HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 12-09-08ITEM #1
DECEMBER 9, 2008
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Present: Chair Puckett
Chair Pro Tem Kozak
Commissioners Kasalek, Murray, Thompson
Staff Present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director
David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney
Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner
Amy Thomas, Senior Planner
Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary
Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NOVEMBER 12, 2008,
DECEMBER 9, 2008.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kasalek, to approve the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Adopted Resolution 3. CONTINUED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 08-015,
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 1
That the Planning Commission adopt revised Resolution
No. 4105, approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 08-015
and Design Review (DR) 08-008 authorizing the
construction of an accessory building to be used as a guest
room and new two-car garage located at 445 W. Second
Street subject to specific design changes to be reviewed
and approved by the Community Development Department,
and denying Variance 08-001 to exceed the maximum
permitted height of 20 feet for an accessory building.
7:05 p.m. The Public Hearing opened.
Willkom Presented the staff report.
Thompson Asked for clarification of the existing roof pitch.
Willkom Responded that the pitch is 8 to 12.
Thompson Referred to the plan which shows adrop-off, a feature the existing
house does not seem to have.
Willkom Replied that the dropped roofline would be to accommodate the
enclosed staircase.
Thompson Suggested that more articulation is necessary to match the
articulation of the main structure.
Willkom Indicated that there are several ways of achieving a similar roof
pitch to the existing main house; staff believes the required level of
articulation has not been achieved yet.
Thompson Stated that the consistent theme seems to be too much massing;
the comparison with the Design Guidelines with what the applicant
proposed was helpful; it would be useful to know the range of
acceptable massing of the structure.
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 2
Willkom Indicated that the Tustin City Code does not specify what would be
appropriate for an accessory structure; the Code specifies that an
accessory structure must be subordinate and incidental to the
main building; a larger structure than the existing one would depart
from what is intended in the Code.
Director Stated that the Code does not dictate an absolute square footage;
if the applicant's architect were to be able to accommodate
articulation and a pitch consistent with the main structure, the
square footage would be reduced to create an ancillary or
incidental situation and would resolve many of the issues; as an
example, many Old Town lots qualify for second residential units
or granny flats; the lot size must be 12,000 square feet; in those
instances, a second unit could only be 1200 square feet; the
present instance is a smaller lot with an ancillary structure that is
larger than the main house and larger than what would be
permitted on a larger lot.
Murray Stated that his concerns are similar to Commissioner Thompson's;
and, asked if this design were to be approved, whether or not a
Certificate of Appropriateness would be approved.
Director Replied that is another issue: the Certificate of Appropriateness is
not issued until a Building Permit is issued; that is why the criteria
for the consideration were brought to the Planning Commission.
Kasalek Asked how much of a reduction in the square footage would be
required to achieve a steeper pitch to the roof.
Director Stated that an architect would need to make that calculation.
Kozak Thanked staff and the applicant for bringing back the exterior
improvements such as scaled shingles, enclosed staircase,
relocation of the guest room door and second story window;
however, some of the key elements remain unresolved; the staff
report references a reduction in the massing of the building that
would accomplish the improvements the Planning Commission is
looking for without requiring a Variance; it is important to recognize
that the main house may be 1614 square feet of livable space
while the proposed two-story ancillary building would be 952
square feet per floor; the proportion of the building and the exterior
elevation show few changes in the articulation to make it look more
like the main building; the question is how to reduce the
proportions of the building to achieve the design goals.
Willkom Responded that there are several options to achieve the design
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 3
goals, such as the ground floor garage space being modified to
incorporate a portion of the guest area on the ground floor, thus
allowing for a steeper pitched roof on the second floor and allowing
the applicant to reach the desired square footage of the guest
room living space.
Director Added that all of the elevations could include steeper pitched
roofs, even if not identical; dormers could be incorporated into
some of the pitches, which areas would be usable as window
seats and similar things that are often seen in older homes and are
complementary to that type of architecture.
Puckett Invited the applicant to the lectern.
Michael Ferguson Stated that the home is an 1885 Queen Anne Victorian home with
applicant abasement; there are two bedrooms on the first floor with a full
bath; the second floor has two full bedrooms and a full bathroom;
the ground floor is approximately 1400-1500 square feet; the
second floor is more than 800 square feet; adding those two
together makes 2400 square feet of living space in the home, not
1600; it is not easy to see the roof pitches on the drawings; the
rooflines presented match the main structure, which is a
combination of 6-12 and 8-12 pitch roof; the back of the house is
6-12; there is a flat piece that comes off an upper dormer that is an
identical match; the proposed structure looks larger than the main
structure because it is square cornered and has a taller ceiling in
the upper floor; he does not want to build a small shack but
something that he can use; he will not build a 400 square foot
garage; he will use the extra space on the ground floor for storage;
the Certificate of Appropriateness is up to the Planning
Thompson Asked staff for clarification regarding the discrepancy in the square
footage of the house.
