HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 754RESOLUTION NO. 754
WHEREAS, Section 37206 of the ..Government Code requires
that the City Council prescribe the time and method of paying
salaries and wages of officers and employees of the City and.
WHEREAS, the City council has determined that it is'
necessary for the efficient operation and management of the
City that rules and. regulations be adopted establishing
schedules and rates of compensation to be paid. to officers
and employees of the City, other th8n elective officers.
Section l_~. DEFINITIONS. The following terms, whenever
used in this Resolution ~"h'aii"be construed as follows:
ActlnE.. A~pqi. n. tm. ents.. The Appointment for a limited
period of a person who is already a probationary or
regular employee to a .position in a higher class for
whlch there is no employment list, to a posit ion in
a higher class occupied by a regular appointee on
suspension, or.to a position in a higher class
occupied, by a probationary or regular appointee who
is on an authorized leave of absence.
Allocat!0.,n. The allocation of a single position to
the proper class in socordance with the specifications
for that class. Or, the assignment of a class to a
salary range or salary rate.
ADpointm...ent. The employment of a person in a position.
ClassI. A. group of positions sufficiently similar in
'duties, responsibilities, authority, and minimum
qualifications for employment to permit combining
them under a si.ugle title and. equitable application
of common standards of selection and compensation.
,..Classifica. ti..0,...n, P~aB. The designation by City Council
resolution of a title for each class, together with
the specifications for each class as prepared and
maintained by the Personnel Officer and respective
Department Heads.
Clas..s.S.p~cif. i.cat, i.o2s. A written description of a class
setting forth factors and conditions which are essential
characteristics of positions in. the class.
Con.t..inuous Se,.rvice. 'The empl. oyment without break or
interruption of an employee having a probationary or
regular appointment.
Compens.a, tlon Plan. The assignment by City Council
resolution of salary ranges and/or salary rates to
each class,
De~.ot~,0n. The voluntary or involuntary reduction of a
regular employee from ~ position in one class to a position
in ~nother class having a lower maximum salary rate.
~ismissa~l. The involuntary separation of an employee from
the City service.
~mployee. Any person performing regular services for
wages Ps-id by the City.
OriEinal A~pointment. A.. person's first.appointment as
a City employee.
Overtime. The working by a probationary or regular employee
in ~ full-time position of more hours t~an are required
for a full work shift for the position.
~a?_~_...t_ime ?.o.$~i,t, ion. A. pos ition having a work week of fewer
hours than the work week established for full-time positions
in the class. A part-time position may be either temporary
or permanent.
PermaneDt. P.ositi.on. A full-time or part-time position
that is individually authorized, in the budget and which
is expected to exist indefinitely.
Position. A combination of current duties and responsibilities
assigned, to a single employee and performed on either a
full-time or part-time basis.
ProD~t_i~0~ary ~E~p~!~o_yee_. An employee who has a probationary
appointment to a permanent position.
Probation Period. A working test period that is p~rt of
the selection process and during which an employee is
required to demonstrate his fitness for~the duties of the
position to which he has been ssslgned by actual performance
of such duties. As used in this Resolution. the term
"i~.itial probation period" shall mean an employee's first
probation period during his continuous City employment.
~ro~ati.gna..ry St.@tus. The status of a person who has a
probationary appolntment.
pro, motion. The advancement of an employee from a position
in one class to a position in another class haVi~g a higher
maximum salary rate.
Regular Appointment. The regular employment of a person
in a permanent position. A regular appointment follows
successful Completion of a probation period, when applicable
and signifies satisfactory performance of duties and responsibilities
on the permanent position to which the employee is assigned.
Regula, r Employee.. An employee who has successfully
completed his probation period in a permanent position.
ReEular Status. The status of an employee who has acquired
a regular appointment.
Re.iection. The involuntary separation from the City serv~ice
of an employee who does not successfully complete his probation
period in a position and who does not ha~e regular status
in another position in a different class, or. the reduction of
an employee who did not successfully complete his probation
period in a po~ition to another position in a different class
in which he hsd previously acquired regular status.
Repr imand. ~ An ·o ral
or written reprimand made as ,a
Resignation. The voluntary separation of an employee from
the City service.
Salary. A..n.nlversary Dat. e. The future date on which a probationary
or regular employee is eligible, on th'e basis of satisfactory
job performance for a prescribed period, for a merit salary
advance within the salary range established for the class of
position he occupies,
Salary .Range.
The range of salary rates for a class.
Sa!ary...R, ate~. The dollar amount of each step in a salary range
or, the flat dollar amount of salary for a class not having
a salary range.
Suspe,.nsi0.n. As a disciplinary action, the temporary separation
without pay of an employee from the City service.
.S. ala~y ~t~ejo~. The minimum through maximum salary increments
a 5-step salary range as designated by the .letters .~A,B,C,D,
and E.
