HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 816resolution no. 816
a resoluton declaring that proceedings have
been initiated by the city council of the
city of tustin to annex to said city certain
uninhabited territory fescribed herein, and
designated as "fairmont way annexation" to
the city of Tustin and giving noticve of the
proposed annexation
BE IT RES'a~ ~n ~
. uu~,~ OF TUSTiN:
1o Tha,~ vursuant to the orovJ, slons of the .~m_ex8tlon
of Uninhabited Territory Act of !959~ proceedings have been
initiated by the Council of the City of Tustin~ on its own motion,
to annex to the City of Tustln all that uninhabited territory
.... .=' ~,~ State of California~ he ',
situate in the County of 0~:.~..noe, racy deslo ~-
hated as FAIE~:~ONT .'WAY ANNE~A~
.~ION'descrlbed in Exhibit A~ attached
hereto and incorporated herein by t~is reference as though set forth
hereat in full.
2~ That the City Council hereby finds and determines
that all of said territory is uninhabited with~ ,=
_,n th~ meaning of
,~od.e Se on the date of the ado~:~t~on of th~s
~overnment ~ ction 3~}0~ '
Resolution, 'that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin,
and th.et all of the owners of property in said territory have
sen'bed to~ and renuested said annexation
That the C'~ty Council of the Citya~ ..~.u..~tin a...eslres
'o~ annex said unlnhablted te,~to~,v._~ ~ to the City of 'ru~tlu, for. the
following reasons' That the territory is contiguous to the City
of Tust!n~ and its -,pro'posed annexation will contribute to .a~.d faci!-
lt~te the orderly growth and development of both the City and the
territory proposed to be annexed; will provide an adequate and
broader tax base for the City; will facilitate and. contribute to
the proper a.r~d orderly=~.~-'~out~ design and construction of st~eets,_
gutters., sidewalks, sanitary and storm wate'r sewers and drainase
~. ,.. ~l. ty and within the territory proposed
facilities, both within th~ ~
to be annexed;
'l -
...... ~..,. .... ,,.~.. :.-..~ ,n :-".'. ::. :nb .... ,,'.-'.~..~ . ,c,.-,",cn ~ z oo~ approve said proposed
ot,;':.,~.' :~,~..; .... o _'~eal._ aro~..~erty_ , w!'bh!.n the uninhab!",:.ed te.r:~itory; above des-
o :r'[. b e d a'a.d p,_ ..... o,.,o' p - s e 8 ~., o b e: ~ .... ::':::n e. x ~:::,:,~-~ t o ~u h e ,..,~ i t y o f Tu s t ~,. n ~ a nd h a v ! ng
::~::',,y obje. c t .!.. on :.s' tn_ 'bh,.r.-:: ..... ,'r.'c~::o:~.:;d e'.,:.'me::gt:'.,..o::::~ may a":.p,-'o,r before the
Coun,"~] ......... of the: C:ty o'[' ~t?,s~.~.n~. ~ and ~how c:.:use why s~',u.,.:~., un.inhabited
the '?, ':. ::'~ c: ..... o~_~ ',".:.'/~':::.'}.s c...r.,_ the owne}'s., of the -,",-,";"~:,.,_ ._~..,,..r'ty a're~-'oted ~,..: .~ and
.......... . ..... ~ ..... uf~ic_
:-~he street- '~ ad~ress o'~ o:.,"-he:::: ,':;o::r::.:'~'otion o-i? the -oro-,:>:;.,..~y s _ ~ e-n.t
,~o { den"hi fy
- ~:~ Pk of the C!t,O, of Tus.~i.~', is her, eby
o', Th e C:i.'i",~,:'.~ .~ .... . ........ ......
