HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 619. RESOLUTION NO. 619 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PROPOSING TO CHANGE, MODIFY AND AMEND RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 615 PERTAINING TO "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1" AND THE PLANS HERETOFORE APROVED FOR SAID ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AS SAID PLANS ARE REFERRED TO AND INCORPORATED IN SAID RESOLUTION OF INTEN- TION NO. 615, AND TO MODIFY THE WORK TO BE DONE AS DESCRIBED AND SHOWN ON SAID PLANS: FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING UPON\ THE PROPOSAL TO SO CHANGE, MODIFY AND AMEND SAID RESOLUTION OF INTENTION, PLANS AND WORK, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUB- LISH NOTICE OF SAID HEARING. WHEREAS, the Plans for the constz-uotiozf of ~anita~.'y sewer improvements in "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSv. S..-~MEI~I DISTRICT NO 1" as heretofore' approged by the City Council of the City of. Tustin and as referred to and incorporated in Resolution of Intention ~"~. No. 615, adopted August' 20, 1962, do provide among other th.'i~gs for the construction of sanitary se%vers and appurtenance~,s and , appurtenant work in six sewer easements Nos. 1,3,7,8,1.1 and 13;and WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to change, modify and amend said Plsns and. the work therein provided for and the said Resolution of Intention No. 615 so as to delete therefrom the said six sewer easements hereinabove mentioned and the work to be constructed therein and to relocate the sewer lines de- signed to serve the same areas in First Street and in "D" Street in the city of Tustin, all as more specifically set forth and described in EXhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes; and WHEREAS, no bids have been invited or received for the doing of said work and no contact has been awarded therefor; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF TUsTiN, CALIFORNIA, Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8.5, Part 3, Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, does hereby RESOLVE and ORDER as follows: SECTION 1' That said City Council proposes to Change, modify and 'amend 'Sheets Nos. 2,'4,11,12,15,16,17,22,23,28',and $1 of the Plans hereinabove 'refer~ed to au~3. w}.~ich are referred to and in. corp~~ted' in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, adopted August 20,1962, and the work therein described and called for, and Sections 1,2 and 6 .of 'said Resolution of Intention No. 615 in the particulars as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, to which reference is hereby made and by such refer-. ence said Exhibit "A" is incorporated herein and made a part thereof for all purposes. That the proposed modified Plan · Sheets Nos. 2,4,11,12,15,16,17,22,23,28 and 41 of the Plans here inabove referred to have been received and filed by this City Council and are on file in the office of the City Clerk of th&s City. SECTION~,2: That the said City Council aces hereby state and determane that the said changes, modifications and amendments to the Plans and the Resolution of Intention will result in a decrease of approximately $3,358.00 in the cost of the construction work, but will not result in any increase or decrease in the soct of the inttre work, inclu$'ing inci- dentals and acquisition. That said Resolution of No. ~!5 and the Plans hereinabove referred to are on file in the office of the City Clerk of~.~the City of Tustin. SECTIQN~3: That Monday, the 29th day of October, 1962, at the hour of. 7:30 O'clock p.m. of said day, is hereby fixed as the day and hour, and the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City Tustin, in the Chambers of the City Council at 145 West Third Street, Tustin, California, is hereby fixed as the place when and wher.e any and all persons having any objection to the aforesaid proposal to change, modify and amend the said plans, work and resolution of intention may appear before said City Council and show cause why said changes, modifications and amendme~.~.ts not be adopted. S~ECTION.,.4..: That this City Council does-hereby order and direct the City Clerk to give notice of the time and place of the aforesaid hearing by publishing this resolution once in the TUSTIN h~WS, a weekly newspaper printed, published, az~d of general circulation in the City of Tustln, County of Orange, State of California; said publication shall be made at least ten days prior to the date herein fixed for the hear- lng upon the proposal to change, ~~ify and amend the said 128. Plans., work and Resolution of Intention. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting thereof held this 15th day of October, 1962. MAYOR City o'f Tust'in,~California ATTEST- City Cl~rk of the City of Tustin, ~>alif ornia. I, RUTH C. POE, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California, ., do hereby certify that the £oregoing re,solution was duly adop'ted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 2Mstin held on the 15th day of October, 1962, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES' NOES: Councilmen Done~ ;_~ _s:heridan, .... ~H_u_um_~e_~Lt~~ Mack, Klingelhofer. Councilmen None ABSENT- Councilmen N__one ~City Clerk ~---. A. FY~H lB IT "A" IN THE MATTER OF THE C([)NSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES AND .APPURTENANT WORK IN "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.1" i1 , 1,,~ , · ,, - _ _ _ , , - ........ _ ..... PROPOSED CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE WORK, THE PLANS, AND THE RESOLUTION OF IN~ENTION: · I1 1 That SECTION 1, entitled "ACQUISITION, of ResOlu- tion of IntentiOn No. 615 of the City of Tustin, adopted August 20, 1962, be amende~, modified, changed and revised by delet- ins there f rom t he f o ! 1 ow ins: "(1 ) Easement No. 1, including the description of Easement No. 1. (3) Easement No. 3, including the description of Easement No. 3, (7) Easement No.7, including the description of Easement' No. 7, (8)' Easement' No'. 8, including the description of Easement No. 8, (11) Easement No. 11, including the description of Easement No. 11, (13) Easement No. 13, including the description of Easement No. 13, · ti 2 That SECTION 2, entitled "DESCRIPTION OF WOB. K, of said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, o~odified, Cl.~.~ge~. ~.nd revised so as t° read as follows: "DESCRIPTION OF WORK" That the public interest and convenience requireand it is the intention of the City Council of the City Tustin in order the following work and improvement, to- wit: "The construotion of sanitary sewers, including , vitrified clay pipe sewer mains, houSe connections, wyes, mam- holes, appurtenances and all other appurtenant work in con- nection therewith; in PASADENA AVENUE BETWEEN a point approximately 50 feet northerly of the center- line of Second Street and the centerline of Main Street, as 130. sh6wn on Sheet $ of the Plans hereinafter referred to; and in M.,~ IN STRUT the centerllne ef Pasadena Avenue and the centerline of Newport Avenue, as shown on Sheets 4,10,20,21,22, of seld Plans; and in and 30 M~q~LE AVENUE .. between the Southerly right-of-way line of Third Street and the centerl£ne of First Street, as shown on Sheet 5 of said Plans; and in SECOND STREET between Pasadena Avenue and the 'E~sterly ri~ght-of-way line of Myrtle Avenue; also between 'Pacific Street; and South"B" Street; also between South "C" Street and Prospect Avenue; also be- tween the Southerly extensions of the Westerly and Easterly right-of-way lines of Easements No. 6(as described in Sectiom I hereof,) as sho~n on Sheets 6',14,21,27.,23,28 and 32 of said Plans; and in , EASEMENT NO. 2 for public sewer purposes. (as described in Section I hereof), North of $o¢oncl St~eot~ as sho~n on Shoog 6 of said Plans; '" and in between the centerline of Myrtle Avenue and South"B" Street and also be'tween South"C" Street and the centerllne of Preble · Drive, as shown on Sheets 7,13,21,22,23 and 31 of said Plans; and in PACIFIC STREET between the centerline of Main Street and the centerline of First Street, as shown on Sheet 8 of said Plans; and in SOUTH"B" STREET between the oenterline of Sixth Street and the Centerline of First Street, as shown on Sheet 9 and 18 of said ~lans; and in SOUTH "A" STREET between the centerline of Main Street and the Northerly right- of-way line of First Street, as shown on Sheet 11 of said Plan; and in FIRST· STREET between a point approxima~tely 250 feet Westerly of the center- line of Myrtle Street and East line of North "B" Street and between the East and West right-of-way lines of South "D" Street, as shown on Sheets 11,12,15,16,17,18,24,and 28 of said Plans; and in YORBA STREET between the Southerly right-of-way of First Street and a point approximately 723 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 17 of sa id Plans; and in MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE between the Southerly right-of-way line of First Street and a point approximately 723 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 16 of said Plans; and in NORTH "A" STREET between the Southerly right-of-way line of First Street and a point approximately 723 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 15 ,of said Plans; and in NORTH "B" STREET between the centerllne fo First Street and a point approxi- mately 780 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheets 18, .19 and 24 of said Plans; and in NORTH "C" STREET between the centerline of First Street and a point approxi- mately 780 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheets 19, and 24 of said Plans; and in ANDREWS STREET between the centerline of Newport Avenue and a point approx- imately 332 feet Southeasterly thereof, as shown on Sheet 15 of said Plans; and in EASEMENTS NOS. 4, 5, and 15 for public sewers purposes (as described in Section I here- of, ) West of South "D" Street, as shown on Sheet 21 of said Plans; and in ALLEY West of South "D" Street between Ma~$ Street and Third Street and between First Street and Second Street, as ShOran on Sheet 132. 