO, ._ MILLER ~ RING COUNCILMEN .*~ KLI _ __ - ,.. '- -_~-~-.%2, __ "-::.:.',~__~ ....... · -: ~ - -- _ _ _ - - ~ -- NOES: COUNCILMEN ABSENT' COUNCILMEN: NONE .... _-- .~__, ~ --~_~ ...... ~ -1, ,j_