authorized and. directe,3 "ho cause a copy of thls liesoi'utlon to
'"' ~ :. 0 ! .?." o.'a ...... '0 i o':': .;. $'m ecl I r_~. s::a ti d. C i +' y o £ ~'~" '~ ~-
~ ~'}.:t,..o Pa ~ ~ '~" . .....p u'b ].." .... :. u, s 'b i ~^ ~ ,,, h e C 1 t y
uo wh~,,'.,n lu is 'propo~':~ed to annex the aforesaid te-,,r,i'tory,
The. ,...i.'~y C','le..:',x. s ]a..r'one~,:!:° .aut',~o:?i:.".<::?d and directed
to cause 'wr~ tte:<:., :,or' c.e, of such. p,~o'posa-'d._, .:.'.:~nnexa t ion 'bo be ,','~ lled,,~.,
to each 'oerso:n to whom lqnd within 'tho 'b.,::z-r,~to~,r ~ro:oos.ed to be
c:,.'::.'::~.e::.:ea, is ass~s.,:;e,':': ~'...',. !.-.",,e: ','-,st', equa!~zec~ n:,~n%y .'::,$sessm~:.z:t roll
'.? "L :: '.:' , !. :. :. a:-.'t..d :"':,0 any l[::.erso:::~.. ~.:.'l"}::.~ ]:'_,as flied h:.:..,,.: r.,.:..-!me 8:::..d edd. ress and the
desisnation Of the lands in. which he has aP. 2nteres't~ eitk..er,
lesal or equitable width 1';h.e Clerk,
the event any land wit. bin the territory
.... ~ ' '- Ci Pk i s
pr. oposed to be annexed is owned by the cov-tv, ohe Cloy e
di-~ec'I;~a to cause a wPit'te'n notice of such proposed anne, xstion
to be mailed ,,o th~ .to.amd of Supervisors cf t~e Count~.
9. In the event thePe ls~ upon the land p',,oposed
to be annexed~ a st ........ t,,
-~.u~:o rai impPov'ement.~ ow.ued,~ bei_ni:'.:2 acqui:,:'ed
~ ~.eased by a county fiPe protection d.i. strJct~ the saL?, C!e~'~,~ is
to be mailed to the goverulug body of such district°
10. The City Clerok is d. lre¢;'ted to co. use ~?;.'r. ltte','l-notice
~- .,,~.y ~=a~l.y eN.t~ ti"
,~o be given to such othe__, :oePsons as ~."~ ba ]-~~
ti'",ereto, in the manner, 'r. equ!zoed h,y law,
PASSED AND ADO?TED at a mee'ting of the City Cour.:.cil
of the City of Tust.tn~ ,.~e!d on the 21st day of March, 1966 .,.;~3..::.? ..... ___~
· S ? :i. m~ ..
.... ,~!'.~z.~. OF 0
. ~"~s e-'~. of'eio~o Oler'i~' of the
i~U~H C POE~ City ClePk a.,~.~ ~..
City OOU~O!q of the City of Tust,!n~ ~=,.!ifoP:nia~ ~.~.~cs bePe~)y cePtlzy
t}'~,':~ o the~.~o-~' ie ~urnbe... r cz the members o~ t;h,.,~ City ~.,oun. c~..i c,f
~ty o? Tustin is ?~ve; ,,net the above .... ~ '~ ......
,~ ............. ,.~,,z,, J. or. esoin
.... read ~c. as~'ed and ado:oted at
was duly and regu. laz, ly inuroduced, ~ ,~
a rezuiar meeting of the City Council, held on the 21a't;~ay of
~'~o~n'~ 1966 by the fol.lowiug' vote'
TO E'."~ OiTY OP TUST!'...'.,T
'Se~:"_rmim..S a-~ a-a a::'~E'"3 .. !:~ ti:-e c..-.ci::;~:'..:'.'..':.f C_-'.'~y '.oc't:n.'..":;.?,:':~'y off
f',' ~-, -~ .,-...,~
Tustir..'~ ~._,or-;%-'.'..:.:....~. as ..c:3t~b!is";-_,c~. ~.~.-,:r~ ............... -~".~ ":":'r.:"S'?r'-'"T"T' '""':""'*~"'*~"'FO'"",
said a-_,':.~;Ic point bei:,a~ tho o. ...... - .............. · ....
