HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 794RESOLUTION NO. 794 A REOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CUTY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS RED HILL CENTER ANNEXATON TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. BE IT ?:iE(~0LVED BY THE COUNCIL 0F 'THE CITY OF TUf~TIN: 1. That, pursuar..t to 'the provisions of the A.nne~ation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, proceedings have been initiated, by the Council of 'the City of Tustin, on its own motion, to annex to the City of Tustln all that uni. nh..sbited terr.itory s~.tuate.in the County of Orange, State California, hereby desi.~nated~.~ as i-tED HILL CRNTE!I._ Aii'~.~.,.X.:..TI'"~ ON described in Exhib:i.t A, at'tr~ched hereto :~nd inco'~?orated herei, n by thi. s reference as though set forth hereat in full. 2. That the City Co~ncii ~ePeby finds and. determines that all of said territory is uninhab'[ted within the meaning of Government Code Secti. o;r~ 3~303, on the date of the adoption of this Resolution, and that sr~i.d ter'ritory is conti~uous 'to 'the C'.~ty of Tust..t'n. 3.' That the City Council of the City of Tustin desires 'to annex said uninhabited territory to the City of Tustin for the following reasons: That the territory is con- 'tiguous to the City' of Tust~n, and its 'propose~ annexation will contribute 'to and faci!Ita'te the orderly growth and develop- ~.~ent o'f both 'the City and the territory 'proposed to be annexed; will ~rovide an area for commercial development for the City of Tustin, and will provide an ade~:uate and brosder tax base for theCity; will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, sanit::~ry and storm water sewers and drainage faciliti, es, 'both within the City and within the territory proposed 'to be annexed; and will provide and facilitate pr'o~.~er over-a].l and zoni. n~ of lands, and su'bdivision of ].ands in said City and said un.tnh~:!:b.[ted territory, in a mariner' most conducive to the welfare of said C.tty a'nd. said uni. nhab.tted terr.i_tory. That the County Boundary Commi. ssion of Orange County, California, did, in sesslon duly assembled., on Autust 9th, 1965, a-oprove the proposed annexation bound..sries of said RED HILL CENTER AN~EXATIONi"to the City of Tustin, as above described, and as submitted to said Commission by the Council of the City of Tustin. That the Local Agency Formation Commission did, in session duly assembled, on September t~th, 196~, approve said proposed annexation. 6. That November 1st, 196~, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in tha~ Council Chambers at Tustin Area Youth Center, 600 W. Sixth St., City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, is hereby fi'xed as 'the time and o!ace when and where any person ownl:ng rea]. oro~;::erty within the uninh.sbited territory above described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Tustin, and having a-ny objections to the proposed annexation, may a'~pear before the Council of the City of Tustin, and show cause why such un'inhabited territory should not be so annexed to said City' of Tustin; such ~orotests must be in writhing, ~r;d may be filed at any time i~rior to the finn.al ad journm'ent of the heari, ng on protests, and shall_ state the name or names of the owner or ow:ners of property affected, an.d the street address or other description of the property sufficient to identify it on the last equalj, zed assessment roll. ?. The City Clerk o~/'"~the City of Tustln is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of 'th~s Resolution to be published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week', in 'the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City' of Tustin, the City 'to which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid territory, .and. also in the Orange Daily News, a newspaper of ~eneral circu].at.i, on pub- !ished outside the City of Tustin, but in the County of Orange, Calif ....rnia, the County In. which Is located the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Tustin. 