HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 615 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. 615 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES AND ALL APPURTENANT WORK IN "TUSTIN CITY SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO 1"' DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO .ORDER THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS, RIGHTS - OF - WAY AND EASEMENTS NECESSARY IN CONNECTION WITH SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT AND WITHIN THE LIMITS ALLOWED BY LAW TO ASSESS THE COSTS OF SAID ACQUISITION, INCLUDING THE INCI- DENTAL COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF, AS PART OF THE COSTS OF SAID WORK AND IMPROVEMENT; DECLARING THE ACQUISITION OF LANDS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENT TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID ACQUISITION, WORK AND IMPROVEMENT AND TO PAY THE COSTS AND EXPENSES THEREOF; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO SAID ACQUISITION, WORK AND IMPROVE- MENT. THE CI~Y C'OUN~iL O~--~TH'E 'C~Y O[ '~STIN' ~ALIFORNIA, Pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 19~l," being Division 7 of the Streets and Highways code of t.he State of Calif- ornia, does RESOLVE as follows: ACQUIS2TION _. _ .SECTION l:.. That the public intrest, necessity and con- venience require and it is the intentio~ of the City of Tustin, California, to order the acquisition of the following described lands, easements and right-of-way, all of which are hereby deter- mined to be necessary in connection with the work and improvement consisting of the construction of sanitary sewers and all aPpurten- ances and appurtenant work, described in Section 2 hereof, f'or the said "TUSTIN CITY SEXIER ASSESSMENT DIS:TRICT NO l" and with- in the limits allowed bylaw to assess the costs 6f said acquisition, including all incidental expenses thereof, as a part of the cost o£ said work and improvement, to-wit: A perpetual easement and right-of-way for all public sewer purposes in, over, un~er, along, through and across the following described parcels of real property situated in the City of Tustin and/or in the County of Orange, State of California and as shown on the Plans, to-wit: (1) Easement No.!_ :-. The Northerly 6.00 feet of that portion of the W.K. Hillyard parcel shown on a map filed in Book 23, page 14 of Records of Survey of Orange County, lying southerly of %~act 98. 1461 per map recorded in Book 43, p~ge 39 of Miscellaneous Maps of· said County. The above described easement is over the Northerly 6.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-023-33. (2) · Easement~ ~No~. 2: The Easterly 8.00 feet of the Westerly one-half B~ock C of "Bundy' s Addition to Tustin Cal." per map recorded in Book l, page 92 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County (except the Northerly 200 feet thereof ) and the Southerly 6.00 feet of the Northerly 200 feet of the Westerly 54.38 feet of the Easterly 194 feet. The above described easement is over the Easterly 8.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 62-031-5, 62-031-6, 62-031-7, 62-031-8, and 62-031-15; the most East- erly 8.00 feet of Assessor'S Parcel No. 62-031-14 and a portion o'f the Southerly 6.00 feet of Assessor'sParcel No. 62-031-12. (3) Ease. ment No. 3: In Block C of ~stin per map recorede in Book 4, page 218 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, in Orange County, described as follows' (a) The Easterly $ feet of the Westerly 316 feet, except the Northerly 150 feet and the Northerly 8 feet of the Southerly 250 feet of the Easterly 77 feet of the Westerly 308 feet. The above descr&bed easement is over a portion of Assessor's · Parcel Nos. 62-051.10 and 62-051-11. (b) The Easterly 6.00 feet of the Westerly 23'7 feet of the northerly 250 feet, except the Northerly 148.50 feet . .The above described easement is over a portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-~51-24. · (4) E~ sement_.No. 4. In Block 4 of Tustin per map recorded in Book 4, page 218 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, , in 0rsnge Count y, 99. described as follows: . (a) The Westerly 8.00 feet of Lots I to 6, inclusive. (b) The Westerly 20.00 feet of lot 7. (5) Easement ~No ,... 