HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 649RESOLUTION NO. 649 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIIFORNIA, PROPOSING TO CHANGE, MODIFY AND AMEND THE PLANS, AS AMENDED, AND THE SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED FOR AND PERTAINING TO "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, " AS SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED, AND SAID SPECIFICATIONS ARE REFERRED TO AND INCORPORATED IN RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 615, AS AMENDED BY MOD- IFICATION RESOLUTION NO. 621, AND TO MOD- IFY THE WORK TO BE DONE AS DESCRIBD AND SHOWN ON SAID PLANS, AS AMENDED AND IN SAID SPECIFICATIONS; FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING UPON THE PROPOSAL TO SO CHANGE, MODIFY AND AMEND SAID PLANS, SPECIFICAITONS AND WORK, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SAID HEARING the Specifications for the construc- iion of sanitary sewer improvements in "TUSTI~.~ CITY .... '" "as heretofore approv- o.,~=i,'.3wr~- ........ ASSEo.!i;MENT '!.-)I~!~ICT N0. 1, ed by the City Council of the City of Tustin and as referred ~o and incorporated in Resolution of Inien- tion No. 61~, adopted August 20,1962, do provide as follows, under the following subsections of the sec- tion entitled "Standard Specifications for Removal and [{esurfacing of Street Pavement and. Surfacing," to-wit: _Con0__~e_..te___Pave__m~: Streets and alleys surfaced with asphalt concrete pavement shall-be initially cut by means of pneumatic pavement cutters or other approved equipment at the limits of the trench and/or excavation prior to removal of surfacing. After backfilling .the excavation, asphalt concrete pavement shall be saw cut to a minimum depth of one and one-half inches (1-1/2") at a point not less than six inches (6") outside the limits of excavation or 'the previous pavement cut (made by pneumatic tools) whichever limits are the greater. The additional surfacing so cut shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor prior to resurfacing. "B- 2.13 R_~o£a_d ~I____iz,~d_..__S~gf~a_qiDg' S t re e t s and alleys surfaced with road mixed surfacing shall be cut at the limits of the trench and/or excavation pr.i. or to. removal of existing surfacing. Cuts may be made with pneumatic ~ools or o~her approved equipment. The extra trimming width by saw cuts prior to resurfacing will not be required." And .~WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to change, .. modify and amend said subsections of said Specificat~_ons and also to add a new subsection to said portion of the Specifications entitled "Standard 'Specifications for ~te- moval and ~tesurfaci.ng of Street Pavement and Surfaces. to be designated and. entitled "B-~. 11 Res~ry~qinE _(A. sp~h~!_t C0ncre_te~p~vem_en_.t)~._"_ all as more specifically se~ forth and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all pu~.~poses; and W~'?~'~.-~L~EAS, the Plans, as amended,fo~. the construc- ~ion of sanitary sewer improvements in "TUSTIN CITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 1." as he ret of ore approved by the City Council of the City of Tustin and as referred to and incorporation in Resolution of Intention No. 615. a- dopted August 20, 1962, and as amended by Modification Resolution No. 621, adopted 0c'~ober 29, 1962, do provide among other things for the construction of certain house laterals as shown on Sheet 5, 22, 2i and 6 of the Plans, and the City Council proposes to chan!i[e, modify and amend said. Plans, as amended, and the work .therein provided for so to delete therefrom six house laterals shown on Sheet house laterals shown on Sheet 22, 19 house laterals shown on Sheet 21, and 9 house laterals shown on Sheet 6 of said Plans, as amended, all as more specifically set forth and. described in said Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and W~[EREAS, a contract has bee~ awarded 'to and ex- ecuted by the sucessful bidder; ~E the City Council of the Cf~ty of NOW ~ THEtlEF~..:~, ~stin, California, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter · · 8.5, Part 3, Division ? of the Streets and Highways Code of the State .of California, does hereby RESOL!,~ and 0LD.,....R AS follows' ~EC.~IQ~i~: That said City Council proposes to change, modify and amend the Specifications hereinabove referred to and which a~re. '.referred to and incorporated in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, adopted August 20, 1962, and the work ~he~?ein described and called for, by particularly changing, modifying and amending subparagraphs B-£.12, entitled "Plant Mix Surfacing (Asphalt Concrete ...., · Pavement)" and B-? 13, en~~led "Road Mixed Surfacing, which are a part of the protion of the Specifications eh- titled, "Standard Specifications for Removal and Resurfac- ing-of Street Pavements and Surfaces, and by adding a new subparagra~ph to said prot~on of the Standard Speclfi- "B-~.l~ Resurfacin~ (Asphalt Con= ca. ti. ons to be entitled, _~rete P~ve_me~t;.:",,_ in the particulars,., and as se.t forth under Item i of Exhibit "A" attached therto, to which reference is hereby made and by such reference said Exhibit "A" is incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all pur- poses. That said City Council proposes change, m5dify and amend the Plans hereinabove reF-erred to, as amended, by amemding, modifying and changing Shee~s Nos. 5, 22, 21 and 6 so as to delete certain house laterals, all as more particularly described and set forth in Item 2 of said Exhibit "A" attached hereto. That the proposed modified Plan Sheets Nos. 5,72,~..1 and 6 hereinabove refer- red to have been received and filed by this City Council and are on file in the Of fi. ce of the City Clerk of this City. SEC____T~%~ON].:"$.' That said City Council does hereby state and determine that said changes, modifications and amendments to the Plans and to the Specifications will re- sult in a decrease of approximately ~fl , 732. 