Tempora. ry .A. pp0i..ntme, nt.. An appointment to a temporary or permanent
position for which there is no employment list, for a limited
period, of 'a person who is not already a City employee. Unless,
approved by the City Council, no person may be employed uuder
temporary appointment for more than six months in any one fiscal
Te mp o r.a. ry -~ ,P. o S!~t~ o~n_.
1 imi~ted, durat i on.
A full-time or part-time position of
Termina,~10~n. The separation of an
because of retirement, resignation,
employee from the City
death or dismissal.
Tra.nsfe, r,. A. change of an employee from one position to another
position in the same class or in another class having the same
maximum salary rate, involving the performance of basically
similar duties and. requiring substantially the same min~:mum
Vacancy. An authorized
employee having either s
the position.
posltion that is not occupied by an
probationary or regular appointment to
Work Sched,Mle_. The assignment
or series of work shifts in a
of a position to a work shift
7-calendar day period.
_Work... Shift. The number
an employee occupying a
of working hours per day
particular position.
required of
Work Week. The number
peri od as established
of working hours in a 7-calendar day
for a particular posit ion or class.
Mer~i~t ~_Sa. lary. Advan.~c,.e.,ment. The increase
within the salary range extablished for
he occupies as a result of satisfactory
of an employee's salary
the class of position
job performance in such
2. INTENT. It is the intent of
the f~ollowing principles.
this Resolution to recognize
A. EMPLoYMEN_T STANDARDS.~.. The City Council and all the
citizens of--the Clby of 'TUS~in have the right to expect that the
City will employ the best qualified .persons available, that the
tenure of every city employee will be based on a demonstrated
need for the work performed, availability of funds, faithful and
effective performance, proper personal conduct, and continuing
fitness for his position, and that each employee will be encouraged.,
trained., and developed to assure optimum performance.
employee of the City of Tustir[ hasn'th'e .... right to expect that
he will be fully informed of his duties and responsibilities,
that he will be provided, with adequate administrative
and supervisory direction, that he will be informed of
how well he is performing his duties, and his level of
performance, that promotions will be made on the basis
of merlt and ability; that progressively improved work
performance over an extended period will be recognized
and rewarded, and that im¢ompetence w%ll not be tolerated,
and that he will not be subject to ~suspension, demotion,
or dismissal without justification.
A. SA.~ARY RANGES.. ..... AND. SAL...ARY ..RATES'. The establishment
of salary ranges and salary rates and the allocation of classes
thereto shall be by resolution of the City Council.
The ~type of his appointment shall determine whether an
employee salary rate shall be on a monthly or hourly basis.
1. Ful.!.r. tlme Regular. Probat%QU~ry and _ActlnK ADpoi~tment.
An employee ha~ing a regular, probationary or act lng
appointment that is on a full-tlme basis shall be
compensated at a monthly rate..
2. Or_her ..... Aopolntments. An employee having any other
type 6f appointment shall be compensated at an hourly
B. HO.U,,,,R...,S QF WORK. Unless otherwise prescribed in
writing by the Personnel Officer. the work week, work shift,
and work schedule for each position shall' be as follows:
1. Work Week. The work week for all full-tlme
positions, except ,those in the ,Fire Department having
2~ hour work shifts, shall be 40 hours. The work
week for Fire Department positions having 24 hour work
shifts shall be 72 hours.
2. Work ..... S.hlfts. For all full-time positions, except
those in the Fire Department, the work shift shall be
8 hours. For all such Fire Department positions,
except those designated by the Fire Chief and.. approved
by the Personnel Officer, the work shift shall be 24
hours; for the excepted positions the work shift shall
be 8 hours.
3- Work Schedule. The work schedule for each position
shall be as established by the Department Head,.
~ · _. _~t, ,, __ ~,, ..........
Employees shall be paid "at m'onthly or' hourly rates as determined
by the Personnel Officer. subject to the provisions of this
At least annually the Personnel Officer shall review
the existing Compensation Plan and recommend to the City
Council a salary range and salary rates for each class for
which he is the appointing authority. In determining the
salary ranges and salary rates, consideration shall be given
to both basic pay and working conditions in comparable ~public
and private employment in the recruitment area.
1. Entrance S, alary' P~.tes.
(a) In ~_~enera,1. Except as otherwise
provided herein, all new employees shall
be appointed at the first step of the
salary range in effect for the class in
which the appointment is made. The Personnel
Officer, may, however, recommend initlal City
employment at a salary rate up to and including
the third step of the salary range.
(b) Temporar.,y. Appo, l, nte,,es. Persons employed.
or re-employed for temporary or seasonal
service may, upon written recommendation by the
Department Head and approved by the Personnel
Officer. be compensated st any rate established
for the class.
2. Mer.it Steps. Each employee will not advance
automatica~iy from year to year withour regard to
quality of service. The plan furnishes incentives
which will encourage employees to put forth increasing
efforts as they advance through the steps of the plan.
3. Step Increases_. The five steps of the salary
range-shall be interpreted and applied as follows:
(a) The first step is the minimum rate and
is normally the hiring rate for the class.
