HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 651RESOLUTION NO. 651 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING, MODIFYING AND AMENDING THE PLANS, AS AMEND- ED, AND THE SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE APROVED FOR AND PERTAINING TO "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1," AS SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED, AND SAID SPECIFICATIONS ARE REFER- RED TO AND INCORPORATED IN RESOLUTION OF INTEN- TION NO. 615, AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 621, AND MODIFYING THE WORK TO BE DONE AS DES- CRBED AND SHOWN ON SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED, AND IN SAID SPECIFICATIONS. A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUN'CIL OFT~'~'~ CITY 0F T~'~'~'~~,.:~IN, C,'~'~LIPORNIA, CHANGING MODIFYING AND AME~ING THE PI,ANS~ AS ED, A}~ THE SPECIPICATIONS ~'HETOPORE AP'PROI~;D P0R AND PE~.TAINING T0 "TUSTIN CITY SEWER . o MEi~ ~i D Io ~.r~ I CT N'0 1, . cA ID PLANS AS ANENDED~ AND SAID SP~CIPICATIONS A~!E iN.Er - RED T0 AND INC01{~P0.h. AT.~,D IN RESOLUTION 0P INTW~ TION N0. 61J~ AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 621~ AN'D NODIPYING THE WORK T0 BE DO~ AS DES- CRIBED AND SHOWN 0N' SAID PLANS~ AS AMENDED~ AN~ IN SAID SPEC IPICATIONS. '~'~:~HEr~E~o?~ .,_o, the Specifications for the const'ruct~om of san- itary sewer improvements in "T~I'...~k'IN CITY SEWFR ASo...~.:o.'...~N.ENT DISTRICT N0. ,1," as heretofore approved by the City Council. of the City of Tu~' ~tin and as referred to and incorporated in Resolution of Intention. No. 61J, adopted August 20~1962, do provide as follows, under the following subsections of the section entitled "Standard Specifications for Removal and Resur- "to-wit' facing of Street Pavement and Surfacing, . Ps~_emFn. t)_' Street and alleys surfaced with asphalt concrete pavement shall be initially cu~ by means of pneumatic pavement cutters or other approved equipment at the limf~.ts of the trench and/or ex- , cavation prior to removal of surfacing. After backfi!lin~f~ the excavation, a~pna, lt concrete pave- ment shall be saw cut to a minimum depth of one and one-half i. nches (1-!/2") at a point not less than six inches (6") outside the lima. ts of excava- ti. on or the previous pavement cut (made by pneu- matic tools) whichever !~mits are the greater. The additional suFfac_~ng so cut shall be removed and d~sposed of by the Contractor pr.~-or to re- surfacln, g. "B-2.13 R_0.~%d .... ~:{.!_~d_ .SUF_f.a_c!nF~:. Stree ts and alleys surfaced with road mixed surfacing shall be cut at the' limits of the trench and/or exca- vati on~prior to removal, of existing surfacing.. Cuts may be made with pneumatic tools or other approved equipment. The extra trimming width by saw cuts prior to resurfacing will not be re- cuired." and WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to change, modify and amend said subsections of said Specifications and also to add a new subsection to said portion of the Specifications entitled "Standard Specifications for Removal and Resu. rfacing of Street Pavement and Surfaces," to be designated and entitled "B-3.11 Resurfacing (As- phalt Concrete Pavement), all as more specifically set forth and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes; and WH~.EAS, the Plans, a..