HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 785 RESOLUTION NO. 785 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE 1965-1966 FISCAL YEAR WHEiqEAS, in accordance with Section 2-41 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the City Admini. strator hr~s prepared and submitted to the City Counci. 1 a prooosed budget for the 1965-1966 fiscal year, starting July 1, 196.5, and 'WHEREAS, the Clty Council as the 1. e~islative body of the City h~s reviewed and modified this oroposed., bud.~et.~.~ , and.. WHE}~gAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary for the eff2cien, t manasement of the C~ty that certain sums of revenue of the City be aporopriated to the various departments, offices, a.~encies .and sct.i_vities of the City~ N0W THEtTEFOIqE, does hereby resolve, the Clty Cou.n¢il of the City of Tustin determine and order ss follows: SECTION 1: A certaln document on file in three (a) copies in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin "196~ 66 Annual Budget" bein.~ marked and designated, - , said document as prepsred by the Clty Administrator and amended by the City Councll, .ts hereby adopted for the fiscal year commencln~ July 1, 196~. SECTION 2: The f ollowln~ sums of moN..~y are hereby appropriated from. 'the revenue of the City of Tustin to the following named deeartments, o'ffices, 8.~[encles, and activities of the City for e.x...:v, endlture during the 1965-66 fiscal year. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Account Series Activity i ,,,, , i : - 1000 1100 1200 1 00 1600 1800 2000 2100 300 3ooo 32oo '~a-O0 3 oo 400o 200 3oo .5000 .5600 8100 8200 Total Amount City Council City Administrator City' Cler]~ ... Finance Officer City Treasurer City Attorney Planning Government Bulld in.~s Community Promotion Elections Other Non-Deoertment81 Civll Defense Buiidln~ lqe~ulat ion · "i~ -T~ Police PiPe Publlc Works .Administr'~-~tlon Waste Collection Sanitary Sewers ;.%treet CoNstruct Street Maintenance Park Facilities }~ec rea t ~ on ¥,400 13,3 9 30,327 6,218 mmmmm 10,100 i}1,958 24,745 5,895 1,100 6,914 ~3,787 126,388 79, .329 33,7_56 29,800 101,775 47,2 51 10,761 10,460 Total A'oF, ropriation All Funds t~ 428 ,:'~649, PA~SS.ED AND ADOPT'ED by the City Counc..i. 1 of the Ci'ty of rust in, at a regular meetin~ thereof, held on. the 6th day of July, 1965. 122 A TTE S T: ¢~T~ '¢~ ..................... STATE OP CALIFO!tNIA ) ~ "-TY ~OU~.,~ OF 0 ~ANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) IIUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Califor.n!8, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; thst the foregoing i-tesolution was passed and adopted at a regulsr meeting thereof, held on the 6th day of July, 1965, by the followin,g vote: AIES' COUNCI LHEN NOES: COUN ClLNEN ABSENT: COUNCILMEN .. Hack, Cooo,....M..i_!.!er, tiqg None ..... N1 in. ge,.lhofer ~k~ITY CLERK .~_~