(b) The second step is an incentive adjustment
to encourage the employee to improve his work.
Employees may be made eligible for this adjustment
any time after the completion of six months of
service at the first step. The adjustment
shsll be made only if recommended by the
Department Head and if approved by the Personnel
(c) The third, step is an incentive adjustment
to encourage the employee to improve his work.
Employees may be made eligible for this adjustment
any time after the completion of one year of
service st the second, step. The adjustment shall
be made only if recommended by the Department
Head and if approved by the Personnel Officer.
(d) The fourth step of the range is an
incentive adjustment to encourage the employee
to improve his work. Employees may be made
eligible for this adjustment at any time after
the completion of one year of service at the
third step. The adjustment shall be made only
if recommended by the Department Head snd if
approved by the Personnel Officer.
(e) The fifth step of the range is an incentive
adjustment to encourage the employee to improve
his work. Employees rosy be made eligible for
this adjustment at any time after the completion
of one year of service at the fourth step. The
adjustment shall be made only if recommended by
the Department Head and if approved by the
Personmel Offlcer.
(f) Department Heads shall be eligible for
step increases in their salary ranges as
specified in Section 3, A thru E, herein, only
if recommended, by the Personnel Officer and if
approved by the City Council
C0. mpe.,ns.,.a t i on o.n .. Demot i on.
(a) Involuntary Demotion A.n employee
who is involuntarily demoted shall have his
salary rate reduced to the nearest lower salary
rate of the class of position to which he is
demoted. He shall not be required to serve
a probation period in the lower position.
The effective date of his demotion shall
become his new salary anniversary date and.
he shall subsequently earn eligibility for
annual merit salary advances in accordance
with Section 3, D, 3 herein.
(b) Volun. t..a..ry Demotion An employ
demoted at his ~wn request, shall ha
salary reduced to the same salary ra
lower salary range that he was recei
to the demotion. If his salary rate
the d.~motion was hiEher than the max
salary rate of the lower position, h
receive the latter. The employee sh
required to serve a probation period
lower position, and he
anniversary date he had
ee who is
ve his
te in the
vi~g prior
prl or to
e shall
all not be
in the
shall retain the salary
in the..higher position.
Probation Period. All original and promotional
appointments shall be for a probation period of
one year. Such probationary period, shall apply
to all a'ppointments.
Compensation on. _Fai...lure. to Complete Prob. ation
.p..eriod. The compensation of an empi'6yee
who is rejected during his probation
period in a class of position a.~d who is
assigned to a class of position having a
lower salary range shall be as follows:
If the employee had pr
a probation period in the 1
shall not be required to se
his last salary rate and. sa
in the lower position shall
rate and salary anniversary
to that position and he sha
to receive subsequent annua
3 here in.
evlously completed
ower posit ion, he
rve another one,
lary anniversary date
be bls new salary
date upon reassignment
ll earn eligibility
I merit salary
in accordance with Sections 3, D,
If ~the employee had not previously completed
a probation period in the lower position the
effective date of his reassignment to that
position shall be his new salary snuiverss, ry
date, and he shall be required to serve a probation
period, and he shall earn ellEibility to receive
a subsequent merit salary .advancements in
accordance With Section 3, D, 3 herein.
(b) ,L. engt.h of Probati.on Period. The probation
period for all empl'°yees who are required to
serve a probationary peri od shall be one year.
(c) Leave of Absence.. Temporary Milit.ary
Leave or any leave of absence without pay
exceeding 15 calendar days shall cause the
employee's probation period to be extended
by the number of calendar days of such leave
that are in excess of 15 calendar days.
A. CHANG.ES I,N .S. ALA. RY. AN.N.I.,..V,..E, RSAR,,,Y DATE_. The gr~ntlng of
any leave of absence without pay exceeding 30 calendar
days shall result in a ne~. salary anniversary date
for the employee. Such date shall be based on his
orl~inal s~lary'annlversary date plus the number of
calendar days of his leave l~i excess of ~0 calendar days.
B. COMPENS~TION FOR OVERTIME. Subject to approval of
the Personnel Officer and to the following provisions.
a Department Head. may prescribe reasonable period of
over-time work to meet operation~l needs of his Department.
Except as otherwise provided herein, overtime
shall either be paid.~ at the hourly equivalent of the
employee's monthly salary rate or granted as equivalent
compensatory time off. The method of compensation shall
be at the discretion of the Department Head..
1. F, ull-,Tl, me ..Prg..b,.at,,ion,a. ry .,a. nd Regular. Apppint,.,ees.
The following provisions shall apply to all full-time regular and
probationary appointees, except Fire Department. personnel on
24 hour shifts.
(a) Standby Duty. Standby duty in classes
deslgna, ted by the Personnel Officer~ shall be
compensated at the rate of one (1) hour of over-time
compensation for each eight (8) hours of such
duty. Such compensation on holidays shall be at
the rate of two (2) hours of overtime compensation
for each eight (8) hours of standby duty.