-.~ amended, for the con- struction of sanitary .sewer improvenemts in "Tustin CITY oEi.~ ....R AS(..]ESf.-]MENT DISTRICT NO l"as heretofore proved by the City Council of the City of Tustin and as referred to and incorporated in Resolution of Intention No. 615, adopted August 20,1962, and as amended by Mod- ification Resolution No. 621, adopted October 29, 1962 do provide among other things for the con~-:;tructi:.m of certain house laterals as shown on Sheets 5, 22, 21 and 6 of the Plans, and ithe City Council proposes to change, modify and. amend said Plans, as amended, and the work therein provided for so as to delete therefrom 6 house laterals shown on Sheet 5, 17 house laterals shown on Sheet 22, 19 house laterals shown on Sheet 21, and 9 hou?;e laterals shown on Sheet 6 of said Plans, as amend- ed, all as more specifically set forth and described in said Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and W?==~'~' 6~9 adopted by ,~.~.~.~AS, by Res olut ion No. , the City Council on April 1, 1963, Monday, the 15th day of April, 1963, at the hour of 7'30 o'clock p.m. of said day, was fixed as the date and hour, and the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City of Tustin in the City .Hall of said. City, towit' The City Council Chambers located therein, was fix~.ad at the place when and where any and all 'persons having 8ny objections to the proposal to change, mod~.fy and amend the said.. Plans and Specifications might appear before said. City Council and show cause why said changes, mod.- ifications and amendments should not be adopted, and not- ice of said time and place of hearing and the purpose thereof having been duly given by publication as provided by law, and said hearing having been duly and regularly heId; and the contractor to whom the contract was awarded for the perf. ormance of the work under said Resolution of Intention No. 615, as amended by Resolution No. 621, has consented in writing to the making of the changes, modifications amd amendments hereinafter des- cribed, and the said written consent is on file with the City Clerk of said City; ~ ' ~ '~. ~ TNE CITY COUNC!L OF~ THE CITY OF N0W, EHENE~ 0~E, _ EoOLI..~ A~{D nP.,,.nPn AS POTM ' TUSTIN'~ CALIFORNIA, DOES R~'° .................... ~..,OWS S_F~h!~0_N~.~ That the Specifications hereinabove referred to"and which are referred to and incorporated in . said Resolution of Intention No. 61~, adopted August 20, 1962, and the work therein described and called for, be and they are hereby amended by particularly chanr~ing,o mOd~.fying and amending subparagraphs B-~.l'2, entilted "Plant Mix Surfacing (ASPHALT Concrete Pavement)" and. "which are ~.