HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 715RESOLUTION N0. 715 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQUNCIL of THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SECOND STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin to make certain improvements on Second Street; ;and WHEREAS', the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the proposed improvements of Second ttreetg between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the improvement of Second Street between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue. BE IT FUTITHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specif ied in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said adveri sement shall be substantially in the following words and f igures ,, ... t o -wit "NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS" In pursuance of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Orange County, California. adopted direeti*g this notice, NOTIeE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that sealed proposals will.be received at the Tustin City Hall, 135 West Third street, Tustin, California until 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 15th day of June, 1964, at whish time they will be opened and read aloud in the Cou#cil Chambers, for construction of city street in accordance with the specifications therefore, to which special reference is made, as follows: 10 In the City of Tustin, on Second Street between ."C" Street and. Prospect Avenue, to be graded and paged with asphaltic concrete on aggregate base, and to construct concrete curb . and gutter. Bids are required for the entire work descfibed herein, CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Item No. 1 900 cubic yards roadway excavation Item No. 2 31U tons asphalt concrete Item No.3 600 bons aggregate base Item No. 4 125 cubic yards Class B concrete (curbs, etc) Item No. 5' 35 cubic yards concrete removal Item No. 6 2 each adjusting manholes to grade Item No. 7 163 square yards placing asphalt concrete The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a. basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly of bt implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease -the amount of any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work, as may be deemed necessary or advis�isable by the Engineer. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms to be used for bidding on this prohect can only be obtained at the Tustin City Hall, Tustin, California. , No bids will be considered unless it is nude on a blank form furnished by the City Clerk of Tustin, California, and is made in accordance with the Provisions of the Standard 6pe ci f i cat i ons and special provisions. Each bidder must be licensed and also prequ&l if ied as required by law. . The City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Abbreviations used in the schedule of pream determined wage rates in conjunction with employer payments listed- in the right hand column are identified as follows: ph per hour phw per hour worked phw/p per hour worked or paid Employer payments other than those itemised below, as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the type or classification of the workmen or mechanics employed on the project. Overtime, Sundays, . and Holidays -.--not less than one and one -.half (1-ol/2) times the basic hourly rate plus applicable employer payments. The holidays upon which such rates shall be paid. shall be all holidays recognized in the coll6otive bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, c.ass if i cat ion or type of workman employed on the project. Copies of all -collective bargaining agreements ` relating to the work ' as set forth in the aforement m coned Labor Code are on file and available for Inspection-in—the office of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, Attention is directed to section 7,,1.01G of .the Standard Specifications providing for the employment of apprentices on the work. Every such apprentice shall be paid the standard wage paid to apprentices under the regulations of the trade at which he is employed. Information -relative to employment of apprentices shall be obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, who is the Administrative officer of the California Apprenticeship Council Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor. Code of the State of -California, the City bouncil of the City 'of Tustin has ascertained the general p-tevailing rate bf wages and employer payments for health and welfare and pension and similes purposes in which the work. is to be done to be as follows i 19asic rate Employer payments for per hour Classification H and W Pension $4.435 Asphalt or crushing plant 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw,lp engineer 4.245 Asphalt plant fireman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.47 Asphalt raker and ironer 12j¢ phw 10¢ phw 4.245 Boxman or mixer box operator 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p (concrete or asphalt plant) 4•435 Concrete or asphalt spreading, mechanical tamping or finishing machine operator 15sG phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.72 Driver of dump truck (less than4 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.75' Driver of dump truck (4 yards but less than 8 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.80 Driver of dump truck (8 dards but less than 12yards water level) 1:0¢ phw/p none 3.88 Driver of dump truck (12 yards but less than 16 dards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 4.10 Driver of dump truck, (16 yards or more water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.6,5 Engineer, oiler and signalman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3,o77 Equipment greaser 15¢ phw/p 10¢' phw/p 3.36 Fine grader (Highway and street paving) 10¢ phw none 3.2b Fireman 12¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.26 Flagman 