Willkom Indicated that the 1600 square foot number was in the City
Mr. Ferguson Stated the 1600 square feet referred only to the ground floor; and,
pointed out various pitches on the PowerPoint slide.
Thompson Referred to the Director's mention of the 10 percent rule regarding
a 12,000 square foot lot and an ancillary structure on that size lot
being limited to 1200 square feet; this does not mean that building
a larger structure on a smaller lot would be allowed.
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Mr. Ferguson Stated he is not familiar with the 10 percent rule; he relied on the
Design Guidelines; what he is proposing is within those guidelines;
there is also the difference between R-1 and R-2 zoning.
Thompson Indicated he did not believe the 12,000 square foot size makes a
property R-2.
Mr. Ferguson Noted this property formerly had another structure in the back
which he demolished due to the termite infestation.
Thompson Stated that the staff report suggests that full compliance would
restrict the square footage on the second story and cause a
reduction in the massing.
Mr. Ferguson Responded that would not be a second story but an attic.
Thompson Asked what the better alternative would be: 1) to comply with the
Guidelines which causes the second-story massing to diminish, or
2) to get a Variance that allows a higher structure and a roofline
that works but does not reduce the massing.
Mr. Ferguson Stated that he believes he has submitted a sound proposal that
meets all the guidelines and criteria required by the City.
Kozak Asked for the proposed height of the living space in the ancillary
Mr. Ferguson Replied the ceiling is proposed to be eight feet high.
Kozak Stated he was having difficulty understanding the dimensions of
the roof at the north and south elevations.
Mr. Ferguson Answered that the elevations would be similar to the main house.
Referred to his responses to the Variance permit regarding the
special circumstances and privileges contained in the staff report;
he disagrees that this would set a precedent; he has the only
Queen Anne house on the neighborhood; all the other homes are
1940s and would not want this type of roofline.
Commented that Condition 3.2 should be deleted. Condition 3.5
refers to a three-foot landscaped area; he has afive-foot culvert
immediately off his property; adding three feet of landscaping
would be unreasonable and should not be required.
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Mr. Ferguson Stated he is not willing to make any further design changes.
Director Noted that the 1614 square foot number for the existing structure
was taken from the applicant's submitted plans; staff would need
to do a calculation of the lot coverage to determine if the existing
and proposed structures were over lot coverage.
Puckett Invited others to speak.
Linda Jennings, Stated that she was speaking for herself and not representing any
350 South B Street group or organization; she complimented the applicant for the
articulation and other additions to the new plan; she still sees a
problem with the massing of the proposed structure, in particular
the massing of the building in relationship to the Victorian house;
the claim that the structure will not be visible due to mature
landscaping is invalid since there is no guarantee that large trees
will not come down; the document she submitted to the Planning
Commissioners and staff this evening was not a letter but a copy
of the Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Structures, which
are standards generally accepted by the historic community when
looking at rehabilitation, restoration, preservation, or reconstruction
of any historic structure; No. 9 states "the new work shall be
differentiated from the old and will be compatible with historic
materials, features, size, scale, proportion, and massing to protect
the integrity of the property and the environment"; this is very
important and should be considered as staff pointed out; the
Commission should deny the Variance and send the application
back to staff for further design changes to meet the standards of
the historic district, particularly considering the building's
proportion, how it fits with the existing structure, how it fits with the
other structures in the historic district, and a precedent being set if
all the aspects of the proposal are approved.
Llyn Smith, 540 Stated that she lives in an 1885 Queen Anne cottage with a
West 3rd Street sweeping curved roof; she appreciates Mr. Ferguson's efforts to
attempt to add garage; her house came with a garage built by a
previous owner, a 1960 one-story; a Queen Anne appears to be
delicate and light; her garage is squat; the massing of the
proposed garage and guest quarters is a major concern; it will look
like a big box sitting on the lot; the enormous appearance would
subsume the Victorian structure; more than the roof pitch and the
articulation, she would request that the design and volume of the
structure be constructed in a more compatible way and the
Variance be denied.
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Terry Tull, Stated he lives just around the corner from Mr. Ferguson; he sees
165 South Pacific no problem with the design except for the flat area at the roofline;
Street one of his neighbors just built a large addition at the back of the
house; he does not object to the size of this proposal; it seems that
Mr. Ferguson is being penalized for the extra square footage
proposed; he has no problem with the proposed Variance to add
height.; however, there may be a problem with the yard
8:25 p.m. The Public Hearing closed.