~ part 13, entitled "Road Mixed Surfacing, .... of the portion of the Specifications.. entitled "°otandard Specifications for Removal and Resurfacing of S{reet Pave- "and by adding merit and Surfaces, said portion of the Standard Specifications to be entitled "B-3.11 Resurfacing (Asphalt CoNcrete Pavement)," in the particulars and as set forth under Item I of Exhibit "A" attached hereto, to which reference is hereby made and by such reference said Exhibit "A" is incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all }purposes. SECTION 2' m~a~,~..t the 'Plans he reinabmve referred to, s.s amended, modified and ch~:~nged by amending, modifying and changing Sheets Nos. 5, 22, 21 and 6 so as to delete certain house laterals, all as more particul~srly described and set forth i.n Item 2 of said Exhibit "A" attached here- That sa~d C~ty Council does hereby state and determine that said changes~ modifications and ametadments to the Plans ~.~d to the Specifications will re- sult in a decrease of approximately ~1,732.50 in the total cost of the construction work by reason of the complete deletion of the house laterals as specified in said Item 2 of said Exhibit "A". That a contract has been awarded and executed by the successful bidder and that prior to the adoption of this resolution, the contractor to whom the contract for the work has been awarded has consented in. writing to the changes, modifications and amendments hereinabove set forth. That said Resolution of Intention No. 615 and said Modification Resolution No. 621 and the said Specifications and Pl~.?,ns, as amended, here_tnabove referred toy are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of ~stin. That the said Resolution of Intention No. 615, as amended by said Resolution No. 621, the Plans therein mentioned and described and the work therein des- cribed and called for, and all subsequent proceedings had and taken thereunder, be and the same hereby are changed, modified and amended to conform to the said changes, m~d- ifications and /or amendments more particularly set forth and described in said Resolution No. 649, adopted April 1, 1963. ADOPTED, S IGIk~._',D AND AP'~i~R0\~D t his 15 t h day of April, 1963 · Mayor of the City of Tu~tin,~a!ifornia A TTE S T- City Clerk o~he City of Iust~n, Ca 1 ~ffornia I, RUTH C. POE, City Clerk of the City of Tustln, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Coun- cil of the City of Tustin held on the 15th day of April, 1963, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES' COU~ ............... : ..............:: .._: ~.,~CILMEN ~ D. oney,~_ Humeston~ Mack,_ Kl~ngelhofer NOES' COUNC ILNEN AB SE~YI' · C OUN C iLNEN None · ~.~.~--~-~-~ ~.--~ ~ -- ~ .......... ~ ................. : ~r - :~_--~ .... Sheridan .......... :- .: ..... : ,,, i ,, ::~ ~-. r-- ,:- ~ ..... : !~ ,. _.~.._ _ ~ Poe 5~ ll 1 `i 1® 17. 12 13 ~4 15 1.6 Z rt ~~ ~9 2p ~? 7. 22 25 2~ 25 26 `7 23~ I 291 30' 31) I v2l ~~i~ ~:. <s~ ?~. -, ~~.~. E~Lr~-ib :tip, ~ _ s tL'~~~f~.t~ ~ f T i v ~ ~ ,. ~ . i. ~ _ i_ ~. ~) - i _- ~ _ _ _. ~~S ._ ~ _ .. ~ I .. '^ _ x , ' t ~ o 7 ~ - ~ - r . ~~'_i~'.; J_J ~ _~'~ t5 I~j .S i .~~ ~.. > _ ~ y _. ~~ I~u .~='I'~ ~, .. ,j `~`~ the ~pecficatic~ns for tie c~~~.struct7~?r~ of sanitary sewer ins? pro~e~rnents ~-~. ~ .~~~. ~~~.°. ~T~'~ .~_ . ~ ~~~ ~r~ ~ ~~;:3`l'C;7i'._ `_ ~ as heretofore approved b;; the ~it~ ouneil of t~~e pity of '~`ustirx ~~.i .: ~:s referred to ~~ ax7d incorpor<:t~~~ u1 s?