6.; In Block 7 of TusCan per map recorded in Book 4, page of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, in Orange County', ~ described as follows: The Westerly 8.00 feet of Lots I to 6, inclusive. (6) Easement No. 6: The Westerly 6.00 feet of Lot 19, Tract 3994 per map re- . corded in Book 144, pages 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County. (7) Easement No. The SoUtherly 17.00 feet of Lots I to 4, inclusive, of Block A and of Lot l, Block B, Tract 396 per map recorded in Book 16, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County and of that certain parcel adjacent ct said~Lot I shown on said Map as "NOT A PART OF THIS SUBDIVISION." EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Westerly 1~.53 feet, being Assess- or's Parcel No. 62-G14-9, said Westerly 13.53 feet being a portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 62'-014-8, the balance of said Parcel being a portion 'of said Lot 1. In a portion of the Southeast 19.0-a~re Parcel per map of . Fellpe Yorba Tract recorded in Book 4, page 206, Miscell- aneous Records of Los Angeles County, Callfronla, per map recorde~ in Book 32, page 48 of Records of SurveY~ Of Orange County, described as follows: (a) The Southerly 10.00 feet of the area bounded south- erly by the north line of First Street, easterly by the west line of Yorba Street and westerly by the east · line of the 0.574-acre parcel, all as shown on said Record of Survey Map, and the Southerly 10.00 feet of the Easterly 245.00 feet of the area bounded by said north line of First Street and the west line of said 0.574-acre parce; EXCEPT that ~ortion in Myrtle Street. The above described parcel is the Southerly l0 feet of a portion of Assessor's Parcel N~. 62-140-51. (b) The Southerly 6.00 feet of that portion of the North- erly 7.00 feet of First Street as shown on said Re- cord of Survey bounded by the Southerly extension · of the si~e lines of said 0.574-acre Parcel. The above described parcel is the soUtherly 6.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-140-35. (8) Eas.e.m__ent _No~.8.:_~ The Southerly 17.00 feet of Lots l, 2 and 23, Tract 347, per map thereof..recorded in Book 15, page 7 of Mlscell- aneous Maps of Orange County, and the easterly exten- sion thereof, a aistanCe of 15.00 ,f..e~t; The above des- crlbed strip of land being the Southerly 10.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 62-114-10, 62-114-11, 62-115-12. (9( Easeme;~t The Easterly 10.00 feet of the Wemterly 150 feet of Block B~ Tract 3 per map recorded in Book 9, page 4 of Mis- cellaneous Maps of Orange County. The above described strip of land being the Easterly lO.O0 feet of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 62'085-3, 62-085- 4, 62-085-5, 62~'-085-6, and the Northerly 162.50 feet of the Weaterly lO.O0 feet of Assessor's Pareel No. 62-085-1. ( l0 ) Easemen.t.. No .. 1,0: The Weste'rly 7.50 feet of Lots 7 to 12, inclusive, of Block A, Tract 3, per map recorded in Book 9m' page 4 of Miscell.aneous Maps of Orange 'County. ( 11 ) Ea se merit_. _No_. l_l: The Westerly 7,50 feet of Lots 6, 8,10,~2,14,16,15, and 20, Block 41, of "A PART OF TUSTIN" per map recorded in Book 1, page 125 of Miscellaneous Record's of Orange County. _Eas_ement No ._..1_2.: That certain 15-foot wide alley in Block A, Tract pe~ map thereof recorded in Book 14, page 51 of Mis= cellaneous Maps of Orange County and the westerly 10- foot extension thereof, last above described parcel be- lng a 10'x 15' portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-015-27. (13) Easemer~t NO ... lB: The Northerly 6.00 feet of the Weaterly 60.00 feet of Lot 10, Tract 334 per map recorded in Book 14, page 46 of Miscellaneous Maps Of Orange County. The Southerly 6.00 feet of Lots 2 to 5, incl~slve, of said Tract 334 and Southerly 6.00 feet of the Weaterly 6.00 feet of Lot 6 of said Tract. (14) Easement. ~No.. 14.:... That portion of Block 1 Tustln City per map recorded in Book 4, page 219 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County within the northerly extension of the 20-foot wide alley in Tract 3994 per map recorded in Book 144, pages 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County, which alley is adjacent ot the west line said Tract. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that po~tion of said extension within the northerly 120 feet of said Block 1. Above described strip of land is the most Westerly 20 feet of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-263-2,. (15) E~ement. No. 1~ :~ _ (a) The Northerly 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 14 of Tus- tin per map recorded in Book 4, page 218, of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, and the westerly extension thereof the center- line of the alley in said Block 14 as shown on said map of Tustin, being the Northerly 10.