50- in the total cost of the construction work by reason of the complete deletion of the house laterals as specified in said Item 2 of said E×hib~t "A". That a contract has b~'~.~en awarded and executed by the sucessful bidder a~d prior to the hearing upon this resolution, the contractor to whom the contract for the work has been awarded will consent in writing to the changes, modifications and amendments here- inabove set forth. That said Resolution of Intention No. 61~ and said Modification Resolution No. 621 and the said Specifications and P18ns, as amended, hereinabove refer- red to, are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin. SECTION ~.:_ That Monday, the 15th day of April, 1963, at the hour of 7'30 p.m., of said day, is hereby fixed as the day and hour, and the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City of Tustin 'in the Chambers Tm of said City C'ouncil at 145 West Third Street, stin, California, is hereby fixed as the place, when and where any and all pa-rsons having any objection to the aforesaid proposal to change, modify and amend the said Plans and Specifications may appear before '.~aid City Council and show cause why said changes, m6difications and amendments should not be adopted. That this City Council does here- by order and direct the City Clerk to give notice of the time and place of the aforesaid hearing by publishing this resolution once in THE TUSq'~IN .~',~WS, a weekly news- paper printed, published and of general circulation in the County of Orange, State of California; said pub- lications shall be made at least ten days prior to the date herein fixed for the hearing upon the proposal to change, modify and amend the said Plans and Specifications, ADOPTE3, SIGN¥'D AND APPROVED by the City Court- cil of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meet- lng thereof held this 1st day of April, 1963. ._ MAYOR ATTEST: I, 'R.UTH C. POE, City Clerk of the Clty of Tustln, do hereby certlfy tha~ the foregoing Resolution , was duly sdopted at a regular mee ting of the Clty Council of the Clty of Tustln held on the 1st day of Aprll, 1963, by the following vote, to-wit' AYES' NOES: AJ3 S E MI" C OUNC ILI'CEN' Do ~e~,,,; .~_~be~!~n, :Hum~s_.t on_,:: ?'iack_a ........ COUNO ILMEN None : ~. ~.:~ .... :- _m__: .. _ : _...:._ . '<~ C IT.Y CLERK City of Tustin, California EXH IR.., IT "A" Item 1. (As referred'~to in Resolution 649 ) Modifications to the Contract Documents and Construction Specifications for Sanitary Sewer in Assess- ment District No.1, City of Tustin, July, 1962, Standard Specifications for Removal and Resurfacing of Street Pavement and Surfaces. Se..c..tion_B,_2:_12 shall be modified to re.ad as follows: "B-2.12 Pl~_nt~ ._?iix ~Sur fa~ing .:.(Asph.alt _..C..o..nc,r%te Paveme_nt ).~: Streets and alleys surfaced with asphalt concrete pavement shall be cut by means of pneumatic pavement cutters, wheel cutters, or other approved equipment at the limits of the trench and/or excavation prior to removal of surfacing. Saw cutting will be required where the desired straight edges are not se- cured by the aforementioned methods." S_ecti.on B-2_,!$~ shall be modified to read as follows · "B-2.13 Road M ixe~d_ _Surf acinE' Streets and alleys surfaced with road mixed surfacing shall be cut at the limits of the trench and/or excavation prior to removal of existing surfacing. Cuts may be made with pneumatic tools or other.~ approved equipment." S.ecti. o.n_. B,3 Re surfaci_n,~. ..shall be modified to include the following' "B-3 · 11 E;e;su.r_fa_qi,,u¢. _(As..oha!t_ .... C.o..nc.re t_e_ Pavement ) · After backfilling the e:~cavation as pre- viously described, the required base shall be placed and thc.. tre'n.o.h,, s:e'c..~t'i0n shall be based with asphaltic concrete and allowed to remain in this state for at least seven. (7) days. Asphaltic concrete pavement shall then be placed the based trench section by the u~e of Barber Green equipment, lapping the trench section at least 12 inches on each side, The resulting edge of contact between the new and existing pave- merit on each side, shall parallel the trench ,. sec tio~l." Item 2. Modifications to the Construction Plans for San- itary Sewer in Assessment District No.1 in the City of Tu°tizl, , · ~, July 1962 A. Delete six house laterals on Myrt.].e Avenue be- tween Main Street and Third Street as shown on Sheet 5 of the said Plans Reduction in contract cost - 160 linear feet, 4" V.C.P.~ ~4.50= ~720.00 B. Delete 17 house laterals in Easements 9 and 10 between Main Street and Second Street as shown on Sheet 22 of said Plans. Reduction in contract cost - 85 linear feet, 4" V.C.P.,~ ,;i~4.50 = :.,,~382.50 C. Delete 19 house laterals in Easements 4,5, and 15 betweon Main Street and First Street as shown on Sheet 21 of said Plans. Reduction in contract cost - 95 linear feet, 4"V.C.P. @ ,...':'!'4 . 50 - ~ii;427.~0 D. Delete nine house laterals in Easement 2 north of Second Street as shown on Sheet 6 of the said Plans. Reduction in contract cost - 45 linear feet, 4" V C P · . · ~.50 = ,.,7202.50 Total reduction in contract cost . . . . . .