~~:,vlutior~ of Intention i~To~ 6~.~~ adopted ;'sf 2Q,, 16~, ~I do provide as foll.ows~ under the following subsections of the section entitled ' ;i:c~~:~c;;,.r, d specifications far I~en~.oval. ar~d I~esurfacin~ of street l~avernent and «, Ij urfacii to-wit: treet..y an£? `?.~~.iJ~'S _, Ltl'1z1t ~_ii `.~ 1~ _ t1 `:-,',~C CJ?1~i JlF' .v __r o. nC: ~- ^:11 •, ~ , ~e ln;<.~1~ ~~ - - fl, ~. ~_1, CUB ~;~' e _,_'~ ~;~ , L:_:_ ~t7.ti' d~ e', :~l;t '!A{.Tf'7 GY' '71~.ti'r r apprr?L''l' t: C~laii,$3.E'1.i; ~1.t ~ t"--C 11 ;.7.{ €~~ t~3e trE':Yl `.rat.' {•. ('<'.~ '-~f,~-;1~1 prior t~> r~'fl'~t~V~'wl c.E ~'.~l ~ _ca~~ ' _fter bact~f~~Ia. t _~_. .-_ ~av<<<1~:~., as-~ ptaalfl .,~.. ~'r;ie ~av~ ~~il: _7~ '~?, iV ~~.e saw cut to , ~ 1 is ,< , ~~'f. L .. c`. one ar : .. .L --l ;al f inst. _~:~ ~ r - ~- ~ "' ~ } at a paint not 7 ~ ' f ~_._. ~ ~i, z :~.es ~6~`~ outside t' e ].units of excavation or the previ~ ~.~.~ pavexx~ent c7.~t (made by pi',~,~T, :tic tools whichever limits are the greater, 'I'he additional suz°f~~ ci;.a so cut shah. be removed and disposed of by the contractor prior to resurfacing, ~`~-~ ~.~ ~'c~, _ ~ ~n ~t~rf>_~1,~~ ;streets and alley; surfaces with road r~ fixed si x 7 ~~,cln~; s: all see cut at the lifl it', c i i ~ v t 7 ~ ; ;: ".~. I and~or excavatic,n p..~ for to re~a~~.aval of exisu~ ~ :t~l f ~c i '~ut a r~~ay be n ade w~.th praeurn.atic tools or ottler apps{ ~e: r ;~,ip .. ; 'I'he extra trixnrnin~ width by saw cuts prior to resurf< cin~ will not be required, fl` ens I '~ ~~ fl the pity council proposes to change, rr~odify ~.nd arr:~end said ~ subsectio~~s of said specifications ens also to add a new subsection.. to said por-- j tion of the specifications entitled `f~tandard specifications for err~.oval atad I3,e_ ~~~zrfacin~ of Street I~aven~ent ands>>.rfaces~ `' to be designates :~n.d entitled ' ~° ~~ 11 I~esurfacin~' ~.~spi~alt C;r.ncrete I~averr.~ent~$ `~ all as .t~_°e specifically I set forth and descri',_ ~.. -';~_ ibit `'~ ~` attaches berate and by this reference incorporated herein ;~n~ r~~;~.de a part hereof for all purposes; anal LAW ~F'F'ICE5 6P` IME,t~c..!O!°iNSTti7dV 3 NoRrt~ 1eaAtN srrz--~z7 SANTA AN.A, CA. L.fl F', ,v "( ... i 5 f ~~ ~iE .! ~1 1.® 11 12 .A. aJ 14 1a) 16 1 `a~ ~~ 1.9 ~~ ,~ ~ ~? 2 23 2~! ~5I ~6 ~7 28 ~' 29 ~' 3~ a~ ~~ (I ~~ lI .av~ ta~~g~c~s erg 3 E EL $e _OQy~1NSYf37Y €, CPftTH CMAIPd STREET (! ~YTA A.AFf., Cat,Y F. gp !~ ._„_._~ _ti~s the ans~,. as arrbe7 t . _ ,,~r• _. . .` `, .c ,~~, ,tructian of sanitary sewer i.prave~~~.~hts in ~rrT'1T'I'lT~ CIS' ~ ,._. ,. ~. , ~> .. ~~'~' i~I`t"T-i:TC`Z' r,T°'.4 ~ °~ as heretafore appraved by the Cite Caurycil cif the City of 'Tustin and as i ~ is=:i r t ::! I f:~ and incarparated i~ :i;esalutian of Zntent?n~ :L~Ta, Ea?~.~ ~da~`-d Au~rzst 2`"_~ ~ a ' ° ~,nd as arr~ended by odificatiari esalt:f t~~. ~`:~~, G21~ ~c'c~Tfed f _~ber~ `~f), 1 `_):~'`; da pravde arr.an~ ether thins far the canstructc~n of certain ".ease laterals as shaven c-al, , -c~,f,t ~ '=~ ;. ~~, and. 6 of the :1~~ans~ and the C~,t~~ : ,~t,:--cil prapases to change; - z ~~i.f, ~~-nd .z: <~, d ~:;.;:~ .Mans,. as arnended~ and the wark therein pra-- vided far s.