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-073-15. , (b) .The Westerly 5.00 feet of the east one-half of that port ion of said alley sylng southerly of last above described strip being the Westerly 5.00 feet of Assessor's Parcel No. 62-073-5. (c) The Easterly 5.00 feet of that portion of the weat one-half of said alley lying woutherly of t the easterly extension of the ~orth line of Lot l0 of said Block 14, being the Easterly 5.00 feet of Assessor's.. Parcel No. 62-073-10 and ll. 102. NO assessment for the costs of acquisition of. the easements herein above descrlDed shall be levied or assessed · for an amount greater than twenty per cent (20~) of the Engineer's estimate of cost of the work and improvement, excluding any .such acqu~sitions. D__ESCRIP~ION OF 'WO~ _ ' ..... ,il -- ' ..... ,. -- , SECTIOE_. ' · _ .~'.-_-. That the public interest and conven- ience require and it is the. intention of the City Council of o th~ ¢1t¥ of Tusti~ ~o o~do~ th~ Follo~ing ~ork and ment, t o-w i t ~ The construction of sanitary sewers, including vit- rified clay pepe sewer mains, house connections, wyes, m~m- holes, appurtenances and all other appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith; in PASADEi~A AVEi~UE between a point approximately 130 feet northerly of the center- . line of Second Street and. the centerllne of Main Street, as shown on Sheet 4 of the Plans hereinafter referred to; and in MAI~' STREET , . 'between the centerline~ of Pasadena A~.enue and the centerline . of Newport avenue, as shown on Sheets 4,10, 20, ~1, 22, and 30 of said Plans; and in between the Southerly right-of-way line of Third Street and the centerlone of First Street, as shown on Sheets 5 and 41 of sa id Plans; and in SECOND STREET . between Pasadena avenue and the Easterly right-of-way line of Myrtle AF.enue; also between the Southerly extensions of the Westerly and Easterly right-of-way lines of Easement ~o.6 (as described in Section 1 hereof), 22,23,2~,an~ 32 of said P~ans; and in EASEMENT NO. 2 for public sewer purposes (as described in Section I hereof.), ~orth of Second Street, as shown on Sheet 6 of said Plans; and .. .. . THI~ STREET · between the centerllne of Myrtle Avenue and South''B" Street and also between South "C~ Street and the centerline of Preble Drive' -103. as shown on Sheets 7,13,21,22,.23 and 31 ~ said Plans; andin PACIFIC AVENUE between the centerline of Main Street and the centerline of First Street, as shown on Sheet 8 of said Plans; and in SOUTH "B" STREET between the centerline of Sixth Street and the centerline of First Stz,eet, as shoma on Sheets 9 and 18 of said Plan~; and in SOU'.i2~ "A "STRF~T o between the centerline of Main Street and the ~ortherly right-if-way line of First Street, as shom~ on Sheet ll of said 'Plans; and in EASEME~I' NO. ?.AND 8 ' for public s~wer purposes ( as desori~ed in Section 1 here- of), adjacent to the ~o~therly right-of-way llne of First Street; between the Newport Freeway and the centerline of South "A" Street, as shown on Sheet 12 of said Plans; and FIRST STREET' between the centerline of North "B" Street and a point app- roximately 200 feet westerly of the centertine of South "A" Street, as shown on Sheets 12 and 24 of said P~ans; and in YORBA STREET between the centerllne of First Street and a point approx- , imately 68~ feet northerly thereof,, as shown on Sheet 17 of said Pla~s; and in between the centerline of First Street and a point approx- imately 683 feet northerly thereof, aS shown on S beet 16 of said Plans; and in NORTH "A" STREET between the centerline of Flrs~ Street and a point approx- imately 683 feet nlrtherly thereof, as shown on Sheet $5 " of said Plans; and in NORTH "B" STREET between the centerllne of First Street and a 9olnt approx- , lmately 780 feet northerly thereof, as shown on Sheets 18,'19 and 24 ~of said Plans; and in INORTH "C "' STREET BETWEE~ T~tE CENTERline of First Street and a point approx- imately 780 feet northerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 19 and 24 of said P.~ans; and in ANDREWS STREET between the centerline of Newport Avenue and a point approx- imately 332 feet southeasterly thereof, as shown on Sheet 15 of said Plans; and in EASEME~T ~0.4, 5 AND 15 for public sewer purpose (as described in Section I hereof), West of South''D" Street, as ~hown on Sheet 21~of said Plans; and in ALLE'I West of South "D" Street between Main Street and Third Street, as shown on Sheet 21 of Said Plans; and in EASEMENT NO. 9,10,AND 11 for public sewers pm~pose$ '(as described in S~ctlon I hereof), East of South "D" Street, as shown on Sheet 22 of said Plans; and in ~'~ ~'~-~", .i~"~: ,'~" i ~"~'. ALLEY North of First Street between North "B" Street and a point approximately 130 feet easterly, of the oenterllne o~ North' "C" Street, as ~hown on Sheet 24 of said Plans; and in EASEMENT i.