HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 813RESOLUTION NO. 813 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATOINS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF IRVINE BOULEVARD BETWEEN 330' S.E. OF NEWPORT AVENUE AND ELIZABETH WAY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS %'~E;3, it is th~ .-:.~':t:~ntion of the City. Council of the City of Tustin to mak~ certain improv-~mtnts .~:n 2~rvine Boulevard~ WHEREAS, the City Fngiu~Or has presented plans and specifications for the proposed ~prov~m®nts of i'~vins Boulevard bet~::~n 330~ S.E. of Newport Avenu~ and Elizaboth Way NOW T}~ORE~ be it rosolvsd that tho plans zud specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are h~roSy ~'p'proved as the plans and specifications for th~ improw.:':~c, nt of I~¢in~ Boul~v~-rd bstween 330" S.E. of Newport Avenue and Elizabeth Way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clsrk is hereby authorized and dirsctsd to advertiss as requirod by law for ths receipt of sealed bids or proposals fo:~ th~ doing of tho work spscified in the aforesaid plans and sp~ ~ ..... ' ~ ~g~i~::~ s~ ~dv~rtis~ent shall b~ s~ostantially in the follow- ing we?ds ~'.i figu~'~s~ to-,wit: SEAL~ PROPOSALS ~.g.?..l b~ roc~ivsd at thc offic~ of the CITY CLERK, T~ou~.~ City Hall, 135 W~":; '..'::.'z:,.d ~'~:.oo~;, Tustin, California, until t.]. o' c!ock~ A.M., on th~ ___~..~,~ ....... day of .... ~,.~~~ ......... , 19 ~.~__~_, at ~,:l'~ich t~.'~ they will bo p~'-.biicly o~::'~ed~ ..... and r~ad~ for p,rforming work as follows: In the City c.f Tust!n~ on I::vin~ Boulevard between 330' S.,E~ of Newport Avenue and Elizabeth Way~ to bs graded and paved with asphaltic concrct~ on aggregate base, to construct curb and gutter, and storm drain system. Bids are required for th~ entire work doscrib~d hot,in. CITY F2~GINEER9 S ESTIM~.TE Item No. 1. Clearing and grubbing Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. 7. Item No. 8. Item No. 9. Item No. 10. Item No. ll. Item No. 12. 2. 550 Cubic yards roadway excavation 3. 600 Cubic yards structure excavation 4. 1200 Cubic yards structure backfill 5- 900 Tons aggregate base 6. 325 Tons asphalt concrete 2 Tons liquid asphalt SC-250 prime coat I Ton asphaltic emulsion, seal coat l0 Cubic yards Class A concrete (minor structures) 40 Cubic yards Class B concrete (curbs, etc) 335 Linear feet 42" reinforced concrete pipe (Class III) 88 Linear feet 45" reinforcod concret~ pipe (Class III) The foregoing quantities are approximate only~ beir~g given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication~ agree that the actual amount of work will correspond there- with, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work, as may be doemed necessary or advisable by the Engineer. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms to be used for bidding on this project can only be obtained at the Tustin City Hall, Tustin, California. No bid will be considered unless it is made on a blank form furnished by the City Clerk of Tustin, Califorr~a~ and is made in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications ~d Special ?rovisions. Each bidder must be licensed and also prequalifi~d as required by law. The City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids. mamma Abbreviations us:~;~ in the schedule of ....... ~'"'~ ~' ~ ?~,~,..,~.~,er~,~,~.n~ wage rates in conjunction ~,~th ~r~ioloy~r, , payroll, his listed in th~ 'r~,~ ~' "'~'~' ~'"'J'~ ...... ,;~olm~In are ide;,~tifisd as follows" ph phw pl~.,~/p per hour per hour worhed po~' hour worked or paid ~'a'ploysr p~.~'~s~'~ts oth~r than' those it~zi?,sd below, as defined in Section 1773~1 of th-~ L~.bc_~':z' Cod¢~ are to be paid in accordance with the te~$ of the collective '~'~'::~."~"','~".~ agreement applicable to the t~jpe or classificatio~'~ of the workmen or mecnan...cs emoloyed on the oroject. 