HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 589 RESOLUTION NO. 589 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING JACK J. RIMEL, C. ARTHUR NISSON AND JAMES ROURKE TO PREPARE AND TYPE ALL RESOLUTIONS, NOTICES AND OTHER PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS AND TO PERFORM ALL LEGAL WORK REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK AUTHORIZED BY THE "IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911, BEING DIVISION 7 of THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND/OR "THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 1931," BEING DIVISION 4 OF SAID CODE. WHEREAS, it is contemplated, and it is the intention of the CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, proceeding under the provisions .. "being Division 7 of the Streets of the ~Improvement Act of 1911, and H-.ighway Code of the State of California, to carry .through pro- ceedings for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights-of- way and for the construction of~ sanitary sewers and appurtenant work in a speciaI assessment district in the City of Tustin to be known as "Tustin City Sewer Assessment District No. 1"'; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that some competent, qualified persons be appointed for the purpose of preparing and typing the resolutions, notices and other papers and p~oceedings and performing all other required legal work and services for any work authorized by the above-mentioned "Improvement Act of 1911,~ together with the proceedings made necessary under the provisions of the 'Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," beimg Division 4 of the aforementioned Streets and High- ways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, JACK J. RIMEL, C. ARTHUR NISSON AND JAMES ROURKE, hereinafter referred to as attorneys, are attorneys duly authorized to practice law before all the courts'of the State of California and are members of the State Bar of said state and are competent and qualified persons to perform said work and services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS Sec.$...ion ..l: That~ JACK J. RIMEL, C. ARTHUR NISSON AND JAMES ROURKE be and are hereby employed and appointed for the 136. purpose of typing and preparing the resolutions, notices and other papers and proceedings for all work contemplated by this City Council under the provisions of the hereina~Ove mentioned Acts in the matter· of the proposed acquisition of necessary ease- ments and rights-of-way and construction of public improvements in ~Tustln C'ity Sewer Assessment District No. 1.~ The services to be furnished by the said attorneys shall not include the figuring and/or estimating of the amounts of estimated costs to each parcel of property under the provi'sions of the Investigation Act of 1931 or the~ preparation of the final assessment for any work done under the ~Improvement Act of 1911~ or for the issuance of bonds thereunder. S~c~i_0~_~2~: ~ ~For~ all of the services of the attorneys, as aforesaid, in the above mentioned project (which said services shall be known as ~ordinary services~), save and except for the extraordinary services hereinafter mentioned and provided for, the compensation which the City agrees to pay and which the said attorney8 agree to accept as payment in full is hereby fixed at an amount of money equal to two and one-half per cent (2 1/2%) of the total construct ion costs of the project as finally determined by the bid of t~he successful bidder, with a minimum · fee of not less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) fo~ the ordinary services. Items of cost known and designated by the ~Improvement Act of 1911,~ and more particularly by Section 5024 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, as ~incidental expenses~ shall not be included in the cost of con- struction for the purpose of det@rm!ning~ thee percentage ~f~es and compensation of the said attorneys for their work called for under this Resolution. ~Se_c~.~..on~3~: ..... For~all~ extra-ordinary~ services of said attorneys in each such project and assessment district proceeding, which extra-ordinary services shall cons ist~ of any or all of the following services, to-wit:~ · · (a) All work of acquisition of lands, easements and rights-of-way required for said improvement; and (b) The preparation of the report and the resol- uti on papers and proceedings required when a report is 37~ made, filed and considered under the ~Special Assessment In- ~restl. gatgon., Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931, being Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of' the State of California; and (c) All court work in both trial and appellate courts, including condemnation actions and in rem actions to determine the validity of proceedings~ The compensation of said attorneys is hereby fixed at the rate of Thirty,Five D¢llars ($3.5.00) per hour, except for court work where the compensation is hereby fixed at th~ rate of Two Hundred Dollars ($200..00) per day for each full day in court and to be pro-rated for portions of a court day. Whenever~and wherever permitted by the provisions of the said ~Improvement Act of 1911' and by the ~Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation mad. Majority Protest Act of 1931~, as aforesa:l.d, all ~uch corn- pensation paid for said extra-ordinary services, as well as the compensation paid on the' percentage and minimum basis as here- inabove provided, shall be .included As 'Incidental Expenses' in the particular assessment district proceeding for which the services were rendered and shall become a charge against the district for said improvement. Section ~: In the event that said assessment district pro- ceeding shall cease or be abandoned before the award of the contract to the successful bidder, the City s~all be liable to and obligated to and agrees to pay to the said attorneys, and they agree to accept as payment in full for all of their serwice~, the following compensations only: The sum of Thirty Five Dollars ($35.00} per hour for th® actual time of each of the said attorneys, provided, however, that where trial or appellate court work i~ involved, the ~ate of pay shall be at the rate of Two Hundred Dollar~ ($200.00) fo~ each full day in cou~t and pro-rated for portions of a court day. All such amounts charged to the City as a result of any terminated or abandoned proceedings as aforesaid shall be submitted to the City Council by an itemized sworn statement of such services, pro~wided, that it is mutually agreed that in no event shall said amount to be 38. paid by the City upon any such termination or abandonment pro- ceeding exceed an amount equal to One Thousand Dollars ~($1,000.00). ~Section 5: The said compensation and fees to be paid under this Resolution shall be payable in the following manner and at· the following times, to-wit: (a) An amount equal to three-fourths (3/4~ of the estimated amount of the ~total compensation to be paid to the said attorneys for their ordinary services, as aforesaid to be based upon the bid of the successful ~idder to whom~ the co~tract was awarded, plus all compensation for extra- ordinary services incurred to the date of the ~awa. rd of con- tract and which are prope, rly i~ncludable as ~Incidental Ex- penses, shall be collected from the successful contractor as Incidental Expenses. All of the portion of the said ordinary and extra-ordinary fees and compensation above des- cribed shall be paid to the said attorneys within fifteen .(15) days after the date of signing and entering into the contract with the successful bidder. (b) The balance of the ordinary fee, to-wit: The remaining one-fourth (1/4) thereof, plus all compensation for extra-ordinary services i.ncurred after the date of award~ of contract and which are properly includable as ~Incidental Expenses,' shall be collected from the contractor as In- cidental ExPenses. All of~ said fees and compensation shall be due and payable and shall be paid to the said attorneys within fifteen (15) days after the assessments for the said lm- provements and the assessment diagram, as conflrmed~by the City, are recorded by the Superintendent of Streets of the City.. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED by the City. Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of February, 1962. ATTEST: Mayor 39. I, RUTH POE, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 19th day of February, 1962, by the following vote, to-wit': Ayes- Councilmen: Kidd, Humeston, Mack, Sheridan, Doney Noes: Councilmen: None ~ Absent' Councilmen: None fornla