12 ¢ phw none 49435 Heavy duty repairman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.65 Heavy duty repairman's hel 15¢ pew/p 10� phw/p 3.26 Laborer (general or construction) 10¢ phw none 4•535 Motor patrol opera;�o2t (any type or size) -w 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 4*435 Tractor operator (Bulldozeril tamper, scraper, and push tractor) 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3..78 Water truck driver (u#der 2600 gals) 10¢ phw none 3.90 Water truck driver (2500 gals to 4000 gals) 10¢ phw none 4.02 Water truck driver (4000 gals and over) 10¢ phw nave By order of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California. Dated this 18th day of May, 1964. Merk-of t4je'City of Tustin, a ifornia That the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate. of wages and employer payments in the locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft or type of workman _ needed to execute the work herein above specified is as set forth in the form of notice hereinabove set forth, and said notice shall contain said schedule df wages to be laaid to the workman in said work. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this 18th day of May, 1964. ATTEST Le--__-- Cfty C111 k STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) it City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby cdrtify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the' City of Tustin at i t s regular meeting held on the 18th day of May-, 1964, by the following vote , to -wit AYES, TRUSTEES Sheridan, Doney,Klingelhofer,Mack Noes , TRUST.EES NONE ABSENT, TRUSTEES COCO r ............. City er CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT FOR IMPROVING SECOND STREET BETWEEN -"C" STREET AND -PROSPECT AVENUE April, 1964 Telephone: 544-8890 m RESOLUTION NO.Z62 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEME17,T OF SECOND STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND PROSPECT AVENUE, AND AUTHORIZING A'D DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin to make certain improvements on Second Street; and V=T EAS, the City Eng -`-neer has presented plans and specifi- cations for the propo,ee, Lnprovements of Second Street, between VC'' Street and Prospect Avenue N(Yd THEREFOnE, be it resolved that the plans and specifica- tions presented by the Cit; Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the improvement of Second Street between '0C°' Street and Prospect Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby autb.orized and directed to advertise as required by law for the recoipt of sealed b4,ds or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advert-ise.rent shall be substantially in the following words and fi- :res, to -wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS" In pursannco of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Oraz.ge County, California, adopted directing this notice, NOTICr IS HEREBY GIV74 that sealed proposals will be received at the Tustin City Hall, 135 gest Third Street Tustin, California, u::til 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the /c3"' day of , 19649 at which time they rill be opened and read aloud in the" -Council Cham'oers, for corstruction of city street in accordance with the specifications therefore, to which special reference is made, as follows: In the City of Tustin, on Second Street between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue, to be graded and paved with asphaltic concrete on aggregate base, and to constauct concrete curb and gutter. Bids are required for the entire work described herein. 1. C CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Item No. 1 900 cubic yards roadway excavation Item No. 2 310 tons asphalt concrete Item No. 3 600 tons aggregate base Item No. 4 125 cubic yards Class B concrete (Curbs, etc) Item No. 5 35 cubic yards concrete removal Item No. 6 2 each adjusting manholes to grade Item No. 7 163 square yards placing asphalt concrete The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work, as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Engineer. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms to be used for bidding on this project can only be obtained at the Tustin City Hall, Tustin, California. No bids will be considered unless it is made on a blank form furnished by,the City Clerk of Tustin, California, and is made in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and special provisions. Each bidder must be licensed and also pre- qualified as required by law. bids. The City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all Abbreviations used in the schedule of predetermined wage rates in conjunctibn with employer psyments listed in the right hand column ate identified as follows: ph per hour phw per hour worked phw/p per hour worked or paid Employer payments other than those itemized below, as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the type or classification of the workmen or mechanics employed on the project. Overtime, Sundays, and Holidays ---not less than one and one- half (1-1/2) times the basic hourly rate plus applicable employer payments. The holidays upon which such rates shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, classification or type of workman employed on the project. Copies of all collective bargaining agreements relating to the work as set forth in the aforementioned Labor Code are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research. 2. Attention is directed to Section 7-1.01G of the Standard Specifications providing for the employment of apprentices on the work. Every such apprentice shall be paid the standard wage paid to apprentices under the regulations of the trade at which he is u7iployed.. Information relative to employment of apprentices shall be obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, who is the Administrative Offider of the California Apprenticeship Council. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare and pension and similar purposes in which the work is to be done to be as follows; Basic rate Employer payments for _key- hour Classification H and W Pension $4.435 Asphalt or crushing plant engineer 15¢ phw/p 10.¢ phw/p 4-.24,5 Asphalt plant fireman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw /p 3.4.7 Asphalt raker and ironer 12?¢ phw 10¢ phw 4.245 Boxman or mixer box operator (concrete or asphalt plant) 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 4,435 Concrete or asphalt spreading, mechanical tamping or finishing machine operator 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.72 Driver of dump truck (less than 4 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.75 Driver of dump truck (4 yards but less than 8 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.80 Driver of dump truck (8 yards but less than 12 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3-88 Driver of dump truck (12 yards but less than 16 yards water level) 10¢ phw/p none 4.10 Driver of dump truck,(16 yards or more water level) 10¢ phw/p none 3.655 Engineer, oiler and signalman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.77 Equipment greaser 150 phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.35 Fine grader (Highway and street paving) 10f phw none 3.26 Fireman 12f0 phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.26 Flagman 12jo phw none 4.435 Heavy duty repairman 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.655 Heavy duty repairman's helper 150 phw/p 10¢ phw/p 3.26 Laborer (general or construction) 100 phw none 4%535 Motor patrol operator (any type or size) 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phw/p 4,435 Tractor operator (Bulldozer, tamper, scraper, and push tractor) 15¢ phw/p 10¢ phwiP 3.78 Water truck driver (under 2500 gals) 10¢ phw none 3.90 Water truck driver (2500 gals to 4000 gals.) 10¢ phw none 1:102 Water truck driver (4000 gals and over) 10¢ phw none 3• By order of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California. Dated this A day of 19649• Clerk of he City of Tustin, California That the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments in the locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the work herein- above specified is as set forth in the form of notice hereinabove set forth, and said notice shall contain said schedule of wages' to be paid to the workman in said work. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this day of 1964. ayor ATTEST / - G STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS City Clerk of do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutio and adopted by the City Council of th City of regular meeting held on the i,�day by the following vote, to -wits AYES, T�ko the City of Tustin, n was duly passed Tustin at its of ,._, 1964, 111 L NOES, TRUSTEES t \ ,D .,n -e ABSENT, TRUSTEES too ego !M�Mty Clerk ��E '!�"' 4. D CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ON SECOND STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND PROSPECT AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA SECTION 1. SPECIFICATIONS The work embraced herein shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, dated January, 19609 insofar as the same may apply and in accordance with the following special provisions. Whenever in the Standard Specifications the following terms are used, they shall be understood to mean and refer to the following: Department of Public Works or Division of Highways -- THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL. Director of Public Works --THE TUSTIN CITY ENGINEER. Engineer --THE TUSTIN CITY ENGINEER, acting either directly or through properly authorized agents, such agents acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. Laboratory --THE DESIGNATED LABORATORY authorized by the City of Tustin to test materials and work in- volved in the contract. State --THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Other terms appearing in the Standard Specifications, the general provisions, and these special provisions, shall have the intent and meaning specified in Section 1, Definitions and Terms, of the Standard Specifications. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, these special provisions shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of the conflicting portions. SECTION 2. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS The bidders' attention is directed to the provisions in Section 2 of the Standard Specifications for the requirements and conditions which he must observe in the preparation of the pro- posal form and the submission bid. The form of Bidder's Bond mentioned in the third paragraph in Section 2-1.07 of the Standard Specifications will be found following the signature page of the proposal annexed hereto. S� R SECTION . AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONIRACT The bidders' attention is directed to the provisions in Section 3 of the Standard Specifications for the requirements and conditions concerning award and execution of contract. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the eAeciition of the agreement, will be required to furnish a labor and material - men bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the co.:tract price, and a faithful performance bond in an amount equal to fifty. percent (50%) of the contract price; said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Tustin City Council. 3 OF WORK,_TIME OF COMPLETION AND D DI'1MAGES- Attention is d_re3ted to the provisions in Section 8-1.03 "Be,,inning of Work" to Sectio. 3-1.05 :°Tir.e of Completion", and to Section 8-1.07 "Liquidated Dana -es" of the Standard S_-)ecifica- tions and these special pro vis__ons z The contractor shall begin work within 15 days after receit:"tng notice that the contract has been approved by she Cit;; Attorney appointed and aL.Uhoiizod to represent the City of Tustin, and shall diligently prosecute the same to completion before the expiration of twenty --five (25) working days f_^om date of startinn, i-ork. The contractor shall pay to the City of Tustin the ^'?''