0vertim.',~e~ Sund,~-~yc~ ~.nd Holid~ys--not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) t~es the basic hourly rate plus applicable err~ployer payments. The holiday~: upon which such rates sh~l! ba paid shall be all holidays recognized in th~ collective bzr,g,~!ning agre.:~r~xt applicable to tho particulax' craft, classificzti~z" or type of ~.:.:',?~:~'~c'na~: ¢,:~',x:olo;~:? .... -' o~ the project co..~.,?.~.,.~tive bargaining a~reements relenting to the work Copies of ~.!1 '"~ ~ as set forth in th~:~ ai'or~.~'~ontioned Labor Code ar~ on file and available for ~sp~ction in the offica of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Ras~arch. Attentio,n i.s dircc"'?~d to S-action 7-1~O!G of the Standard Specifications _ ~ ..... ~ ........... app_~'on~c~s on ~h,~ wo~k. Every such apprentice providin~ '~c~.~:~ the ~p~.~y~,~.~nt of ..... ~ ~' sh~l b~0 'p~:i,J. tho star~dard wags paid to apprentices under the regulations of the trmde a'~ ?.~'hich h~ is employed. Information relative to emplo~ent of apprentio~ shall b~ oot~.x~'~?~a from the Director of the D~'~.tment of Industrial. Helations~ ~.~o ~s ~..~ f~d~'~i~istrative Officer of the C~!ifo~i~ Apprentices~p Co~cil. Pursuant to th® provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of ¢~..?...life?nia~ tho C±ty Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained the ~n¢~-~,',~,:'.. ~:.~'~,¢v~ilinz,. r~te of wages and eraployer payments for health and wa3.f:'~..re ~'~"::d pension ~td si~'~i!ar purposes in w~ch the work is to be done ~,, Basic rate Der. how r_ _ Classification 5~16 4.97 3.81 4.97 5.16 4.10 4.13 4.18 4.26 4.39 4.86 3.70 4.62 3 5.16 4.39 3.60 5.26 5.16 4.16 4.28 4.40 Asphalt or crushing plant engineer Asphalt plant fireman Asphalt raker and ironer Boxman or raixer box operator (concrete or asphalt plant) Concrete or asphalt spreading, mechanical tamping or finishing machine operator Driver of dump truck (less than 4 yards water level) Driver of dump truck ( 4 yards but less than 8 yards water level) Driver of dump truck (8 yards but less than 12 yards water level) Driver of dump truck (12 yards but less than 16 yards water level) Driver of dump truck (16 yards or more water level) Engineer, oiler and signalman Equipment greaser Fine grader (Highway and street paving) Fireman Flagman Heavy duty repairman Heavy duty repairman's helper Laborer (general or construction) Motor patrol operator (any type or size) Tractor operator (Bulldozer, tamper, scraper, and push tractor) Water truck driver (under 2500 gals) Water truck driver (2500 gals to 4000 gals) Water trdck driver (4000 gals and over) Employer payments for H and W Pension Vacation 3o¢ 30¢ 15¢ phw/p 15~ phw/p ~o¢ 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 15~ phw/p 15~ phw/p 15~ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 30~ P p 30¢ p 30¢ P P P p 30¢ p 30¢ p p 3o~ 15¢ phw/,p 15¢ phw/p 15~ phw/p 15~ phw/p 15~' phw/.~ 15¢ phw/p ~5~ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 3o¢ ® By order of the City Council of tho City of Dated this ~"A day of ~~ ~..~.~ ~.~.~.. ~.~.~..~ ....... , 19 ~'~ ~ . ~ "~ '-'~ C~t~, C::~u';::~ of ~'~ City of Tustin has ascertained ~d does h~reby d~termine that tho general prevailing rate of wages ~d employer pa~ents in th~ locality of the City of Tustin~ California, for each craft or t~e of worh~an needed to execute the work hereinabove specified is as set forth in th~ form of notice hereinabove set forth, and said notice shall contain said schedul~ of wages to bo p~id to th~ wor~zn in said work. PASSED ~k~ ~DOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin~ California, this 7th day of February, 1966, of :------..-,'->--_'-:-'-j' ,--~::i.~_ -' ,-.,J'_ _-_._J_-~- .~ --=:-_ _- :_-: ::-- ~ ..... -_-:- ......" ·: ...... Mayor ATTEST f --.~.,,..: ....... / ~ ~~'---~... '., ,~ ././'~,.;--~:.,~.._ _-._--_.-..~-:~--'JL,,~::~:L ...... I ~-~k.t..%'.~.~, ~,., ~,'.'~;~:~,'.'"" City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certif~ that the £oregoing R®solution was duly passod and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin at its r, gular meeting held on th~ _....,? ~'~~day NOES, TRUSTEES ~ ~ t.,Z:.:.2 ......... ~- ................. . .... ~ ....... . ....