~ ~:a.:, to delet;> { r;c rr.~t~,~:-.w. Ea i~acrse laterals shot~rn an sheet 5;~ l7 pause laterals strewn ar ;~' c~~ f ;'~ ':, r ri :~ , ~ laterals spawn ~ ,--r - t ~.~ arxd 9 irause laterals spawn axe ,li c~~~t c~C ~, ~,; ,, as an~er~ded a].l as mare specifically Set Earth and described a.n said ';-;~s?lt. :'~ ~L1.tached hereta,°° az~d ~r '~~ l~esal~4,,~;ab gram , ,_~~;, adapted. by the City Cauncil an .pril 1~ 06:s..: ~:r.day$ the ~,5ti~ day of ~°.~ril, 1963 at the hear of '7:30 a~clack pm_rrr, of said days wa.~ fixed as th.e date and haur,~ and t~~e regular rr~eetirz~ place of the City t='~ ~~s~~cl. of the City. of 'Tustin rz the ~ af;, ~~11 of nerd Cit~r~ ta°~ wit: `T`he Cit. '"c~l:~,ci.l ~:'c.arx-~bers levered therein was fixed at the place when and where ar ~T a~~cs ~~71 fe:~~~s~=ns havira any abjectians to the prapasal to cban~e, rrtadify anc~ a~~ ,~ c' the ;_~td T~lans and ~;pecificatians r t~?~.t appear befare said City Caunezl :~r.d shc~ ;:~,~~;W,~ wily said charres~ r~.adificatians and ar~sendn~.ents shauld net be adapted and native of said tirrre and place of hearing; and the pure- pace t'n.ereaf having been duly liven by publicatian as pra~rided by law, and said irearin° havin~• been duly and re,~ularly 'meld; and ''~~-~ '~~'.~,~ the c<>,:tractar tcs wharxA tire eantract was awarded far the perfarrna.nce ci the ~vark u~~:der said ~.esalutian of Tntentian ~a® ~.5$ as arraende~ by esalutian ~Ta, G2 bas cansented in writing to tine rnakn~ of the chan~es~ rcaadificatians arxd an~endrra.ents hereinafter described and the said written cansent is an file witt-- the C" bty Clerk of said C7 f.jr "~_.:',;~, 'T13~;~,.~~t- ,> ~"'Ti CITE .~?_~ ;~,c~TT. -~ ~'~:~ ~.,~ : mil" 'TT~~":C"~"d, C.A L. "" r~TT `. s ~; , : „_~ ~' _~~°~~ ~V~; . NTH C . :+ .. , ~. . ~'i . ~ . _. . ,_ ,~~`~'"I~~•. ~': 'T"hat tine pecifivcata.~ns berex~~abve referred to and which are referred to and incarparated in said esalutian of Tntentian Naa ~~.5~ +~+t'A -.+~. ~- t adapted august 2~8 1;628 and the work therein described and called far8 be i ~ ~ and they are hereby amended by particularly changing8 rriodifyirig azzd arr~ending ~ ~ subparagraphs E3-2,.128: entitled ~`l~lant Immix surfacing ,~Spha7.t ~orzcrete l~ave° ~i ! rnent}" and l~-2, 13g entitled "load ~~ixed urfacing8 °' which are a part of the ~ ; portion of the peeifications entitled ~`tandard specifications for ~:emoval and ' : ~ " ~:esurfacing of street t'aveent and urfaces8 "' and by adding a ra.ew Subparts- 7 ( ~ graph to said portiozz of the standard specifications to be entitled ~6~--3.11 ~ ~ ~esu.rfacing ~.~Sphalt ~onerete ~=averr~rent~~, ~" a.n ttze particulars and as set fczrth i 9 under Item 1 of ~hibit `c.~" attached heretoe to which reference is hereby 10 made and by such reference said ;xhibit y'~ Cr is incorporated herein and rr?ade ll apart hereof fcr all purpose~~ 12 ~" ~ ~!'1 ,~'; ~e `l'hat the Mans herez.nabove referred to8 as arnended8 1,3 be and the same hereby are arnended8 modified and changed by arerzding8 rrzodi- ~.