~i0. 1~ for public sewe~ purposes (as described in Section 1 hereof) ~ortherly of Fi~'st Street between the westerly right-of-way line of ~orth "B" Street and a point approximately 130 feet westerly thereof, as shown on Sheet 2~ of ~aid Plans; and in 0..BANGEW00D LAi~E between North "D" Street and Prospect Avenue (including work in the intersection of No~th "D" Street and Ornagewo°d Lane ) as shown on Sheet 25 of said Plans; NORT~ "D" STR~T between Orangewood Lane and Lockwood Park Place, .as shown on Sheet 25 of said Plans; and in ~105. LOCKWOOD PAff[K P .LACE between North "D" Street and. Prospect Avenue )including work in the intersection of Lockwood Park Place with North "D" Street and Prospect Avenue), as shown on Sheet 25 of said Plans; and in SIXTH STREET · between the centerline of South "C" Street and a point app- roximately 670 feet easterly of the centerline of South "D" Street and between the centerline of Pacific Street and a point approximately 480 feet westerly thereof, as show~ on Sheet 26,.27 and 29 of said Plans;. and in SOUT~ "C" STiiEE'~ between Main street and Sixth Street, as shown on Sheet 27 of said Plans; and in .EASEMEIXlT ~I0. 3 for public sewer pruposes (as described in Section 1 hereof) Eorth of Second Street, as shown on Sheet 28 of said Plans; · and in EASEMENT E'0. I for public sewer purposes (as described in Section I hereof) North of First Street, as shom'~ on Sheet 28 of said Plan~; and in PROSPECT AVENUE between the Easterly extension of the Northerly and Souther- ly right-of-way lines of Easement No. I (as described Section 1 hereof ), as shown on Sheet' 28 of said Plan; and in PREBLE I~RIVE between the centerllne of Main Street and a point approx- imately 690 feet; mortherly thereof, as shoma on Sheet 31 of said Plans; and in ALLEY South of First Street' between "H" Street and a point approx- imately 770 feet westerly thereof, as sh'own on Sheet 32 .of said Plans; and in EASEMENT i~0' 6 and 14 106. for public sewer pur~.ooses ( as described in Section I hereef) Westerly of "H" Street, as shown on Sheet 32 of said Plan; and in "H" STREET between the centerllne of Main Street and the centerl~ne of First Street, as shown on Sheets 32 and 33 ef said Plan; and in EEWPOR'I' a1~ENU'E between ~isson Road and Main Street (including work in the intersection of Newport Avenue with Main Street ), as shown on Sheets 34,36,38,39 and 41 of said Plans; and in EASEMEIiT i~0. 13 for public sewer purpose (as described in Section 1 hereof) South of First Street, as shown on Sheet 41 of said Plans; and in LAGU~A ROAD between 0rnage Avenue and Red Hill Avenue (including work in the intersections of Laguna Road with Orange Avenue and l~d o Hill Avenue), as shown on Sheets 35,36 .and 37 of said Plans; and in ORANGE AVENUE between Laguna Road and San Juan Street (inclUding work in the intersection of 0rm~eAvenue with S~m Juan Street ) as shown on Sheets 36,37,38 and 39 of said Plans; and in SAN JUAN STREET , between Newport Avenue and Orange Avenue and between Red Hill Avenue and a point approximately 900 ~f~eet northwesterly thereof (including work in the intersect'ion of San. Jaun Street With Red Hill AVenue ), as shown on. Sheets 38 and 40' of said Plans; and in ALLEY · North of Walnut Street between Newport Avenue and' Orange Ave- nue, as shown on Sheet 39 .of said Plans; and in ALLEY North of Bonita Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Ave- hUe, as shown on Sheet 39 of said Plans; and in ALLEY North of Laguna Road between Newport Avenue and Orange Ave- hue, as shown on Sheet 36 of said Plans; and in CARFAX A VES~3E between Mitchell avenue and Nlsson Road (including work in the intersection of Carfax. Avenue and Mitchell Avenue), as Shown on Sheet 42 of said Plans; and in DEL AM0 AVENUE between Mitchell Avenue and Nisslon Road (including work in , the intersection of Del Arno Avenue and Mitchell Avenue), as shown on Sheet 43 of ~aid Plans; and in NISSON~.~!~ ROAD between NewPort Avenue. and Del Amc Avenue (including work the intersection of Nlsson Road with Del Amc Avenue), as shown on Sheets 43 and 44 of said Plans~ and in RALEIGH PLACE between Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue (including work in the intersections of Raleigh Place ~ith Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue), as shown on Sheet 45 of said Plans; and DEBUSK LANE between Mitchell Avenue and Walter Avenue (including work in the intersection of Del~usk Lane and Mitchell Avenue), as shom:t on Sheet 45 of said Plans; and lm WALTER AVENUE BETWEEN Raleigh Place and Del Amc Avenue, as shown on Sheets 45 and 46 of said Plans. PLANS. _PROFILES.,.