HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 774 RESOLUTION NO. 774 RESOLUTION BY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRANT THE GAS FRANCHISE APPLIED FOR BY SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, UNDER DIVISION 3, CHAPTER 2 OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, KNOWN AS~ THE FRANCHISE ACT OF 1937. Southern organized the State corporation in t purposes to cons communities in t City of Tustin a provisions of Di Code of the Stat application stat Section 6231 the therein applied appurtenances for transmitting and di and all purposes under, along, across or u streets, ways, alleys and places, as the s hereafter exist within the City of Tustin, and that term for which the fra~nchise therein applied for is as defined in Section 6264 of the Public Utilities of the State of California; and WHEREAS, this City Council has received from Counties Gas Company of California, a corporation and existing under and by virtue of the laws of of California, and engaged, ss s public utility ransmitting and distributing gas for all umers in various municipalities and he State of California, including the n application, under and pursuant to the vision 3, Chapter 2 of the Public Utilities e of California, for a franchise, which said es, in compliance with the provisions of reof, that the purpose for which the franchise for is desired is to lay and use oipes and stributlng gas for any pon the public ame now or may the indeterminate Code WHEREAS, sa id ao'plication furthe the applicant, if granted the franchise th for, will pay to the City of Tustin during such franchise, two per ceut (2%) of the g receipts of applicant arising from the use possession of said franchise; provided, ho such payment shall in no event be less tba (1%) of the gross annual receipts of appli from the sale of gas within the limits of under said gas franchise r states that ereln 8pmlied the life of ross annual , omeration or wever, that n one per cent cant derived the Clty of Tustin NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this City Council under and pursuant to the orovisions of Section 6232 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, does hereby declare its intention to grant to Southern Counties Gas Company of California the franchise so applied, for; and. Monday, the 3rd day of May 1965, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M. at the Pl~ce where this City Council usually meets, to wit Tust Tustin, California place when and whe the granting of su City Council and. b such hearing be inE than sixty (60) da resolution) ;. and in Youth Center, 600 West Sixth St., , is hereby fixed as the day, hour and re all persons hsvin~ any objections to ch franchise may appear before this e heard thereon, (the time so fixed for not less than twenty (20) nor more ys after the date of the pass~e of this BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of th&s City Council is hereby directed to publish a notice at least once within f'ifteen (15) days after the passage of this resolution, in a newspaper of general circulation within this City of Tustin to wit, in the Tustin News, in the words and. figures as follows, to wit: "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO GRANT GAS FRANCHISE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is City of Tustin to Division the State of to Southe a fr~nchi transmitt under, al or places the City at 7:30 o usuall Street and pl object before not la any pe object Su ch p to the hereby given by that it intends 3, Chapter 2 of the California, known as rn Counties Gas Company se to lay and Use pipes ing and distributing ~as ong, across or upon the , as the of Tust in same now or may and the City Council of the to grant~ u.nder and pursuant. PUblic Utilities Code of the Franchise Act of 1937, of California a corporation, and appurtenances for for any and all purposes public streets, ways, alleys hereafter exist within that Monday, the 3rd day of May, 1965, 'clock, P.M. at the place where this City Council y meets, to wit, Tustin Youth Center, 600 West Sixth , Tustin, California is hereby fixed as the day, hour, ace when and where any and all persons having any ions to the granting of said franchise may appear this City Council and be heard thereon. At any time ter than the hour so set for the hearing of objections, rson interested may make written protest, stating ions against the granting of such franchise. rotest must be signed by the protestant and be delivered clerk of this City Council. The term for which said franchise is proposed to be granted is indeterminate, as defined in Section 6264 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of.California. The grantee of