HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 P C ACTION AGENDA 2009 01 27 02-03-09AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director 5 NIA MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2009 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 27, 2009 7:03 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Given INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Chair Puckett Chair Pro Tem Kozak Commissioners Kasalek, Murray, Thompson Staff present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director Justina Willkom, Principal Planner Terry Lutz, Principal Engineer Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Amy Thomas, Senior Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary PUBLIC CONCERNS Linda Jennings Requested that staff prepare an addendum to the Certified Local Government Annual Report to include information regarding Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts and Tustin Preservation Conservancy sponsorship of the ArtWalk. Action Agenda -Planning Commission January 13, 2009 -Page 1 CONSENT CALENDAR Approved None Received and filed 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 13, 2009, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. PUBLIC HEARINGS REGULAR BUSINESS 2. HISTORIC PRESERVATION WORKSHOP This workshop will include information regarding the Cultural Resources Overlay District Ordinance, Certificates of Appropriateness, the Historic Survey and Historic Resources Survey Report, Certified Local Government Status, Old Town Residential Design Guidelines, Fee Waivers, the Mills Act Program, the Tustin Historic Register (Plaque) Program, and the Commendation Program. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. Received and filed 3. PROJECT SUMMARY The summary focuses on the status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Community Development Director approved, major improvements projects, and other items of interest. RECOMMENDATION: Approved That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. 4. COMMENDATION NOMINATION - 310 SOUTH PASADENA RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 310 South Pasadena Avenue to the City's Commendation Program. STAFF CONCERNS 5. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE JANUARY 20, 2009, CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Action Agenda -Planning Commission January 27, 2009 -Page 2 Director reported The City Council considered the 2008-09 Mid-Year Budget a bit earlier than usual because of the current economic conditions; various programs are being cut back throughout the City; the Council asked all departments and the City Manager to come back if there were indications of any other issues that the City may be facing. Director Stated, regarding the discussion earlier in the meeting regarding the Mills Act program, that the County Assessor meets on an annual basis with Community Development Directors, Planning Directors, and Finance Directors to discuss services the Assessor may be able to provide to local governments that may be beneficial; that meeting will be held in February at City Hall; while a specific formula for a Mills Act benefit may not be presented, the Assessor may be able to provide various scenarios that can be shared at a future Planning Commission Workshop. COMMISSION CONCERNS Thompson Congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Amante for his recent appointment as Vice Chair of OCTA; this is a significant milestone for the City; the last Council person in an active role was the late Mayor Dick Edgar, who was never Vice Chair or Chair, but who was a great Mayor who represented the City well. Congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Amante regarding his recent announcement that he will run for Assemblyman Chuck Devore's seat when that seat is vacated. Noted he is looking forward to the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner next week. Indicated he attended the BIA dinner which included an annual forecast on the economy; while things are grim, it was stated that the current recession is a normal recession. Reported that a lot of landscaping was taken down at the cul-de- sac of Sixth Street just west of the intersection with Pacific; the freeway is now very visible from the roadway; perhaps staff can do something to screen that blight. Murray Stated he is looking forward to the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner. Offered kudos to Mayor Pro Tem Amante regarding his OCTA appointment. Thanked staff for all their hard work. Action Agenda -Planning Commission January 27, 2009 -Page 3 Murray continued Requested that staff consider more Planning Commission tours of the City when the days allow enough light. Kasalek Congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Amante. Stated she also looks forward to the Mayoral Dinner next week, especially the roasting of Mayor Davert. Kozak Added his congratulations to Mayor Pro Tem Amante. Stated that this Saturday there will be a California Native Plants Landscaping Seminar from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Clifton Miller Community Center. Indicated he is looking forward to the Mayor's Inauguration Dinner on February 5th. Thanked staff for the excellent reports this evening and the members of the Old Town community who attended and shared their comments. Puckett Encouraged everyone to attend the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner, which is always a great event. Congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Amante, adding that he has always been one of Chair Puckett's heroes; he has done many good things for the City; Chair Puckett has doubt doubt that Mayor Pro Tem Amante's political career will continue upward. Noted that at the last meeting he congratulated his grandson on his 10th birthday; he would be remiss not to congratulate that grandson's father, Rob Dotson, on his 50Th birthday. Asked that the meeting be adjourned in honor of Jim Learakos who passed away this week; Jim was instrumental in the operation of the Spires Restaurant; when he left Spires, he and his son, Mike owned the Katella Grill at Katella and Main in Orange; Jim was a good man who did a lot for the City of Orange and Orange County. 8:20 p.m. ADJOURNMENT In Memory Of Jim Learakos The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda -Planning Commission January 27, 2009 -Page 4