~,..¢.~,:_,..7~...~.,, co.?r:...':.:.-' oK' %:3'5 p C'_.f :i"::?..J~-a'~
~,~o~ 37z;-3~ .as s'i'~ov,.'n ct,: & ;:~a;,; t':':cP.' ..... ,'"-."-.'- ..... c.::.,'}'.,3d in 3007~- 2EL?
Pa.Sos 3~ a'ad 3=:-¢ 2.:['izcal2.anoo'a:c ii:ps2 :':."'..ao::,is o'',r''' Or'.A"::'.Se
· ... ,-,.
Oaii-""ok~nia,~ th.oil, lc 1:.~.¢ O0~ 0..'~.~' 30::S -'" ...... said C ..... ' .......
and ~--.~oz:,g th,-3 .most i':".:..3-~,,',-~v ]_i.'."~a c';-' said O:'ac-.~ 'cfc 51":'.-5 "'
said C4ty bou:'_da-:'y ::'..:;_i'.t "ho z£;e ~,~,~;,.,,..~-;~ :3,%"'"r_3P cf
by d.~sd z'ec~.,,-;, .....", in ": ..... ",,~ '2','8~ ;~..:~.~
?~'.'~.a ...... ,~4ng from ss. id
Oi' O!~qSe 00"dll-~;}'~.. C~].'..!.:f'O~PrL~ %h~ilce2 ...,:
u.c..sy bour~do, ry2 ~:f '~ E;'?'° - '7::
.... 's .... ,.,,-:: Southe?_y ~"~?*..'.--'
tf said. parcel 0'¢' la'nd conv~yed to the St::-:;e o-? Oalifo?nia.
..:'.i al.;;.:,.'::.[~ 'i;h,~ !:fo:.:~"~h:.:,'e:s';a"s,!y Ii'no of se, id "_i'~'ac~ l{oo
·d!$';;a:zc,'-3 om'" ~7;:_, .~..:. ': 3 :f3.".3'~ to -:;he Souzl:.3as"- oo?r:e*.2 o:,:' said
-.* "z,-,..,:~ " "' O0° "'~ ~ 1.0:; E along
':2.$22 2.;,,~,~ OX ~. .......... .~ '6:f.".f.'}D. 3,3 ~ ~': ¢ --'h-
· ...,1 "' ] .... ~;
':-';".:¢ o':,: said ':;*. a :.:' ,3 ~ _._ oz_~.,_:a a~d a!or_~., a ";Ye:-~ ~ine of said
f,~...,,... : -a
_.-.-.~;.~-; ,~,~o~ ~?-'~ ?: di..st .... ,,:.e o-? ~OoOO £e .....
..... ~ to the c.cn-.~
5763~ ti'i°'~.~~e2 S~ ~?."':o.: !.5~ 50~ E~ a.io'P.g ~i:,~.J.! oen-.~ez'!ine oS
Se'.-~'~''~-, Oi~-..~r'a Ave'_i":..?.; and aic:.S %he ...............
..... · ~, ' .... ~,,02~:-, l,..:.'i.:'.le OE SC,~.'d. "221".':.:2'3
~Co 57,{-3~ & .dis"~aP.::.:e cf 15/:'.-~,-'':3 fe'-'+~ ~ t~ ..... '"':.e ~,.,o,'~:ma,¢~
oi' ~-'":-.z:.:...'i. m ......... ~,:. :,~',. - .....
~he E:.s'h line of s',!i.d '.".'.~z"a,c'~ l,,rco 5'?'""}~,~ a distance o2'
".2.3e-3 to She Sc. uthcs, s"h co':"nel- of LoS :[-.c.f said T:.:'ac"~ l':'o~
'- :' .,,': ~-,~." a:a i-::;: -'.' :~""
27,{.~ ~ sa-id porn',3 '-'" "' _
'::~.ou~ds~'y~ ~n~.::.,~c.:,~.. ~ ~'~ -]-S~ O"$~' '"'~, o Jic";:S :'~ald ~:.~,
lboundarV also be!:::2 the South iir_e of said Osao'~
574~ 330 f.eet.~ 'm'"~'z'e o'.."' less 'bo the poi:..'t of begiFaing¢