HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1021 (1989) ORDINANCE NO. 1021 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 2 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED REDEVELOPMENT 3 PLAN FOR THE TUSTIN TOWN CENTER AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT 4 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin adopted the 5 Redevelopmerit Plan for the Town Center Area Redevelopmerit Project (the "Redevelopment Plan") in November, 1976; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council has previously amended the 7 Redevelopmerit Plan once in September, 1981, and as amended the Redevelopmerit Plan is known as the "Amended Redevelopmerit Plan"; and 8 WHEREAS, the Tustin Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") has 9 formulated and prepared the proposed Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopmerit Plan for the Town Center Area Redeve]opment Project; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin has received from ]] the Agency the proposed Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopment Plan, a copy of which is on file at the office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial 12 Way, Tustin, California, and at the office of the Agency at the same address, together with the Report 'of~ the Agency on the proposed Second Amendment; 13 and 14 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin has submitted to the City Council its report and recommendations concerning the 15 proposed Second Amendment to the Am.ended Redevelopment Plan and its certification that the Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopment Plan 16 conforms to the General Plan for the City of Tustin; and 17 WHEREAS, the Agency, on August 15, 1988, held a duly noticed public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Report ("EIR"}, prepared 18 and circulated for public review and comment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000, ..e...t...S....e_cl:.), the 19 Guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 California Administrative Code Section 15000, et seq. ) and environmental 20 'procedures adopted by the Agency pursuant thereto; and the Draft EIR was thereafter revised and supplemented to incorporate comments received and 21 responses thereto, and as so revised and supplemented, a Final EIR was prepared by the Agency; and 22 WHEREAS, the Agency has considered and certified the adequacy 23 of the Final Environmental Impact Report, submitted pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21151 and Health and Safety Code Section 33352, and 24 has determined that the redevelopment of the Project Area pursuant to the Amended Redevelopment Plan as further amended by the Second Amendment 25 will have significant effects on the environment based upon the impacts identified in Resolution No. 88-14 adopted by the Agency on December 5, 1988, 26 making certain findings regarding the environmental impacts of the proposed actions with respect to the Amended Redevelopmerit Plan as further amended 27 by the Second Amendment; and 28 ] ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 2 3 WHEREAS, the Agency has by said Resolution No. 88-14 adopted a 4 Statement of Overriding Considerations determining that the benefits of the Second Amendment outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects; 5 and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council and the Agency held a joint public hearing on February 21, 1989, on the proposed adoption of the Second 7 Amendment to the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California; and 8 WHEREAS, a notice of said hearing was duly and regularly 9 published in the _T...u...s...t...i_n__N.._e._w_s.., a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Tustin, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date of said 10 hearing, and a copy of said notices and affidavits of publication are on file with the City Clerk and the Agency; and 1] WHEREAS, copies of the notice of joint public hearing were mailed ]2 by certified mail with return receipt requested to the last known address of each assesses as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of 13 Orange of each parcel of land in the Project Area; and 14 WHEREAS, copies of the notice of joint public hearing were mailed by certified marl return receipt requested to 'the governing body of each 15 taxing agency which receives taxes from property in the Project Area, and to the last known assesses of each parcel in the Project Area; and notices were ] O also mailed to community organizations, business tenants and posted in accessibla locations for notice to the general public from 'the Agency; and 17 WHEREAS, the City ,Council has evaluated the report of the 18 Agency, the proposed Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopmerit Plan, and the Final Environmental Impact Report, has provided an opportunity for 19 all persons to be heard, and has received and considered all evidence and testimony presented for or against any and all aspects of the Second 20 Amendment and has made written findings in response to each written objection of an affected property owner or taxing entity; and 21 WHEREAS, all actions required-by law have been taken by all 22 appropriate public bodies; 23 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 24 S_.e_.c..tio_n..__.l.. The legal description of the boundaries of the 25 Redevelopment Project is contained in Instrument No. 36603, book 11976, pages 35-48 of Official Records recorded on November 29, 1976, in the office of the 26 County Recorder of Orange County, California. 