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I II I 1, ~I ~~ESUi,t3Trt`~N ~T(7.w ~ ;~ A ~ES+~IUTL~}~i €3F Tk~ CITY ~F TU~TIN, CALYF~?~l+II~, ~~ CC~IZI THE C~.IFt?1~NIA FIB C~IEF~' ~~~TIOz~ 3 ~ ~S ~, ~iAT14i+ALY RE+C~G~tT ~RGA,Y~I~.TIgP~ T~EVt3'TED Ta TI-iE STUDY t}F FIB YRLttEk+~TI€)'N, ~'YRaVZ~G THE 4 l9bl ~DTTIt?N ~~ THR ~JNII'D~I FII~ C€~I3E, ~1Df3PTED A~ ~~.J~LISHEA BY TH.E CALrFQRMA FIRE CiiIEFS' ~~SS4CYATLDI~. ~[ i, 6 j~ The City ~:o~rnci~. of the City of Tustin does resolve as 7I~ follows: 8 ~ I~RE~, the California Fire Chiefs' Association is a i 9 ~~ private organisation that has, for a number of years ~ dir~zctec~ its 10~~ efforts to the study and improvement of fare prevention., and has 11 ~I ass~.~ted cities and other public bodies Faith ,advice, guidance and i~ ].2 ~i co~xnae~. on z~tattc~rs relating to f~.re prevention, aa~d 13 f IEREAS, the C~liforr~ia Fire Chiefs' Assoc~,et~.on, as a I 14 ~~i servLce to c~.ties and other p~.xbl~,c. agencies, has adopted and p~r- I5 ~~~ fished a U~iIF4t~i FT~~E Ct~E ~rhich codes the rules and regulat~.orEs 16~ which slzo~ald be used by cities and other public agencies for the I7 ~ reg~slat:ion of activities and bui~.ding ~onrstruction in citiesx 28 ~ ~dCyGt, Tf~RE~'Q1iE, be it resolved that the City Council of 19 the City of I`ustin h®reby reco$ni~es the Cali.farnia Fire chiefs' 20 Association as a nationally recagn3.zed authority on fire prevention, 21 , and hereby approves the 19~I edition of the ~JI~xFf1~i FIRE Cd~3E, gub- ~~ ~'" ii lisiaed by the California Fire Chiefs' Association. `3 ~AS~ED ~ 2~C1~TED at a regular me®tin~ of the City ;~4 ~~ Council of tt~e City of `Tustin, California, held an the 2ls~day of ?5 i,ra~ 1.~~~. 'i ~,, ~7 ~~ ~~.TTEST: ~ C-- 2 9 `' 30 I~ 2 ~~ ~I 4 5 6 ~, i 7~ 8 9 101 11 i 12~ 131 ,, 141 15 16 171 18' 19 20 21 22 23 2.4 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~T~T~ ~~ c~.xFOR~~ ~ sT~.T~ Q~ caz.xFaR~, } ~~ . RUTH C. ~4By City Clark and ex-officio dark of the City Cauncatl a£ the +City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole n~~ber Qf the members of the t~ity Coune~.l oaf the City of Tustin is five;that the above and foregoing Ices©lutican cgs duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopt~:d at a regular meting of the City Caun~il, held on ~e 2~st day v.f Tiay , ~,~{~~, by the fallowing vote; AYES: C~IUNCILP~BN Doney, Sheridan, Mack, Klin~elhofer ~~~~ I H'U$S ~ Ct?UI+TCILMEN Pdone ~.PSE~: ~:p~JNCII.~~T Hume stun. ~--" J '---__. City of tin, Ce~lifornia