said franchise, and. its successors and assigns will, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Tustin two per cent (2%) of the gross annual receipts of the grantee and its successors and assigns arising from the use, operation or possession of said. franchise;- provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be ].ess than one .per cent (1~) of the gross annual receipts of the grantee, its successors and. assigns, derived from the sale of gas within the limits of the City of Tus'tin under said gas franchise. Said percentage will be paid annually from the date of the granting of said franchise, and in the event such p~yment shall not be made said franchise will be forfeited. Dated April 5th, 1965. City of Tustin MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY copy of Resolution No. Council of the City of on April 5th, 1965. that the foregoing is a true and correct 774, passed and adopted by the City Tustin at a regular meeting thereof held ~CI TY CLERK .. -<~ (To be used ~chcrc Gas Comj~an}~ does no: itacc a Constitutional Franchise.) RESOLUTION BY......_CITY COUNCIL ...................................................................................... (Namc of Legislative Eody) bF THE.........CITY._OF-,_TUSTIN..... ............................................................................................ (Namc of Mtnicipality) DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRANT THE GAS FRANCHISE APPLIED FOR BY SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS•. COMPANY Or CALIFOR~IIA..-..-_----.•.-__.-._,,,_,,.._ ...............:.... (Namc of Applicant) UNDER DIVISION 3, CHAPTER 2 OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA,. KNOWN AS THE FRANCHISE ACT OF 1937. WHEREAS, this ............._Q~Y.._COUncl............. ---- ......... ....................----°._..........----....---............... . ~ ~ (Name of Legislative Body) l,as received from............SA.L1:Gh~~'~._~o1zT1ties.._Gas...Combany..,of _California ................. (Name of Applicant) a corporation organized and e:cisting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, and engaged as a public utility corporation in transmitting and distributing gas fot all purposes to con- sumers in various municipalities and communities in the State of California, including.the ........................ CitY... o£.._Tus min ................. ........ ........................................°--• ~----...........--° ----- (Namc of bunicipality) an application, under and pursuant to the provisions of Division 3, Chapter 2 of the Public Utilities Codc of the State of California, for a franchise, which said application states, in compliance with [he pro- visions of Seetion 6231 thereof, that the purpose for which the franchise therein applied for is desired is to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys and places, as the same now or may • Cit of Tusi hcrcaftcr'exist within the .....:...........:...... ~....._.......... Namc of Municipality) and~that the term for which the franchise therein applied for is indeterminate, as defined in Section 6264 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, said application further states that the applicant, if granted the franchise therein al~plicd for, will pay to the....: .................C1tj?--Of TU:,_ti.~?........................-.-..-.......-----...........................:.........., ~ (Name of Municipality) during the life of such franchise, hvo per cent (2°fo) of the gross annual receipts of applicant arising from the use, operation or possession of said frauchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one per cent (1 ~0) of the gross annual receipts of applicant dcnved from the ,ale of gas within the limits of the.' ............. °( TUS ~1n-,__--.._._,-,,,,.,.............--------------.....--------, ---.,... C1:yy..._Q,t.-Namc of N[unicipality) under said gas franchise. ' NO\N, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this._...._C1i.;~--COUY1C11,--,--._-----------------------_.--, (Name of Legislative Body) under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 62.i2 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of Cali- forma, does hereby declare its intention to grant (Name of Applican California .............................. the franctise so applied for; and---°.._~'l.QP~..f~y ................. the-.._5th .........day of........ day............................., ......................... 19.,5.x?.-.- at......7'.~.~.......o'clock, _P.:. M., at the place where this....._C1ty..COUriCil - ~ (Name of Legisiative Body) FORM 2433-iA ~•= • usually meets, to wit....`.Z,'u$-~,~'}._.You~h,_C en~er1...600.