HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 573RESOLUTION NO. 573 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING AN APPEAL FROM THE DENIAL OF VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. 61-112 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT R~ ~ (7)L I ON N 5 7 <~ tiESO!.,UTION 0F THE CITY COUNCII., OF T .~'r'~" · !-.,. ~ CITY OF TUSTI!'.I G~IANTING AN APPEAL Fi~0]}~ THE DENIAL 0F VARIANCE APPLICATION N0, 61-].12 0F TI!E PLANNING COMHISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A BUII..DING tLR IT. WttEREAS, an appeal has been d. ul.y fi. led by 'the North Tustin Improvement Company, as app]:i, cant, :.F.ro~ tb.e denial of a request for' variance .'tn Variance Al)'p].i. catio~.. No. 6!-112 by the Planning Commission7 of the City of Tustin; a. nd., W.~tEREAS after.duly hear:i.r.~g s,.-$.id ar)ne.a].., uoon notice duly given, _i.t appears t}.~a.t sai.d a'p!.'~e~:..~! shou]..d, be allowed; NO~..~"' r, TttldtlEFORE, T'!.I'E CITY COUNC ..... Il. ()F TftI!i "'~ ITY OF ~C,s.~ ESOLVE AS FOLLOWS' T'U S T I N ' ~ "~' q R ~' . Th v Co'~.~...noil, after hear'lng, oec'tion 1 e Ci't, . . does hereby find that a re4uc'tion of the rear yard setback from 25 feet to .5 feet has heretofore been. granted, by variances authorized by the Planning Commission of the ~ity of TustJ. n, California, on Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, ]-.]. and 2.2 J.n Tract No. 3994 the City of Tustin and. that a denial of a s'i. rrli!a.r reduct~.on in rear yard setback, that is, to a 5 f,~ot.. . mi.n~mt~_ on Lots, and 5 .i.n said Tract was arbitrary and an abuse of discretion by the Planning Commission of the City of Tust:i.n in 'that Lots ~.~ and Joe Tract No. 3994 are simi].ar in nature and uses 'De.pm~.tted to Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and ]..2 of s.aid Tract, and that t?le acti. on of the Planning Commission of tlqe C.ity of Tustin would de'pr'~.ve the owners of said Lots 3, 4 and 5 of sub- stanti.,!..~.l sroperty rights enjoyed by other' adjoining real 'pro!'~er'ty owners, an.d further, that said Lots 3, ~, ~ ...... '~ by reason of their location in said. Tract ~.~nc:t their abuttJ, ng upon a '20-foot 'pa. ved. a. lley' in the rear and. the u'~.;e made of ad- joining lots and variances granted in. connect.ion with development and. improvement of :said adjoining lots, have special circumstances attached to them justify'in~:~; the variance requested. ..i. s i o ~ c.~ f t h e P' ~ ~--~ n ~ fl. r!. g Cemr~i,.~oiol~:~. of the C'it~,, of Tust~.n d. enyinS Variance ,.'~p~ ......... t.i. on No. 61.-112 is hereby reversed., and the North Tustin Improvem~.~nt Core, party is here'by granted a variance to reduce the reap yard setbacl.~ requirements fro~.~ 2.5 feet 'to a minimum 4, and 5 ~n Tract No 3991.~ ..i.n. the City of ~ fe,-'~t r-,n Lots 3, , of Tust in. Section 5. That 'the Bu.~_].ding Depa:.~tment of the City of Tustin .i.s hereby a~.tthorized to issue a bu.i. lding per- m'~t to the .,~orth T~.~t.i..n Impr'ovement Company to construct t}~rty-eight apaPtment units ori Lots ~ ~ and 5 of T'r'a. ct No ..... . · .~.~ ~ · 399L~ i.n the City of Tustin ~'~rovided th~.t the ~..~ro'posed. sewage di. spos,:$.,1 .faciititi. es are a'p!._-.~roved, by the City' Ensineer of 'thc Cit,.;,., of. Tustin, a.]..! in. accord,.'::~nce with the-orov'isions., of Ord.~.na.n. ce No' ?1 as arnenden i.f sa4d. ',.~,erm.'i.t is r..:t.t~'oli, ed fop '~. ~ -~ , · .,. ~ --. within tendays from 'the 5th day of December 1.963.. Section l+, That the North T~'..;tin Improvement Corn- pany sh~all be 'pePmitted sixty days from the d.t-~te .of the .i. ssuance of the aforesaid bui].ding per,mit heTei, nabove re- ferred to i.n Section 3 in.whi, ch to com'mence construction of said a'pa, rtmen~ buildings, ATTEST-  o i:ayor 389 SS.' I, t'~"~ml"I~.,~ C. POE, City Clerk of the .... City of Tt.~st.in., do herebv~ certify th~.t the above.and fore~ning, o.. ttesol, ut.ton,.. N'(.~. 573 w~.-}..s regu]..ar].y passed and adopted a't a re~.~ular meeting of said C:i. ty Council on. the 4th day of December 1961, by the following roll call vote, to wit' ;~.._ES' o0UNCILMEN' K.i. dd,. Humeston, By.Pd, Mack Sheridan NOES' COUNCILMAN- None ABSENT' C )Ui~C ILMEN None """~ "' ~ I have hereunto set my hand and IN WITNI,"SS WH~,2tEOI , affixed the seal of the City of Tustin this 4th day of December 1961. NUTH POE, CITY CLI~