HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 812RESOLUTON NO. 812 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST STREET BETWEEN PROSPECT AVENUE AND NEWPORT AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the int.~ntion of th-~ City Council of the City of Tustin to make certain improvements on Fi~-st Street~ ~d WH~EAS, the City Engineer has presented p!~s ~.d specifications for the proposed ~provem~nts of First Street b~t~.~n Prosp®ct Av~nu~ and Newport Avenue NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans and spsoifications presented by the City Engineer be and are. hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the improvement of First Street between Prospect Avenue and Newport Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clsrk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement' shall b~ substantially in the folle~- ~.ng words and figures, to-wit: '~NU£ICE INVITE~G SEALED PROPOSALS" .. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of %he CITY CLERK, Tustin City Hall, 135 West Third St~eet, Tustin, California, until 11 o'clock, A.M., on th~ at which time they ~.dl! be puo_mcly opened ~d road~ for~,.~¢.~.,~,_~".4~ ~rork as follows: In the City of Tustin, on First Street between P~_r_o_~.pect Avenue and Newport Avenue, to be graded ~.~d pave~~~]~ ~s~5~a_~c concrete on Ce~~tre~ted base on aggregate sub-base~ to const~ct curb ~d gutter~ ~d drain~go structures. Bids are requirod for the entire ~o~: d,c~ribod hsrsin. Item No, 1. Item No Item item No. 4. Item No. 5. It¢~,'~ No, 6o Item ~,lo. 7. It~ Item No. 9. Item No. lO. Item No. ll. Item No. 12. Item No~ 13. Item No~ 14~ It~ No. 15. Cl.~aring and ?ubbing 1,020 tons '~ ........... ." ..... ~.,~ tons class B aggregate ~'oa~ mi:.~cd cement t~eat~d base 385 bbl~ portland cement for ro~d ~:~ed cement .treated base !~7%0 ~cons zspnaz~ concrete 150 squaro yards p!~c~g ~sph~lt conceders (misc. ar. eas) lO tons &sphaltic emulsion (paint binder ~Ad se~) 12 cubic yards class A concrete (m~or structures) 80 cubic yards class B concz,~te (curbs~ etc.) .... , --, ¢%., 40 lin.:~.~,r z'o¢'o so': reinforced concret~ 'pipe (class III) 8 each ad3u~'~zn L~..? s~ - ~olocat~g gu&rd rail SO0 souare yards ~- ~.~4 .... 5~na~ ~ound for th~ Comparison of '~i4,~ ~ th~ C~.~y of Tus'~::.n does not~ ~:q~ressly or by ~plication~ agree that the -'~'~ '" uorx ~¢$1= correspond there~th~ but rese~es the right to incro&~o or decrease the ~;'~ount of any class or .portion of the ~rk~ or to omit portions .~,f the work~ ~s ~my be deemed necessa~ or ~visab!e by the E~,~ ..... ~=. Plans, sp~cificstlo;~':s,~ ~,d proposal for,~s to be used for bidding on t.his project ca:.'~ only h'.o c,'btai,:.~cd ~t the Tustin Cit*;'.y H~!.!, ,?usti..n..~. Cal.iC.~-,nia.. No bid ,.f.'..~l., ..... be, ~,,~,,,~,..,.,~,..".'."' ..... : .~ ..... ~'~ unless it '~.. ~ :::a:a~ on %:!th 'bl~ pDo'¢isio'ns of tko St~dard Specifications ~?,,? claz Provtsions~ o=a,ao:' :.v:.u2t bm licensed a"~:d aaso praqu::lificd as z"~.~:fc:!;-~d by law. The 'C?¢y of Tu~:,tiu r:'~;',:.orves the .~ .,.,~'i'__~,.,~ to reject any,. or all bids, '$ Abbreviations used in the schedule of predetermined waSe conjunction with employer pa~m~ents iistsd in the right b~%d ¢o1~ are' identified as follo~'$: ph ph~/p per hour Per hour wox'ked per hou~ ~:o~kcd or paid .Employer p~y~snts other than those ite~dz~d below, as ~ofino~ in Section 1773.1 of the L~oor Cod~, are to be paid in accordance ~ith th~ %eras of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the tDpe or clas~i~lcation of the workmen or mechanics er~loyed on the project. "". Overtime, Sundays, ~d Holidays--not loss th~,n one ~d on.