(b) Call-Back Duty. In addition to stsndby
compensation if any, employees, in classes designated
by the, Personnel Officer shall receive a minimum of
two (2) hours overtime compensation for any call
which requires them to return to duty.
(c) Incidental Overtime. Incidental overtime
,11 .... , , j
is not compensable. It is defined as overtlme of
less than one-half hour that is non-recurrent ~nd
which is not standby duty, call-back duty, or
court tlme.
2. Fire Depart~ment...Pers0nn,e..!.~on 2~.zh_our Shi~f~t~s. Fire
Department personnel on 24-hour shifts shall receive overtime
compensation as follows:'
(a) Shift Hold-Over. If an employee is required
to work an extra 2~-hour shift, orl or more hours
· thereof, because of absence of another employee
assigned to that shift, such over-time shall be
compensable at the hourly equivalent of his monthly
salary based on a ?2 hour work week or by the
equivalent compensatory time off.
(b) Stand.by. Duty._ An employee who is required to
return to work dur~.ng his off-duty hours for standby
duty, ss distinguished, from actual fire-fighting
or similar emergency, shall be compensated at the
same rate as employees on shift hold-over.
(c) Fir.e o.r...Si~m~ll_sr_...E, mergenoy. If an employee who
is not on standby duty or shift hold-over duty is
required to return to work or to continue on duty
durln~ his off-duty hours for actual fire-fighting
or ~'imilsr emergency designated by the Fire Chief,
he shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours overtime
compensation for the first hour and one (1) hour
overtime compensation for each hour thereafter.
Such overtime compensation shall be at the hourly
equivalent of his monthly salary based on a ?2 hour
work week or equivalent compensatory time off.
5. Other Employees. Other employees shall be.
paid at the hourly ~a~e est~ablished for their class based
on the number of hours actually worked.
~. Court Time.. EmploYees, other than detectives,
who are required to appear in court during their off-duty
hours in connection with City business shall receive overtime
compensation for the number of hours they spend in court,
with a minimum of two (2) hours of such compensation.
~. Accumulation of,.. Overt..ime. Accumulated
overtime must be taken off or 'paid for no later than the
end of the month following the month in which the overtime
may be taken off or paid far at a later date if the Personnel
Officer in writing authorizes such procedure prior to the
time such overtime is wo.'.rked.
6. Jury Duty. No deduction shall be made in the
salary of an employee who serves on a jury if he has remitted
to the City his fee for such jury duty except travel
allowance. If he has not so remitted the jury fee, he shall
be paid only for the time he actually works in his City
position. An employee accepted for jury duty shall
immediately notify his Department Head ln..wrlting whether
or not he remits his jury fee to the City.
7. .C..ompen~sa_t_i_o_~__f_o_~ .P~ 0rt~_ iqn ..gl ~a~ _.Pqr.. i od. A
regular or probationary appointee servin~ on a full-time
basis who works less than a full bi-weekly pay period, except
when on su'thorized leave of absence with pay, shall receive
as compensation for such period an amount equal to the
number of hours worked times the employee's hourly rate.
The number of hours worked in such pay period shall include
paid holidays. ~
employee shai~i-have t-he right to consideration by the
Personnel Officer of any request with respec~ to a claimed.
inequity resultin~ from the strict application of any of the
sections contained herein. The employee shall submit to his
Departmen~ Head a written statement of the claimed inequity
and. his request, the Department Head shall promptly forward
the statement and the request, and his written recommendation
to the Personnel Officer. ·
service, as required fOr advancement within salary ranges and.
for other purposes specified in this Resolution, is defined
as City employment on a probationary, regular, or acting
appointment basis without break or interruption.
Authorized. leaves of absence with pay for thirty
(~0) calendar days or less and leaves of absence with pay
for any per.~iod shall not constitut, e an interruption of an
employee's continuous service and. shall not be deducted in
computing his total City service. Authorized leaves of
absence without pay in excess of thirty (~0) calendar days
shall be deducted In computing an employee's total City
service for advancement, in salary range and for other
purposes specified in this Resolution, but shall not serve
to interrupt his continuous service.
C. AVOIDANCE OF INEQUITIES_. The Personnel Officer
may recommend 6'o the Ci6'y :Council special adjustments to
avoid or eliminate inequities resulting from the strict
application of any of the provisions of this Resolution, which
it may approve and adopt.
11 ,1111, ! , , . ..~ . . ; ...
Officer is au~horized ~o issue written administrative
personnel regulations desl~ned ~o augment or clarify ~he
provisions of ~his Resolution. Prior ~o issuance, such
regulations shall be considered for possible incorporation
in a revision of this Resolution.
E. SPECIAL ALLOWANCES. All Police and'~Fire
, i i ,
Department per's6n~']"'r'~quired to wear uniforms may receive
an allowance for uniforms, not to exceed $150.00 per year,
as shall be determined and set by the Police Chief and Fire
Chief for each of their respective departments.