Thompson Stated it is commendable to see some of the articulation and the
additional effort of enclosing the stairwell, adding the fish scale
treatments, etc.; it should be clear for the record what the correct
square footage calculation should be; the error was in the plans,
not in the staff report; the issue seems to be full compliance of the
Code; there should be flexible guidelines that respect property
size, setback from properties, etc.; it was suggested at the last
meeting that a higher structure would address all of the problems,
including massing; when there is a 28 foot deep structure and a
roof that must cover it, geometry requires a certain roof height; the
objective was not to permit a higher structure; it is not the desire of
the Commission to drag out the process; he is prepared to go
either way: 1) follow the Guidelines, which restrict the massing,
and provide the appropriate coverage that everyone must live
under, or 2) support a higher structure to address all the issues; it
is his suggestion to approve the resolution and wait for a proposal
that addresses the massing and higher roofline; Condition 3.5
should be modified regarding the three feet of landscaping; the
applicant's situation with the drainage culvert is unique; the
applicant's proposal conflicts with other Guidelines; it is not right
that a special privilege be granted.
Murray Thanked the applicant and staff; he still has concerns and would
prefer to move this project forward at this time; there needs to be
some sort of agreement to meet the applicant's needs while
staying within the standards.
Kasalek Stated her major concern was the flat, boxy look of the walls; this
design does not fit with the character of the house; this is more
than a garage; it is housing; the setting of a precedent is also a
concem; a better design is necessary; she would prefer to go with
staff recommendation denying the Variance.
Kozak Indicated he appreciated the work the applicant had done in
coming back with external improvements and enhancements to
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 7
the design; he is committed to Old Town Guidelines and realizes
the applicant has been sensitive to those Guidelines; the massing
and scale remain the issues; the footprint of that building has not
changed and that is the variable to consider; a height Variance
does not accomplish the goal.
Puckett Reiterated that it has taken the applicant 25 years to get back to
the Planning Commission; he should not be further delayed; the
project looks good and is well hidden, the staircase was
incorporated, etc.; the Planning Commission should approve
staff's recommendation to get the project moving forward; he
would also favor the Variance but, in an effort to move the project
forward, would be inclined to follow staff's recommendation.
Thompson Added that the prior application had issues with the roofline and
was not an approved project; he wants to be sure he understands
that distinction and the plan still needs modification to the roofline,
which would restrict the massing.
Director Answered that was correct; the prior application included a
resolution similar to Condition 3.2 that required modification at
Thompson Suggested that will solve the massing; and, moved approval of
Resolution No. 4105 with the modification of Condition 3.5.
Director Indicated that condition is a Code requirement for all properties in
the City to prevent individuals from concreting front yards;
properties without the three-foot landscaping were given a certain
amount of time to become compliant; staff can check into the
easement but would like the condition to remain.
Thompson Asked if something could be added to include an evaluation of the
drainage easement.
Director Answered in the affirmative.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kozak, to adopt
Resolution No. 4105, as modified. Motion carried 5-0.
Mr. Ferguson Asked for clarification regarding the approval.
Director Stated that the applicant should understand that the project was
approved, but the Variance was denied; the project was approved
subject to the plans being modified again.
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 8
Puckett Encouraged the applicant to work with staff to move the project
January 13, 2009, 1360)
Commission meeting On March 18, 2008, the City Council was provided with a
staff report that discussed the issues associated with the
abatement of shopping carts. Staff provided the Council
with the City of Westminster's policy on shopping carts.
Council directed staff to implement a similar program.
Based on that direction, staff prepared Code Amendment
08-004 to adopt new shopping cart regulations.
That the Planning Commission continue this item to the
January 13, 2009, Planning Commission meeting.
Puckett Asked if there was anyone is attendance who wished to present
It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Kasalek, to continue this
item to the January 23, 2009, Planning Commission meeting.
Director reported The City Council considered the revocation of the conditional use
permit for Roderick's; the Planning Commission's recommendation
was upheld.
The City Council considered another Mills Act within the Old Town
area at 520 West Main Street.
The City Council approved letters regarding SB 375 and AB 32,
the sustainable communities strategy and greenhouse gas Bills;
one letter identified concerns regarding those bills and another
letter requested deferral of the bills for two years.
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 9
Director continued City staff has been attending various workshops presented by
SCAG; staff will be providing a presentation for the Planning
Commission and the City Council.
Former Planning Commission Chair John Nielsen was selected as
the City's representative to fill the District 17 seat on SCAG,
replacing Lou Bone who served in that capacity and who has been
termed out of the city Council.
