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CC RES 691
R~S01..UTIQDI Ito. ~9~ ~ ~88QS.f1TIg1 QY TIC CITY COibiCIL QF Tim CITY t~!' ?D~'ZDT, GI.IIt~IA, R~'aMMliniDIDiG L~Z~TIE91i it~CfT MOiA,p F~Yid? ~' A4iYTCI,t~i lltgl a~-~~(, ~ yISI.D QB LQG1L AtfILi1Z1~1ci ~~-Tlt~ei8. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RouwKt b MDLwwOOK wrnowacrc Ar uw wrcc roe CRfIiN. WANK wIDD, w00 NOwTN wwDADWAY uNrw wNA, Gur, rctiry~DNC s47•af~t SAS, thQ City CCil of the City of Tustiu, Califor• nia, is concerned over raoant State lagiRlation which could result 1A the State of California pre-emptiag tl~e field ai building regu~ lationR on a local levels and ~S, this City iR a Strang advocate of the " Sule" c~epts and ~. this City iR concerned over the fast that in Rama canes loam. governing bodies era not per~i.tted to designate which agaACy or diviaiou within its govsrnmeAt Rhall be the en- toroa~t agency for any given ~taate AgaocY regulation which is delegated to a local jurisdiction for enforcaweAt. ~~, TH~AiI(3~R2, BB IT Rld&E7LV~? that the City Council of the City of TuRtin, California, urgeR the introdu~cti.o~a and adopts of amendments to thR State wealth and ~9ty Code for the purpose (11 retaining for local ~iovlreiing bodies the 4pklcon o:~ mdoptinq acid ~ni©raing building reg~tlatiaas in 14iau of siset~~.ar slats scegu- latiamR ps'ar~-i:~ed ~ standards +~rs ~~tainsd s~quivalsnt to t.~-at prescribed in the Rtafia s~gulaticu~ss a~ad priding that any local ag~eacy whiab edits t2~s nakic>aally raoisRad aodsa sp+~i#ied iA Chapter 1392.2 of t3ee Calilcarnia'' health sad Safety Code re~tld autaaeatieally ba deemed t® have xagulatlesas equi.valsut to tare s~gula-tians pr+oR~t7.gatsd by the State Division of S~ausings (2) providing that local governing bodisR should ~ psraeittsd to ssigna~~:s the local snforesmeut Y wheoevsr a State 1lgewcy rsqulatian iR ds3.egated to a local juris~liatioA for enfarce- ~stt and ~ ZT ~~'~ ~t1i8t?I.Vp;D that the City Clerk of the City of TustiA, California, bs directed to traaRmit a certified copy o€ this resolution to the Giovernor of the State of California, California Stints Legislators Iran the County of oaraAge, each msmbe 7 s 9 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~ 28 29 30 31 32 ROYI~KS al NOU1MpK w7mRNCra Ar uw aYlTt AI CiTIZaNa aANK ~LO(i. a00 NORTH aaoApWAV tANTA ANA. GLIr, TtLirNONa i~7•df Ot of the State 8uildinq Stapdarda Com~ais~sion and to the City Council of each grange County City. FA8$PH ~2iiD ~D(3PTED by th+e City Council of the City of Tustin, os~ the Y~ay of Jar~ary . 1964. ~`~~~ ~YCut ~aTTE3T ;._---~ - --> GIxY~~ STTATE of c~11z~rA, coratT3c o~ oru~G~, crrsr a~ ~asar~. ? ss RiTPFi C. POE, City Clerk and 4}[-officio Clerk o~ the City Council of tt~ City of Tustin, Ca1l.farnia, dose }~~aby certify that the ~+ho1e number of the meinhers of the City Council of thR City of Tustin is five; that the above atad foregoing Resoluticss was duly and r®gularly passed and adopted at a me~tting of said City Cc~?uncil Aeld ou the 38'~ay of J~wuaxy 1964, by the followiAg v©t4 s A7Cli1~ s COTRTCIIitRDT 13' ate: Cot~c=zr~ 1-88RET s COf:RiCild(8N ~ ~,