' .,=. -- , , 111, .... _ i 1~ , , 1, ,,,, ,
The salary anniversary dates and. steps within the
various range classifications of the particular present
City employee's are found on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
SECTION ?. PAY PERIOD. All employees of the City of Tustin
shall be paid on the semi-monthly basis.
In the event a payday falls on a holiday or a week-end,
all warrants or checks in payment and compensation shall be
made available to the City employees on the work day
immediately preceeding the holiday or week-end.
SECTION _8_. PIS.CHARG~. Employees shall be discharged for
flagrant violations of accepted rules o£ conduct. It is
expected that an employee resigning from the City will give
the City at least two weeks written notice.
Nothing contained in this Resolution shall be
construed ss granting to any employee or official of the City
any vested, interest in any salary or position. Furthermore,
nothing contained herein is intended to prevent the City
from terminating the employment of any employee or officer
of the City at any time. This Resolution may b~ chan.~ed or
modified st any time by the City.
SECTION 9. LEAVES OF ABSENCE. For the purpose of computing
his entitie~ent to leaves of absence, an employee's continuous
service shall be based on the effective date on~which he
received his initial probationary appointment in the City
service. Such date shall be the employee's anniversary date
for vacation and sick leave purposes, subject to the provisions
contained herein..
SECTION 10. VACATION. Regular leave with pay is granted to
each ~egular and probationary employee, exce.~t Police and Fire
personnel, at the rate of 5/6 of one working day for each full
month of completed service. No vacation leave ~may be taken
until the expiration of 6 months of continuous service.
A. POLICE AND FIRE PERSONNEL. Each m6mber of the
Police and Fire I)e~ar~'me~{t is hereby granted sixteen (16)
consecutive days of regular vacation with pay for each calendar
year of service wi th fi.he City, in these departments, under
the provisions of Government Code, Sections 38634 and 53250.
Said. vacations shall be subject to all terms of these rules
and regul at ions.
1. _VA CA TIONS. 40 hr. per week personnel
1.0 working'da~s for the first 5 years, after
5 years one working day for each additional
year of employment until a li~it of 21 working
days has been reached.
F~re Personnel working 2~ hr. sh~fts
receive 16 calendar days vacation for the
f~rst 5 years and one add~tlonal calendar
day for each additional year until S maximum
of 29 calendar days has been reached.
Such service to be retroactive to date of
C. .VOLUNT. E. ER.,TIME. Any fUll-time City employee
who has been such for three (3) years, continuously, and
who shall have previously thereto, served the City as a
volunteer fireman or police reservist, shall receive one
day of vacation leave per year for each five (5) years, or
fraction thereof, of service as a volunteer fireman or
police reservist, which shall be in addition to such other
Vacation leave as is provided herein. Such. va~ation leave
shall be accummul~ted as is otherwise provided herein.
D. PART,TIME EMPLQYEES,. An employee having a
probationary or regular appointment, that is less than full
time, but is half-time or more, shall earn vacation on a
pro-rated basis.
of regular leave ~n excess of that earned in excess of
that earned in one year is prohibited, unless approved by
the Department Head. In no case.shall accumulation of
vacation leave exceed the earned for two (2) years service.
All vacation leave exceeding the authorized accumulation shall
be forfeited at each anniversary date.
F. VACATION LEAVE. Vacation leave taken shall not
, , , .... 11, _
be ~n excess of that actually earned at the time that ~t
is taken. ~
G. The full vacation leave shall be taken at
one time, however, the Department Head, under appropriate
circumstances, may permit a modification of the requirement.
H. The time during the calendar year at which an
employee shall take his vacation' shall be determined with
particular regard for the needs of the service and due
regard, for the wi shes of the employee.
I. In the event one or more municipal h01idays
falls within a vacation leave, such days shall not be
charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall
be extended accordingly for those employees eligible for
such holidays.
J. Any leave of '.a. bsence without pay will not
accrue vacation leave for each 30 day period "of such leave.
K. Pay in lieu of vacation will not be granted
except on termination.
L. TSRMINAL VACATION PA~. Upon termination, a
permanent employee wll~ .... re~'eive compensation at" his
current rate for all unused earned vacation up to and
including the date of termination. The following methods
of computation shall apply for this purpose:
A. Employees, except Police and Fire
Personnel, accumulate 1/12 Of a normal
year's vacation for each full month of
continuous service in which the employee
has worked or has been on authorized leave
of absen6e with pay.
B. Police and Fire Personnel earn 1-1/3
days of regular vacation for each full month
of contindous service In which the employee
has worked or has been .on authorized leave of
absence with pay.
C. An employee who terminates while serving a
probation period in a position to which he has
been promoted shall receive terminal vacation pay
based, on the hourly equivalent of the salary he
received, immediately prior to his promotion.
provided he has successfully completed, his probation
period, in the position from which he was promoted.
An employee who has not completed twelve months
continuous service shall not receiv~ terminal
vacation pay for regular vacation. Fire Department
personnel earning holiday vacation allowance shall
receive ?/12 d. sy per calendar month worked regardless
of length of service.