27 .S..e_.c_.t:i_o..n__2_, The purposes and intent of the City Council with respect to the Project Area are and continue to be: 28 ] ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 3 3 l) to create a mixed use town center area that combines 4 commercial, office, residential, and public uses which will serve the needs of the community as well as encourage the 5 healthy growth of the town center area; 6 2) to improve traffic circulation and access in the town center area as a means of reducing congestion, encouraging 7 business development, attracting new customers to the area, alleviating pass-through traffic congestion and conflict, and 8 improving safety; 9 3) to revitalize and develop amentries in the Project area, both publicly and privately financed, as a means of aidtag the 10 revitalization of the E1 Camino Real sect/or, in particular; 1] 4) to increase 'the level of capital improvements such as the developraent of Columbus-Tustin Park, parking facilities, sidewalk and street landscaping, street improvements and 12 related public iniprovement projects; 13 5) to improve controlled development of the area to aid in the harmonious and efficient development of the redevelopmeat 14 area; and 15 6) to encourage residential development by actively seeking ] 6 private developxneat in the redevelopmeat area. 17 .S_e_q.t....i..9..n._.3.. It hereby is determined that the Second Amendment submitted by the Agency is necessary arid desirable. 18 ..S..e...q.'..~j..q..n.__.4.. The Second Amendment is incorporated herein by this 19 reference and made a part hereof as if fully set forth at length herein. The Amended Redevelopmeat Plan for the Tustin Town Center Area Redevelopmeat 20 Project, as amended hereby, shall continue to be referred to as the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan. 21 .~_.e_q.t.i. qp.._.~. Ordinance No. 701 and the Redevelopmeat Plan adopted 22 pursuant thereto as the official Redevelopment Plan for the Town. Center Area Redevelopmeat Project, as amended by Ordirmnce No. 855, are hereby amended 23 by the Second Amendment so that the Redevelopmeat Plan adopted by Ordinance No. 701, and amended by Ordinance No. 855, is replaced by the 24 Amended Redevelopmeat Plan as further amended by the Second Amendment. 25 ..S....e...q.t.i_q..n__.6.. All wr'[t'~en and oral objections to the · Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan for the Town Center Area 26 Rede'velopment Project have been overruled by Resolution No. 89-26 adopted 28 by this City Council on March 6, 1989. 27 ._S...e..c..t..i0_.r.~__7.., The Amended Redevelopmeat Plan as further amended by the SeCond Amendment. is hereby approved, adopted and designated as the ] ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 4 3 official Redevelopmeat Plan for the Town Center Area Redeve]opment Project 4 and said Amended Redevelopmeat Plan as further amended by 'the Second Amendment is incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof as 5 if fi~lly set forth herein. 6 .S...e..qt.i...o..~.,..8. The City Council hereby finds and determines, based on substantial evidence in the record, including, but not limited to, the 7 Agency's Report to the Tustin City Council on the Proposed Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan for the Town Center Area Redeve]opment 8 Project, and all documents referenced therein, arid evidence and testimony received at the joint public hearing on adoption of the Second Amendment to 9 the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan held on February 21, 1989, thaL: 10 a) The Project Area has been found to be a blighted area in Ordinance No. 701 adopted by the City Council on November 22, 1976, the 1 ] continued redevelopment of which is' rxecessary to effectuate the public purposes declared in the Caljfo.rnia Communit'y Redevelopmeat Law (Health and 12 Safety Code Section 33000 ..e....t....S.....e....q.-..). 13 l'b) The adoption of the Second Amendment will assist in the redevelopmeat of the Project Area in conformity with Lhe Community 14 Redevelopmeat Law of the State of California and in the interest of the public peace, health, safety arid welfare. This finding is based on the fact that the 15 Second Am.endment provides for the installation of new, or the replacement or rehabilitation of existing public improvements, facilities and utilities in areas 16 which are currently inadequately served in regard to such improvements,. facilities and utilities. 17 c) The adoption and carrying out of the Amended 1 S Redevelopmeat Plan as further amended by the Second Amendment 'is economically sound and feasible. This finding is based on the fact that the 19 limi~ on the bonded indebtedness that can be outstanding at any one time has been raised to $35 million to insure that all existing and future debts can be 20 financed within the parameters of the Amended Redevelopmerit Plan. 21 d) The Second Amendmerit conforms to the General Plan of the City of Tustin.. This finding is based on Lhe finding of the Planning 22 Commission that the Second Amendment conforms to the General Plan of the City of Tustin. 23 e) The carrying out of the Second Amendraent will promote the public peace, health, safety and 'welfare of the City of Tustin and will 24 effectuate the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan and the purposes and policies of the Community Redevelopment Law of f. he Sta~e of California. This finding is 25 based on the fact that the Second Amendment will benefit tb.e Project Area by 26 providing for' the installaLion of new and the rehabilitation or replacemen~ of existing public improvements, facilities arid utilities, thus helping to eliminate 27 blighLed conditions and encouragin.g further growth and de'velopment in conformity with the objectives of the An, ended Redevelopmeat Plan. 