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CC RES 594-B
RESOLUTION NO. 594-B RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WEST SIXTH STREET, BETWEEN PACIFIC STREET AND SOUTH "B" STREET, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin, to make certain improvements on West Sixth Street; and WHEREAS the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the proposed improvements of West Sixth Street, betwem Pacific Street and South "B" Street. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are he~reby approved as the plans and specifications for the improvement of West Sixth Street, between Pacific Street and South "B" Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to-wit; "NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS" In pursuance of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Orange County, California, adopted directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received at the Tustin City Hall, 145 West Third Street, Tustin, California, until 7'30 o'clock P.M., on the 21st day of May, 1962, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers of said building, for construction of city street in accordance with the specifications therefore, to which special reference is made, as follows' In the City of Tustin, on West Sixth Street between Pacific Street and South "B" Street, to be graded and paved with asphaltic concrete on aggregate base, and to:~ construct a concre.te cross-gutter. 56 - B Bids are required for the entire work described herein. CITY ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE Item 1. 1,200 cubic yards roadway excavation Item 2. 3,850 square yards compacting original ground Item 3. 1,350 tons aggregate base Item 4. 360 tons asphalt concrete Item 5. 240 square yards placing asphalt concrete Item 6. 19 cubic yards class B concrete (curbs, etc.) The foregoing quantities are approximate ~only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of. any class or portion of the work, or to omit por~tions of the work, as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Engineer. Plans, specifications, and proposal forms to be used for bidcli.ng on this project can only be obtained from the Tustin City,' Hall, Tustin, California. No bid will be considered unless .it is made on a blank form furnished by the City C]..erk of Tustin, California, and is made in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and special provisions. Each bidder must be licensed and also pre- qualified as required by law. The City of Tustin reseves the right to reject any or all bids. Abbreviations used .in the schedule, of predetermined wage rates in conjunction with employer payments listed in the right hand column are identified as.. follows' ph phw phw/p per hour~.· o per hour worked per hour worked or paid Employer payments other than those itemized below, as defined in Section ].773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid accordance with the 'terms of the collective' bargaining agreement applicable to the type or classification of the workmen or mechanics employed on the project. 56 - C Overtime, Sundays, and Holiday's-- not less than one and one- half (1-1/2) times the basic hourly rate plus applicable employer payments. The holidays upon which such rates shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, cla:'-3sification or type of workman employed on the project. Copies of all collectiv.e bargaining agreements relating to the work as set forth in the aforementioned Labor Code are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research. Attention is directed to Section 7-l.01G of the Standard Specifications providing for the employment of apprentice's on the w'ork. Every such apprentice shall be paid the standard wage paid to apprentices under the regulations of the trade at which he is em- ployed. Information relative to employment of apprentices shall ~ be obt-ained fromthe Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, who is the Administrative Officer of the California Apprenticeship Council. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council. of the City of Tustin has ascertained-the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare and pension and similar purposes in which the work is to be done to be as follows' Base rate per hour Classification $4.31 Asphalt or crushing plant engineer 4.01 Asphalt plant fireman 3.47 Aspha].t raker and ironer 4.12 Boxman.or mixer box operator (con- crete or asphalt plant) 4.31 Concrete or asphalt spreading, mechanical tamping or finishing machine operator 3.575 Driver of dump truck (less than 4 yards water level) 3.605 Driver of dump truck (~. yards but less than 8 yards water level) 3.655 Dr. iver of dump truck (8 yards but less than 12 yards water level) 3.735 Dr'iver of dump truck (12 yards but less than 16 yards water level) 3.955 Driver of dump truck (16 yards or more water level) 3.55 Engineer, oiler and signalman 3.77 Equipment greaser 3.36 Fine grader (highway and street paving) 3.77 Fireman Employer payments for H & W Pension 15~ phw/p 5¢ phw/p 15~ phw/p 5~ phw/p 10~ phw none 15¢ phw/p 5~ phw/p 15~ phw/p 5¢ phw/p 10~, phw/p none '10~ phw/p none 10~ phw/p none 10~ phw/p none 10~ phw/p none 15¢ phw/p 5~ phw/p 15¢ phw/p 5¢ phw/p 10~ phw none 15¢ phw/p 5~ phw/p 56-D 3.26 Flagman 4.31 Heavy duty repairman 3.53 Heavy duty repairman's helper 3.26 Laborer (general or construction) 4.41 Motor patrol operator (any type or size) 10~ phw none p w/p p w/p phw/p 5¢ pnw/p 10~ phw none 5¢ nw/p 4.31 Tractor operator (bulldozer tamper scraper, and push tractorl ' 15~ Phw/p 5~ phw/p 3.625 Water truck driver (under 2500 gals) 10¢ .phw none 3.755 Water truck driver (2500 gals to 4000 gals.) 10~ phw none 3.875 Water truck driver (4000 gals and~ ov e r) 10~ phw none Any classification omitted herein not less than ~2.60 per hour plus employer payments set forth in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the class or classification of the workman or mechanic involved, as defined in Sect ion 1773.1 of the Labor Code of the State of California. By order of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California. Dated this 16th day of Apri~ 1962. ~le~ O~th-e-'C'l~%~-'~ ~' it'~-' of Tust~n'~,--. Callf. That the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general preva°iling rate of wages and employer payments in the locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the work hereinabove specified is as set forth in the form of notice hereinabove set forth, and said notice shall contain said schedule of wages to be paid to the workman in said work. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, th is 16th day of April, 1962. MAYOR ........... - .... ATTEST' 56-E STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY 0F'TUSTIN ) SS I, Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the City Council of the Cityof Tustin at its regular meeting held on the 16th day of April, 1962, by the following vote, to-wit; AYES, TRUSTEES Kidd, Humeston, Mack, Sheridan, & Doney NOES, Trustees None ABSENT, Trustees None .,.-~.., °zzZaazar~ ~~-aa~-c~zaea~~ z~:zar~ a,zz~.ua auk. ~a~ ~~a~z ~n1~a~z a~z~ sp~c~ • ~za~~n ~-sso~za a~.a~zauoa ~ ~.s~~z~.su©a c~~ ~~u~~ ~avs~~c~ a~.~-a~='s~ uo a ra~xauQa a~c~-~~sz~ds~ zT~~n~~ pan'~d ~u~a pa~a~~z~ aq o~ `~.aa~~.S ,,~a, ~~-noS pug ~.aa~z~?-S a~~~a~r~a uaanl~.ac~ ~raa~z~-S u~ xiS ~.sa; , uo 4u~c~ ~~~~,±.~ :~a fi'~z~ auk- uS t s~1a ~~o,~ ~~~ ~ ap~~~t ~-~ aaua~za,~a~z ~~-caads ~Ta'cT:~a~ a~ s,zo,~a~ at~~ stzo~c~~~:a~c,~~caa~.s azT~_ ~'~~r~ aau2~p~zoa~~ uT ~.aa~z~s fi~~ca ,~o uo~c~ --anUz~.suoa ..zo_~ ~ ~u-c ~Zzn~t ~z~s ,~o s<.zaquT~u~ Zzauno~ avT~~ u~ pnoZ~ p~:a~z ?~uu ~a~.;:xado ae~ ~Z Y--; ~ ~i=~zT~,~ a~zz~. uLazur~l ~.e ° ~96~L ` u'rA~~T ~a fi~p auk- uo `'~'~ ~a°~~~- ~a t?~:~, ~~c~.uc~ `~~uzo~zZ'~~ `u~c~.sn~, ~~.:,a~:_`_S ~p~zZ~T,T ~sat~ ~~7`C `~C~`~K fi~~~ u-c~.sn~, a~T~- ~.°~: panzaaa~z act _i:T~t_~~ s~ ,~ocT©zc:T ~~aZ~as ~,~>'~T~- I' _.LT~ ~~~,-~~T SI ,'~~I~,O~~T `aa'c~.ou s-ct~~ '~z.z~~a _ zip ~a~.~~~c?i~'p ~~~cu~xo~~e-~~:;~ ~I°;.u•~a~ a~u~~xQ Gu~c~.sn,~ via fi~r~;~ az-t~ ~a ~~aU:_~o~ fi~~c~ au~ar ~a ua-c~_ :~c~sa~z ~~ ,~o aau~n_s.zna u~ l1~~~~~?'~.J:~~_^'CL Q~~ ~,.. ~r?~uZ~.~~iZ 'i~`~~~T,{7~Tit '~, Z Nl- O `saa~r~.u~,~ ~u~-~ sp~zo~~~. =:'UZ~cr~~oZTo? auk. u-c liZ~~znu~~s~sa~na ac~~ ~CZ'~u~ ~.ua~~ --a~T~.~aI1p'u ~7T";?S LTJ ~C~M ~~..>T.tO ~`?.^~'JZ.J~~ac±~ pLZ~ STZt?-[rl pT1?ric`~,zO,~~ a~''4`t_ zZT_ ~aa-~,~~ca ads ~T~ oru~ aT~ r ~a ~uza n au~?~ ~zo,~ s ~ u s acTc~~zd ~a s ~TC~ ~~aZ ~~as ~ a ~.d~eaaa~z a~~ ~o,~ r~1~-~ fi~ ~~a.z~n'~~a ~ s ~ as~~_~za~~~~~ a~. pa~,aa~z~c ~ ~u~ ~pa~-~ --~xoc~~n~ fiaa:zau sz ~T~zaT~ ii;.T~ a~-t'~- ~-"~~t`? 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