! of Ten (10) Dollars per day for each and every calendar day's delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of working days prescribed herein, SECTION 5. GENERAL 5-1.01 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY - Reference is made to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications. The provisions in Section 7-1.01A of the Standard Specifications are superseded by Lho following: Eight hours of labor constitutes a legal day's work. The contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Tustin, Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each workman employed in the execution of the Contract by him or any subcontractor under him for each day during which any workman is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in violation of the provisions of the labor code, and in particular, Sections 18-10 to 18-15 inclusive, except upon compensation for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day at not less than one and one-half (12) times the basic race of pay as provided in Section 18-15- 5-1.02 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTIO14 EQUIPMEaT - Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.01 and 7-1.02 of the Standard Specifi- cations. 5,1.03 PREVAILING WAGES -• Pursuant to the prov�.;sions of Section 1770 of they Labor Code of the State of California, the City of Tustin has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, pension, and similar 6. X N purposes applicable to the work to be done. Those rates are set forth in the attached Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals which is a part of this contract. 5-1.04 PANT - Partial payments shall be in accordance with the provisions in Section 9-1.06 of the Standard Specifications. Ten percent (10%) of each partial estimate shall be retained by the City as specified in Section 9-1.06 of the Standard Specifi- cations. Final payment shall be in accordance with the provisions In Section 9-1.07 of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 6. FORCE ACCOUNT PAYMENT 6.1.01 COST OF LABOR - Attention is directed to theprovisions in Section 9-1.03A (lb) of the Standard Specifications. The percentage to be applied to the actual wages paid, as defined in Section 9-1.03A (3) of the Standard Specifications will be 16 percent. 6-2.01 EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES - Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 9-1.03A (3) of the Standard Specifications. The equipment rental rates to be paid will be based on the average rental rates of rental agencies serving the area as specified in Section 9-1.03A (3) of the Standard Specifications. SECTION 7. SUBCONTRACTING 7-1.01 SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING THE CONTRACT - Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 8-1.01 and Section 8-1.02 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. No portion of the contract shall be sublet, assigned or otherwise disposed of except with the written consent of the City Engineer. Requests for permission to sublet, assign or otherwise dispose of any portion of the contract shall be in writing and accompanied by a showing that the organization which will perform the work is particularly experienced and equipped for such work. The contractor shall give assurance that the wages paid for labor as required by these special provisions shall apply to labor performed on all work sublet, assigned or otherwise disposed of in any way. Written consent to sublet, assign or otherwise dispose of any portion of the contract shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the Contract. SECTION 8. MATERIALS 8-1.01 GENERAL - Attention is directed to the provisions in Section 6 and Section 20-2 of the Standard Specifications. All materials required to complete the work under this contract shall be furnished by the contractor. 7. wry SECTION 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be done consists, in generali of excavating, grading and placing asphalt concrete on aggregate base; and constructing concrete curb and gutters, all as shown on the plans. SECTION 10. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 10-1.01 MAINTAINING TRAFFIC - Attention is directed to Sections 7-1.08 and 7-1.09 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. In connection with the above sections of the Standard Specifications, the Contractor is hereby notified that all stop signs and street signs, and all warning lights, signs, barricades, flagmen, or other devices necessary to provide for the safety and convenience of public traffic shall be furnished and maintained by the Contractor at his own expense. No compensation for extra work will be allowed for work performed as noted in Section 7-1.08 of the Standard Specifi- cations. lOr1.02 OBSTRUCTIONS - Attention is directed to Sections 8-1.10 and 15 of the Standard Specifications. 10-1.03 CLEARING AND GRUBBING - Clearing and grubbing shall conform to the provisions in Section 16 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Full compensation for all clearing and grubbing shall be considered as included in other items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. 10-1.04 WATERING - Furnishing and applying water shall conform to the provisions in Section 17 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Full compensation for furnishing and applying water shall be considered as included in other items of work and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefor. 10-1.05 EARTHWORK - Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 19 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The provisions of Section 19-5.02 of the Standard Specifications are superseded by the following: After excavation has been made to subgrade and prior to the placing aggregate base, the original ground shall be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent for a depth of not less than 0.5 feet. NP o The contract price paid per cubic yard for roadway excavation shall include full compensation for disposal of surplus excavation, as above specified. 