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 5 f) The condemnation of real property, (the time period during which it my be exercised is extended in the Second Amendment to the Amended Redevelopment Plan) is necessary to the execution of the Amended Redevelopment Plan, and adequate provisions have been made for the payment for property to be acquired as provided for by law. g) The Agency has a feasible method and plan for the relocation of families and persons who might be displaced, temporarily or permanently from housing facilities in the Project Area. This finding is based upon the fact that the Amended Redeve]opment Plan provides for re]ocation assistance according to law and the fact that such assistance, including relocation payments, constitutes a feasible method for relocation. h) There are, or are being provided, within the Project Area or within other areas not generally less desirable with regard to public utilities and public and commercial facfiities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and persons who might be displaced from the Project Area, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings equal in number to 'the number of and available to such displaced families and persons and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. This finding is based upon the fact that no person or family will be required to move from any dwelling unit until suitable replacement housing is available for occupancy, and that such housing must meet the standards established in State law and regulations. i) The Second Amendment enhances and strengthen8 the safeguards contained in the Amended Redevelopment Plan to assure that the work of redevelopment will be carried out pursuant to the Amended Redeve]opment Plan. j) The effect of tax ]ncrement financing, as contained in the Second Amendment, will not cause a significant financial burden or detriment on any taxing agency deriving revenues from the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project. This finding is based on the facts that: 1) the limit on the total tax increment revenue that may be allocated to the Agency over the life of the Project has only been re-stated from $3 million annually over the 30 year life of the Project to $90 million over the life of the Project; and 2) all affected taxing agencies were given the opportunity to consult with the Agency on the fiscal impact of the Project as provided by the Community Redevelopment Law Section 33328 and such affected taxing agencies either choose 'not to do so or stated that there was no fiscal impact. ..S...e.~.t..i..o..n.._9... In order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Amended Redevelopment Plan as further amended by the Second Amendment certain official actions must be taken by the City Council; accordingly the City Council hereby: Amendment; i) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out such Second it) requests the various officials, department, boards and agencies of the City of Tustin having administrative responsibilities in the ] ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 6 3 Project Area likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective 4 functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Second Amendment; and 5 iii.) stands ready to con'Staler and take appropriate action on proposals and measures designed to effectuate the Second Amendment. 6 .~.e....c..i..i.o..n......l.Q, That certain. document entitled "Final Environmental 7 Impact Report, Second Amendment to the Redevelopmeat Plan for Town Center Area Redevelopmeat Project," a copy of which is on file in the office of the 8 Agency, arid in the office of the City Clerk, having been duly reviewed and considered, and Resolution No. 88-126, adopted by the City CounCil on 9 December 5, 1988 sinking certain findings regarding the environmerrLal impacts of the proposed actions with respect Lo the Second Amendment and adopting a 10 Statentent of Overriding Considerations, are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance by reference and made a part hereof. All activities undertaken by 11 the Agency and/or the City of Tustin pursuant to or in implementation of the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan as fur'ther amended by the Se~:ond Amendment 12 shall be undertaken' in accordance with the mitigation measures set forth in the said Final Environmental hapact Report. 13 ..S...e_c..tj..9.n.........1....]... Ordinance Nos. 701 a,'i.d 855 shall remain in full force 14 and effect except to the extent changed by this amending ordirmnce. 15 ..S..e...q.~ip_.r.L....l...2., The City Clerk hereby is directed to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Agency and the Agency hereby is vested with ]O · the responsibility for carrying ou[, the Amended Redevetopment Plan as further- amended by the Second Amendment for the Town Center Area Redevelopmeat 17 Project, 18 ..S.e.q.t...i.q.r.l_.!.3.. The City Clerk hereby is directed to record with the County Recorder of Orange County a description. of the land within the Project 19 Area and a statement that the Redevelopmeat Plan for the Town Center Area Redevelopmeat Project has been amended, and that redevelopmeat proceedings 20 for the redevelopmenL of the Project Area pursuant to the Amended Redevelopmeat Plan have been instituted and are continuing under the California Community Redevelopmeat Law. 21 ..S..e...q..t..i..O.!~._..!...4., If any part of ~his ordinance or the Second' 22 Amendment which i[ approves is held to be invalid for any reason, such 23 decision shall not affec~ the validity of [,he remaining portion of this ordinance or of the Second Amendment, and this Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remainder of the o,'dinance or approved the remainder of the 24 Second Amendment if such invalid portion thereof had been deleted. 25 Section 15. This ordinarme shall take effec~ thirty (30) days after its final pas~'~'~'~""~'a"'Within fifteen (15) days after its passage, the City Clerk 2G shall cause it to be published in the ..T..~..s,.i...i..n_..N...e...w..s., a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Tustin, and hereby designated rot that purpose. 27 28 ]ORDINANCE NO. 1021 Page 7 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of March 4 1989. - ..... , 5 7 ATTEST: ~f~F~F TUSTIN 8 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ]2 COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, MARY WYNN, Ciiy Clerk. of the Ci-~y of Tustin, California, hereby ]4 certify that Ordinance No. 1021 was adopLed by Lhe C[Ly Council. of the City of Tusih-~ at a regular meeLing held on the 20th day of MaFch ._, 1989, and ]5 the same was adopted by the following vote: ](; AYES: Kennedy, Edgar, H0esterey, Kelly ]7 NOES: None ]~ ABSENT: None ]9 ABSTAIN: Prescott 22 23 24 25 26 27 28