21 of sa id Plans; and in EASEMENTS NOS. 9 and 10 for public sewer purposes ( as described in Section I hereof, ) East of South "D" Street, as shown on Sheet 22 of said Plans; and in · · ALLEY North of First 'Street between North "B" Street and a point ap~rox- imately 130 feet Easterly of the conterline of North "C" Street, as shown on Sheet 24 of said Plans; and in ~AS.~MzNT N0. 12 for public sewer purposes (as described in Section 1 hereof ), Northerly of First Street between the Westerly right-of-way line of North "B" Street and a point approximately 130 feet W,~sterly thereof, as shown on Sheet 24 of said Plans; and in ORANGEWOOD LANE between North "D" Street and Prospect Avenue (including work in the inter- section of North "D" Street and Ornagewood Lanel), as shown on Sheet 25 of said Plans; and in NORTH "D" STREET between Orangewood Lane and Lockwood Park Place, as shown on Sheet 25 of said Plans; and in LOCKWOOD PARK PLACE between North "D" Street and Prospect Avenue (including work in the inter- section of Lockwood Park Place with North "D" Street and Prospect Avenue), as shown on Sheet ~5 of said Plans; and in SIXTH STREET between the centerline of South "C" Street and a point approximately 670 feet Easterly of thecenterline of South "D" Street and between the center- line of Pacific Street and a point approxinately 480 feet Westerly there- of, as shown on Sheet 26,27 and 29 of said Plans; and in SOUTH "C" STREET between Main Street and Sixth Street, as shown on Sheet 27 of said Plans; and in PREBLE DRIVE- between the centerline of Main Street and a point approximately 690 feet Northerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 31 of said Plans; and in ALLEY 133. South of First Street between "H" Street and a point approximately 770 feet Westerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 32 of said Plans; and in EASEMENTS NOS. 6 and 14 for public sewer purposes (as described in Section 1 thereof), Westerly of "H" Street, as shown on Sheet 32 of said Plans; and in ttHt! S ]~R.~,~ET between the centerline of Main Street and the centerline of First Street as shown on Sheet 32 and 33 of said Plans; and in NEWPORT AVENUE between Nisson Road and Main Street (including work in the intersection Of Newport Avenue with Main Street), as shown on Sheets 34, 36, .38, 39 and 41 ofsaid Plans; and in LAGUNA 'RO ~,D between Orange Avenue and Red Hill A~enue (including work in the inter- sections of Laguna Road with Orange Avenue and Red Hill Avenue), as shown on Sheets 35, 36 and 37 of said Plans; and in ORANGE AVENUE between Laguna Road and San Juan Street ), as shown on Sheets 36, 37 38 and 39 of said Plans; and in SAN JUAN STREET between Newport Avenue and Orange Avenue and between Red Hill Avenue and a point approximately 900 feet northwesterly thereof (including work in the intersection of San Juan Street with Red Hill Avenue), as shown on Sheets 38 and 40 of said Plans; and in ALLEY North of Walnut Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Avenue, as shown on Sheet 39 of said Plans; and in ALLEY North of Bonita Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Avenue, as shown on Sheet 39 of said Plans; and in ALLEY North of Laguna Road between Newport Avenue and Orange Avenue, as shown on Sheet 36 of said Plans; and in CARFAX AVENUE between Mitchell Avenue and Nisson Road (including work in the inter- section of Carfax Avenue and Mitchell Avenue), as shown on Sheet 42 of said Plans; and in DEL AMO ,~VENUE between Mitchell Avenue and Nisson Road (including work in the inter- section of Del Arno .&venue and Mitchell Avenue ), as shown on Sheet 43 of said Plans; and in NISSON RO~D between Newport Avenue and Del Arno Avenue (including wrok in the intersection of 'Nisson Road with Del Arno Avenue ), as shown on Sheets 43 and 44 of said Plans; and in RALEIGH PLACE between Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue (including work in the inter- section of Raleigh Place with Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue ), as shown on Sheet 45 of Sain Plans; and. in DEBUSK LANE between Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue (including work in the intersection of Debusk Lane and Mitchell Avenue), as shown on Sheet 45 of said Plans; and in WALTER AVENUE between Raleigh Place and Del Arno Avenue, as shown on Sheets 45 and 46 of '... said Plans; and in SOUTH "D't STREET between the Southerly right-of-way line of Second Street and the Northerly right-of-way line of First Street, as shown on Sheet 28 of said Plans; . w~ ~ ~ "of said 3 That SECTION 6, intitled "ESTIM&TED COSTS AND ~X~-.ENo.:~S, Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised as to read as follows: "SECTION 6 : That the estimated costs and e×~penses of said acquisition, work and improvement, inclusive of the incidental ex%oenses of" the proceedings under said Resolution in Intention, are as follows: Estimated costs of all inciden'cal expenses, EXCEPT cost of acquisition of right-of-way easements andincidental expenses incurred in acquisition ................. · $., 59,951.00 Estimated costs and· expenses of acquisition of right-of-way easements ............ 