8. The City Clerk is further authorized and di'rected · to cause w'r_ttten notice of such proposed ,.-:.~nnex~tion to be mailed to each ..verson to whom land within the territory pro- posed to be annexed .i.s assessed .tn the lsst equalized County assessment roll. aw~.~i, lable on the date the above sa_id proceed- i'ngs were ini'tlated, at the addresses shown on said. assessment roll or known 'to the Clerk, .'-s. nd. to any person who has f_iled h2s n. arne and address and the d. eslgnatlon of the lands in which he has an interest, e2ther le~:~l or ec~ultab.le wlth the Clerk 9. In the event any Iand within the territory proposed to be annexed ls owned by a county, the City Clerk 2s directed, to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Board of Supervlsors of the County. 10. In the event there ls, upon 'the land proposed to be annexed, a structur.r..~l improvement, owned., being aca...uired or leased by a county f2re protection district, 'the sald. Clerk · i.s directed, to cause wrl'tten .~ot.tce of such pro~osed annexat2on to be mailed to the .~overnlng body of such dlstrIct 11. The City Clerk ls directed to cause written .notlce · to be gl. yen to such other persons as may be legally entltled. thereto, in tha manner reoui'red by ]_aw. PASSED AND ADO'"-~'TED at a meeti, ng of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 20th day of September, 1965. MAYOR STATE 0F CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-of'ficlo Clerk of the City Councll Of the Clty of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of 'the members of the City Council of the City of Tustln is five; 'that 'the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly 2ntroduced, read, 'oassed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Cou'~cil held on 'the 20th day of Seotember, 1965, by the following vote: A.YES: COUNCILMEN: MA CK ,__KAI~ ~q~L~,,O_?Et~, _ coco ,:.. MILLER_ NOES: GOUNcILMEN: NONE ........... , ., .. ~ .._: _ ...... :_. :-:. ABSENT: COUN'CILMEN: RING : :_:. . .... .~ .. _ ...:: . _ , _ ....... , , , , ..... l .......... CiTY .k~LERK · City Of ~us'ti~r', Cal.ifor. nia .. .. . . . . . .... ,, · .. ...~ .. LEC-AL DE,$CRI2T~~' ~ .. . ' . _u-~'~ ~ un THE ".'. .'" , . ..'"'...'i.' "' ... RED HILL CEi.~TER AN~~_TION " ' '. ."'" ' :'. ..... " ' ~0 T,,~ CITY OF TUSTZN, C~IPO~~ :" ...... .. , ,.... . ..... , .~..:~ . . , .. . . , . Begl~lng at an angle.point 'in. the existing ,bo~dary of the City · of Tustin, California~ a~ established by the Fourth Street ...".. ~n~exation by Ordinance }~o. 216, said angle point being the .... intersection of ~h.~ ~orth~,~esterly lln~ of Lot l, Block 12 of the Irvine Subdivision., as shc~,~n on a map thereof recorded in' ' ..' . Book_~ ,. Pago 88, Misc-~llaneous~ ...::~~:a~:~ Records of Orange Co~ty, '"' ' '. California, with a line that is ~0 f~ct South of, meas~ed at .... '. .. · ~ · . right angles to, and ,~.~o lel w~tn th~. surveyed centerline of..:... Fourth Street; thence, d~o~rt"~.~ from said City bo~dary, . . ". ~ 1 ~..~ :-5 ..... North 39o45' East,. along the 1~orth~,~s e~ly line of said Lot l, ::.~ ..... snid Northwesterly l~n~ also bc~ - ~ "' . '" .... g th~ surveyed centerline of . . .. · Ne~ort Avenue', a distance of jSg-fe~t,' ~ore or less, to th~ . " "' " ~~erly corner of said Lot l~ s~id l~orthsrly corner also being · the Westerly corner of Lot 331~ Bloc_ ~3, of said Irvine Sub- · division; thence, continuing l.,~orth 39~4j' East, along the North, we'sterly line of said Lot 331 and ~long said centerline of "..'~.....~... Nc~.~port Avenue, a distance of 64~ fe~t, more or less, to a' .. '.. .point that is 20 feet South 39°4~~ West from the Northerly '..'.' .~. ".' ' corner of the We'stsrly one-~u~rtor (~) of said ~t 331, said ".' ' ~ ~ ..' .. point being the intersection of thc 1,brthwesterly line of ".'.." .. ' ~ .... ~., t~'~ prolongation of the South-'~ said 'Lot 331 with the ~.~o~tn.,es .... y · . . westerly line of Wass Street (40. f~ot ~,~idc); thence, South .. '.". ~o~h'~esterly prolongation and along' ." · · 50°15' East, along 'said ~ ".s~id Southwesterly line, a dictanc~ of.330 feet, more or less,..... ~ ~o.