10-1.06 FINISHING ROADWAY - Finishing roadway shall conform to the provisions in Section 22 of the Standard Specifications. 10-1..07 AGGREGATE BASE - Class 2 Aggregate Base shall conform to the provisions in Sedtion 26 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. At least 75 percent, by weight, of the material retained on the No. 4 sieve shall be crushed as determined by Test Method No. Calif. 205. Aggregate Base material shall be spread upon prepared sub - grade by means of approved spreading devices which will deposit a uniform winrow or layer, and after spreading as above specified, the 'material shall be shaped to the requirements of Section 26 of the Standard Specifications. A motor grader may be used for the aforementioned shaping. No prime coat will be required. 10-1.08 ASPHALT CONCRETE - Asphalt concrete shall be Type B and shall conform to the provisions in Section 39 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The penetration range of paving asphalt shall be determined by the Engineer. The amount of asphalt binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate shall be between 3 percent and 7 percent by weight, of the dry mineral aggregate, The exact amount of asphalt binder to be mixed with the mineral aggregate will be determined by the Engineer. The requirements of the ninth paragraph in Section 39-3.04A of the Standard Specifications will not apply. 10-1.09 CONCRETE CURBS, ETC. - Portland cement concrete curbs, local depressions, driveways, sidewalks and cross -gutters shall conform to the provisions in Section 73 of the Standard Specifications. 10-1.10 REMOVING CONCRETE - Removing concrete shall conform to the provisions in Section 15-3 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Concrete removed shall be disposed of outside the highway right of way in accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the Standard Specifications. 9. o Awak 10-1.11 ADJUST MANHOLES TO GRADE - Adjusting manholes to grade shall conform to the provisions in Section 15 and 71 of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. The method of adjusting shall be as follows: (a) Manhole frames and covers and manhole shafts shall be removed to a depth of 61° below subgrade and covered with an adequate steel cover. (b) Upon completion of r-ladway construction, after the asphalt concrete has been laid, circular holes shall be cut where the manhole exists (c) The manholes shall then be raised to the proper grade, the manhole frames and covers replaced, and the pavement shall be replaced with a structural section equivalent to th.t existing in adjacent areas. The contract unit price paid per each for adjusting manholes to grade shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment and doing all the work involved in adjusting the manholes as above specified, including all excavation, backfill, and replacement of pavement section, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 10. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SECOND STREET IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, BETWEEN "C" STREET AM PROSPECT AVENUE. Na- _e of Bidder Business Address Place of Residence LOCATION The work to be done and referred to herein is in the City of Tustin, California, on Second Street between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue, to be constructed in accordance with the special provisions and contract annexed hereto, and also in accordance with the Standa_d Specifications of the State of California, Department of Public ti•.orks, Division of HighYays, dated January, 1960, The work to be done is shown upon a set of plans entitled "Plan and Profile for the Improvement of Second Street between "C'S Street and Prospect Avenue in the City of Tustin, Orange County, California. TO TKE CITY OF TUSTIN Tha undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made irithout collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the annexed proposed form of contract, and the plans therein referred to; and he proposes, and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of Tustin, in the form of the copy of the contract -hexed hereto, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus and other means of construction, and to do all the work and furnish all the materials specified in the contract, in the mannor and time therein prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will take full payment therefor the following unit prices, to -wit: 11. Item Approxi- Item with unit price written nate Unit Total Quantity in words 1 900 Cubic Yards roadway excavation at per cubic yard 2 310 Tons asphalt concrete in place at per ton. 3 600 Tons aggregate base in place at per ton 4 125 Cubic yards Class B Concrete (curbs etc.) at per cubic yard 5 35 Cubic yards concrete removal at per cubic yard. 6 2 Adjusting manholes to grade at each. 7 163 Square yards placing asphalt concrete at per square yard TOTAL In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to contract as aforesaid and to give the two bonds in the amounts to be determined as aforesaid, with surety satisfactory to the City of Tustin, within eight days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the bidder has received notice from the Tustin City Attorpoy. that the contract has been awarded, the City of Tustin may, at its option, determine that the bidder has abandoned the contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the forefeiture of such security accompanying this proposal 12. s shall operate and the same shall be the property of the City of Tustin. Accompanying this proposal is (NOTICE: Insert the words "Cash ($ )", "Cashier's Check'', in the amount equal to at least ton percent "Certified Check", or "Bidder's Bond," as the case may be of the total bid.) The names of all persons interested in the foregoing proposal as principals are as follows: IMPORTANT NOTICE: If the bidder or other interested person is a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a co -partnership, state true name of firm, also names of all individual co-partners composing firm; if the bidder or other interested person is an individual, state first and last names in full. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractors, License No. SIGN HERE: Signature of Bidder NOTE; If the bidder is a . corporation, the legal name of the corporation shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the officer or officers authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation; if the bidder is a co -partnership, the true name of the firm shall be set forth above, together with the signature of the partner or partners authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the co- partnership; and if the bidder is an individual, his signature shall be placed above. If signature is by an agent, other than an officer of a corporation or a member of a co -partnership, a Power of Attorney must be on file with the City of Tustin prior to the opening of bids or submitted with the bid; otherwise, the bid will be disregarded as irregular and unauthorized. Business Address Place of Residence Dated , 1964. 13. City of Tustin State of Californi4 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSs That we as PRINCIPAL, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tustin, hereinafter called the City, in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE BID of the Principal above named, sub- mitted by said Principal to the City of Tustin for the work described below, for the payment of which sum is lawful money of the United States, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. In no case shall the liability of the surety hereunder exceed the sum of THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH That whereas the Principal has submitted the above-mentioned bid to the City of Tustin for certain construction specifically described as follows, for which bids are to be opened at , California, on Insert name of City where Insert date of bid opening) Bids will be opened) for (Copy here the exact description of work, including the location, as it appears on the proposal) 14. D BIDDER'S BOND (CONTINUED) NOW, THEREFORE, if the aforesaid Principal is awarded the contract, and within the time and manner required under the specifications, after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enters into a written contract, in the prescribed form in accordance with the bid, and files the two bonds with the City, one to guarantee faithful performance and the other to guarantee payment for labor and materials, as required by law, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and virtue. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by the Obligee and judgment is recovered, the surety shall pay all costs incurred by the Obligee in such suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals on this day of , A.D. 1964. (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Principal (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Surety Address NOTE: Signatures of those executing for the surety must be properly acknowledged. 15. CITY OF TUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SECOND STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND PROSPECT AVENUE THIS AGREEMENT, made and concluded, in duplicate, this day of , one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, between the City of Tustin, California party of the first part, and Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE 1. --Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, the said party of the second part agrees with said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense, to do all the work ;and furnish all the materials, except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and sub- stantial manner and to the satisfaction of the said party of the first part, in accordance with the special provisions hereto annexed and also in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, dated January, 19609 which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. The work to be done is shown upon a set of plans entitled "Plan and Profile for the Improvement of Second Street between "C" Street and Prospect Avenue in the City of Tustin, Orange County, California", which said set of plans is hereby made a part of this contract. 16. 4 r . ARTICLE 11. --And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for doing all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; and also for all loss or damage, arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Tustin, and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications, and the requirements of the Engineer urLier them, to -wit: Item mate Item with unit price written Quantiit in words Unit ( Total 1 900 Cubic Yards roadway excavation at per cubic yard 2 310 Tons asphalt concrete in place at per ton 3 600 Tons aggregate base in place at per ton 4 125 Cubic yards Class B Concrete (curbs etc.) at per cubic yard 5 35 Cubic yards concrete removal at per cubic yard 6 2 Adjusting manholes to grade at each 7 163 Square yards placing asphalt concrete at per square yard TOTAL 17. ARTICLE III. --Tho said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with the said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ, the said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner and upon the conditions above set forth; and the said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE N. --It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and the date first above written. Contract and Bond Approved City Attorney Date THE CITY OF TU5TIN By Mayor of City of Tust n Attest: — Clerk of City of Tustin 18.