__~__ · · ,. __. _ , . . .
A.. F.......ull.Ti,me Pro.b. atlona,..ry_ .and ReEular Appointees.
An employee having a full-time, probationary or regular
appointment shall accrue sick leave with pay at the rate of one
(1) working shift for each full month of continuous service
in which the employee has worked or has been on authorized
leave of absence ..~with pay.
B. Part-Tim.e....,P, rob.a, t, ion,,ary and Re~ular,__Ap....poi. nt.ee.s'.
An employee having a probationary or regular appointment that
is less than full-time, but is half-time or more..shall
accrue sick leave with pay at the rate of 1/2 working day
for each full month of continuous service in which the employee
has worked or has been on authorized leave of absence with
C. Other Appointees. Employees having temporary
or less than-half'time appointments shall not be entitled to
receive sick leave 'with pay.
D. Accumulation of... Si,.,ck~ Leave. Sick leave may be
accumulated without limit.
E. Eli~ib,.il,.i.,ty. for use of Sick Leave. Sick leave
taken shall nOt-be in. e~ce~s of ~s~"'ac~'ually earned at the
time it is taken.
F. Deoa, r,t..me,nt Heads ',..approval., .. .. necessary.~. . . Si ck 1 eave
may be granted only with the approval of the Department Head
and only in case of a bona fide illness of. the employee.
The Department Head shall require a physician's certificate
or other evidence of the adequacy of the reason for the employee's
absence for a period exceeding three (3) working days for
which sick leave was requested and may require a physician's
certificate or other evidence for any lesser period.
G. For Sickness only. Sick leave shall be used for
sickness of the employee or for sickness of a member of the
employee's immediate household when the presence of the
employee is required, and shall not be used in lieu of, or
added to, vacation. At the option of the employee, however,
accrued vacation leave and/or compensatory time off may be
used for sickness when all his sick .leave has been taken.
H. Sick Leave ...during. Vacat i0D. An employee who
becomes ill while on vacation may have such peri od of illness
charged to his accumulated sick leave instead of to vacation
1. Immediately upon return, to duty. the
employee submits to his Department Head a
written request for sick leave and a written
statement signed by his physician describing
the nature and dates of the illness.
2. The Department Head recommends and the
Personnel Officer approves the granting of
such sick leave.
I. Other, .... Limita..tign. s... No employee shell be
entitled to .accrue or to take sick leave with pay while
absent from duty for any of the following reasohs:
1. Disability or illness arising from
compensated employment other than with the
City of Tustin.
2. Leave of absence without pay.
3- Absence because of intoxication or for
the purpose of recoverino~ from intoxication.
J, Penalty~for Sick Leave .... Abuse. When in the
judgment of the DePartment Head, the employee.'s reason
for being absent because of alleged sickness is inadequate,
he shall indicate on the payroll form that the. absence
was absence without leave, and without pay. In addition
theret, o, the Personnel Officer may impose such discipline
as in his discretion seems warranted.
K. N..o ..... Terminal ..,S..i. ck Leave Pay. No payment shall be
granted to an employee for accrued sick leave at the time
of his termination. Termination of an employee.'s continuous
service except by reason of lay-off for lack of work or
funds..shall abrogate all sick leave accrued at the time of
such termination, regardless of whether the employee
subsequently re-enters the City service.
L. Sick Lea,M.e..6nniversary Date ~hanEe.s. A.r4v leave
of absence without pay exceeding fifteen. '(15) consecutive
days shall result in no accrual of sick leave during the
consecutive days of his leave of .'absence without pay that
is in excess of fifteen (15)consecutive days.
SECTION 12. EXTENDED SICK LEAVE. On written ~request of
the employee and recommendation by the Department Head, the
Personnel Officer may authorize in writing a leave of
absence without pay for the purpose of recovering from an
illness, provided:'
A. The employee has used all his accumulated
sick leave.
B. The employee has been continuously employed
in the City service for at least one (1) year.
C. The employee presents to his Department
Head for referral to and consideration by the
Personnel Officer, a written explanation of
the employee's illness and an estimate of the
time needed for recovery signed by..the employee's
D. Prior to resuming .his duties, the employee
may be required to take a medic, al examination
at his expense and as prescribed by the Personnel
Officer. The employment record and the results
of such examination, shsll be considered by the
Personnel Officer in determining the employee's
fitness to return to work.
E. The maximum period of such leave shall be
three (3) calendar months. If the employee
desires an extension he shall~follow, prior to
the termination of the initial leave, the
procedure described in sub-paragraph C, above.
_SECTIQN~13. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The following provisions
shall a~pl-y only {o'"6'~'6s'e empioyees who are entitled to
receive vacation leave with pay:
A. 30 Calendar da,ys or less. Upon the
written recommendatio~ of "t~h$ Department
Head, the Personnel Officer may authorize
special leaves of absence without pay for
a period or periods not to exceed thir.ty
(30) calendar days in a calendar year for
purposes deemed by the Personnel Officer
to be beneficial to the City.