~ .DRAWIN~S...A.~ SPECIFICATI,QNS _ . SECTIQN 3% That all of the said work and improve- ment to be done as described in Seotion 2 of this Resolution shall be constructed upon the grades, along the lines, bet- weenthe points, of the dimensions, at the places and in the manner shown on the plans, profiles and drawings for the con- struction of the said work and improvement in "Tustiu City Sewer Assessment District No.. 1, consisting of 46 sheets, n~mbered I to 46, inclusive, and identified as "Construction Plans for Sanitary SewerN in Assessment District No.1 in the 108. City of Tustin, "all of which plans are on file in the ~ffice of the City Clerk~of this City, and copies of which are also on file in the off ic~ of the City Engineer of this City and in the office of the Engineer of Work, and except as otherwise provided on said plans, in further accordance with the spec- ifications for the censtructien of said work and improvement, said specifications being on file in the office of the City Clerk of this City (and a copy being on file in the office of the City Engineer of Work), and to which plans, profiles, drawings and specifications, heretofore approved by the City Council of this City, reference is hereby made for a further, full and more particular description of s~Id work. That all of the easements and right-of-way for pub- lic sewer purposes hereinabove described are shown upon the said plans, profiles and drawings hereinabove mentioned. DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT .SECTI. 0N__4I That the said acquisition of lands,' ease- ments and rights-of-way for all public sewer purposes and the said contemplated work and improvement, as aforesaid, is of more than local or ordinary publid, benefit and the said City Council hereby makes the expenses of said acquisition, work and improvement chargeable upon the district benefited by said acquisition, work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, including incidental ex- penses and costs, and which district is described as follows: All that certain territory situated in part in the City of Tustln, County of Orange, S.tate of Cal. lf.ronia., and in part in the unincorporated territory of the County of Orange adjacent to the City of Tustln, included within the exterior boundary lines shown on the plat sxhiblting the property affected or benefited' by or 'to be assesxed to pa~ the costs and expenses of said acquisition, ! work and ~.improvement in said "Tustin City Sewer Assessment District No. 1," which said plat consists of twelve sheets, numbered I to 12, inclu- sive, enti~.led "Diagram exhibiting the property affected or benefited by and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses of the ompro~ement of Sanitary Sewer in Assessment District No. I in the City of Tustin, County o~f 0r~mge, California, June-1962," and was finally approved by the City Council of aaid City on the ~ Da~ of Au~_St 1962, indicating by said boundary lines the extent of the territory included within .the proposed assessment district, and which map or ~plat is on file in the office of the City Cler. k and a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City and in the office of the Engineer of Work, EXCEPTING FROM the area shown within and delineated upon said map or plat hereinabove referred to, the area of all public streets, public avenues, public lanes, public roads, public ~rlves, public .courts, public alleys and all easements and rights- of-way therein contained belonging to the public, and all lots or parcels of land belonging to the United States, and also excepting therefrom all lots ~or~ parcels of land be- longing to the State of California or to the County of Orange or to the City ~of Tustln, Which lot or parcel of land is in use for the performance of any public function , and all such property above mentioned and described as being excepted from. the area shall be omitted from the assessment hereinafter to be made to cover the eosts and expenses of such acquisition, work and impr0veme, nt~ Reference is hereby m~de to said plat for a further, full and .more particular description of the said assessment district, and the said plat so on file shall govern for all details as to the exten~ of the said assess- ment district. · DESCH PTlON. OF SECTION 5:~ That serial bonds, bearing interest at the rate of.six per cent (6%) per annum, shall be issued to represent each ass.essment of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or more remaning unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of re- cording the warrent. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending nine (9) years from the second day of Jan- uary next succeeding the next September 1st .following their date. Payments an the principal of unpaid assessments and intrest theron shall be made by property owners to the 110, City Treasurer, and the same shall be disbursed by said City Treasu~~ all as provided in the "Improvement Act of 1911" hereinafter referred~ to . This City Council does hereby eiect and determ&ne to have the redemption provisions of said bonds provide a preminum of five per cent (5%) of the unpaid principal in accordance with the provisions of Section 6464 of. the Streets and Highways ~Code of the State of California. ESTIMATe_ _CD..S. TS__ AND_ Exp ENS ES 'S~ECTIO~.. ~: That .the estimated costs and expenses of said acquisition, work and improvement, inclusine of the lncidem.~a.~l expenses of the.. proceedings under said Resolution of Intention, are as follows: Estimated costs of all incidental expenses, EXCEPT cost of acquisition of right-of-way, easements and incident.al expenses incurred in acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 56,573.00 Estimated costs and expemses of acqui?,ition of right-of-way easements . : . . . . . . .$ .2.2;;2.6.0.___00__. TOTAL.Estimated Cost of Incidentals, including acquisition of rzght-of-way easements . . .$ 78,833.00 Estimated costs and.expenses of the ~ork and Improvement, excluding all incidentals... 314,167.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS AND EXPENSES . . . .$=~3.000.00 ,T,,I,, ,ME,,,. AND .PLACE .0F__~H~_ING SECTION_7:. NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the ..2.nd__ day of 0.c....t0ber _~__, 1962, at the hour of 7:30_ o'clock P.M., in the · . Chambers of the City Council of the said City of Tustin, at , 145 Wast third Street, Tustin, California, any and all persons ha~lng any objections to the proposed acquisition, work ar · improvement, or to the extent of the assessment district, or to . the proposed grades, may appear and show cause why said acqul- · sition and/or said work should not be done or carried out in accordance with this Resolution of Intention. Protests must be writing and must contain a description of the property in which each signer there of is interested, sufficient to ident- 111., lfy the same, and must be delivered to the Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections will be cons idered. _IMPR0 VE~ MENT ACT, SE~TION 8: That all of the acquisition and the work herein proposed shall be done and carried through on pursu- ance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California designated as the "Improvement Act of 1911." being DiVision 7 of the Streets and High ways Code of ~*he State of Califronia. P._~. LICAT !ON OF~...~ES OL.,..UTI~ON_.. OF_._ INTENT,I. ON_ SECTION 9: That the Tustin News, a weekly newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in the City of Tustin and/or the County of Orange, California, is hereby designated as the newspaPer in which this Resolution of Intention shall be Published by the' City Clerk, in the manner and form provided by law, and for ~aking all other publications in the proceedings 'under this Resolution of Intention, unless otherwise provided. The City Clerk is directed to mail notices of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to all persons owning real property proposed to be assesed, whose mames and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes, or as known to the Clerk, all in the manner and form provided for under Sections 5070,5194 and 5195 of the said "Improvement Act of 1911" of said Streets and Hlghways Code. POST ING ,OF, _NQT ICE .....OF , IMPROVEMENT SECTION.. ~0: That the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Tustln shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement and along all open streets within the district liable to be assessed for said acquisition and work, notices of the passage of this ResOlution in Intention on the time, form and manner provided by weld Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting thereof held this . day of Au~st_, 1962. CITY OF TUSTIN -'~-~Mayor I, RUTH C. POE, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the. foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a .......... . .......... regular meeting of the City C Council of the City of Tustin held on the 20th day of August, 1962, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: 8ouncllmem _Sheridan_. _H _ume st0n .... Mack_ NOES' ABSENT- Counc i!men .... D one.v ~ ~clty'~ Clerk