HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 641RESOLUTION NO. 641
WHEREAS, it is the i~tention of the City
Council of the City of Tustin to make certain im prove-
ments on First Street; and
WHE~EAS, the City Engineer has presented plans
and specifications for the proposed improvements ~of
First Street, between "D" Street and Prospect Avenue
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans
and specifications presented b:¥ the City Engineer be
and are hereby approved~as the plans and specifications
for the improvement of First Street between "D" Street
and Prospect Avenue.
BE IT .~URY, HER RESOLVED that the City Clerk
is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as re-
q. uired by law for the receipt of seale~ bids or propo-
sals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid
plans and specification, which said advertisament shall
be substantially in the fol'lowing words and figures,
In pursuance of a resolution of the City
Council of the City of Tustin, Orange County, California,
adopted directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~N
that sealed proposals will be received at the Tustin
City Hall, 135 West Third Street, Tustin, California,
until 5:00 o'clock P.M., on the 4th day of March,
1963, at which time the~.
y wi.~.l be opened and read aloud
in the Council Chambers, for construction of City street
in accordance with the specifications therefore, to whi-
ch special reference is made, as follows'
In the City of Tustin, on First Street be-
tween "D" Street and Prospect Avenue, to be graded
and paved with asphaltic concrete on aggregate base, to
construct co~crete curb and gutter~ and storm dra~n sys-
Bids are required for the entire work describ-
ed here in.
Item No. 1 3~0 cub-~c yards roadway exca~ati_on
Item No. 2 115 tons asphalt concrete
Item No. 3 305 tons aggregate base
Item No. 4 9 cubic yards concrete structures (minor structures)
Item N'o. 5 25 cubic yards Class B Concrete (curbs, et~) ·
Item No. 6 29 cubic yards concrete removal
Item No. 7 40 lineal feet pipe removal
Item No. 8 25 lineal feet 30" R.C.P. (1000D)
Item No. 9 55 lineal feet 18" R.C.P. (1000 D)
The foregoing quantities are approximate only,
being given as a basis for the c~mparison of bids, and the'
City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication,
agree that the actual amount of work will correspond there-
with, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the
amount of any class or portion of the work, or to omit por-
t ions of the work, as may be deemed necessary or advisable
by the Engineer.
Plans, specifications, snd proposal forms to be
used for bidding on this project can only be obtained at
the Tustin City Hall, Tustin, California.
No bid will be considered unless it is made on
a blank gorm furnished by the City Clerk of Tustin, Calif-
ornia, and is made in accordance with the provisions~of
the Standard Specifications and special provisions. Each
bidder must be licensed and also prequalified as required
by law.
The City of Tustin reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Abbreviations used in the schedul~ of predeter-
mined wage rates in conjunction with employer payments
listed in the right hand column are identified as follows'
ph per hour
per hour worked
per hour worked or paid
Employer payments other than those itemized below,
as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be
paid in accordance with the terms of the collective bargain-
lng agreement applicable to the type or classification of
the workmen or mechanics employed on the project.
Overtime, Sundays, and Holidays---not less than
one and one-half (1-~) times the basic hourly rate plus app-
licable employer payments. The holidsys upon which such rates
shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collec-
tive bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft,
classification or type of workman employed on the project.
Copies of all collective bargaini~.g agreements re-
latiug to the work as set forth in the aforementioned Labor
Code are on file and a~ailable for inspection in the office
of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor
Statistics and Research.
Attention is .directed to Section 7-1.01 G of the
Standard Specifications providing for the employment of appren-
tices on the work. Every such apprentice shall be paid the
standard wage paid to.apprentices under the regulations of the
trade at which he is employed. Information relative to em-
ployment of apprentices ahall be obtained from the Director
of the Department of Industrial Relations, who is the Ad-
ministrative Officer of the California Apprenticeship
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the
Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council of
the City o£ Tustin has ascertained the genreal prevailing
rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare
and pension and similar purposes in which the work is to be
done to be as follows'
Bas~o rate
Employer payment s f or
H, and:__ ~ P,ens,_%on
Asphalt or crushing plant engineer
4.01 Asphalt plant fireman
3.47 Asphalt raker and ironer
Boxman or mixer box operator
(concrete or saphalt plant)
4.31 Concrete or asphalt spreading,
mechanical tamping or finishing
machine operat or
3.575 Driver of dump truck (less than
4 yards wa. ret level)
3.605 Driver of dump truck (4 yards but
less than 8 yards water level)
3.655 Driver of dump truck (8 yards but
less than 12 yards water level)
3.735 Driver of dump truck (12yards but
less than 16 yards water level)
3.955 Driver' of dump truck (16 yards or
more water level)
3.53 Engineer, oiler and signalman
3.77 Equipment greaser
3.36 Fine grader (highway and street
paving )
3 · 77 Fi reman
3 · 26 Flagman
Heavy duty repairman
3.53 Heavy duty repairman's helper
Laborer (general or constructioh)
~5¢ p~w/p ~o¢ pm~/p
15~ phw/p 10~ phw/p
10~ phw none
15 ~ phw/p
~5¢ phw/p
.41 Motor patrol operator (any type
or size )
4.31 Tractor operator (bulldozer, tamper,
scraper, and push tractor)
~ o ¢ phw/p
10~ phw/p none
10~ phw/p none
10~ phw/p none
10~ phw/p none
10~ phw/p none
~S~ phw/p ~o¢ p~w/p
10~. phw none
~¢ phw/p ~o¢ p~w/p
10~ phw none
15~ phw/p 10~ phw/p
15~ phw/p 10~ phw/p
10~ phw none
~5¢ phw/p ~o¢ phw/p
~5¢ phw/p ~o¢, phw/p
3.635 Water truck driver (under 2500 gals)10~ phw
3.755 Water truck driver (2500 gals. to
4000 gals.) 10~ phw
3.875 Water truck driver (4000 gals.
and over) 10~ phw
n one
Any classification omitted herein not less than
$2.60 per hour plus employer payments set forth in the
collective bargaining agreement applicable to the class
or classification of the workman or mechanic involved,
ss defined in Section 1773.1 of'the Labor Code of the
State of California.
By 0~.der'. of
Tustin, California.
the City Council of the City of
Dated this
llth day of February, 1963
That the City Council of the City of Tustin has
ascertained and does hereby determine that the general
prevailing rate of wages and employer payments in the
locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft
or type of workman needed
specified is as set forth
above set forth, and said
to execute the work he reinabove
in the form of notice herein-
notice shall contain said sched-
ule of eages to be paid to the workman in said work.
PASSED ARID ADOPTED by, the' City Council of the
City of Tustin, California, this 11th day of February,
Cit~lerk -
I, .... RUTH_~q._~POE .... ~. City Clerk of the City of
Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution
was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the City
Council of the City of Tustin at its regular meeting held
on the 11th day of February, 1963, by the following
A~ES, TRUSTEES __ O0..n._eya _Sh~ri_da.n,__. Mack_., ..... K!lng? .1._.h.o.f._er- ~.~ .....
NOES, TRUSTEES _No___n__g ..........................................................
ABSENT, 2RUSfliEES __ Hu~.~St_o_n_ ........................................... . ........