Doug Davert was appointed Mayor and Jerry Amante Mayor Pro
Thompson Offered congratulations to Councilmembers Amante, Nielsen, and
Gavello regarding their certifications to the City Council and to
Mayor Davert and Mayor Pro Tem Amante.
Shared that at the November OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee
meeting there was a lot of discussion regarding rails, station
expansion, quiet zones, etc., all very good things that are being
planned; a looming issue in the discussion was the current
financial crisis, which will impact governmental agencies that rely
on sales tax dollars; OCTA is run in a healthy manner and is taking
proactive action with trims and cutbacks.
Stated that the November 20~' Mayor's Breakfast was enjoyable;
Dwight Stones presented an inspirational pep talk from a sports
perspective that applies to everyone.
Noted that the Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on December 5
and continuation to Old Town was a wonderful way to connect the
two events; the lighting in Old Town looks terrific and made the
walk over from City Hall fun and festive.
Indicated he continues to attend the Building Industry Association
leadership class; he was proud to see Councilmember Palmer
make a presentation at the Village of Hope, focusing on
philanthropy and the role of leadership; this was a very
complimentary presentation and inspirational to the degree that a
homegrown project, Teen House, a home for emancipated foster
care women, has been created; studies have shown that girls in
foster care often end up with nowhere to go when they turn 18;
he's proud to be a part of that endeavor.
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Murray Stated that Tustin Cops set up a Thanksgiving table; it is always
nice to see the Police Association generate funds and offerings to
those needy families on Thanksgiving Day at the Tustin Youth
Center; they are to be complimented.
Indicated he attended the swearing in of the new City Council; and,
congratulated past-Chair Nielsen, Jerry Amante, and Ms. Gavello.
Extended his thanks to Lou Bone and Tony Kawashima for their
distinguished service to the City; they did outstanding work, are
very much appreciated, and will be missed.
Stated that the Tree Lighting and Metrotrain arrival of Santa was
wonderful and a tribute to former Councilman Lou Bone who was a
strong advocate of the program.
Noted he will be attending the Water District meeting this Friday;
water will become more and more an important part of things that
the Planning Commission must consider, and he will make every
effort to become actively involved.
Wished Happy Holidays to his fellow Commissioners.
Thanked staff for all their hard work this year; and, stated he looks
forward to a great new year.
Thanked the Tustin Chamber of Commerce for all the work they do
and the great partnerships that the Planning Commission
participates in, such as ribbon-cutting ceremonies, etc.
Kasalek Stated that she very much enjoyed Dwight Stones' speech at the
Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.
Wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Indicated that she does volunteer work with foster children and
was happy to hear Commissioner Thompson speak about Teen
House for which there has been a great need.
Kozak Congratulated Mayor Davert and Mayor Pro Tem Amante.
Stated he was pleased to witness the oath of office taken by
Nielsen, Gavello, and Amante; it was heartwarming to see the
many presentations to former Councilmembers Bone and
Kawashima after their many years of service; Supervisor Campbell
had many good words to say about both; there are only good
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 11
words to say what Lou Bone and Tony Kawashima have done for
their community; it was also nice to see the many former mayors in
the audience.
Indicated he enjoyed the Prayer Breakfast and Dwight Stones and
also the Christmas Tree Lighting and appearance of Santa.
Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, which
perhaps may be filled with challenges, but we can all work together
to make things better.
Puckett Stated this has been a wonderful year with a great group of
Planning Commissioners with whom it is a pleasure to serve.
Indicated he was out of town the past ten days babysitting his
grandchildren in Sacramento; hence, he missed the installation,
the tree lighting, etc.; he will make every effort to attend any other
events planned between now and Christmas.
Thanked former Councilmembers Bone and Kawashima for all the
service they have given the City for the past 10 years.
Stated the Tustin Police Department is in the process of taking the
Santa Sleigh to all the neighborhoods; it came to Peppertree this
evening, and it was wonderful to see how excited the children
were; George Vallevieni is to be commended for his work in
organizing the event; the Tustin Community Foundation provided
the funds 10 years ago to begin the event.
Congratulated new Councilmembers Nielsen and Gavello and also
Mayor Davert and Mayor Pro Tem Amante.
Noted that the Prayer Breakfast was very well attended and a
wonderful event; everyone can now look forward to the Mayor's
Inaugural Dinner in early February.
Expressed his thanks for the fine job the Commissioners have
done with the reinstituted Invocation(s) at the beginning of the
Wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Stated that he wished to adjourn the meeting in honor of Sal
Huizar, husband of the City's Deputy City Clerk.
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 12
In Memory of
Sal Huizar
Husband of Deputy City Clerk Maria Huizar and Father of Natalia
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is
scheduled for Tuesday, January 13, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
Minutes -Planning Commission December 9, 2008 -Page 13