B. In ex...ces, s .of.. ~_0 Calendar days. The
..... , 11 , ,
City Council may. upon the recomm~ndatlon
of the Personnel Officer grant leaves of
absence with or without pay in excess of
~0 calendar days for purposes deemed by
the Personnel Officer to be beneficial
to the City.
SECTIQ. N__14. MILIT.A...RY...LEAVE. An employee having a probationary
or regular appointment shall be entitled to such benefits
as are provided in the Californ'la Military an~d Veterans
Code. An employee requesting such military leave shall
present a copy of his mil'itary orders to his Department Head
prior to the beginning of the leave,
SECTION ,1...5. A_BSENC~ .... WIT,,HQ..U.T LEAVe. Any "employee who is
absent from duty shall report the reason for such absence to
his Department Head or immediate supervisor prior to the
date of expected, absence whenever possible, and in no case
lat,.er than two (2) hours after the beginning ~of his normal
work shift. Absences not reported in such manner may be
considered, absence without leave. A deduction of pay shall
me made for the duration of any absence without leave.
Upon return to work, such absence must be justified.
SECTION 16. MAT,.ERNI..TY LEAVE O.F ABS.E..N..CE. A compulsory
leave of absence without pay sh~ll be required of women
employees who have completed their sixth month of pregnancy.
Said compulsory leave shall be' for a minimum of six months
and a maximum of nine months. Prior .to returning to work,
the employee must submit a release from her doctor permitting
her to return to work.
S~ECTION_i?. HOU..R..S OF ..... WORK. Unless otherwise prescribed in
writing by the-Personnel Of-flcer, the work week, work shift,
and work schedule for each position shall be as follows:
A. Work Week. The work week for all full-
111 il , i
time positions, except those in the" Fire
Department having 24-hour work shifts, shall
be 40 hours. The work week for Fire Dep8rtment
positions having 24-hour work shifts shall
be 72~ hours.
B. Work.~.S.hifts. For all full-time positions
except those in the Fire Department, the work
shift shall be 8 hours. For all such Fire
Department positions except those designated
by the Fire Chief and approved, by the Personnel
Officer, the work shift shall be 24 hours; for
the excepted positions the work s'hift shall be
8 hours.
C. Work schedule for each position shall be
as established by the Department Head. Ail
offices of the City, except those for which
special regulations ~re required, shall be kept
open for business on all days of the year except
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays continuously from
8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M~ on. week days.
SECTION 18. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE. Whenever an employee
Wh~'"iS ~liglble'to'~eceive '~ick leave is compelled t~
be absent from duty by reason of the death or critical illness
where death appears imminent of father, mother, brother,
sister, wife, husband, child, such employee shall, upon
approval of his Department Head, be entitled to charge
such absence to his accumulated, sick lesve to a maximum
of five (5) working days in a calendar year, such maximum
for Fire Department personnel on 2~-hour shifts shall be
three (3) shlfts.
..SECTION 19. E.MERG~Nqy' LEAVE. The Personnel Officer,
unter extreme emergency conditions, may permit an
employee to use earned vaca~ion prior to the end of his
initial six mon-ths employment.
eX6~pt those having t~m~°ra~'~~ ~'{~ less than half-time
appointments, shall continue to accrue vacation, holidays,
sick leave and to earn eligibility for consideration for
merit salary increases during an absence resulting from an
on-the-job injury, provided he receive~ compensation payments
under the provisions of the California Workman's Compensation
S.ECTION 21. ATTENDANCE. Employees shall be in attendance
at their work in accordance with the rules regarding hours
of work , holidays, and leaves. All dep~rtments shall keep
daily attendance records of employees which shall be reported
to the Personnel Off~icer in the form and on the dates he
shall specify. Failure on the part of an employee, absent
without leaVe, to return to duty within 24 hours after notice
to return shall be cause for immediate discharge.
SECTION 22: HqLI. DAy LE.AVE. The following dates, and
Such other days or portion of days as may be designated
by motion of the City Council shall be observed as paid
holidays by all employees in permanent positions except
pOlice personnel on shifts. For each designated holiday,
such Police personnel shall receive an extra day of vacation
or equivalent pay, whichever in the judgment of the Department
Head best serves the interests of the Department.
January 1
February 22
May 30
July 4
1st Monday in Sept.
November ll
4th Thurs. in Nov.
4th Friday in Nov.
De cembe r 25
New Year's Day
Washington' s Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day ~fter Thanksgiv..Ing
Chris tma~s
A. H0~id~y ocQurring on weekeD~. When a holiday
occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed
B. Holiday vac~.t..~on allowance. All Fire Department
personnel working a 72 hour week shall receive four one-
half (4 1/2) 24 hour shifts of additional vacation in lieu
of paid holidays; such additional vacation~ shall be
scheduled by the Fire Chief and shall be credited to new
fl. reman immediately ~pon employment at the rate of 7/12
days for each full month remaining in the calendar year.