~,~ e~crly 330 feet of the ~o the Easterly corner of the ~' ~"~h~:,~. ~'~' · Westerly one-quarter (~-). of. s~id Lot 331'; thence, South J9°45' .... " Yest, along the Southoasterly lin~ of said Northwesterly 3~0 '."."" . . feet, a distance of 245 fect: ~'~:ors or less, to the Northerly ":..-.. · "corner of the Southeasterly 330 fe-~t of the Southwesterly 39~ ...... ......' ' · . -'q _,~_' .~. '1 .:'-' ..,:~ ' f¢~ o,_.said Westerly on~-~.u~.:~',-' (T) of said Lot 331; thence, . .... · , ' ~'~*~-.~,~sterly line of said South'" "' "."' '.. South ~0°15' ~st a:o~g the ~[~.~:.~. ...... ... .'. easterly 330 feet, .a distance o'f 33o f~t, more or' less,, to .'. ':.:':." the Easterly corner of said Sohthcasterly 3~0 feet; thence, .' ' "'".~" .: South 39°45' West, along the Southeasterly line of said South-..':' e~sterly 330 feet, a distance of 2j feet~ more or less,, to the' . ... Northerly' cerner of the North~..:~sterly 165 feet 'of'the South- '...... ' westerly 370 fe~t of the Southerly on~-quarter (~) of said "~..., " Lot' ~31; thence, South j0°13~ ~st al th Northeasterly ~,. ~ O~g ~ . , · line' of said l,lortm~,oster~y 165 fo~t, ~ ~istance of 16~.,feet,~ more or less, to the Easterly oorne~~ 'of said Northwesterly 165 feet;'' ~ ~ o, , ~ t alon~ the Southeasterly line of said t~enoe, sou~ 3~ 45 ?s ,_ .. ~ ~ . _ ...'.. .~.[orth~.l~stsrly 16~ .fee~, a distano~ of 203 fe~ ~ore or &ess, ........ · ' '. ~u.,- ~.~.~,~=~v~ ~..,~..,~__~. oorner~ of thc'. S~t~esterly. ~. .~, 167 feet of th$....' .. .8oVtheas$erly 1~5 feet of the ~:orthw~sterly 330 feet of said ..'..~ .'," . 'Southerly one-quarter (~) of .said Lot 331; thence, South... ".~... ' 167 feet~ a ~istanoe o~ 16~ ~eo$.,' more or less~', tO the corner oF said 8ou. thw.ezterly '167 fe~t;' the~oe~ .~ovth 39°4~ West~ along the Southeasterly line of said SouthwesterlZ 167 fe~t, ~ dista~o~ 'of 167 feet~ more or less, to the ~ovth~esterly li~e of sai~ Lot 331~ said Sou. thwesterlz line also ~i~g ~hG Mortheasterly li~e o~ said Lot .l~ Block 12 o~ said Ir~i~e Sub-' . '.division, said Northeasterly line of said Lot I also beihg th~ surveyed 'oenterline of' Irvi.ne Bou. lev~rd; thence~ South 30°15~ East, along sai6 No~the~sterly !i~qe of said-Lot l~ a . of 330 feet, more or less, to the Easterly corner of said Lot · alo'~g the Southeasterly line'of said thence, South 39°45' West~ .... ~o~ ~nerly corner of Lot 43, .. Lot l~ a dista~o~ oF 322 feet~ to tho ~ .... Tract 4521, as sho'~n o~ ~,~o.p thez'eo~ reoor~e~ i~ Book 1~9~ ,.. ~ R~cords of Ora~.oe Co~ty~ z Pa.ges 48 thru 50, Misce!lgneous .California to an angle .co iht in the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, said point also described as being S 39o58'20" . :..~or,~nerly corner of Lot 2 of said West, 317 feet from the most ~ ..... Block 12, by the Bryan-Red Hill f-~nnexation Ordinance No. 172; thence, continuing South 39°45~ West, aipng the Southeasterly _ ~,~orthwesterly line of ~ ine of said Lot 1, and re!cng the most :'' Said Tract 4521 and along the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, a distance of 643.01 feet~ to the Westerly corner of'said Tract 4521; thence, continuing South 59°45~ West~ along said Southeasterly llne of said'Lot 1 and along the existing boundary of the City of Tustin~ a distance of 34 feet, to the Easterly. corner of-the Soubhwesterly 330 feet of said Lot 1, and to an 'angle point in the existing City boundary, as established by the Bryan-i,~e~,:po~'~ ~ne:cation by Ordinanc~ 1,1o. ~.~ .... g~.~ 50oi5~ West~ along said City 270 and No. 275; thence, ~ boundary and along the i'~ortheaster!y line of said Southwesterly 330 feet, a distance of 1~20 .feet~ ~.o're or less', to the ~iorth- westerly line of said Lot 1 a~:~. to an. angle point in the existing City boundary; thence~ North 39°45' ~st,' along the existing .City. boundary as established by the Eastside ]'t ion by Ordinance No. 1!!~ a distance of 430 feet, more or .less, .to. the point of beg~nU"ng_ ..~ . ... . .. . , . · . .. .../,,' .... . ...... ....