~hs!f (1-1/2) t~$ the basic hourly rate Plus applicable e~'~ploycr pay~nts. Th~ holid=ys upon ~htch. such rates shall b~ paid shall be all holidays ''~ '~ ~ ' r~cognzz¢~ .in the collective bargaining ag~eo'.:~¢nt applicable to th~ pzrticul~ craft, classification or type of ~.~orkm..~u ~'~ploy®d on th~ project. Copies of all collective b=~.ai~.m,~s ag?o~:~u~nt$ ~,,~-,~'~~,~ to the as set forth in the aforementioned Labor Code are on file m~d ~,a=laol~ for =r, uus'cr~.?~l Relations, Division inspection in the office of th~ Dopartm®nt of '~ ~ ~' ~ of Labor Statistics and Attention is directed to Section 7-!~01G 'of tho Standard Specifications providing for the employment, of apprentices on th~ uork. Every such apprentic~ shall be paid the standard wags paid to appre~tic,~s under the re~l~tions of the trade at wi'~ch he is employed. Information relative to -~.~ployment of' apprentices s~mll be obt~n.~d from the Director of the D~par~.,~ent of Industrial Relations, ~r~o is the ~h~i.uistrative Officer of th~ Calif0'r~a Apprentices~dp Council. · · Pursuant to the pro'~i~ons of Section 1770 of'th~ Labor Code of the State of California, th~ City Codicil of the City of Tustin h~as .a. scsx~t~ued +he goneral prevailing rat~ of wages m~d e~mployor payments for h~alth ~d welfare ~d pension ~d ~~!ar purposes in~,::~n-' ~ ~'~ 'oho' ~.~ork ~_s to. bo ~on~"" to be as fo~ows: (~e page 4. ) 5 ! .. B~sic rate Classification [~.~ployer payments for 5.16 4.97 3.81 4.97 5 ~16 4 o10 4.13 4.18 4.26 4.45 4.39 4.8..'6 3-70 4.62 3.60 4.p9 ~60 5.z6 4.16 4o40 Asphalt plant fir~,~m'~ Asphalt ' '~ ra~or and ironer Bomr~an or ~Zxer box o~o~rator (concrete or asph'':~* ' a~. ~ olant) Concrste or asphalt spreading, mschanical t~ping 07 finishing ma~ine operator Driver of d~p truck (less than 4 ya~s water level) Driver of d~p truck ( 4 yards but less 'clean 8 ya?ds w~.~ter !evol) D~iver of du~p truck (8 yards but l~s th~u 12 yards water level) D~'iver of d'~p truck (12 yards but less 't~:~: ~ ' =o yard~ 't,:az~r l~vel) D'zi'Ye'r of dm::p true:< ~.o yards or mora water level) Engine~r~ oiler and signa~mn 30¢ 3o~ 3o./ 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/P 1S~ pb~.,,"/p . ~5¢ phw/p 15¢ phw/P 15J phw/p P p 3o¢ p 3'o~ .. P P P p 3o~ p -30~ P p 3o~ 15¢ phw/_p 15¢ phw/ lsd' phw/.p 15¢ phw, Equipment greaser 15¢ phw/p 15¢ phwl Fine grado~~ (!'ii~'n,:.':.'V;'~[ 'l:~ 'd~;trc,s,t paving) 12'~?¢ phw[p iC~lph~ Firem~n lJ~ phw/p 15~ phw~ na~-~zn IZ~-,J phw~p i0~ phw/ Hea~ duty rcp.:,Z::.man 15J phw/.p 15~ phw/ H~avy duty ...... ~'.......... ' ....... ~ ~ Laborer (Zeneral or co:.:~'::ruction) 12~-i~ ~h~,~/.p 10~ phwj 14otor pat:..ol o'p.~-Jrator (any t3~, or size) '15~ ~hw/p 15~ phwl Tractor op~r~to'~. (B'alldozcr, t~.per, scraper~ and pusk tz"'actor) 15¢ ph~,~[o 15~ phw~p Water truck driver ( ....... ~ .... r 2500 gals) ........ ~..,,~ pn'c,:Vp 15~ phw/p .Water t~ck driver (4000 g~!s ~d ewer) lJ,j pm~/p i5~ phw/p 4~ That the City Council of the City of Tusti~ has ascertained and does hereby determine that the General prevaiiinE rate of ~.mge$ ~nd employer pa~j~ents in the locality of the City of Tustin, Califorr~a~ for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the work hereinabov~ specified i~ as set forth in the fora of notice h®reinabove set forth~ ay,~ said notic~ sb~mll contain said schedule of wages to b~ paid to the ~or!:~ PASSED .~ AD. OPTEO by the City Counci~ of th~ City of ~.u.~,*~,~.,- C~ifornia~ 7th day of February, 1966 ' Mayor ATTEST STATE OF CAI.~ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUS?i~ ) SS I, ~_~_,j.~~~___~:~_~_ ...... City Clerk Of t?,.~ City of Tustin, do h~r~by certify t~t the foregoing Resolution was duly pas~ ~a ~d ~optod by the City of th~ City of Tustin at its .r~g~ar "~ ~" _ ....... me~~g hold on the 9 Fa '~' ~ *o~ ~ o~:~ ~-g .~ '~ '