SECTION 23. All conflicting Resolutions of the City are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 24. This Resolution shall take effect on the
21st day of December, 1964.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the
City of Tustln, on the 21st day of December, 1964.
RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does
hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the
City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above
and foregoing Resolution was duly and regulsrly passed and
adopted at a meeting of said City Council, held on the
21st day of December, 1964, by the following vote:
COUNCILMEN Mack, Kli.ngelhofer, .Coco, .... MillD, r, RinE.
of Tustin July 1964
Step A.
A B C D E Hourly
1st 2n_~d 3rd 4th ~tb Equivalent*
1139 1196 1255 1318 i 6.57
1084 1139 1196 1255 1318 6.25
1033 1084 1139 11.96 1255 5.96
984 1033 1084 1139 1196 5.68
937 984 1033 1084 1139 5-41
892 937 984 1033 1084 5.15
850 892 937 984 1033 4.90
809 850 892 937 984 4.67
771 809 850 892 937 4.45
734 771 809 850 892 4.23
699 734 771 809 850 4.03
666 699 734 771 809 3.84
634 666 699 734 771 3.66
604 634 666 699 734 3.48
575 604 634 666 699 3.32
548 575 604 634 666 3.16
522 548 57 5 604 634 3.01
497 522 548 575 604 2.87
473 497 522 548 575 2.7 3
451 473 497 522 548 2.60
429 451 473 497 522 2.48
409 429 451 47 3 497 2.36
389 409 429 451 473 2.24
371 389 409 429 451 2.14
353 371 389 409 429 2.04
336 353 371 389 409 1.94
~20 336 353 371 389 1.85
305 320 336 353 371 1.76
Based on a 40-hour week,
by 173.33 and the result
whole cent.
the monthly rate is
rounded, off to the
Kortmeyer, Florence
Marlett, Carol J.
Stafford, Muriel I.
Harvey, Paula R.
Deputy City Clerk 6 C
Bookkeeper 5 B
Senior. Clerk 5 B
Typist Clerk 1 A
Hilton, C. Morgan
Murphy, Lawrence L.
Ferdig, Harold R.
Johnson, Les C.
Reed, Leonard A. Jr.
Claborn, Jack V. Jr.
Myers, Bonnie J.
Goetting, Brian
Fire Chief 20 A
Fire Marshal (P. T. ) 14 A
Fire Engineer 13 A
Fire Engineer 13 A
Fire Engineer 13 A
Fireman ll A
Clerk-Dispatcher 5 A
Fireman ll A
Sissel, Glenn V.
Hell, Melvin L.
Lawless, Francis
Carruba, Santo J.
Brown, Allan G.
Maas, Leo J.
Crane, Charles H.
Madden, Richard E.
Conw~y, Robert M.
Bowen, Bobby S.
Plowman, Julia N.
Seely, Marilyn
Hannlgan, Edna M.
Stephenson, Donna M.
Police Chief 20 A
Poli ce Se rgeant 14 A
Pol iceman- Inv. 13 A
Poli ceman-Juv. Off. 13 A
Policeman 12 A
Police Sergeant 14 A
Policeman ll A
Poli ceman i I A
Policeman 11 A
Policeman ll A
Poliecwoman 6 A
Dispatcher-Clerk 5 A.
Dispatcher-Clerk 5 A
Dispatcher-Clerk 5 A
Wheelock, Benjamin L.
Dickerson, Ronald J.
Phillips, Oscar C.
He il, Gary B.
Lane, Hubert J.
Warg, Howard C.
Haworth, Edward E.
Taylor, James E.
Ludwigs, Vera A.
Brook, Fred V. Jr.
Marcum, Robert R.
Coffey, John W.
Carnahan, Will lam
Pomavllle, Clara E.
Poe, Ruth C.
Rourke, James G.
Hanson, H. Louis
Best, Ruth E.
Eli. is, Marietta R.
Williamson, Buel A.
Kortmeyer, Eileen
Dir. of Pub. Wks. 20 D
Principle Eng. Aide 14 D
Sr. Maintenanceman 8 B
Maintenanceman 6 C
Sr. Maintenanceman 8 B
Maintenanceman 6 D
Planning Dir. 20 A
Plan Techni clan 12 A
Secretary 5 A
Build. Dir. 20 A 1/1/65
Plan Checker 16 B 5/1/65
Building Insp. 15 B 7/1/65
Electrical Insp. 15 A 3/1/65
Secretary 5 B 10/1/65
City Clerk, Sec. of Planning Comm.,
Pers. Dir, Purch. Agent - $500.00
City Attorney- $200.00 plus fees
Assit. Fire Chief- $50.00
Crossing Gusrd - $1.65 per hr.
Crossing Guard - $1.65 per hr.
Civil Defense Dr. $300.00 per month
Secretary C.D. (P.T.) $1.25 per hr.