22,260.00 TOTAL~.,s~- timated costs of incidentals, in- cluding acquisitio~ of right-of-way easements . . $ 82,191.00 Estimated costs and expenses of the Work and Improvements, excluding all incidentals . . . $ 310,809.0~_ TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS AND '= '=~ ~4' ~ ~9 000.00 ~XP~NoES ..... =3=9 3, 4. That Sheet No. 4. of the said Plans; as hereinabove mentioned and referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modi- fled, changed and revised by deleting the Northerly approximately 89.7 feet of sewer line in Pasadena Avenue, as shown on proposed Sheet No. 4 modified. 5. That Sheet No. 11 of the said Plans, as. hereinabove men- tioned and referred to in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be , amended, modified, changed and revised by dele'ting therefrom the North- .erly approximately 67,10 feet of Sewer line in First Street, as shown on proposed Sheet No. 11 modified. That Sheet no 12 of the said Plans; as hereinabove mentioned and referred to in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, m~dified, changed and revised by' deleting therefrom ~il,1 ~k ~.ini~those sewer:, easemb~,ts which are hereinabove mentioned and described as Ease- ments No. 7 and 8, and by adding thereto additional work in First Street, all as shown on proposed Sheet No. 12 modified. 7. That Sheet No. 15 of the said Plans, as hereinabove men- tioned and referred to in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised so as to extend the sewer line on North "A" Street southerly into First Street, as shown on proposed Sheet No. 15 modified. 8. That Sheet No. 16 of the said Plans; as hereinabove men- tioned and referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amend ed, modified, changed and revised so as to extend the sewer line in Mountain View Drive southerly into First Street, as whown on proposed Sheet No. 16 modified. 9. That Sheet No. 17 of the said Plans; as hereinabove mentioned and referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified changed and revised so as to extend the sewer line in Yorba Street southerly into First Street, as shown on proposed Sheet No. 17 mod- fled. 10. That Sheet No. 22 of the said Plans, as hereinabove men- tioned as referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised so as 'to delate work in the sewer ease- ment described as Easement No. 11 in said Resohtion of Intention No. 615, deleting all work in Easement No. 11 and deleting the Northerly 136. approximately 17 feet of sewer line in Second Street, as shown on pro- posed Sheet 22 modified. 11. That Sheet No. 23 of the said Plans, as hereinabove men- tioned and referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended modified, changed and revised by adding thereto work consisting of the extension of sanitary sewers on Second Street between South "D" Street and Prospect Avenue approximately 65.5 feet Westerly, as shown on pro- posed Sheet No. 23 modified. 12. That Sheet No. 28 of the s~.~id Plans, as hereinabo~e ~en- tioned and referred to in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised by deleting therefrom all· work in Easements Nos. 1 and 3, described in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, in Prospect Avenue, and deleting all work in'Prospect Avenue and by' adding thereto additional work on South "D" Street and on First Street as shown on proposed Sheet No.28 modified. 13. That Sheet No.41 of the said Plans, as hereinabove, men- tioned and referred to in said Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised by deleting therefrom all work in the sewer easemen{ described in Resolution of Intention No. 615 as Easement No. 13, a.s shown on proposed Sheet 41 modified. 14. That Sheet No.2 of the said Plans, being the Title Sheet, as hereinabove mentioned and referred to in Resolution of Intention No. 615, be amended, modified, changed and revised so as to conform with the proposed :~'~'..odifid~tions and amend~ents to the o. ther Plan Sheets here- inabove designated, all as shown on proposed Sh~.~.et No.2 modified. "That said proposed modified Plan Sheets Nos. 2,4,11,12,15, 16, 17,22,23,28 and 41 hereinabove mentioned hs. ve been received and filed by the City Clerk of theCity of Tustin and are on file with the City Clerk 'the re of.