HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 636 RESOLUTION NO. 636 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEED- INGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERR- ITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "WILLIAMS STREET ANNEXATION TO THE VCITY OF TUSTIN" AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PRO- POSED ANNEXATION. ~'~¥~YA ~-: q", r'~ ~ ~ ~ _ OP ~U "'T.~ IN" AND GIVING NOT_~O~ OP ~-~"~.~.~ PZZO- POSKD ANlqEXAT ..... ON, BE .IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 0P THE CITY 0P TU 5T I!f' 1. ~'.I. ha ~t, pursuant ....to the '.oro.vis~ons_ of. the Annexation. of Uninhabited Terr'itory Act of 1939, pro- ceedings have been ln'itiated by the Council of the City of Tustin, on its own mot.i, on, to annex to the City of :-"ustin all that un_i. nn~.-:.bited ter.vitory situate in the County of 0ranc~e,~. State of California, hereby desi~-o hated es "WlLLIANS ST!.~EET AN?,~XATION TO TI.IR CITY 0P TUSTiN" and de sc~ibed. Tha"~ the City Council hereby finds and de- rePro:in.es that al! of said terPito:2y is in.inhabited within the r...ieaning of Government Code Section ] on the date of the adoption of this Resol~'~.,ion, and that said territory is contiguous 'ho the City of Tu s t .% n. LEGAL DESCRIPTION POE W!LLIANS STREET ANNEXATION TO T}~ CITY 0P 'TUqTIN Pw~-I.}.{,.:.,..,~ .... I"'~,,b ~ at an anslc: point in the exist- City boundary .~>f the City of Tur~tin as per South Tu~.-~tin ,Avenue Anne. xotion annexed in accordance v~lth Ordinance No. 156, dated July 5, 1960, said an.!..}!;le point being 20 feet South of the surveyed centerline of Mc- Padden Street and ?~6.90 feet West of the surveyed cente, r].ine of Tustin Avenue, said angle poi. hr a.~,so bein~[ on the existing city boundary of the City of Santa Ans. ~s O,:.r 0rd~nance No '~' .... ._~ ' . No~06; Thence~ departinZ~: fro'q',, Oa'~] ,~ity, of Tustin boundary and folio'wins along sa. id City of Santa o boundary N. 89 /¢0' 20" [,i.~ also being a.].0ng the S~uth 186 ]...1ne of HcPad. den Street, (A~.O feet wld. e), a distance of 976.36 feet to the $o'u'hherly prolongation of the East- ertY line of Wil..liams Street (66 feet wide); Thence, depsPti'ns from said City o, ,~:n~:a '~ boundary, N. 0""31'31" E. a!o-~.~S sald Southerly prolon6- ation and said Easterly line of Williams Str~:~et, a dis- conveyed to :.,bari. es F. Green'wood, i'/indolph e~ al, bv~ Jeed. reco.vded in _,..:.,ook ~°8°. .... .~, Page 4-89 of Official, Records of Orange County, Ca!ifornia; Thence, :S. 89°4.~' 37" E. .,'n-. ].-o~°~.-. o ~;~ ...... ~.,~ ~,ToPtb.~,, .].1ne, .?. d-i. sts. n. ce of 1027.83 feet, more or ].ess, to the exist- City boui:dary of the C'~ty of Tustin as ~.w-'.~r Jol.~}~ Jacobs .Anne.~,,.:~tion. annex~:::.d in accord~nce.. '..,,~'hh 0'`~'''].,~.in,9.nce No. 18!, along said Cit'y houri- d. ary, a d..is'i;ance of .}65.A~]+ feet to an a.r,.g!(; point iN_ sa~d .... City boundary, said ..:::thc'qemm_..poi"t .:-'.,~so,,.~. be'~-~,',; ...... ,a attn an,s.].e ',.;.oi'ot in the City boundary Of Tustip.. as pep s&i:.td So'u..th 'lust i~.~ Avenue An_ne xat-!on; TheNce, fol. lowins al. onf.;f sa'~d City boundary, the following cou. Pses a~d ali. stances' C~ S. n"~'.~..l'01." .... ~..,T,., ?~0. ./..~,2. Peet to an ang]:e N. 29. °[~3' J0" ~,,?, ., JO ._q~.. feet. t o a.n an,':,'leo _,..'oeint; Se S~ o°4,1' 01" '~' ]~,°9 O0 feet t r, a.n ,~.:no':; ""] ~'~ poiet ; ,_ ~... ~ ~ '~' · ,~ ...... 890~-~'~0" E., J.32 feet to an a.~g!e point; O°4~l~Ol"U., 4,69.00 feet; t:o the point of g i.¥.'...N, i nL'-'.'. 2. That 'the City CouNcil cf the City of Tustin desires to c~nnex said u. ninhab_%'t:ed te. rr'itory to 'l:be, City of Tus'h. in for t;' ~ .... . .. ne following Pe. asons The territory is ~, , ' ;-,'n..d its pro.~. conti.~.~.'u, ous to the City of Tu~..;tz~.~, ..... "oozed annex- ation will contr~bu't'e ...... to and facilitate the order-ny~ o",'row- th amd devc. lopeme, nt of both,, the City and the tePr. itory pPo~)os:'"d to b:;: :-:,~nnexe:d.; will provide 8n area for .'_i..ndust- tis! dev¢:,.!op¢:ment for the City of Tus'tin, a,.nd will provide an ..'adeoua~.:. ,..<'~: and 'c'...,r~ader ts.x ',oa~e,_ fo~'_, 'the City; wit]. 187 facilitate e, nd contribute to the r~roper and or'~d~'.rly lay- out,. design, and construction of streets, gutters, side- ~....;alks, sanita.t'y a.~..~d storm ~,':..~ate'.~:' sewers and drs. inage fa- ci!ities, both withi~..t the C!ty and. with:in the territory proposed to be a~.nexed; and will provide amd facil- itat:e proper over~.~,!l pl. ar..ning and zoni.~.[~.; of lands, ~.nd subdlvi~:.'ion of la.t~.ds in sa.i.d City amd ~:'~&.i.d. un_tn- hab it ed te r'.