--i<7n~t...Sixth..St.,.,.._Tu~tin,.,,Calif. is hereby fixed as the day, hour and place when and whcrc ali persons having any objection to the granting of such franchise may appear before this.........C1ty--Council .................................................... (Name of Legislative Body) and be heard thercon,~(the time so fixed for such hearing being not less than~tw•enty (20) nor mo:c than sixty (60) clays after the date of the passage of this resolution) ;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this..........Clty._COUT1C11_,.,,,_„ ....................:..... (Name of Legislative Body) is hereby directed io pub]ish.a notice at least once within fifteen (15) days after the passage of this resohrtion, in a newspaper of general. circulation within this..._...C,.~.ty...Q~...`,L.'Ll$..~iiXl ................ (Name of Municipality) to wit; in the..-------...`Z'.L1S.~i~.1.1...IN$.Il~ ...............------...-............................................., in the words and figures as (Name of Newspaper) follows, to wit: "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO GRANT GAS FRANCHISE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <; Notice is hereby given by the........Cj..'(iy...C.O:t1SJ,G.~.a ................ ~ ~ '~ ' (Name of Legislative Body) - of t1te.........L'.a.:~Y....Ql`...`Z'.USt1?? ......................................................................that it intends to grant, under and (Name of Municipality) pursuant to Division 3, Chapter 2 o~the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, known as the Franchise Act of 1937, to.-....Sf~u.khern...G.C1LiIlCi].L'.s...GaS...CiQmbaS33'...0~...G.s'}~.7..~QS'Y?~,~........... (Name of Applicant) a corporation, a franchise to ]ay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys or places, as the same novv or may hereafter exist within the...-.-----G~-'~J---S2f...`I.'.LI.S.'~].11 ..........................................................: . ~ ~ (Name of Municipality) --. ... ........................... 19..-~...., at and that............_MondaY ..............'.-..-.., the.....----~na---...day of.-------r13Y.,:.::.......... 6 .._7-' 3~.o'dock, .._P'. M., at the place where this--.°`°_Q1~~?._C.O.LiT1C11 ..........................:............°.°-......... - (Name of Legislative Body) usually meets, to wit,. Tustin-_Youth. Center-,_-6G0-_files.t.._Sixth•.Street_~.._Tustin~ .Calif, is hereby fixed as the day, hour and place when and whcrc any and all persons having any objection to the granting of said franchise may appear before this..........Ci~~...CQLil".lC.~.~ .............................................. - ~ (Name of Legislative Body) and be heard thereon. At any time not later than the hour so set for the hearing of obj ections, 'any person interested may make written protest, stating objections against the granting of such franchise. Suth protest must be signed by the protestant and be delivered to the clerk of this....._ ............................... ... ..... ....... ...-----........---......._Ci~y..C.O.un.Ci~....--- .......-.......... (Name of Legislative Body) 1'he term for which said franchise is proposed to be granted is indeterminate, as defined in Sec-. lion 6264 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. The grantee of said franchise, and its successors and assigns, will, during the life of said franchise, pay to the ..................°---.._Q~.ty....Q.~...rl.'ll^a.fi.'.A'}--................................--°---................:.....----.................................. (Name of Municipality) two per cent (2jo) of the gross annual receipts of the grantee and its successors and assigns arising froth the use, operation or possession of said irancl:ise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event he less than one per cent (ic~a) of the gross annual receipts of the grantec,its successors and assigns, derived from the salt of gas ' is the lir,:its of the-.....City.-_Of,-TUS ~1R._......__..._.._._--. (Name df Municipality) roan ;,nza .., :`' • under said gas franchise. Said percentage will be paid at;nually from the date of~the granting of said franchise, and in the event such payment shall not be made said franchise will be forfeited. Dated.........:ADri1....Sth ................._-....; 19..6~r...... ._ ~ C ~c~ .~ Clerk of.....Ct;3..CounCil-.. .,-.. _. ' ~ L-- (Name of Legislative Body) ' Playor of the..........C1ty...caf...Tus.tin ........:......................... ' ~ ~ ~ (Name of Municipality) I HEREBY CERT'IF'Y that the foregoing is a,true and correct copy of Resolution No, 77~- ` passed and adopted by the City Council of the, City of Tustin at a regular meeting thereof held on Aori1 5th, i96~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ '`-_~ City Clerk '~= ., FORM 2639-3C