HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 637RESOLUTION NO. 637 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, MODIFYING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNNG COMMISSION GRANTING A CON- DITONAL USE PERMIT ON THE APPLICATION OF DR. WILLIAMS. The City Counsi! of the City of Tustin, Calif- nia, does resolve as follows; Section 1' The City Counc2t fi~...o.s ~nd deter' mi]oe~..: that a prop.c.~r application was filed, by GE0!'?.G:T, A. WILLiAHS for a. Conditional Use Permit fox' an animal hos- pital on the property described es follows' Be,"~"~nni~.?~,~_ _:.:~ at a point in the east line of the southwest corner 19~acre parcel of the Felipe Yorba Tract, as per Map in Book ~, Page 206 of Misc. Eecords, in the office of the .Re- corder of the County' of Los An~.Zalas, distant thereon ~0.00 feet northerly of the southeas'~ o cozner" the~..:.of;'~-- thence N. 0 3~'2~"~ ~.~est along ~:~id. east line, ~-~'-~.72 feet; thence oou'l';h, 2~ 0 q., ~a 9" ?'..".re ,.s t , .26 Z.l. .1 ? f e e t, t o a. p_ o i ~:'~'~i: Z,~. 0 . n.. 0 feet northorly of the south li~e o.f said .1.9- note_.. ...'o .'! r~ ce 1; theuc~ '.iSouth 8o~. o 22' 4'5" '~"~,...,:.,. st, 97.3;'~ ~':. eet, to the '.ooi'~.~t ........ of be.~';"inr.li',.;]:.: .... . Section 2'.. The Plann' o' _.... zn.~ Commission du].y called, noticed a.~.~d held a.,~'ou'blic hear:i.n~; on said ~-~,°.i')!)tica; ion, and ,granted a Conditional Use Permit as a'o'~lied for with stated conditions. ,S,ectio~ 9: An appeal was filed by t,lestorn Enterprises from said decision. toect'~on ~: The City Council d~.~].y called, noticed and held a 'public hearing on said appeal. S__ec~tion_~: The Cit. y Council finds and deter- m:'.Lt.~es '[:'aa.t the ~jrantln!fj o'f a Conditional Use Per~,.~.~i't as flor w~].l not be detr'imental to the public wel- fa:~e or imjourious ~o the p~o',':':.er'~-y or im..vrovement's in the dist.?~ct ';.,:he~:~e the pro?2~:~.rty is ].cleated, and. thet it is in keeping with the f:..;e'..n.c.-.,ral 'ol,.'..':,.~_?, of the City o:t '[/:~a,:';tin to o'rant said Conditional Use Permit S~ct.i..o.n :6~i. A Conditional Use Permit, as lied for, is hereby granted and ,..,.~,pr~.. subject to the following conditions' City of 1) That ten feet (I0') be dedicated to the Tu:~tin for' ~ub]../c purposes, by deed acceptab].e to the City A~to~-ney, prior to issuance of a bu.i. lding per-it; 2) That all business operations shall be' conducted, within an enclosed building; That this facility shall be used..for treotment of household ~.ts only; ~) 9hat ......... tha buil~qing' be ade,-,~;:.)'i':e]~. ......... ,.~. suund- proofed and air-conditioned, so that the]-'e will be no emm.%sslon o'f odor or noise that would be det, rimental to adjacent pror~rties;..~ ~..~ . operations consJ, sting of bo.~i~.rdi'i.~....j, trai. nlng, bPeeding, shall not be permitted, except that b.r~-.~eding and grooming may be permitted when merely incidental to a primary allowed use. 6) Owner shall install street, curb, side- walks and gutters, to City specif_%ca'tions, alon~ frontsg~:~ of the subject property. t he ,~ · ~ PTED regular PASSED ..:~L[. ADO at a meeting of 21st day of January, 1963. City Counc_.i. 1 of the City of Tu~ti.m, held on the 21st day of January, !963. A TTE ST: C OU'NTY O? O~A.ING.,.:'~ ~ C I L,.'Y 07;' T'r'J''3 Ti iq' ,. SS. RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and,. ex-officio Clerk of ta~: City Cou~::,,cil o ~:' ti'.~e City of Tu~tin, u~.lifornia, does hereby ce~t:'Lfy thai;' the whole number of the ,members of the C Counc-~l of the City of Tustin is five; that 'the above and for,-~goi~_~ tlesolution was duly and regu. la.r, ly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council, held of the 2].st day of January, !965, by the 'following vote: AYES' C 0'U'['"~'O TT .l.J_J ..' J..~,~ ~" NOES CO C OU.~.',i C .T. L!"!E Doney, Sherldan, Humest on, Mack, Klingelhofer None : ~- _ ~- ~ -..~ ~ :: ~ __: ....~ :,: _ ._.: : ... ~ _~ =- .~_ None