~ Eying and changing ;tzeets IVas, 58 228 ~~, and 6 so as to delete certain house ~.~ laterals8 all as more parta~cularly described arzd. set Earth in Item of said l6 ~ :exhibit ". ~` attached hereto,_. l7 ~ ~ F ~~:~~>- 'What said Cjity Council does hereby state and deterrr~.ine 1$ ~ h d at sa~. t ctAaly~es~ moaz.fz,catlans and arr_endr~raents to the flans arzd to the pe-~ l9 ~ cifications will result in a decrease of approximately X18 732,.56 in the total. 20 east of the construction wark. by reasoza of the corr~plete deletion of tl~e house ~l laterals as speCxfred xn Said lten}. 2 of said ~xhxbz,t ~r~,r~ `S~t~at a contract has I 22 ~ been awarded and executed by the Successful bidder and that prior to the ,.~.c~o;; ~- 2~ t~.on of this resolut~.on8 the contractor to whom the co~atract for ttae work has 2~i been awarded has consented in writing to the charzges8 rr~odificatiorzs and ~5 arnendrr~.ents herexnabove set fortha ~:~hat sand l~:esolutron of Intention I~To~ 615 26 and said Modification .'resolution I~To, 621 arzd the said ~ipecifications and l~lans 8 27 as arrz.ended8 hereinabov-e referred toe are on file in the affice of the City Clerk 2~3 , of tiie City of 'Tustin, 29 3 1 :ACTIN 4; '"That the said Resolution of Intention S~Toe 6158 as arrzende~ 30 { by" Said l~,esol~tion Nob.. 621a the flans therein mentioned and described and the 31 ~ ~ wark tlzereirz described and called for8 and all subseciuent proceedings had and 3~ ~ + ~ i taken thereunder8 be and the Same hereby are changed8 modified and axr~ended i { LA'4'J OFF'IK:ES t?P' tevr~t, ~ .acrrotvsro~v i ? ;VQRTti N?AIN SFF2E [;T .at\NTA ANA. GALi F, ~ I B t i ~~ ' ,i ; :L i ~~ ~~ J~ ~~ I ~~ ~.{~ ~Z ~2 l3 Z4 ~~ 1 ~, g I ~7 18 19 20 21 ~2 ~J ~~ ~ry~J ~~ 27 ~~ i. ~9 ~~ 30 ~' ~~ 32~ to c~nfarrr~ to th~_: ~:~~c' c7~.:,~ t:~~;, r~~c;di.~i.c,~,tiz?t~,...,c~c~r arr~~;,~. :•~its mare prt~.°~ c~~larl set fcarth ar;~' ctescriti;.~c3 in sai.~: ~..~;~~:~~t~..uA~ 1~c~, 64~'~ ac~c~pted ~przl ~ 1. : i ,~ ,, t3 7 ~~_._._ ~.._~_-~ ~a~ cif ~~, ,. ,-_ 7 U1. 'GVE' ~,z ~._ll:~~'11J o ~~~ T., ~ • ' _ `' i Clerk cif the fit a~ ~~`~xsta.n;, dcr £ L c :> ~, c ~~~°t fi o t~ ~ ~ ~. that the f~ ~;,~~ ,, ;-t ~..;~~l~~t:can was duly ada~ated at a r;•,,~_:l~,r rrweei i. ~ ~' i ~ ~~ ; "it ~ :.: t. c:~~ it of th.e City of "~'ustn held ar t~~ c~,_y ~-~' ,_.~~_...~..._.,~ . _.. ~ ' ~, ~' ~, , ~°Tr the ~~l? a~.~~, ~°.~ tc•, to-~': 1t: ,~i ' __~~`~-i~m ~C7LIYIG].I~Yie~". E . ; ~^~ ` a _..._. e_. L3a~d OFFIG~S CS E' it ~ M4RYtt A,7AF:V STREET ~ I, "s.4NTP Rt.fV,O. G."-.Lt F. ~. -~L~,... ~qq ~ '.... 4J~1 i ~i~ ~~_~~ :~;, ~, 7` ~! 9 10 11 zz 13 1~ ~~ 1~ ~.7 ~. E3 ~9 ~p 2 ~. 22 23 24 25 ~6 ~7 ~8 2~( 30 ~1 3~~ 4ANV OF'F'1CEES CaF f iEL.&.FpfihSSTQ6V { aaRT~t tan~r~ ssrt~Er eNTA /~.AfA. CF.F..E F". ~. ~,~~IF3IT "'" ~, Itexr~ ~., adificatians to the ~antract ~3acents acrd ~".anstructicrn Specificatians far Sanitary Sewers in ssessmerrt ~3istrict a. ~.~ ~;ity of `f'us-~ tin, JulyF ~,962~ Standard Specificatians far a~err~aval and ~esurfacin of Street l~averr~erit and Surfaceso (a 'ghat Section 1-~_2a,12 be and the sarr~e hereby is chara~er~~ rr~adified and arr~.ended sa as to read as fallaws; {r~_2a 12 Iai t..