~:i t cry. That the County Boumds..z~y Commission of Orange County, Ca]..if'orria, did, irt se'.~,sion duly .assembl.~, on January 14, th , 1963, approve the proposed annex- at!on boundaries of said "WILLT_&~S ST_P_EET ANI,.~XATZON TO THE .....CI~'~'Y 0P TU!~TI.~'., as above described, anr.~ ...... ~':~s submitted to said Commission by the Council of the City of Tu -~ T ~ .h~:~.t March 4th, 1963, at ..the hour of 7:30 P....M., in the Coun¢;il Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, C~q]..ifornia, is hereby fixed as the time and place ~...'.~..~hen and '.....,~ he re any per'son ow.nin,?~ ]~eal property within the uninhabited territory above described and proposed to be annexed to the City of Tu..-qti~., and having: any Objections to the proposed annexation., may appear before the Council of the City of Tu,?,tin., and show cause why such unin- habited ter'~."itory should not be so annexed to said. City of Tu?.tir:, Such protests-mu~-:t toe in writing, and may be filed at any time prior to the final ~.d-~ jo'urnment of the hearing on .protests, and shall state the name or na~es of the owner or owners of prope~:~ty aff'ected, and the street addre.,~;s or other d~scription of the prope.rty, su£ficient to identify it on the last equa].ized assessment roll. 5. The City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby authori":'ed an~.] directed to cause a copy of this .?lesolution to be published at least twice, but not of- tener than once a week, in the Tu,~.'~tin ~ews, a news- paper of general circulation published in said City of Tustin, the City to which 11: is proposed to annex the aforesaid terrL'~.ory~ an~.ff ~.slso in the Orange DaLly Ne'~.~°~, a newspaper of ~_~,o'~nara. q ....... c'~rculation pUbq ~shed. outside the City of Tu.~'~1::i..n, but .i.n t}.~.e Cou.~.~ty of Orange, ~-.'..~ifor~:~:~..::'.,, the County :'Ln which is located the terri- tory .~f'-~ .,: ...... ..:~. o'r':osed to be a. nne. x~--.~d to the City of Tu. stin, said publication to be comp!ete.'at least twenty (20) days prior to 'the date set for hearing. ' T C! rk is £ thor or'ize o o. h e C i t y e u r a u t ~ d ~.:~ nd directed to ogtuse writtez..~ notice of such propos~a z~mneX- ation to be mailed to each person to whom /.and ~e territ, ory proposed to be annexed i~ a.:.-,sessed J.n 'the last equalized coul~'l;y assessment roll available on the d.,,..:~'~e 'the above sa.tS, proceedin[js were i.'a:~.t~.ated, at the .~dre -' ? $..:. c~,es shown on said. assesomet.at rol~ or k.t.~)wn to the Clc-rk, ,;~_:tc~ to any [person who has ~iled l'.~is name and address and. the designation of the land. s in wi.~.~cb he a~;.~:, am. interes"- _ ~'~c. legal or equitable, with the Clerk, such notice to be given not less fha?, twenty (20) days be£'ore the first publlc he;_'.:.~ri..ng~ on the proposed a.~.~e xa t i o~, · '-~ ~ ..... 2~zn_~.~ the terri ? In '~he event ,~,ny ~-~nd t.,,,,- .... ' - '~ory proposed to be annexed is owned by a co'ut.?..ty, the City Clerk is directed to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mai.]..ed to the Board of Super- vi. acrs of the county, such notice to be~-:~o~iven not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexati, on. 8. In. the event th. ere is, upon the _]..and pro-. posed to be annexed, a structural 2m)j:roveme~t owned , acquired or leased by a county fire protect~.o.n d'[str'.tct, the said Clert..: is directed to cause wr.ttte.~ notice of such proposed annexatio]n to be mailed to the governing body of such district, such ~.ot~_ce to be sent ~ot less than ten (10) days before the first public hea'.'"lng upo~'.~ such proposed, annexation. 9, The C.~.I:y Clerk is dJ.].'ected to cause writ- ten notice to be gf,..ven to such other persons a.s may be legally inter!ed thereto, ~n the ~ ¢ _ m~;nn:::r required by ~aw o 'w t 2ng PASSED Ai~D ADOPg.:_:D at a mee ~ o£ the City Council of the City of Tustim, he]_d on the 15th day of January , 1963. ATTEST :. M AYOR~ 'f.';TATE OF CAI, IF01-!NIA, ) COUNTY OF 0R~AGE, ) CITY 0F TUSTIN, ) SS. ~.UTI-i C. POE, City Clerk and e×-0fficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Ca~.i£oruia, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Cout.~cil of the City of Tustin is five; tb..at the above and foregoi.r..g Resolution t..'~as duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a .Special meetiu.[.] of the City Council held on the 15th day of January, 1963, by the following vote' NOES' AB S Cuu r., C 7.LMEI(r D. oney, Hu_m..e_s_t,on, Mack C OU1,; C I I.,MEN __ None COU:.'..:C ILI','iEN _ She.~idan ....... , .................... _, City~ Tustin., Califo_~*tqia