~~;- - -._._~~~~z f~_car~?~!~ ~~ _ ;~~.d.. `"r"rete l~a~e.,~r'~st,~= '~'tre~~ts an'' a7?`,,~- s~:rfaced ~,ri(~'~`z asp'~alt cancrete pav~r:.ent shall be cut by means of pneuzrsatic pavenrent cutters,,. wheel cutters ar ether appraved equ.prxEent at the limits of the trench and~ar exca- vatian prier to ren~aval Qf surfacing.. Save cutting will be required where Lire desired straight edges are net secured by the afarerr.E.en- tinned rarethads~,_fr ~b '1'l~at Section -2m ~ 3 be and the same hereby is charrged~, rnadified anc~ amended sa as to read as fallaws: ''i3_~~ 23 l=~aad ~` ~i~ed Surfacin ``Streets and alleys surfaced with read rr~ixed surfacing shall iae cut at the lirr~its of the trench. and~ar excavatian prier to remaval of existing surfacinga huts nay be made with. pneumatic teals ar ether appraved eeluipment..~` Vic} `I'lrat Section -3 l~,esurfacing of said Specifications be anal the sanre hereby is charrged,~ madified and ar~rended by adding thereta a new sectiorr numbered ~-3~ 1i, entitled ''esurfa~ ~r;-~ .sp" ~3t C~ancrete l~'avernent " to read as fallavvs; "~-3 1 ~,esurfacin~' r °_ s~°i~~.lt C"ancrete ;~avernerrt ; "after backfillin the cxca~~~f;iarr as previausly described the required base shall be placed and the trench sectian shall be based with asphaltic cancrete and allawed to rerrrain in this state far at least seven ~7 days sptraltic cancrete pavement shall then be placed aver the based trench section by the use of T-3arber Green equipn~aent~ lapping t~, tt.A,'° -° rage 1. I'~ ., d, ry i~ d $~ ~) 10 Il 12 13 l4 ~~ l~ , i ~7 l$ I ~9 20 2 ~_ ~2 i ~J 2~ 25 i ?o ~ `~ 2 ~3 i 29 ~, 30 31,E 32, LAW CaFFMCES Or rn~E+_ ~ aar~xsrax ? NORTFf MAIY'd STREET SANTA e~.NA. C+fwLe F. the trench section at least 12' inches on each side.- ~T`t~e resulting edge of contact between the new and existing` paven~.ent on each side# 'T'he resulting edge of contact between the new and existing paver~~ent on each sides shall. parallel the trench sect~.on# Items 4 `T'hat the Construction F'latas for Sanitary Sewers in. Assessn~.ent T~istrict No, 1 in t'~e City of 'T'ustin, July, 1.~6~~ be and the sarr:~e hereby are changed, ir.,~ci~ied and arr~ended as follows,.. to-wit; ~a) I~elcte six house laterals on I~iLyrtle vezaue between Fain Street and ~T'hird Street as shown on Sheet. 5 of the saa.d flans, ;eduction in contract cost: ~:~a linear feet 4" ~ , ; u ~ ~ ,~4 5a-;72t~a b~ Delete ,7 house laterals in ;asernents ~ and 1®',:~~t~., een .: i:a Street and Second Street as shown on. Sheet 2~ of said l~lansa ~s.eduction ira contract costw Y5 linear feetp err ~ ~ =;, ~' o 4, 50 = 3$ ~ 5a Vic} C~elete 9 hawse laterals in ;basements 4~ 5 and 15 betwee, yin Street and First Street as shown on Sheet ~ 1 of said l~laras, (seduction in contract costs 95 linear feet 4'~ V# C~ T'~ ~>.5~ ~ ~%7a<50 } d} Delete niaZe house laterals in ase:ent 2 north of Second Street as shown on .Sheet 6 of the said l~lansmm seduction in contract cost;. 45 linear feet,. ~ ~ ~ ~; r `" o a ~ ~; ' 9 v~;l ~ ~;~02 ~ 5C~ ~ 'T'otal reduction in contract cost ,: ~ ~ a ~ 7~.5C~ ~ k_.x 3-~.~ ~~13, ~~ "" ~3r3.~e